Author Topic: Can being sick help POIS symptoms? I have a question for you all  (Read 9537 times)


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I have a question for everyone here:  have your POIS symptoms, especially your cognitive symptoms, ever improved when you were sick with the flu/cold/other?

For me this is a "yes".  It isn't often that I am sick though, so I havn't had the chance to observe it much.  But most recently, this past Christmas holiday I caught a serious cold that lasted for 2+ weeks.  It was partially my fault, because I was in the midst of treating my candida infection and went overboard with antifungals and probiotics, making me feel terrible and compromising my immune system.  On top of that, I was surrounded by family who probably brought all sorts of germs with them.

I was sneezing and coughing and had a sore throat, but I was having the highest clarity of thought in recent memory.  It lasted about a week after I stopped sneezing and coughing, and I returned to normal.  Since I was in such a fervor to treat my candida, I immediately thought this was some great benefit of really conquering candida.  I had dieted and treated myself for almost 3 months at that point, so I thought it was about time to see some great benefits.

Thing is now I have problems with candida again.  I reintroduced foods according to the diet, and didn't have the normal gassiness and bloating I was having before.  My biggest reason for treating candida was that I had developed what is called an intertrigo 3 years ago, which is a sore spot in the fold of my skin between my thigh and genitals.  I washed it and cleaned it for over 2.5 years, and it never would go away.  Finally, after reading some things about candida on POIS forums and asking my doc, he told me he was confident it was a fungal intertrigo.  That intertrigo went away for the first time in 3 years in laste December, and I was happy because I knew I had treated it by attacking candida in my body.

But about 1 month ago, my symptoms started to show up again.  I became gassy, bloated, and I started to feel the all to familiar irritation where my intertrigo used to be.  My candida is still there, and it hasn't been treated.

So was this glorious 2 or so weeks of clarity of though really the result of treating candida?  I'm not so sure now, because I'm beginning to realize how many times I've experienced a reduction in symptoms, especially cognitive symptoms, when I've been sick.  I can think all the way back to early high school, when I already had POIS for 3 years, I came down with a cold and could finally understand what was going on in my mathematics class.  In addition, I suffered from social anxiety terribly in high school, and in those sick times I remember being "on my game" for the first time in my life, making jokes and flirting with girls.

There are studies out there that have explored the idea that sickness can be beneficial to diseases.  Jonathan Kipnis of the University of Virginia found that incapacitating mice's T cells made them perform poorly in navigating known mazes, in addition to a number of other cognitive tests:

Also, he and other scientists knocked out the immune signaling molecule interleukin-4 in mice, and found they displayed significant cognitive deficits:

Kipnis dreamed up these studies when he found he could think more clearly during a fever.

There is a lot of research showing that fever helps in autism.  In 1980, a viral infection spread through the ward housing autistic children at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in NYC.  The children who contracted the virus improved, and regressed when their illness faded:

A questionnaire study by Curren et. all showed that the most difficult symptoms of autism - the irritability, hyperactivity, repetetive behavior, and lack of impulse control - all improved when body temperature went up during fever.  After the fevers resolved, the children regressed:

So, I'd like to know.  Have you experienced reduced symptoms, especially cognitive ones, from being sick?  And, do you get sick less, the same, or more than others?
Turmeric and Rosemary 30-45 minutes before orgasm for anti-inflammatory and immune support has helped me a lot. Faster and easier than niacin approach.

Vincent M

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Re: Can being sick help POIS symptoms? I have a question for you all
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2013, 09:18:18 AM »
I experienced less of my physical pain symptoms the past few times I've gotten the flu, but I'm not sure if it was just the nausea overpowering my POIS pain. I'd probably need to get sick more often in order to determine how it affects my cognition. Like you I rarely get sick. Maybe 3 or 4 times a year I'll get colds or flus.

I do seem to have decreased social anxiety when I get a headache, but perhaps the pain of the headache makes me forget about the acid pain of the anxiety.
Taking ginger tea, no wheat, fenugreek+green tea/garlic, saw palmetto, niacin, boswellia, huperzine, B complex and nutmeg. See my treatment summary post for more info:


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Re: Can being sick help POIS symptoms? I have a question for you all
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2013, 12:58:44 PM »
I had the swine flu + POIS at the same time- and I suffered a mild POIS version, so I think this could answer your question

Going less Crazy

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Re: Can being sick help POIS symptoms? I have a question for you all
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2013, 07:39:28 PM »
Actually yes, I've found that I am less symptomatic, and probably POIS free during a sickness.  Although I don't think I have tested it out by "O'ing", I can feel my 24/7 symptoms fade away and feel more at ease mentally.  This made me believe that maybe my body was attacking POIS and going to cure me, but obviously didn't.  I think it is just our immune cells concentrating on the actual threat instead of our own orgasm/POIS. 
My POIS managed with Diet (@ diet that 100% manages my pois)Believe my POIS stems from inflammation in the gut. O = neuro POIS from inflammation from the gut

supps: microdose zyrtec if needed for food sens. ibuprofen for infl. as needed. Melatonin as needed. Big Pinch Black cumin  seeds once daily


