Author Topic: The root couse of POIS Mercury intolerance))leaky gut))Mercury retention))POIS  (Read 63191 times)


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A sluggish liver is certanly involved in the breakdown process from hormones (not only cortisol that is actually non-inflammatory). I always, 100% of time, get acne on my scalp and back on POIS and acne on the back is related to liver problems. The liver is also producing gall salts for fat metabolism and with a sluggish liver you will not absorb many B-vitamins properly - they are important for the whole hormonal balance. I've been taking supplements for the liver in periods after recommendations from therapists, but I don't experience much improvement from POIS. Maybe I should get on it again...

I found out that i feel better with 2 pills than on 1, so quantity plays major role, thanks also for your info about liver.  :)


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Would blood/urine/saliva/hair tests uncover mercury toxicity from dental fillings? If mercury is the problem then it should show up on such tests, right?
« Last Edit: November 24, 2020, 11:36:14 AM by quikot »


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I haven't ever had mercury fillings nor been in contact with heavy metals or anything like that as far as I know yet I got POIS so I don't know what causes that for me?


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Would blood/urine/saliva/hair tests uncover mercury toxicity from dental fillings? If mercury is the problem then it should show up on such tests, right?
?Mercury poisoning is difficult to determine because mercury hides. Thus trying to figure out whether someone has mercury poisoning is not an easy, direct thing to do, though many doctors will tell you it is.  One cannot simply test someone?s hair, or blood, or urine, or faeces, and measure how much mercury is there, and go by that. Why not? The body?s tissues are selective about how long they keep mercury inside themselves. Mercury will stay in some body tissues (such as the brain and liver) which are very attracted to it, for a long time. Other tissues (such as blood), will clear out the mercury pretty quickly. Blood will keep mercury for a few months, while the brain keeps it for a lifetime.Other tissues are in between.At first (soon after exposure), mercury is present in hair and blood. This means that soon after someone is poisoned, their blood and hair will probably show high levels of mercury. But later, in most cases, the mercury is ?hidden? deep within the body and it is no longer present in the blood or hair or urine or faeces. However, it is still present in other areas (such as the brain) and is still doing damage there. For people who have been exposed to mercury through vaccines (thimerosal) or through amalgam (dental fillings), the exposure is usually too far in the past and/or too slow and chronic for mercury to show up in hair or blood or urine or faeces.IMPORTANT:A PERSON WHO IS MERCURY TOXIC will often have a NORMAL reading for mercury on tests of hair or blood or urine or faeces. You cannot go by that. The most recent edition of many medical textbooks tell physicians that mercury poisoning cannot be ruled out based on the urine or blood level of mercury. This is also true for hair levels of mercury. Only about 1 poisoned person in 10 shows up with a high level of mercury on these tests. The other 9 poisoned people have normal readings for mercury.If the reading for mercury is HIGH (red) on a hair test, this probably indicates the person has mercury poisoning. On the other hand, if the reading for mercury is normal (or even very low), this indicates nothing one way or another about whether the person has mercury poisoning. Mercury can still be present in the brain and organs, doing lots of damage there, and ? NOT be present in the hair. THIS IS VERY COMMON?. [Source: Moria]?


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DEANNX, so there is no reliable method to test for elevated mercury? Not even a saliva test? Since saliva is in the mouth next to the fillings?

I have a history of oral symptoms (metallic taste in mouth, gum disease, mouth ulcers, plaque) and that's despite high quality, obsessive dental care. So if fillings really are the source of toxicity, shouldn't a saliva test show elevated mercury levels?

I mean, to remove my fillings and replace them with composite ones, that's a lot of money to spend on something which I'm not even 100% sure is a problem. And procedure itself carries risk of exposure to lethal levels of mercury...


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DEANNX, so there is no reliable method to test for elevated mercury? Not even a saliva test? Since saliva is in the mouth next to the fillings?

I have a history of oral symptoms (metallic taste in mouth, gum disease, mouth ulcers, plaque) and that's despite high quality, obsessive dental care. So if fillings really are the source of toxicity, shouldn't a saliva test show elevated mercury levels?

I mean, to remove my fillings and replace them with composite ones, that's a lot of money to spend on something which I'm not even 100% sure is a problem. And procedure itself carries risk of exposure to lethal levels of mercury...

