General Category => POIS Research => Topic started by: Muon on October 15, 2017, 03:06:21 PM

Title: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on October 15, 2017, 03:06:21 PM
I will first start showing privately funded test results regarding POIS(?) and will update this post along the way. Click here (https://www.dropbox.com/s/6kh94y6elioh59z/Notes.txt?dl=0) for time stamps.

My data:

My brother's data (who has POIS as well):

(I did use free PDF eraser software to delete private info so there is a watermark in the upperleft corner, please respect my privacy)
The only parameters my brother has tested before and after an orgasm were IL-8 and IgE, but these show no change.

Summary of Muon's abnormal parameters (under construction)

Date of testing might be relevant, since the state of the body changes over the years and seasons (Netherlands) affect me as well. RR = Reference range. u (lower case) = micro. Year of birth: 1985

11-beta-Prostaglandin F2 Alpha (24h urine) (https://www.dropbox.com/s/d2bs22uh2e9nqxw/Muon%205-3%20PGD2%20metabolites%2024h.pdf?dl=0)/Creatinine ratio (H, 2018) 117 ng/mmol, RR: 0 - 105
Alanine-aminotransferase (https://www.dropbox.com/s/kjqfqmhgyt1uyhb/Muon%205-4%20ALAT.pdf?dl=0) (H)
Alpha-2-Globulin (https://www.dropbox.com/s/c5xmaah44o71ktt/Muon%205-11%20Alpha-2-Globulin.pdf?dl=0) (L, 2008) 7.5%, RR: 7.6 - 13.4
Candida Albicans LTT (https://www.dropbox.com/s/oovb5fk9hzlpnkz/Muon%204-2%20LTT%20Candida%20Albicans%2014-08-2015.pdf?dl=0) (H, 2015) 1 ug/mL SI = 26.5, 0.5 ug/mL SI = 19.9, (RR: SI < antigen control SI)
Cholesterol (L, 2004) (2.6, 3.2  (https://www.dropbox.com/s/g4xrrst7qpg7078/Muon%205-5%20Cholesterol%20glucose%20p1.pdf?dl=0)) RR: ?
Cytomegalovirus IgG (https://www.dropbox.com/s/5vk6a80mghji9xu/Muon%203-3%20AABs%2BHerpes%20Ig%27s%2014-08-2015.pdf?dl=0) (H, 2015) 108 U/ml, RR: < 12.0
Cytomegalovirus LTT  (https://www.dropbox.com/s/8izaoi249e7y4ep/Muon%204-3%20LTT%20Herpes%2014-08-2015.pdf?dl=0) (Latent, 2015) SI = 7.7, RR: SI < 3
Epstein-Barr virus recombinant early antigen p138 IgG and p138 IgM (https://www.dropbox.com/s/whsyh1zihb9n84b/Muon%203-5%20Phagofunction%2BMBL%2BCD57NK%2BEBV%2014-8-2015.pdf?dl=0) (H) 1.0 COI and 1.7 COI respectively
Glucose (https://www.dropbox.com/s/g4xrrst7qpg7078/Muon%205-5%20Cholesterol%20glucose%20p1.pdf?dl=0) (L, 2004) 2.8, RR: ?
Hematocrit (L, 2008) 0.41 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/p3m3glwd0jxlhjn/Muon%205-9%20Leukocytes%20Hematokrit.pdf?dl=0)), RR: 0.42 - 0.52. (L, 2015) 38.3% (https://www.dropbox.com/s/tbz40stkguk3tmk/Muon%203-1%20Igs%2BIgGsub%2Bstandard%20stuff%2014-08-2015.pdf?dl=0), 39.5 - 50.5
Immunoglobulin G4 (H, 2015)(>144 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ac4u81dvta9jrg/Muon%202-1%20Th1Th2%20part2-1%2BIL-8%2BIgGsub%2BIgE%2013-08-2015.pdf?dl=0), >144 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/v9mvj6lsu608bjx/Muon%203-2%20IGsub%2BCH50%2BAP50%2BAABs%2014-08-2015.pdf?dl=0)) RR: 5.0 - 130 mg/dL (They don't measure higher because it's a deficiency test)
Interferon-gamma (H, 2015) See table below for context
Interleukin-2 (L, 2015) See table below for context
Interleukin-4 (L, 2015) See table below for context
Interleukin-8 (H, 2015) See table below for context
Interleukin-17 (L, 2015) See table below for context
Leukocytes (https://www.dropbox.com/s/p3m3glwd0jxlhjn/Muon%205-9%20Leukocytes%20Hematokrit.pdf?dl=0) (L, 2008) 4.6 Tsd./uL, RR: 4.8 - 10.8
Lymphocytes (absolute) (https://www.dropbox.com/s/tbz40stkguk3tmk/Muon%203-1%20Igs%2BIgGsub%2Bstandard%20stuff%2014-08-2015.pdf?dl=0) (L, 2015) 0.98*1000/uL, RR: 1.10 - 4.50
Natural killer cells total pool (https://www.dropbox.com/s/whsyh1zihb9n84b/Muon%203-5%20Phagofunction%2BMBL%2BCD57NK%2BEBV%2014-8-2015.pdf?dl=0) (L) 113 /uL, RR: 210 - 740
Natural killer cells CD57+ subset (https://www.dropbox.com/s/whsyh1zihb9n84b/Muon%203-5%20Phagofunction%2BMBL%2BCD57NK%2BEBV%2014-8-2015.pdf?dl=0) (L) 35.0 /uL, RR: 60 - 360
Progesterone (https://www.dropbox.com/s/ffjiulirc5lg9pk/Muon%206-2%20Hormones%20yourlabs.jpg?dl=0) (H, 12-4-2021, skipped breakfast, measured at 12pm) 2.6 nmol/L, RR: 0.16 - 0.48
TH1/TH2 cytokine balance (H) (1 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/6k5p4u59hjrodsk/Muon%201-1%20Th1Th2%2BInflammation%20markers%209%2610-07-2015.pdf?dl=0), 2 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ac4u81dvta9jrg/Muon%202-1%20Th1Th2%20part2-1%2BIL-8%2BIgGsub%2BIgE%2013-08-2015.pdf?dl=0), 3 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/nlqbnqv4y3ewnnm/Muon%202-2%20Th1Th2%20part2-2%2BIL-8%2013-08-2015.pdf?dl=0), 4 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/mm6h3i9uf2qnrwo/Muon%202-3%20Th1Th2%20part2-3%2BIL-8%2013-08-2015.pdf?dl=0), 5 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/v42iecgndpvt4c8/Muon%203-6%20Th1Th2%20part2-4%2BIL4gen%2014-08-2015.pdf?dl=0))
Varicella zoster virus IgG (https://www.dropbox.com/s/5vk6a80mghji9xu/Muon%203-3%20AABs%2BHerpes%20Ig%27s%2014-08-2015.pdf?dl=0) (H) >2000 U/ml, RR: < 50
Varicella zoster virus LTT (https://www.dropbox.com/s/8izaoi249e7y4ep/Muon%204-3%20LTT%20Herpes%2014-08-2015.pdf?dl=0) (Latent) SI = 6.3, RR: SI < 3

Muon 6-1 Medlon (https://www.dropbox.com/s/ixztclc9fb43fe4/Muon%206-1%20Medlon.pdf?dl=0): A collection of tests that were done at one lab. Vitamin D3 (L), B6 (H), B9 (H), Active B12 (H), Phosphate (L), ALAT (H).

Other reports/measurements

Heart rate and blood pressure data (2013) (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+5-2+HR+and+BP+data.docx)
Gastroduodenoscopy (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+5-7+Gastroduodenoscopie.pdf)
Body fat percentage (L) (1 (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+5-13+Fat%25+p1.pdf), 2 (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+5-14+Fat%25+p2.pdf), 3 (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+5-15+Fat%25+p3.pdf)) (This is not done at a medical clinic but at a local gym)


Summary of my brother's abnormal parameters (Year of birth: 1987, diagnosed with POIS, under construction)

2015 data:
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2af7202xa3gqpiw/AACrvZK9pbVvp0kUXOAO1NCba?dl=0&preview=Bro+1-5+BDNF%2BCD57%2BGRactivity%2BLP_PLA2%2BCOMT(GENTEST).pdf) (L) 14.9 ng/ml RR: 18.3 - 31.4 ng/ml
Eosinophil Cationic Protein (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2af7202xa3gqpiw/AACrvZK9pbVvp0kUXOAO1NCba?dl=0&preview=Bro+1-3+ECP%2BIL1%2C6%2C8%2BTNF%2BRANTES%2BNTYRO%2BZONULIN.pdf) (H) 34.5 ug/l RR: < 13.3 ug/l
Glucocorticoid receptor activity (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2af7202xa3gqpiw/AACrvZK9pbVvp0kUXOAO1NCba?dl=0&preview=Bro+1-5+BDNF%2BCD57%2BGRactivity%2BLP_PLA2%2BCOMT(GENTEST).pdf) (L) 1.3 RR: 1.4 - 2.4
Interleukin-8 (H) (23.7 (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2af7202xa3gqpiw/AACrvZK9pbVvp0kUXOAO1NCba?dl=0&preview=Bro+1-3+ECP%2BIL1%2C6%2C8%2BTNF%2BRANTES%2BNTYRO%2BZONULIN.pdf), 24.0 (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2af7202xa3gqpiw/AACrvZK9pbVvp0kUXOAO1NCba?dl=0&preview=Bro+2-2+%2CIL-8%2CIGE%2CIGGSUB.pdf)) RR: < 15 pg/ml
Interleukin 17 (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2af7202xa3gqpiw/AACrvZK9pbVvp0kUXOAO1NCba?dl=0&preview=Bro+1-7+5HTtransp(GEN)+IL-2%2C4%2C10%2C17%2BINF-y%2B+T1%26T2+RATIO.pdf) (L) 43.9 pg/ml RR: 49 - 446 pg/ml
Immunoglobulin E (H) (129.0 (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2af7202xa3gqpiw/AACrvZK9pbVvp0kUXOAO1NCba?dl=0&preview=Bro+1-2+5HT%2BTrypto%2BIDO%2BIGE.pdf), 125.0 (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2af7202xa3gqpiw/AACrvZK9pbVvp0kUXOAO1NCba?dl=0&preview=Bro+2-2+%2CIL-8%2CIGE%2CIGGSUB.pdf)) RR: < 87.0 kU/l
Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2af7202xa3gqpiw/AACrvZK9pbVvp0kUXOAO1NCba?dl=0&preview=Bro+1-5+BDNF%2BCD57%2BGRactivity%2BLP_PLA2%2BCOMT(GENTEST).pdf) (H) 214 nmol/mi/ml RR: < 151 nmol/mi/ml
Serotonin (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2af7202xa3gqpiw/AACrvZK9pbVvp0kUXOAO1NCba?dl=0&preview=Bro+1-2+5HT%2BTrypto%2BIDO%2BIGE.pdf) (L) 64.2 ug/ml RR: 80 - 400 ug/ml
Tryptophan (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2af7202xa3gqpiw/AACrvZK9pbVvp0kUXOAO1NCba?dl=0&preview=Bro+1-2+5HT%2BTrypto%2BIDO%2BIGE.pdf) (L) 1.10 mg/dl RR: 1.21 - 2.30 mg/dl
Type IV cellular sensitivity response against Rye, hazelnut and peanut (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2af7202xa3gqpiw/AACrvZK9pbVvp0kUXOAO1NCba?dl=0&preview=Bro+2-1+LTT-TOP+25+FOOD.pdf) 

My brother's genetic related results:

COMT-V158M-Genotyp M/M (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2af7202xa3gqpiw/AACrvZK9pbVvp0kUXOAO1NCba?dl=0&preview=Bro+1-5+BDNF%2BCD57%2BGRactivity%2BLP_PLA2%2BCOMT(GENTEST).pdf)
MAOA-Gen (30bp-VNTR) Low (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2af7202xa3gqpiw/AACrvZK9pbVvp0kUXOAO1NCba?dl=0&preview=Bro+1-6+GENTEST+-+COMT%2BMAOA%2BBDNF+POLYMORPH.pdf)
BDNF Val66Met-Polymorphismus V/V (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2af7202xa3gqpiw/AACrvZK9pbVvp0kUXOAO1NCba?dl=0&preview=Bro+1-6+GENTEST+-+COMT%2BMAOA%2BBDNF+POLYMORPH.pdf)
Serotonin-Transp.-Promoter PCR Genotyp K/L (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2af7202xa3gqpiw/AACrvZK9pbVvp0kUXOAO1NCba?dl=0&preview=Bro+1-7+5HTtransp(GEN)+IL-2%2C4%2C10%2C17%2BINF-y%2B+T1%26T2+RATIO.pdf)

Link (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2545.msg48326#msg48326) (file needs to be uploaded)
22-03-2013 13:01 (F): Growth Hormone 58.9(H)
29-10-2014 12:00 (F): Endogenous creatinine clearance 165(4)(H)
29-10-2014 12:00 (F): Sodium 63(L)
29-10-2014 14:15 (F): Vitamin B6 125(H)
29-10-2014 14:15 (F): IgE 144(H)

Reminder: He had other genetic tests done. Platelet Serotonin in serum has been checked multiple times at other hospitals and always turned up low. Ask him about it.


Data overview Muon (Work in progress)

9th and 10th of July 2015

Muon 1-1:
TH1/TH2 Ratio: 43.5 Ref: 3.5 - 11 page1: 10:00 AM
TH1/TH2 Ratio: 39.6 Ref: 3.5 - 11 page3: 10:15 AM
TH1/TH2 Ratio: 35.3 Ref: 3.5 - 11 page4: 10:42 AM
TH1/TH2 Ratio: 42.0 Ref: 3.5 - 11 page5: 10:05 AM (24 hours later)

An ejaculation took place between the first and second measurement.
The last ejaculation before that took place at 23-06-2015.
They took blood samples while I was in the supine position.

August 13 and 14 2015 

TH1/TH2 Ratio: 28.9 Ref: 3.5 - 11 Muon 2-1: 10:15 AM
TH1/TH2 Ratio: 32.1 Ref: 3.5 - 11 Muon 2-2: Went in the blood collection room at 10:38 AM and left at 10:43 AM
TH1/TH2 Ratio: 31.5 Ref: 3.5 - 11 Muon 2-3: Went in at 11:10 AM and left at 11:16 AM
TH1/TH2 Ratio: 70.8 Ref: 3.5 - 11 Muon 3-6: 10:25 AM (next day)

An ejaculation took place between Muon 2-1 and 2-2 around 10:25 AM.
The ejaculation prior to this was 4 or 5 days back.
Blood samples were being taken in the supine position.

July 9 and 10 2015 data (https://www.dropbox.com/s/6k5p4u59hjrodsk/Muon%201-1%20Th1Th2%2BInflammation%20markers%209%2610-07-2015.pdf?dl=0).

IP-10 July 9 and 10 2015

ParameterTimeValue (pg/ml)Reference (pg/ml)Delta
IP-10~10 min pre O211< 900
IP-10~5 min post O234< 900+23
IP-10~32 min post O232< 900-2
IP-10~24 hour post O286< 900+54

TGF-beta July 9 and 10 2015

ParameterTimeValue (ng/ml)Reference (ng/ml)Delta
TGF-beta~10 min pre O53.418.3 - 63.4
TGF-beta~5 min post O62.218.3 - 63.4+8.8
TGF-beta~32 min post O54.418.3 - 63.4-7.8
TGF-beta~24 hour post O50.118.3 - 63.4-4.3

Interferon-gamma (Th1) July 9 and 10 2015

ParameterTimeValue (pg/ml)Reference (pg/ml)Delta
IFN-g (Th1)~10 min pre O1806374-1660
IFN-g (Th1)~5 min post O1664374-1660-142
IFN-g (Th1)~32 min post O1226374-1660-438
IFN-g (Th1)~24 hour post O1965374-1660+739

IL-4 (Th2) July 9 and 10 2015

ParameterTimeValue (pg/ml)Reference (pg/ml)Delta
IL-4 (Th2)~10 min pre O41.540-198
IL-4 (Th2)~5 min post O42.040-198+0.5
IL-4 (Th2)~32 min post O34.740-198-7.3
IL-4 (Th2)~24 hour post O46.840-198+12.1

IL-2 (Th0) July 9 and 10 2015

ParameterTimeValue (pg/ml)Reference (pg/ml)Delta
IL-2 (Th0)~10 min pre O351384-960
IL-2 (Th0)~5 min post O356384-960+5
IL-2 (Th0)~32 min post O347384-960-9
IL-2 (Th0)~24 hour post O416384-960+69

IL-17 (Th17) July 9 and 10 2015

ParameterTimeValue (pg/ml)Reference (pg/ml)Delta
IL-17 (Th17)~10 min pre O52.549-446
IL-17 (Th17)~5 min post O45.549-446-7
IL-17 (Th17)~32 min post O49.549-446+4
IL-17 (Th17)~24 hour post O43.749-446-5.8

IL-10 (T-reg) July 9 and 10 2015

ParameterTimeValue (pg/ml)Reference (pg/ml)Delta
IL-10 (T-reg)~10 min pre O989760-1900
IL-10 (T-reg)~5 min post O902760-1900-87
IL-10 (T-reg)~32 min post O801760-1900-101
IL-10 (T-reg)~24 hour post O1052760-1900+251

IL-8 July 9 and 10 2015

ParameterTimeValue (pg/ml)Reference (pg/ml)Delta
IL-8~10 min pre O18.4< 15
IL-8~5 min post O38.9< 15+20.5
IL-8~32 min post O18.2< 15-20.7
IL-8~24 hour post O34.3< 15+16.1

Interferon gamma (Th1), august 13 & 14, 2015:

ParameterTimeValue in pg/mlReference range in pg/ml
IFN-g (TH1)~10 min before orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-1+Th1Th2+part2-1%2BIL-8%2BIgGsub%2BIgE+13-08-2015.pdf)1315374-1660
IFN-g (TH1)~15 min after orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-2+Th1Th2+part2-2%2BIL-8+13-08-2015.pdf)1147374-1660
IFN-g (TH1)~45 min after orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-3+Th1Th2+part2-3%2BIL-8+13-08-2015.pdf)978374-1660
IFN-g (TH1)~24 hour after orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+3-6+Th1Th2+part2-4%2BIL4gen+14-08-2015.pdf)3053374-1660

IL-10 (T-reg) august 13 and 14, 2015:

ParameterTimeValue in pg/mlReference range in pg/ml
IL-10 (T-reg)~10 min before orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-1+Th1Th2+part2-1%2BIL-8%2BIgGsub%2BIgE+13-08-2015.pdf)774 760-1900
IL-10 (T-reg)~15 min after orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-2+Th1Th2+part2-2%2BIL-8+13-08-2015.pdf)638760-1900
IL-10 (T-reg)~45 min after orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-3+Th1Th2+part2-3%2BIL-8+13-08-2015.pdf)542760-1900
IL-10 (T-reg)~24 hour after orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+3-6+Th1Th2+part2-4%2BIL4gen+14-08-2015.pdf)1045 760-1900

IL-2 (Th0) august 13 and 14, 2015:

ParameterTimeValue in pg/mlReference range in pg/ml
IL-2 (TH0))~10 min before orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-1+Th1Th2+part2-1%2BIL-8%2BIgGsub%2BIgE+13-08-2015.pdf)433 384-960
IL-2 (TH0)~15 min after orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-2+Th1Th2+part2-2%2BIL-8+13-08-2015.pdf)415384-960
IL-2 (TH0)~45 min after orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-3+Th1Th2+part2-3%2BIL-8+13-08-2015.pdf)335384-960
IL-2 (TH0)~24 hour after orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+3-6+Th1Th2+part2-4%2BIL4gen+14-08-2015.pdf)281 384-960

IL-4 (Th2), August 13 & 14, 2015:

ParameterTimeValue in pg/mlReference range in pg/ml
IL-4 (TH2))~10 min before orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-1+Th1Th2+part2-1%2BIL-8%2BIgGsub%2BIgE+13-08-2015.pdf)45.540-198
IL-4 (TH2)~15 min after orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-2+Th1Th2+part2-2%2BIL-8+13-08-2015.pdf)35.740-198
IL-4 (TH2)~45 min after orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-3+Th1Th2+part2-3%2BIL-8+13-08-2015.pdf)31.140-198
IL-4 (TH2)~24 hour after orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+3-6+Th1Th2+part2-4%2BIL4gen+14-08-2015.pdf)43.140-198

IL-17 (Th17), August 13 & 14, 2015:

ParameterTimeValue in pg/mlReference range in pg/ml
IL-17 (TH17))~10 min before orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-1+Th1Th2+part2-1%2BIL-8%2BIgGsub%2BIgE+13-08-2015.pdf)51.649-446
IL-17 (TH17)~15 min after orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-2+Th1Th2+part2-2%2BIL-8+13-08-2015.pdf)40.849-446
IL-17 (TH17)~45 min after orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-3+Th1Th2+part2-3%2BIL-8+13-08-2015.pdf)31.349-446
IL-17 (TH17)~24 hour after orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+3-6+Th1Th2+part2-4%2BIL4gen+14-08-2015.pdf)57.149-446

IL-8, August 13 & 14, 2015:

ParameterTimeValue in pg/mlReference range in pg/ml
IL-8~10 min before orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-1+Th1Th2+part2-1%2BIL-8%2BIgGsub%2BIgE+13-08-2015.pdf)89.8<15
IL-8~15 min after orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-2+Th1Th2+part2-2%2BIL-8+13-08-2015.pdf)59.0<15
IL-8~45 min after orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-3+Th1Th2+part2-3%2BIL-8+13-08-2015.pdf)41.9<15
IL-8~24 hour after orgasm (https://www.dropbox.com/s/57tuml84rmebeu9/Muon%203-4%20Herpes%20Ig%27s%2BIL-8%2BZonulin%2BNKC%20function%2014-08-2015.pdf?dl=0)36.6<15
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 16, 2019, 04:11:26 PM
The only diagnose that isn't based on physical data is CFS.


POIS Symptoms
(the above list is not complete, can also add frequency and relative intensity)

POIS Dynamics

Before desensitization:
Phase1 (Build up phase): POIS sets in immediately and builds up gradually. Sometimes the starting intensity is so low and speed of intensity build up (slope) slow that you only will notice it after some time (in some instances this could mean 30 min for example or in rare cases a few hours).

Phase2 (constant intensity phase): After approximately 24 hours symptom intensity reaches its maximum. It stays a bit lower by a small margin than the max and constant from the ~24 hour mark up to day 4.

Phase3 (Recovery phase): After day 4 symptom intensity will decrease. It feels like flipping a switch at the end of day 4. This recovery phase can take up 1-3 days. After that I still have POIS symptoms, this is like a constant offset.

There is a peak/maximum of fatigue intensity during the recovery phase.
!Perhaps I need to draw a graph to make it more clear

Strength of ejaculation/orgasm

Weak ejaculation: Faster onset of symptoms (immediately) with higher intensity at onset.
Stronger orgasm + stronger ejaculation: Delayed onset and intensity of symptoms rise slower compared to scenario with weak ejaculation.
Larger volume of ejaculate (only noticed it after desensitization): Higher intensity peak of fatigue

Multiple orgasms

Symptoms get worse but the second orgasm reverses the symptoms of the first one for a major part. You can use this effect to reset symptoms of POIS if orgasm is sufficiently high in strength but it will come back in full force as time goes by. If you could make a mathematical function of the peak intensity of multiple orgasms then it would probably behave like a logarithmic function (I’m not talking about the symptom intensity vs time curve but peak intensity vs # of sequential orgasms). Reset behaviour could be linked to values of parameters depicted in table dropping post O. POISers should be questioned about reset behaviour.

Scenario with sticky ejaculate:

If the ejaculate is sticky some of it will stay behind post ejaculation, which leads to:
Burning sensation in urethra.
While it burns: The continues urge to urinate while having an empty bladder.
My anus starts to burn.

Urinating quickly after ejaculation helps prevent the above symptoms.

Lower part of spine/leg jolt:
Lung/POIS dynamics:
Event of cold attack by POIS during hot day:
Cold/Warm dynamics:
Social isolation dynamics:
Add reminder: Dynamics of Pre-ejaculate release without ejaculation and combination of pre-ejaculate phase with orgasm.

Chronological order of events

2 days/1985: Cyanose and Apnea during breastfeeding (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2545.msg45514;topicseen#msg45514)
Age 7/1992: Iron deficiency. I looked very pale, had dark rings around my eyes and was thin.
Age 12/1997(age 10 or 12): My body failed regulating my breathing pattern, I had to do this manually which led to hyperventilaton. This happened on a very hot day.
Age 14/1999: Started to masturbate in my late 14's
Age 15/2000: Started to get really tired and I could not be in school on time early in the morning. There were also strange events like an erection that was not getting soft again and had no control over it. One time I was getting a burning sensation in my glans penis while I had a semi erection and was peeing.
Age 16/2001: I was questioning myself if there was something wrong immediately after a particular orgasm at one situation. I didn't take it that serious and shrugged it off. I was stupid not observing my general well-being the days after that orgasm.
Age 17/2002: I was playing a soccer match under hot weather conditions and felt like I didn't receive enough oxygen resulting in very deep and slow inhalations (blood pooling, typical POTS symptom). The same thing happened a few times during summer time on hot days in school where maintaining posture was more difficult than usual and displayed the same behaviour as the situation when I had that soccer match namely very deep and slow inhalations (not to be confused with hyperventilation). People sitting next to me were quite irritated by this breathing pattern.
Age 18/2004 Facial paralysis left side when I woke up in the morning after I visited someone who was celebrating her birthday. I drank 3 bottles of beer that night (I rarely drank alcohol at all, was never a drinker) which was a lot for me and also ate a lot of peanuts and remembered I was tired. This was a point where more symptoms starting to appear, it felt like an acceleration. Around this time I also did not get enough energy by meals even when I ate more because I was more physically active with sports. I could not get enough energy by eating.
Age 19 and up: Don't know the exact age and order, have to look it up. Oral fungal infection, tennis/golf elbow, heavy nerve pain at the inside of arms for one year, after that I got capal tunnel-like symptoms for a year, food intolerances went gradually worse in particular fruits.
Age 24/2009 POIS symptoms were so extreme that it became clear to me that ejaculation was the culprit. Searched the internet for sickness after orgasm, made an appointment with Prof. Dr. Waldinger, did get diagnosed with POIS and started hyposensitization treatment in early 2010.
Age 28/2013 Crisis year. Complete escalation during summer when I sat in a train and the sun shone on me, POTS symptoms exploded. Cardiovascular problems, autonomic instability, extreme temperature sensitive, tons of weird events. Around December food sensitivities suddenly became extreme out of nowhere, mucosal membranes were highly reactive to food.
Needs editing, to be continued Reminder: I can remember clearly I had food sensitivities around  8/9 years of age. Have to look it up if I had them before the age of 7. Liesproblemen vergeten. I have always been intolerant to hot baths as a kid. Slijmproductie in keel door Yoki. Doorslikken voedsel ging niet makkelijk als kind zijnde, moest appelmoes erbij eten. Lot of IBS-like symptoms early 20's (GP gave me Psyllium which made symptoms worse, took it a few times). Drank a lot of cow milk as a kid and had a mild intolerance to it, fatigue and nausea.

General Symptoms

List of triggers

Release of pre-ejaculate
High temperatures
Temperature change (Like going from >20 C inside and putting a garbage bag outside during winter <0 C without winter jacket (this can lead to sudden tension build up slightly above adam's apple at left and right side), however when dressed properly it has a positive effect)
Drinking tapwater
Airborne particles: Dust, Diesel exhaust, sigaret smoke, parfums, Food scent
Sleep deprivation
Large meals
Prolonged standing or sitting (sitting on a chair without back support wrecks me)
Prolonged discussions leads to fatigue which leads to more cognitive symptoms
Medicine/supplements: Citalopram 10 mg/day (headache), Daktarin oral gel (additional problem when addressing fungal oral infection)
Thunderstorm: breathing difficulties which can lead to hyperventilation at the moment before the storm hits.
Duration and frequency of triggers can make symptoms worse
Each trigger has its own dynamics and set of symptoms with overlap, I could add this later.

Synergy of triggers

Food (split up in food and diet?)

I react to everything at a certain degree. Below are some examples. On top of my head:

Food that are relatively better tolerable:
Fresh big black ripe cherries (red ones or the smaller ones are giving symptoms)
Dragon Fruit (White Pitaya), maybe the best tolerable fruit for me.
Iceberg lettuce
Chicken filet and legs.
Potato's well-baked depends on brand.
Egg yolk (don't feel well on egg white)


Tons of other symptoms to add here.

POTS Symtoms

Symptom dynamics/situations

Factors contributing to symptom reduction

Desensitization peculiarities: A few occasions where I felt normal (never felt so good), the onset (rapid within minutes to max) is somewhere between 30-60 min after subcutaneous injection. Happened more than once. Mucous layer in mouth felt fully developed as in thick, no dry throat, muscle strength increased, no food reactions, better resistance to weather conditions/temperature. The effect diminished from the point of onset over the course of tens of minutes (after that maybe some minor effect still present over the course of a couple of hours, hard to say, I could have some notes about it somewhere). If this effect was permanently then my health issues would basically have been fixed in my opinion. And I wonder whether that was a window of opportunity to apply rush therapy as in getting another injection.

Food reactions
General Symptoms

Fungal skin infection feet
Vicks vaporub ointment a few times a week, add a thin layer that dries quickly.

Fungal infection oral cavity
Dakterin gel, flushing mouth (adverse reaction when swallowing)

More to add and need to go more into dynamics
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 16, 2019, 04:13:06 PM
Family members

Family members on my mother's side show similar symptoms as I do. All the females who got health problems felt better during their pregnancies and felt worse during their menstrual cycle. My grandma actually looked forward to her pregnancy. My mother has 3 children, my aunt got one and my grandma has 4. They all felt physically better for every single pregnancy.

My younger brother:
Tons of symptoms and he had other diagnosis, I have to ask him about it. Will add later.
2020 summer: He had an acute attack of blood pooling (he underestimated how heavy this symptom is).
2020 Dec: Episode of schizophrenia/depersonalization, psychosis, whole body weakness, breathing difficulties. All together and went on for days. He told me he had the impression that there was a lack of oxygen in the brain and thought he passed out a few times.
2021 Jan: Hospitalized indefinitely mainly due to psychosis (Accompanied by OCD-like behaviour when I first met him in this state, repeating words/sentences to reach a certain number).
2021 feb: Catatonia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catatonia): response to IV Lorazepam. Immune system? (https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpsy/article/PIIS2215-0366(19)30190-7/fulltext)
Note: When he was in a state of psychosis with additional OCD he was clearly a different person. I asked him why he kept repeating words and sentences, he answered that his brain felt better when he did so.
 The Neurosteroidogenic Enzyme 5a-Reductase Mediates Psychotic-Like Complications of Sleep Deprivation (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5603808/)

July 2020: She had to push against a mobile caravan for a short time window with alot of force and felt immediately better afterwards.
Jan 2021: Involuntary Defecation, stressful period, Butterfly rash on her face (what you see in lupus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lupus#/media/File:Lupusfoto.jpg)) appears more frequently.

Comment: She can't keep her mouth shut, needs to talk all the time. I wonder if she has ADHD.

Aunt (my mother's sister):

She had some sort of reddish/blueish rash over her body when she was a few years old. She was placed in quarantine and doctors couldn't figure out what is was, they were thinking of Rubella. Her skin became like sandpaper, when that happened dermatologists literally peeled the upper layer off. When they got rid of this sandpaper like layer she recovered. Dental decay despite good hygiene and dental care. She had food sensitivities.

I have asked her about her symptoms a while ago because Waldinger was curious about it. I will translate it literally what she has sent me.

Grandma (My mother's side):
There was something with the hands, Raynaud?

Comment: I wonder if she had vasovagal syncope with regards to the fainting.

Healthy Family members

These folks are, from what I know, basically healthy but there are some oddities.

My older brother
2020 Dec (ask for exact month): Diagnosed ADHD and developed insomnia after periods of increased stress in his life (25 mg Quetiapine (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quetiapine#Pharmacology) before bed time works for his insomnia).
2021 Oktober: Developed loss of memory and fatigue.

My mother's younger brother
I heard he had more problems during the past years like gut pain (details unknown) after he stopped smoking weed (was a daily weed smoker from what I know).

My mother's older brother
My older brother's daughter

Deceased relatives

My mother's father
Cause of death was unknown. Autopsy revealed holes in intestines. Officially diagnosed with leaky gut after he died.

The son of my grandma's sister (mother's side)
Organ failure due to persistent benign tumor growth

My dad's father

My dad's mother

Other family members, health status unknown

The daughter of the brother of my grandmother (mother's side)

Commentary and thoughts on symptoms

Symptom triggers are similar as seen in MCAS patients but are also a form of stress. Stress signaling/response could (be abnormal) affect the ANS which on its own could be in a state of sympathetic dominance outside of stress.

Looking at the factors which reduce symptoms I noticed that they increase parasympathetic activity by stimulating the vagus nerve.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 16, 2019, 04:16:32 PM
Comments on table

Reset behaviour regarding multiple orgasms could be linked to values of parameters depicted in table dropping post O. POISers should be questioned about reset behaviour.

Interferon gamma vs time: It seems bimodal (IL-12 is a major driver of IFN-g) with domains < X hour and > X hour (X=24?) for inhibition and enhancement respectively, similar what Theoharides is talking about:

Mast Cells to Dendritic Cells: Let IL-13 Shut Your IL-12 Down (https://www.jacionline.org/article/S0091-6749(21)00554-6/pdf)
"The effect of IL-13 on the expression of the p40 gene of IL-12 is bimodal with inhibition at early times (< 24 h) and strong enhancement at later times; in fact, IL-13 is often used to generate DCs in vitro from monocytes and these cultured cells produce more IL-12 than ex vivo-purified DCs."

Direction of slope July

- - +: IFN-g, IL-10
+ - +: IL-2, IL-4, IL-8, IP-10
- + -: IL-17
+ - -: TGF-beta

Direction of slope August

- - +: IFN-g, IL-4, IL-10, IL-17
- - -: IL-2, IL-8

Comparing slopes July and August

IFN-g and IL-10 show similar dynamics for both dates relative to eachother. Dynamics for both dates are the same.
IL-2 and IL-8 show similar dynamics for both dates relative to eachother. Dynamics for each date is different.

But they may not be comparable because the time difference between Orgasm and the second data point is different for each date. 5 min vs 15 min post O for second data point. A graph would show a better picture...or not...because data points are scarce.

Comment august data
Release of cytokines need intracellular calcium, they all go down post O. Is there a decrease of intracellular calcium inside leukocytes? IFN-g may still be climbing days later as in a type IV reaction.

Muscle stiffness, spasms post-orgasm could indicate changes in intracellular calcium concentration. Another trigger is heat/high ambient temperatures especially during rest after movement (just taking a walk) through hot environments.

Immunophenotypical Characterization of a Brazilian POIS (Post-Orgasmic Illness Syndrome) Patient: Adding More Pieces to Puzzle (https://sci-hub.se/10.1080/0092623x.2019.1677835)
"The majority of these cells are expressing CD38+, which suggests that the activation in this patient is more likely to happen via the CD38 molecule and there is no clinical explanation to that finding"

Roles and mechanisms of the CD38/cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose/Ca2+ signaling pathway (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3942542/)

IL-4 and IL-17 return to their former values. IL-10 is slightly higher 24h. IL-2 and IL-8 don't seem to return to their values post O while IFN-g is higher. IFN-g may be suppressing IL-2 and IL-8. Everything is in normal range for the first measurment except IL-8, the latter may come from a different source. Low IL-2 can be a problem since "IL-2 plays a critical role in the maintenance of CD4+CD25+ FOXP3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) in vivo." Ref (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1895505/)

Something else, I had painfully stiff muscles due to POIS a week ago. The higher part of the back, shoulders and part of the upper arms were affected, the weird thing was it kept getting stiffer and stiffer up to the point I could barely move my right arm, it was that painful (there was only pain present during movement, not in rest). Moving my arm/shoulder, was like the feeling of almost tearing some muscles. I slept one night with clothes on because undressing was too painful. Quite a weird event, I have never experienced this intensity of stiffness before.

Throwing some ideas around:

Calcium signaling in immune cells (https://sci-hub.se/https://www.nature.com/articles/ni.f.220)

Calcium, Channels, Intracellular Signaling and Autoimmunity (https://sci-hub.se/https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2173574313001299)

Regulating T helper cell immunity through antigen responsiveness and calcium entry (https://sci-hub.se/10.1038/80841)

Decreased intracellular calcium stimulates renin release via calcium-inhibitable adenylyl cyclase (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17088449/)

Voltage gated calcium channel autoantibodies? Or mast cell mediators interfering with calcium homeostasis?

Reminder: Could take a look at AMPAR's (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMPA_receptor)/Calcium/L-Theanine?

Values dipping post O seen in other members.

Bluesbrother (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2684.msg32284#msg32284)

No-POIS state:
TNF-alpha: 32.6 pg/ml above reference range (<12.0)

4 hours after ejaculation:
TNF-alpha < 12.0 pg/ml

Iron dipping during POIS?:
I've had blood tests done multiple times during my worst fever episodes, and everything comes back normal except for very low levels of iron (I usually have normal or even high iron and hemoglobin levels), and through-the-roof amounts of C-reactive protein. This led doctors to think I could have mononucleosis or some kind of bacterial infection, but all specific tests came back negative. They put me on antibiotics anyway, and that solved most symptoms almost immediately and made me able to get out of bed and finally get better during the worst episode I've ever had.


Hello,i wanna tell sth,but first in private,maybe i'll post it
Considering that it is said that is possible for some Allergy,i tried to swallow my cum and guess what.After a few hours i couldn't swallow shit for about 3 weeks,i was anxious as fuck when trying to swallow anything solid. My Family MD told me that my throat is "red".Went to an Otorhinolaryngologist and he told me that it is allergy without me telling you what i did.Do you think i should that again and what could he check for in the blood if that repeats?
3) well, i don't know that,it was in my neck,my family doctor told me that my neck is "red" that's everything i know and i know that i couldn't swallow  cause i didn't feel the food going down and was always anxious that i was gonna   choke,cause the food is gonna go down the wrong pipe,i  couldn't contract my muscles,lots of thing,was like i wasn't also feeling the lower part of my  throat that you "consciously " contract when you swallow.It was weird cause everyone thought i was crazy,at least untill family md told me that  my throat is "red"

People also complain about their muscles being locked up during POIS.

Spine MRI calcium related?:

Additional studies further showed that opioid signaling may play a key role in mast cell activation and the downstream inflammatory responses associated with HO.
The Immunological Contribution to Heterotopic Ossification Disorders (https://sci-hub.se/10.1007/s11914-015-0258-z)

Opioid signaling in mast cells regulates injury responses associated with heterotopic ossification (https://sci-hub.se/10.1007/s00011-013-0690-4)


Metabolic and Epigenomic Regulation of Th17/Treg Balance by the Polyamine Pathway (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.23.911966v1.full.pdf)

"there was a trend towards a decrease in IFN-g, IL-17 and TNF production with an increase in IL-9 production in response to antigen"

Seminal exosomes
SE have already been implicated as immunosuppressive, inhibiting lymphoproliferative responses (2), the activity of phagocytic cells (11) and natural killer cell function (12). Thus, the immunosuppressive properties of seminal plasma appear to reside at least in large part within its exosome fraction.


Other tests and meds I tried

Hepatitis B, C, E: negative
Intestinal permeability test: Mannitol and lactulose in urine after ingestion-->negative
HIV negative
Lyme negative
Lung capacity test: Slightly lower than normal
Did a bicycle test because of tissue around groin that gave problems with exercise. Oxygen gas and lactacte couldn't be measured at the end of the test because I got sick and had to throw up.
Hormone tests: Cortisol measured once, normal. Thyroid hormones normal (which ones?)

Acyclovir+(prednisone or diclofenac, can't remember which one) 14 days for Bell's palsy: No effect, not even side effects (dose unknown).
Norethisterone: No effect
Pyridostigmine (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2545.msg38724#msg38724): No effect
Niacin flush gives symptoms
Used some sort of gel for my acne on back, didn't do anything (name?)
Metronidazole 11-day trial for positive lactose H2 test: No effect, last day of intake some gut pain.
Vitamine E: No effect
Vitamine B complex: Adverse effects
Vitamine C complex including zinc and a herb (link somewhere in comments): Adverse effects
Vitamine D: Felt slightly better overal when transitioning from deficient state to normal value.
DAO enzymes (DAOsin): Nothing
Glucosamine (can't recall what form): Nothing
Digestive enzymes for stomach: Nothing
Caprylic acid (dose unknown) = no effect


Results from people with similar syndromes:

Input: my Immune profile from IMD Berlin (https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/input-my-immune-profile-from-imd-berlin.81029/)

Results of the German Cell Trend laboratory for POTS (https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/results-of-the-german-cell-trend-laboratory-for-pots.62366/)

She (Learner1) got elevated IFN-g, IL-12, IL-18 and elevated antibodies @ celltrend: Alpha-1 adrenergic receptor and Muscarinic cholinergic (M4) receptor. https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/discriminatory-cytokine-profiles-predict-muscle-function-fatigue-and-cognitive-function-in-patients-with-myalgic-encephalomyelitis-cfs.81197/#post-2294547
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 16, 2019, 04:18:31 PM
Past Events



Recent Events

Summer 2019

Intense flares of pressure at heart area accompanied by weakness in left arm.
All the time pressure at lower part of spine when standing plus weakness in legs.

Somehwere around November 2019

Walked in supermarket, felt some activity in brain (not at the middle of brain) at them same time my left side of my face was hanging for a moment, as in decreased muscle tension.

Also had a moment where I had to help someone with their homework. Got a bit stressed by prolonged talking, felt activity in brain and couldn't talk properly for a minute. Could not create any word with my lips.

There were a lot of days where I couldn't get warm and was cold all the time.

Late December 2019/early januari 2020

Activity at lower part of spine plus pressure at that area. Weakness in legs when standing.
Bladder control problems, Frequent urination, this was getting worse when there was more activity at lower spine.

Januari 2020

A few times tingling sensation at the glans penis and became very sensitive to any friction (not sexual related just limp penis).

Februari 2020

I ate some liver and suddenly became feverish and nauseous for less than 30 sec of duration immediately after ingestion. Perhaps 5-10 mins after there were migratory colds traveling over my body and turned into systemic cold (shivering) after the migratory cold ended.

Problems with stress as a trigger, most of the time physical stress by static body positions. Starts with tension -->stress---> inflammation.

Weak spot in lower part of spine ---> local tension ---> standing/sitting/bad posture ---> focal tension turns into focal inflammation ---> as time goes by other parts in body one by one, most often the weaker parts have a higher chance, getting smoldering focal inflammation ---> when it stays this way it turns into systemic symptoms, like fibromyalgic-like weakness around the hip area and fatigue.

This behaviour can be prevented if local/focal stress is reversed in time. There is a certain intensity threshold that when you cross it you are unable to reverse the above process.

Symptoms of stress can be very subtle, it can gradually increase without notice. Local/focal stress, even by immobilization is able to induce the following symptoms lately:

1) Very light burning on top of forearms and/or shoulders. Goes away immediately when stress stops.
2) Worsening of Blepharitis
3) Activating oral mucosa (sense of activity, surface fizzing) ---> bad taste ---> increased reactivity of food/mucosal contact
4) Runny nose (also when taking a walk in POIS and certain muscles can't handle standing posture thus again, focal stress turns into focal inflammation at the same weak spot--->runny nose)
5) Weakness in legs
6) Inflammation (especially at spine lately)
7) Some activity in the lower abdomen sexual organ related (only after multiple parts of the body are affected)
8 ) Some activity in lower part of abdomen GI related, same spot as triggered by temperature in summer 2014 (again only when after multiple parts of body are affected).
9) Joint pain, not sure if this is triggered by stress. Joint pain seem to be a late reaction, can't put my finger on it with certainty what triggered it.
10) Fatigue, only when inflammation by stress has affected mutliple spots.
11) Fibromyalgic weakness/pain around tendons of hip. Again, only when inflammation by stress has affected multiple parts of the body and is ongoing.

Eating apples again and symptoms induced by apples have changed from fatigue to a runny nose. Reactivty with oral mucosa is worse when oral mucosa is being activated by stress/inflammation in other parts of the body.

New symptom, happened only once: Intense sharp pain for maybe 2-3 seconds at right kidney location. Never felt anything like it before.

June 2020

Developing symptom: Sharp localized pin point stings in urethra mostly by low grade stress.

Developing symptom: Neck tension/pain

Improved Brain fog (large improvement. It took at least 6 months, slow trending motion) and mood swings much better. Improvement in facial appearance.

October 2020

Had pinpoint activity next to my eye in my skin. This lead to a brown coloration of that part of the skin. Happened again at a later date close to the same spot, same behaviour, led to another dot of brown coloration.