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Re: Can being sick help POIS symptoms? I have a question for you all
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2013, 04:38:48 AM »
any time I got a fewer I feel very relaxed as never in normal contitions, but I don't remember any cognitive improvement


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Re: Can being sick help POIS symptoms? I have a question for you all
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2020, 09:11:34 AM »
When sick this year (2020) February with cough, mucus at lower throat I had 1 NE, 2 Os at weekend and had 0 brainfog, slowed processing which are my POIS symptoms, went to school on Monday (barely a day passed since last O) and I noticed I processed everything faster in phone and time wasn't sped up cuz no processing slowdown=no sped up time as when I get brainfog time goes faster as I process everything slower thus don't form as many impressions so time subjective perception changes and during a test I did better, could recall better, I perform not as well on cognitive tasks when brainfogged. Had another O later that day when I was back home, was not sick anymore and POIS returned usual way but it was gone during the days.

Mr Raba

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Re: Can being sick help POIS symptoms? I have a question for you all
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2020, 05:18:45 PM »
This is a TH1 vs TH2 immune responses matter.   

I believe our bodies shift from a TH2 revved up state to  TH1 to fight the virus.

Immune response:
TH1 dominant is to fight viruses.
TH2 is dominant for allergies, bacteria, parasites, and autoimmune.

This is proven for CFS. I have both  CFS and POIS. So it is my educated deduction the same is happening for POIS.  I have no proof. Just an observation from 27 years of this.
Simultaneous onset of CFS and POIS since Feb 1993. Married since 1989.

Helped by Immunocal (I explained how to take in previous posts).  Some relief on day one and day two.  It affects neurotransmitters.


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Re: Can being sick help POIS symptoms? I have a question for you all
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2020, 02:36:15 AM »
I have both  CFS and POIS. So it is my educated deduction the same is happening for POIS.  I have no proof. Just an observation from 27 years of this.

This post might interest you :-)


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I remember that when I had a cold and had zero POIS symptoms I felt more sensitivity in a specific area somewhere in the inner middle area of the penis as if it had opened up more or softened or loosened up or as if something vascularly or muscularly had changed and each POIS free orgasm I had back then was exactly when I had that increased sensitivity pleasure type of feeling in that area.
And meanwhile, whenever I would have POIS symptoms giving orgasms I would never have this increased sensitivity feeling beforehand.

So it is very likely if somehow ever again I get this same feeling that it could lead to a POISfree orgasm again so I wonder if the cold might have somehow altered the vasodilation through Histamine or Nitric oxide and such other chemicals.
Because all the other times when the orgasms would induce POIS symptoms for me I would never have that increased pleasure/sensitivity sensation in that area.

Unfortunately, it has been the only time in my whole life as far as I remember when I have had increase sensation in that specific area and afterwards zero POIS symptoms and I am not sure why exactly that increased sensitivity and disappearance of POIS from previous orgasms and none of the POIS symptoms appearing when orgasming while in the state of being sick with the cold I do not know how or why exactly I was POISfree afterwards back then but the moment I healed from the cold that increased sensitivity thing disappeared and the orgasms led to full POIS symptoms again.

If I could somehow replicate that increased sensitivity and see if it always results in absence of POIS symptoms it would be quite good.


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many poisers do edging, which causes hypersensitivity down the road

avoid edging, not good for poisers

i did it before and it caused premature ejaculation problems


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many poisers do edging, which causes hypersensitivity down the road

avoid edging, not good for poisers

i did it before and it caused premature ejaculation problems
If I could have POISfree orgasms I would not have to edge.


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Re: Can being sick help POIS symptoms? I have a question for you all
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2021, 02:31:54 AM »
Reddit Thread: "However (and this is so weird!) since I contracted COVID about two weeks ago (and suffered only mild symptoms) I?ve been eating garlic and onion with none of the bloating and gas! Is it possible that the virus killed off some of my problematic gut bacteria?"


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Re: Can being sick help POIS symptoms? I have a question for you all
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2021, 03:05:07 AM »
Also I remember that when I had the cold in 2020 February and was POISfree during then I felt more pleasure/sensitivity in the middle deeper area of penis and it has only been so in that time when I did not have POIS inducing orgasms but all the other times I have never felt that deep specific pleasurable sensitivity increase in that specific area of my penis so maybe having the cold or lack of POIS also changed the muscles and blood flow engagement in the reproductive system area making stimulation and orgasms a lot better resulting in a better hormonal and neurochemical post-orgasmic state stopping the POIS?