As far as I know There?s two ways of showing whether you are likely to be mercury toxic according to Andy culter, one is to do hair elements test(I think the idea is that you might be toxic if your hair is low on some elements while high on some) and the other one is to try the ACC protocol and see if you react to it, you can learn more on

Also according to Andy cutler, you can not do the ACC protocol if you still have fillings in your mouth, it will make you worse, the ACC protocol can only be done 3 months after you have fillings removed
« Last Edit: November 24, 2020, 10:19:12 PM by DEANNX »


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Hi ppl, little feedback from me because i feel better and better from last time i wrote here, i bombarded the liver with silymarin and artichoke and i feel better, even with orgasm every day, so it's a day and night difference from chronic fatigue, anxiety, suicidal thoughts i had before. I'm not cured yet but i'm on the right track. I found out that the fatty livers are not producing enough bile, well, bile is extra important because it regulates good and bad bacteria and preventing migration of bacteria (sibo), cleaning the fat from colon, without bile there is no absorption fat soluble vitamins and omega 3, and then you get POIS, every time i drink 2 tabletes of artichoke in 45 minutes i feel better, brain fog is cleared and got sense of well being. I'm not irritable, angry, aggressive. You can take a ton of vitamins but if there is no absorption then it's not usefull. I found one very usefull text about liver, bile and sibo.

and useful video how to increase bile.

Probably liver stops producing bile because of heavy metal toxicity, without bile there is no detox either.


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Hi ppl, little feedback from me because i feel better and better from last time i wrote here, i bombarded the liver with silymarin and artichoke and i feel better, even with orgasm every day, so it's a day and night difference from chronic fatigue, anxiety, suicidal thoughts i had before. I'm not cured yet but i'm on the right track. I found out that the fatty livers are not producing enough bile, well, bile is extra important because it regulates good and bad bacteria and preventing migration of bacteria (sibo), cleaning the fat from colon, without bile there is no absorption fat soluble vitamins and omega 3, and then you get POIS, every time i drink 2 tabletes of artichoke in 45 minutes i feel better, brain fog is cleared and got sense of well being. I'm not irritable, angry, aggressive. You can take a ton of vitamins but if there is no absorption then it's not usefull. I found one very usefull text about liver, bile and sibo.

and useful video how to increase bile.

Probably liver stops producing bile because of heavy metal toxicity, without bile there is no detox either.
I often have green and yellow stools especially in POIS and they tend to be liquidish too which could mean a weaker bile production I wonder why we have that in the first place what is the root cause for weaker bile production and why in POIS it happens more?


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Good question! I also have yellowish stools in pois. Maybe an ox-bile supplement would temporary fix this. I think constant inflammation is the cause of impairment of the liver, where the bile is produced. However the liver has an amazing ability to heal itself.


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Aren't broccoli sprouts good detoxers?


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I bombarded the liver with silymarin and artichoke and i feel better, even with orgasm every day, so it's a day and night difference from chronic fatigue, anxiety, suicidal thoughts i had before. I'm not cured yet but i'm on the right track.

Igy78, it's very encouraging to hear this. What dose of silymarin did you take to "bombard" the liver? As of today, I am starting a course of 300mg silymarin per day that I plan for 25 days. I will then report how it goes.


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Hi, i'm taking these pills, 2 in the morning and 2 afternoon. From everything i tried those are helping the most. Scroll down for ingredients. I did also tried pills from same company without zinc and selen with only silymarin and artichoke to narrow the ingredients that helped me, same effect, so definitely what is helping is silymarin and artichoke in my case. Also thinking to buy Ox bile and will try that also.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2020, 08:24:42 AM by Igy78 »


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Thanks! I will go with 2x150mg=300mg per day for now (that is, half of what you're taking). Mine are only silymarin, no artishock, let's see how it goes. I take zink and selenium every day anyways now (also as covid prophylaxis). I've read some good stuff about silymarin, it sounds relevant for us, that's why I decided to start a course. 

For how long have you been taking these pills? You sound like you've been doing it for a while, if you used a different pack without zink and selenium. And then follow-up questions: have you tried a smaller dose to see if it helps as well (e.g. 2 of your tablets per day)? And most importantly, what happens if you stop the pills?