Washing the glans penis during shower led to activation in lower back at the spinal area (which is already sensitive), no pain, just activation of something and it isn't muscle, no feeling of contraction. Activation stops when friction stops. Applying friction again flares up activity in my lower spine again.

Encountered multiple episodes where I'm suddenly out of breath during rest. The behaviour you see after taking a sprint, but I haven't done anything like that.

5 red dots with diameter 2-3 mm appeared on the upper palm of my right hand a few cm equally distant apart. Went away after one week. Same thing? (https://youtu.be/6gfTFwJgIVQ?t=1887)

November 2020

Startled by one loud bang from a firecracker that someone threw. I felt physically better immediately.
Hair getting thin and slightly less hair growth at area, front of my head.

December 2020

Starting pyridostigmine

januari 2021

Stressful period-->intestines are upset, same spot as pineapple trigger. Gut pain-->led to muscle weakness and nausea.
Jan31: Drank 0.5 L water with salt and a few drops of citric acid in the morning. 1 hour later water was coming out on toilet, no absorption.  21:00 hour, temperature below freezing point--->muscles working better, good typr of muscle pain in quadriceps was present after picking something up from ground.

Februari 2021

Smell outside of POIS is ~5-10% ~24h/day (happened only during POIS in the past) sometimes a flare of increased smell and other times no smell at all. Lower libido, Orgasm is absent during ejaculation. Wax and waning fluctuations of activity at a spot close to the brainstem. Lower back problems still present. Still reactive to stress. Starting intake of Cromolyn Sodium.

March 2021

Very cold for the time of the year:

Went outside. The cold induced some kind of cardiovascular event where segments of the main artery started to constrict and relax back and forth per segment. It affected my heart rate which became irregular and induced irregular breathing. This went on for at least a min.

Went outside. Felt cold and couldn’t get warm. Hands turned blue. Impaired circulation everywhere especially limbs. Pumping power of heart decreased.

Measured blood pressure. One pulse of blood got stuck on my bicep with pain for a moment while aircuff was wrapped around it and eventually got through. It left a bump on my bicep. No discoloration, hard painfull bump.

Sensitivity to low temperatures has increased this year. It has become a serious cardiovascular trigger. POIS makes me more susceptible (vascular inflammation—->local vascular dysfunction?)

June 2021: Blood pressure 100/60 sitting

Make summary of temperature vs parameters.


2020/2021 Age 35: I never felt so many (frequency) fluctuations throughout my entire brain as at this age.


Developing insights

Release of pre-ejaculate induces local symptoms in the genitourinary tract which spreads outward and becomes systemic (only noticed this dynamic after desensitization). Certain hotspots react more intense like the border of groin area and upper leg (injury age 18) once it reaches that area. I now come to think of it that the spot may be related to injury to local blood vessels, in fact, I start to suspect that many old and current injuries are related to blood vessel injuries/lesions.
Immune reaction--->damage to blood vessels--->cardiovascular dysfunction. I get the impression that the (local) dysfunctional vascular system due to the history of inflammation is not able respond properly to orgasm as in over excitation aside from contact reaction to (pre)-ejaculate. The 'injury' discussed above is one of the first symptoms that arose before hell broke loose.

The upper leg/groin hotspot can react at the same time in a similar way as the area in mid lower spine. The latter could be blood vessel related as well. If POIS is auto-immune then it's probably targeting blood vessels/connective tissue. Hotspots in the body seem to be more sensitive to other triggers as well. Even out of POIS the cardiovascular system is rarely calm; local spams, feel of friction blood flow, local pressure fluctuations, these hop around they don't stay in one spot. Mast cells are present in the lining of blood vessels as well.

Increased orthostatic intolerance induced by stress or POIS could be due to low levels of norepinephrine.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 16, 2019, 04:26:29 PM


Sympathetic overactivity or parasympathetic underactivity (Dysautonomia) (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2885.0)
Mast cell activation disorder/cascade/hyperresponsive mast cells (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2301.msg31643#msg31643)
Hyperpermeability/barrier dysfunction in genitourinary system (connective tissue problems)
Th2 response
Regulatory T cell dysfunction or abnormal numbers (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2891.0)
Type IV Hypersensitivity (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2925.0)
Denervation supersensitivity (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denervation_supersensitivity)
Edit 18-8-23: Involvement of area in the middle of the head (guess: brainstem/pons)
Edit 18-8-23: Involvement of neural networks (autonomic & sensory pathways)


Mast cell activation disorder:
Evidence of Mast Cell Activation Disorder in Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (P1.277) (http://n.neurology.org/content/84/14_Supplement/P1.277)

''Triggering events include long-term standing, exercise, premenstrual cycle, meals, and sexual intercourse''
Hyperadrenergic Postural Tachycardia Syndrome in Mast Cell Activation Disorders (http://hyper.ahajournals.org/content/45/3/385.short)

A New Disease Cluster: Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (https://www.jacionline.org/article/S0091-6749(14)02927-3/abstract)

Autoimmunity/Viral illness
Autoimmune Basis for Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (http://jaha.ahajournals.org/content/3/1/e000755.full)

HPV vaccines:
Human Papillomavirus Vaccine and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome: A Review of Current Literature.

Successful treatment of postural orthostatic tachycardia and mast cell activation syndromes using naltrexone, immunoglobulin and antibiotic treatment

Transport-mediated choline deficiency:
Mechanism of choline deficiency and membrane alteration in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome primary skin fibroblasts (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25466896)

Vascular Endothelial Dysfunction (abnormal sheer stress/NO response to acetylcholine & heat)
Cutaneous neuronal nitric oxide is specifically decreased in postural tachycardia syndrome

Decreased Microvascular Nitric Oxide?Dependent Vasodilation in Postural Tachycardia Syndrome

Endothelial NO Synthase Polymorphisms and Postural Tachycardia Syndrome

Relation between Endothelial dysfunction and autonomic nervous system dysfunction
The Relationship between Vascular Function and the Autonomic Nervous System

C-fiber involvement:
Small-fiber neuropathy with cardiac denervation in postural tachycardia syndrome.


Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction in Adolescents with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Is Characterized by Attenuated Vagal Baroreflex and Potentiated Sympathetic Vasomotion (https://www.nature.com/articles/pr2000180)

Bell's Palsy

Immunological concept/mast cell activation/hypersensitivity:
Immunological Concept for Bell's Palsy

An immunological concept for bell's palsy ? Experimental study**

Infection theory:
Frequent detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in Bell's palsy.

Hormonal metabolic changes?:
Familial juvenile onset of Bell?s palsy

Impairment of microcirculation of the facial nerves:


Blood viscosity:
Bell?s Palsy and Viral Infections (https://sci-hub.se/https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/114275)

Elevated Serum Interferon Levels in Patients With Bell's Palsy

Recurrent Bell’s Palsy During Takeoff on a Commercial Flight: A Case Report (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7872610/)


Disturbance to cholinergic pathways/vascular endothelial dysfunction
Prolonged acetylcholine?induced vasodilatation in the peripheral microcirculation of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome

Premature Ejaculation

Autonomic nervous system dysfunction in lifelong premature ejaculation: analysis of heart rate variability.

The Role of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Etiology of Premature Ejaculation (https://www.jsm.jsexmed.org/article/S1743-6095(19)30069-4/fulltext)

''Our study indicates that premature ejaculation is significantly related with a higher level of seminal NO.''
Relevance of seminal plasma nitric oxide levels and the efficacy of SSRI treatment on lifelong premature ejaculation

''From these results it can be concluded that PE occurs because decreased levels of serotonin. Decreased levels of serotonin are associated with increased levels of IFN-g.'':
Flouxetine improved intravaginal ejaculatory latency time through decreased levels of interferon-gamma and increased levels of serotonin in patient with premature ejaculation

Elevated IFN-g/Th1 polarization

"It is consistently observed that mast cells [8] and mast cell-derived exosomes preferentially induce Th1-type responses as evidenced by the production of IL-2, IFN-g and IL-12 by activated lymphocytes."
Nonspecific B and T Cell-Stimulatory Activity Mediated by Mast Cells Is Associated with Exosomes (https://sci-hub.se/10.1159/000053691)

Latent Viral Infection:

Polarization switch from Th2 to Th1 due to desensitization?

Temporary IFN-g decrease after orgasm

Mast Cells to Dendritic Cells: Let IL-13 Shut Your IL-12 Down (https://www.jacionline.org/article/S0091-6749(21)00554-6/pdf)

1)Mast cell activation -> PGD2 -> activation of CRTH2 on Th2 cells -> Th2 response -> decreased IFN-g
2)Th2 response -> induction of IgG4 -> dampening of Th2 response -> Stops IFN-g decrease
(T-regs might play a role in this)

Th1 polarization + IL-8

The delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction is dependent on IL-8. Inhibition of a tuberculin skin reaction by an anti-IL-8 monoclonal antibody. (https://www.jimmunol.org/content/155/4/2151.short)

Human Cathelicidin Peptide LL-37 (need ref)

Interferon-g enhances both the anti-bacterial and the pro-inflammatory response of human mast cells to Staphylococcus aureus (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/imm.12524)


"Importantly, Treg exert a direct effect on B cells, suppressing the production of allergen-specific IgE and inducing IgG4"
Role of Treg in immune regulation of allergic diseases (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/eji.200940045)

Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor I induce immunoglobulin (Ig)E and IgG4 production by human B cells. (https://rupress.org/jem/article/180/2/727/50773/Growth-hormone-and-insulin-like-growth-factor-I)

Nerve growth factor specifically induces human IgG4 production (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/eji.1830210121)

Potential drivers: IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-13 (https://www.nature.com/articles/srep07696) (MC), IL-21, Follicular helper T cells (https://academic.oup.com/rheumatology/article/57/2/236/3778394), TGF-beta, expanded Tregs, IL-33? (https://www.nature.com/articles/srep42413).

Mast cells have been suggested as an altenative source of TH2 cytokines, based on their colocalization with IL-4 and IL-13 in IgG4-RD lesions from salivary glands. Page 62: Ref (https://books.google.nl/books?id=flR7DQAAQBAJ&lpg=PA62&ots=VJ9CHbWwhK&dq=interleukin%20drivers%20of%20IgG4&hl=nl&pg=PA62#v=onepage&q=interleukin%20drivers%20of%20IgG4&f=false)

"Thus, our results do not support the hypothesis that T cells express the cytokines associated with IgG4-related disease; rather, our data indicate that mast cells are the source of these upregulated cytokines."
T helper 2 and regulatory T-cell cytokine production by mast cells: a key factor in the pathogenesis of IgG4-related disease (https://www.nature.com/articles/modpathol2013236)

Hyper-IgG4 disease: report and characterisation of a new disease (https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1741-7015-4-23)

What's your diet like anyway?

I don't eat any refined grains or sugars, though I do eat fruit and plenty of whole grains. My last IGG4 test showed a pretty strong candida response, which my physician said means I had an overgrowth at some point.

IL-8 (CXCL8)

Central sensitization (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jabr.12137)

CRH-->mast cell activation
Substance P (SP) Induces Expression of Functional Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor-1 (CRHR-1) in Human Mast Cells (https://sci-hub.se/https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022202X15355871)

Mast Cell–Mediated Stimulation of Angiogenesis (https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/01.RES.0000061572.10929.2D)

Drop in IL-8: Combine
Specificity of the neuroendocrine response to orgasm during sexual arousal in men (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tillmann_Kruger/publication/277549555_Specificity_of_the_neuroendocrine_response_to_orgasm_during_sexual_arousal_in_men/links/56606a4808ae4931cd5976fe.pdf)
Neuroendocrinology of mast cells: Challenges and controversies (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/exd.13288).

Increased gut MCs:
Comparative evaluation of Inflammatory cells and Interleukins in Irritable Bowel Syndrome subtypes (https://ijhcr.com/index.php/ijhcr/article/view/483/443)

Essential involvement of interleukin?8 in acute inflammation

IL-33 (table 4)
Recent advances in our understanding of mast cell activation - or should it be mast cell mediator disorders? (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7003574/)

LPA ---> LPA2 receptor, table 1:
Non-IgE mediated mast cell activation (https://sci-hub.se/https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0014299915301448)

"Stromal cell-derived factor-1 alpha (SF-1?) selectively produced IL-8 from human mast cells without degranulation as well. Activation of human cultured mast cells by CD30 ligands led to release of the chemokines IL-8 and MCP-1 without histamine and without degranulation. IL-33 induced IL-13 release independent of IgE stimulation" Ref (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3318920/)

IL-13 can induce IgE and IgG4. IL-33 can induce IL-13 and IL-8.
Brother: Elevated IgE and IL-8. Me: Elevated IgG4 and IL-8. Thus IL-33 is a potential candidate.

"Stimulated T cells were found to generate microparticles that induce degranulation and cytokine (IL-8 and oncostatin M) release from human mast cells. Mast cell activation by T cell microparticles involved the MAPK signaling pathway." Ref (https://sci-hub.se/10.4049/jimmunol.1000409)

"We recently reported that extracellular vesicles are increased in the serum of children with ASD, contained mtDNA and stimulated cultured human microglia to secrete the pro-inflammatory molecules IL-1? and CXCL8 " Ref (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6687840/)

Candida Albicans and mast cells (?-Hexosaminidase?):

OxLDL and mast cells:

Weakness in upper legs (+spasms) worsen with high temperature, standing, POIS and stress. Relief with exercise, laying down, bending forward.

P/Q-type VGCC antibodies? As in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambert%E2%80%93Eaton_myasthenic_syndrome
Spinal stenosis? (pressure in lower back as well)
MS? (https://www.mymsteam.com/resources/managing-ms-leg-weakness)

Female family members and decrease/increase of symptoms in pregnancies/menstrual cycle period

Neuroimmunoendrocrine disorder:
''These results suggest that mast cell secretion may be regulated by progesterone and may explain the reduced symptoms of certain inflammatory conditions during pregnancy.''
Progesterone Inhibits Mast Cell Secretion

Progesterone triggers selective mast cell secretion of 5-hydroxytryptamine (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2099339/)

Role of female sex hormones, estradiol and progesterone, in mast cell behavior

Shift in Th1/Th2/Th17 balance:
Inflammation and Pregnancy

REVIEW ARTICLE: Th1/Th2/Th17 and Regulatory T?Cell Paradigm in Pregnancy

Microbial changes during pregnancy:
Microbial Changes during Pregnancy, Birth, and Infancy (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2016.01031/full?gclid=Cj0KCQjw9fntBRCGARIsAGjFq5FgiqzCqFJTYidtBQFx44wczUpQRgXDWo4KO8oANYVSpk5V3YhYYDwaApojEALw_wcB)

Diabetogenically beneficial gut microbiota alterations in third trimester of pregnancy (https://raf.bioscientifica.com/view/journals/raf/2/1/RAF-20-0034.xml)


Normal human pregnancy is associated with an elevation in the immune suppressive CD25+ CD4+ regulatory T-cell subset (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1782465/)

Progesterone Increases Systemic and Local Uterine Proportions of CD4+CD25+ Treg Cells during Midterm Pregnancy in Mice (https://academic.oup.com/endo/article/151/11/5477/2456142)

Membrane progesterone receptors in human regulatory T cells: a reality in pregnancy (https://obgyn.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1471-0528.13294)

"Hepatic synthesis of corticosteroid-binding globulin more than doubles in pregnancy; that is, bound plasma cortisol in term pregnancy is approximately 2 to 3 times that of nonpregnant women" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcortin

hCG goes up as well during pregnancy.

Vagal tone during pregnancy???

Plasma Levels of the Endocannabinoid Anandamide in Women—A Potential Role in Pregnancy Maintenance and Labor?  (https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/89/11/5482/2844400?login=true)

Progesterone--->cardiovascular protective effects
Progesterone--->Tight junction proteins?

Idiopatic miscarriage

Treg cells in pre-eclampsia, miscarriage and infertility (https://sci-hub.se/https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0165037809004409)

"In spite of MC heparin content, MCAD-induced coagulopathy (67) may spur placental microthrombi, preventing nidation or disrupting embryonic blood supply and threatening miscarriage" Ref (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3109/07853890.2016.1161231)

Burning sensation in vagina upon contact with semen in mother

Manifestations of immune tolerance in the human female reproductive tract (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3570961/)

Low NK cell count

Decreased Expression of the CD57 Molecule in T Lymphocytes of Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/decreased-expression-of-the-cd57-molecule-in-t-lymphocytes-of-patients-with-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-espinosa-2019.77241/)

Stress, beta-AR activation:
Adrenergic regulation of innate immunity: a review (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2015.00171/full)

Decreased Alpha-2-globulin

High MMP 2 or 9 --> joint pain, which can bind to alpha-2-macroglobulin which is a subset of Alpha-2-globulin.

Accelaration of frequency and intensity of symptoms during period of exercise/sports on daily basis

The open window of susceptibility to infection after acute exercise in healthy young male elite athletes (https://www.jsams.org/article/S1440-2440(10)00843-1/abstract)[/list]


The correlation between the Th17/Treg cell balance and bone health (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12979-020-00202-z) (IFN-g inhibits osteoclast formation)

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Vasomotor dysfunction in carpal tunnel syndrome
Pathophysiology of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 16, 2019, 04:28:14 PM

Spinal MRI and reminder to look for spinal findings in more patients (including MCAS):

5.- Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the entire spine(June 2018):
     multiple focal lesions were observed in the dorsal and lumbar spine, hyperintense in T2 and most of them isointense in T1, although the larger lesions have a trabecular structure suggesting that they are hemangiomas. However, given that the signal characteristics in the T1 sequence are not typical of hemangioma, it is recommended to do image control to assess evolution.

Translated with Google Translate from Maxwell of Russian POISCenter  (http://www.poiscenter.net/viewtopic.php?f=19&p=17877&sid=da782426fd7894ea6d8ee10bfdc76149#p17877)

If you read my conclusion after the MRI of the "lumbosacral spine", you can find words like "the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments are compacted", which means the so-called "Ossification" written here http://avestasakh.com/ossifikatsiya-zadney-prodolnoy -svyazki-grudnogo-otdela-pozvonochnika and here http://24radiology.ru/kostno-myshechnaya-sistema/ossifikatsiya-zadnej-prodolnoj-svyazki/
... squeezes the spinal vertebral nerve ...

Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the thoracic spine is a permanent neurological disorder in which the nerves of the spinal canal are compressed as a result of hardening of the posterior longitudinal ligament, the purpose of which is to preserve the structure of the vertebrae in the spine, maintaining its balance and mobility. Including South Korea, in China, Japan and other Asian countries, this disease more often occurs in men over 40 years of age, which must be treated at an early stage due to the impossibility of restoring the functions of the damaged nerve if it is compressed for a long period.

Myelopathy is a dysfunction of the spinal cord associated with abnormal pressure on the spinal cord. Unlike conditions that put pressure on individual nerve roots, this type of damage can lead to loss of nerve function anywhere in the spinal cord below the damaged area.



Chymase and cardiovascular problems:
Contributions of ACE and mast cell chymase to endogenous angiotensin II generation and leucocyte recruitment in vivo (https://academic.oup.com/cardiovascres/article/92/1/48/538626)

In vivo, Ang II is primarily generated by ACE under basal conditions, but in inflammatory conditions, the release of MCP amplifies local Ang II concentrations and the associated inflammatory process. Thus, AT1 receptor antagonists may be more effective than ACE inhibitors for treating ongoing Ang II-mediated vascular inflammation."


Pressure Overload–Induced Transient Oxidative Stress Mediates Perivascular Inflammation and Cardiac Fibrosis through Angiotensin II (https://www.nature.com/articles/hr200697)

Targeting Cardiac Mast Cells: Pharmacological Modulation of the Local Renin-Angiotensin System (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3298860/)

Chymase cleaves prescursors of Endothelin and MMPs. Endothelin is mentioned in Bell's palsy.

Bell's palsy?: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cholinergic_crisis

POIScenter member:
I feel exhausted after fetching drinks from the shop, carrying up a lot of stuff...
I can barely stand, want to just lie flat on the couch (yay for home office..)

Then I eat a salami sausage and drink one of those and I'm completely normal again:

The stuff is really magical. I really believe that it pushes all the liquid and minerals directly into your body.

wheat beer also contains Uridine btw.

Paper dump section

A nanoelectronics-blood-based diagnostic biomarker for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) (https://www.pnas.org/content/116/21/10250)

Balancing tissue homeostasis and inflammatory responses against Candida albicans infections: is it a matter of mast cells' immunological memory? (https://air.uniud.it/bitstream/11390/1142990/2/DeZuani_Tesi%20definitiva.pdf)

Gut fungi in irritable bowel syndrome : A painful recognition (https://www.narcis.nl/publication/RecordID/oai:dare.uva.nl:publications%2Fdaf6344d-4916-4526-9d6e-6151eb4727db)



Is burning semen syndrome a variant form of seminal plasma hypersensitivity? (https://sci-hub.se/https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0029784402023189)

Is skin testing reliable for confirming sensitization to seminal fluid proteins? (https://www.jaci-inpractice.org/article/S2213-2198(14)00387-0/abstract)

Review of flavonoids: A diverse group of natural compounds with anti-Candida albicans activity in vitro (https://sci-hub.se/https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0003996916302278)

Immunodominant Semen Proteins III: IgG1 and IgG4 Linkage in Female Immune Infertility (http://jjbs.hu.edu.jo/files/v8n1/Paper%20Number%203m.pdf)

Patients with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome show T helper type 1 (Th1) and Th17 self?reactive immune responses specific to prostate and seminal antigens and diminished semen quality (https://bjui-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/bju.15117)

IgG4 breaking the rules (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1046/j.0019-2805.2001.01341.x)

Immediate hypersensitivity to seminal fluid and atopic dermatitis (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7356355/)

"Serum from the husband and nonrelated men also contained antigen that provoked histamine release from the patient's leukocytes in vitro. The antigen in serum was associated with the globulin fraction and had a temporal relationship to ejaculation, appearing within 12 hours of ejaculation and disappearing within four days."

It's an antigen for the woman's leukocytes but circulates in the serum of men up to 4 days? Just like the timing seen in POISers.

A new manifestation of seminal fluid hypersensitivity (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2385741/)

Manifestations of immune tolerance in the human female reproductive tract (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3570961/)

Human seminal plasma allergy: a review of a rare phenomenon (https://sci-hub.se/10.1111/j.1365-2222.2004.01962.x)

-mefenamic acid, 500 mg 2 h before intercourse and every 4 h thereafter as needed.
-tranexamic acid abolished the symptoms

The seminal fluid of the partner of one of these three patients also contained IgE reactive with Candida albicans.

A comprehensive characterization of the peptide and protein constituents of human seminal fluid (https://sci-hub.se/https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/pros.20089)

Selective desensitization to seminal plasma protein fractions after immunotherapy for postcoital anaphylaxis (https://www.jacionline.org/article/S0091-6749(05)80159-9/pdf)


Low-Dose IL-2 Induces Regulatory T Cell–Mediated Control of Experimental Food Allergy (https://www.jimmunol.org/content/197/1/188.short)

Targeting IL-2: an unexpected effect in treating immunological diseases (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41392-017-0002-5)

Androgen receptor modulates Foxp3 expression in CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T-cells (https://www.molbiolcell.org/doi/full/10.1091/mbc.E14-08-1323)


Successful treatment of Post-orgasmic illness syndrome with human chorionic gonadotropin (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221444201930453X)

Case of post-orgasmic illness syndrome associated with hypogonadism. (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/iju5.12184)

Neuroendocrinology of mast cells: Challenges and controversies. (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/exd.13288)

Low tryptophan brother:
Low-dose IL-2 therapy compensates for metabolic shifts and reverses anxiety-like behavior in PD-1 deficiency-induced autoimmunity (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41423-020-00562-y)


Tried ~4 types of antihistamines. Only clemastine/Tavegyl had a minor effect. "Clemastine does also act as FIASMA (functional inhibitor of acid sphingomyelinase)".


Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Evidence for an autoimmune disease (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1568997218300880)

Blood test reference ranges: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reference_ranges_for_blood_tests

Wrinkled finger test, dysautonomia:



Brother IL-17, tryptophan:
Candida albicans Dampens Host Defense by Downregulating IL-17 Production (https://www.jimmunol.org/content/185/4/2450.short)

Oral candida infection:
IL-17-mediated antifungal defense in the oral mucosa is independent of neutrophils (https://www.nature.com/articles/mi201457)

Gastrointestinal Candida colonisation promotes sensitisation against food antigens by affecting the mucosal barrier in mice (https://gut.bmj.com/content/55/7/954.short)

IL-9 and Mast Cells Are Key Players of Candida albicans Commensalism and Pathogenesis in the Gut (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211124718305783)

Involvement of Cervical Muscle Lesions and Autonomic Nervous System in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS (https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/involvement-of-cervical-muscle-lesions-and-autonomic-nervous-system-in-myalgic-encephalomyelitis-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-me-cfs.82128/)


Potential neuro-immune therapeutic targets in irritable bowel syndrome (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1756284820910630)

Hormone regulation via vagus nerve, what hormones?

Metabolic and Epigenomic Regulation of Th17/Treg Balance by the Polyamine Pathway (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.23.911966v1.full.pdf)

"there was a trend towards a decrease in IFN-g, IL-17 and TNF production with an increase in IL-9 production in response to antigen"

Fungal infection in cerebrospinal fluid from some patients with multiple sclerosis (https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/fungal-infection-in-cerebrospinal-fluid-from-some-patients-with-multiple-sclerosis.36219/)

Nightingale had a candida infection:
It was partially my fault, because I was in the midst of treating my candida infection and went overboard with antifungals and probiotics, making me feel terrible and compromising my immune system.  On top of that, I was surrounded by family who probably brought all sorts of germs with them.

Adenosine receptor mediated stimulation of intracellular calcium in acutely isolated astrocytes (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9666151/)

Potential involvement in exercise intolerance:

Acute Peripheral Facial Palsy: Recent Guidelines and a Systematic Review of the Literature (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7402921/) (2020)

New Insights on the Role of TRP Channels in Calcium Signalling and Immunomodulation: Review of Pathways and Implications for Clinical Practice (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12016-020-08824-3)



Papers about opioid receptors and immune system. MOR activation leads to T-cell inhibition.
respiratory depression: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opioid_receptor (also depression)
Mu opioid withdrawal and psychosis link?
Paper about stress increasing TLR in brain.

Filter out some stuff later:
Stabilization of Perivascular Mast Cells by Endothelial CNP (C-Type Natriuretic Peptide)

Nox inhibition:
A Role for Nox Inhibition in Coronavirus Infection (https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3773896)

Can't unlock, try later:
The role of intestinal mast cell infiltration in irritable bowel syndrome (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1751-2980.12971) (2021)



Cytokine driven muscle loss:

Cytokines and cachexia (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0899900797001858)
Cachexia (https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/abs/10.7326/0003-4819-133-8-200010170-00015)
Geriatric cachexia: the role of cytokines (https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/70/2/183/4431036?login=true)
Waste management—Cytokines, growth factors and cachexia (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1359610106000554)



As a ligand for the orphan G protein-coupled receptor GPR35 (cromolyn acts on GPR35)
increased levels were associated with confusion and psychotic symptoms


Free blood gases analysis [Netherlands] (https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/free-blood-gases-analysis-netherlands.50782/)

"Do you know about the correlation of serum phosphate and respiratory alkalosis? The respiratory alkalosis somehow makes a loss of phosphate" https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/free-blood-gases-analysis-netherlands.50782/page-5#post-889060

Emootje1973's results (CFS and POTS):
Plasma Volume: 40ml/kg (87% of normal)
ANP: 116.3 pg/ml (9-68 pg/ml)
Aldosteron: 0.37 nmol/L (0.08-0.44 nmol/L)
Norepi: 4.4 nmol/L (0.4-3.0 nmol/L)

The Clinical Efficacy of Pollen Extract and Vitamins on Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome Is Linked to a Decrease in the Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Interleukin-8 (https://synapse.koreamed.org/upload/SynapseData/PDFData/2074WJMH/wjmh-35-120.pdf)


Recently, Moriyama et al. have reported that murine ILC2s express high levels of b2-adrenergic receptor (b2AR) (62) and the treatment with b2AR agonist (salmeterol) inhibits IL-33-induced IL-5 and IL-13 production of ILC2s

Therapeutic Strategies for Targeting IL-33/ST2 Signalling for the Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases (https://www.karger.com/Article/FullText/492885)



This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction: (R)-lactate + NAD+ <----> pyruvate + NADH
Page 52/61 from the file you provided:
"NOTE: The presence of Candida in the GI tract diverts Pyruvate away from its preferred pathway (Kreb's Cycle), and results in less cellular energy."
I wonder whether blocking pyruvate decarboxylase helps.
NAD+ (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=3551.msg38867#msg38867)


She has a similar exercise intolerance as me. I had an iron deficiency as a kid, her iron levels fell down when symptomatic. She reaches an orgasm fast, I got PE. She started to react to Vit B Complex, same for me.
Her CRP was high during gut symptoms. Similar situation for my mother, high CRP and gut.
My uncle did get skin reactions from the water of chlorinated swimming pools.
However, due to covid, we started using bleach at home for general cleaning, and I developed some kind of reaction to it. It took me months to figure out that bleach was the cause, and it completely short-circuited everything in my body: I've had tachicardia, a continuous horrible feeling of shortness of breath,  dizziness, loss of appetite, fever... somehow, I know this is all related to POIS, because I'm not allergic to bleach.

Evaluation of immune response after moderate and overtraining exercise in wistar rat (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3938879/)




I've always noticed after drinking milk I suffer a really minor POIS-like affect (brain fog). Looking into milk, it contains an opiod called casomorphin. Casein has been documented to break down in the stomach to produce the peptide casomorphin, an opioid that acts as a histamine releaser.


My mother told me that her stomach feels better upon contact with raw milk kefir.
Gastroprotective effect of kefir on ulcer induced in irradiated rats (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1011134415000469)

Side Note: MMP-2 and 9 are MC mediators.
"which were accompanied by a significant decrease in the mucus content, the stomach GSH level, the GSH-Px activity and DNA damage. Pre-treatment with kefir milk exert significant improvement in all the tested parameters."

I'm homozygous for the GST and GPX genes which are the glutathione enzyme genes that detox chemicals, liposomal glutathione would be helpful for you.

Vit D link:


"During an immune response, CD4+ T cells are activated and proliferate, and their metabolism adjusts to fulfill increased bioenergetic and biosynthetic demands. For example, activated effector CD4+ T cells are highly glycolytic and use aerobic glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) for proliferation"
Niacin: NAD+ --> NADH
ADP + PO4 <--> ATP + H2O
Immune response --> increased pyruvate, decreased NAD+, decreased Phosphate

Pathogens Hijack Host Cell Metabolism: Intracellular Infection as a Driver of the Warburg Effect in Cancer and Other Chronic Inflammatory Conditions (https://ij.hapres.com/UpLoad/PdfFile/IJ_1341.pdf)


Chronic mild stress induces anhedonic behavior and changes in glutamate release, BDNF trafficking and dendrite morphology only in stress vulnerable rats. The rapid restorative action of ketamine (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6535630/)

Decreases in peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptors in postmortem brains of chronic schizophrenics (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF01294737)

Peripheral?type benzodiazepine receptors in anxiety disorders (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1600-0447.1991.tb03190.x)


Cellular stress-sensing kinase Target Of Rapamycin Complex 1 (TORC1)


Long standing low grade (oral) mucosal inflammation/activation.
Sometimes I can wake up with a well-developed layer of mucus in oral cavity. Thickness will be decreased withing a few minutes. Consuming food while layer is intact will give no contact sensitivity, friction or irritation. Consuming food while layer is diminished will induce symptoms. Not eating will still give a sense of low grade activation (has to do with wake and sleep state, as soon as I wake up subtle activation creeps in). Stress will induce or increase sense of activity in mucosal layer and makes me more reactive to food upon contact.

Intestinal B cell-activating factor: an indicator of non-IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions to food? (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-2036.2010.04314.x)
Food Intolerance of Unknown Origin: Caused by Mucosal Inflammation? A Pilot Study (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7889373/)
Intestinal Epithelial Barrier Dysfunction in Food Hypersensitivity (https://downloads.hindawi.com/archive/2012/596081.pdf)
Food intolerance and mucosal inflammation (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ped.12546)


Intestinal B cell?activating factor: an indicator of non?IgE?mediated hypersensitivity reactions to food? (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-2036.2010.04314.x)


Hyperexpression of CD40 ligand by B and T cells in human lupus and its role in pathogenic autoantibody production (https://www.jci.org/articles/view/118643)

Androgen-Mediated Anti-inflammatory Cellular Processes as Therapeutic Targets in Lupus (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7324484/)

Stress-->CRHR on B-cells-->mucosa?

Immunophenotypical Characterization of a Brazilian POIS (Post-Orgasmic Illness Syndrome) Patient: Adding More Pieces to Puzzle (https://sci-hub.se/10.1080/0092623x.2019.1677835)
"The majority of these cells are expressing CD38+, which suggests that the activation in this patient is more likely to happen via the CD38 molecule and there is no clinical explanation to that finding"


Seminal CD38 is a pivotal regulator for fetomaternal tolerance (https://www.pnas.org/content/112/5/1559.short)


Neurological and spinal manifestations of the Ehlers–Danlos syndromes (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ajmg.c.31549)

platelet storage pool deficiency:

Abnormal circulation head/body, something I dealt with (CSF as well?):
ME/CFS at the Intersection of the Nervous & Immune Systems (Lecture) - Michael VanElzakker, PhD (https://youtu.be/rIUccEITT6E?t=1369)


Stress, mTOR, ER proteins-->danger signal
Cell-Based Blood Biomarkers for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/21/3/1142/htm)


More Igg4 stuff:
LGALS3 inhibits B-cells differentiating into immunoglobulin secreting plasma cells.
High Expression of Galectin-3 in Patients with IgG4-Related Disease: A Proteomic Approach (https://downloads.hindawi.com/archive/2017/9312142.pdf)
Autoantibodies to autoantigens:
The front line of research into immunoglobin G4-related disease - Do autoantibodies cause immunoglobin G4-related disease? (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14397595.2018.1558519)

Biomarkers in IgG4-related disease: A systematic review (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0049017219303294)


POIS & Connective tissue
Early march 2021: There is emphasis on tissue that sits close to bone. Release of a drop of seminal fluid activates surrounding tendons/connective tissue rapidly. Mechanical stress does something similar as well as heat. Connective tissue: A body-wide signaling network? (https://sci-hub.se/https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306987706000132)
Interactions between Mast Cells, Fibroblasts and Connective Tissue Components (https://sci-hub.se/https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/233760)
Chondroitin sulphate inhibits connective tissue mast cells (https://bpspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1038/sj.bjp.0703672)
Sympathetic dominance ---> reduced connective tissue blood flow?


Furthermore, an increase in anti-flagellin antibodies has been observed in PI-IBS patients:
Microbiome, antibiotics and irritable bowel syndrome (https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/61d9/4c718451e01ed64621e6ad99f3e31805310c.pdf)
Some have suggested that this is indicative of an exaggerated immune host-microbial response due to underlying increased epithelial permeability.35 Supporting this concept is the finding of increased pro-inflammatory cytokines, including interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8 and tumour necrosis factoralpha in IBS patients.


I have been using lidocaine spray already for half year. It helps me a lot. It reduce all my symptoms for 95%. I just  feel sleepy next day a bit. I spray it to penis head 30 minutes before sexual activity. There is just one problem.If you had some night dream, tiny amount of liquid (which seems like cum) may appear. And i think it does not influence me. Anybody tried it?
When injected near nerves, the nerves cannot conduct signals to or from the brain. Lidocaine alters signal conduction in neurons by prolonging the inactivation of the fast voltage-gated Na+ channels in the neuronal cell membrane responsible for action potential propagation


Had repeatedly inflammatory flares at a few locations. Especially muscles at left shoulder blade area and in ~2019/2020 focus at lower back right next to spine. Those muscle don't feel smooth when moving and make sound, they feel harder as in some sort of stiffness.
FIBROTIC DISEASE AND THE TH1/TH2 PARADIGM (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2702150/)
Tissue at the groin areas never recovered since age 19. They are quickly overloaded when applying force/pressure. They also start to feel hard the more I move, as in walking. You can feel friction-->more friction-->loss of firmness/less functional.  That tissue gets affected quickly by POIS, as well as heat. It leads to fatigue when I keep walking around with these symptoms.


Is postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) a central nervous system disorder? (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00415-021-10502-z)

IDO: a double-edged sword for TH1/TH2 regulation (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2628165/)

Brainstem, limbic system:
The emerging spectrum of COVID-19 neurology: clinical, radiological and laboratory findings (https://academic.oup.com/brain/article/143/10/3104/5868408)


Poiscenter member Fox improved by gluten free diet. He feels there is sympathetic activation upon standing. The two could be linked.




Keto POISers skip glycolysis: https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=3551.msg38867#msg38867


Among the varied consequences of increased CD38 expression, the implications of a substantial decline in NAD+ levels on the inflammatory response and the outcome on the course of infection offer an open area for exploration. Different studies have indeed generated discrepancies in regard to the effects of NAD+ depletion on inflammatory pathways. For example, a decrease in intracellular NAD+ through different mechanisms correlated with activation of the inflammasome in murine macrophages and the administration of exogenous NAD+ counteracted these effects.

Immunophenotypical Characterization of a Brazilian POIS (Post-Orgasmic Illness Syndrome) Patient: Adding More Pieces to Puzzle (https://sci-hub.se/10.1080/0092623x.2019.1677835)
"The majority of these cells are expressing CD38+, which suggests that the activation in this patient is more likely to happen via the CD38 molecule and there is no clinical explanation to that finding"

His monocytes could have trouble responding properly to bacterial infection:
Low Cellular NAD+ Compromises Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammatory Responses via Inhibiting TLR4 Signal Transduction in Human Monocytes (https://www.jimmunol.org/content/203/6/1598.abstract)

CD38 and ANS:
?-NAD and CD38 provide a novel mechanism of autonomic nervous system control of vascular and visceral smooth muscle (https://www.autonomicneuroscience.com/article/S1566-0702(07)00210-X/abstract)

Novel localization of CD38 in perivascular sympathetic nerve terminals (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306452206001357)






ref (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6412771/)


Na =nicotinic acid
NMN = Nicotinamide mononucleotide (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotinamide_mononucleotide)
NR = nicotinamide ribose (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotinamide_riboside)
NAM = nicotinamide
NAD = Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotinamide_adenine_dinucleotide) NAD exists in two forms: an oxidized and reduced form, abbreviated as NAD+ and NADH (H for hydrogen) respectively.
NADP+ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotinamide_adenine_dinucleotide_phosphate)
NADPH is the reduced form of NADP+

Revisiting B cell tolerance and autoantibodies in seropositive and seronegative autoimmune rheumatic disease (AIRD) (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cei.13542)




Endothelial inflammation

New Markers of Inflammation and Endothelial Cell Activation (https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/01.CIR.0000089190.95415.9F)

Diagnostic and prognostic blood biomarkers in vascular dementia: From the viewpoint of ischemic stroke (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0197018621000619)

Cerebral Small Vessel Disease: A Review Focusing on Pathophysiology, Biomarkers, and Machine Learning Strategies (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6186915/)

Small vessel disease

New Treatment Approaches to Modify the Course of Cerebral Small Vessel Diseases (https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/STROKEAHA.119.024150)

Pharmacological Treatment and Prevention of Cerebral Small Vessel Disease: A Review of Potential Interventions (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ijs.12466)

Response of Norepinephrine and Blood Pressure to Stress Increases With Age (https://academic.oup.com/geronj/article-abstract/33/4/482/577752)


High progesterone levels are associated with family history of premature coronary artery disease in young healthy adult men (https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0215302)

Progesterone: the forgotten hormone in men? (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13685530400004199)

Endogenous Progesterone and the Exogenous Progestin Norethisterone Enanthate Are Associated with a Proinflammatory Profile in Healthy Men (https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/90/12/6603/2837182?login=true)

Progesterone Triggers Selective Mast Cell Secretion of 5-Hydroxytryptamine (https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/235289)

Regulation of the immune response to Candida albicans monocytes and progesterone (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/000293789190712Z)

Demonstration of progesterone receptor mediated gonadotrophin suppression in men (https://www.endocrine-abstracts.org/ea/0003/ea0003oc37)

Progesterone Reduces Sympathetic Tone without Changing Blood Pressure or Fluid Balance in Men (https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/292636)

Serum ionized magnesium and calcium and sex hormones in healthy young men: importance of serum progesterone level (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028299003866)

NK Cells Expressing a Progesterone Receptor Are Susceptible to Progesterone-Induced Apoptosis (https://www.jimmunol.org/content/180/8/5746.short)

Progesterone: The neglected hormone in schizophrenia? A focus on progesterone-dopamine interactions (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306453016305893)

Estrogen and progesterone receptors in vessel walls: Biochemical and immunochemical assays (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3109/00016349309013341)

The Influence of Estrogen and Progesterone on Aldosterone Excretion (https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article-abstract/22/2/161/2716619)

Effect of progesterone on aldosterone secretion in rats  (https://academic.oup.com/endo/article/137/11/4773/2499041?login=true)


Adiponectin increases insulin-like growth factor I-induced progesterone and estradiol secretion in human granulosa cells (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028208038971)

Progesterone Level Predicts Serotonin-1A Receptor Binding in the Male Human Brain (https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/328432)

Progesterone and estrogens in rat brain: Modulation of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptor activity (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/001429998490205X)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 16, 2019, 04:29:15 PM
In male patients with cytochrome P450C17 (steroid 17a-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase; EC deficiency, the progesterone levels are clearly elevated.

It has 3 cofactors: NADH, NADPH, and Heme


Smoldering Inflammation in Cardio-Immune-Metabolic Disorders (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2021.651946/full)

Osteopontin produced by several immune cells, endothelial cells, and fibroblasts, is involved in cardiovascular diseases (Abdelaziz Mohamed et al., 2019; Vianello et al., 2020). Moschetta et al. reported that osteopontin is linked to pathological dysregulation of the arginine pathway in patients with coronary artery disease.

Relationship Between Plasma Osteopontin and Arginine Pathway Metabolites in Patients With Overt Coronary Artery Disease (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2020.00982/full)



Discussion one post back about tissue at groin area might just be an artery that gives problems.

Method for the treatment of CFS using an inhibitory or cytotoxic agent against plasma cells (https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/patent-method-for-the-treatment-of-cfs-using-an-inhibitory-or-cytotoxic-agent-against-plasma-cells-2021-fluge-mella.83692/)



fluoroquinolone class and hBD2 (member Bream)

I'm no longer going to reply on this thread as it's really long but yeah it's possibly some kind of pathogen that gets triggered by the fluoroquinolone class of antibiotics.

I'm still not recovered 3 years after the Ciprofloxacin, I've learnt to change my diet and that minimises my symptoms. I'm now very intolerant to strange things like sea salt and coffee so I have to be careful what I eat.

My Cipro issues are located in very specific areas of my body, like only one leg has some burning sensation, one ear has tinnitus, one hand has lost some of the fat padding. My working theory is maybe it's a systemic candida infection, I'm still looking for a cure.
Vitamin D, Testosterone, Epigenetics and Pain an Evolving Concept of Neurosignaling, Neuroplasticity and Homeostasis (https://www.scirp.org/html/9-1390447_84429.htm)

Vitamin D Deficiency Reduces Vascular Reactivity of Coronary Arterioles in Male Rats (https://www.mdpi.com/1467-3045/43/1/7)

Neuroendocrine control of male reproductive function. The opioid system as a model of control at multiple sites (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0022473189901556)

The role of vitamin D in autoimmune diseases: could sex make the difference?


Mast cells drive pathologic vascular lesions in Takayasu arteritis (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S009167492100734X)

Intestinal epithelial barrier function and tight junction proteins with heat and exercise (https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/japplphysiol.00536.2015)

Extracellular Vesicles

The role of exosome in autoimmune connective tissue disease (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07853890.2019.1592215)

Recent advances in Extracellular Vesicles and their involvements in vasculitis (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0891584921002793)

The emerging roles of exosomes in autoimmune diseases, with special emphasis on microRNAs in exosomes (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1043661821002644)

The Role of Extracellular Vesicles in the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Autoimmune Disorders (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.566299/full)

Abstract 14723: Autoreactive T Lymphocytes Activate Cardiac Endothelium Independently of Tnf-? and Cause Endothelial Dysfunction Through Exosomes in Experimental Autoimmune Myocarditis (https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1161/circ.142.suppl_3.14723)

Exosome-mediated inflammasome signaling after central nervous system injury (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jnc.13036)

Exosome in intestinal mucosal immunity  (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jgh.13413)



 Neurogenic orthostatic hypotension: roles of norepinephrine deficiency in its causes, its treatment, and future research directions (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1185/03007995.2015.1087988)

suggesting ‘denervation supersensitivity.’
 Pharmacologic distinction of different orthostatic hypotension syndromes (https://n.neurology.org/content/31/1/1.short)

Inherited arrhythmias: The cardiac channelopathies (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4608198/)

Interleukin-6 deficiency modulates testicular function by increasing the expression of suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) in mice (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-90872-6)

Am I the only person who has noticed that ACE (Angiotensin-converting enzyme) is implicated in both Covid and POTS? the coronavirus gains access to human cells by plugging its spike proteins into the ACE receptors. ACE receptors are particularly prevalent in the lungs. Well, POTS patients often have altered levels of ACE in their blood plasma. Do we also have higher or lower numbers of ACE receptors? I don't know, but it would seem like having more ACE receptors would make you more vulnerable to the virus and having less ACE receptors would make you less vulnerable to the virus.  I am surprised no one else has commented on this yet on Dinet.

