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I feel way more sensitive to cold after an orgasm
Quote from: Vincent Marcus on January 05, 2012, 10:52:13 AMI feel way more sensitive to cold after an orgasmYep that's my experience. POIS (brain fog and tiredness being my major and worst symptoms) doesn't seem better or worse in warmer temperatures though. Has anyone measured whether their body temperature actually changes? I have a vague recollection that someone did and found that actual temperature didn't change. Might even be in one of the scientific papers - I need to check.I have noticed I can feel colder after the initial sunburn of a Niacin flush - probably because of vasodilation near the skin which is one of the mechanisms for the body to lose heat on a hot day. Badgerstripe when it is cold its normal to get vasoconstriction and blood is diverted away from the skin to conserve heat in the body. I wonder if POIS somehow exaggerates this for you which would explain your skin feeling colder. Stress, autoimmune responses/inflammation can affect body temperature/vasodilation/constriction amongst other things.I find the way some people feel hot and others cold interesting and wonder whether this points to different underlying causes or just different responses to the same thing. I thought maybe those with joint aches etc felt mainly hot but VM I see you get these too. And B_Jim I think you said you used to be nearly all cognitive but now have some joint/flu issues too??