Author Topic: The root couse of POIS Mercury intolerance))leaky gut))Mercury retention))POIS  (Read 56666 times)


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Hi Investigator

Mast cells.  This is the most likely connection and could be the exact reason.  Mast cell activation disorder is likely the cause of all our miseries.  But the method to stop this is a very difficult because each of us are unique and only through trial and error we can find out what works for us.
What could have induced the mast cell activation disorder in the first place and what would be the long term treatment for that which would ensure they never degranulate and cause all of those symptoms?

Most likely cause is a genetic defect.  But still by changing our diet and lifestyle we can prevent this abnormal activation to a certain extent.  I have not been able to do that because of my very late discovery about this.   An allergist/immunologist will be the best one in main stream medicine who can advice us for mast cell issues. 


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Last year i took paracetamol for high temperature in inflamed colon, i got really ultra strong POIS symptoms lasting for a week, with vitamin c also, so i put salt on open wound. Until inflammation is gone i will have POIS symptoms. Best way to see if GI tract is inflamed is gastroscopy/endoscopy, and also fasting for 24/48+ hours + syllimarin and artichoke. If you feel better while fasting that's it, GI tract is inflamed.

I also found this

"Severe illness and prolonged use of medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), alcohol, or tobacco may also lead to duodenitis".
"When NSAIDs irritate the gastric mucosa, they weaken the resistance to acid, causing gastritis, ulcers, bleeding, or perforation. The damage ranges from superficial injury to single or multiple ulcers, some of which may bleed"

Regarding mast cells, probably inflammation activates mast cells where some food causing the inflammation.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2021, 04:20:26 AM by Igy78 »


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Interesting, recent blood test shows I have 12 nmol/l of Mercury in me. And it says 'normal' range is less than 15. 12 is pretty damn close to 15 in my opinion.

Well then... I'm most likely going to extract and replace all my 8 or so amalgam fillings and then start chelation.

Has anyone here done a blood test to check for mercury levels soon after amalgam removal? Was it elevated or lower? I'm a bit afraid that I might expose myself to overwhelming levels of mercury....


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Interesting, recent blood test shows I have 12 nmol/l of Mercury in me. And it says 'normal' range is less than 15. 12 is pretty damn close to 15 in my opinion.

Well then... I'm most likely going to extract and replace all my 8 or so amalgam fillings and then start chelation.

Has anyone here done a blood test to check for mercury levels soon after amalgam removal? Was it elevated or lower? I'm a bit afraid that I might expose myself to overwhelming levels of mercury....

Just contributing with my 2 cents. If you want to remove them, please make sure to go to a dentist that takes mercury toxicity seriously. The dentist I went to used a rubber dam -- an elastic rubber sheet with a hole in it for the tooth, that hugs the base of the tooth very tightly -- so no liquid or particles flow into your mouth. Also she used a breathing device over my nose so I wouldn't breathe in any particles or fumes. Another precaution was that they tried to remove the fillings in larger chunks, rather than breaking them down too much or melting them and potentially releasing particles or fumes.

Also, there is some scientific evidence to suggest chlorella supplementation can help remove mercury from your body. I'd look into it and consider supplementing after (maybe right before also?) you remove the fillings.

FWIW I suspect a mercury issue in my case as well, and I've had symptom improvements with chlorella supplementation over the last half a year or so.


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Also, there is some scientific evidence to suggest chlorella supplementation can help remove mercury from your body. I'd look into it and consider supplementing after (maybe right before also?) you remove the fillings.

Chlorella sounds promising indeed, so I'll read up on it. I was thinking of doing the Andy Cutler Chelation since many people on Internet say it helped them detox.

Btw, how many amalgam fillings did you have? Did they replace all at the same? Is removal of multiple amalgams safe in one go?

I found a biological dentist here in the UK, he's SMART/IAOMT certified and has years of experience, so I'll book my first consultation as soon as my finances get sorted.

I still remember my worst ever POIS episode was after I ate steamed Salmon. On top of my regular POIS symptoms (like fatigue, chest pains, back pain, tinnitus) I got horrible photosensitivity, eye floaters, louder tinnitus and all my fingertips felt like they were burning, I felt nauseated and almost felt like I could die. Soon after this episode I took a blood test and my Neutrophyl count seriously decreased. Maybe mercury from seafood exacerbated already high mercury levels in me. Few months later I ate steamed Salmon again, as an experiment, and got a similar experience.