Sigma receptors

Factors that increase Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) secretion (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zz7lLe7WxXk)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 16, 2019, 04:31:56 PM
MEDS/supplements that could be tested

Quercetin phytosome + bromelain + chondroitin sulfate
Nicotinamide riboside (Niagen)
Slow release nicotinamide
Ivabradine (cardiac, Purkinje cells, funny channels)
Larazotide acetate
L-glutamine high dose
Nimodipine (blood flow brain)
Oregano oil
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG)
Tryptophan/serotonin related supplements
Rifaximin (if + on SIBO)
CBD (highly purified)
Pure omega 3


Synergism between luteolin and sulforaphane in anti-inflammation (https://sci-hub.se/https://doi.org/10.1039/C8FO01352G)
Catechin and Caffeine (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2301.msg38757#msg38757)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 16, 2019, 04:35:19 PM
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Post by: Muon on December 16, 2019, 05:37:14 PM
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Post by: Muon on December 16, 2019, 05:49:39 PM
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Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 16, 2019, 06:00:32 PM
I was unable to modify my thread. It turned out I needed more space. Comments were deleted. Some buffer space was added and I'm putting the comments back below.

Hi Muon,
Thanks for all this information that you share.

It is not uncommon among POIS sufferers to have other associated illnesses like those you mention.  Dr Waldinger have noted, in particular, the high prevalence of premature ejaculation in POIS sufferers.

I would like to mention that skin prick test with own semen is no longer considered a diagnostic test for POIS.  Waldinger himself have abandoned this approach.  There is also the Chinese study where many control subjects ( with no POIS) have tested positive with the auto-semen prick test, which prove that it cannot be used to detect or diagnose POIS.  So, we are still waiting for a test that could diagnose POIS, which for now can only be "diagnosed" with the 5 criteria of Dr Waldinger, based on clinical manifestation.

Thanks again for taking the time to post your data, even if you are restricted in energy, and take good care of yourself.  I hope you'll find soon some relief and raise your level of energy and quality of life.

wow I never read this thread till today and was frozen while reading.  Moun's your symptom match mine.  Thank you for sharing these links.  Not to badger you, but the link you posted: Impairment of microcirculation of the facial nerves catches my attention, talks about: Endothelin, which has potent vasoconstrictive effects, may contribute to the pathogenesis of the microcirculatory impairment that occurs in patients with Bell palsy, mainly by promoting secondary ischemia.  I dont follow since we POISers have low BP and Endothelin constrict vessels raising BP.  During POIS, I get severe burning in my Palsy areas, as if nerves are trying to fire up but unable to.  When I take vasodilatory things (specially a med, gabapentin) that burning sensation stops but I dont know if vasodilatory is the key or its something else the key that helps.  But I know that POIS creates a burning sensation also across all distal peripherals, like ankles, wrists, exact symptoms of Raynaud syndrome.

95% of my symptoms is same. Thanks for posting test results, it help us a lot for resarchcing.

Thank you for this information, I will get my leukocytes tested so I have a record of inflammation. Let us know how your bone markers beta-CTx and osteocalcin look.

Update: File Muon 5-1 N-Methylhistamine 24h is new.
Mast Cell Activation markers have been tested. Urine has been collected during 24h post ejaculation.
More info about the labtest: https://www.immqas.org.uk/TestItem.asp?id=575

Results for the other 3 parameters below will be received next week:


I tested my interleukins and they looked normal. I believe a big part of my issues are "D-Lactic Acidosis" which can cause brain-fog and many other symptoms like burning sensations in limbs, perhaps you are suffering from the same issue.

I believe histamine intolerance and mast cell disorders are actually low DAO enzymes from gut dysbiosis. Try taking Bifidobacterium Infantis, it has fixed my histamine reaction.

I tested my interleukins and they looked normal.
Which ones?
I believe a big part of my issues are "D-Lactic Acidosis" which can cause brain-fog and many other symptoms like burning sensations in limbs, perhaps you are suffering from the same issue.
If you believe so, you could test for blood plasma D-lactate concentration.
I believe histamine intolerance and mast cell disorders are actually low DAO enzymes from gut dysbiosis.
The gut isn't the only source of DAO and DAO isn't the only enzyme that breaks down histamine. Mast cells could also be activated by different pathways due to gut dysbiosis like via Toll-like receptors. I already took these theories into account in the past and there is no way of proving it. I have tried DAO capsules and all kinds of probiotics strains which had 0 effect. There hasn't been a single medicine or supplement so far that had significant effect on my POIS symtoms. Aside from that, symptoms can disappear all by itself over time or reappear after a period of absence without taking medicine or supplements.
Try taking Bifidobacterium Infantis, it has fixed my histamine reaction.
What do you mean by histamine reaction?

I have uploaded heart rate and blood pressure measurements. You can find them over here (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+5-2+HR+and+BP+data.docx). This has been measured during the summer of 2013 when POTS, cardiovascular and autonomic function related symptoms where at their peak. A few times measurements have been repeated on multiple healthy (read non POTS) humans to rule out device related issues. The second page has some notes in Dutch which you can translate yourself, if not ask me.

Something else, I had painfully stiff muscles due to POIS a week ago. The higher part of the back, shoulders and part of the upper arms were affected, the weird thing was it kept getting stiffer and stiffer up to the point I could barely move my right arm, it was that painful (there was only pain present during movement, not in rest). Moving my arm/shoulder, was like the feeling of almost tearing some muscles. I slept one night with clothes on because undressing was too painful. Quite a weird event, I have never experienced this intensity of stiffness before.

I have uploaded the results of the prostaglandin D2 metabolites. It's file 5-3, click here (https://www.dropbox.com/s/d2bs22uh2e9nqxw/Muon%205-3%20PGD2%20metabolites%2024h.pdf?dl=0).

A certain area of my brain did react very aggressively (in terms of responsiveness and intensity) to release of any pre-ejaculate last week. If I have to make a guess it's somewhere around the hypothalamus area. My symptoms were, at the same time:

- A complete loss of appetite and hunger
- Low GI motility
- Poor digestion
- A complete loss of the sense of smell
- A complete loss of thirst
- Major disruption of breathing rithm (frequency cannot be maintained)
- Blood circulation issues
- Palpitations
- Multiple brief moments of activity around the Thyroid area
- My sex drive increased when I maintained an erection

I suspect POIS affects neuroendocrine cells. When looking at neuropeptides which controls food intake I see some interesting candidates: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothalamus#Control_of_food_intake

Like Leptin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leptin)
I think there might be some change in certain neurohormone levels/signaling or inflammation of neuroendocrine glands due to POIS.

Have you tried L-Arginine? I know it's bad for people with Herpes Simplex infections but it seems to help me with gut motility. I think it builds the gut mucosal lining, it is also involved in heart health and it boosts blood flow so it can cause erections.

Have you tried L-Arginine? I know it's bad for people with Herpes Simplex infections but it seems to help me with gut motility. I think it builds the gut mucosal lining, it is also involved in heart health and it boosts blood flow so it can cause erections.
I have tried L-Arganine or L-Citruline, can't remember which one it was. Anyway it did nothing. Took this because of NO theories.

Dumping some info here:

''IL-10 checks the inducible form of Cyclo-oxygenase, Cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2). Lack of IL-10 has been shown to cause COX activation and resultant Thromboxane receptor activation to cause vascular endothelial and cardiac dysfunctions in mice.''

Combine that with Nanna's theories about COX and my IL-10 Data (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2891.0). IL-10 seem to dip right after orgasm this could lead to COX activation. Timing of COX inhibitor intake seem to be crucial. IL-10 is anti-inflammatory and if IL-10 is the main inducer of COX activation then IL-10 upregulators could be used for therapy.

Tregs could be tested. Treg pool can be increased by testosterone and IL-2 therapy. IL-10 can be upregulated by testosterone as well.

Naltrexone, blocking TLR-4 (also mu-opoid), decreasing IL-8 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3109/10520295.2014.903299
Targeting TLR-9 for IL-8: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21968713

Ways to increase IL-10: https://selfhacked.com/blog/il-10/

Calorie restriction, which is beneficial to me, seem to decrease IL-8 and increase IL-10. IL-8 test has been taken in the morning, it could increase by meals (testing later on day?).
Wim Hof's, the Iceman, breathing meditation seem to be beneficial.

People complaining about high/low temperature sensitivity, pressure, friction. Sensory neuropathy?

My brain seems to react clearly to pois. Summer plays a role in this as well. I'm thinking about testing some obscure hormones. My GP was thinking about sending me to an endocrinologist but most docs are not taking POIS seriously.

I also tried to get some testing for osteoporosis done but this was being refused because of my age and normal bone markers. I'm getting these blackouts lately where i can't remember what i were doing. If this keeps going on in this manner i will be having full blast alzheimer/parkinson in 10-15 years.

is your "amnesia" like, you thought about doing something next but as you finish what you are currently doing you forget what you are suppose to do next.
Is it something different.
what do you mean by summer plays a role
Yes and I forget what I'm currently doing. These episodes happen more frequent during hot weather conditions and also hot weather seems to synergize with POIS as in POIS being more reactive.

Example 1: I want to go to the supermarket and prepare myself. Putting on my coat. Suddenly I stand in the hallway and forget what I'm doing and what I suppose to do next. At that moment I do not know why I am wearing a coat.

Example 2: I have no appetite and need to remind myself to make a meal. At the moment just before I'm getting up to make a meal I forget what I'm going to do next. I can't remember. So I skip the meal.

I also got breathing rithm problems, so perhaps this is due to a lack of oxygen. I can feel that blood flow to the brain isn't optimal anyways.

Yesterday I ejaculated a large amount of sperm. POIS symptoms did build up very slowly, almost unnoticable. 5 hours later it accelerated. I became feverish and nauseous, I almost threw up. Just before this acceleration I ate my evening meal. It's weird because these were not my typical POIS symptoms. I'm thinking about getting a test for a complete blood count and time it exactly when it accelerates.

Today I ate some watermelon. It induced a runny nose immediately after ingestion followed up by a wave of fatigue and did not feel well. I could feel parts of tissue inside my body react where the juices made contact. I suspect it's the same mechanism as POIS.

- A complete loss of appetite and hunger
- Low GI motility
- Poor digestion
- A complete loss of the sense of smell
- A complete loss of thirst
- Major disruption of breathing rithm (frequency cannot be maintained)
- Blood circulation issues
- Palpitations
- Multiple brief moments of activity around the Thyroid area
- My sex drive increased when I maintained an erection

Intresting, i am trying resarching again connection on histamine intolerance, 80% of this symptomes fit in histamine sensitivity, histamine
Is it posible that , during arousing (ejaculation specialy) trigger in us a storm of
histamine,on  wich we are hipersensitive?

Symptomes match
Linked to orgasm
Can be linked to microbiota
Can be linked to hormones, stress, exercice...

No blood test showed high hista levels
Some guys improved with anti-hitamine (benadryl, loratadine) but few
WAldinger said no
Timing is not good : it appears after some minutes BUT it mostly disappears quickly, in several hours
No/few Poisers seems sensible to histamine food release : cheese red wine, seafood...
Alcohol decrease Diamine oxidase activity and then alcohol may increase Pois symptoms but it doesn't.

Diamine oxidase is the key hormone.
Histamine is elimintaed by Diamine oxidase but if its levels is low, too much histamine can be present in blood, causing symptoms after a trigger.

I fully agree b_jim.

Well it is not that simple,
histamine intolerance fit nicely
in pois symptomes(only 1%) the same like chronic lyme.

Not even chr- lyme or hist- intolerance are not recognized by  medicine.

But when you resarch POIS
symptomes -neuro, CFG, ME,
POTS... you will always find there lyme disiese, try it :) .
From mayo clinic to...

Appropriate methylation is also essential for proper histamine catabolism. Histamine N-methyltransferase (HNMT) is an enzyme required for breakdown of histamine in the intracellular pathway.
(people cured pois with this)

This alsou afeect pois:
Histamine, in its role as a neurotransmitter, works to control the sleep-wake cycle. It may decrease GABA levels and increase norepinephrine and epinephrine levels. Histamine may cause increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier. It also significantly influences neuroendocrine control including behavioral state, biological rhythms, energy metabolism, thermoregulation, fluid balance, stress, and reproduction. Elevated histamine may affect thyroid function. Histamine may play a role in neurocognitive function as well. (Haas, 2008)

Read few treeds here and you will see that is not that simple.
DAO, MAO, diet, non diet...stress,
infections, genetics...






chronic headache
flushing, especially of the head and chest
irritable bowel syndrome or IBS
congested, runny, or itchy nose
red, itchy, or watery eyes
shortness of breath
hives or red, raised, itchy, burning bumps
very itchy skin
unexplained anxiety
stomach cramps or pain
chronic constipation
nausea and vomiting
gas or bloating
unexplained exhaustion
very dry, patchy, or scaly skin (eczema)
irregular or increased heart rate

What if mast cells are infected? It could mimmick a mast cell activation disorder by a change in their function.
Mast Cells and Natural Killer Cells?A Potentially Critical Interaction (https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/11/6/514/htm)

Now virus-infected mast cells seem to release IL-8. This is upregulated in my case as well.
They recruit NK cells via IL-8. This could be drawn from the peripheral blood lowering their numbers. My NK cells are low as well.
IFN-gamma seems to increase by this infection which is also elevated in my case.

I wonder whether gastrointestinal candida colonisation promotes sensitisation against components of human sperm. Could it depend on the location of colonization? Perhaps at the part where Vitamin D is absorbed, since low vit D numbers can be low in poisers.
Gastrointestinal Candida colonisation promotes sensitisation against food antigens by affecting the mucosal barrier in mice. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16423887)

The wax and wane behaviour of my symptoms is strange. POIS switches emphasis on symptoms. Periods with higher intensity of symptom A which can fade in intensity after a while and emphasis switches to other symptoms/body locations. Smoldering behaviour.

Another thing is when in POIS I can feel something flowing/crawling very slowly in my lower legs (if I am interpreting this correctly). The speed is in the order of ~mm/sec, it's close to the surface of the skin.

Muon before desensitization did you make Cytokines test?

Muon before desensitization did you make Cytokines test?

This is a very interesting paper. I was looking at the sensitivity difference between urinary vs serum light chain testing and stumbled upon this paper:

Polyclonal free light chains: a biomarker of inflammatory disease or treatment target? (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3564472/)

So for eosinophil activity I can use ECP and for B cell activity I can use free light chains. Even when there are (auto-)antibodies involved why hunting for them when you can measure their breakdown products? FLCs can be deposited in organs. IL-8 appears to be involved as well.

I asked this question Muon because there is a chance you developed your immune response after desensitization.
I think whoever did not undergo desensitization should do these tests.

Higher environmental temperature upregulates Leptin. Also duration of exposure to a higher temperature will lead to increased leptin. Duration of exposure to higher or lower temperatures has a significant effect on my health. Feels like higher temperature induces low grade inflammation and the length of exposure will amplify this. My earlier thoughts were that temperature effects had something to do with mast cell activation, endothelial dysfunction, sensory nerves or dysautonomia. I can add upregulation of leptin to that list of possibilities. Digestion is also improved during winter compared to summer time, leptin could play a role in this.


''Leptin promotes T cell activation and shifts the T-cell cytokine production towards a Th1 response''

''recent reports have indicated an ability of leptin to negatively influence the proliferation of naturally occurring human CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ regulatory T cells''

Leptin and Inflammation (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2829991/#S7title)

It seems I'm getting bubbly urine after a period of symptoms including and especially muscle stifness. These bubbles seem quite large like 1 cm in diameter on average, I wouldn't classify this as foam. I'm certain this isn't caused by the high velocity of the urine stream.

Something else came to mind was the candida albicans LTT testing. What if there is a hightened permeability of the intestinal barrier somewhere. The species which are already present may able to come into contact with the immune system. There could be a specific immune response where memory T cells against candida are produced. But what if these are not specific at all? What if a molecule from the seminal fluid fits onto the same receptor as candida albicans? These memory T cells might be activated by release of seminal fluid, while they are created to suppress C. Albicans in the first place. I'm not talking about infection or colonization.

Candida Albicans LTT (https://www.dropbox.com/s/oovb5fk9hzlpnkz/Muon%204-2%20LTT%20Candida%20Albicans%2014-08-2015.pdf?dl=0)

I got testicle pain at the moment. It's like they are being squeezed.

Yes my testicles also hurt when in POIS. Most of the time the left one. My urine is darker and smells very bad. I got my urine tested twice at my family doctor, but there was nothing to see.

Yes indeed it's the left one most of the time. It's smoldering with a wax and wane behaviour. Also the pressure at the lower part of the spinal cord leading to weakness in my legs impairs my daily living big time...I can't even do the dishes at the moment. Standing on weak legs is so exhausting.

I had this in the past that this pressure continued to buid up. At a certain treshold the pressure drops completely and a leg jolt happens at the same time. It's like lightning shooting through my leg. I get only one shock through my leg and only one leg is involved. The pressure build up takes tens of minutes. Sometimes I could prevent this build up by moving around. POIS triggers this behaviour.

A moment of arousal today has put me in a tense state for almost a whole day, especially in my limbs. I suspect this is a vasospasm, it's tightened up. Legs are weaker as well which I think stems from decreased blood supply. I think there isn't sufficient blood being supplied to muscles causing exercise intolerance. The ANS might be responding abnormally to arousal or release of pre-ejaculate. My brain felt tense as well.

Pressure in my back is getting worse. As soon as I stand up my legs are getting weaker and keep getting worse with prolonged standing. It's exhausting. I get relief by bending forward or laying down. POIS is also a trigger for this pressure in my lower spine. Lumbar spinal stenosis? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumbar_spinal_stenosis

A moment of arousal today has put me in a tense state for almost a whole day, especially in my limbs. I suspect this is a vasospasm, it's tightened up. Legs are weaker as well which I think stems from decreased blood supply. I think there isn't sufficient blood being supplied to muscles causing exercise intolerance. The ANS might be responding abnormally to arousal or release of pre-ejaculate. My brain felt tense as well.

Pressure in my back is getting worse. As soon as I stand up my legs are getting weaker and keep getting worse with prolonged standing. It's exhausting. I get relief by bending forward or laying down. POIS is also a trigger for this pressure in my lower spine. Lumbar spinal stenosis? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumbar_spinal_stenosis

Blood flow issues should be treatable with L-Arginine, it is a vasodilator.

Problems right now is extremely tense muscles, rigidity of joints my shoulders are completely
****** up , my right eye like vision is reduced 50% and hypersexuality. Hypersexuality is excruciating i cannot focus. When i get aroused my muscles tense up...

Language, please

and hypersexuality. Hypersexuality is excruciating i cannot focus. When i get aroused my muscles tense up...

I'm using Metoprolol succinate Ret T 50 mg (slow releasing) for the last 8 days for cardiac issues and it seems to neutralize the hypersexuality spikes. I already knew this from the one time I used the 25 mg tartrate once but I found that form too intense. It also reverses the weakness in the legs a bit, It feels like more blood is flowing through my legs, knee joints feel better and I feel that my feet get more resistance against the ongoing fungal creep. It also does something to my brain, I get the impression that my brain is locked into a different state. My GP proposed to up the dose to 75 mg because it doesn't have a constant effect to leg weakness, it seems to come in waves/bursts.

Alot of beta blockers lower testosteron

Testosteron is needef for tissue repair

Summer has come to an end and it's getting colder. I just took a walk outside when it was cold and felt so much better. The effect is insane. I have my central heating turned off and feeling better when night falls inside my apartment as well.

- Increased muscle strength, especially in lower limbs. I can stand on my legs without much problem (major difference compared to summer).
- Increased stability of heart rate
- Less intense POIS symptoms in general
- Faster recovery period of POIS symptoms
- Less brain fog
- Better metabolism/digestion
- Decreased food sensitivities
- Less joint pain (knees and spine)

Did some googling and found this: Immune Responses to Exercising in a Cold Environment (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1080603211002018)

''Even brief exposure to cold leads to increased levels of norepinephrine and cortisol, lymphocytosis, decreased lymphoproliferative responses, decreased levels of TH1 cytokines and salivary IgA, and increased lactate levels during exercise.''

Perhaps I should move to a country with an (sub)arctic climate.


It's the same with me , the heat is "killer" for me.
But ... when winter is tough, I can't handle it the same,
due to muscle stiffness, asthma like symptomes, MG symptomes, lower immunity etc ...
Pois in winter make my extremities very cold, poor circulation.
In summer,it is the opposite ,
i get POTS.. dubled fatigue, hard heart pumping,
and many other symptomes.

If really it helps you, I recommand derivative bath.
I tried it without real effect on my Pois but why not.

The idea is to cold the center of body which is the center of body (pubis, Perineum) temp regulation (if we except hypothalamus) to generate "positive effects" (like less inflammation).

The old method was to wash and make a massage of theses areas with cold water ("fresh water" not too cold).

The modern method is to put an "ice pack" to cool the Perineum area.

Human epithelial cells trigger dendritic cell-mediated allergic inflammation by producing TSLP (https://www.nature.com/articles/ni805)

''TSLP-activated DCs primed naive TH cells to produce the proallergic cytokines interleukin 4 (IL-4), IL-5, IL-13 and tumor necrosis factor-α, while down-regulating IL-10 and interferon-γ.''

Thymic stromal lymphopoietin: master switch for allergic inflammation (http://jem.rupress.org/content/jem/203/2/269.full.pdf)


The B-cell side of Allergy and Chronic Inflammatory Disease: Studies on the source of IgE and IgG4 (https://repub.eur.nl/pub/111750/)

Click on Free full text at the right side of the page. See chapter 6.

''Concluding, our data provides evidence for long lasting effects of sublingual immunotherapy on the memory compartment of the immune system. Increased numbers of regulatory T-cells lead to a higher frequency of IgG4+ memory B-cells and a beneficial shift in the IgG4+/IgE+ memory B-cell ratio, reflecting the increased IgG4/IgE antibody fraction in serum, which results in a favorable outcome.''

So the SCIT might have increased my IgG4 levels (my brother did not receive any immunotherapy). These levels may indicate that there was an increase in Tregs. We could be dealing with low Treg numbers here. They are also mentioning that Treg numbers at mucosal surfaces especially might be altered. I personally got problems with food reactions at mucosal surfaces. So Treg numbers in POIS patients is something that can be investigated especially at mucosal surfaces.

Sometimes when I wake up my oral mucosal layer can be thick, smooth and developed. As soon as I wake up my mouth gets dry. I first thought it had to do with posturing up or physical activity and didn't bother with it. After that I had a few moments where my oral mucosal layer was thick again and this time I stayed in bed a little longer when I woke up. My mouth still dried up.

It has to do with the wake state. I noticed that my brain switches to a slightly tense state when waking up, my interpretation is that it's in an overactive state. Also low environmental temperatures + a good night of sleep increases the chance of me waking up with a non-dry mouth.

Yes I have this too. When my sleep is bad I wake up with a dry mouth. And I also have a lot of dental plaque. I have this when in POIs. But the latest months also out of PoIS.

This is mostly a case of Mouth breathing.  Both you and vandemolen must be breathing through your mouth due to a obstruction happening in your nose while sleeping.

Testicle pain in my left testicle woke me up in the middle of the night. Plus I had problems getting my breathing frequency constant (this is not hyperventilation, it's closer to hypoventilation). I also had the feeling some circulatory system was sluggish. I often get the impression there is a lower volume of blood available or that the body has trouble distributing it properly.

Sometimes I can feel the liver flaring up when these type of symptoms show up. I think the liver gets less blood volume per unit time. Antoher example is when I eat a meal I can have the feeling some circulation slowing down and start to get problems with my breathing frequency. What I think happens is that the stomach at that moment draws more blood towards itself for digestion and it draws it from places where it's needed.

Something different; The tightness or squeezing feeling during POIS that last for hours to days. My wild guess is that this is vasoconstriction (smooth muscle contraction?). Autonomic signaling? Endothelial problems? Or slow reacting substances of anaphylaxis(SRS-A) that play a role in hypersensitivity reactions but minus the anaphylaxis part?     

Have you experimented with individual B vitamins? I've read that B1 (Thiamine) can affect breathing at night.

I've tried a B complex and had a bad reaction. I am looking at individual B vitamins now.

Have you experimented with individual B vitamins? I've read that B1 (Thiamine) can affect breathing at night.
I've tried a B complex and had a bad reaction. I am looking at individual B vitamins now.
Yep same here vitamine B complex gives me a bad reaction as well, tested this multiple times. I haven't tried testing them separately for long periods. I'm trying some niacin again but lower dose 100 mg (non flushing dose). The first few tries had some minor positive effect on circulation (against the feeling of circulatory stagnation). But it isn't long lasting and is only noticeable when this symptom intensity is low, it doesn't do anything for my pois.

I have tried some CBD oil of 10% not pharma quality as purity goes, just from the store. My initial impression is that it suppresses my POIS to some extent now and then (the stuff isn't distributed evenly in the jar as far as density goes) but quit using it because I had some bad reactions to it, like suddenly feeling susceptible to infection and inducing intense sore throat. It works actually better outside POIS against inflammatory flares. I will need higher dose, higher purity, higher frequency intake per day and a longer period of intake in combination with POIS to conclude this actually works.

Bad posture gives me autonomic instability. I'm starting to leak some drops of fluid (urine/prostate fluid?) when I'm in an inclined positions (semi supine) which is a new symptom. Quick transition from supine to upright gives me a sudden urge to urinate lately, which is an old symptom. It feels like the upright position activates the SNS, there is also some pressure in the lower part of the spine especially when standing still.

Got stress from sitting still. This led to a light burning sensation below the surface of my skin around the upper body. Most noticable in my arms especially forearms. Also had problems of forgetting to breath. Zero sense of thirst and appetite. Need to remind myself to drink. Impaired sense of smell. Increased frequency of urination and some spills of droplets from my urinary tract. Can't get warm when I'm cold. Nasal drip and runny noses from stress. Avoiding triggers especially stress is an impossible balancing act before you know it you are slowly sliding into a downward spiral.

The day before there was a sudden focal activity at a spot around the centre of my brain. Shortly after that my body started to get hot. It wasn't fever, I wasn't glowing or sweating.

I think POIS is majorly a limbic system dysfunction leading to imbalance in the HPA axis leading to the abnormal immune activity.
I think this is as close towards understanding POIS as I will ever get.

You’ve certainly given it much extensive thought

It never occurred to me to test IL-8 in seminal plasma. Perhaps the serum level is an indication of elevated sIL-8. Very interesting and information dense paper. There is even a link with premature ejaculation. I haven't read all of it yet, will comment later.

Interleukin 8 and the male genital tract (https://sci-hub.se/https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165037813000466)

''Of importance, in both murine and human systems, b2-AR agonists inhibit IFN-g production by Th1 cells, but do not affect IL-4 production by Th2 cells.'' page 616

The Sympathetic Nerve - An Integrative Interface between Two Supersystems: The Brain and the Immune System (https://sci-hub.se/http://pharmrev.aspetjournals.org/content/52/4/595)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Simon66 on December 18, 2019, 03:38:11 PM
Did the doctors say anything about your very high CMV and VZV titres? Did you try to treat it or retest it?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 18, 2019, 06:37:34 PM
Did the doctors say anything about your very high CMV and VZV titres?
No. The VZV memory antibodies are literally off the chart btw.

Did you try to treat it
Not sure what to do. I did get treated 15 years ago with, I believe it was, acyclovir and prednisone for 14 days.

or retest it?

I have updated the family member section of this thread especially the part of my Aunt. Be prepared for an absolute shitstorm.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Simon66 on December 18, 2019, 07:15:35 PM
I found a research article of someone that took the same dangerous antibiotic as I did (Ciprofloxacin). This guy had some flu-like symptoms but quickly deteriorated and died of multiorgan failure after the hospital gave him the antibiotic. In the autopsy, they discovered that most of his failed organs contained Herpes Simplex Type 1 and I think the antibiotic caused the virus to spread.


I would not be surprised if this is what causes the symptoms all over the body. A lot of the symptoms you've described in this thread, I developed after taking the antibiotic, it really feels to me like there is some kind of pathogen that has gotten into my organs.

L-Lysine seems to help when my symptoms get bad which is another indication that my issues are viral.

Do you think this might be the cause of your issues?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 21, 2019, 10:52:57 AM
Do you think this might be the cause of your issues?
I have no idea Simon. I'm triggering activity in my body by certain triggers, also in a slow smoldering and lingering way. You could make a case for viral reactivation but I'm leaning more towards mast cell activation. I'm not jumping on any potential cause for the full 100% though. 
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Simon66 on January 10, 2020, 11:44:08 AM
Do you get acne or other skin infections?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 13, 2020, 05:22:49 PM
Do you get acne or other skin infections?
On my shoulders and back there is something that resembles acne but dermatologists are not 100% sure it's acne. It's seems to show up together with symptoms. They say it might come from overactive sebaceous glands.

Only a few innocent fungal skin infections, but these were developing really slowly and were easily countered.

Oh a few post back I talked about smoldering and lingering activty. I recently contracted the flu from my dad and this behaviour was more intense than usual especially at the onset of the flu.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Simon66 on January 21, 2020, 10:28:16 AM
Have you tested your prolactin levels soon after an O? These links might interest you:


I am currently using some vitamin B6 to see if makes any difference to my symptoms. As you know, my Prolactin came back high in August 2019.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 21, 2020, 02:48:21 PM
No. The only hormones that have been measured are thyroid hormones. Somehow nobody took the effort testing for other hormones.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Simon66 on January 22, 2020, 02:16:37 PM
No. The only hormones that have been measured are thyroid hormones. Somehow nobody took the effort testing for other hormones.

I guess if you are going to get Prolactin checked, make sure it's after an O.

I actually did one of those home finger prick tests that I mailed to the laboratory, they're not too expensive. My high prolactin level was tested about 10 hours after an O so maybe this is something other people on this forum might want to check.

I tended to find that my sex drive would go away for about a week after an O so I guess that's how long it takes for my prolactin to drop down to normal levels. I haven't actually checked my prolactin 1 week after an O though so this is speculation.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 27, 2020, 05:10:25 PM
Strange I had an orgasm with almost zero POIS symptoms. A small area close to the center of the brain stabilized within a few minutes (rough estimate, could be a bit longer) after orgasm. I thought there was no problem in that area at that specific moment until the quick transition to a more 'normal' like state happened, the 'normal' state feels less active, much calmer. My libido also made a big change during the last 1.5 months from high to low and POIS symptoms have slightly improved, probably due to prolonged cold weather conditions.

Edit: forgot to mention that my body as a whole was relaxed, other symptoms were barely present and it was past midnight.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 05, 2020, 11:06:21 AM
Strange I had an orgasm with almost zero POIS symptoms.


I did nothing to cause this unlike the claim from the guy in the video, but it was quite cold in my room at moment of orgasm (I wasn't cold) which benefits my POIS. My POIS symptoms seem to be trending in the right direction at the moment but very slowly, in a creeping manner, let's hope it continues that way for the next upcoming years. In MCAD symptoms come and go, it can take years to decades.

Avoidance of triggers might make mast cells less triggery, as in lowering its threshold. Receptor density might diminish in abstence of a trigger. He might have avoided a different trigger not mentioned in the video like alcohol. His POIS might have resolved spontaneously aside from avoiding triggers (which happens to other symptoms I got so I'm not surprised by this).
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 10, 2020, 09:23:19 PM
This paper proposes the following diagnostic criteria for MCAS, table 2:

Often seen, rarely recognized: mast cell activation disease - a guide to diagnosis and therapeutic options (https://sci-hub.tw/https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3109/07853890.2016.1161231)

1) Major criteria 1 + Major critera 2

Or 2) Major criteria 2 + at least one minor criterion

Diagnosis could already be made in my case. Major criteria 2 + minor criterion 4 (11-b-PGF2a)
I'm not getting one step further without some help of doctors. I get the impression that my lower part of the spine is deteriorating by low grade inflammation. These are smoldering fires which lingers around and can turn into more intense inflammation by triggers which can lead to flares in other parts of the body.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Simon66 on March 21, 2020, 08:18:35 PM
Does orgasm intensity have an impact on your symptoms? I found that Now L-Lysine powder at 2000mg per day for a few days leads to a very strong orgasm intensity.

I found another person's stack as follows:

3 Grams L-Arginine
4 Grams L-Lysine
14.4 Grams Lecithin
25 mg Zinc
Multi Vitamin Pack

This combo works great for me. The only drawback is when I dump my load that’s it. My orgasm is so intense and voluminous I am expended and don’t want to go round two.

Source : https://www.thundersplace.org/male-supplements/l-arginine.v3.html

Here's a different link with a very similar protocol:

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 03, 2020, 04:23:55 PM
I've uploaded a collection of labtest all done at one lab.

Click here (https://www.dropbox.com/s/ixztclc9fb43fe4/Muon%206-1%20Medlon.pdf?dl=0)


Pages are in chronological order.
The glucose accuchecks were done during the lactose hydrogen breath test.
The elevated ALAT 159 test from 2014 was done the day after I had a flare of intense pain in the liver area.
Helicobacter was negative
Catecholamines: I believe it was norepinephrine measured in a supine position, normal.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on May 21, 2020, 02:53:20 PM
Standing an sitting puts pressure on my lower spine resulting in weakness of upper legs and gives me stress which triggers symptoms in other parts of the body. I can't function due to this symptom. My spine triggered too frequently last year which increased its reactivity. POIS/arousal and stress affect that same area paving the way for increased sensitivty to spinal pressure. Joints in spine feel stiff and it feels like something is stuck in lower back.

I get relieve by laying down, bending forward, pulling legs towards my chest or doing a spinal decrompression exercise but relieve is only for a few minutes. Also starting to get problems with pressure on neck joints which can result in a headache in centre of brain.

Synovial Mast Cells: Role in Acute and Chronic Arthritis (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17498049/)
Pressure--->Synovial mast cell activation--->joint inflammation?

My doctor doesn't even take a serious look at this while it affects me 24/7 every day in a major way. I'm so angry and frustrated.

Also had a brief moment of arousal which brought my brain into a different state. It took hours before it returned to the state prior to arousal. Something in my brain didn't stabilize.

The spinal problems are worse than POIS at this point in time.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Journey on May 22, 2020, 02:59:56 AM
Standing an sitting puts pressure on my lower spine resulting in weakness of upper legs and gives me stress which triggers symptoms in other parts of the body. I can't function due to this symptom. My spine triggered too frequently last year which increased its reactivity. POIS/arousal and stress affect that same area paving the way for increased sensitivty to spinal pressure. Joints in spine feel stiff and it feels like something is stuck in lower back.

I get relieve by laying down, bending forward, pulling legs towards my chest or doing a spinal decrompression exercise but relieve is only for a few minutes. Also starting to get problems with pressure on neck joints which can result in a headache in centre of brain.

Synovial Mast Cells: Role in Acute and Chronic Arthritis (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17498049/)
Pressure--->Synovial mast cell activation--->joint inflammation?

My doctor doesn't even take a serious look at this while it affects me 24/7 every day in a major way. I'm so angry and frustrated.

Also had a brief moment of arousal which brought my brain into a different state. It took hours before it returned to the state prior to arousal. Something in my brain didn't stabilize.

The spinal problems are worse than POIS at this point in time.

I get a bit of "stuck feeling" and tightness in lower back too when stressed.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Clues on May 22, 2020, 06:54:07 AM
I get a bit of "stuck feeling" and tightness in lower back too when stressed.

Yep me too. I think it correlates with some of my cognitive symptoms as well. E.g.: If I play a hectic videogame for a couple of hours, my lower back (probably psoas), hamstrings and glutes are all tight and aching, and my articulation and OCD get a bit worse.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on May 23, 2020, 08:31:03 AM
A potential candidate responsible for my elevated IgG4:

Nerve growth factor specifically induces human IgG4 production (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/eji.1830210121)

Nerve growth factor: a neuroimmune crosstalk mediator for all seasons (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/imm.12717)

IL-13 and NGF are now on my radar for selective increase in IgG4.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on June 07, 2020, 08:37:36 AM
Sodium, POTS, Beta1-blockers: RAS involvement?

It regulates sodium retention, vasoconstriction and blood pressure. Renin can be produced through activation of β1 adrenergic receptors.

Mast cells can affect that system as well. Mediators: Renin, Chymase, ACE2.




Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on June 17, 2020, 06:37:02 AM
My grandma did feel better in general and recovered to some extent after they injected something in her throat via the oral way. The substance is unknown. A friend of her recommended to go to that doctor because he helped that friend with getting fertile again. So the oral cavity was being skipped, the question is what was the substance involved? Was it a hormone?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on June 20, 2020, 04:37:11 AM
A potential candidate responsible for my elevated IgG4:

Nerve growth factor specifically induces human IgG4 production (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/eji.1830210121)

Nerve growth factor: a neuroimmune crosstalk mediator for all seasons (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/imm.12717)

IL-13 and NGF are now on my radar for selective increase in IgG4.

Endocannabinoids inhibit release of nerve growth factor by inflammation-activated mast cells (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0006295211002978)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Journey on August 15, 2020, 02:14:30 AM
My grandma did feel better in general and recovered to some extent after they injected something in her throat via the oral way. The substance is unknown. A friend of her recommended to go to that doctor because he helped that friend with getting fertile again. So the oral cavity was being skipped, the question is what was the substance involved? Was it a hormone?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on August 17, 2020, 08:55:17 AM
I can react bad to a particular vitamin C complex. Sometimes I can tolerate it with no problems or get light symptoms from it, but other times I'm hanging above the toilet nauseous and close to the point of throwing up, just from 1 tablet (10-15 min after ingestion).

Sweeteners (xylitol, sucralose), vitamin, filler (micro crystalline cellulose), mineral, echinacea-extract (echinacea purpurea), aroma (raspberry), stabilizer (magnesiumsalts from fatty acids).

Composition (1 tablet):
Vitamin C (l-ascorbic acid, calcium-l-ascorbate) 250 mg
Zinc (zinc citrate) 10mg
Echinacea-extract (4% polyphenols) 25mg

Had problems in the past with various supplements (calcium, vit B complex tablets) often in tablet form. I suspect it's the micro crystalline cellulose that is causing me problems.

Recognition and Management of Medication Excipient Reactivity in Patients With Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (http://sci-hub.se/10.1016/j.amjms.2019.03.005)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: BoneBroth on September 22, 2020, 03:16:26 PM
Could it be the Xylitol? "Xylitol is a high FODMAP sugar alcohol (polyol), that can wreak havoc on our digestive systems and trigger IBS symptoms".

Remember Vitamin C draws copper from your body. Do you recognize any of theese symptoms of copper deficiency?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on September 22, 2020, 04:34:23 PM
Could be the first two ingredients for being FODMAPS but the onset of symptoms is quite fast. I think it's still in the stomach at that point. Don't know about the copper def, I've got some symptoms from that list. Total picture doesn't fit. Hmm the article mentions ATP which induces calcium influx into cells. Anyway the combination of active ingredients boosts the immune system, it already may be in an overactive state as in Th1 activation. I tried a magnesium supplement lately containing micro crystalline cellulose as well but could tolerate it just fine.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on October 26, 2020, 04:10:06 PM
Hey man,
Ik zit jouw case door te nemen: https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2545.0

Er zitten zo onwijs veel gelijkenissen bij. Zelfs de gekke dingen zoals dat over-flexibel zijn.

Je hebt er misschien niet veel aan dit te weten, behalve een schrale troost. Toch wilde ik het even zeggen.
"I'm going through your case:

There are so many similarities. Even the crazy stuff like being over-flexible.

Knowing this may not help you much, except for small consolation. Still, I just wanted to say it.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 05, 2020, 08:38:59 AM
Not fully translated from Dutch: Took 2 Kurkuma capsules with black pepper ~ 10 min post O on an empty stomach in the morning and it started to have an effect ~10 min after intake.

Active ingredients 1 capsule:
Kurkuma 100mg
Including curcumine 3000 ug
Black pepper extract 10 mg
Including piperine 9,5 mg
Vitamine D 5 ug (100% RI)
Vitamine C 12 mg (15% RI)

Ingredients: Kurkuma (curcuma Longa L), vulstof (microkristallijne cellulose), Gelatine(rund/varken), Vitamine, Black pepper extract (Piper Nigrum), stabilisatoren (magnesium salts from fatty acids, siliciumdioxide)
Brand: Trekpleister
I get the impression it affected cardiovascular symptoms (inflammation?). Needs further testing could be a fluke, I have tested this before in the past with black pepper and it had no effect, could be the empty stomach thing or difference in formula.

For nasal symptoms: Using minimum dose of disodiumcromoglycate for about 14 days now. Concentration= 40 mg/ml, spraying once in both nostrils twice a day. Going to bump up dose soon.

Last months increased breathing problems. Low respiratory rate ~6 (once every 10 seconds) and sometimes it stalls and have to remind myself to breath, respiratory muscle are slightly weak (need force). This leads to Arrhythmia (not the other way around). One of these days I will get a heart attack. If I force myself to maintain a normal RR my body feels better instantly, brain and extremities ,especially the feet. Healtcare doesn't monitor these things, what a joke.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Iwillbeatthis on November 08, 2020, 07:35:28 PM
Not fully translated from Dutch: Took 2 Kurkuma capsules with black pepper ~ 10 min post O on an empty stomach in the morning and it started to have an effect ~10 min after intake.

Active ingredients 1 capsule:
Kurkuma 100mg
Including curcumine 3000 ug
Black pepper extract 10 mg
Including piperine 9,5 mg
Vitamine D 5 ug (100% RI)
Vitamine C 12 mg (15% RI)

Ingredients: Kurkuma (curcuma Longa L), vulstof (microkristallijne cellulose), Gelatine(rund/varken), Vitamine, Black pepper extract (Piper Nigrum), stabilisatoren (magnesium salts from fatty acids, siliciumdioxide)
Brand: Trekpleister
I get the impression it affected cardiovascular symptoms (inflammation?). Needs further testing could be a fluke, I have tested this before in the past with black pepper and it had no effect, could be the empty stomach thing or difference in formula.

For nasal symptoms: Using minimum dose of disodiumcromoglycate for about 14 days now. Concentration= 40 mg/ml, spraying once in both nostrils twice a day. Going to bump up dose soon.

Last months increased breathing problems. Low respiratory rate ~6 (once every 10 seconds) and sometimes it stalls and have to remind myself to breath, respiratory muscle are slightly weak (need force). This leads to Arrhythmia (not the other way around). One of these days I will get a heart attack. If I force myself to maintain a normal RR my body feels better instantly, brain and extremities ,especially the feet. Healtcare doesn't monitor these things, what a joke.

Just a thought maybe this would help your low respiratory rate


Primal scream therapy gets rid of neurotic holding patterns which affect your breathing pattern

Note It needs to be done from your lower abdomen not your throat
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 16, 2020, 10:14:31 AM
Nasal disodiumcromoglycate fixes sensitivities to airborne molecules. However it does not affect nasal symptoms (post nasal drip, runny nose) to stress and oral food triggers. Most food triggers my stomach leading to nasal activation, seems there is communication between the two and the food triggers are being amplified by (low grade) stress.

Trying Norethisterone at this moment targeting P4 receptors looking for a response, same dose as second POIS paper.

Next in line: Pyridostigmine-->increasing parasympathetic tone.

Pre-ejaculate keeps affecting me. Suspicion--->Seminal fluid protein/liposacharide specific IgG4 response to an antigen.

Reminder commercial clinics: Lower spinal problems, MRI? Checking for osteoporosis.

