
Anybody else feel foggy or anxious after taking probiotics?

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Author Topic: Anybody else feel foggy or anxious after taking probiotics?  (Read 5642 times)

Going less Crazy

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Anybody else feel foggy or anxious after taking probiotics?
« on: April 07, 2017, 01:19:35 AM »
I'm super sensitive to anything and just want to know if anybody is like this.  I don't know if it's good for me to be taking probiotics because of this feeling I get but than again I am on a gut healing / dietary approach and everywhere I look says probiotics are good for you.
My POIS managed with Diet (@ diet that 100% manages my pois)Believe my POIS stems from inflammation in the gut. O = neuro POIS from inflammation from the gut

supps: microdose zyrtec if needed for food sens. ibuprofen for infl. as needed. Melatonin as needed. Big Pinch Black cumin  seeds once daily


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Re: Anybody else feel foggy or anxious after taking probiotics?
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2017, 08:36:39 PM »
Not so much when not in POIS, when in POIS  they seem to worse my symtoms a bit.
Mainly by incrasing fatigue and brain fog. Doesn't feel any more anxious after them, or at least haven't notticed. I feel anxious after Magnesium sumplementation and some other products, even when not in POIS.
I am super sensite on many things too, and pois is not my only problem, I have fatigue and cognitive problems after taking a nap, sleeping too much,  falling a sleep in a wrong time, everything beside POIS.
I have jet to find where is the best time to fall a sleep, because I notticed that if I wake up after 10am I feel ok, I can socialize, have fun, no fatigue and such, but I have really poor concentration and feel overly excited whole day. So I am lazy, unpatient and not very productive, and yes when you are excited you can't fall a sleep,so it is neverending cycle for me.

Best wishes,
« Last Edit: April 09, 2017, 08:52:29 PM by Spartak »
no sugar diet helps me a tiny bit, also makes my mind much calmer in general. Sugar is definitely something my body does not handle well. Also I noticed that other inflammations like a hangover are better since I quit sugar. I avoid sweet fruits as well.