Not fully translated from Dutch: Took 2 Kurkuma capsules with black pepper ~ 10 min post O on an empty stomach in the morning and it started to have an effect ~10 min after intake.
Active ingredients 1 capsule:
Kurkuma 100mg
Including curcumine 3000 ug
Black pepper extract 10 mg
Including piperine 9,5 mg
Vitamine D 5 ug (100% RI)
Vitamine C 12 mg (15% RI)
Ingredients: Kurkuma (curcuma Longa L), vulstof (microkristallijne cellulose), Gelatine(rund/varken), Vitamine, Black pepper extract (Piper Nigrum), stabilisatoren (magnesium salts from fatty acids, siliciumdioxide)
Brand: Trekpleister
I get the impression it affected cardiovascular symptoms (inflammation?). Needs further testing could be a fluke, I have tested this before in the past with black pepper and it had no effect, could be the empty stomach thing or difference in formula.
For nasal symptoms: Using minimum dose of disodiumcromoglycate for about 14 days now. Concentration= 40 mg/ml, spraying once in both nostrils twice a day. Going to bump up dose soon.
Last months increased breathing problems. Low respiratory rate ~6 (once every 10 seconds) and sometimes it stalls and have to remind myself to breath, respiratory muscle are slightly weak (need force). This leads to Arrhythmia (not the other way around). One of these days I will get a heart attack. If I force myself to maintain a normal RR my body feels better instantly, brain and extremities ,especially the feet. Healtcare doesn't monitor these things, what a joke.