Possible self experimentation: Look at cost for IL-2, self-injections possible? Look into papers for treatment algorithm and dangers.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Hopeoneday on November 16, 2020, 11:49:52 AM
Nasall triger is the same for me, acidic, antioksidant food open my stuffy
nose. I think that vagus nerve is involwed, he regulate digestion.
 Cofee is still one of the best antipois suplement, it will be intresting
to se how pyridostigmine afect you.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: BoneBroth on November 16, 2020, 12:32:30 PM
I believe one resaon that coffee works is because it temporarily increases the blood pressure. There are other things to try to increase the blood pressure as listed in thread How to increase blood pressure (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=3583.msg37482#msg37482).  Please do the poll What's your normal blood pressure (SYS/DIA)? (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=3580.0)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Hopeoneday on November 16, 2020, 04:41:10 PM
Yeah but i think that is this:

Our data showed that caffeine decreased the LPS?induced inflammatory mediator, nitric oxide (NO). Caffeine treatment also reduced the expression of pro?inflammatory genes inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), cyclooxygenase?2 (COX?2), interleukin (IL)?3, IL?6 and IL?12, and decreased IL?6 secretion and phosphorylated p38MAPK expression in LPS?treated RAW264.7 cells. Caffeine inhibited the nuclear translocation of nuclear factor ?B (NF??B) via I?B? phosphorylation. In addition, caffeine inhibited LPS?induced NO production in zebrafish.

Caffeine may inhibit LPS?induced inflammatory responses in murine macrophage by regulating NF??B activation and MAPK phosphorylation.

The only "medicine" that can kick pois after O in me
, and actually the only medicine and suplement  wich work for pois
in me,  second day 3th day
when i feel afull, coffe is capable to kick me out of that state
(by 50-60%)
(learned smart use of coffe ower time).
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: BoneBroth on November 16, 2020, 05:37:34 PM
How much coffee is needed, how many times a day and what quality? Brewed coffee? Dark/medium/light roasted?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Hopeoneday on November 16, 2020, 06:14:27 PM
The best effect I had with brewed coffee under high pressure, highly quality arabica
cofee(with small amount of fatty milk work the best).
Since i discovered that is lipophilic,
beter apsorbtion of some substances.

But i am wery sensitive to coffeine ,
paradocsly i am not that sensitive on coffeine in pois days.
(cofee an coffeine hawe side effects)
so it depend on each individual.

Et the end, i discover this summer , that canned cofee on petrol pumps can be used to :), i look that hawe real cofee in it and milk, and slowly small dosing .
It can couse bumping heart and yittering if ingested fast
and to much(insomnia to).

I can live 5 to 6 ours after this in pois.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 20, 2020, 10:01:49 AM
You won't find elevated IgE when IgG4 is elevated because the latter suppresses IgE. Also IgG4 doesn't activate complement.

"After the chronic antigen exposure, IgG1 and IgG4 become the predominantly produced subclasses of IgG isotype. In addition, IgG4 is unable to activate the classical complement pathway and is then known as an anti-inflammatory immunoglobulin and a blocking antibody towards IgE antibodies." Immunodominant Semen Proteins III: IgG1 and IgG4 Linkage in Female Immune Infertility (http://jjbs.hu.edu.jo/files/v8n1/Paper%20Number%203m.pdf)

A potential antigen in seminal fluid can be located via IgG4. If characterized it can be checked if the same antigen is involved in hypersensitivity to semen in the case of my mother and brother plus potential crossreactivity with other types of antigens which have nothing in common with sexual fluids.

A comprehensive characterization of the peptide and protein constituents of human seminal fluid (https://sci-hub.se/10.1002/pros.20089)

IgG4 could have been induced by SCIT.


Allergen-specific intralymphatic immunotherapy in human and animal studies (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5537077/)

"In the study of Witten et al. [13], both serum allergen-specific IgE and IgG4 were increased after ILIT. Moreover, IL-4 and IL-10 production, as well as the expression of FoxP3 increased, whereas interferon (IFN)-? production by stimulated PBMCs decreased after ILIT."

Androgen therapy also increases expression of FOXP3. It might be one mechanism. https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=3127.msg37486#msg37486

"In our study, serum allergen-specific IgE and IgG4 increased 4 months after ILIT, but they had decreased by 1 year later"

Even the 'failure' in the brazilian patient (fidalgo) might be the same mechanism which reversed over time.

"The patient was submitted to immunotherapy, and although he presented an improvement of symptoms in the first year of treatment, he quit immunotherapy after two years because the symptoms returned."

Intralymphatic Immunotherapy With Autologous Semen in a Korean Man With Post-Orgasmic Illness Syndrome (https://www.smoa.jsexmed.org/article/S2050-1161(18)30019-9/fulltext)

"The mechanism of ILIT is not sufficiently understood, but we propose that ILIT might be mediated by plasmablasts, plasma cells, and memory B cells that are activated by allergens injected into lymph nodes and produce allergen-specific IgE, IgG4, or other antibody isotypes with or without enhanced affinity."
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 22, 2020, 07:51:09 AM
Summer has come to an end and it's getting colder. I just took a walk outside when it was cold and felt so much better. The effect is insane. I have my central heating turned off and feeling better when night falls inside my apartment as well.

- Increased muscle strength, especially in lower limbs. I can stand on my legs without much problem (major difference compared to summer).
- Increased stability of heart rate
- Less intense POIS symptoms in general
- Faster recovery period of POIS symptoms
- Less brain fog
- Better metabolism/digestion
- Decreased food sensitivities
- Less joint pain (knees and spine)

Did some googling and found this: Immune Responses to Exercising in a Cold Environment (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1080603211002018)

''Even brief exposure to cold leads to increased levels of norepinephrine and cortisol, lymphocytosis, decreased lymphoproliferative responses, decreased levels of TH1 cytokines and salivary IgA, and increased lactate levels during exercise.''

Symptoms have some overlap with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambert%E2%80%93Eaton_myasthenic_syndrome
And with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myasthenia_gravis

"Applying ice for 2–5 minutes to the muscles reportedly has a sensitivity and specificity of 76.9% and 98.3%, respectively, for the identification of MG. Acetylcholinesterase is thought to be inhibited at the lower temperature, which is the basis for this diagnostic test."

"In LEMS, antibodies against VGCC, particularly the P/Q-type VGCC, decrease the amount of calcium that can enter the nerve ending, hence less acetylcholine can be released from the neuromuscular junction. Apart from skeletal muscle, the autonomic nervous system also requires acetylcholine neurotransmission; this explains the occurrence of autonomic symptoms in LEMS."

Also had an attack of acute weakness of respiratory muscles for 30 min once during a hot summer day in the past. This felt clearly as a mathematical step function (high transition speed and constant amplitude).

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: BoneBroth on November 22, 2020, 05:16:15 PM
"Blood pressure generally is higher in the winter and lower in the summer. That's because low temperatures cause your blood vessels to narrow, which increases blood pressure because more pressure is needed to force blood through your narrowed veins and arteries."


When I feel cold the blood vessels are at least 50 % smaller and sometimes hardly visible at all on the hands, in contrast to after a hot shower when they are bulging. This contraction is also making my pois symptoms less. I havn't tred it but potentially an orgasm would not cause as much pois when you are cold and if you keep cold that day. The pro-inflammation hormonal substances cannot leak as easy accross constricted blood vessels.

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 22, 2020, 05:26:51 PM
The pro-inflammation hormonal substances cannot leak as easy accross constricted blood vessels.

If something is leaking then VEGF is probably upregulated. VEGF also regulates BBB permeability.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 23, 2020, 08:34:24 AM
Some food for thought documenting here otherwise I will forget these things:

Candida can also suppress the production of serotonin, crucial in depression.  Candida also down regulates IL-17, perhaps as a defense mechanism, as IL-17 is very important in removing Candida.  Recent research suggests that it might directly bind to Candida and induce nutrient starvation conditions in the organism.  Candida down regulates IL-17 by shifting the Kynurenine pathway the opposite direction that POIS does, which may support its proliferation in our bodies as a way to counter this effect.  Coincidentally, Staph. A infections counter the inflammatory effects of Candida, and a few years ago I had a antibiotic resistant Staph A. infection (MRSA).

The more I read about Candida, the more convinced I am that it is causing POIS.

Candida albicans Dampens Host Defense by Downregulating IL-17 Production (https://sci-hub.se/10.4049/jimmunol.1000756)

Check the parameters they are mentioning in this paper. Then compare it to my brother's data (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2545.0). I had an oral infection with fungi, also high lymphocyte proliferation. (Need to take a closer look at this later)

Pityrosporum folliculitis is a fungal ‘acne’. Could it be PF? My doctor said that I have it. Ketonazole cream helps me.
You mentioned Daktarin earlier. That one in gel form got me rid of oral fungal outbreak (there were literally fungal wires appearing in my mouth). There was a problem. Normally you would swallow the substance. When I did that I got literally flattened by it, my legs got weak and I collapsed to the ground and my immune system felt extremely weak, never experienced something like this. So I called the doc and she said it never happened before, she contacted the producer and they told her I was the first case that experienced something like this. They advised me not to swallow it just flush the mouth. I still don't know why I reacted so extreme to it (herxheimer?). If that was a herxheimer reaction then perhaps I should take it again.

-The Daktarin was doing the same thing as high environmental temperatures, namely upper leg weakness but much more extreme. Infection was only present in mouth. The Daktarin reaction is probably a mast cell response. The immune system is probably not weak (although it felt like it) but in overdrive. It could be driven by mast cells. Mast cells driving local immune homeostasis potentially driving oral IL-17 down as well.

-Low cholesterol levels can't keep up with repair of myelin due to inflammation?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 24, 2020, 03:07:12 PM
What's your diet like anyway?

I don't eat any refined grains or sugars, though I do eat fruit and plenty of whole grains. My last IGG4 test showed a pretty strong candida response, which my physician said means I had an overgrowth at some point.

Hmmm....I wonder if it crossreacts with seminal products and is it IgG4 antibodies against C. albicans that bumps up my total IgG4? Could the high lymphocyte proliferation response to candida albicans indicate gastrointestinal lymphocytosis?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 25, 2020, 05:20:29 PM
Alterations of Food-specific Serum IgG4 Titers to Common Food Antigens in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5628991/)

Food-specific IgG4 antibody-guided exclusion diet improves symptoms and rectal compliance in irritable bowel syndrome (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00365520510015593)

Role of IgG4 in IgE-mediated allergic responses (https://www.jacionline.org/article/S0091-6749(16)30851-X/abstract)

IgG4 food tests?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 25, 2020, 06:29:07 PM
Hi Colm,
I think all the things you mention can be also beneficial ,
I tried them all, but did not find any significant relief, but perhaps in combination with alcohol, I mean in wine,  they work better ?
But in my case I can?t figure out anything else but the alcohol (ethanol) is what makes the difference.  Also because in the past I had experieces with beer and stronger liquor which also gave relief.
In someway or another the alcohol blocks the outbreak of POIS or stimulates something which outcompete the pois-outbreak.

Same for my mother. Relief from a little bit of alcohol, not too much though. Red wine is the best. There is some overlap here.

1. I think Sam-e and Choline supplement has done wonders for me.  My face paresis (post car accident) has disappeared since last 2 weeks.  I'd say safely 90% improvement (for the first time in my life)

(acetyl)Choline involved in my Bell's palsy?

Sarcoidosis-Associated Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome in a Patient with Dysphagia and Recurrent Bell’s Palsy (https://proceedings.med.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Yuen-A190409AY-BLM-edited.pdf)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 28, 2020, 03:12:17 PM
Another weird thing is - I've had, and still have, a weird symptom that consists in shaking or trembling as a result of any physical effort. It feels as if my nerves were malfunctioning and unable to transmit signals like they should....

Got this as well. Happens when going over a certain threshold.

During sex there is increased blood pressure, body movement, blood flow to large muscles, deep breathing leading to activation of vagus nerve activity and consequent relaxation of this nerve ....
I believe there is a blood volume redistribution present as a response to POIS in conjunction with vasoconstriction, that's also a reason why I think you will get a pale skin. I'm not exactly sure whether it goes to skeletal muscles, organs or large muscles. It's possible my exercise intolerance stems from this phenomena besides inflammation. The vagus nerve could be involved.

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 30, 2020, 10:27:23 AM
A Pilot Study of Diagnostic Neuromuscular Ultrasound in Bell’s Palsy (http://sci-hub.se/10.1111/jon.12269)

"We think that our findings may reflect diffuse nerve inflammation and edema, rather than reflecting focal swelling from the entrapment."
"In our study, we found no evidence of vagus nerve pathology by ultrasound scanning in Bell’s palsy patients."

Was (or is) there diffuse nerve inflammation going on in my Bell's palsy (or in POIS)? Is it that just in my case a section of the cranial VII nerve was inflamed at the skull entrance while in other poisers other section of different nerves are diffusively inflamed? Chemokines attracting immune cells? Had a MRI which didn't show anything. Steroid+anti-viral trial didn't do anything, didn't even had side effects. MRI showed nothing.

Focal swelling involved? Sometimes i get the impression that there are short-lived focal flares of elevated pressure present in local tissue throughout the body or whatever it might be (very subjective interpretation). Vagus nerve pathology in Bell's palsy? Is that even a possibility? Can the vagus nerve be diffusively inflamed?

Is there diffuse nerve inflammation in my lower part of the spine?

I'm having problems with abnormal tension responses especially due to sexual related triggers at the moment. Sometimes they flare up spontaneously. My brain isn't stable either ,it is fluctuating.

I also get the impression that a pumping mechanism isn't optimal (breathing isn't optimal either). I'm really focussed on blood flow but is it only blood flow? Because most of the time I feel the center of my head and if I maintain a steady normal breathing frequency (which need to be forced) my brain feels better just as my extremities. Is CSF pumping involved? Is the pressure felt in my lower part of the spine CSF pooling? Is the CSF pumping mechanism, which is vagal/cardiac driven, Dr. VanElzakker is talking about not optimal? I had many moments in the past where I got the impression the fluids where stationary inside my head.

ME/CFS at the Intersection of the Nervous & Immune Systems (Lecture) - Michael VanElzakker, PhD (https://youtu.be/rIUccEITT6E?t=1355)

Systems might be out of phase, just as abnormal tension responses. Vagus nerve also communicates with mast cells, in that case, if involved, MCA might be vagal driven.

Anyway it's a damn shame my family doesn't get genetically investigated.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Iwillbeatthis on November 30, 2020, 01:26:30 PM
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41398-020-0692-2 - bumetanide gets rid of fluid build up in the body I was thinking to order some from overseas to try. MRI scan four years ago showed oedema at my sacroiliac joint
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 02, 2020, 08:22:49 PM
Btw I found out that the level of Sam-e in the body modulates the release of IL-10 and IL-35

Metabolic and Epigenomic Regulation of Th17/Treg Balance by the Polyamine Pathway (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.23.911966v1.full.pdf)

"there was a trend towards a decrease in IFN-g, IL-17 and TNF production with an increase in IL-9 production in response to antigen"

Bluesbrother's TNF-alpha going down as well.

"Different types of Th17 cells have also been identified in humans where Th17 cells akin to mouse pathogenic Th17 cells have been shown to be specific for Candida albicans and non-pathogenic Th17 cells have been shown to be similar to Th17 cells that have specificity for Staphlococcus aureus infection."

- when I was a kid - Staphylococcus aureus (not many symptoms, mainly in throat)
- since I was 19 ? symptoms like in inflammation of the prostate gland (I take no drugs for it because symptoms 1-2 times in month for 1-3 hours, from time to time control visit by urologist); I have not often prostate symptoms till today (also weak urine stream, but it could be worse)

...Sounds like an 'abnormal' endogenous process due to orgasm that can be triggered by an exogenous substance, in this case semen...

...From second paper:
"Human seminal plasma contains very high concentrations of prostaglandins when compared to other bodily secretions. It is now apparent that PGE2 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostaglandin_E2), 19-hydroxyprostaglandin E1 and 19-hydroxyprostaglandin E2 are the three major prostaglandins in human seminal plasma, each being present in millimolar concentrations..."
I think it's the prostaglandins in the semen that cause this. Or it could be caused by the polyamines (spermine, spermidine).
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 03, 2020, 11:50:10 AM
Hmmm...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcortin  (also known as corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) or serpin A6)

""Hepatic synthesis of corticosteroid-binding globulin more than doubles in pregnancy; that is, bound plasma cortisol in term pregnancy is approximately 2 to 3 times that of nonpregnant women"

Microbial Changes during Pregnancy, Birth, and Infancy (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2016.01031/full?gclid=Cj0KCQjw9fntBRCGARIsAGjFq5FgiqzCqFJTYidtBQFx44wczUpQRgXDWo4KO8oANYVSpk5V3YhYYDwaApojEALw_wcB)

What if the females in my family with health issues felt better during pregnancy due to changes in their microbiome? Are the strains, that change during pregnancy, responsible for my POIS? Mothers give part of their microbiome to their children if I'm not mistaken. Could these strains be targeted? Questions....

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Journey on December 03, 2020, 01:20:10 PM
Hmmm...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcortin  (also known as corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) or serpin A6)

""Hepatic synthesis of corticosteroid-binding globulin more than doubles in pregnancy; that is, bound plasma cortisol in term pregnancy is approximately 2 to 3 times that of nonpregnant women"

Microbial Changes during Pregnancy, Birth, and Infancy (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2016.01031/full?gclid=Cj0KCQjw9fntBRCGARIsAGjFq5FgiqzCqFJTYidtBQFx44wczUpQRgXDWo4KO8oANYVSpk5V3YhYYDwaApojEALw_wcB)

What if the females in my family with health issues felt better during pregnancy due to changes in their microbiome? Are the strains, that change during pregnancy, responsible for my POIS? Mothers give part of their microbiome to their children if I'm not mistaken. Could these strains be targeted? Questions....

I was born through a c-section so I maybe didn't get these bacteria that in the image are said to be given to the offspring through the natural delivery Muon do you know if those strains mentioned which don't transfer through csection can lack of them increase chances of POIS and Aspergers and such things I was breastfed though so I got the ones from that but not from natural birth due to being born through a csection.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 03, 2020, 01:26:45 PM
There is no need to quote that entire thing LOL. I have no idea (yet) and haven't looked into it properly Journey. Just dumped it here to remind myself to look into it further and ideas for other people to delve in. You should check your vitamin D level first. You can do you own research by reading papers.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 03, 2020, 05:20:02 PM

"So I what I found that helps mainly is getting a good high from exercising, so for example getting a runners high or a pump during lifting. That greatly reduces my POIS symptoms."

Quote from: Muon
Intens (heavy weights) body building exercises (most of them in flat or inclined position). Short powerful movements, almost explosive with Reps between 3-5. The trick is you need to induce a pump. Need to add more details.

So, now, whenever I get symptoms, I run on a treadmill or lift weights or do whatever kind of intense physical exercise I feel like doing until I'm exhausted and drenched in sweat, and while sometimes symptoms take a few hours or even a day to resolve after that, it's nothing compared to the minimum of a week that they usually last.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: BoneBroth on December 03, 2020, 06:46:55 PM
Muscles in movement does not only burn fat but an increased metabolism also break down inflammatory hormonal rest products faster. In addition it stimulates testosterone and testosterone rebuilds tissue and counteract inflamatory hormones.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 04, 2020, 08:32:28 AM
Norethisterone does nothing for me. I don't get a response like mentioned in the paper. I also don't get any side effects from it.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 04, 2020, 10:53:41 AM
Genetic component?

"I am a female in my mid 30s and I've begun having "hangovers" from masterbation recently. I get tiredness for 1-3 days, feelings of mild anxiety, unreality/lack of concentration and headache and sometimes loss of appetite...I just generally feel "down". I have experimented several times with stopping for weeks and starting up again and it seems linked to orgasm and nothing else. I have never had any difficulty with this before so I'm not sure why I would suddenly develop a psychological problem with sex. I have had symptoms of CFS which my sister is diagnosed with, and suffered a head injury last year in a car accident. I understand that many people develop CFS or have it worsen after being injured or traumatized in some way." Ref (https://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=14697.msg210404#msg210404)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 04, 2020, 03:34:56 PM

"Alexander is an active participant of russian Syndrom X blog. Recently he wrote a post where he explains that there are huge similarities in symptoms of POIS and Anaphylactic Shock. He also mentions that his mother had an allergic reaction to the sperm of his father.

The post of Alexander in russian is located here:

Similar to my mother (no anaphylaxis, just burning)...
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 05, 2020, 06:01:44 AM

POIS catecholamines theory

The theory that I have about POIS, is that the symptoms may be caused by a deficiency of one or more of the catecholamines of which noradrenaline may be of most significance.

There are several points that may lead into this direction.

Possible links between POIS and catecholamines:

- During sexual activity noradrenaline levels increase and afterwards they decrease. (1)
- Having a shower with alternating hot and cold water and the sauna including cooling down with a cold water bath / shower both help reducing the symptoms. Noradrenaline and adrenaline levels rise significantly when the body is subjected to cold stress. (2) (3)
- During a period in which POIS symptoms occur, I can have an enlarged / swollen penis. Continuous release of noradrenaline is necessary to keep the penis in a non-erectile state. (4)
- Human semen contains high levels of catecholamines. (5)
- The symptoms of a depletion of catecholamines are similar to many symptoms related to POIS. In the scientific research linked as reference a depletion of dopamine is induced, though this is likely to cause a depletion of noradrenaline and adrenaline besides dopamine alone, as a consequence. Since noradrenaline and adrenaline are produced from dopamine in the body. (6)
- PDE4 inhibits the cyclic AMP (cAMP), which has an inhibition of noradrenaline and adrenaline as a consequence. Therefore, a PDE4-inhibitor has the opposite effect, an increase of cAMP and noradrenaline levels. (7) (8)
- Among other areas in the body, PDE4 has also been found in male and female sexual organs. I'm not sure if this is relevant. (9) (10)
- Sceletium Tortuosum helps reducing POIS symptoms. It's a herb of which the main active alkaloid is mesembrine, which is a PDE4 inhibitor with a mechanism in a way similar to rolipram (11) that raises levels of noradrenaline. (7) (8)
- Thinking back about it, I remember that recreational use of amphetamines (speed) in the past showed a reduction of symptoms and after the effects wore off, an increase of the severity of the symptoms was noticed for up until about a week, possibly because of a depletion of noradrenaline. I already had POIS long before I had used any amphetamines, by the way. Amphetamines are known to increase levels of noradrenaline and a temporary depletion of noradrenaline after use is possible.
- Garlic has been reported to help reducing POIS symptoms. Garlic can increase noradrenaline and adrenaline levels. (12)
- Fenugreek has been reported to help reducing POIS symptoms. Fenugreek contains diosgenin, which can produce an oxytocin-like effect. Oxytocin can increase noradrenaline levels. (13)
- Celtic salt has been reported to help reducing POIS symptoms. That person might be sensitive to salt-induced hypertension, which can cause an increase in plasma noradrenaline and adrenaline levels. (14) Another possibility is that the level of oxytocin increases by the salt. (15) Oxytocin can increase noradrenaline levels. (13)
- Heavy physical exercise can reduce POIS symptoms. Heavy physical exercise can increase catecholamines. (16)
- The combination of testosterone and Levitra (vardenafil) has been reported to reduce POIS symptoms. Testosterone may increase noradrenaline. (17) Vardenafil also inhibits PDE4 besides PDE5, although relatively weak. (18) Vardenafil also increases nitric oxide. Nitric oxide can increase dopamine. (19) (20) An increase of dopamine may lead to an increase of the other catecholamines as well. Testosterone and vardenafil can have a synergistic effect. (21)

- Blood test results showed a deficiency of noradrenaline and adrenaline. During the collection of blood for the tests, only mild POIS symptoms were experienced, during a period of more severe symptoms there may be an even greater deficiency. (22)

(1) Plasma noradrenaline and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase during sexual activity Link to full text (PDF) is also available at that website.
(2) The Influence of Cold Stress on Catecholamine Excretion and Oxygen Uptake of Normal Person
(3) Interrelations between Sympathoadrenal System and Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Adrenocortical/Thyroid Systems in Rats Exposed to Cold Stress
(4) Physiological significance of nitrergic transmission in human penile erection
(5) High levels of catecholamines in human semen: a preliminary study
(6) Subjective Experiences During Dopamine Depletion
(7) Rolipram, an Antidepressant That Increases the Availability of cAMP, Transiently Enhances Wakefulness in Rats
(8) The antidepressant and antiinflammatory effects of rolipram in the central nervous system
(9) Immunohistochemical Distribution of cAMP- and cGMP-Phosphodiesterase (PDE) Isoenzymes in the Human Prostate
(10) Immunohistochemical Description of Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase (PDE) Isoenzymes in the Human Labia Minora
(11) Mesembrine is an inhibitor of PDE4 that follows structure-activity relationship of rolipram
(12) Allyl-Containing Sulfides in Garlic Increase Uncoupling Protein Content in Brown Adipose Tissue, and Noradrenaline and Adrenaline Secretion in Rats  ("Administration of diallyldisulfide, diallyltrisulfide and alliin, organosulfur compounds present in garlic, significantly increased plasma noradrenaline and adrenaline concentrations")
(13) Facilitative role of endogenous oxytocin in noradrenaline release in the rat supraoptic nucleus
(14) Genetic influence on brain catecholamines: high brain noradrenaline in salt-sensitive rats
(15) Release of oxytocin induced by salt loading and its influence on renal excretion in the male rat
(17) Effects of testosterone and ethinyloestradiol on the synthesis and uptake of noradrenaline and 5-hydroxytryptamine in rat hindbrain: evidence for a presynaptic regulation of monoamine synthesis?
(18) The inhibitory selectivity of vardenafil on bovine and human recombinant phosphodiesterase isoenzymes
(19) Nitric oxide inhibits [3H]dopamine uptake
(20) Effect of Nitroprusside (Nitric Oxide) on Endogenous Dopamine Release from Rat Striatal Slices
(21) Hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction: the role for testosterone therapy
(22) Test results of neurotransmitters, hormones, etc.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 05, 2020, 09:47:41 AM
Colder environmental temperatures affect me big time, in a positive way. It seems to synergize with diurnal rythm. I'm getting energy when I approach midnight. Temperature approaches zero degrees celsius. Reminder to write more about symptoms.

Dumping for later:

Thermoregulatory disorders and illness related to heat and cold stress (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1566070216300017)

Effect of cold stress on immunity in rats (https://www.spandidos-publications.com/10.3892/etm.2015.2854?text=fulltext)


Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 06, 2020, 05:50:55 PM
Started two days ago with pyridostigmine 30 mg/day. I'm now on 2x30 mg/day. Will titrate it up in ~10 days. I get more sensitive to my environment (air molecules-->nose, lungs) immediately. Yesterday had an flare of itching in my left eye, never had this symptom before. The scent of the tablets alone makes my nose sensitive, it's the same type of smell I encountered in other type of tablets. I can't find a notification of the fillers involved. They only had 10mg tablets available, so I have to take quite a few.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Igy78 on December 08, 2020, 04:54:13 PM
1 question, did you check your liver and bile production?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 09, 2020, 07:56:15 AM
1 question, did you check your liver and bile production?

I have no idea, there are some liver related measurements in here (https://www.dropbox.com/s/ixztclc9fb43fe4/Muon%206-1%20Medlon.pdf?dl=0). I do experience flares of liver pain.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Igy78 on December 09, 2020, 08:29:45 AM
You can have fatty liver even with in range results. Read my post, maybe it helps, i got better when dealing with bile production and fatty liver. But fatty liver is not mandatory to have low bile production, it can be hereditary.

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: BoneBroth on December 09, 2020, 06:02:39 PM
It's strange. We have technique to send a human 384 400 km to the moon and and back and watch galaxies billions of light years away. But to know the condition of one of your most important organs, your intestines, that lies only two centimeters behind the skins surface - should be nearly impossible! No doctor would do that unless your not in severe pain. That makes you think about how we humans makes priorities...
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 10, 2020, 05:43:22 PM

1) Should anal contractions always happen during orgasm?

2) What does it mean if anal contractions are absent during orgasm?

Dr. Nicole Prause via demo's email:


1) Contractions are the main way we define orgasm physiologically, but contractions do not need to be present to experience pleasure and have fulfilling sexuality.

2) We don't know. I'm working on it. :)

Nicole Prause, Ph.D.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 10, 2020, 09:13:38 PM
There are plenty of particles that do not show up in blood tests like, for example, mast cell-derived exosomes or the one below:

New particle discovered in the bloodstream of patients with sepsis (https://newatlas.com/medical/new-particle-ends-sepsis-bloodstream)

"ENDS are not normal – they are not detectable in healthy people or mice,” says Klaus Ley, senior author of the study. “But ENDS are very high in sepsis, and I would not be surprised if they were high in other inflammatory diseases."

Elongated neutrophil-derived structures are blood-borne microparticles formed by rolling neutrophils during sepsis (https://rupress.org/jem/article-abstract/218/3/e20200551/211571/Elongated-neutrophil-derived-structures-are-blood?redirectedFrom=fulltext)

Rolling neutrophils form tethers with submicron diameters. Here, we report that these tethers detach, forming elongated neutrophil-derived structures (ENDS) in the vessel lumen. We studied ENDS formation in mice and humans in vitro and in vivo. ENDS do not contain mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, or DNA, but are enriched for S100A8, S100A9, and 57 other proteins. Within hours of formation, ENDS round up, and some of them begin to present phosphatidylserine on their surface (detected by annexin-5 binding) and release S100A8–S100A9 complex, a damage-associated molecular pattern protein that is a known biomarker of neutrophilic inflammation. ENDS appear in blood plasma of mice upon induction of septic shock. Compared with healthy donors, ENDS are 10–100-fold elevated in blood plasma of septic patients. Unlike neutrophil-derived extracellular vesicles, most ENDS are negative for the tetraspanins CD9, CD63, and CD81. We conclude that ENDS are a new class of bloodborne submicron particles with a formation mechanism linked to neutrophil rolling on the vessel wall.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 11, 2020, 11:52:48 AM
I keep getting surprised how well I fare outside during winter times when ambient temperatures are near 0 degrees celsius. I have posted a few papers in this thread about Cold effects. I should collect them. Saw these papers on the CFS forum:

Possible use of repeated cold stress for reducing fatigue in chronic fatigue syndrome: a hypothesis (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2164952/)
Adapted cold shower as a potential treatment for depression (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S030698770700566X?via%3Dihub)
Hydrotherapy as a possible neuroleptic and sedative treatment (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17640827/)

My metabolism speeds up. Better and quicker digestion. Muscles feel different, lighter and stronger. Quicker muscle repair (or is it reduced muscle fatigue?). Brain fog and cognitive function can improve as well. I get the impression that local soft tissue partially 'clears up'. I need to adapt/acclimate to cold otherwise it's too stressful though.

Low opioid tone....hmmm...HOD fared better during winter and gets relief of POIS symptoms by benzodiazepines. My brother same story heat intolerance, feels much better during cold and also gets relief of POIS symptoms by benzodiazepines.

Before I forget: My mother took a walk outside for about 10 min during a summer day, last summer and felt nauseous from the heat of the sun.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 12, 2020, 11:13:29 AM
You can have fatty liver even with in range results. Read my post, maybe it helps, i got better when dealing with bile production and fatty liver. But fatty liver is not mandatory to have low bile production, it can be hereditary.

I also have diagnosed fatty liver.
...it's like these pills are helping liver to detox and to produce bile and clean toxic stuff from blood.

Probably a molecule(s) that isn't part of standard lab test. In the past my facial skin and eyes would turn yellow from POIS. My liver still reacts (especially to stress). Aside from detox overload there could be inflammation present damaging hepatic cells which leads to leakage of liver enzymes.

One guy in literature with a fatty liver and elevated liver enzymes. See table 1 https://f1000research.com/articles/2-113

SIBO and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2695.msg35639#msg35639) (I have placed this link in the SIBO poll thread as well)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 13, 2020, 05:15:42 PM

Dysbiotic microbiota in autistic children and their mothers: persistence of fungal and bacterial wall-deficient L-form variants in blood (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-49768-9)

"In conclusion, cell wall-deficient variants of opportunistic bacteria and fungi were recovered from blood of autistic children and their mothers. CWD converted under appropriate conditions of cultivation into detectable bacteria and fungi. The unifying finding for autistic children and their mothers was the presence in blood of wall-free variants from life-cycle of Aspergillus fumigatus, a phenomenon of fungal “colonization” or “silent infection”. It can be assumed that autistic children may be born with fungal colonization acquired from mothers by transplacental pathway. “Silent aspergillosis” may strongly influence development of immune and nervous systems in the early childhood and be a leading cause for neurodevelopmental disorders."
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 17, 2020, 01:03:03 PM
Bile regulates good/bad bacteria, it prevents SIBO, if the colon has bad bacteria i get POIS due to undigested food get to colon and bad bacteria making gasses like methane and hydrogen sulfide, which is getting to blood and into brain and then i get POIS symptoms.

If I eat a big meal and digestion is off whether it is due to low stomach acid, POIS, blood flow problems (I get the impression it's rather a decrease in blood supply), POTS, then I feel a lump of food traveling through my intestines. I'm more sensitive to friction at one area (same area where I had exploding pain once due to hot weather condition). Stool is never well shaped or colored when this happens. Sometimes it smells like cow manure instead of human feces.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Hopeoneday on December 17, 2020, 03:23:08 PM
Indigestion, specualy in pois cascade, nerwes do not work properly,
if nerwes do not work as they should, digestion and guts is stucked.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 17, 2020, 05:28:49 PM
I had an orgasm. I get the impression that the fatigue originates inside my brain, a small focal area, somewhere near the center. It warped me into a state that is similar when I'm trying to exercise and go over a threshold. Another impression I get is that something is depleted, like I'm missing some kind of juice. Very vague but wanted to throw this out there.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 20, 2020, 06:01:39 PM
IL-8 serum: 89.8 pg/ml (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nc2dt6pcwd5xpmu/AACyyDE6uhY1DHn1fAuxw86Ja?dl=0&preview=Muon+2-1+Th1Th2+part2-1%2BIL-8%2BIgGsub%2BIgE+13-08-2015.pdf)

Comparative evaluation of Inflammatory cells and Interleukins in Irritable Bowel Syndrome subtypes (https://ijhcr.com/index.php/ijhcr/article/view/483/443)

"On correlating Interleukins with mast cells and IELs,  significant positive correlation was seen only between IL-8 and mast cells"

"But our observation is supported by the paper of Patrixet al who have stated that IBS patients have increased serum concentration of IL-8 which is the main cytokine responsible for attraction of mast cells and granulocytes."

Didn't know IL-8 was an attractor of mast cells...if epithelial cells in the GI tract release this chronically then IL-8 gradients may lead to infiltrates of MCs. IL-8 is the main cytokine in MCs (MCs attracting MCs via IL-8?)

Scoping of my stomach revealed a patch of redness, this could be a macroscopic sign of inflammation.


Healthcare doesn't investigate these things, GI biopsy + staining for CD117.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 21, 2020, 06:59:47 AM
Altered peripheral toll-like receptor responses in the irritable bowel syndrome (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-2036.2011.04624.x)

Potential increased activity of peripheral TLR3 or TLR7.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 21, 2020, 01:30:25 PM
Plasma Endothelin Level in the Acute Stage of Bell Palsy (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaotolaryngology/article-abstract/623589)

wow I never read this thread till today and was frozen while reading.  Moun's your symptom match mine.  Thank you for sharing these links.  Not to badger you, but the link you posted: Impairment of microcirculation of the facial nerves catches my attention, talks about: Endothelin, which has potent vasoconstrictive effects, may contribute to the pathogenesis of the microcirculatory impairment that occurs in patients with Bell palsy, mainly by promoting secondary ischemia.  I dont follow since we POISers have low BP and Endothelin constrict vessels raising BP.  During POIS, I get severe burning in my Palsy areas, as if nerves are trying to fire up but unable to.  When I take vasodilatory things (specially a med, gabapentin) that burning sensation stops but I dont know if vasodilatory is the key or its something else the key that helps.  But I know that POIS creates a burning sensation also across all distal peripherals, like ankles, wrists, exact symptoms of Raynaud syndrome.

In tuning the brain, when looking at the chapter about RESPIRATORY RHYTHM REGULATION (which I can have problems with) endothelin is mentioned.

"Respiratory rhythm is generated in and around the pre-Botzinger complex, a morphologically defined region in the lower brainstem. The network is regulated by various neuromodulators, all of which are important in neurosomatic disorders (Figure 7), especially SP acting at the neurokinin-1R."

"Many, if not most, of the symptoms related to neurosomatic disorders are caused by autonomic dysfunction which may be a result of inappropriate endothelin secretion. Blocking endothelin receptors may be an important way to treat neurosomatic disorders in the future"

"Endothelin, being one of the most vasoconstrictive substances known, could account for the increased global cerebral hypoperfusion seen after fatiguing stimuli, notably exercise but also after mental tasks."

"A considerable amount of experimental evidence indicates that endothelin plays a role in neurosomatic disorders. It stimulates NGF secretion (high in FMS CSF) and activates phospholipase A2."

"Most sympathetic ganglionic neurons can express considerable quantities of both endothelin-3 and endothelin-1 and have been suggested to rapidly release the former into the circulation during exercise"

"All neurosomatic patients who respond to treatment reduce their global cerebral blood flow"

Edit: and NGF can selectively increase IgG4. Swell had a Bell's palsy as well if I'm not mistaken. Regarding use of Gabapentin:

"The effects of endothelin on sensory gating have not been studied, but activation of the endothelin A receptor (there are A and B receptors that work quite differently) caused reduction in a potassium KATP channel response produced by activation of the muopioid receptor (done also by morphine-like drugs, gabapentin, minoxidil, and clonidine). Because these agents are often beneficial for neurosomatic disorders, endothelin’s blocking of KATP channels makes it even more implicated in neurosomatic pathophysiology."

"Both adenosine and gabapentin decrease pain in many patients with FMS by decreasing hyperactive neuronal activity. Gabapentin selectively opens KATP channels."

It also mentions that if pain is induced by endothelin, that NSAIDs will not work but benzodiazepines do.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 29, 2020, 02:23:51 PM
Intestinal Mucosal Mast Cells: Key Modulators of Barrier Function and Homeostasis (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6407111/)

T84 intestinal epithelial cell line (+involvement of PI3K pathway? PTEN, mTOR)

Studying permeability in a commonly used epithelial cell line: T84 intestinal epithelial cells (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21874448/)

Mesalamine and azathioprine modulate junctional complexes and restore epithelial barrier function in intestinal inflammation (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30809073/)

Opposing regulation of the tight junction protein claudin-2 by interferon-gamma and interleukin-4 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17640674/)

Active and passive involvement of claudins in the pathophysiology of intestinal inflammatory diseases (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27904960/)

Claudin-2: Roles beyond Permeability Functions (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6888627/)

Epithelial cells secrete the chemokine interleukin-8 in response to bacterial entry. (https://iai.asm.org/content/61/11/4569.short)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 01, 2021, 06:18:38 PM
Update: I have created some tables with data from July:
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 02, 2021, 02:19:44 PM
House MD season 4 episode 11 'Frozen' (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_House_episodes). 31:00 in Dr. House tells his patient to go outside in the freezing cold for 5 min and see if she improves. If she improves it could be an indication for autoimmune disease (like SLE, vasculitis etc). This works for me. Does this mean my condition is autoimmune?

From page 2:
Did some googling and found this: Immune Responses to Exercising in a Cold Environment (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1080603211002018)

''Even brief exposure to cold leads to increased levels of norepinephrine and cortisol, lymphocytosis, decreased lymphoproliferative responses, decreased levels of TH1 cytokines and salivary IgA, and increased lactate levels during exercise.''

Compare with the data from the previous post. The dysautonomia symptoms attenuate as well. Could mean there is an autoimmune origin to this. Autoantibodies involved in dysautonomia/POTS target adrenergic, angiotensin, muscarinic receptors or voltage-gated calcium channels, and in some cases, against nerve endings of small fibers. People with small fiber neuropathy are sensitive to carbs btw and do improve on low carb diets.

My hair is getting thin and my nails flexible at the moment.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 03, 2021, 02:47:33 PM
Vibration excites something in my body. Something drops to the floor makes sound and it feels like it excites a cloud of particles in a domino's-like fashion, its net-momentum going one-way (it branches out as wel) only once, mostly in my lower torso (Most of the time it is traveling upward). It's like a wave.

Another scenario:
Glans penis (limp state and is not sexual related) becomes sensitive while walking or riding a bike that I have to stop walking for a few mins or stop riding the bicycle (I stop because the sensitivity increases with duration of movement up to the point that it hurts). The little friction it makes with my clothing seems to get amplified after repetitive motion. It gets better once I pause. (very mild tingling involved)

Also this:

Past Events

Januari 2020

A few times tingling sensation at the glans penis and became very sensitive to any friction (not sexual related just limp penis).

Februari 2020

I ate some liver and suddenly became feverish and nauseous for less than 30 sec of duration immediately after ingestion. Perhaps 5-10 mins after there were migratory colds traveling over my body and turned into systemic cold (shivering) after the migratory cold ended.

October 2020

Washing the glans penis during shower led to activation in lower back at the spinal area (which is already sensitive), no pain, just activation of something and it isn't muscle, no feeling of contraction. Activation stops when friction stops. Applying friction again flares up activity in my lower spine again.

Prolonged low grade stress gives me a burning sensation in a layer close to the skin (some locations that can be affected: back of neck, top of both forearms, sides of upper arms, shoulders, upper back). If I have to make a guess what is going on then I think it's CRH or another neutopeptide interacting with small fiber nerve endings or the nerve endings themselves releasing neuropeptides (Or again, MCs are reactive)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Journey on January 03, 2021, 03:42:02 PM
Washing the glans penis during shower led to activation in lower back at the spinal area (which is already sensitive), no pain, just activation of something and it isn't muscle, no feeling of contraction. Activation stops when friction stops. Applying friction again flares up activity in my lower spine again.
When I rub my glans/forehead exactly on the top area for example against the palm I feel this interesting kind of tingly kind of pulling feeling in the lower back area too either in nerves or something like that if I did that for many minutes it would feel way too intense and I would have to stop and once I do not rub anymore it just stops I already recall noticing that when I was a teenager.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 05, 2021, 03:08:37 AM

Th1-Polarized, Dengue Virus-Activated Human Mast Cells Induce Endothelial Transcriptional Activation and Permeability (https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/12/12/1379/htm)
IFN-g and IgG4 are MC activators. MCs may be activated at places of Th1 proliferation. What is the consequence of chronic activation? Markers related to microvascular endothelium may show abnormal levels. Bell's palsy might have been caused by an IFN-g spike which induced endothelin. IL-12, 15 and 18 are involved in th1 pol. What is the MC mediator profile for a combination of certain activators? Autoimmune MCA?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 05, 2021, 05:23:07 PM
Tried a bit of a green smoothie containing pineapple and spinach, pineapple gives me diarrhea, spinach does other things. Haven't touch those ingredients for years.

I had to run to the toilet in ~ 1 hour after ingestion and had solid brown stool (yesterday's food) covered in green diarrhea. It was tolerable after ingestion until it hit a particular spot in my intestines. I won't touch that stuff anymore. Still highly sensitive to those ingredients especially pineapple. IBS.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 08, 2021, 08:02:15 PM
The following scenario happened:

Starting to feel cold (drop in body temperature?). Usually once this happens I'm  cold for a while and cannot get warm. So what happened this time is that when I started to get colder something kicked in and  pushed the feeling of cold back. The response was late and not only that, it overshot the former equillibrium state, I started to sweat and gotten warm (sweating only happened at a few spots, asymmetric non-homogeneous behaviour). Then it decreased and dropped below that state...it oscillated a few times around that state before reaching it. This was easily observable since the process was slow in the order of tens of seconds. So the system that kicked in had quite some inertia that shouldn't suppose to be there in my opinion and could explain the oscillating behaviour.

So could this example be translated to the immune system? The immune response could be late (lag) and may need to be activated at time of orgasm to counter immunosuppression. Once orgasm hits it doesn't respond and one may fall into an immune compromised state. Then after a while when the immune system gets activated it may overshoot the normal state and will move into an overexcited state due to increased inertia and as a result gets stuck for a while there.

Now there might be two problems going on instead of one and biphasic treatment needs to be applied.
1) One needs to activate the immune system and time it with orgasm
2) Once immunosuppression is countered one needs to switch and apply immunosuppression to counter the late immune activation

Perhaps you can generalize this principle, in that, there is a lag of phase between input and output responses and the proportionality/ratio of the magnitude of response if off as well. 

Btw I also had the impression the low grade stress interfered with the scenario described at the top.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 09, 2021, 11:51:16 AM
The Pyridostigmine isn't doing anything, it's like eating placebo. Here is what I took so far from top to bottom:

2 days: 1x30mg (10 mg tablets)
10 days: 2x30mg
2 days: 2x60mg
10 days: 3x60mg (60mg tablets)
5 or 6 days nothing, communication problem regarding med delivery
~10 days 3x60mg
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 10, 2021, 04:24:42 PM
Discovery of IgG4 Anti-Gliadin Autoantibody as a Potential Biomarker of Psoriasis Using an Autoantigen Array (https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/igg4-anti-gliadin-autoantibody-as-a-potential-biomarker-of-psoriasis.82595/)

"I have currently elevated IgG4 subclass and got a flare of my polyenthesitis"

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 10, 2021, 11:16:43 PM
Does norepinephrine modulate calcium currents in immune cells? How?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 12, 2021, 03:03:32 PM
The dopaminergic system in autoimmune diseases (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2014.00117/full)

"In addition to the different stimulatory effects of DARs in T cell physiology, it is important to consider that each DAR displays different affinities for dopamine: DAR3 > DAR5 > DAR4 > DAR2 > DAR1 [Ki (nM) = 27, 228, 450, 1705, 2340, respectively] (49–51). Thus, low levels of dopamine, e.g., 50 nM, would stimulate mainly DAR3 in T cells, favoring Th1-like responses and T cell migration, whereas moderate dopamine levels, e.g., 300 nM, would stimulate DAR5 as well, inhibiting T cell function. It is likely that, by stimulating multiple DARs, higher dopamine levels promote complex effects in T cells, probably inhibiting T cell-mediated immunity (4)."

