Author Topic: Poll topic overview  (Read 5164 times)


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Poll topic overview
« on: January 21, 2020, 12:07:30 PM »
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Below is a list of existing polls. Search for keywords by using CTRL-F first before you post a new poll to prevent duplicates. Every poll within the poll center category has been collected here so there is no need to go through all the pages. Only true polls (with selectable choices) will be presented. For this moment the order of poll topics shown is based on age, starting with the oldest at top and the newest ones at bottom. 

Tips for setting up a poll:

N = Poll results are only visible to members who have voted.

Silver Mercury Amalgam Fillings or Not?

Vitamin D levels


Age of onset of POIS symptoms


Why are you not donating? N

Are there any Vegan POIS sufferers?


Have you ever had any of these before?(conditions)

POIS: how long it lasts

Would you do it Animus style?

Sensitivity at the cowper glands area and the urethra after ejaculation

Allergy to raw eggs and/or raw milk

Which other disorders/life long diseases do you have? N

Chickenpox and POIS

GARLIC PILLS poll: Odour Vs Odourless?

Easily catch a cold in Pois ?

Do you have problems with your weight?

Do you have children?

Easy to Put on Muscle?

Have you ever been get caught? N

Daily Computer Screen Usage

Do you bite your fingernails?

are you affected by POIS when you are TRULY in love with someone?

How will this End?

Are your POIS symptoms predominantly:Cognitive or flu-like?

Hereditary Disease N

Getting rid of pois symptoms --> b3 + O

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and POIS? N

Urogenital problems

Does orgasm affect body composition?

Orgasm Frequency

POIS by personality type

Have you got dental mercury amalgams? N

POIS Symptoms by Age N

Are you a vegetarian?

Stomach related symptoms N


Tonsils and POIS

Is your 2nd orgasm of the day MUCH more intense?

Avg hours of sleep per night

How much exercise do you get each week?

Sun Exposure

Change Condition Name? N

How long do your POIS symptoms last?

POIS by Genetic Relation N

Fevers Prior to POIS N

Masturbation vs porn vs sex


Military service or parents in the military?

POIS by Profession


Detailed Symptoms N

When under POIS does a Niacin O help?

Prolactin levels - If have it checked

How would you describe your way of living as kids and teenagers ? (Health)

Which Blood Group do you have ?



Temporary relieved or still POIS doomed ?


POIS symtoms curve

Hot or cold


How many have swollen package afterwards?

Vaccine N

Masturbation frequency before POIS

What is POIS?

Best sleep how soon after POIS?

Feel that mild POIS? N

Niacin poll

Dopamin leve

Do you have any Skeletal Problems?

Any of your parents Smoker?

Antisperm Antigan Antibody Test

POIS attack by pressing testicles


Premature ejaculation

Have you taken Progesterone for POIS? N

Summer symptoms

Nocturnal emission

How much do you weigh? N

Mercury Exposure

How High Is Your Sex Drive?

Pyyrole disorder

How many of you with POIS have been previously diagnosed with ADHD?

Childhood Sexual Abuse N

Since what age POIS started showing symptoms ?

POIS and Dizziness

Does looking/staring at hot women cause you symptoms ?

Gluten... An allergy?

POISer's population

Correlation with chronic sinusitis N

About your childhood ?

How many feels allergic to caffiene and is caffiene free

Constipation and POIS

Family history of dementia

Is POIS 100% linked to O ?

Is there anyone who has dysphalgia ?

Amalgam Fillings

Tonsil operation is there a link

intolerance high contains of salt anyone ?

pb with shower

the link between nicotin, coffee, hot shower, oliv oil, vitamin c

free symptoms at 100%, yes it s possible

Did you feel someting happen in the neck

Poll #1 for POIS Research Team: Onset of Symptoms

Poll #2 for POIS Research Team: End of Symptoms

Unable to urinate in public?

Poll #3 for POIS Research Team: Survey of Symptoms

can u tolerate high histamine food ?

Delivered by C-Section?

How many here had a vasectomy. N

Allergy or neurological

Decreased kidney function?

Do you get lightheadedness (orthostatic hypotension) after E?

Weight percentile vs age

Have you ever had a spine injury?

