
did someone abuses you sexually in your childhood?

yes! by my father/mother
yes! by a member of family
yes! by a stranger
No i'm not sure, i don't remember
No at all !

Author Topic: Childhood Sexual Abuse  (Read 3295 times)


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Childhood Sexual Abuse
« on: July 22, 2014, 06:54:07 AM »
i personally was abused sexually when i was child by my cousin "Adult"
i want to know if you are in the same situation as me
who knows maybe POIS could be a psychosomatic ill,,,let's figure it out
plz vote honestly i know it's a difficult poll
« Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 02:05:45 PM by bruxe »


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Untreated child abuse event
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2021, 11:36:19 AM »
Is it possible there was some kind of sexual encounter event from a v young age which has been lost in your subconscious, which has negative  feelings of shame attached to it , which you have not dealt with yet?

Could your child like mind , put some kind of protection over your sexual organs which your adult mind needs to free you from ?

Am just putting it out there .. I have had some conversations with people who want to be anonymous.. this event which they have never spoken to anyone about , has been at the back of thier mind, and until they dealt with it (the adult mind finally telling them they are safe and free) they had certain trapped emotions around sex ..

Just putting it out there , is it possible there something deep rooted that you need to come to terms with and work on ? Some old story or protection mechanism of the mind which needs resolving ?

Something that is almost out of your conscious mind , but still there .