"Other pharmacological evidence indicates that selective stimulation of DAR2/DAR3 or selective inhibition of DAR1/DAR5 on DCs favors polarization of CD4+ T cell responses toward Th1, but impairs the Th17 fate."

I spent 4 months with colitis and lost half of my weight until thankfully my mother deduced that soy was the culprit. So I believe that, if it was a true allergy, I'd have had a more intense reaction. And yes, I've never tolerated soy well, and I've had that problem for as long as I can remember.

"Thus, specific IL-10 deletion of Foxp3+ Tregs results in spontaneous colitis, highlighting the fact that IL-10 produced by Tregs is instrumental in maintaining tolerance particularly at intestinal tissues"

"This protective role is most probably lost during colitis onset, since several lines of evidence indicate that dopamine levels decrease upon intestinal inflammation; and under these conditions, low dopamine levels may stimulate both the innate and adaptive compartments to produce highly inflammatory cytokines, favoring the development of colitis."
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 15, 2021, 10:14:57 PM
My brother's genetic profile:

COMT-V158M-Genotyp M/M
MAOA-Gen (30bp-VNTR) Low
BDNF Val66Met-Polymorphismus V/V
Serotonin-Transp.-Promoter PCR Genotyp K/L

Not sure if translated correctly:

"Overall assessment - neuroendocrine stress axis:

Based on the genotypes present, it is to be expected that catecholamines will be degraded with a delay both by COMT and by MAOA. Overall, therefore, catecholamine breakdown is slowed down significantly. This genetic constellation is associated with an increased release of the stress hormones cortisol and ACTH (Jabbi et al, Molecular Psychiatry 2007). With the patient's BDNF genotype, there is a risk factor independent of COMT, MAOA and proinflammatory cytokines for hyperactivity of the neuroendocrine stress-axis.

Convergent genetic modulation of the endocrine stress response involves polymorphic variations of 5-HTT, COMT and MAOA (https://www.nature.com/articles/4001975)

Does norepi decrease my IFN-g post O? If so then its suppression takes too long with other words catecholamine breakdown is slow.

"endogenous catecholamines may cause a selective suppression of Th1 responses and cellular immunity"
The Sympathetic Nerve - An Integrative Interface between Two Supersystems: The Brain and the Immune System (https://pharmrev.aspetjournals.org/content/52/4/595.short)

I have had similar symptoms, where if I get incidentally aroused by something (which happens unfortunately often during abstinence), the arousal chemicals seem to be stuck in my brain for many hours afterwards. To your point this is not pleasurable at all and is frankly a gross feeling.  I haven't figured out any way to get rid of it other than waiting it out and trying to distract myself.

If I have a flare of arousal then I get the same impression of something that isn't cleaned up fast enough.

I had stress lately and got stuck in a stress state, I couldn't get out, trapped. Something in my calves spasmed slow and subtle during this scenario. This effect is a bit similar after I pass the point of no return but just before orgasm, the difference is that it then spasms more frequent and fast within a small timeframe, these are small areas, I don't get the impression they are muscle groups (perhaps muscle fibers or blood vessels).

CRH in major depression:
"Patients suffering from MD are known to exhibit hypersecretion of CRH, coupled with an elevated CRH concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid and a blunted ACTH response to exogenous CRH administration."

CRH can trigger mast cells --> VEGF.
SP from nerve endings can increase CRHR-1 on MCs leading to higher stress sensitivity.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 15, 2021, 11:48:55 PM

"Sometexan84 did you ever have a skin biopsy done? That's how I learned about my small fiber neuropathy. The symptoms I have are pins and needles in my hands and feet, body aches, cold feet, frequent urination and a menthol cooling sensation on my skin. My autonomic nerve fibers are probably involved too because my hr sometimes becomes elevated upon standing."

Menthol cooling sensation... I could never find a word what is happening to my skin but this one fits better than a tingling/burning sensation. Small nerve fibers are perhaps getting inflamed, could also lead to dysautonomia.

Edit: Yep here we go POTS --> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_fiber_peripheral_neuropathy

POISers who get symptoms from showers...could this be a sign of sensory small fiber neuropathy? Exercise intolerance?

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 17, 2021, 06:06:03 PM
My muscles easily tense up but it's difficult to get them relaxed once tense.

If triggers in general go over a certain threshold in terms of duration and/or intensity then the symptoms cannot be reversed for a while, the symptoms are living there own life so to speak, nothing you can do other than waiting out.

People with MCAD from mast cell forums can respond to orgasm. Symptoms I've seen are mainly allergic like symptoms, shorter onset (immediate to hours) and shorter duration (not more than a day) compared to ME/CFS. The CFS/ME people who respond to orgasm/ejaculation who I have seen so far seem to have a larger onset (12-24h) and duration (days), symptoms are mainly fatigue (exhaustion). I've seen only a handfull of people though. There are also some women on DINET, but can't remember their symptoms.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 18, 2021, 09:56:48 AM
Histamine release in brain-->prolactin up--->dopamine down. Orgasm in males needs norepi driving dopamine further down. Low DA leads to an inflammatory immune profile.

Histamine-induced prolactin release: pharmacological characterization of receptors in male rats (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6308490/)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 19, 2021, 02:57:04 PM
Elevated B12. MMA could be measured.

Paradoxical Elevation of Both Serum B12 and Methylmalonic Acid Levels in Assessing B12 Status in Children With Short-Bowel Syndrome (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31985849/)


Effects of varying dietary content of fermentable short-chain carbohydrates on symptoms, fecal microenvironment, and cytokine profiles in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/nmo.12969)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: swell on January 29, 2021, 05:42:19 PM
damn ... intriguing to read.  My skin is ultra sensitive to vibration, specially sense of touch, and specially the squeezing feeling.  I have purchased all kinds of massaging equipment, chairs, weighted blankets etc at home.  While my whole body is, but the torso area (also heart area) is most sensitive to touch.  Growing up I used to put mattress on top of me, since the heavy and squeezing feel on torso felt extremely comforting.  I also buy super soft clothes that feel soothing to skin. 

Vibration excites something in my body. Something drops to the floor makes sound and it feels like it excites a cloud of particles in a domino's-like fashion, its net-momentum going one-way (it branches out as wel) only once, mostly in my lower torso (Most of the time it is traveling upward). It's like a wave.

Another scenario:
Glans penis (limp state and is not sexual related) becomes sensitive while walking or riding a bike that I have to stop walking for a few mins or stop riding the bicycle (I stop because the sensitivity increases with duration of movement up to the point that it hurts). The little friction it makes with my clothing seems to get amplified after repetitive motion. It gets better once I pause. (very mild tingling involved)

"Many, if not most, of the symptoms related to neurosomatic disorders are caused by autonomic dysfunction which may be a result of inappropriate endothelin secretion. Blocking endothelin receptors may be an important way to treat neurosomatic disorders in the future"

"Both adenosine and gabapentin decrease pain in many patients with FMS by decreasing hyperactive neuronal activity. Gabapentin selectively opens KATP channels."
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 02, 2021, 05:29:41 PM
I have not Muon.  I only recently seen a doc, and they hesitantly did some blood tests, and wrote some negative comments on my medical records, for bringing a huge list to them, and the doc making me understand :) that you dont get tests because you are 'curious' to find.  I did get a heart echo-cardio though (by jumping through some hoops).
My cardiac fitness came excellent, 105% of Maximal heart rate.  I do have a incomplete right bundle branch block (that I think turns to complete when stressed) though doc says its all normal.  I would be curious if you have had echo cardio, or other folks can share their insights.

That said, my small fiber neuropathy, I think, is resolved now.

Swell, have you done any test for small fiber neuropathy yet?

I have cardiac problems since 2013 but never had an echo done. Demografx had a complete blockage if I'm not mistaken. I've asked for a SIBO test but never heard back. Same for biopsy of gut and stomach for mast cell count, also been ignored. Some volumetric spots on my body seems to have cleared up to some degree (less inflammation?) and POIS has attenuated a bit overal.

Sensitivity of my gut increased after ingestion of vegetable juice containing pineapple (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2545.msg38636#msg38636) + period of stress. Woken up at night a few days in a row due to food passing through my gut (friction). It became more triggery to stress. I felt weak after a toilet visit (friction stool?). Had a flare of mild gut pain during the day that led to overal weakness and nausea for a brief moment. Drank 0,5 L water with salt plus a few drops of citric acid in the morning and everything came out an hour later as if nothing was absorbed. I'm stuck with all these triggers that affect local tissue in different ways. POIS is an extreme trigger.

Triggery spot in my gut lies at the center line and all the way at the bottom. I think it's the end part of the small intestines and problems begin from there (this location was triggered once during a summer by heat). Still problems with some sort of tension (muscle tone? Relaxation process?) that doesn't adapt properly to work/exercise. Recently, it was late in the evening and outside temperature was below freezing point, I could finally feel proper muscle pain after I had picked something up from the ground in my quadriceps which is normally absent.       
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 06, 2021, 05:52:49 PM
Hypoventilation, irregular breathing, pauzes in breathing--->preBötzinger Complex

Bad posture can give me slight irregular breathing rhythm--->Cervical instability--->brainstem compression

Complaints about a spot triggering in the middle of my head--->brainstem?

Opioid-induced respiratory depression: reversal by non-opioid drugs (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4173639/)
Opioids depress breathing through two small brainstem sites (https://elifesciences.org/articles/52694)
Normal breathing requires preBötzinger complex neurokinin-1 receptor-expressing neurons (https://www.nature.com/articles/nn0901-927)

Ambient temperature/POIS are factors -->cytokines-->neuroinflammation/damage to neurons in the preBötzinger Complex? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pre-B%C3%B6tzinger_complex

Respiratory rate poll (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=3591.0)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 07, 2021, 10:53:55 AM
Muon! If you haven't found this already you might be interested in this article as it seems to be related to your relatives at least if my theory holds true.
"All the females who got health problems felt better during their pregnancies and felt worse during their menstrual cycle."
AEA is low during pregnancy, but is high during menstruation, especially in the follicular phase.
The low levels in postmenopausal women and the high levels in the follicular phase suggest that steroid hormones primarily regulate AEA levels, with estradiol increasing the levels and progesterone suppressing them. The effect of progesterone could result from regulation of the degradation of peripheral AEA by peripheral blood mononuclear cells given that the levels of FAAH, the principal enzyme involved in AEA degradation, in these cells are regulated by progesterone. The induction of high AEA levels by estradiol could be mediated by its effect upon endothelial cells given that it has been reported that estradiol increases the release of AEA from these cells into the circulation.

I had hCG on my radar but it seems to rise during menstruation cycle as well: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19438167/
It may just be the absence of menstruation. My mother feels relatively better overal after menopause. She reacts to semen intravaginal, local burning sensation. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3570961/

Edit: Vandemolen had depleted IgM. Table 1 of the last paper shows that Glycodelin-A is able to lower IgM. I encountered this also in a paper about mu-opioids, in that, mu-opioids can decrease IgM.

I don't have a clue how immune cell counts fluctuate during pregnancy. I haven't looked into it.

What about neurotransmitter ratio's during pregnancy and how does these changes correlate with microbial changes during pregnancy?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 07, 2021, 03:14:35 PM
2 posts back about brainstem:

Relationship Between Amyloid Precursor Protein in Seminal Plasma and Abnormal Penile Sympathetic Skin Response in Lifelong Premature Ejaculation (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1743609516304842)

Decreased density of 5-HT neurons in the dorsal and median raphe nuclei also has been identified in APPswe/PS1DeltaE9 transgenic mice.27 Most cell bodies of 5-HT neurons are located in the brainstem at the level of the dorsal and median raphe nuclei and play an important role in ejaculation.4, 28 The decrease of these neurons might result in dysfunction of the 5-HT system. Moreover, higher Ab levels might be associated with decreased 5-HT.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 11, 2021, 06:57:31 PM
Example of a recurrent pattern at the moment:

1) Subtle low grade stress is going on for a while--->
2) Subtle low grade burning sensation at various places on the body close to the skin, comes up and increases intensity gradually over time if stress is still present--->
3) Breathing rhythm gets gradually derailed
4) Getting cold and body doesn't adapt properly to the change in environmental temperature when switching different rooms with different Temperature
5) Glans penis feels sensitive in a weird way (increased sensitivity to friction, like clothing)
6) Other tissue can be affected by 1 as well (like throat gets dry)

Example of downward spiral:
3 can increase 1. 1 increases 2, the latter makes 3 worse.

This cycle can be broken once you neutralize stress. If the stress is present for a certain duration threshold then 3 keeps going on even if you decrease stress levels. Then you are stuck with ANS/breathing dysregulation symptoms which you will have to wait out before they reside.

My take: Stress--->Neuroinflammation of small sensory/autonomic nerve fibers.

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 12, 2021, 11:10:49 AM
Stress-->Th2 response (stress related to immunosuppression as in data I got from POIS induced measurement?)

Through the above mechanisms, stress might influence the onset and/or course of infectious, autoimmune/inflammatory, allergic and neoplastic diseases.

These results initially indicated that stress may induce the skewing of the Th1/Th2 balance toward Th2-dominant immunity, which stimulates the occurrence of infectious diseases and allergic disorders.

Some infections might protect the host from Th2 responses. The host could react by increasing Th1 activity which counteracts the Th2 response from POIS. Some people reacted less to POIS during influenza.

A second orgasm makes symptoms worse because the first one already skewed it a bit towards Th2.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 20, 2021, 01:05:54 PM
My mums autistic behaviours are increasing everyday and same with her high anxiety and low mood, she will not take any supplements now when I offer them to her. She keeps telling me she is fine and to leave her alone but she clearly isn't, its pretty frustrating. Her mum died of motor neurone disease and I worry about her developing something similar as her body clearly isn't functioning properly. Its likely she has many of the same gene mutations I do, if only she listened to me it probably would be cheaper to fix her health now rather than wait for a disease to develop down the line.

She helped her friend move out of a very moldy apartment the other day when she got back she had a butterfly rash on her face which I had never seen on her before which is quite concerning.

My mother gets these flares of butterfly rash on her face, mostly when stressed. You see this symptom in Lupus which is autoimmune. HOD's mother got Hashimoto's disease. Keep observing her behaviour, my brother got psychosis recently. I thought she liked the supplement? What was the name of the motor neuron disease?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Iwillbeatthis on February 20, 2021, 01:21:00 PM

My mother gets these flares of butterfly rash on her face, mostly when stressed. You see this symptom in Lupus which is autoimmune. HOD's mother got Hashimoto's disease. Keep observing her behaviour, my brother got psychosis recently. I thought she liked the supplement? What was the name of the motor neuron disease?

Yeah she improved massively on the EPA for the first week, then she went back to her normal behaviours I guess either because she was started taking a lower dose/less frequently or just environmental/diet factors overpowered the good effects from it. Now she's finished the bottle, I might buy her more but she would never buy any for herself as she has no self awareness to realise how much it improved her, and she spends no money on taking care of herself. I forgot to add she has been hyperactive her whole life she can't stop doing errands/tasks like she is wired sometimes.

I asked her the name of the motor neurone disease and she didn't know, but it was one that killed her mother.

I offered her to take liposomal glutathione today to see if it improved her behaviour but she refused to take any.

Yeah maybe the butterfly rash could have just been from the stress of helping her friend move rather than the mold. When moving a bit of furniture in my house with her, you could clearly see in her facial movements/expressions her body/nervous system couldn't handle the stress of carrying something heavy like a chest of draws. I am also aware that is a sign of lupus which is why it concerned me.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: BoneBroth on February 22, 2021, 06:08:13 AM
I believe lupus is a food/stress/gut related issue. You should listen what Pharmacist Ben Fuchs has to say about it here (https://benfuchsarchives.com/?s=lupus).
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Iwillbeatthis on February 22, 2021, 07:11:23 AM
I believe lupus is a food/stress/gut related issue. You should listen what Pharmacist Ben Fuchs has to say about it here (https://benfuchsarchives.com/?s=lupus).

Agreed I think most autoimmune conditions are due to this.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 22, 2021, 03:30:25 PM
I believe lupus is a food/stress/gut related issue.

Stress as a trigger of autoimmune disease (https://sci-hub.se/10.1016/j.autrev.2007.11.007)
This:"Unfortunately, not only does stress cause disease, but the disease itself also causes significant stress in the patients, creating a vicious cycle."

Stress proteins:
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 24, 2021, 11:28:24 AM
Tried a bit of a green smoothie containing pineapple and spinach, pineapple gives me diarrhea, spinach does other things. Haven't touch those ingredients for years.

I had to run to the toilet in ~ 1 hour after ingestion and had solid brown stool (yesterday's food) covered in green diarrhea. It was tolerable after ingestion until it hit a particular spot in my intestines. I won't touch that stuff anymore. Still highly sensitive to those ingredients especially pineapple. IBS.

1 hour is also the timing that I start to feel bad after ingestion of foods like certain brands of chocolate (where other foods can start triggering local symptoms in oral cavitiy or stomach upon contact for example).
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 24, 2021, 04:52:05 PM
SEV/SE-mediated impairment of T-cell responses regarding my cytokine depression after O?

Seminal exosomes (SE) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exosome_(vesicle)
SE have already been implicated as immunosuppressive, inhibiting lymphoproliferative responses (2), the activity of phagocytic cells (11) and natural killer cell function (12). Thus, the immunosuppressive properties of seminal plasma appear to reside at least in large part within its exosome fraction.

POIS cascade?:
Microvesicles contain cytokines that can induce inflammation via numerous different pathways.[38] These cells will then release more microvesicles, which have an additive effect. This can call neutrophils and leukocytes to the area, resulting in the aggregation of cells.[3][42] However, microvesicles also seem to be involved in a normal physiological response to disease, as there are increased levels of microvesicles that result from pathology.

I don't think a doctor or anyone on this forum considered the involvement of seminal exosomes in POIS. 
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 25, 2021, 02:01:27 PM

Long standing low grade (oral) mucosal activation accompanied with dryness.
Sometimes I can wake up with a well-developed layer of mucus in oral cavity. Thickness will be decreased withing a few minutes after waking up. Consuming food while layer is intact will give no contact sensitivity, friction or irritation. Consuming food while layer is diminished will induce symptoms. Not eating will still give a sense of low grade activation (has to do with wake and sleep state, as soon as I wake up subtle activation creeps in). Stress will induce or increase sense of activity in mucosal layer and makes me more reactive to food upon contact. Edit: Tongue is more reactive than rest of oral cavity at his moment.


1)Intestinal B cell-activating factor: an indicator of non-IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions to food? (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-2036.2010.04314.x)
2)Food Intolerance of Unknown Origin: Caused by Mucosal Inflammation? A Pilot Study (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7889373/)
Intestinal Epithelial Barrier Dysfunction in Food Hypersensitivity (https://downloads.hindawi.com/archive/2012/596081.pdf)
Food intolerance and mucosal inflammation (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ped.12546)

Take a look at the first two papers: BAFF (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-cell_activating_factor) could be involved. Increased (local) IFN-g is being mentioned and could be induced by BAFF. These things play a role in delayed hypersensitivity (non-IgE). Food sensitivities were present before the onset of POIS. Low grade mucosal inflammation? And could this be translated to the male genital tract (MGT) as well? Does a mucosal inflammatory mechanism sensitize the MGT to components of semen?

In conclusion, increased levels of BAFF in blood and gut lavage fluid suggest that BAFF might be a new mediating mechanism of hypersensitivity reactions to food. Significantly higher levels in non-atopic compared with atopic patients and no correlation between BAFF and IgE levels suggest that BAFF might be particularly involved in non-IgE-mediated reactions. Locally and/or systemically distributed BAFF affects Th1 and Th2 responses and might have an impact on both local (gastrointestinal) and systemic (extraintestinal) symptoms in patients with self-reported food hypersensitivity.

1)Increased IgG4:
The fact that the increase in BAFF was seen particularly in patients without indications of IgE-mediated atopic disease is interesting. BAFF is an important regulator of B-cell activation, proliferation, immunoglobulin CSR and immunoglobulin production.

1)"non-IgE-mediated or delayed-type hypersensitivity is much more difficult to diagnose26 and, maybe as a consequence, seldom recognized in clinical practice"

2)"Besides patients with FA, we could identify another patient subgroup with FH that was characterized by very low local IgE titers, low TNF-a, but increased proinflammatory IFN-g values. The significance and importance of the increased IFN-g values and a possible correlation with dysbiosis will be analyzed in a follow-up study"

Reduction of POIS symptoms by gluten-free diet in some POISers:
Wiki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-cell_activating_factor): In patients with celiac disease, serum BAFF levels are reduced after a gluten-free diet.[28] The same reduction could be present in the recently defined “Non Celiac Gluten sensitivity”

Type IV reactions can start 24h post trigger. Healthcare and research do not take this potential timing into account regarding measurements.

Healthcare doesn't investigate this. Absolutely worthless.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 26, 2021, 03:26:06 PM
Immunophenotypical Characterization of a Brazilian POIS (Post-Orgasmic Illness Syndrome) Patient: Adding More Pieces to Puzzle (https://sci-hub.se/10.1080/0092623x.2019.1677835)
"The majority of these cells are expressing CD38+, which suggests that the activation in this patient is more likely to happen via the CD38 molecule and there is no clinical explanation to that finding"


"CD38 is most frequently found on plasma B cells"
Plasma cells produce IgG4. CD38 signaling involved? Cytokine receptors and CD40 are involved in Immunoglobulin class switching (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immunoglobulin_class_switching).

"CD38 can be a major regulator of NAD+ levels
These reaction products are essential for the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ (Decreased cytokine levels after O-->decreased [Ca2+]i?, CD38 activation on T-cells or indirect via changes in NAD+ metabolism?)
CD38 within the brain enables release of the affiliative neuropeptide oxytocin.
When nicotinic acid is present under acidic conditions, CD38 can hydrolyze nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+) to NAADP.
Nicotinamide riboside (NR) and nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) are NAD+ precursors, but when NR or NMN are administered, CD38 can degrade these precursors before they can enter cells.
mice overexpressing CD38 exhibit reduced NAD+ and mitochondrial dysfuntion.

POIS-->CD38 signaling-->Depletion of NAD+-->fatigue (link to ME/CFS?). Niacin can interfere (how?).

It's present in semen:
Seminal CD38 is a pivotal regulator for fetomaternal tolerance (https://www.pnas.org/content/112/5/1559.short)

Redlabs-->CD38 serum levels https://redlabs.be/ordering-tests/request-forms/
CD38 docks to CD31 and CD16.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Iwillbeatthis on February 26, 2021, 03:50:13 PM
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3609577/ :

"In addition, we characterize two CD38 inhibitors: quercetin and apigenin"
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 26, 2021, 04:17:33 PM
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3609577/ :
"In addition, we characterize two CD38 inhibitors: quercetin and apigenin"
Very good find. Dumping this here:
Metabolism of cyclic ADP-ribose: Zinc is an endogenous modulator of the cyclase/NAD glycohydrolase ratio of a CD38-like enzyme from human seminal fluid (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0024320503010968)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 27, 2021, 08:32:16 AM
You have to try to rebalance your whole body.
If you work only the lumbar part, you will not have the expected result.
A bad posture requires a lot of energy from our body. I believe that the vagus nerve works hard to try to return the correct posture.
A wrong tension in our muscles ends up causing a stress on the body that activates defense systems that are related to inflammation. Try to do the work of improving posture throughout the body, I believe it will be of great value to achieve the target (cause of the problem).

Same here. Plus the "inflammation" can affect other tissue and the same process starts at the new local site. Already weak parts of the body seem to be more prone. Waldinger said something similar that POIS puts emphasis on scar tissue/weak parts (experiencing more intense symptoms at scar tissue compared to surrounding tissue). Not sure how he exactly formulated it but I bet these two behaviours are related (or the same). 

Here it is. I can confirm this, got scar tissue myself from trauma/surgery.
Post orgasmic illness syndrome (POIS) (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5001999/)
"An intriguing phenomenon of POIS is that during a POIS "attack", a latent illness and/or a previous scar of a trauma or surgery will become painful or sensitive again. As soon as POIS has disappeared the illness or scar sensitivity disappears as well. Probably this is also due to immunological processes that are activated during a period of active POIS."

Compression of the vagus nerve due to cervical instability in Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIUBBCtl6aU)

Vagus?: https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2545.msg39487#msg39487

Numb tongue, burning mouth, and other tongue pain from nerve impairment due to cervical instability (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PC5L5XepaJw)

Also poor neck/body posture can induce anxiety in me (anxiety disappears when I adjust neck posture, seems like it's called mechanical anxiety), affects respiratory rate, decreases digestion, subtle increase in POTS-like symptoms.

Stress: https://youtu.be/r7pv_VY-hFQ?t=1692

POTS, Bell's Palsy: compression of nodose ganglion? Trigeminal neuralgia? https://youtu.be/r7pv_VY-hFQ?t=5462
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 09, 2021, 12:43:34 PM
Observed this several times, time to take a note:
Eating late, at the end of the day >9 pm, increases the chance to encounter the following scenario:

Abruptly waking up at night due to a bowel movement. Food traveling through gut could be felt. Accompanied by activity at an area close to or at the brainstem. Feeling hot. Irregular respiratory rate. Impaired blood circulation body/brain. Sections of limbs getting tense.

Positive scenario I encountered not related to the above:

Out of nowhere it felt like I was getting proper (blood?) supply to the brain. Felt activity in center of head. Accompanied by fatigue.

On a regular basis:
Impression that circulation body and brain are not in-phase.
When respiratory rate is irregular I get the impression that the ANS uncouples or slips slightly and subtle out of phase from the body.

Weird event:
Sweating on my upper left leg when washing my hands briefly with warm water. This happened a few times in the past when washing my hands but the sweating location was isolated on my upper back instead of leg.

Something similar might be going on:
ME/CFS at the Intersection of the Nervous & Immune Systems (Lecture) - Michael VanElzakker, PhD (https://youtu.be/rIUccEITT6E?t=1369)

Scenario at the top of this post is clearly gut/brain communication. Something could be wrong with a section of my gut. Nimodipine could be trialed to increase blood flow to the brain(stem) in case of potential vagus nerve dysfunction.

I did try to get an orgasm while the condition below was present:
"When respiratory rate is irregular I get the impression that the ANS uncouples or slips slightly and subtle out of phase from the body."
Orgasm and ejaculation were not timed properly as it should be, as in matched. There was some lag between the onset of both. I remember another event in the past where I experienced ANS related symptoms while getting an O and had anorgasmia (POIS symptoms were worse btw and onset was faster).

Extremely rare event: I had an O without POIS symptoms in the past when I experienced no other symptoms and was relaxed while getting an O.

Dumping this here:
Some parts of the body (mainly parts of limbs) cannot get supplied by sufficient blood supply for exercise, feels tense as well (i think it's blood supply but could be wrong though) while other parts are gettting more supply, there is asymmetry. 
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 11, 2021, 09:25:47 AM
Abruptly waking up at night due to a bowel movement. Food traveling through gut could be felt. Accompanied by activity at an area close to or at the brainstem. Feeling hot. Irregular respiratory rate. Impaired blood circulation body/brain. Sections of limbs getting tense.

Could be a section of the gut with mucosal degradation or pro-inflammatory environment which is extra sensitive to friction (due to dysbiosis?). The vagus nerve is involved here, since symptoms are autonomic in nature. POIS could share similar mechanics, semen traveling through sections of the male genital tract that are innervated by vagal afferents, starting abnormal mucosal/brainstem communication mediated by the vagus nerve. Also the vagus nerve influences mucosal mast cells and might mimmick allergy. It may lead to altered inflammatory relfexes by the vagus nerve firing to other body parts which seems unrelated.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 12, 2021, 09:41:41 AM
Is postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) a central nervous system disorder? (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00415-021-10502-z) (2021)


Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), a disorder of the autonomic nervous system characterized by a rise in heart rate of at least 30 bpm from supine to standing position, has been traditionally viewed as a dysfunction of the peripheral nervous system. However, recent studies and evidence from overlapping conditions suggest that in addition to being considered a disorder of the peripheral nervous system, POTS should be viewed also as a central nervous system (CNS) disorder given

(1) significant CNS symptom burden in patients with POTS;
(2) structural and functional differences found on neuroimaging in patients with POTS and other forms of orthostatic intolerance;
(3) evidence of cerebral hypoperfusion and possible alteration in cerebrospinal fluid volume, and
(4) positive response to medications targeting the CNS and non-pharmacologic CNS therapies.

This review outlines existing evidence of POTS as a CNS disorder and proposes a hypothetical model combining key mechanisms in the pathophysiology of POTS. Redefining POTS as a CNS disorder can lead to new possibilities in pharmacotherapy and non-pharmacologic therapeutic interventions in patents affected by this disabling syndrome.


Neuroinflammation: https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2545.msg39297#msg39297

Reduced cerebral spinal fluid volume?:
Muon, way back when I started my Magical TRT Mystery Tour, I had an MRI of the brain ordered by my endocrinologist, resulting in a find of Empy Sella Syndrome. Not sure if/where to post...https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/empty-sella-syndrome/#general-discussion

Replace Fibromyalgia and CFS by POIS and put question marks behind those sentences:
"fibromyalgia is considered a neurosensory disorder with central sensitization as the main mechanism [13, 14], and chronic fatigue syndrome is being reframed as a central nervous system disorder of neuroinflammation and abnormal neurovascular coupling"

Some POISers can induce POIS symptoms by physical triggers like pressure or temperature--->Neurosensory disorder? Signaling mismatch between input and output of brain?
Pathophysiology of POTS: proposed model (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00415-021-10502-z/figures/1)

Thread on Phoenix Rising forum (https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/is-pots-a-central-nervous-system-disorder-blitshteyn-2021.83181/)

Thread on Dinet forum (https://www.dinet.org/forums/topic/31838-is-pots-a-central-nervous-system-disorder-blitshteyn-2021/)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 17, 2021, 08:02:20 AM
1 hour is also the timing that I start to feel bad after ingestion of foods like certain brands of chocolate (where other foods can start triggering local symptoms in oral cavitiy or stomach upon contact for example).

Food curve:
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: berlin1984 on March 17, 2021, 02:11:56 PM
Food curve:

Could you explain this graph?
Does this mean dopeamine stays elevated DURING the process of maturbation..
Or even AFTER?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Charles_b on March 17, 2021, 03:03:11 PM
Food curve:

Could you explain this graph?
Does this mean dopeamine stays elevated DURING the process of maturbation..
Or even AFTER?

I second this question, also a source would be helpful.  My first thought was, ?Wow, that is one hell of a porn session?   ;D
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 17, 2021, 03:03:41 PM
Could you explain this graph?
Does this mean dopeamine stays elevated DURING the process of maturbation..Or even AFTER?

I stole the picture from nanna's thread. The 1 hour peak regarding food caught my eye.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 20, 2021, 08:28:57 AM
Abruptly waking up at night due to a bowel movement. Food traveling through gut could be felt. Accompanied by activity at an area close to or at the brainstem. Feeling hot. Irregular respiratory rate. Impaired blood circulation body/brain. Sections of limbs getting tense.
Probably POTS, drawing blood towards intestines from somewhere else like brain/limbs. Happens often at other body parts, waterbed effect.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 21, 2021, 07:25:17 AM
I suspect that POIS triggers hypovolemia. Could be a central mechanism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasopressin
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 22, 2021, 07:18:57 AM
5+ weeks on 4x200mg/day Cromolyn. It started to calm down my gut after 2 weeks, less triggery, better shaped stool (not sure it's worth $100/month). I feel that my lower back is damaged from all the inflammation + poor blood flow over the years. POIS symptoms attenuated somewhat but this was already trending before I started cromolyn, changes happened in the brain at age 35 (frequent fluctuations). Orgasm is different in the brain now, before that it seemed that some change in the brain during orgasm gets out of bound and your brain gets submerged in something (chemicals hanging around?) while now it returns faster and closer to "baseline" while it doesn't affect the remainder of the brain that much. Libido is different at this point in time, lower. Perhaps symptoms will get worse again when libido rises. Basically some hybrid form of worst case POIS and POIS free state below:

Strange I had an orgasm with almost zero POIS symptoms. A small area close to the center of the brain stabilized within a few minutes (rough estimate, could be a bit longer) after orgasm. I thought there was no problem in that area at that specific moment until the quick transition to a more 'normal' like state happened, the 'normal' state feels less active, much calmer. My libido also made a big change during the last 1.5 months from high to low and POIS symptoms have slightly improved, probably due to prolonged cold weather conditions.

Edit: forgot to mention that my body as a whole was relaxed, other symptoms were barely present and it was past midnight.

My take after observing dynamics over the years:
Upon orgasm something gets amplified and/or doesn't get back to baseline in time. Similar behaviour for arousal, it peaks at the centre of my head, thereafter the arousal flare affects other parts of the brain--> impression that chemicals keeps hanging around in brain ('submerged'/'engulfed') after arousal flare. (Does orgasm affect microglia or blood flow in rest of brain?)

Anyway I'm stuck with low grade lingering inflammation troughout the body out of POIS. Starting to add 3x2 capsules/day of Neuroprotek to cromolyn (allergoval) as of this day.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 22, 2021, 04:58:51 PM
I can already feel the effects of Neuroprotek within ~15 min, it acts on my brain, adressing brain fog. Perhaps I should build it up first instead of starting with 3x2. Hmmm when it comes down to mast cells it shouldn't work that fast from what I've been reading, it probably does something else.

I was able to get luteolin in the product Neuroprotek. I have tried this supplement and am experiencing significant improvement, enough to believe there is serious weight to this theory.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Iwillbeatthis on March 22, 2021, 05:08:54 PM
Just wanted to ask did you have any issues tolerating the cromolyn as I see a lot of MCAS patients having to start on tiny doses with some being unable to tolerate it completely.

Also was wondering how much has it helped your brainfog?

I went to a specialist allergy dermatology clinic which deals with mast cell issues in January, unfortunately I was unlucky and got the worst reviewed  doctor possible at the clinic by MCAS patients, who seemed completely crazy/mentally handicapped and she also didn't believe MCAS was a real thing. She also was only interested in the dermatological symptoms and I warned my GP about this when he referred me.

Anyway long story short even though the doc wasn't good somehow I managed to get a prescription for Cromolyn so she was helpful in that regard. Prof T said I had heat induced urticaria from showers on my face when I showed him pics. But I asked him before if I should take the cromolyn and he said no because my symptoms aren't primarily allergic.

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Iwillbeatthis on March 22, 2021, 05:21:09 PM
I can already feel the effects of Neuroprotek within ~15 min, it acts on my brain, adressing brain fog. Perhaps I should build it up first instead of starting with 3x2. Hmmm when it comes down to mast cells it shouldn't work that fast from what I've been reading, it probably does something else.

I also felt cystoprotek, brain gain work immediately but in the long term they both made me worse. Flavonoids inhibit mao-b and mao-a enzymes which is bad for me with my mutations, really annoying.... I could also be reacting to the olive oil extract as extra virgin olive oil makes me feel really bad because of the phenols I think.

Also maybe you could try taking them sublingually as I felt them work way stronger that way.

Prof T said I should try pure lut small doses but I'm kinda annoyed I wasted money on brain gain and cysto recently, I'm unsure if pure lut would be different or not.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 22, 2021, 05:30:01 PM
0 side effects from cromolyn. It mainly affects my gut, it attenuates IBS-like symptoms but not completely. It doesn't seem to do anything else. I find it too pricey at what it does though, not impressed, maybe I need to take it a little longer.

With regards to neuroprotek, too soon to tell, but the changes are a bit too fast in my opinion (chucked away 2x2 capsules and will call it a day for now). Luteolin is the least phenolic compound of the flavonoids. It's almost bedtime for me over here and I'm alert as hell, cognitive speaking.

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Iwillbeatthis on March 22, 2021, 05:41:09 PM
0 side effects from cromolyn. It mainly affects my gut, it attenuates IBS-like symptoms but not completely. It doesn't seem to do anything else. I find it too pricey at what it does though, not impressed, maybe I need to take it a little longer.

With regards to neuroprotek, too soon to tell, but the changes are a bit too fast in my opinion (chucked away 2x2 capsules and will call it a day for now). Luteolin is the least phenolic compound of the flavonoids. It's almost bedtime for me over here and I'm alert as hell, cognitive speaking.

Ok thanks, I wonder if the cromolyn would fix my bladder pain/IC as this seems like the epicenter of my POIS reaction. Also I was wondering does cromolyn cure mast cell issues after a while or is something you need to take forever?

Thats good to know about the Luteolin phenol amounts so I'll probably get some. Hope the neuroprotek stays working for you.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 02, 2021, 01:34:19 PM
The POIS and stress are acting more aggressive at the middle of my head. Frequency of memory loss increased. Think I've taken too much stress last year especially when engaging with this forum, it already didn't feel right a while back. I hope i don't develop vascular dementia like my grandma. That area can feel better when moving around a bit, I think it's blood flow/pressure related.

Just went to my GP today for my upper leg weakness (mostly from upper leg muscles that are in contact with a saddle when you sit on one) which seem to stem from my lower back. Still can't do the dishes in standing position for the last two years now. Standing still for a few minutes is exhausting which leads to stress which leads to other things. Asked him if it could be a pinched nerve (asked him a year ago but didn't get a scan). He said that it doesn't behave like a pinched nerve and also doesn't behave like a herniated disk. If I bent forward i get relief as well, Spinal stenosis? 'Nope', he said.

Coordination is fine but he told me that the tension of the muscles in the lower back wasn't right.
Moving around from standing position alleviates weakness. He measured my blood pressure, which, he told me, was low (I was in POIS mode as well). The center of my head at that moment didn't feel right and had a hard time constructing sentences and talking. He thinks the peristaltic pump of blood vessels isn't working properly.

Warm weather should alleviate these symptoms he said. I told him that it worsens the muscle tone of back + groin, and upper leg weakness even more. Also a drip of precum activates something in the urinary tract and spreads out to surrounding tissue of the groin area and the lower back muscles which all can tighten up like crazy as a result. Stress, certain exercises and pressure from gravity are other triggers.

I could try medication to stimulate the blood flow but discussed that I should go ahead with the Neuroprotek first. If that is working there is a chance it could get covered by insurance. I asked him to measure blood pressure in my ankle as well but he forgot to do it. I would not be surprised when there is a difference in BP between ankle and upper arm.

I have a hard time to explain these symptoms while sitting in the doc's office and he doesn't have much time. I have to think and speak fast which seem to worsen that middle part of the head. Speech and thinking process slows down even further. I began doing an exercise program around last februari. Stopped the program after two weeks. These delayed exercise symptoms slowly accumulated over time as the program continued, recognised it and quit early.

Taking 2x1 capsules of Neuroprotek for over a week now. Bumping the dose up later next week. Food intolerance overal is a bit less today...weird, maybe it's a fluke. I'm not sure why I'm typing all of this.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 12, 2021, 09:15:21 AM
Taking Neuroprotek 2x1 capsules since ~march 22=~3 weeks
Started to notice some difference somewhere between 1.5-2 weeks. Environmental Temperature also dropped towards freezing point, not sure if that is responsible for slight improvements:

Need less sleep
More muscle stamina
Increased appetite
Stomach doesn't draw blood from other parts of body when digesting food
Better digestion
Less pressure in lower back
Didn't have any episodes of anxiety
Diaphragma is slightly easier to move during breathing
Increased resistance to stress
Less frequent reactions to food
I get the impression that it does something to my vascular system, can't express in words what.

I have put my mother on Neuroprotek. 2x1 capsules. She noticed a difference from 1 capsule after 20 min of ingestion unlike me (i don't feel anything from 1 capsule):

It attenuates fluctuating (nerve) pain throughout her body.
Normally she is full after (or during or even before) a meal but now can have appetite after finishing a meal.
Contact reactions from a specific food that hurts her tongue diminished.
Having moments where the body counters a state of being cold.
More stamina (household)   

Urinary tract exposure to precum hammers my vascular system, systemically. I measured my blood pressure with an air cuff in upper arm. Painfull experience when I put pressure on the artery. I clearly felt friction of the blood pulses. At one point there was one pulse of blood that didn't move well, like it was bigger than the previous ones and it induced a flare of pain at the middle point of my left bicep. There is a hard and painful bump at that spot now. Still got painfull arteries in both biceps. The friction of blood flow is normally present in other parts of the body like legs plus vasospams, it keeps going on all day long for years now and spatially fluctuates. Slighty pressuring main arteries always affected my blood flow disproportionally in my opinion. Blood pressure left arm was 96/61, upper pressure right arm 100. Pressure in left ankle was around 113/72 while upper pressure right ankle 118 on top of my head.

Had some kind of vascular-related event: Went outside (Drop in T was ~20 degrees celsius). Vascular system felt already damaged from precum exposure days before. If you imagine the main peripheral arteries being chopped up in segments, then these segments where all spasming autonomous, at least, that's how it felt. My heart rate was unregular at that attack and it affected breathing rythm. It stabilized within a few mins.

Other stuff: Sometimes feel my HR in middle of brain, belly or lower back. Middle of my brain didn't feel good before starting neuroprotek and was trending into something worse (something going on with an artery in brain?). I think there may be some arteries that are bulging and/or regional vasomotor function is dysfunctional (due to inflammation?). The groin "injury" I have since my teenage years is probably blood flow/arterial related.     

Took a tablet of vit C and it induced bleeding and pain on my tongue upon contact.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: BoneBroth on April 12, 2021, 09:40:13 AM
Some POISes report symptoms of low levels of vasopressin (made in the hypothalamus) and aldosterone (made in the kidneys). Those substances regulate blood pressure. Low levels would probably cause vasodilution, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, blood pooling etcetera. This might be a sign of compromised kidneys and Hypothalamus (but all organs are compromised on POIS-inflammation). Low blood pressure is really affecting your health. 96/61 is very low! My blood pressure is normally at 110/70 but on pois it can be 100/60. Low blood pressure causes cold fingers, headache, gut/intestinal problems, POTS, dizziness, fainting etcetera. Your organs simply get deficient of fresh blood, with oxygen and nutrition (thats why Wim Hof breathing worsk for some). Thats what my chinese doctor has told me over five years. He also sais that frequent ejaculation might cause this over time. Its 3 000 years old knowledge. And also, "if you do one thing wrong when you have symptoms (eating bad, ejaculations, bad sleep etcetera) you have to do 10 things right to compensate". Thats the bad news. The good news is that within chineese medicine this health condition is considered possible to improve and my "prescription" has been, not acupuncture, but chinese kidney chicken soup:

3 liter water
1 teaspoon salt
10 jujube berries
30 goji berries
10 longan fruits
1 whole chicken or 1 kilo lamb with bone
1 clove garlic
15 black pepper seeds
5 cm fresh hammered ginger
5 walnuts (only cushed fresh works)

Simmer for 2-4 hours and drink/eat every other day.

A short juice version to strengthen the kidneys:
20 goji berrries
10 jujube berries
5 walnuts

Simmer for 1 hour and drink a cup every day
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 12, 2021, 10:06:15 AM
Some POISes report low and extreme low levels of vasopressin (made in the hypothalamus) and Aldosterone (made in the kidneys). Those substances regulate blood pressure.

No lab in the neighbourhood that offer tests for these hormones and doctors nowadays are more like financial managers than doctors. Nothing is being monitored over the last few years regarding health. I suspect that the low blood pressure affects my liver, my guess is hypoperfusion of the liver. Regarding orgasm, sometimes I get the impression that something is depleted in the middle of my head after O.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 12, 2021, 11:38:30 AM
I ingested my own semen. All of it. Nothing happened.

Edit: Had gut/belly pain later on that same day (ingested at mid-day) and flatulence but that could have been due to food as well.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: BoneBroth on April 12, 2021, 01:50:49 PM
We should have a thread with a list of good labs that tests the hormones we use to talk about here. Maybe there are already?
Have you tryed bioresonance Muon?

Here you can do dr Hertoghes selftest for aldosterone deficiency (https://www.hertoghe.eu/wp-content/uploads/Test-yourself-for-Aldosterone-Deficiency-1.pdf):
I get a score of about 16.