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Thanks! I will go with 2x150mg=300mg per day for now (that is, half of what you're taking). Mine are only silymarin, no artishock, let's see how it goes. I take zink and selenium every day anyways now (also as covid prophylaxis). I've read some good stuff about silymarin, it sounds relevant for us, that's why I decided to start a course. 

For how long have you been taking these pills? You sound like you've been doing it for a while, if you used a different pack without zink and selenium. And then follow-up questions: have you tried a smaller dose to see if it helps as well (e.g. 2 of your tablets per day)? And most importantly, what happens if you stop the pills?

After 1-2 day i started to feel better, using this for a month, i did start with one pill and i sensed that i'm feeling better, then i up the dose to 2 pills and feeling even better, if i stop using symptoms are slowly coming back, it's like these pills are helping liver to detox and to produce bile and clean toxic stuff from blood. I suggest that you are try to start using artichoke also. What i also noticed it's that if i do not fart for a period of time i feel bad, as soon as i started to fart in a period of time 6-8 hours i feel better, same goes with growling in stomach, when it's growling i'm better, so all that is connected to lack of bile/fatty liver, with lack of bile you can not get proper stomach acid and lack of bile do not regulate bad bacteria in colon and i get overgrowth, and after 45 minutes to 2 hour after those pills i'm starting to fart and start having growls in stomach, so that pills are helping liver to make bile which regulates bad bacteria to not produce methan or hydrogen and everything is ok, i'm 95% sure that's the problem at least in my case. Also using betain hcl pills, about 5 per day, betain also helps for producing bile.

And also when i eat fruit with high fructose, or chocolate with sugars, rafaelo, nutella, or sugary soda, also food high in fat, that all is attacking my fatty liver and i almost immediately feel bad. So i am avoiding all that crappy food. I'm on a diet for fatty liver, moderate fat, lots of protein and low carb until i fix fatty liver, i hope it will be in the next 6 months.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2020, 01:00:27 PM by Igy78 »


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That's very interesting, indeed. Some time ago I made an oxidative damage test that showed elevated levels of lipid peroxides ( Let's see if silymarin acts on that.


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That's very interesting, indeed. Some time ago I made an oxidative damage test that showed elevated levels of lipid peroxides ( Let's see if silymarin acts on that.

Yes, just bombard your liver with whatever you can, i forgot to say that liver also regulates cortisol in blood, it filters it, if it can not filter quick, then i get iritable, angry, agressive, i have most symptoms in the morning, becuase cortisol is needed to wake us up. My liver can not also filter fat fast, if i eat greasy bacon after 3-4 hours symptoms coming back, amazing organ, and mine decided to be sluggish and stubborn :). Wish you all the best with liver supplements.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2020, 03:38:58 PM by Igy78 »


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after following the ACC protocol for almost 6 months, I see a 30%-50% improvement on some of my POIS symptoms like tinnitus, upset stomach and skin problems, and I dont have yellow snot and dark cycle under eyes from POIS anymore. but still no noticeable improvement on mental symptoms.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 10:47:21 AM by DEANNX »


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This are exelent results.


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...I also have diagnosed fatty liver. ...

Igy78, how did you get a diagnosed fatty liver? Was it through a blood test? Or an ultrasound? I would be willing to do a test for fatty liver, too.

I like your fatty liver theory, because a number of clues come together:
1) this whole mercury toxicity idea -> maybe that's what caused damage to the liver.
2) I get drunk super easily, from very little alcohol. Others have reported similar observations here. Maybe something is wrong with the liver.
3) I have lots of body fat, and I had that even when I was exercising suuuuper super active cardio (way before my POIS started). This maybe hints at a problem with absorption.
4) I've done a nails test for metals and minerals and I have deficiency in essential nutrients in nails. Now, I think I have them in good quantities in blood, so the problem is with storage and transport, not with insufficient nutrition. (Note that Andy Cutler talks about how mercury may cause deranged mineral transport.)
5) While in POIS, it really feels to me like I am lacking fuel. I eat and it feels like food is not going where it should, not transformed into energy.
6) Finally, all this Vitamin D stuff here on the forum, I think we have problems with the absorption of Vitamin D (if we supply it through supplements - that's why sun is better for many of us). 

That's why I would definitely be interested in doing a test for fatty liver.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2020, 05:19:39 AM by Investigator »