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Interesting, Ben.

From what you shared, I suppose you did not have a very healthy diet before that, so that your levels of vitamins were probably rather low.

A healthier diet has often been mentioned as a mean to lower POIS symptoms.  In your case, it's been quite a dramatic change.

Keep us updated !  I sure wish you to stay POIS-free :)

thanks quanty.

the healthy diet... uhm, it depends on what you regard as healthy. in my case, i'm still consuming the same foods. the only difference is extra one carrot and one orange , that's all.

also, i want to point out that in your pois chart (14) there are bunch of people who benefited from physalis/groundcherries which i think resembles my orange+carrot intake solution in the sense of vitamin and minerals contents of these products. maybe they function by the same principle.

the thing is that those guys only consumed handful of berries 1 hour before ejaculation. i wonder why didn't they add berries into their daily diet or didn't eat berries anytime of the day. maybe there was a half-life problem with the berries, idk. my orange+carrot combination works quite well even after 12+ hours away from intake.

i always consume carrot and orange juice together. so, maybe there is an interaction between flavonoids and carotenoids when taken together.

lastly, this solution is very easy to test. i wish we had more fellas to try this out and tell us their experience.
note: still works.

Orange juice is actually a rich source of folate if I recall correctly.

You could see if other methyl donors or B complex helps your POIS at all, and if so, would further prove this theory.

Or it could be the prebiotics within the carrot and orange juice somehow interacting with the gut microbiome to influence the immune system.
Lifestyle Diary and POIS Summaries / Re: Warrior's Health Journal & POIS Protocol
« Last post by Warrior on March 26, 2025, 02:42:58 AM »
New rule for my protocol:

D3 needs to be prioritised before B complex/methyl donor supplementation.

Since redialling in my D3 through direct sunlight, I no longer feel like I need to take the B complex as often. Haven’t taken it in weeks.

In the past, unconscious low D3 worsened symptoms and subsequently led me to believe I needed more methyl donors. This causes side effects like apathy and anhedonia from excess B vitamins and methyl donors.

This would also explain in the past when I stated I no longer need to take the B complex as often. Only true when D3 is dialled in. Dial D3 in before considering taking more B complex.
Let me know, Ben, if you pass the three months mark with this method still efficient.  I wish you so :)
Interesting, Ben.

From what you shared, I suppose you did not have a very healthy diet before that, so that your levels of vitamins were probably rather low.

A healthier diet has often been mentioned as a mean to lower POIS symptoms.  In your case, it's been quite a dramatic change.

Keep us updated !  I sure wish you to stay POIS-free :)

thanks quanty.

the healthy diet... uhm, it depends on what you regard as healthy. in my case, i'm still consuming the same foods. the only difference is extra one carrot and one orange , that's all.

also, i want to point out that in your pois chart (14) there are bunch of people who benefited from physalis/groundcherries which i think resembles my orange+carrot intake solution in the sense of vitamin and minerals contents of these products. maybe they function by the same principle.

the thing is that those guys only consumed handful of berries 1 hour before ejaculation. i wonder why didn't they add berries into their daily diet or didn't eat berries anytime of the day. maybe there was a half-life problem with the berries, idk. my orange+carrot combination works quite well even after 12+ hours away from intake.

i always consume carrot and orange juice together. so, maybe there is an interaction between flavonoids and carotenoids when taken together.

lastly, this solution is very easy to test. i wish we had more fellas to try this out and tell us their experience.
note: still works.

Interesting, Ben.

From what you shared, I suppose you did not have a very healthy diet before that, so that your levels of vitamins were probably rather low.

A healthier diet has often been mentioned as a mean to lower POIS symptoms.  In your case, it's been quite a dramatic change.

Keep us updated !  I sure wish you to stay POIS-free :)
Lifestyle Diary and POIS Summaries / Re: Warrior's Health Journal & POIS Protocol
« Last post by Warrior on March 22, 2025, 03:19:10 PM »
Since normalising D3, methyl donor supplementation has not been as necessary. Low D3 worsens POIS, mood, food sensitivities. Can also probably give the illusion of needing more B complex/methyl donors when really I just needed more balanced D3.

D3 and methyl donors work in tandem for normalising majority of my cluster symptoms it seems.

Side effects from b complex/methyl donors are likely just excess. Nicotinamide helps to remove/normalise excess. Can probs drop frequency of B complex to once per week with normal D3 lvls. Moving forward, I will make sure I have adequate D3 by sitting in the direct sun, before taking B complex.

D3 is priority #1.
B complex/methyl donors is priority #2 after initial replenishment.
hi, everyone. a fellow pois sufferer is here.

first, i must say as far as i know i have struggled with pois. probably, it has been more than ten years.

initial years, the symptoms were mild. the years went by, things changed slowly that the symptoms became unbearable. then, i found myself here.

i read a ton of posts on this forum. hoping to find a cure, i have come across to some possible causes and treatments. most of them were related with my health problems. i was planning on implementing some of the treatments BUT...

at that time, i ran into an article about migraine. -i have migraine btw-. i skimmed through the article. basically, it says that carotenoids help with migraine.

so, here's our first possible helpful element: CARROT! it has carotenoids.

also, i have chronic fatigue and pains. for that matter i've read that it might be related to inflammation.

so, here's our second possible helpful element: ORANGE! a natural anti-inflammatory, rich in vitamin c.

i decided to:
- eat a carrot a day
- drink orange juice daily (one orange)

these two dietary addings were not, in fact, meant for pois but here's the story.

one day, i had a wet dream. i woke up feeling extremely tired with lower back pain. the anxiety was out of the roof.

that was the day i began eating a carrot and drinking orange juice.

the next few days were the same. intense pois symptoms. gradually, symptoms became milder. i was happy to made it to the 7th day because at the 8th day symptoms eases off. but...

at the 8th day morning i had another wet dream. i woke up instantly, feeling disappointed, rushed to the bathroom, taken a shower, couldn't sleep back, and waited for symptoms to come. i desperately waited, but nothing happened.

i was confused. i speculated that maybe the symptoms will come the next day. yet, the next day i had another pois free 24 hours.

few days later, another wet dream and another pois free days afterwards.

since then, to make sure i tested my pois. i ejaculated by masturbation 3 times up until now.

in total, it has been a month. no pois, for now. i'll keep on updating.

Mind you, i kept eating the carrot and drinking the orange juice daily for a month.

lastly, if anyone is wondering i didn't have migraine either. one stone two birds!

« Last post by demografx on March 20, 2025, 02:20:04 PM »

We now - - finally - - have the green light for the 2025 POIS Scientific Study to begin piloting!
Did it mention anything about what to do to counteract dopamine crash?
« Last post by demografx on March 18, 2025, 05:39:46 PM »

Any news here?
The last post seems to be 17/3, which is today, but nothing seemingly new?

Hi Aladin,

The lab should be shortly ready to start recruiting/running healthy control participants - they are just waiting on a new temperature gauge, and the computer they are shipping from UNL’s lab to UCLA, to arrive on site there. The UCLA lab will be getting those shortly.

These delays have been getting UNL to be able to use the POIS funds to place orders with the new vendor and to send them to a new address at UCLA. These are frustrating bureaucracies, but they exist to make sure your money is spent only as allowed.

UCLA unexpectedly asked UNL to pay the travel to POIS participants using their cash cards, which was not what UNL had approved. UNL needs to approve this and they need to request the cards. However, they can start the study without this, as they already have approval for all the control participants as it is (they are not paid travel).
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