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: demografx on April 12, 2021, 08:24:34 PM

Here you can do dr Hertoghes selftest for aldosterone deficiency (https://www.hertoghe.eu/wp-content/uploads/Test-yourself-for-Aldosterone-Deficiency-1.pdf):

My endo says one adrenal gland is producing way too much aldosterone. She prescribed something similar to (but not the same as) spironalactone.

If I were younger, doc would recommend surgery to remove adrenal gland.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: aswinpras06 on April 12, 2021, 11:43:29 PM
Very happy to know that Neuroprotek is giving you and your mother good relief.   Other natural  mast cell stabilisers  I believe may provide you more relief.  Try them one at a time and if they work you can easily control most of the pois symptoms.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 13, 2021, 05:39:27 AM
Some POISes report low and extreme low levels of vasopressin (made in the hypothalamus)

Where did you read this?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 13, 2021, 07:35:03 AM


Contributions of ACE and mast cell chymase to endogenous angiotensin II generation and leucocyte recruitment in vivo (https://academic.oup.com/cardiovascres/article/92/1/48/538626)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: BoneBroth on April 13, 2021, 08:07:32 AM
Some POISes report low and extreme low levels of vasopressin (made in the hypothalamus)
Where did you read this?
Wrong of me, I cant find any analyse reports of low vasopressin but many POIS:ers report symptoms of low aldosterone and vasopressin (also known as antidiuretic hormone (ADH), arginine vasopressin (AVP) or argipressin): Dehydration, dry skin, wrinkles, decrease in saliva and dry eyes.

Produced in the hypothalamus, vasopressin increases the amount of solute-free water reabsorbed back into the circulation from the filtrate in the kidney tubules of the nephrons. Second, AVP constricts arterioles, which increases peripheral vascular resistance and raises arterial blood pressure.

I had issues with vasopressin according to a bioresonance analyse but I havn't checked it in the blood.

ACE is also a central component of the renin?angiotensin system (RAS), which controls blood pressure by regulating the volume of fluids in the body. I'ts on the list of tested hormones on my last blood analyse that I'm waiting for the answer of.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 13, 2021, 08:25:31 AM
Yes I agree I have seen symptoms in POISers that could be explained by changes of those hormones.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 13, 2021, 02:46:31 PM
Check page 1 of this thread and observe interferon gamma vs time. It seems bimodal (IL-12 is a major driver of IFN-g) with domains < X hour and > X hour (X=24?) for inhibition and enhancement respectively, similar what Theoharides describes:

Mast Cells to Dendritic Cells: Let IL-13 Shut Your IL-12 Down (https://www.jacionline.org/article/S0091-6749(21)00554-6/pdf) (Theoharides, 2021)
"The effect of IL-13 on the expression of the p40 gene of IL-12 is bimodal with inhibition at early times (< 24 h) and strong enhancement at later times; in fact, IL-13 is often used to generate DCs in vitro from monocytes and these cultured cells produce more IL-12 than ex vivo-purified DCs."

Hmm monocytes:
"T cells and monocyte level were higher in POIS patient while B cell and NK cell levels were lower" Ref (https://sci-hub.se/10.1080/0092623x.2019.1677835).
Increased T-cells: IL-13--->monocytes--->dendritic cells--->CD4+ differentiation: Ref (https://science.sciencemag.org/content/283/5405/1183.abstract), Human monocyte (pDC1)–derived dendritic cells (DC1) were found to induce TH1 differentiation. Could more monocytes mean more Th1 cells? There are cytokines that can increase monocytes (Which ones are monocyte drivers?).

I wrote something earlier about IL-33 and this POIS case, suggesting elevated IL-33: https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=3127.msg39195#msg39195 

IL-33 can selectively induce IL-8 (page 1) from mast cells: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7003574/table/T4/
If this is true in my case then IL-33 may move dynamically in the way IL-8 behaves.
IL-33--->Mast cells--->IL-8
IL-33--->Mast cells/Th2 cells--->IL-13--->Dendritic cells--->IL-12 bimodal--->Th1 cells--->IFN-gamma bimodal?
IL-13--->IgE (IgE brother)
IL-13 positive mast cells = upregulated in IgG4 related disease (https://www.nature.com/articles/srep07696) and can induce IgG4 (IgG4 Muon).

Ref (https://rupress.org/jem/article/178/6/2213/25128/An-interleukin-4-IL-4-mutant-protein-inhibits-both):
"Interleukin 4 (IL-4) and IL-13 share many biological functions. Both cytokines promote growth of activated human B cells and induce naive human surface immunoglobulin D+ (sIgD+) B cells to produce IgG4 and IgE."

Cytokine driven elevation of IgE (IL-13? Elevation of specific B-cell phenotype?), (Reisman, 2020 (https://sci-hub.se/10.1038/s41443-020-0314-9)):
"Eleven (78.5%) patients had slightly elevated total IgE with a mean of 40.5 ± 24.7 kU/l (normal range <35). The IgE test 24 h after ejaculation showed no significant increase in four of the patients (mean 42.5 ± 23.3 kU/l; p = 0.24). The C-reactive protein and white blood cell count in the postejaculation investigation showed no significant differences (p > 0.05)."

IL-33/IL-4/IL-13/IL-12 mast cell-dendritic cell axis could be considered for investigation in POIS research.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 14, 2021, 07:41:19 AM
Stumbled upon something when scrolling through papers about cardiovascular inflammation/disease:
Stress, inflammation and cardiovascular disease (https://sci-hub.se/10.1016/S0022-3999(01)00302-6)
"CRF also stimulates the locus coeruleus, a dense collection of autonomic cells in the brainstem, to secrete NE at sympathetic nerve endings"



I had this, what the woman with POIS below describes, since age ~12. Before I became sexual active, same hot weather condition, manual breathing (autonomic regulation of breathing stopped), no signal that I needed air which led to hyperventilation and panicking:

It's a very confusing feeling to describe: almost as if my body "didn?t need to breathe", or forgot how to regulate the breathing pattern. I could hold my breath and feel no need to breathe in a long time. I had to "breathe manually", which led to hyperventilation and panicking. I had a few attacks like this during the next weeks, but after that it resolved spontaneously, even though it happened a few times in the next years, especially on very hot days in the summer (my favorite weather). I learned to live with it and not panic if it happened, and that was it. Now, considering the evolution of my POIS, I believe exercise was the trigger.
Does this have any relation with the info given above inside this post?

Regarding blood vessels; The vascular system is (over)responding immediately to sexual triggers, not with peak intensity but reaction is very fast, seconds. Even the most distant parts of the extremities. Are hormones playing a role as well and/or is there a neurological component involved? Stress can do the same thing alone or with POIS. The vascular system becomes more reactive to stress once it has been triggered by POIS. Something is going on with the liver as well.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Charles_b on April 14, 2021, 09:32:39 AM
Weirdly I have this same thing happen the first night of POIS episodes: when falling asleep it is like my brain forgets to tell my body to breathe, and I keep half falling asleep, realize I?m not breathing, and then get up gasping.

Generally if I just get up and read a book I?m fine, but if I try to sleep it continues on and off through most of the night.  Other nights I am fine.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Journey on April 14, 2021, 09:44:44 AM
I ingested my own semen. All of it. Nothing happened.

Edit: Had gut/belly pain later on that same day (ingested at mid-day) and flatulence but that could have been due to food as well.
When I was a teenager I ingested my own semen and afterwards my stomach and digestion completely shat down just like when sick with a stomach bug but except it was like a 100% stomach shutdown and I literally felt like I was dying until I vomited it all out which instantly relieved it but that is the only time I have done it and doing it again for the sake of experimenting feels very weird to me but I remember that one episode very clearly
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 14, 2021, 10:19:44 AM
Hormone results fasting blood test 12-4-2021, 12:00 p.m (https://www.dropbox.com/s/ffjiulirc5lg9pk/Muon%206-2%20Hormones%20yourlabs.jpg?dl=0) (I was slightly stressed, measured out of POIS symptoms)

Progesterone (H): 2.6 nmol/L RR: 0.16-0.48


"Progesterone is produced in gonads, adrenal cortex, and also in the brain in both males and females." https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/progesterone

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Hopeoneday on April 14, 2021, 10:35:45 AM
I ingested my own semen. All of it. Nothing happened.

Edit: Had gut/belly pain later on that same day (ingested at mid-day) and flatulence but that could have been due to food as well.

Pure science on action  ;D

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Hopeoneday on April 14, 2021, 10:51:50 AM
Weirdly I have this same thing happen the first night of POIS episodes: when falling asleep it is like my brain forgets to tell my body to breathe, and I keep half falling asleep, realize I?m not breathing, and then get up gasping.

Generally if I just get up and read a book I?m fine, but if I try to sleep it continues on and off through most of the night.  Other nights I am fine.
Once upon a time, in my worst pois episodes, I had sleep paralysis.
Over the years, I’ve learned that pois causes nerve hypersensitivity.
Then there is a reaction, especially in the supine position,
when gases form in the stomach, these gases create pressure on the esphagus (want to burp) and vagus nerves,
and the nerves are hypersensitive, the muscles go into spasm,
in these moments bronchospasms also occur,
the heart skips because all this presure and nerve hypersensitivity.
Probbly hapoxia...due pois atac and all this ocurs...
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: demografx on April 14, 2021, 01:21:43 PM
I ingested my own semen. All of it. Nothing happened.

Edit: Had gut/belly pain later on that same day (ingested at mid-day) and flatulence but that could have been due to food as well.

Pure science in action   ;D


Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Hopeoneday on April 14, 2021, 03:23:04 PM
Guys , cheers..

Ah, wait . Edit , belly pain .. delayed alergic reaction  ???
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: demografx on April 14, 2021, 03:56:57 PM
Guys , cheers..

Ah, wait . Edit , belly pain .. delayed alergic reaction  ???


:) :) :)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 15, 2021, 12:36:57 PM

"In other words, sigma receptors are the intermediate between the extracellular glutamate and the intracellular calcium release that it induces within the neuronal cells. Without proper sigma function, the calcium stores from endoplasmic reticulum will not be utilized properly and the cell will run into issues with calcium toxicity and depletion."

"The correct balance of DHEA and progesterone is going to determine the degree of neuronal excitability."


"I’ve already discussed in “Dysautonomia as Neuronal Storm” that neurons rely on calcium release from calcium channels to release neurotransmitters. Therefore, if there’s intracellular calcium bankruptcy, we are also talking neurotransmitter depletion."

And cytokine bankruptcy (see page 1 cytokines t<24h post O)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: demografx on April 15, 2021, 03:32:17 PM

Here you can do dr Hertoghes selftest for aldosterone deficiency (https://www.hertoghe.eu/wp-content/uploads/Test-yourself-for-Aldosterone-Deficiency-1.pdf):

My endo says one adrenal gland is producing way too much aldosterone. She prescribed something similar to (but not the same as) spironalactone.

If I were younger, doc would recommend surgery to remove adrenal gland.

According to my endo, I have primary hyperaldosteronism, and she recommends that I continue eplerenone.

But I’m holding off those meds because I’ve had scary FAINTING and lightheaded FALLING episodes lately.

At my age, that could be dangerous.

Also, my blood pressure is very high now (173/109). Consulting with my cardio in a few hours.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: berlin1984 on April 15, 2021, 03:50:00 PM
Indeed, please stay safe!

It's crazy to think that your age is triple or more of some members here.
POIS - bringing generations together under a common cause  :D

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: demografx on April 15, 2021, 04:21:32 PM
Many thanks, Berlin!!
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: demografx on April 15, 2021, 04:54:15 PM

POIS - bringing generations together under a common cause  :D

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 16, 2021, 08:34:21 AM
I emailed my GP: Testing of Aldosterone isn't necessary because there isn't a mineral issue present. Cardiovascular issues in family, could be related to something like this:

High progesterone levels are associated with family history of premature coronary artery disease in young healthy adult men (https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0215302)

Got more papers dumped under progesterone on page 1 all the way down in the trash section.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 16, 2021, 08:01:03 PM
17a-hydroxyprogesterone, DHEA, Progesterone, aldosterone:

In male patients with cytochrome P450C17 (steroid 17a-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase; EC deficiency, the progesterone levels are clearly elevated.

It has 3 cofactors: NADH, NADPH, and Heme
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 19, 2021, 09:51:52 AM
I get the suspicion that the Groin problem (one of my first symptoms before hell broke loose) could be related to a regional vasomotor dysfunction of a main artery, same as lower back. Feels like something is getting blocked (or change of tension) upon triggers like exercise, stress, heat, light pressure on affected area or body positions that put pressure on these (my mother who find it difficult to sit at a 90 degrees angle might have a similar issue, pinched tissue + weak vessels?), and POIS, like it doesn't respond properly, leads to weakness, fague minor pain and uncomfortable sensation. Plus veins on bicep did not respond well to blood pressure measurement lately with air cuff. Some pain in the body could be vascular related. I can also feel friction of blood flow in legs every now and then. The spasm in body, especially prevalent in legs, could be vasospasms.

Side note: I don't get these events anymore:
During POIS, pressure builds up in low part of spine, process could take tens of minutes. Moving around may delay this, unable to prevent this while asleep. Up to a threshold point that pressure is getting released and at the same time one leg shocks as if lightning shoots through it. Depolarization? Polarization builds up due to demyelination? (inflammation?). Or sympathetic outlfow issues in spine? Still have pressure in lower spine upon triggers but it doesn't keep building up, it doesn't reach the former mentioned threshold level.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Journey on April 19, 2021, 12:58:57 PM
I get the suspicion that the Groin problem (one of my first symptoms before hell broke loose) could be related to a regional vasomotor dysfunction of a main artery, same as lower back. Feels like something is getting blocked (or change of tension) upon triggers like exercise, stress, heat, light pressure on affected area or body positions that put pressure on these (my mother who find it difficult to sit at a 90 degrees angle might have a similar issue, pinched tissue + weak vessels?), and POIS, like it doesn't respond properly, leads to weakness, fague minor pain and uncomfortable sensation. Plus veins on bicep did not respond well to blood pressure measurement lately with air cuff. Some pain in the body could be vascular related. I can also feel friction of blood flow in legs every now and then. The spasm in body, especially prevalent in legs, could be vasospasms.

Side note: I don't get these events anymore:
During POIS, pressure builds up in low part of spine, process could take tens of minutes. Moving around may delay this, unable to prevent this while asleep. Up to a threshold point that pressure is getting released and at the same time one leg shocks as if lightning shoots through it. Depolarization? Polarization builds up due to demyelination? (inflammation?). Or sympathetic outlfow issues in spine? Still have pressure in lower spine upon triggers but it doesn't keep building up, it doesn't reach the former mentioned threshold level.
When sitting on some surfaces or putting one leg over another the leg that is held over the other always gets numbish tingly and I feel like there is something going on in the left hip area I also had around that area but in the back side some sort of weird pain in 2018/2019 winter when being outside a lot
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 19, 2021, 01:18:55 PM
I ingested my own semen. All of it. Nothing happened.

Edit: Had gut/belly pain later on that same day (ingested at mid-day) and flatulence but that could have been due to food as well.
When I was a teenager I ingested my own semen and afterwards my stomach and digestion completely shat down just like when sick with a stomach bug but except it was like a 100% stomach shutdown...

Had stomach/digestion and throat, gut peristaltic shutdown due to hot weather once. Crossing legs gives problems in groin area as well yes.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 22, 2021, 07:12:57 AM
Upon orgasm something gets amplified and/or doesn't get back to baseline in time. Similar behaviour for arousal, it peaks at the centre of my head, thereafter the arousal flare affects other parts of the brain--> impression that chemicals keeps hanging around in brain ('submerged'/'engulfed') after arousal flare. (Does orgasm affect microglia or blood flow in rest of brain?)

Anyway I'm stuck with low grade lingering inflammation troughout the body out of POIS. Starting to add 3x2 capsules/day of Neuroprotek to cromolyn (allergoval) as of this day.

Or could this (bold text) be vascular instability + vascular inflammation inside the brain? The vascular instability is already present in the rest of the body. Most of the muscle weakness might be vascular related as in muscle hypoperfusion-->weakness + hypoxic triggered low grade lingering inflammation?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 28, 2021, 11:47:55 AM
Chapter about hypoxia: Mast Cells and Skin and Breast Cancers: A Complicated and Microenvironment-Dependent Role (https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/10/5/986/htm)

Mast Cell–Mediated Stimulation of Angiogenesis (https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/01.RES.0000061572.10929.2D)

POIS-induced vascular inflammation, injury, Ischemia?:

My Grandma's vascular dementia, aneurysm and TIA's:

"Brain ischemia is insufficient blood flow to the brain, and can be acute or chronic. Acute ischemic stroke is a neurologic emergency that may be reversible if treated rapidly. Chronic ischemia of the brain may result in a form of dementia called vascular dementia.[7] A brief episode of ischemia affecting the brain is called a transient ischemic attack (TIA), often called a mini-stroke. 10% of TIAs will develop into a stroke within 90 days, half of which will occur in the first two days following the TIA." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ischemia


"My first lab abnormalities in 13 years have came back after ordering Dr Shoemakers tests. MSH ADH hla acth/cortisol tgfb1 c4a c3a vegf mmp9 to name the major ones. All but mmp9 for me was quite abnormal, indicating a chronically unregulated inflammatory state, caused most likely by the water damaged home I lived in for 30 years and possible repeat exposure to toxic algae blooms or an undiagnosed lyme infection." Ref (https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/postorgasmic-illness-syndrome-pois.81982/page-2#post-2329133)

"An inadequate flow of blood to a part of the body may be caused by any of the following:

Thoracic outlet syndrome (compression of the brachial plexus)
Atherosclerosis (lipid-laden plaques obstructing the lumen of arteries)
Hypoglycemia (lower than normal level of glucose)
Tachycardia (abnormally rapid beating of the heart)
Hypotension (low blood pressure, e.g. in septic shock, heart failure)
Outside compression of a blood vessel, e.g. by a tumor or in the case of superior mesenteric artery syndrome
Sickle cell disease (abnormally shaped red blood cells)
Induced g-forces which restrict the blood flow and force the blood to the extremities of the body, as in acrobatics and military flying
Localized extreme cold, such as by frostbite or improper cold compression therapy
Tourniquet application
An increased level of glutamate receptor stimulation [14]
Arteriovenous malformations and peripheral artery occlusive disease
Rupture of significant blood vessels supplying a tissue or organ.
Anemia vasoconstricts the periphery so that red blood cells can work internally on vital organs such as the heart, brain, etc., thus causing lack of oxygen to the periphery.
Premature discontinuation of any oral anticoagulant.
Unconsciousness, such as due to the ingestion of excessive doses of central depressants like alcohol or opioids, can result in ischemia of the extremities due to unusual body positions that prevent normal circulation

Well I don't have 2 heads (thank God because headaches on 1 head is enough!!!) But I am one that gets severe headaches after sex.  It is all over my head. It is not in one spot. In the past it would start out like my head felt deprived of oxygen or something and was very dull achey brain foggy confused feeling. It almost felt as if my brain was burning. I do not sleep well when it is like this. I am very aware of my head the whole time as it feels injured. Normally I sleep like a rock. After a few days of this my headache moves into a more classic headache where it's just painful like a really bad headache. Oddly enough I welcome that because I know I'm out of the first stage and will be better in a few more days. I have to say though since starting testosterone I am not experiencing these kind of severe headaches.  My hormone doctor is being extremely conservative with my medication and I'm not to happy about that.  My testosterone level is still only testing at 4. She has me on such a light dose. I'm going to see my OBGYN on Thursday to discuss my hormone levels with her.


My younger brother:
2020 Dec: Episode of schizophrenia/depersonalization, psychosis, whole body weakness, breathing difficulties. All together and went on for days. He told me he had the impression that there was a lack of oxygen in the brain and thought he passed out a few times.
Also had burning feeling in brain in the past. OCD-like behaviour during psychosis.

Muon's Bell's palsy; impaired microcirculation of facial nerve?:
Plasma Endothelin Level in the Acute Stage of Bell Palsy (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaotolaryngology/article-abstract/623589)

Heather also had a low level of Testosterone which can be a risk factor for endothelial dysfunction in men (and women?):
Low Testosterone Level Is an Independent Determinant of Endothelial Dysfunction in Men (https://www.nature.com/articles/hr2007144)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: dizzy on April 29, 2021, 12:13:16 PM
I get the suspicion that the Groin problem (one of my first symptoms before hell broke loose) could be related to a regional vasomotor dysfunction of a main artery, same as lower back. Feels like something is getting blocked (or change of tension) upon triggers like exercise, stress, heat, light pressure on affected area or body positions that put pressure on these (my mother who find it difficult to sit at a 90 degrees angle might have a similar issue, pinched tissue + weak vessels?), and POIS, like it doesn't respond properly, leads to weakness, fague minor pain and uncomfortable sensation. Plus veins on bicep did not respond well to blood pressure measurement lately with air cuff. Some pain in the body could be vascular related. I can also feel friction of blood flow in legs every now and then. The spasm in body, especially prevalent in legs, could be vasospasms.

Side note: I don't get these events anymore:
During POIS, pressure builds up in low part of spine, process could take tens of minutes. Moving around may delay this, unable to prevent this while asleep. Up to a threshold point that pressure is getting released and at the same time one leg shocks as if lightning shoots through it. Depolarization? Polarization builds up due to demyelination? (inflammation?). Or sympathetic outlfow issues in spine? Still have pressure in lower spine upon triggers but it doesn't keep building up, it doesn't reach the former mentioned threshold level.
When sitting on some surfaces or putting one leg over another the leg that is held over the other always gets numbish tingly and I feel like there is something going on in the left hip area I also had around that area but in the back side some sort of weird pain in 2018/2019 winter when being outside a lot

Perhaps pelvic-floor exercises could help loosening things up?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on May 23, 2021, 02:53:59 PM
I get these kind of questions via PM every now and then. I will answer them here.

Are you satisfied from doing desensitization to yourself?
Yes, a doctor did the procedure.

Is there any problem for you?
No adverse effects from what I know.

Is your pois relapsed at all?
No. But note that it didn't cure the pois.

What specialist does this kind of "treatment"

Are you sure pois is an allergic disease?

Can you possibly give me a schedule of injections (dosage,...)
I have not written it down. I have asked the doc if he could provide me with his latest scheme but I never got an answer back. There is some information in #5 and #22: https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=3551.0
But these are dated there is a more efficient one. (I believe the doc told me once that he thought that 1:8000 could be used as well for a starting dilution.)

Where of my body should I inject my semen?! No one willing do this to me and i cant live with this condition
Forearm. You need a special needle which is thin and flexible (can't remember the name). It's important you don't hit an artery. You inject it just under the skin and the angle of injection is almost parallel to the surface of the skin. The problem is that you need to start at a high level of dilution with saline (1:40.000). If low dilution is used then you can fall into shock, an epipen might be necessary.

Willem did it at home but sublingual (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sublingual_administration), which is easier to do. Scroll down to nakedscientist-->Willem:

There are other methods which you should try first like in the thread I gave you or given in the one below before moving on to desenz procedure (which should be carried out by a MD) : https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2338.0

Note that a doctor could analyse which protein fractions are responsible for allergic/sensitivity reactions. These fractions could be isolated and injected instead of the entire semen sample (=selective desensitization). This method is used for women. https://www.jacionline.org/article/S0091-6749(05)80159-9/pdf

The IgG4 has never been investigated whether it is POIS desenz related. It could be used for therapy:

Rapid immune therapy also exist. This desenz accident also occured:
This response could be similar to rapid desensitization.

This link could be helpful:

how much improvement you got from desensitization?!
5 year long desensitization treatment 2010-2015 (permanent improvement, the amount varies with type of symptom. Fatigue is by far the most improved symptom, perhaps 80% reduction. For other symptoms it's harder to estimate how much they have been reduced, for most of them I think maybe around 50% but this is a very rough estimate). My POIS was quite extreme.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on May 30, 2021, 11:11:51 AM
Reset behaviour regarding multiple orgasms could be linked to values of parameters depicted in table dropping post O. POISers should be questioned about reset behaviour.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on June 16, 2021, 03:14:03 PM
Neuroprotek targets stress susceptibility (including center of head), anxiety (I have flares, not chronic) and depression (I have episodes, not chronic). Subtle improvement of exercise intolerance. It doesn't seem to prevent the delayed POIS wave in any way. My mother stopped taking it and her anxiety came back. No side effects, not for me nor for my mother. It adresses a few other things I described somewhere a few posts back, page 11. It calms down reactivity to food on my tongue (I bite on 1 capsule). Oh...I didn't have major mood/emotional swings, it pushes me in a neutral state. There is also a slight improvement in following verbal conversations.

I think I used:
3 weeks 2x1 capsules
3 weeks 2x2 capsules
~5 weeks 3x2 capsules

I feel it's a supplement for the long term.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: berlin1984 on June 24, 2021, 02:31:50 PM
Are you still not taking any B vitamins?
You once mentioned you can't tolerate B complex, but I think so many people benefit from (several of the) B vitamins, why should it be different for you?
Taking individual ones to find out what helps and what not (for me B1 for sure helps, Choline also as a pseudo-B-vitamin)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: berlin1984 on June 24, 2021, 02:47:46 PM
I feel it's a supplement for the long term.

It's very interesting you mention the improved mood swings.

"NeuroProtek® contains the flavonoids: Luteolin, Quercetin, and Rutin."

This is very interesting. I took a similar one on-and-off (now back on) because they were out of stock:
"Quercetin (aus Sophora japonica L.), ..., Vitamin C (L-Ascorbinsäure), Citrus-Bioflavonoide (aus Citrus aurantium L.), Bromelain (aus Ananas comosus L.), Hagebutte Extrakt (Rosa canina L.) frucht, Acerola Extrakt (Malpighia glabra L.) frucht, Rutin (aus Sophora japonica L.)."
I'm also eating dandelion salad every few days which contains Luteolin.

My mood swings went a lot better in the last weeks but I had attributed it to the Saffron extract and (recently) to stopping coffee and taking higher dose B1.
But maybe the above mentioned things also help and I just did not notice it so much.

For me this supplement is also a keeper..
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on July 22, 2021, 02:23:14 PM
CFS patient from phoenix rising PM box:

"Certain D2-like receptor antagonists can apparently make it physiologically impossible to orgasm, if this source is to be believed.


I am considering asking my GP about it. Orgasms are becoming so debilitating that I'm open to shutting down the entire system at this point.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on July 23, 2021, 01:03:09 PM
 I've spoken to a cardiologist because I developed cardiovascular episodes on cold exposure this year. She proposed a selection:
For vasodilation:
Monocedocard (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isosorbide_mononitrate)
Lowering heart rate via funny currents:
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on August 06, 2021, 02:53:52 PM
Still got problems in area lower back at spine, 24/7. Urge to urinate, even when bladder is empty.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on August 08, 2021, 04:20:16 PM
(Removed by admin for off topicness, sorry.)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: IronFeather on August 09, 2021, 10:30:32 AM
Still got problems in area lower back at spine, 24/7. Urge to urinate, even when bladder is empty.

I just realized I have this too! I never thought of mentioning it in relation to POIS, but it appeared in the last 2-3 years. Sometimes when I go to bed (probably because of the change in position) I have to get up to urinate 4-5 times even though when I get to the bathroom I realize my bladder is empty or almost empty.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on August 09, 2021, 11:30:42 AM
Still got problems in area lower back at spine, 24/7. Urge to urinate, even when bladder is empty.

I just realized I have this too! I never thought of mentioning it in relation to POIS, but it appeared in the last 2-3 years. Sometimes when I go to bed (probably because of the change in position) I have to get up to urinate 4-5 times even though when I get to the bathroom I realize my bladder is empty or almost empty.

You should copy your comment to your thread as well.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on August 11, 2021, 06:05:25 AM
Had a Cardiac CT scan. Blood vessels were clean. No calcium deposits. Blood vessels were a bit constricted during measurement, they gave me sublingual nitroglycerine, I felt that it did something to my brain and facial muscles on the left half of my face. Starting today with a calcium channel antagonist; Diltiaz HCL AUR 120MG T RET, 1 per day.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on October 14, 2021, 03:38:01 PM
Starting today with a calcium channel antagonist; Diltiaz HCL AUR 120MG T RET, 1 per day.

Quit taking it yesterday. No effect on any of my symptoms.

My brain feels drained, stress and pois can induce this. My brother (the one with POIS) complains about a drained brain as well. He is on medication (need to look up name), his prolactin is 4 times the upper limit probably due to the medication. His POIS has gotten worse.

I get the impression that my brain is not able to optimally supply the body. It feels like there is difference in tension in certain muscles, especially the right side of the lower back. Once that is tense, I can feel the urge to urinate. At the same time the glans penis becomes sensitive in a wrong way (not sexual related) to friction. The center of my head feels activated.

If I had to make a guess I would say the supply could be related to blood or neurotransmission. Plus there is a waterbed effect going on. When tension in one part of the body is normalized, it then could shift to somewhere else.

I had a conversation with someone. Had to raise my volume because of background sounds. Tension of facial muscles in left half of face disappeared for the most part and wasn't able to control these facial muscles for a moment, like a balloon losing air and gets flabby. The brain was involved as well, it comes from the brain. Lack of some kind of brain juice?

Low grade chronic stress affects center of head. Body gets stiffer. Harder to move.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on October 21, 2021, 06:21:30 AM
My older brother (not the POIS one, age: 41) starts to develop memory problems and fatigue.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Quantum on October 21, 2021, 10:00:05 AM
My older brother (not the POIS one, age: 41) starts to develop memory problems and fatigue.
Do you think that there is any common genomic link with you and your other brother having POIS, and that in his case, it would be a late-onset, and not related directly to sexual activity?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on October 21, 2021, 04:05:50 PM
My older brother (not the POIS one, age: 41) starts to develop memory problems and fatigue.
Do you think that there is any common genomic link with you and your other brother having POIS, and that in his case, it would be a late-onset, and not related directly to sexual activity?

That's the reason I'm making this note. Too early to draw this conclusion but I have it on my mind yes. Time will tell. He blames the fatigue on his recent dietary switch, namely, eating less carbs and more fat.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 04, 2021, 07:54:57 PM
Low grade chronic stress affects center of head. Body gets stiffer. Harder to move.

Muscle rigidity is asymmetric.

"While in Parkinson's disease, increased muscle tone is induced by decrease of dopamin-ergic neurons in the striatum, opioid-induced rigidity is due to an enhanced degradation of the transmitter dopamine resulting in a functional deficit of a sufficient level in the nigro-striatal pathway"

"Within the striatum there is a dense accumulation of opioid binding sites, which interact with dopaminergic D2-receptors."

My younger brother told me that dopaminergic meds that raises his prolactin level makes his sexual trigger symptoms worse. This could indicate low dopamine levels.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 18, 2021, 08:56:04 AM
Tried Quercetin Phytosome for short term (~20 days), not so much for POIS but for general well-being, although had O's while the stuff was in the blood. 500 mg/day in the morning and sometimes an additional 250 mg in the evening. Could try higher dose in the future. No effect at all. My mother uses it but has no effect on her while neuroprotek did.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 06, 2021, 09:32:55 PM
My mother uses it but has no effect on her while neuroprotek did.
After 60 days on 500mg QuePhyto a day she noticed a difference. Reduced pain in leg and reduced anxiety.

My older brother stopped taking quetiapine. He takes 4 drops of 5% CBD oil Jacob Hooy for his insomnia which turns out to be helpful…at least for now.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 06, 2021, 09:36:24 PM
I wonder if POIS is related to some sort of mucosal mast cell - vagus nerve - brain stem axis.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Progecitor on January 04, 2022, 03:23:04 PM
Hi Muon! I think the pregnancy issue is also related to the estrogen imbalance hypothesis. Your mother's symptoms getting weaker with menopause also support this. Have they ever tried resveratrol or astaxanthin?

Notably, although E2 has nearly the highest and equal binding affinity for ERa and ERB, E1 and 2-hydroxyestrone (two quantitatively predominant endogenous estrogens in nonpregnant woman) have preferential binding affinity for ERa over ERB, whereas 16a-hydroxyestradiol (estriol) and other D-ring metabolites (quantitatively predominant endogenous estrogens formed during pregnancy) have preferential binding affinity for ERB over ERa.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 04, 2022, 04:04:26 PM
Have they ever tried resveratrol or astaxanthin?
No. What dose of those? ERA/ERB ratio of activity? There is a case who mentions menopause in the women thread plus one with high estrogen level. I feel health benefits out of POIS from fresh Pomegranate fruit. I get tired first after ingestion (i think it’s a mucosal reaction), which disappears quickly then once it’s in my system i feel slightly better. Minor effect though.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Progecitor on January 05, 2022, 10:17:25 AM
I can't say that these had the most potent effect in my case, however they appear quite safe while also have a noticeable positive effect. They also proved to be able to increase the ERB:ERa ratio in a study.

The research is quite scarce and mostly focuses on soy and red clover even though I don't think these are the best supplements to manage this issue.

I only did short tests with these, but my symptoms were getting better as soon as the first day.
I took 4 mg astaxanthin two times a day and on a separate occasion I took 250 mg Resveratol (Polygonum cuspidatum root extract) also two times a day (morning and evening evidently).
The details are in my summary.

It is true that at menopause estrogens decrease, however a high estradiol level is only one cause for ERa domination, but there could be several other reasons for an altered ERB:ERa ratio. This ratio seems to play a significant role in several other diseases like asthma, multiple sclerosis, breast cancer, prostate cancer, Alzheimer's disease and actually many more, but I guess if so many people had a high estradiol level it would have been noticed already. As both ERa and ERB have about a thousand genes they modulate it is really hard to guess the exact problem. Neverthless the important thing is that treatment-wise most of the selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM) are beneficial for me. Some of these have only a weak effect like your case with pomegranate, however combining a few of them may have a much better effect.
The ERa-mediated pathway mainly suppresses inflammation and increases cell proliferation, while ERB-mediated processes decrease cell proliferation, but increase cell repair and cell survival, although it is also a major regulator of apoptosis. Of course in other cases the ratio may be altered differently and absolute hormone levels also count. Actually in a high estradiol setting even ERa agonists may theoretically decrease ERa dominance as they could replace estradiol and result in lower activation.
It is really a trial and error method at this point and I am only in the process of figuring this out myself, however I am completely sure that estrogen receptor beta is a major factor in my case and thus likely so in other POIS cases as well.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 07, 2022, 07:42:01 PM
Brain stem, sensory nerves, blood flow, autonomic, temperature triggers.

 Brainstem Abnormalities in ME/CFS: A Scoping Review and Evaluation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings (https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/brainstem-abnormalities-in-me-cfs-a-scoping-review-and-evaluation-of-magnetic-resonance-imaging-findings-nelson-et-al-2021.86604/)

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Lihua on January 24, 2022, 08:25:41 AM
hello Muon, have you ever tested your intestinal bacteria or SIBO? Is the result normal?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 24, 2022, 08:37:39 AM
hello Muon, have you ever tested your intestinal bacteria or SIBO?
No, No.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Lihua on January 24, 2022, 08:56:35 AM
hello Muon, have you ever tested your intestinal bacteria or SIBO?
No, No.
Why not, various paper and people have shown that it is almost impossible that POIS is caused by endocrine problems, maybe the intestinal problems is the root reason.

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: demografx on January 24, 2022, 01:17:43 PM

…various paper and people have shown that
it is almost impossible that POIS is caused by endocrine problems

emphasis above (bold) is mine -Demo

Out of all the many medical specialists I consulted since the 1970’s, endocrinologists are the only medical professionals who have significantly helped my POIS. For the last 11 years. And I am not the only one here.

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: demografx on January 25, 2022, 12:45:06 AM

…various paper and people have shown that
it is almost impossible that POIS is caused by endocrine problems

emphasis above (bold) is mine -Demo

Out of all the many medical specialists I consulted since the 1970’s, endocrinologists are the only medical professionals who have significantly helped my POIS. For the last 11 years. And I am not the only one here.


Has anyone tried this service? I’m thinking of calling them for
online endocrinology advice to supplement my periodic visits with my regular endocrinologist. My regular endo doesn’t understand POIS very well, so I feel that 2-endos-are-better-than-one! :)

Between my primary care physician, cardiologist, and endocrinologist, I’d like to get a better handle on how much testosterone (for POIS) is ***safe*** (I’m 75 years young - - with cardiac issues).

JustAnswer Endocrinology:
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: demografx on January 25, 2022, 01:46:16 PM

…various paper and people have shown that
it is almost impossible that POIS is caused by endocrine problems

emphasis above (bold) is mine -Demo

Out of all the many medical specialists I consulted since the 1970’s, endocrinologists are the only medical professionals who have significantly helped my POIS. For the last 11 years. And I am not the only one here.

Received an e-mail from an outside expert/authority on POIS:

”I will say that hormones influence a great many factors that may be relevant to POIS symptoms, including the inflammatory system and the nervous system. So it’s reasonable to think an endocrinologist would be a useful part of the treatment team for POIS.”
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Lihua on January 25, 2022, 08:52:25 PM

…various paper and people have shown that
it is almost impossible that POIS is caused by endocrine problems

emphasis above (bold) is mine -Demo

Out of all the many medical specialists I consulted since the 1970’s, endocrinologists are the only medical professionals who have significantly helped my POIS. For the last 11 years. And I am not the only one here.
almost all of the blood test of POISer have no any problems----vitamin mineral or hormone

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: BoneBroth on January 26, 2022, 04:13:49 AM
Maybe we havn't done the correct tests yet.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: demografx on January 26, 2022, 05:35:18 PM
Maybe we havn't done the correct tests yet.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 17, 2022, 08:36:41 PM
Exerting force (holding something in my hand (static force) or riding bicycle (dynamic)), acts on the middle of my head if that force exceeds a certain value. Once the latter has been triggered, some kind of body tone/tension systemically doesn't adjust properly. Result will be me riding the bicycle with stiff/tense muscles. Stress, bad posture, heat and POIS can mimmick similar behaviour. The type of Fysiotherapy I had throughout history doesn't work, wrong approach. Exercising in this kind of state can lead to trembling shortly post exercise, you do not gain anything from this.

Getting angry or startled by a loud sound like a firecracker (or sub zero ambient temperatures) does change this for the better. I get the impression that I increase blood and/or induce an adrenaline peak. I could reverse POTS in the past by inducing a muscle pump via power exercise (sounds contradictory with the text above). (something could be underperforming) 

Something is going on near the brainstem (pons/medulla?), as in a abnormal response. Is Dopamine/Adrenaline/noradrenaline involved? I also think that additionally the immune system is involved (Mast cells?), thus pointing in the direction of neuroimmune.

I get the impression that applying a force easily overloads the middle part of my head (just as arousal/orgasm does btw).
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 07, 2022, 10:13:27 AM
Well for me I've found that excess brain glutamate is the thing that causes this neurological pressure feeling in the head. If you have issues with eye contact, autistic symptoms, ocd, then high glutamate low gaba is usually the cause of that.

Insufficient dopamine or norepinephrine could also cause the the head problems you're experiencing:

"Dopamine circulates systemically and has many functions beyond activating post-synaptic neurons. A systemic dopamine deficiency, or insufficient D1 receptor agonism can easily create inflammation via increased NLRP-3.

NLRP-3 can cause anxiety, hypertension in a sodium-rich environment and catabolism of norepinephrine. Insufficient dopamine and/or norepinephrine can impair blood flow in key tissues, cause neurological disorders and is well-known for causing debilitating movement disorders / muscle paralysis, including gastrointestinal tissues."

If excessive dopamine metabolism is combined with a DBH deficiency, the subjective experience could resemble the horrible "disulfiram effect" - custodially imposed on some cocaine users - any increase of dopamine and/or alcohol metabolism does not cause pleasure, instead causing anxiety, nausea, potential seizures and/or severe sensory-motor polyneuropathy." - This is what I used to experience; one drink of alcohol would give bad anxiety, bad speech problems, brain fog, really severe pain in head (not typical headache) like I'm about to have a seizure. Tyrosine caused bad brain fog speech problems, and would wake up feeling really rough the next day. Cocaine no pleasure just really bad anxiety and feeling bad, Coffee no pleasure or good feeling just dilated pupils limited speech and vitamin C would also be the same as coffee. Vitamin D also brain fog and anxiety

An imbalanced GABA:glutamate ratio can lead to excessive dopamine metabolism, excitotoxicity and oxidative stress. This can sometimes be caused by insufficient NMDA inhibition (further relating to magnesium and/or zinc deficiency).
The sensation of my heart beating too strongly evolved into a full tachycardia at random times during the day and night, and my usual extrasystoles, that I've had since I was a kid, got worse, more scary and more frequent. I visited a cardiologist, but he couldn't find anything that was wrong with my heart. I felt dizzy and unsteady, with a strange sensation of pressure in the middle of my brain, but it never affected my mental abilities
I also experience the "ballon" feeling inside the head (in POIS) witch feels like there is a very unpleasant pressure behind the nose, deep in the brain. I also believe it might originate from the pitutary/hypothalamus. I've made a poll about signs of decrease pitutary/hypothalamus function. My hypothesis is that a inflamed pitutary/hypothalamus is causing many of the POIS symptoms.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 07, 2022, 04:14:11 PM
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 14, 2022, 06:01:45 PM
I did experience these, they seem to come from the middle of my head. A couple of sequential clicks with short pauzes inbetween them (Induced by orgasm/ejaculation).
Case report; click sound from head if translation is correct: https://revistasacademicas.cl/Upload/ArticulosPdf/schu_20210819142132_baa6f065-d151-4644-8c52-af22c8ce431e.pdf
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 14, 2022, 07:20:38 PM
Something is going on near the brainstem (pons/medulla?)
The nucleus of the Cranial nerve VII (bell's palsy) is located at the lower part of the pons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facial_motor_nucleus
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: IronFeather on April 19, 2022, 11:28:05 AM
I can't remember now if I asked you this question before, but do you experience a sort of vibration when you tense a muscle? For example, if you extend your arm in front of you, palm down, and press your fingers against your palm, do your fingers and wrist vibrate, as in, being unable to keep a steady contraction? The same thing that usually happens to anyone after absolute exertion to the limit, but all the time and with just light/moderate contraction of the muscles? And if so, did this symptom appear at the same time than your exercise intolerance?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 23, 2022, 08:33:13 AM
I can't remember now if I asked you this question before, but do you experience a sort of vibration when you tense a muscle? For example, if you extend your arm in front of you, palm down, and press your fingers against your palm, do your fingers and wrist vibrate, as in, being unable to keep a steady contraction? The same thing that usually happens to anyone after absolute exertion to the limit, but all the time and with just light/moderate contraction of the muscles? And if so, did this symptom appear at the same time than your exercise intolerance?

No but the body in general isn't able to maintain or adjust tension optimally. The Bridge exercise is one of the worst, unable to keep steady contraction properly, takes a huge toll on my body afterwards. Even sitting in a chair gives me problems; lack of support to muscles (get impression that it originates from brain) in lower back leading to stress in centre of head which leads to stiffening of muscles elsewhere especially in the back. I get the impression that the centre of my head isn't able to deliver proper supply to the rest of the body. Exercising during altered tension (?) or inflammatory states (?) leads to trembling afterwards. Going over exertion limit leads to trembling and weakness. I get the impression that exerting any force puts a strain on my brain. It started with chronic general fatigue followed by some kind of "injury" on the inside of my leg/groin area which left me unable to play soccer (i wonder if that is tension/FM related as well). Sexual triggers make everything worse. At one point I was also doing weight lifting exercises 3 times a week aside from playing soccer, I wonder if that led me into a downward spiral.

Btw when my brother left psychiatric hospital (including complete isolation) my mom asked him what he felt during his stay. He told her that his brain felt drained.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 23, 2022, 08:45:46 AM
Interleukin-8 produced by T cells is under the control of dopamine signaling (https://sci-hub.se/https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/cen3.12472) (IL-8 chronically elevated in me and brother).
"Human PBMC react to exposure to Candida albicans Ag through Th1/17 responses. Therefore, IL-8 production might be high under such conditions".

"Neutrophilic inflammation in chronic inflammatory diseases, such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis and multiple sclerosis, might be suppressed by dopamine D2-like receptor agonists"

Btw when my brother left psychiatric hospital (including complete isolation) my mom asked him what he felt during his stay. He told her that his brain felt drained.

First article talks about D2 receptor. D2 can be involved in psychosis (related to quote).

Premature ejaculation:
Stimulation of dopamine autoreceptors elicits "premature ejaculation" in rats (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0091305784901035)

The Role of D2-Autoreceptors in Regulating Dopamine Neuron Activity and Transmission (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4108583/)

"Autoreceptors on dopamine neurons are comprised of the D2-subtype of dopamine receptors."


If premature ejaculation is triggered by stimulation of D2 autoreceptors, does dopamine peaks too much or is there a high expression of D2 present on dopamine neurons. Are dopamine levels low and could this upregulate D2? What about the rate of transmission? What about D2 expression on immune cells?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on May 04, 2022, 09:20:27 AM
Blood pressure measurement May 4th, 2022, 16:00h:
Sys: 86
Dia: 54
HR: 68

Exercise intolerance prevents me from raising BP by exercising sufficiently.

