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General POIS Discussions / Hydroxyzine help
« Last post by JayDeeSee on Today at 03:53:13 PM »
So maybe a bit of an odd post, but I got a prescription for hydroxyzine hcl and for whatever reason I'm feeling very anxious about trying it. Anybody have any experience with it that could help me push past this anxiety?
POIS Research / Re: POIS Theory Master List
« Last post by demografx on Today at 02:13:44 PM »

Hi fellow patients,

Dr. De Boer has retired. He treated several patients with POIS and was also involved in research. He is listed on the "List of Doctors Who Know about POIS and are seeing POIS patients." I visited him as well and was impressed by his personal commitment. I sent him a thank-you message. Since he was involved with multiple POIS patients and research, perhaps more people could send him a message?

dr.lj.deboer at

I suspect he would appreciate this.

Thanks, Jan!
General POIS Discussions / Re: I went to the doctor about pois and....
« Last post by Sisyphus on Today at 02:05:51 PM »
doctor update

I had my follow up pois appointment with the Analphylaxic Clinician from the local hospital.
This was a telephone appointment which followed my first appointment which was in person at the hospital around 5 months ago.

blood test results
Test results for tryptase, total IG, rare allergies were all normal/negative.

treatment update
prescription: The treatment recommendation had been the antihistamine Fexofenadine 180mg once per day, twice per day if tolerated.
my feedback: My feedback to the specialist was that I get some benefit from Fexofenadine when taken just before or just after o and then the next day. ex/ less allergy like and flu like symptoms. In my experience it doesn't help with migraine, actually makes it worse. Other side effects were mild grogginess, tiredness. I don't tolerate Fexofenadine well enough to take it daily and definitely not twice a day. Ad hoc it has some benefits and I am happy to keep using it.
thiamine:I mentioned I had been trying thiamine supplements which seemed to be helping with fatigue. She didn't seem particularly interested in thiamine and just said again she recommended antihistamines.
other treatment: The specialist did not have any other treatment recommendations.

pois doctor list
I asked this specialist if she would like to be listed on this forum as a doctor who knows about pois. She was not willing. She said I was the first pois patient she has come across, that she is an Allergy Specialist and knows very little about pois.

next appt?
None. The specialist made it clear she could not help any further with my pois so I have been discharged from her clinic from today.

Urology referral
I was referred to Urology around 5 months ago, still waiting for that appointment. I will update in due course.
POIS Research / Re: POIS Theory Master List
« Last post by Jan on Today at 09:18:48 AM »
Hi fellow patients,

Dr. De Boer has retired. He treated several patients with POIS and was also involved in research. He is listed on the "List of Doctors Who Know about POIS and are seeing POIS patients." I visited him as well and was impressed by his personal commitment. I sent him a thank-you message. Since he was involved with multiple POIS patients and research, perhaps more people could send him a message?

dr.lj.deboer at

I suspect he would appreciate this.
After starting daily cardio exercise again and also muscle / home training again, I feel better :)
Poll Center / Re: Does smoking nicotine help?
« Last post by quiteQuiet on November 11, 2024, 05:02:32 PM »
Hi, I?m wondering, since pois seems to be a sudden steep decline in dopamine, would smoking cigarettes help to raise that dopamine?

Maybe but boy would this be bad for your health long term. No luck with methyl donors / B vitamins?

You know, I have now started at a new job where I have to be everyday (had jobs where I had the privilege to work from home on some days). And this while very good in essence is causing me some stress when it comes to dealing or anticipating a pois episode.
Although I have made progress in terms of reducing pois, the second day especially can still be quite dreadful. Smoking is really not something that I would ever think of if I didn?t have pois. Here I am doing my smoothies with all kinds of berries and then smoking cigarettes lol
Poll Center / Re: Smoking
« Last post by berlin1984 on November 11, 2024, 07:23:28 AM »
I sometimes take nicotine chewing gums when i need some focus (for work or for social occasions). I don't smoke and don't plan to.
Poll Center / Re: Does smoking nicotine help?
« Last post by Warrior on November 11, 2024, 07:06:02 AM »
Hi, I?m wondering, since pois seems to be a sudden steep decline in dopamine, would smoking cigarettes help to raise that dopamine?

Maybe but boy would this be bad for your health long term. No luck with methyl donors / B vitamins?
POIS Research / Re: Google POIS Alerts
« Last post by demografx on November 10, 2024, 05:21:28 PM »
Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome POIS
As-it-happens update
November 10, 2024
”Let’s Talk Sex” |               
Science Behind
Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome:
Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Written By :  Prof (Dr) Saransh Jain
Lifestyle Diary and POIS Summaries / Re: Progecitor's summary
« Last post by Progecitor on November 10, 2024, 11:06:49 AM »
By the way I ate about 10 pieces of Physalis in the morning and about two hours later the eye condition certainly improved. It didn’t do much else, but at least it shows that physalis has some clear benefit.

Hi Progecitor,

The research you are doing is awesome. I see you have tried physalis berries.

I have experimented with this berries a lot, trying different time frames and amounts.

The thing is the effect is barely noticeable, except if I use them in the exact right way, that I described in a post.
If they are used correctly, they prevent POIS from happening for me (it works only before orgasm). But if I miss the time frame, they have 0 effect.
In my opinion, that is why some people try them and think they are useless.

Some people tried them and have answered my post, saying that it worked 100% preventing POIS for them too.

Here is the link :

I think it's worth a try  ;)

Keep me posted

I am sorry to hear that physalis stopped working for you and I hope you find something else soon.
Unfortunately I don’t think timing would change much in my case. To begin with I have chronic POIS and the symptoms are rather persistent. Thus when I have an O it does not initiate symptoms, but only makes them worse. It is true that there is a significant exacerbation in a short amount of time on such occasions. I have already found several good supplements that could ameliorate POIS to a great degree even at onset, however practically everything drops in efficacy very rapidly making them much less useful. I don’t think there were any occasions when POIS was completely prevented, but there were a few times when the supplements could greatly ameliorate the onset. Even so in the following days POIS would still emerge to some degree even though I would still take the supplements continuously.
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