
How frequently did you masturbate before POIS symtoms shows up

less than once a week
3 (6.5%)
2 or 3 times a week
10 (21.7%)
15 (32.6%)
Twice a day or more
18 (39.1%)

Total Members Voted: 42

Author Topic: Masturbation frequency before POIS  (Read 11535 times)


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Masturbation frequency before POIS
« on: March 06, 2013, 06:26:59 AM »
For a while, masturbation was for me part of my daily ritual ; even when i was in relationship with girl I needed to masturbate everyday or every two day ; All the internet free porn, made the thing even easier ; ) I think I kinda was porn addict ;

I've read paper that basicly saids that over masturbation and over porn watch could lead to some unbalances.

What about you ? What you think ?

Vincent M

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Re: Masturbation frequency before POIS
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2013, 07:21:46 AM »
3-7 ejacs a day. When I look back on it I had some cognitive impairment, fatigue, and some physical weakness maybe a few months afterwards or even almost immediately after I started masturbating. I had to quit running track and cross country and failed a class in high school for the first time due to sleeping through it every day. It wasn't until a year later that I connected my bloated, distended abdomen (previously had eight pack abs) with orgasm. My other more debilitating physical pains began about a year later.
Taking ginger tea, no wheat, fenugreek+green tea/garlic, saw palmetto, niacin, boswellia, huperzine, B complex and nutmeg. See my treatment summary post for more info: http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=81.msg3513#msg3513


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Re: Masturbation frequency before POIS
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2013, 12:34:26 PM »
I was ejaculating over 3 times a day the very second I hit puberty,to the point that even when some skin peeled off I did not stop for 2 years. Later I stopped for nearly a year form masturbating because it was too much. Then, after nearly 1 year of hell I realized a middle point had to exist,turned my back to religious mumbo jumbo about masturbation being sinful, started  viewing it as a tool to control sexuality better, but POIS appeared. Now no fap and no sex. My POIS is so violent that it augments the colon infflamation from my Crohn disease(possibly Coeliac and not crohn but still IBD)
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 12:37:15 PM by FornicationDENIED »


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Re: Masturbation frequency before POIS
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2013, 10:17:20 PM »
Masturbation was part of my daily ritual and it sometimes is. Sometimes I would feel so shitty about myself that masturbation was the only way to escape it, and then I would have POIS and then the only way to escape that would be more masturbation. It was a serious and debilitating cycle.

Some weeks I would masturbate every single day, and then some weeks I would abstain from all pornography. Even worse is that I would have "nightmares" of masturbating and then wake up feeling regretful. Thankfully no nocturnal emissions.


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Re: Masturbation frequency before POIS
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2013, 02:56:20 PM »
Intersting..i wonder if excessive masturbation maybe plays a role behind all this..I admit that i was masturbating a lot too back in the days (and sometimes i feel bad for overdoing it)..


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Re: Masturbation frequency before POIS
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2013, 10:53:34 PM »
Intersting..i wonder if excessive masturbation maybe plays a role behind all this..I admit that i was masturbating a lot too back in the days (and sometimes i feel bad for overdoing it)..
A historical search of POIS posts about excessive masturbation:
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Masturbation frequency before POIS
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2013, 06:35:00 AM »
I don't think excessive masturbation itself is the only cause.
It is possible that our dopamine levels are depleted, but I think there could be some other issue somewhereelse in our body that is not allowing dopamine to be restored to his normal level.
In my case it could be because of adenoma, in other cases it could be thyroid, infections, viruses, etc...
I am saying that because analyzing my history, I have the feeling I got adenoma since I was a child given that I 've  been affected by a delayed growth.
I've tried long time abstinence too, but at the end i was ejaculating regularly because of nocturnal emissions, because it's a need of our body.


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Re: Masturbation frequency before POIS
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2013, 06:50:48 AM »
Do you want to distinguish between masturbation and regular sex here. I think that what is important here is "the orgasm".

For instance I have been married for the while time of my POIS. I don't masturbate, because that means I am not ready to have sex with my wife.

So I rarely masturbate, but I do/did have sex more often.

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!