I get the impression that the body isn’t able to cover optimal demand of blood supply to body parts when needed.

Another Trigger based phenomena: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflex_syncope#Pathophysiology
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on May 08, 2022, 08:12:41 PM
A spontaneous erection of the penis when waking up gives 0 symptoms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nocturnal_penile_tumescence
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on May 12, 2022, 12:28:31 PM
"Left side of the face seems to droop when tired"
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on May 17, 2022, 08:46:56 AM
Applying cold to groin area after O helps local soreness.

Edit: There seems to be different kinds of fatigue (maybe they are the same but they feel different), at least one from which I assume is accumulation of body tissue inflammation (seems to be proportional in intensity to body inflammation dynamics). The other one, I get the impression, is deep focal fatigue (peak behavior with relative high intensity) stemming from middle of the head. The latter can be partially countered by deep sleep/nap (resting doesn't work). Prior to desens the 2nd one often peaked during the tipping point from full POIS mode to recovery mode, day ~ 4-5.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on June 07, 2022, 10:28:14 AM
I can tolerate 1 mg nicotine gum. 2 mg chewing gum is too much, it heats up my body, I begin to sweat and get nauseous. My brain feels different on the stuff, slightly sedative. Awful stuff when >1mg.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on June 08, 2022, 01:46:32 PM
Abrupt emotion:
Had to break up a fight between two strangers on the street. Could feel my brain and legs were weak as in rubber. Pressure on lower part spine.

Surprised about something: pressure in middle part brain gone but altered sensation in right half of face. Waterbed effect.

Jumped by loud noise, made feel good.

Very angry made me feel good as well.

Bad posture with poor lower back support: stiff groin area, penis becomes sensitive. Friction on penis edge leads to weak rubbery legs: i trigger something in lowest part of spine.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on June 10, 2022, 07:12:42 PM
Yea this could be a contender for explaining a set of my symptoms: https://www.reddit.com/r/POIS/comments/v9hxa4/finally_diagnosed_with_something_concrete/

Asymmetric Chronic local tension problems, hardening muscles, weakness in those parts, poor posture making it worse. Can lead to breathing problems and more inflammation. I think it's connective tissue.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Progecitor on June 13, 2022, 07:53:50 AM
Interleukin-8 produced by T cells is under the control of dopamine signaling (https://sci-hub.se/https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/cen3.12472) (IL-8 chronically elevated in me and brother).
"Human PBMC react to exposure to Candida albicans Ag through Th1/17 responses. Therefore, IL-8 production might be high under such conditions".

"Neutrophilic inflammation in chronic inflammatory diseases, such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis and multiple sclerosis, might be suppressed by dopamine D2-like receptor agonists"

Have you never thought about trying to specifically suppress IL-8? This may not solve the underlying issue, however it may ameliorate the cytokine cascade and inflammation regardless of the cause. As most of the following supplements work for me and other POISers, I have to believe that IL-8 is involved in more than your cases only.

Some supplements that specifically inhibit IL-8:

- EGCG and caffeic acid
- EPA and DHA
- Saffron:
- L-theanine:
- Curcumin:
- Imatinib:
- Astaxanthin
- Resveratrol
- Honokiol

- PDE4 inhibitors
In vitro studies show that PDE4 inhibitors inhibit the release of cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) and interleukin-8 (IL-8). The p38 MAP kinase pathway is activated by cellular stress and regulates the expression of inflammatory cytokines, including IL-8, TNF-a, and MMPs. p38 MAP kinase inhibitors have several effects relevant to asthma and COPD. They appear to have a preferential inhibitory effect on synthesis of Th2 compared with Th1 cytokines, indicating their potential application in the treatment of atopic diseases. c-Jun-NH2-terminal kinase phosphorylates Jun, a component of the transcription factor AP-1 that regulates many inflammatory genes and is therefore a target for inhibition in inflammatory diseases.

- protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) inhibitors and protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors
Production of interleukin-8 (IL-8) by gastric epithelial cells may play an important role in H. pylori-induced mucosal injury. The aim of this study was to evaluate physico-chemical factors and signal pathway regulating H. pylori-induced IL-8 production. The IL-8 production induced by TNF and H. pylori was also inhibited by protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) inhibitors and protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors.

- PPAR agonists (not specified)
PPAR agonists were reported to decrease local production of IL-6 in the intestine as well as IL-8 production. IL-8 is a key chemokine for neutrophil trafficking and broadly expressed by a multitude of cell types, including macrophages, and induced by a variety of inflammatory stimuli.

Factors that may increase IL-8 release:

The p38/MAPK pathway has been found to control SASP secretion, which can be activated by phosphorylation in a few minutes after a stimulus. This pathway can also upregulate multiple cytokines, for instance, TNF-a, IL-6, and IL-8.

When deregulated, either by overexpression or downregulation, AP-1 factors promote tumourigenesis depending on the cellular context. Furthermore, elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, such as IL-6, a pro-inflammatory cytokine involved in haematopoiesis, and CXCL8, a chemokine responsible for the recruitment and activation of immune cells, maintain malignant proliferation. Additionally, continuous production of IL-6 and CXCL8 results in the enhanced survival of lymphocytes, which further increases serum cytokine/chemokine levels. Finally, the identification of both AP-1 and NF-kB binding sites in the promoter region of IL-6 and CXCL8 cemented the NF-kB/AP-1/IL-6/CXCL8 axis. In addition, NF-kB and AP-1 TFs share common mechanisms of activation as they appear to be simultaneously activated by the same stimuli. For example, JNK activation via inflammatory or stress-related cytokines results in the phosphorylation of JUN and the nuclear translocation of NF-kB.

Another study further suggested that oxidative stress and inflammation are interrelated as oxidative stress resulting from high ROS can precipitate the formation of inflammation by increasing the gene expression coding for inflammatory proteins, including NF-kB, peroxisome proliferator activator receptor gamma (PPARG), and activator protein 1 (AP-1). Consequently, inflammatory chemokines and cytokines are produced to induce inflammation.

Shortly after the discovery that cytokines like IL-1 and TNF-a could induce IL-8/CXCL8 in monocytes, laboratories, including the laboratory of coauthor Dr. Steven L. Kunkel, began to realize that structural cells, such as fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and hepatocytes, could release IL-8/CXCL8. It was quickly shown that IL-8/CXCL8 could contribute to host defense but also to inflammatory diseases and neutrophil-mediated tissue damage. Indeed, IL-8/CXCL8 had angiogenic activity on endothelial cells as well; the angiogenic activity was mediated by the amino acid motif of glutamic acid, leucine, and arginine (ELR) within the N terminus of the CXC family of chemokines, whereas ELR-negative CXC chemokines were actually angiostatic. Development of Abs against IL-8/CXCL8 allowed for studies using human disease samples, and it became clear that this chemokine was overexpressed in multiple forms of cancer, respiratory diseases, and tissue fibrosis.

Both LPO and ROS induced cytokine (TGF-B, TNF-a, IL-8) release may contribute to the development of nonalchohlic steatohepatitis.

MERS-CoV induces higher expression of IL-12, IFNg, interferon gamma-induced protein 10 (IP-10), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha (MIP-1a), and IL-8 than SARS-CoV.

Multiple studies shown that pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), IL17, IL-1B, IL-6 and IL-8 are upregulated in IBS patients, while the concentration of anti-inflammatory cytokines like IL-10 decreases. It has also been reported that IL-17 is a crucial factor in IBS pathogenesis through activation of NF-kB, mitogen-activated protein kinase MAP kinase (MAPK), and TLRs pathway. IL-17 modulates inflammatory process and increases the pro-inflammatory cytokines production. Activated TLR4 enhances the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1B, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-a in IBS patients.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on June 13, 2022, 07:50:05 PM
Yes I had a list with these things but I lost it. Doctor's don't cooperate with IL-8 suppression. I'm aware of ~75% what you have written. I would measure that cytokine in seminal plasma for other POISers. MMP is also on my mind for connective tissue damage and decreased vascular integrity. Nanna suspects I might have an additional increase in GM-CSF. That combination (IL-8+GM-CSF) is being expressed by a type IVd hypersensitivity, T-cell mediated neutrophil inflammation. I get the impression that low grade mucosal inflammation is present, IL-8 might be involved.

Coffee seems to give very minor relieve.
Curcumin+piperine gives more relieve but still minor.
Resveratrol: no effect. Haven't tried high dose.
EPA/DHA: can't say these fishoil capsules do anything. Bottled fishoil however doesn't give me any negative reaction and It's perhaps the best thing that my body is able to digest. It might suppress local stomach inflammation who knows. 
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on June 20, 2022, 06:48:20 AM
My unpleaseant body odour, dating from my teen years but particularly strong after sexual arousal
Same here
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Progecitor on July 24, 2022, 10:17:06 AM
Yes I had a list with these things but I lost it. Doctor's don't cooperate with IL-8 suppression. I'm aware of ~75% what you have written. I would measure that cytokine in seminal plasma for other POISers. MMP is also on my mind for connective tissue damage and decreased vascular integrity. Nanna suspects I might have an additional increase in GM-CSF. That combination (IL-8+GM-CSF) is being expressed by a type IVd hypersensitivity, T-cell mediated neutrophil inflammation. I get the impression that low grade mucosal inflammation is present, IL-8 might be involved.

Coffee seems to give very minor relieve.
Curcumin+piperine gives more relieve but still minor.
Resveratrol: no effect. Haven't tried high dose.
EPA/DHA: can't say these fishoil capsules do anything. Bottled fishoil however doesn't give me any negative reaction and It's perhaps the best thing that my body is able to digest. It might suppress local stomach inflammation who knows.

I am sorry to hear that resveratrol was of no use to you. Although I also tested some resveratrol supplements that were not particularly effective and only the one made from Polygonum cuspidatum was really effective presumably by the synergistic activity of resveratrol and emodin.
Well we may just not fall in the same POIS type category, though I found some research data that may suggest otherwise.

For one you may be interested to know that the same factors mentioned in your post are also involved in cellular senescence that I believe to be the primary cause of POIS.

SASP in irradiated BPH-1 cells was associated with activation of STAT5, AKT, and the ERK1/2 Map kinase, and induction of mRNAs for pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1alpha, IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-8; TNF-alpha) and other known SASP components such as the chemokines CXCL12, GM-CSF; the IGF-binding protein IGFBP3; and metalloproteases (MMP1, MMP3, MMP10). Abundant p16 expression in the epithelium and stroma of clinical BPH indicated the presence of senescent cells in BPH tissue.
The prevailing view on BPH pathogenesis is that the cumulative effects of low-level chronic stimulation of prostate cells by inflammatory secretions from the reactive stroma and infiltrated inflammatory cells promote excessive cell proliferation in aging prostate.


Another study of considerable interest states that an excess of estrogen at pre-puberty may underlie chronic inflammation later in life and mast cells are highly involved in this process.

As estrogens cause prostatic inflammation, here we characterize the murine prostatic phenotype induced by elevated endogenous estrogens due to aromatase overexpression (AROM+). Early-life development of the AROM+ prostate was normal; however, progressive changes culminated in chronic inflammation and pre-malignancy.
Additional data obtained from further rodent studies show that the prostate gland is particularly sensitive to estrogenic exposure during development in fetal and neonatal life; transient estrogen exposure before puberty results in inflammation later in life, well after the exposure has occurred. Several decades of research from various laboratories, including our own, has demonstrated that this action is mediated by the estrogen receptor (ER) alpha subtype and involves a cascade of events that permanently and irreversibly alter gene expression patterns in the gland. These data indicate that exposure to estrogen causes prostatic inflammation and directly links estrogen and prostatitis.
The elevation in mast cell numbers observed on the AROM+ mouse is a highly significant and novel finding. Mast cell numbers rise immediately following puberty and this is likely a result of the profound changes to the hormone levels that occurs at this time. Mast cells are known to express ERalpha and are estrogen responsive, therefore the increase in estrogen levels that is evident in the AROM+ mice with puberty may be responsible for the increase in mast cell numbers. This putative role for estrogens increasing mast cells numbers is also supported by other previously reported data where mast cell numbers were increased in the inflamed testis of AROM+ mice.
Of particular note is that mast cells have specifically been reported to mediate the recruitment of neutrophils and macrophages, as well as the activation of T-lymphocytes, all of which were significantly increased in the chronic inflammation observed in the AROM+ animals.
The relevance of the AROM+ mouse as a model, not just of prostatitis per se, but of chronic pelvic pain syndrome, is supported by the presence of testicular abnormalities and inflammation, as well as infravesicle obstruction and bladder dysfunction, all of which are potential symptoms that are indicative of chronic pelvic pain syndrome.


I haven't given much thought to MMPs before, however it is clear that they play a role in prostatitis.

These activities were strongly attenuated by treatment of estradiol (E2)-implanted animals with testosterone, which also reduced inflammation; but they were only weakly affected by DHT given with E2, which did not reduce inflammation.
Prominent MMP activities were detected in the lateral lobes of E2-treated rats, including both the active (55 and 81 kDa) and proenzyme (72 and 92 kDa) forms of MMP-2 and MMP-9, respectively.
Thus, elevated MMP-2, MMP-7, and MMP-9 activities in lateral lobe prostatitis correlate with leukocyte infiltration in the inflammatory response. These proteinases may help mediate the accompanying epithelial atrophy and tissue damage in this organ.


In the South Korean POIS study the patient had excessive E2 and quite low testosterone levels. Furthermore the researchers found a 55 kDa protein that was in great abundance before the ILIT treatment.

Given these facts I was wondering if this 55 kDa protein could have been actually the active form of MMP-2. I ran through some earlier supplementation data and several of them which also proved beneficial for me inhibit MMP-2 and MMP-9. Of particular note may be mangosteen which not only inhibits these MMPs, but is also an aromatase inhibitor.

The formerly mentioned emodin also behaves similarly.

Astaxanthin is another example.

Needless to say these proved relatively beneficial for me.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on July 25, 2022, 12:59:29 PM
I was also unable to read, because reading triggerd very bad symptomes. I stoped having sex for two years, and my Pois is now so better I have only slight pain after orgasem lasting one day. But I never stoped reading, because I have to read in my job and everywhere else. So this trigger "the reading" is still very painfull and making me big truble. I can loose strenght in arms and legs if I read to much, I can get pain so strong in my groin that I can't do anything. Orgasem is not a big problem for me anymore, its reading! And I can't se the conection between semen and reading... I had checked my semen and everything is OK.

My brother drops things on the floor when he walks, carries objects and uses his brains as in thinking at the same time.

My mother has trouble doing two things at the same time. (cooking+talking)

Since my POIS induced systemic inflammation has gone down in the last years other mechanics are easier to observe. Like meals may affect breathing. Bowel movements from big meals can disregulate breathing. Prolonged low grade stress can disrupt breathing like it's uncoupling the autonomic function from the body if that makes sense. Carrying extra weight will make it harder to hold a conversation, I also may lose tension in facial muscles. Sudden diminished cardiac pumping power. Loss of strength of voice. Suboptimal digestion. General weakness.

I think all of the above is what I called a waterbed effect earlier in my thread. It's some kind of "power" distribution problem that may stem from the brain. It's shunting power away from certain functions when it's needed elsewhere. Like the total pool of "power" is sub optimal.

I've experienced all kinds of orgasms throughout the years. Even something close to anorgasmia. Stress and existing inflammation seemed to interfere with my orgasm response. When the middle of my head is activated by orgasm plus when it doesn't affect the rest of the brain that much plus low stress and low background inflammation is present, it actually is able to recover quickly and doesn't seem to cause intense systemic inflammation as opposed to when the rest of the brain is affected. The brain doesn't seem to recover to its previous state quickly in the latter scenario, it keeps hanging (or something has been released).

I'm now questioning the intensity of orgasm in my younger years, whether it has been abnormal all along. Like there is an additional excitation and/or inhibition problem in orgasmic brain response present.       

It is as if orgasm is draining the pool of power.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on August 08, 2022, 03:47:47 PM
My mucus production (throat, mouth) is suboptimal. I get the impression that this situation makes me more susceptible to food sensitivities.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on August 09, 2022, 02:43:53 PM
I wonder whether there is a neurovascular response involved accompanied with inflammation during sexual arousal and orgasm. I feel changes in systemic circulation, stiffness/tension, systemic inflammation, look more pale. Aside from that, I wonder if low grade stress and high ambient temperature taps into the same pathway as sexual arousal. Had some mild systemic inflammation, the feel of poorer circulation, slightly lack of oxygen upon arousal and were briefly relieved by orgasm. Increased activity of middle of head always seems to play a role.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on August 14, 2022, 01:31:08 PM
If there are signs of dysautonomia and if the refractory period is making use of autonomic pathways then why would the refractory period be unaffected?

Peripheral autonomic functioning and the male refractory period:
 Evolving ideas about the male refractory period (https://sci-hub.se/https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23470051/)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on September 05, 2022, 04:58:44 PM
My Great Grandmother was born in 1892 and reached the age of 100 years. According to my mother she complained about gut issues, sensitive gut, when eating raw vegetables (like lettuce) which she avoided. She didn’t specify what kind of issues because that generation didn’t talk openly about these things. She wasn’t raised in the era of the modern food industry with all the additives.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on September 09, 2022, 02:57:39 PM
I have no clue how to deal with brief moments of sexual arousal. Middle of head lights up which is then followed by systemic symptoms.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on September 10, 2022, 08:54:47 AM
I have no clue how to deal with brief moments of sexual arousal. Middle of head lights up which is then followed by systemic symptoms.

Mast cell-neuron signaling?
Arousal: Neuron to MC?
Ejaculation: Ejaculate to MC to Neuron?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on September 18, 2022, 03:39:17 PM
I wonder whether there is local low grade neuroinflammation inside the brain present which is amplified by sexual arousal.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Hopeoneday on September 20, 2022, 04:24:11 PM
The words of this man is cutted in my brain while i was
reasarching orusall pois:

Anyways, a chronic viral infection means that any dopaminergic upregulation will be met with viral insult. It basically conditions the arousal system towards a hypoactive state by sheer immune punishment.

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on September 22, 2022, 01:14:15 PM
The words of this man is cutted in my brain while i was
reasarching orusall pois:

Anyways, a chronic viral infection means that any dopaminergic upregulation will be met with viral insult. It basically conditions the arousal system towards a hypoactive state by sheer immune punishment.

Brainstem Abnormalities in ME/CFS: A Scoping Review and Evaluation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings (https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/brainstem-abnormalities-in-me-cfs-a-scoping-review-and-evaluation-of-magnetic-resonance-imaging-findings-nelson-et-al-2021.86604/)

POIS/CFS/POTS could be brainstem pathologies as in overlap of affected areas within the brainstem.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on September 24, 2022, 01:00:37 PM
Passing away during breastfeeding has, I think, to do with the nervous system that wasnt able to handle the amount milk. I still suffer from this issue where digestive function depends on the amount of food (power distribution?). It’s a known issue at the dysautonomia forum, the activated stomach that draws blood from elsewhere where it’s needed, inducing more dysautonomia.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on September 26, 2022, 06:57:33 PM
Red dots on hand
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on October 27, 2022, 02:02:49 PM
There is some kind of systemic block during exercise. I think it’s originating from an area within the brain that I can feel is being affected at these moments. Same area described in previous comments and is affected by sexual triggers.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 29, 2022, 09:06:37 AM
I think there is a core problem with my body.

At the age of 2 days I turned blueish and passed away for a brief moment when getting fed breastmilk and recovered after cardiac massage. They adviced my mother to give me smaller portions. That was, I think, the proper advice.

So what probably happened was that increased demand/load for a particular function comes at the expense of another function.

I have a problem with large meals it can disrupt the respiratory rate, as in breathing becomes unregular. Happens when food is digested in stomach or at times of bowel movements. I get a sensation at the center of my head at these moments. This can be accompanied by altered general tension and weakness.

These symptoms also show up during sexual arousal/orgasm. The same area within my head gets excited/stimulated during sexual arousal/orgasm.

Heat trigger can do the same. I think the body tries to adjust to heat and create other problems in the body (is there sufficient "power").

Now I was never born with kyphosis, that developed as I aged. There is a slight general weakness and tension problems which leads to poor muscle stamina necessary for posture. Was this slight weakness always present during my life? If so then it might be related to the dynamics of this incident as a baby.

These connections aren't obvious when dealing with moderate to high level "systemic inflammation" especially when the sensation in the center of my head is subtle. The systemic "inflammation" dampened after treatment and some more when I aged after that.


Summary: Brain sensation, weakness, altered tension, respiratory rate, digestion are related. I suspect that these are core symptoms. Something is underperforming brain related. And I suspect these symptoms are related to the event I had as a baby.


There is something else. When my mother has a sudden burst of acute stress, she can defecate herself. A trigger like that can lead to weakness in me. I can also have some light leakage of prostatic fluid, when having local stress in certain areas of my back or when posturing up, at the same time when I feel some kind of pressure in center of my head. It's like the stress making a particular (autonomic?) signal shootery or branching to an unrelated area if that makes any sense and losing slight control. Or some kind of inhibitory component doesn't act properly.

There was a guy on reddit who defecated himself during orgasm. He thought these were related somehow.

I also had some kind of "cramp" in my gut during orgasm in the past, not anymore though. Waldinger said that it was impossible.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Hopeoneday on November 29, 2022, 05:21:12 PM

I have a problem with large meals it can disrupt the respiratory rate, as in breathing becomes unregular. Happens when food is digested in stomach or at times of bowel movements. I get a sensation at the center of my head at these moments. This can be accompanied by altered general tension and weakness.

These symptoms also show up during sexual arousal/orgasm. The same area within my head gets excited/stimulated during sexual arousal/orgasm.

Heat trigger can do the same. I think the body tries to adjust to heat and create other problems in the body (is there sufficient "power").

I also had some kind of "cramp" in my gut during orgasm in the past, not anymore though. Waldinger said that it was impossible.

I hawe this complitly the same, but in my case can be
so brutal sometimes.
But what is the rooot couse of this???(mil dolore quest).

Vagus nerve?
ANS , CNS disorders?
Chronic infection in gut, body?
Havy metals toxicity?
Low stomach acid?
Lver , galblader.. panceras disorders?

Why ours body not digesting food like normal peoples do?
Vagus nerve regulate a lot of this related to digestion,
swaloving, gag reflex,
but alsou vasular, cardiac, and brathing etc..

All this with make SIBO in my case and
with my CFS(stiffed
tired non workin muscules) is
figthing for my life literaly
sometimes from gas wich is prolapsing
upward in stomach and put enormes pressure
on my lungs heart and then brain to.
I get POTS  from this gass presure.

Crazy, i tryed seweral protocols for gut withouth
sussscess til now.

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 18, 2022, 08:00:24 PM
when I have no proper backsupport while sitting (generates stress), I get the impression that the middle part of the head is overworking when trying to maintain proper posture. This will lead to diffculties with breathing (need to put force into expanding chest/abdomen and breathing may stall or gets shallow).

It's worse when I eat food in the example above.

So I wonder whether parts of the brain are involved that signals the vagus nerve and wonder if the vagus nerve on its own could have reprogrammed parts of the immune system over time. It took some time to develop full intensity POIS (at least 4 years), this period might have been some sort of sensitization proces.

Rare events:
I also remember an event where I walked naked to the shower after a soccer match when I was 17. The ambient temperature was relatively low. Sudden general muscle weakness struck me for a few seconds. I had something similar at Age 27 when POTS peaked. The heat during summer triggered sudden selective weakness at muscles that are used for breathing. It was like someone sat on my chest, expanding the chest was difficult. The weakness stayed for 30 minutes at constant intensity, like a mathematical step function.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 30, 2022, 07:25:49 PM
I also had some kind of "cramp" in my gut during orgasm in the past, not anymore though. Waldinger said that it was impossible.

Quote from: moviefan2222
gut cramps when I climax,

He developed POIS after the "booster" shot. Class switch towards non-inflammatory, spike-specific IgG4 antibodies after repeated SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination (https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciimmunol.ade2798). I wonder if IgG4 sensitive receptors are involved.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 31, 2023, 06:14:27 PM
My boyfriend poiser, has problems with breathing. With or with out pois. He says "he feels bloked breathing" Maybe there is a conexion But I do not know if it is a consecuence of pois or something else

For me it's twofold:
1)Muscles won't stretch out fully without applying force. May lead to stalling of breathing.
2)Automated function (constant respiratory rate) doesn't work properly, it needs manual input.


The nature of Bell's palsy: its aetiology, and the role of Herpes simplex virus (https://era.ed.ac.uk/handle/1842/27055)

"Bell's palsy is due to a reactivation of HSV in the geniculate ganglion. During this process, neurotransmitters (opioid peptides) and interferon are produced. These cause local vaso-dilation and damage, particularly to the suprageniculate part of the facial nerve."

The Role of Opioid Receptors in Immune System Function (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2019.02904/full)


Down-regulation of cytokines and other inflammatory associated mediators. Depression of T cell mediated adaptive immune responses. Also reduced phagocytosis for Candida Albicans.

If you take a look at cytokine dynamics at page 1 you will see temporary suppression/depression for certain sets.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 16, 2023, 05:11:24 PM
Sexual arousal triggers spot in middle of head. This seems to be coupled to some kind of systemic tension modulation. Response is immediate. The contact reaction in the urinary tract to semen seems to be more like an immune reponse to me. I wonder if POIS makes use of neuroimmune networks where these two examples are different triggers that both affect these networks. 
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 09, 2023, 02:16:08 PM
Is POIS a spectrum of diseases where Central sensitization (syndrome) is one of them?
Chapter 2.7: "Although the prevailing view is that FM and related COPCs are not autoimmune disorders, and that classic anti-inflammatory agents are not of benefit in these conditions, there are some data suggesting that the immune system may be playing a role in their pathogenesis. Perhaps the most consistent finding noted to date is a mild elevation in IL-8, which is a cytokine associated with sympathetic function"

Some people who are susceptible to POIS may very well have "sensitive brains" as you said in your previous post, and something other than semen/orgasm may well trigger POIS-like symptoms for them. In my case, I probably have some kind of norepinephrine dysfunction (since milnacipran works for me).

Check this, I think Dr J. Goldstein calls this a windup.
Another scenario:
Glans penis (limp state and is not sexual related) becomes sensitive while walking or riding a bike that I have to stop walking for a few mins or stop riding the bicycle (I stop because the sensitivity increases with duration of movement up to the point that it hurts). The little friction it makes with my clothing seems to get amplified after repetitive motion. It gets better once I pause. (very mild tingling involved)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 15, 2023, 11:07:13 AM
This is what I have written under the family members section a while ago:

My older brother's daughter
She reacted to dust and milk when she was a few years old. I asked if this was a true allergy but nobody knows.
Spontaneous bursts of saliva production
Sometimes she looks pale with dark coloration under her eyes.
Sugar cravings
She forgets to hydrate because she isn't thirsty. (I have this symptom, need to remind myself to drink)
She has light asthmatic-like symptoms at this moment in time (15 years of age, Dec 2019). Her lungs make sound when exhaling quick which makes her breath heavy afterwards.
Jan 2020, Runny nose when transitioning from warm to cold environment.


My niece turned 18 and her health starts deteriorating characterised by gut problems. I expected something like this to happen eventually that’s why I took notes of her past symptoms. She thinks it’s IBS. Same age when I started to suffer from IBS like complaints btw. Her mother has gut problems as well.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 21, 2023, 08:46:55 AM
I think there is a possibility that an information processing problem within the brain is involved. Sometimes sensory input seem to not register properly, like there is amplification or a weakened sensation. Other times there is an output response to input that doesn’t even make sense. This stuff happens on a daily basis btw.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 01, 2023, 03:00:30 PM
Had an orgasm. Middle of head felt like it had been drained, heavy body systemically, altered tension, weakness, feels like there is a lack of (neurological/endocrine/cardiac?) pumping power. I will see if I can buy a blood pressure meter, although I suspect a neurotransmitter is involved. Inflammation and fatigue were mild and didn't bother me much. It seems standing prevents my brain from recovery. Weakness leads to stress, the latter makes me more sensitive to other triggers, like food.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 15, 2023, 03:33:01 PM

"Although the relationship between histamine and IL-8 has not been fully studied as of 2020, it is known that histamine can increase the expression of IL-8 through H1 receptors in vitro and enhance the release of IL-8 in different cell types."

Histamine induces interleukin-8 secretion by endothelial cells (https://ashpublications.org/blood/article/84/7/2229/172603/Histamine-induces-interleukin-8-secretion-by)

"These data suggest that histamine may be involved in the control of the late inflammatory reaction associated to allergic disorders through IL-8 secretion by EC."

 Role of interleukin 8 in depression and other psychiatric disorders (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0278584620304899)

IL-8 is produced early in the inflammatory response, possibly persisting for days or weeks, unlike most other inflammatory cytokines that are produced and cleared within a few hours (Remick, 2005). Thus, IL-8 might be specific for more chronic inflammatory changes in neurodegenerative and neuropsychological alterations in the brain.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on June 12, 2023, 10:51:31 AM
This is something that helped my brother, best thing he tried:


Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on July 02, 2023, 12:36:00 PM
If exposure to high ambient temperatures lasts too long it will build up to state where it is on the brink of some sort of systemic breakdown. That's how I developed POTS 10 years ago. It was a combination of heat and stress that pushed it over the red line.

I do think POIS en POTS are symptoms of something else.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on July 28, 2023, 12:28:43 PM
(delayed) weakness has become the dominant POIS symptom for me. Not because it worsened but because it didn't improve as much as other symptoms did.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Warrior on July 28, 2023, 07:38:27 PM
(delayed) weakness has become the dominant POIS symptom for me. Not because it worsened but because it didn't improve as much as other symptoms did.

I noticed red meat & eggs helped a lot with improving my weakness symptoms, addition to cutting plant inflammatory foods.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on August 17, 2023, 04:00:51 PM

"Redness - An insect's sting will trigger the classic inflammatory response. Short acting vasoconstrictors - TXA2 - are released quickly after the injury. The site may momentarily turn pale. Then TXA2 mediates the release of the vasodilators PGE2 and LTB4. The blood vessels engorge and the injury reddens.

Swelling - LTB4 makes the blood vessels more permeable. Plasma leaks out into the connective tissues, and they swell. The process also loses pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Orgasm ---> increased blood vessel permeability/leaky vessels ----> temporary loss of (pro-inflammatory) cytokines
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: berlin1984 on August 25, 2023, 03:01:34 AM

What about our Indian POIS friends?
Or Southern Chinese?
Or African ancestry?

BTW, I have

Gene: OCA2
Variant: c.1441G>A  (CT)
This variant is associated with lower melanin production and may result in less pigmentation in skin or eyes. The variant is suggested to play a role in oculocutaneous albinism when combined with more severe variants, but these findings lack statistical significance.
 Freq: 0.7987% rare

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on October 21, 2023, 07:00:28 AM
Why have I never been questioned about Central Sensitization by a medical professional?
"To recognize CS, question the patient for hypersensitivity to touch, bright light, sound, smell, hot or cold sensations, mechanical loading of musculoskeletal tissues, and all kinds of physical, mental and emotional stressors."
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 06, 2023, 12:46:32 PM
Ate a new product, coconut yoghurt (high fat), which induced exploding Diarrhoea. Food sensitivities are mild in general at this moment and suddenly getting an extreme reaction from a certain product. Didn’t feel sick before or after eating it.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 13, 2023, 09:10:12 AM
The middle of my head seem to be coupled to my heart (and cardiovascular system). If I feel changes in my head I feel something going on with the heart. Sexual triggers affect middle of my head and thus affects heart.

I once ate L-Dopa (Mucuna Pruriens) + L-Tyrosine. A few pills, dose was unkown. I felt it affected the middle of my head briefly and affected my cardiovascular system, felt much lighter systemically (better circulation?). I was never able to replicate this effect.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 20, 2023, 01:44:26 PM
Ate a new product, coconut yoghurt (high fat), which induced exploding Diarrhoea. Food sensitivities are mild in general at this moment and suddenly getting an extreme reaction from a certain product. Didn’t feel sick before or after eating it.

Had watery diarrhea today. Ate some grass fed cow butter. It seems there is a limit to the amount of butter I can handle. Is there a fat absorption or lipid metabolism problem in the GI tract?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Frank on November 22, 2023, 12:41:05 AM
Sometimes going from 0-100 can cause these kind of problems. You could try a more gradual introduction to see where your limit is.

Have you investigated your stomach acidity?

The duodenum which comes after the stomach mixes together the food + acid + bile and this processes causes the food to be pulverised.

A lack of bile or acid can cause  undigested food to pass through causing an upset stomach.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on December 06, 2023, 01:26:06 PM
Sometimes going from 0-100 can cause these kind of problems. You could try a more gradual introduction to see where your limit is.

Have you investigated your stomach acidity?
No, I had moments, especially in 2013 when POTS peaked, that food felt like a brick sitting in stomach doing nothing. I expect it to be on the lower side.

The first symptom arose during breast feeding at age 2 days. Cardiac Pulse faded until it was gone. They gave me smaller portions and it didn't happen again.

My guess: I think that neural networks were overloaded. I have this problem to this day, portion size puts a load on my brain and on some systemic network. Digestion in stomach can affect my respiratory rate for example. It feels like the body has to work harder, as in, providing/directing power but at the cost of other functions. That's why the cardiac pulse probably went weaker when I were a baby.

My uncle, as a baby, had a reaction to porridge (gut). Had to be taken to the intensive care unit.

Then you have POIS. Orgasm can make me feel weak (nervous system?). Add that digestive effect on top of it when eating during POIS mode and it will be even more difficult to digest stuff. There is also a local contact reaction going on between food and stomach for some type of foods, but I think that is immune related.

Large meal size can also be more demanding (on my neural networks?) when relatively powerfull peristaltic movement of gut is necessary. 
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 26, 2024, 11:58:15 AM
Could not connect to poiscenter. I have to use a VPN located outside of The Netherlands, that solved it.

Started with Methylene Blue (24-1-24). Saw the thread on poiscenter and actually know a guy who is into hacking health (is healthy himself) and is using MB with red light therapy because of its properties. 1 gram MB powder (CZTL (https://cztl.bz?ref=3Orl9)) on 100 mL water. I'm taking 10 drops (5mg) in the morning and 10 drops before sleep. No issues so far.

It seems to have a blocking effect on the Vagus nerve: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00781015

There are periods where the back of my head is more sensitive to pressure. Had problems last week, prior to MB therapy. Just laying down on a pillow alone (face to ceiling) triggered dizzyness, fever-like feeling (hot), nausea and had to throw up.

I had two events in my back 4/5 years ago and described it here on poiscenter in my thread. Never recovered fully from these events. Tissue in my back never functioned like it was before. It seems like one side (lower right back, close to spine) that has been affected communicates with the middle of my brain and slightly right of that position.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Progecitor on January 29, 2024, 08:36:39 AM
Niacin flush gives symptoms

Have you considered a lower dose (e.g. 30mg)? In my case niacin was useful without any apparent flushing.
Niacin may also inhibit IL-8:
Niacin inhibits fat accumulation, oxidative stress, and inflammatory cytokine IL-8 in cultured hepatocytes: Impact on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on January 30, 2024, 09:12:01 AM
Have you considered a lower dose (e.g. 30mg)? In my case niacin was useful without any apparent flushing.
I will take a look at slow release niacin in the future (if that even exist).

My mother told me that her mother used birth control pills because she was feeling better on them even though she didn't need them (used it later in life after she had given birth to 4 children).


"I truly thought I was the only woman alive experiencing this.  For me, this all started AFTER menopause (I'm 53) and no longer had to take birth control pills (I was on those for 20+ years).  I thought maybe those two things combined were causing this.  After intercourse, I would feel nauseous, dizzy, stuffy nose, sneezing.  This lasts for 4-6 hours.  I thought I was going crazy.  I read somewhere that taking Benadryl 30 minutes before intimacy would help, and it does, but just a bit.  Sure would like to find out more info. on this subject for women."


Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 07, 2024, 11:51:59 AM
Loperamide, Imodium helped him with POIS (selective peripheral mu-opioid agonist)
"It's probably been a month since I tried it from pois. This was enough for me to observe that there was a positive effect. An important question regarding the dosage is approximately 2 tablets of 2 mg at a time before lunch and two in the evening. And this is enough for me to feel like a healthy person. I'm still in the process of learning, but I already wanted to share this information. If you take it before orgasm, then the symptoms of pois do not occur, if after orgasm, as soon as you start to feel bad, I drink it and after about 30 minutes everything is fine."

Haven't tried this extensively, especially with regards to POIS, but notice its effects the first time I took it even at the lowest dose. This stuff feels like an analgesic drug to me. Feels like it dampens unnecessary signaling. I don't get the impression that it adresses the core issue but rather masks symptoms systemically. Reminds me a bit of CBD. It prolongs the time between toilet visits. They should have tried this ~19 years ago when IBS (loose stools) started to develop, instead, they gave me fiber which worsened IBS. Poiscenter member Prospero had succes with mu-opioids.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 08, 2024, 10:21:04 AM
I'm sensitive to the acidic form of vit C (to any acid for that matter). Used calcium ascorbate for a while which is much better tolerable. I prefer sodium ascorbate powder over calcium ascorbate tablets. Can't say it does something but still taking it.

Tested Zinc for years on and off. Get the impression it helps my general health slightly (feels like it increases some kind of resistance against triggers such as stress) but is only noticeable if I stop using it. Just popping in a pill isn't noticeable.

NAC 1200 mg: it dampens the weird feeling in the middle of my head slightly.

I had a scan of my heart a few years ago. Some veins had to be made wider for the scan and they used Sublingual Nitroglycerin. I could feel it had a short-lived focal effect (minutes) on the middle/center of my head. Not negative nor positive, just a different feeling.

My short term memory improved somewhat lately, sharper. Could be a fluke. Still taking low dose Methylene Blue.

Get the impression high quality strong coffee is beneficial for POIS. It's slightly noticeable though.

Premature evaluation:
Excedrin works for POIS. Haven't timed an O properly yet on Tmax of the components. Also works when taken immediately after orgasm. Had stomach irritation once as side effect.
Fexofenadine 24h 120 mg: Can't say it does something for POIS yet. I feel it has a minor effect on mild baseline symptoms out of POIS.
Ibuprofen: Doesn't seem to do anything.

The only thing worth mentioning regarding POIS is Excedrin.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Progecitor on February 14, 2024, 02:07:05 AM
The only thing worth mentioning regarding POIS is Excedrin.

Acetaminophen has been shown to rescue neuronal cells from mitochondrial redox impairment, lipoperoxidative products and MDA generation. Furthermore, acetaminophen also reduced the cytoplasmic accumulation of peroxides. Acetylsalicylic acid and acetaminophen inhibit lipid peroxidation and cell damage, in vivo, in the rat hippocampus.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 14, 2024, 05:06:10 AM
There is a paper that shows that salicylic acid binds (not COX related) to the circulating and relatively stable metabolite of PGF2 of page 1. Can’t find the specific article. Nanna1 went into detail with inhibition of eicosanoid cascades, no point in doing that here again. There is also a progesterone/prostaglandin ratio that affects lymphocytes. AM404: https://academic.oup.com/bjaed/article/14/4/153/293533
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on February 26, 2024, 10:01:22 AM
Sodium Naproxen lowest available over the counter dose gave me significant side effects right away in particular stomach problems (pain). It did something to the throat as well, can't describe with words what it did. Awful stuff.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 02, 2024, 09:06:37 AM
There is clearly communication between the middle of my head and the heart and gut (gut is more stable at the moment compared to brain/heart communication). That spot is too susceptible to things like stress and sexual arousal. I wonder if the vagus nerve is involved and if so, is it just a mediator of signaling and the cause somewhere else or is the nerve itself dysfunctional.

There is also interaction between fluid from sexual organs and tissue in urinary tract. I can feel things like burning so there must be some kind of signaling involved in that area as well.

Brain/neural network/immune axis?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 05, 2024, 01:54:30 PM
I get the impression that the nervous system is hypersensitive, weak and easily overloaded. Eating a meal right after a shower isn't a good idea. The body took a hit during shower and digestion burdens a similar system. Though, there is some slightly increased (nervous system?) resistance against certain triggers like sexual arousal since the last couple of months.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: less_fogged on March 05, 2024, 03:35:40 PM
I get the impression that the nervous system is hypersensitive,

The other day I visited one of my doctors and I used the same wording...nervous system is hypersensitive
Adding to that within my long explanation I was first saying that I feel like I have a dysregulated nervous system and then mentioning, hypersensitive nervous system and/or overactive nervous system, which leads to all my day and night time symptoms.....
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 06, 2024, 03:32:12 AM
I have more days where I need less sleep. I was sleeping at my parents house for a week and they noticed it as well. Could be a good sign or bad. At peak dysautonomia symptoms in the past I experienced a summer where I woke up at 5 AM every day while my body needed more sleep, it was wrecking me.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 09, 2024, 03:54:12 PM
I'm stuck with some kind of fibromyalgia syndrome outside POIS.
First part of the problem I suspect is a brainstem dysfunction which is affected by stress and sexual arousal/orgasm.
Sensory and autonomic networks are probably involved.

2nd part I suspect is immune related like MCAD.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 10, 2024, 09:45:41 AM
And then there are events where you feel systemically drained after orgasm including brain (I think the cause is located in the middle of my head) even if inflammation is mild or barely present. Body is very heavy, constant urge to sit or lay down, loss of power. Libido is killed in this state and has a difficulty to build up (which I don't mind). Standing upright postpones the build up of any libido. Now...I wonder if this state can be reversed rapidly by an adrenaline injection.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: demografx on March 10, 2024, 04:58:31 PM

…Libido is killed in this state and has a difficulty to build up (which I don't mind)…

Just the opposite in my case. I do mind, as I believe libido is tied to my refractory period. A sluggish build up means sluggish semen re-generation which in turn increases POIS, in my opinion.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: demografx on March 10, 2024, 05:01:38 PM
…I wonder if this state can be reversed rapidly by an
adrenaline injection.


 “…common [adrenaline shot] side effects include tachycardia, hypertension, headache, anxiety, apprehension, palpitations, diaphoresis, nausea, vomiting, weakness, and tremors.” May 1, 2023

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 28, 2024, 01:51:34 PM
I was never able to get my hands on SAM-e to test the stack of Nanna1 properly, only half baked. I managed to get SAM, it turns out the stuff is blacklisted for my country, getting a warning when ordering over seas. Got all of his stuff anyway but it will have to wait until I have tested Methylene Blue thoroughly. I wonder why this is blacklisted.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 29, 2024, 07:51:00 AM
I found an old strip with tablets of 500 mg Asperin. Used 1 post ejaculation. It behaves the same as Exedrin meaning acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) is the active component. I suspect I need to take this pre + post ejaculation with multiple tablets spread over the day during post ejaculatory period to better inhibit POIS inertia compared to a single tablet post orgasm. 1 tablet brings significantly relieve (physical plus cognitive) and it is reliable (experience from exedrin). Downside: it causes stomach irritation (probably the reason I stopped using it after 1 tablet, stomach was more sensitive in the past). My grandma used Enterosalicyl (https://www.pharmacompass.com/chemistry-chemical-name/enterosalicyl[/url) which has a similar structure, probably some genetic component involved.

It is useless for prophylactic use against sexual arousal though considering the side effect.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Warrior on March 30, 2024, 12:35:06 AM
I was never able to get my hands on SAM-e to test the stack of Nanna1 properly, only half baked. I managed to get SAM, it turns out the stuff is blacklisted for my country, getting a warning when ordering over seas. Got all of his stuff anyway but it will have to wait until I have tested Methylene Blue thoroughly. I wonder why this is blacklisted.

There are some concerns with SAM-e, you can search those up, maybe thats why it's blacklisted, idk. Have B vitamins or choline ever had an improvement on your POIS?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Progecitor on March 30, 2024, 06:18:47 AM
I found an old strip with tablets of 500 mg Asperin. Used 1 post ejaculation. It behaves the same as Exedrin meaning acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) is the active component. I suspect I need to take this pre + post ejaculation with multiple tablets spread over the day during post ejaculatory period to better inhibit POIS inertia compared to a single tablet post orgasm. 1 tablet brings significantly relieve (physical plus cognitive) and it is reliable (experience from exedrin). Downside: it causes stomach irritation (probably the reason I stopped using it after 1 tablet, stomach was more sensitive in the past). My grandma used Enterosalicyl (https://www.pharmacompass.com/chemistry-chemical-name/enterosalicyl[/url) which has a similar structure, probably some genetic component involved.

It is useless for prophylactic use against sexual arousal though considering the side effect.