How many is using psych meds N

Conspiration theory or how I've learned to pay attention to small details and be paranoid

Social Media App for instant messaging between forum members

Does your father or brother suffer from POIS (if you have discussed it with them)

Link between family mental health issues & POIS

Whats your age?

seminal fluid N


Anybody else feel foggy or anxious after taking probiotics?

Are your eyes floaty after an O / during a POIS episode?

Did you ever had a testicular surgery or circumcision ?

Different types of POIS (based on the duration of the recovery process)

Tinnitus and sound coming from head

POISER Morphology

Can we have a strong speech and be that charismatic on POIS?

Surgery before POIS N

How long does your sexual activity last?

Do you have Premature Ejaculation or Nocturnal Ejaculation?

Pois after bee sting N

Do you have Candida?

POIS relief


Do you have insomnia?


Atomoxetine , ADHD - non stimulant drug.

Do you still have your tonsils?

Are there muscle problems related to your Cognitive problems?

Considering just the last time you experienced an orgasm, were your POIS symptoms so unusual or intense that you spoke to a physician?

How much time after arousal/emission do you begin feeling POIS Symptoms?

Shrinking of testicles

Seasonal allergies N

Brain fog

You decide to go as a POIS research study volunteer, is Los Angeles ok as a destination for you?

Coffee! How many do you drink per day?

Do your parents have allergies or sensitvities?

What is your experience using SSRI's (etc) and POIS? N


Reporting POIS

Do you sweat a lot?

Other triggers?

POIS induced autism

Sensitivities as a child

Bell's Palsy

Skeletal abnormalities

Vitamin D N

Dump & Clean impression?

Do you feel parts of your body being squeezed after ejaculation?


Stress Susceptibility

Level of Education

Disappearance of POIS symptoms?

Do you have an impaired sense of smell in POIS?



Intelligence N

POIS without ejaculation?

List of conditions

Fatter neck (double chin) after orgasm


Stress and anxiety: Cause or effect?

Gender (male/female)

Global distribution of poisers

Vitamins & Minerals

Sugar as standalone trigger or as aggravating factor?

Which symptom cluster are you in?

Sensitive nose

Spine Curvature/Do you have twisted posture/hump?

Levels of the 4 amino acids present in semen. N


POIS and opportunity to army officer

Refractory Period N

Length of orgasm N

Extremely fatigued before bowel movement (slow transit constipation) N

(Northern Hemisphere) Which months do you think you suffer POIS more than others N

Are you more or less susceptible to colds, flu etc? (outside post-orgasm) N

What do you think the solution to POIS will end up being?

When your pois appeared? N

How pleasurable are your average orgasms?


Lactose Intolerance

Circulatory changes (Blood)

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)

Ejaculate volume

Birth month

Cracking or Popping foot joint when rotating the foot (not joint pain) N

Consistently Low White Blood Cells Count

Does technology use impact ur POIS?

MCAD (Mast cell activation disease) diagnostic mediators


Birth year

Body Height (male only poll)

Age of mother at your birth

Take a breath and hold it for (HOW LONG?) seconds N

Did POIS impact libido?

Time of day and POIS (circadian/diurnal)


Did you have acne in the face as a teenager? N

Healthcare and POISers

Maintaining erection post-orgasm

Strength/intensity of orgasm and symptoms

Amount of ejaculate and symptoms

Bloated/swollen belly

Blood pressure during POIS

Semen volume change/refill since getting POIS

Fordyce spots/pearly penile papulas (Male)


Did you/your parents come in contact with Chernobyl fallout clouds?

Calorie intake and POIS

POIS spontanously disappearing

Dryness and wrinkles

Changes in respiratory rate (qualitative)

Nipple stimulation

What's your normal blood pressure?

Youngest Child Syndrome

Do you have any of those symptoms assosiated with EDS (Ehlers-Danlos syndrom)?

Buteyko control pause score

How does your stool (poop) change during POIS?

Difference in heart rate between lying down and standing

Respiratory Rate

Are you trying out POIS treatments?

Were you born normally and breastfed?

Your mother: Intravaginal semen sensitivity?

Cortisol levels


Brain fog and Abstinence?

Ingestion of semen

Hypothalamus deficiency symptoms

Drawing of blood

Cat-Scratch Disease
« Last Edit: March 28, 2021, 11:00:29 AM by Muon »