Aspirin can really help even in my case, though it loses its effectiveness rather rapidly. At least it provides a partial benefit in an amount of 200 mg daily. 500 mg seems the be a rather high dose, though I see that in case of Rheumatoid Arthritis or Systemic Lupus Erythematosus even 3000 mg is accepted as an initial dosage.
In the past I also found willow bark tea to provide some benefit. Of course the latter my induce more side-effects long term. As an alternative you could try buying the gastric acid resistant protected form if it is available in your country. It is interesting to note that aspirin may be also available in suppository form. I wonder if it could be actually more useful for us considering the focal point of the inflammation. Unfortunately such a form is unavailable in my county, thus I cannot test it.
Another interesting experiment could be the combination of Aspirin and Tadalafil. Some people on the reddit prostatitis site found this combination to be very useful.
As POIS appears to be at least partly at the intersection of CP/CPPS and ME/CFS, we could potentially benefit from their treatment strategies. 
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: demografx on March 30, 2024, 11:49:45 AM

…Another interesting experiment could be the combination of Aspirin and Tadalafil [Cialis]…

Interesting, Progecitor!

Can you say more? (I take a nightly dose of 81mg aspirin per my cardiologist).
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 30, 2024, 03:12:53 PM
Note/caution: At 500 mg I can feel my liver. No pain, but I can feel it.

(I take a nightly dose of 81mg aspirin per my cardiologist).

I was looking at the side effects and it turned out this dose (81mg) is actually beneficial to the liver.

Have B vitamins or choline ever had an improvement on your POIS?

I didn't feel well on unmethylated vit B complex in the past. IDK about choline.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: ThuNd3rZ on March 31, 2024, 03:48:09 AM
have you tried PEA?



Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on March 31, 2024, 04:46:14 AM
have you tried PEA?

No, it is on my list of things to try.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: ThuNd3rZ on April 01, 2024, 02:01:34 AM
I'm giving it a shot right now, My symptoms are similar to yours.  I'll let you know if it helps, I think on the reddit CFS/Fibro some people report big improvements, while others report nothing.   my symptoms are kind of similiar to you, where I was diagnosed with CFS/ME due to the primary neuro symptoms (weakness/tingling/myoclonus) but i came to realize later  after abstaining for a while I was deep in to a continual POIS flare up and when I abstain it improves significantly, but it can take a while like 4 weeks to recover.  If i had to guess brain stem has some degenerative changes that makes it super vulnerable and then when you pour neuroinflammation on top of it you can get some nasty symptoms. It might be that we are more susceptable and  or lived a life of chronic stress that lead to the brain degeneration.  Unless you can really do a full lifestyle to limit stress to the max, SSRI like Lexapro might be only choice to force the relaxation and help promote neurogenesis to repair some of the damage enough to become more resilient but  with long term SSRI side effects it is a tough call need a very calculated plan to transition on and off them to not get caught taking them too long and becoming worse off.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 01, 2024, 02:57:04 PM
Started introducing dairy a while ago (I'm still gluten free). When I do get symptoms I'm getting a mild sore throat as if I'm developing flu but doesn't fully develop into a flu like state unlike POIS in the past, just from cheese alone interacting with surface of throat. And sometimes light/minor pain in joints of fingers. I'm not always getting symptoms though, also depends on the amount. A2 products are better tolerable. The body is handling these poducts better than in the past. I think I will stick to kefir and maybe drop the cheese.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 01, 2024, 06:59:22 PM
I once needed crutches for a period of two weeks because sexual arousal flares fiercly attacked my knee joints. I couldn't withstand pressure from my weight and turning corners was difficult.

Three weeks ago i had second mri and xray of my hip, knee and shoulde joints. According to my doc, I lost significant amount of cartilage in these joints. Every time i orgasm or get aroused, i get burning feeling in my joints along with all other symptoms.

Pois is damaging my joints and i have no choice but to see my body rotting away with time. All the time my joints make clicking sounds and pain is unbearable in hip joint# especially.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 03, 2024, 03:33:19 PM
And then there are events where you feel systemically drained after orgasm including brain (I think the cause is located in the middle of my head) even if inflammation is mild or barely present. Body is very heavy, constant urge to sit or lay down, loss of power. Libido is killed in this state and has a difficulty to build up (which I don't mind). Standing upright postpones the build up of any libido. Now...I wonder if this state can be reversed rapidly by an adrenaline injection.

Or vasomotor function/vascular resistance takes a hit?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 05, 2024, 11:23:46 AM
Something is going on near the brainstem (pons/medulla?)
The nucleus of the Cranial nerve VII (bell's palsy) is located at the lower part of the pons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facial_motor_nucleus

Pontine stroke presenting as isolated facial nerve palsy mimicking Bell's palsy: a case report (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/1752-1947-5-287)

"Isolated dorsal pontine ischemia presenting as isolated facial palsy is very rare, and a review of the literature disclosed only one previously reported case [8]. Our case emphasizes that isolated facial palsy should not always be attributed to Bell's palsy. It can be a presentation of a rare dorsal pontine infarct as observed in our patient."
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Progecitor on April 06, 2024, 10:58:05 AM

…Another interesting experiment could be the combination of Aspirin and Tadalafil [Cialis]…

Interesting, Progecitor!

Can you say more? (I take a nightly dose of 81mg aspirin per my cardiologist).

Of course I can't claim this combination to be necessarily useful, only that there are some empirical indications that it may be. It is even more difficult to say why it works exactly. The most likely explanation seems to be synergistic COX-2 inhibition and the consequent reduction in inflammation. Further possibilities can be found, but these explanations may be in association with each other. For example considering aspirin there may be some connection to thick blood as others had said before, but this itself is probably just another aspect of the inflammation. There is actually one study that discusses the combined benefit of tadalafil and aspirin on vascular erectile dysfunction. If we consider aspirin to improve erectile function, then in a way it may be viewed as an aphrodisiac. Contrary to these findings other studies also show that aspirin may be detrimental to testosterone level and sperm vitality. Thus it can't be said that this combination is purely beneficial, and risks need to be weighed against a possible improvement.

Some interesting quotes in this relation:

Tadalafil probably exerts its analgesic effect through the simultaneous inhibition of iNOS, COX-2, and TNF-a, which is not the case with other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Accordingly, the effect of tadalafil on iNOS highlights the probability that tadalafil exerts its action not by increasing the level of NO, as known, but by regulating its concentration, given that a low concentration of NO upregulates iNOS, while a high concentration has the opposite effect to prevent the overproduction of NO.
Equally, it was proven that sildenafil, another phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor, exerts its anti-inflammatory effect by suppressing TNF-a production induced by lipopolysaccharide and by decreasing the level of NO instead of increasing it.
Therefore, since tadalafil inhibits the expression of iNOS and not nNOS, the probability that tadalafil exerts its action peripherally during the inflammation process arises. Tadalafil exhibits a similar analgesic effect to that of morphine, implicating that it is a potentially potent analgesic agent.


Tadalafil 5mg once daily significantly improved ejaculation and orgasm, intercourse and overall satisfaction, and erectile function. Men receiving tamsulosin 0.4mg once daily experienced a decrease in both ejaculatory/orgasmic frequency and overall satisfaction vs. placebo, with no significant effect on erectile function.

Successful results were obtained by tadalafil and aspirin monotherapy and tadalafil + aspirin combination therapy in patients with vascular erectile dysfunction (VED). However, the least side effect was observed in the tadalafil + aspirin group. Aspirin can be used alone in the treatment of patients with VED, or combined with tadalafil to reduce side effects and increase success.
PDE5 inhibition does not necessarily spontaneously induce an erection; rather, when coupled with sexual stimulation (visual, cerebral, or physical), PDE5i enhances the capacity to attain and maintain an erection. PDE-5 hydrolyzes cyclic guanylate monophosphate (cGMP) specifically to 5'GMP, promoting successful corporeal vascular relaxation and penile erection during sexual stimulation.
Some studies have shown that platelet activity is increased in vascular ED (VED). However, so far, only one study has been conducted to investigate the efficacy of antiplatelet therapy in VED. Previously, we investigated the efficacy of antiplatelet (aspirin) therapy in VED and demonstrated that aspirin may be an effective and safe therapeutic option especially in patients with high mean platelet volume (MPV). Large platelets are metabolically and enzymatically more active than small platelets and produce more thromboxane, known as the most potent vasoconstrictor agent. Aspirin shows its antiaggregant effect by reducing thromboxane A2 (TxA2) synthesis, which is a strong aggregant and vasoconstrictor agent. It also reduces TxA2 synthesis by irreversibly inhibiting Prostaglandin (PG) H synthase-1 (COX-1) and Prostaglandin H synthase-2 (COX-2) enzyme activities. PGH2 is the precursor of Thromboxane A2.
Bornman et al. reported that platelets might play a significant role in hypercoagulability and fibrin deposition during erection, and could be an important factor in the pathogenesis of aging impotence, and more importantly, aspirin might delay penile atherosclerosis
As a matter of fact, there are some clinical and experimental studies, showing that aspirin increases erectile function. Argiolas et al. reported that aspirin had beneficial effects on erectile function at the peripheral but not central level.
PDE5i and aspirin have partially similar effects at the cellular level. Indeed, the findings obtained from the study of Aversa et al. also show that tadalafil has an antiaggregant effect similar to aspirin in the vascular endothelium.
It was observed that there was a decrease in vascular cell adhesion molecules (VCAM), C-reactive protein (CRP), and Endothelin-1 (ET-1) levels, and there was an increase in the insulin level without any change in blood pressure and other laboratory parameters with the use of tadalafil. The fact that tadalafil leads to a decrease in VCAM indicates that it has an antiaggregant effect.
Aspirin with an antiaggregant effect may also increase penile oxygenation if one of the basic factors in the increase of the penile oxygenation obtained with the chronic tadalafil use is the VCAM, CRP, and ET-1 decreases in the vascular endothelium.


Polyamines are small cationic molecules present in all mammalian cells, and they can induce cellular proliferation. Inhibition of polyamine catabolism may provide a strategy to inhibit tumour growth. Activity of the spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltrasferase (SSAT) enzyme, involved in polyamine catabolism, has been observed to be reduced in PCa cells treated with aspirin, which supports the possibility that aspirin may mediate some of its chemopreventive actions through abrogation of polyamine metabolism.
Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is produced by luminal epithelial cells of the prostate gland, and its synthesis is increased in a variety of prostatic conditions including PCa, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and prostatitis.
Some studies have shown that aspirin reduces the prevalence of high-grade PCa in some individuals with a concomitant reduction in PSA levels, suggesting that the anti-neoplastic effects of aspirin may potentially be responsible. Alternatively, other studies suggest an increase in high-grade PCa in populations receiving aspirin, which may potentially be explained by aspirin artificially lowering PSA levels, or by aspirin alleviating PCa-related pain, causing a delay in patients investigating their symptoms and an associated delay in diagnosis.


NSAID use is associated with an increased prostate cancer risk at the population level regardless of the COX-2 inhibition. This may be explained by systematic differences between prescription NSAID users and non-users. In contrast, aspirin use is associated with a decreased overall prostate cancer risk.

Possible drawbacks of Aspirin:

Calcium chelating effect of aspirin and seminal nitric oxide production was measured spectrophotometrically. Aspirin at both tested concentrations significantly reduced progressive grade-a motility and vitality of spermatozoa. Additionally, aspirin was found to have significant ability to bind seminal calcium ions, but insignificantly reduced the amount of seminal nitric oxide. In conclusion, sperm motility and vitality were reduced in the presence of aspirin at 0.1 and 1 mM in semen. Such reduction may be attributable to the ability of aspirin to chelate seminal calcium ions, but not to an alteration in the amount of nitric oxide produced.

Aspirin alters estrogen and progesterone biosynthesis upon chronic administration. Interestingly, aspirin-induced inhibition of prostaglandins synthesis resulted in altered cholesterol metabolism and androgen biosynthesis.
The findings of the present study clearly reveal that subchronic administration (for 30 or 60 days) of aspirin to male rats caused reproductive abnormalities and liver toxicity. However, treatment with aspirin was found to be safe with reference to organs and body weight, except testis, epididymis, seminal vesicle, and ventral prostate. These alterations might be conducted through indirect involvement of inhibition of androgens biosynthesis.
Interestingly, subchronic aspirin administration influenced androgen dependent parameters including that of reduced sperm count, motility, and density. It is speculated that aspirin might have caused reproductive toxicity in male rats through this mechanism, as evidenced by the reduction in androgen dependent parameters.


Aspirin has a negative effect on sperm vitality especially when combined with paracetamol and caffeine (e.g. Excedrin).
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Prateik_dusseja on April 06, 2024, 11:08:01 AM
Is it really working ?
Asprin and tadalafil

I remembered , about a week ago, I had tadalafil 5mg and paracetamol before sex and I didn't get any pois symptoms for 2 days but on 3rd day morning I've experienced heavy pois symptoms
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: demografx on April 06, 2024, 03:34:28 PM
Is it really working ?
Asprin and tadalafil

I remembered , about a week ago, I had tadalafil 5mg and paracetamol before sex and I didn't get any pois symptoms for 2 days but on 3rd day morning I've experienced heavy pois symptoms

My thinking is that the tadalafil is possibly more helpful afterwards, including taken for days later. But it’s not for everyone.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: demografx on April 06, 2024, 09:26:38 PM

…Another interesting experiment could be the combination of Aspirin and Tadalafil [Cialis]…

Interesting, Progecitor!

Can you say more? (I take a nightly dose of 81mg aspirin per my cardiologist).

Of course I can't claim this combination to be necessarily useful, only that there are some empirical indications that it may be. It is even more difficult to say why it works exactly…

In my case, the tadalafil (Cialis) - - taken in the first 2-3 days of POIS - -  improves nerve conduction

And that improvement, I believe, reverses a lifetime of one of my absolute worst POIS symptoms: all 10 fingertips become grossly “flared-up”, causing me severe mental anguish.

My dermatologist told me that there are hundreds of thousands of nerve endings in our fingertips! (But sadly, my seeking dermatology/POIS treatment in the past have proved to be futile).

To younger POISers: don’t give up. I’m 78 and just now might finally have some additional POIS relief! (Testosterone is still my main POIS treatment).
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Progecitor on April 07, 2024, 10:19:35 AM
Is it really working ?
Asprin and tadalafil

I remembered , about a week ago, I had tadalafil 5mg and paracetamol before sex and I didn't get any pois symptoms for 2 days but on 3rd day morning I've experienced heavy pois symptoms

Do you mean you have taken this combination before O, but nothing afterwards? There may be people here who managed to stop the onset of POIS with specific treatments, but in my case the switch is always turned over after an O. If I took proper supplements then my first day could be quite alright, but if I got slack on the follow-up or ate POIS mimetics then the beast would emerge nonetheless.

As I said this is a prospective combination and you shouldn’t put your expectations too high. My general experience is that POIS is just too damn strong. I have already found many things to be partially useful, however they tend to lose their efficacy due to drug resistance and POIS always wins. This seems to be the case with aspirin as well. Also I haven’t been able to get a prescription for tadalafil as of now. I generally try to avoid paracetamol due to my Gilbert’s disease and I also had an unpleasant reaction to it during a trial. This shouldn’t stop you from trying things though as others had some success with each of these individually. You could use the search box from the home page to find the information. You also need to take into consideration possible side-effects, especially as aspirin and paracetamol could be detrimental for sperm quality.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: demografx on April 07, 2024, 01:53:51 PM

…You also need to take into consideration possible side-effects, especially as aspirin and paracetamol could be detrimental for sperm

Excellent advice, Progecitor.

My sperm count went to 0.00 as a result of my POIS/TRT (testosterone relacement therapy) treatment!
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 11, 2024, 03:05:42 PM
I stumbled across my brother's medical data from 10 years ago. I will add it to the first page later. No units or reference values were given. I'm only stating the abnormal values. It's translated from Dutch. Year of birth: 1987

22-03-2013 13:01 (F): Growth Hormone 58.9(H)
29-10-2014 12:00 (F): Endogenous creatinine clearance 165(4)(H)
29-10-2014 12:00 (F): Sodium 63(L)
29-10-2014 14:15 (F): Vitamin B6 125(H)
29-10-2014 14:15 (F): IgE 144(H)

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 15, 2024, 11:46:31 AM
I will stop taking Methylene Blue (single dose 15 mg/day) for a moment because other supplements are approaching an expiration date. Trying the POIS cascade stack. Adding Zinc and Curcumin as well because I was already taking those (did not get the impression that this brand of curcumin helped but zinc helps a bit).
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 16, 2024, 08:16:24 AM
SAM-e AND ITS THERAPEUTIC PRINCIPLES (https://jddtonline.info/index.php/jddt/article/download/358/225)
It is from 2013 though.
Recent testing by ConsumerLab.com of over-the-counter brands of SAMe in the United States found, on average, that for 6 of the 13 brands tested, less than half the amount of SAMe stated on the label was actually present.

Does anyone have a membership on this website?:
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Warrior on April 17, 2024, 02:30:14 AM
SAM-e AND ITS THERAPEUTIC PRINCIPLES (https://jddtonline.info/index.php/jddt/article/download/358/225)
It is from 2013 though.
Recent testing by ConsumerLab.com of over-the-counter brands of SAMe in the United States found, on average, that for 6 of the 13 brands tested, less than half the amount of SAMe stated on the label was actually present.

Does anyone have a membership on this website?:

In response to your DM, these would probably be my top brands for SAMe: Jarrows, Doctor's Best, LifeExtension & NutraLife.

I personally have tried both Jarrows and NutraLife. Both work very potently.

Always choose from reliable brands and make sure the SAM-e is enterically coated. Ideally take on empty stomach.

Not sure what country you're in, but iHerb stock all of these big name brands. The general advice within the supplement community is not to trust Amazon.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 17, 2024, 06:01:00 PM
Temperature has a major effect on me. Also when I hit a local area on my body with cold water it can relieve some kind of local tension/fibro-like sensation in that area. But above all my overal muscle strength increases when exposed to low(er) ambient temperatures and less autonomic instability. Demo his thread got me thinking. Dumping some links here, will look at it later.

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on April 22, 2024, 08:49:59 AM

"The muscle loss, flu-like symptoms, being skinny, and diarrhea all sound like POIS. When I first got POIS, one of the things I was most worried about was my "metabolism being too fast". I was constantly hungry and never gained any weight. It was like food just went right through me without my body absorbing any nutrients. This was in addition to spasms in my face, brain fog, and speech impairment. You may not have these latter symptoms, but I don't anymore either. But that's only because I've learned to manage my POIS to a certain extent."

Highlighted text: This is where symptoms started to escalate in my case exactly 20 years ago (just turned 39 this week), in terms of intensity of existing symptoms and quantity (new symptoms).

Dose of SAM-E used in literature for a variety of issues is more than 800 mg when I do a quick scan of studies.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on May 01, 2024, 03:36:11 AM
The mechanosensitive Piezo1 channel is required for bone formation

Furthermore, osteoporosis patients show reduced expression of Piezo1, which is closely correlated with osteoblast dysfunction.

My mother got osteoporosis. Just taking a note here.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on May 02, 2024, 10:41:49 AM
It's difficult to observe effects of therapies in general when the weather becomes hotter (It feels like it amplifies systemic low grade chronic inflammation).

I have never adressed elevated liver enzymes. Things that might help:
Bile salts (because of low cholesterol)
Silymarin >140mg
Sam-E (dose?)
I've read about Niacin, need to double check that one.

I'm thinking about moving dexamethasone, cryotherapy and ketodiet more towards the top of my things to try list. I also wonder whether the body needs to be loaded at all times with anti-oxidants.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on May 06, 2024, 08:02:29 AM
I suspect that in my case brainstem function needs to be measured upon physical exertion and/or (post) sexual arousal/orgasm.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on May 13, 2024, 03:36:48 AM
Which specialist deals with the type of investigations in the picture below?
Brainstem Abnormalities in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Scoping Review and Evaluation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings (https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/neurology/articles/10.3389/fneur.2021.769511/full) (2021)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on May 13, 2024, 06:08:49 AM
Central 5-HTergic hyperactivity induces myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)-like pathophysiology (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12967-023-04808-x)

Can this be a reason why I had a hard time tolerating low dose citalopram which acted on middle of my head?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on May 20, 2024, 01:10:01 PM
I wonder if plasmalogens will help. The prices are insane though: https://prodrome.com/
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on May 21, 2024, 08:02:26 AM
Lower back support while sitting is important to reduce stress and cope with weakness. I have not found a proper chair yet that perfectly supports my lower back. I also underestimated the importance of this in the past. If I have to sit somewhere then I will use an ergonomic pillow which I carry with me.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on May 22, 2024, 02:29:43 PM
My hand reacts to WIFI. When I’m close to the router (can also happen with a device) while it’s downloading data I can feel a prickly sensation inside my hand. It is not consistent but observed this often enough to discover a pattern.

Other thing I have never mentioned:
The longer I am exposed to heat during cooking the less appetite I will have.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: demografx on May 23, 2024, 09:55:42 AM
Lower back support while sitting is important to reduce stress and cope with weakness. I have not found a proper chair yet that perfectly supports my lower back. I also underestimated the importance of this in the past. If I have to sit somewhere then I will use an ergonomic pillow which I carry with me.

Interesting. I need (very much) upper back support (to counteract a muscle weakness) as much as lower.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on June 03, 2024, 02:58:23 PM
Yang. 2024. Food-specific IgG4-guided diet elimination improves allergy symptoms in children (https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/immunology/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2024.1281741/full)

In conclusion, serum FS-IgG4, but not FS-IgE, is found to be correlated with allergic diseases more significantly than previously recognized. Eggs and milk emerge as the most common allergens influencing the development of allergic symptoms. Diet elimination guided by FS-IgG4 proves to be an effective method for managing allergic diseases in children.

The positive rates of the FS-IgG4 in three groups. (*p<0.05).

I was wondering about food specific sIgA, this one drew my attention. I will read it later:

 Breast milk IgA to foods has different epitope specificity than serum IgA—Evidence for entero-mammary link for food-specific IgA? (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/cea.12945)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on June 04, 2024, 04:23:21 PM
Sometimes I suspect that it's protein rich food I'm sensitive to except for meat. Like food that is allergenic. Other moments I suspect it's histamine content. Can't get my finger behind it. Most of the time I think it's random. My tongue is often the first responder to food sensitivies. I mentioned IgG4 food panels in the past and was being told that it had no clinical relevance, which is not true.

Tried Nanna's stack for a month, think I had more moments where food sensitivies were toned down but I'm not sure. I might try higher dose of SAMe.

I get the impression that my POIS is in a super slow natural desensitization process and that the condition itself is a symptom how brutal and dominant it may be. Stress needs to be avoided entirely, there is some improvement to be made with behavioural adjustments (knowing when to spend time to destress).

GP didn't want to prescribe dexamethasone for POIS, just to try a few times. A rapid response might tell me more.
Think I will ask for an IgG4 food panel.

Some things I didn't mention:

This is something I have observed since the end of 2023. I once forgot to flush the toilet after urinating before sleep. Next toilet visit in the morning showed me a layer on the water. You could see the optical refraction (colors like when there is an oil spil on water). Repeated this plenty of times with same results. Water surface physics was altered as well when dripping water on it meaning it was clearly a layer. Quite a consistent effect. Could be normal I don't know.

Yesterday I had a toilet visit where my urine smelled like ammonia. My sense of smell is decreased so it had to be a strong odor. This is rare though.

And it seems that my younger brother is permanently damaged. Not the same person anymore.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: less_fogged on June 04, 2024, 07:43:42 PM
I once forgot to flush the toilet after urinating before sleep. Next toilet visit in the morning showed me a layer on the water. You could see the optical refraction (colors like when there is an oil spil on water). Repeated this plenty of times with same results. Water surface physics was altered as well when dripping water on it meaning it was clearly a layer. Quite a consistent effect. Could be normal I don't know.

I can confirm, I've also seen this!
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on June 05, 2024, 04:51:43 AM
I did consult the free version of chatGPT about the surface film:

The scenario you describe is not typical for normal urine in a healthy person. Several factors could explain the presence of a visible layer on the water surface after urinating and leaving it overnight:

1. Dehydration
Explanation: Dehydration can concentrate urine, increasing the levels of dissolved substances such as urea, salts, and organic compounds. This concentration might create a surface layer with different optical properties.
Solution: Ensure adequate hydration by drinking enough water throughout the day.

2. Diet and Supplements
Explanation: Certain foods, drinks, or supplements can alter the composition of urine. For example, high-protein diets, asparagus, or vitamin supplements can change the appearance and properties of urine.
Solution: Evaluate recent dietary changes or supplements and consider if they might be influencing your urine.

3. Medications
Explanation: Some medications can cause changes in urine composition, potentially leading to the formation of a surface layer.
Solution: Review any medications with a healthcare provider to see if this is a known side effect.

4. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) or Other Health Issues
Explanation: Infections or other medical conditions affecting the kidneys, bladder, or urinary tract can alter urine composition, potentially causing unusual surface films.
Solution: If you experience other symptoms such as pain, burning during urination, or unusual odors, consult a healthcare professional.

5. Environmental Factors
Explanation: Contaminants from the toilet bowl, such as residual cleaning agents or other substances, might interact with the urine to create a visible layer.
Solution: Ensure the toilet is clean and free from chemical residues that could react with the urine.

6. Biological Factors
Explanation: Natural substances in urine, like proteins and lipids, can sometimes form a film, especially if left undisturbed for a period. This can be more prominent if there is an underlying condition causing an excess of these substances.
Solution: Consider consulting a healthcare provider for a urinalysis to check for abnormal levels of proteins or lipids.

Observe Hydration: Drink more water and see if the issue persists.
Monitor Diet: Reflect on any dietary changes or supplements.
Consult a Doctor: If the phenomenon continues or if there are other symptoms, seek medical advice for a thorough check-up.

In conclusion, while the occurrence might be due to benign reasons like diet or hydration, it is important to rule out any potential medical issues through proper consultation.

List the components of urine that might create such a layer. Keep your answer short.

The components of urine that might create a surface layer include:

1. Lipids (fats and oils)
2. Proteins
3. Crystallized salts (such as uric acid or calcium oxalate)
4. Cellular debris
5. Metabolic byproducts (like urobilinogen)
6. Medications and their metabolites
7. Organic compounds (e.g., urea, creatinine)

These substances can alter the surface tension and optical properties of urine, leading to the appearance of a film or layer.


I wonder if these are lipids from breakdown of cell membranes
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on June 12, 2024, 01:19:01 PM
I have read a story about a woman who has craniocervical instability. She experienced problems with the diaphragm during breathing, causing her breathing to pause. I have the same breathing issue since teenage years.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Warrior on June 12, 2024, 04:32:38 PM
I have read a story about a woman who has craniocervical instability. She experienced problems with the diaphragm during breathing, causing her breathing to pause. I have the same breathing issue since teenage years.

That dude from reddit who claimed to cure his POIS by fixing his cervical instability did so by going to a physio. Have you explored that route, at least in getting tested for cervical instability, and/or vagus nerve dysfunction etc?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on June 13, 2024, 02:59:17 AM
I have not explored that route. Could you provide examples of physio therapy in this context? Factors that make this issue worse:

Sexual triggers
Lack of back support (sitting)/poor posture
High ambient temperature
(Low grade chronic) stress
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on June 24, 2024, 12:05:09 PM
My mother cannot tolerate selenium supplements that well, the scent is sufficient. I have the same experience.The brand does not matter, it is the Selenium
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on July 04, 2024, 12:26:02 PM
Ox Bile 500 mg from Nutricology gave me GI distress. Had some kind of pulsating cramps at the height of the stomach for at least 30 min. The dose is probably too high for me or I just cannot tolerate the stuff. I have only used it once.

I was not aware of this:
Activation of mast cells by bile acids:
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on July 07, 2024, 06:18:07 AM
My upper leg weakness correlates with focal pressure in my lower part of my spine. It is the front and inside of my upper legs. POIS increases the pressure and weakness.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on July 07, 2024, 02:36:50 PM
My upper leg weakness correlates with focal pressure in my lower part of my spine. It is the front and inside of my upper legs. POIS increases the pressure and weakness.

My aunt had rubbery legs but didn't have POIS. My grandma (mother of my aunt) had a period where she had extreme weak legs, the start of this period was triggered by entering water and when the water reached the height of the hips (lower spine + abrupt low temperature?). So what is going on here?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on July 13, 2024, 04:56:02 PM
Switching positions after taking a rest from laying flat to standing always triggered an urge to urinate. Had that as a kid.

First article that shows up when I search how to body senses when to urinate:


Seeing something familiar? Yep. It talks about PIEZO2 which is hypothesized playing a role in POIS and involved in premature ejaculation.

To switch topics, I had a discussion with a GP about a brainstem MRI (refered to article I mentioned a few posts back). He said that there are many findings. Which test do you need because there are multiple findings and even when there is an abnormality it does not translate to clinical practice. I told him that if you had a shared patient database others could repeat the same testing because research is too slow. Healthcare system is quite useless. They don't even note symptoms of family members (3 generations of medical problems). Clown system. Then they will comment why you are so invested in figuring out the cause. Well, that's because they are not doing their job.

Reminder: Ask AI how to influence PIEZO2.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on July 18, 2024, 09:30:42 AM
I started taking Kaempferol a few days ago. 200 mg in the morning, 200 mg evening. Average intake is around 4.3 mg without supplementation unless you are eating fresh capers or saffron daily. I don’t expect much from it. Did a blood test check up for IgG4 and cholesterol, assistent told me results were normal.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on July 19, 2024, 10:12:27 AM
Mosquitoes can really mess you up by preventing you fall asleep. The nervous system takes a hit by these harassments at night.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on July 26, 2024, 07:28:35 AM
Caught a virus last week or reactivation of a latent one (result of mosquitoes messing with my immune system by keeping me awake a few nights in a row). One thing I noticed was pain in center of head. I was shivering and having goosebumps on a day of 30 degrees celsius plus all the other standard stuff like sore throat etc. The whole body inflammation spiraled out of control at my jaw, which I could suppress with Excedrin.

Acetylsalicyclic acid still helps with POIS, it also seem to stabilize the center of my head to some extent. The latter shows to me there must be some degree of inflammation present in my brain.

I suspect Eicosanoid/lipid metabolism is involved in my POIS. Whether cell membranes are damaged upstream leading to lipid cascades, increased enzyme expression or enzymes getting overactivated (defect in a certain cell type or in general, plenty of stuff that affect these enzymes).

I will try some rapid acting over the counter diclofenac K in the near future.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on August 02, 2024, 04:53:23 AM
My grandma had positive effects from Enterosalicyl (also improved on birth control pills and on an unknown injected oral substance, probably endocrine related)
My mother gets benefit from ibuprofen
Aspirin helps my POIS.

It seems that the COX/AA pathway is involved.

The above females improved during pregnancy which indicate that hormonal changes affect this inflammatory pathway.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Warrior on August 02, 2024, 06:41:58 PM
Hi Muon,

Have you tried high dose D3, like getting serum to at least 70ng/mL? And have you tried direct glutathione supplementation or NAC?
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on August 05, 2024, 12:11:57 PM
Hi Muon,

Have you tried high dose D3, like getting serum to at least 70ng/mL? And have you tried direct glutathione supplementation or NAC?

No I take at least 2000 IU per day. Have tried liposomal NAC 1200 mg plus 500 mg liposomal Glutathione per day for less than 2 weeks. I feel it interferes slightly with middle of brain but does not translate to relieve of other symptoms, I have not tried a long term trial. High dose D3 could be an option.


This helped me 11 years ago with POTS. I needed to induce a pump. Big muscles groups like quadriceps are most effective. Effect starts immediately after session and takes an hour to buildup to almost fully resist gravity again for about half a day. I was prone to injuries because the body didn't recover fast enough. I needed these exercises everyday during a summer, the heat increased POTS symptoms and had to counter it by strength training (with an inflamed and not fully functioning body). At the end of summer I had injuries but survived the summer. Most exercises were done in a horizontal position.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Warrior on August 05, 2024, 05:33:44 PM
Hi Muon,

Have you tried high dose D3, like getting serum to at least 70ng/mL? And have you tried direct glutathione supplementation or NAC?

No I take at least 2000 IU per day. Have tried liposomal NAC 1200 mg plus 500 mg liposomal Glutathione per day for less than 2 weeks. I feel it interferes slightly with middle of brain but does not translate to relieve of other symptoms, I have not tried a long term trial. High dose D3 could be an option.


This helped me 11 years ago with POTS. I needed to induce a pump. Big muscles groups like quadriceps are most effective. Effect starts immediately after session and takes an hour to buildup to almost fully resist gravity again for about half a day. I was prone to injuries because the body didn't recover fast enough. I needed these exercises everyday during a summer, the heat increased POTS symptoms and had to counter it by strength training (with an inflamed and not fully functioning body). At the end of summer I had injuries but survived the summer. Most exercises were done in a horizontal position.

You might be interested in exploring high dose D3. This D3 wiki outlines different serum levels that work best for different conditions. (https://vitamindwiki.com/Is+50+ng+of+vitamin+D+too+high%2C+just+right%2C+or+not+enough#Vitamin_D_needed_to_TREAT_Health_problems_30_ng_to_150_ng_) The website basically summarises all of the D3 research and plots the different expert recommended serum levels to a graph. Really fascinating stuff. I think if you can control the main safety concerns (magnesium depletion as you mentioned on my thread & hypercalcemia with adequate K2), as well as medical oversight and regular pathology testing, I think it's hugely beneficial and something to look into. I think people largely overlook the importance of the actual serum levels when it comes to D3.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on August 09, 2024, 06:34:03 AM
Aspirin and immune system (Hussain, 2012) (https://sci-hub.se/https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1567576911004619)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on August 15, 2024, 04:45:55 AM
I have imported Benadryl. I just noticed that it contains the inactive ingredient D&C red #27 aluminum lake. Safe in small quantities according to the FDA. What about accumulation? ::)

Had one on a day when I had an O. Thought it interfered with orgasm in the brain, was not sure. Wanting to test it further with proper timing and double dose (50mg). But then I noticed aluminum on the label. Not sure if I should continue with this.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on September 10, 2024, 11:27:57 AM
I found documents about details of the event which took place two days after birth. Reason for hospital admission: Cyanosis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyanosis) and Apnea (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apnea) during breastfeeding. They also found a heart murmur (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_murmur) which could not be detected during a second measurement. Cardiology found no deviations. "Probably caused by too much food".

Birth younger brother, reason for admission mother: postpartum fluxus in anamnesis.
Details upon departure of the maternity caregiver: Right eye (of younger brother) looks a bit inflamed. Treatment with sofamicine 3 times 1 drop per day.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on September 12, 2024, 07:22:26 AM

Just testing random stuff here and there out of POIS.
L-Tyrosine had no effect, took as much as 5 g.
Mucuna Pruriens 500 mg: no effect.
Mucuna Pruriens 1500mg: Feeling hot for a short-timed burst, after this it affected systemic tone to a more natural state (It decreased tense feeling at location of brainstem as well). The latter effect does not hold up that long (maybe less than an hour?). Need to use it more often to check for consistency.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on October 01, 2024, 02:24:54 PM
Mucuna Pruriens 1500mg: Feeling hot for a short-timed burst, after this it affected systemic tone to a more natural state (It decreased tense feeling at location of brainstem as well). The latter effect does not hold up that long (maybe less than an hour?). Need to use it more often to check for consistency.

This effect at this dosage is not reproducable. No consistency.

I found documents about details of the event which took place two days after birth. Reason for hospital admission: Cyanosis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyanosis) and Apnea (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apnea) during breastfeeding. They also found a heart murmur (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_murmur) which could not be detected during a second measurement. Cardiology found no deviations. "Probably caused by too much food".

"In babies there may be decreased breathing and low blood pressure"

Central apnoea and endogenous prostaglandins in neonates

"Although it is thought that the pathophysiology of central apnoeas is linked to immaturity of the respiratory system (2), the exact mechanisms leading to central apnoeas in neonates are as yet poorly understood. Central apnoea is defined as recurrent respiratory pauses of 10–20 sec duration, or shorter pauses associated with oxygen desaturation, cyanosis or hypotonia (2–4). Apnoea occurs in 23% of all premature infants (5). Up to 24% of normal full-term infants show apnoeas 10 sec in the first 4 mo of life (6)."

"Pharmacotherapy of central apnoea in neonates includes methylxanthines theophylline and caffeine (7) or doxapram. In contrast to these ventilationenhancing drugs, opioids such as fentanyl, prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) lead to central apnoeas."

"Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis by indomethacin causes stimulation of respiratory activity "

"Apnea of prematurity can be readily identified from other forms of infant apnea such as obstructive apnea, hypoventilation syndromes, breathing regulation issues during feeding, and reflux associated apnea with an infant pneumogram or infant apnea/sleep study."

"At least one form of POTS can have a good response to dopaminergic drugs e.g., dextroamphetamine, which also corrected other associated conditions"

"The model suggests that progesterone blocks dopamine"

Female POISer:
I first managed it with Dextroamphetamine which is used for ADHD but now not even that helps and i will feel like crap for up to 10 days after sex or stressful days and exercise. I also have severe heat sensitivity after sex and feel like crap for a long time after with very little motivation.
Im a female so my progesterone naturally fluctates, but i notice during the 2 weeks that my progesterone rises i feel almost constant POIS with flu-like symptoms and fatigue. When my period starts and the 2 weeks before ovulation i feel pretty much normal with no flu symptoms and energy is pretty good most of the time.

I have posted about the relation between brain injury and elevated progesterone in the past. There is a report about omega3 treatment for POIS in the pois paper archive. Now I wonder if pois patients with high progesterone are Omega3 defficient.

TBI and sex: Crucial role of progesterone protecting the brain in an omega ? 3 deficient condition: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0014488613003701
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on October 11, 2024, 12:41:42 PM
Did a blood test for 11 omega fatty acids, expecting results within 25 days. I have started taking arctic fish oil, which is send to me directly from the factory in Norway to minimalize oxidation time. I have been told it takes 4 months to replenish fatty acids within red blood cells. Will take a second PUFA test in the fifth month for comparison.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on October 13, 2024, 04:03:09 PM
Personal interest in TSLP + IL-8. Cordyceps:
It behaves as a mast cell inhibitor. Using the copy function of perplexity AI:
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on October 27, 2024, 02:34:31 PM
I could be wrong here but I get the impression that there is a master modulator that regulates multisystem hypersensitivities. Many hypersensitivity symptoms including POIS can decrease in (trigger)sensitivity at the same time and think is related to the brain (middle of head). Increased mechanical stress acts on mentioned area of brain and this seem to increase mucosal reactivity to food/acidity/friction. I also suspect potential suboptimal blood flow in brainstem at times, feeling something slowly oscillates in that area from time to time.

Current supplements (have to look at dosage later):
Core (I do always take this):
Vitamine D3 + K2
Zinc Glycinate
Sodium vitamine C

On top of this at the moment:
Magnesium Glycinate
Kaempferol (still taking it since the first time mentioning in this thread)
Arctic Fish oil (6 month program)
Adding L-Lysine and Collagen powders to the Sodium vitC powder

Switched to organic meat, buying it directly from a farm.
I drink only spring water. 1,5 L bottles are loaded with coarse himalaya salt (I will never go back to tapwater again).
I don't eat grains or seed oils.
Cooking with coconut oil.
Trying to eat 1 fresh pomegranate every day but they are not always available. Deep red colored acid ones are the best, can react with mucosal (throat) but is beneficial once absorbed into the system. Diet consists mostly of meat, fruit and occasionally vegetables and dairy.

Where I fail (points of potential improvement):

Unable to manage mechanical stress (mostly posture related)
Unable to proper dedust environment.
Fail to exercise daily.
Decreasing screen time
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on October 31, 2024, 08:35:06 PM
This should counter Gustatory rhinitis, I wonder when applied systemically one can counter POIS. People that use first generation H1 blockers successfully against POIS could try atropine to rule out anticholinergic effects.
- A parasympathetic reflex sensitive to atropine
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 01, 2024, 11:12:19 PM
High Temperature: Uhthoffs phenomena

Many women with MS who become pregnant experience lower symptoms

Multiple Sclerosis Initially Presenting as Facial Palsy
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 02, 2024, 03:06:02 PM
I have read enough about Uhthoff's phenomenon to conclude that it is involved in my case excluding vision disturbances (Summer of 2013: heat triggered pain running from eyes into head without optical disturbances, probably inflamed optical nerve). I can imagine having a hard time maintaining posture under warm ambient conditions if it slows down nerve conduction.

It is reversible, and I'm sensitive to this trigger almost 100% of the time just like POIS attacks. Getting stiff muscles by heat is difficult for people to grasp since it is completely the reverse compared to healthy individuals. Saying that I might have MS is a step too far though.


To clarify personal experience:

Heat triggers:
Hot Weather
Hot showers
Radiators: Doing dishes, cooking, room heating radiator, Sun
Hot Baths (had an intolerance to it as a kid)
Infrared sauna (worst heat trigger, felt dangerous)
Hot foods/drinks (depends on the amount though)

Systemic/whole body weakness
Posture difficulties
Decreased Concentration

Actually more:
Breathing dysregulation
Decreased digestion

Symptoms are resolved within 24 hours
Best time of the day: Morning and night.

The paper I posted mentions that Aspirin is used as a cooling treatment. Aspirin works for my POIS...
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 05, 2024, 03:40:32 PM
PDF Results of fatty acids in my red blood cell membranes are in the attachments. RBC measurement is more reliable than plasma. Fatty acids in WBC membranes respond non-linear to diet so this one is useless.

Interpretation of results: https://omegaratiotest.com/interpreting-the-results/

RBC and WBC fatty acid composition following consumption of an omega 3 supplement: Lessons for future clinical trials (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/1476-511X-9-31)

Comparative effects of an acute dose of fish oil on omega-3 fatty acid levels in red blood cells versus plasma: Implications for clinical utility (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1933287413001980)

Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Immune Cells (https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/20/20/5028)
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: berlin1984 on November 07, 2024, 08:39:05 AM
Interesting to see those results, also with regards to the anti seed oil movement.

Personally: I'm avoiding seed oils for some time now already (I should check my posts, it is at least 3 years). At home I have only olive oil and coconut oil and Irish butter. If I eat outside or processed/packaged food it will have seed oils obviously.
(At least we're better in EU than in US because EU uses less soy oil and more rapeseed...)

IMHO avoiding omega6 is more important than trying to consume more omega3.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Muon on November 19, 2024, 07:45:22 PM
I was an eyewitness of a grand theft auto today. (stressful) Emotion triggered something in the middle of my head plus pressure in the lower part of the spine and upper leg weakness (rubbery legs). POIS isn't able to trigger this intensity of leg weakness anymore, it used to. Emotional trigger is at this moment way stronger than POIS when considering this specific symptom.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: demografx on November 24, 2024, 05:57:46 PM

Dumping these papers for my own case.
CRTH2 was on my radar but never linked it to POTS. Skin pricks might cause abnormal capillary leaks if cells are hypersensitive to prostaglandins (red skin).

Increased CRTH2 Expression in Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (2024)

The therapeutic potential of CRTH2/DP2 beyond allergy and asthma (2021)

Sex Hormones and Allergies: Exploring the Gender Differences in Immune Responses (2024) https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/allergy/articles/10.3389/falgy.2024.1483919/abstract

Muon, it would help the average forum reader here if you say what this - - and other similar posts - - means for their…..POIS.

Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Progecitor on December 13, 2024, 02:26:17 AM
Trying to eat 1 fresh pomegranate every day but they are not always available. Deep red colored acid ones are the best, can react with mucosal (throat) but is beneficial once absorbed into the system. Diet consists mostly of meat, fruit and occasionally vegetables and dairy.

Do you still eat pomegranate regularly? What is the exact benefit you get and for how long? Do you also experience an anti-depressive effect?

I also had a positive experience with pomegranate. If I consume the seeds and juices of half an apple at once I get a nice benefit. As usual about six hours later the eyes get quite clearer and I can also experience a temporary anti-depressive effect and feel better generally for a few hours before inflammation takes control once again. I also took extract capsules regularly, but that was only enough to improve the eyes a little for a short time and as I got used to it the benefit became marginal at least in case of daily one capsule.
I believe POIS to be a quantitative issue as I need to take huge amounts of antioxidants to see some benefit. It is rather disappointing that even so any kinds of regular blood tests are misleading and totally worthless in diagnosing such a level of bodily inflammation.
Title: Re: Muon's Case
Post by: Progecitor on December 15, 2024, 04:05:08 AM
Family members on my mother's side show similar symptoms as I do. All the females who got health problems felt better during their pregnancies and felt worse during their menstrual cycle. My grandma actually looked forward to her pregnancy. My mother has 3 children, my aunt got one and my grandma has 4. They all felt physically better for every single pregnancy.

You might find this interesting. A long covid patient also reported improvement both while pregnant and during infections.

My symptoms completely subside for 1-2 days when I’m sick but the unexpected was my most recent pregnancy when they subsided for the last 2 months.  Within 2 days of her being born, they returned and I’ve developed new symptoms.