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AFAIK there is no comprehensively researched, scientifically proven mercury removal method. I've seen various protocols, but I think you'll find unfortunately that different dentists have very different attitudes and knowledge around this, so it's hard to know whom to believe.

Personally, I removed my biggest fillings (3 or 4 I think) about 10 years ago with a dentist who used a dam, but otherwise did not take the issue seriously and did a poor job. Suspect I got a lot of mercury in me from that.

I thought I'd removed all my fillings but to my horror found some months ago I still had 4 (I think) smaller amalgam fillings left. I did some more research this time and went to the dentist I mentioned in the previous comment who took some serious precautions. That dentist said that if I'd had bigger fillings, or more of them, she'd have recommended multiple sessions, but since I only had a few small ones she recommended I take them all in one go, which I did. I had no change in symptoms after taking them out. I was supplementing with chlorella at the time.

Btw, in my personal unscientific opinion, the salmon thing sounds like it may have been something else, as the amount of mercury in a single fish should be minuscule, even if you're sensitive to mercury. Histamine content maybe?

I wish you the best of luck! Be careful out there.


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I have gum problems, but didn't have much caries in my life, don't have any fillings except for cosmetic reasons.

So the thing I'm wondering: As POISers, are we more likely to have chronic infections or disbyosis? gut, mouth, wherever. Bacteria, viral, parasites, whatever?

(Theory still goes like: natural body functions going on in arousal or orgasm make infections worse, things like heavy metals make it worse too, genetics have an effect too obviously..)

I more and more believe that it's futile to find a single root cause, it's all a holistic combination... a more eastern medicine view on things.


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For me it is 100% a chronic infection of some sort I think either fungal/mold or viral but I think disbyosis has also happened as a result of the chronic infection.


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Personally, I removed my biggest fillings (3 or 4 I think) about 10 years ago with a dentist who used a dam, but otherwise did not take the issue seriously and did a poor job. Suspect I got a lot of mercury in me from that.

I've read similar stories like this one, people wanting to detox from mercury would go to a dentist who would do a poor job at amalgam removal, resulting in long-term deterioration of patient's health. Scary.

So I will be vigilant and insist on maximum precision and safety. My health is already quite fragile, so obsessive precautions are a must.

As for the salmon thing, you might be right. Or maybe I got food poisoning from undercooking in steam? I'd have to get food poisoning again to know for sure. I know I didn't react so badly to a deep fried salmon. And I can tolerate tuna and alaskan pollock quite well. Weird.

Anyway thank you Clues. Good luck to you too!

I more and more believe that it's futile to find a single root cause, it's all a holistic combination... a more eastern medicine view on things.

I also think that approaching my illness from a holistic perspective makes sense. Certainly for me, when symptoms affect so many parts and functions of my body, I don't really know what to focus on except the whole.


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I haven't been keeping up with this thread since I've been busy.

Skim reading through I want to reiterate this point: Alpha Lipoic Acid is the ONLY chelator we know that can pass the blood brain barrier, remove mercury, is available as a supplement, and we know how to dose effectively.

Many other substance may tick a few of those criteria, but none other ticks all of them. You will never be 100% better unless you remove the mercury in the fatty tissues of your brain if mercury is the culprit.

I have gum problems, but didn't have much caries in my life, don't have any fillings except for cosmetic reasons.

So the thing I'm wondering: As POISers, are we more likely to have chronic infections or disbyosis? gut, mouth, wherever. Bacteria, viral, parasites, whatever?

(Theory still goes like: natural body functions going on in arousal or orgasm make infections worse, things like heavy metals make it worse too, genetics have an effect too obviously..)

I more and more believe that it's futile to find a single root cause, it's all a holistic combination... a more eastern medicine view on things.

You don't need amalgams to have picked up mercury - controversial subject but many va((ines historically contained thimerasol, a preservative which contained mercury, many reactions to va((ines are consistant with mercury poisoning. FYI I'm not a conspiracy nut or anything, va((ines do work, and thimerasol is used much less in modern ones, the damage that widespread disease could cause is probably far worse than a few people becoming mercury toxic.

Mercury toxicity can pass from mother to child due to it being lipophillic.

Mercury is present but not limited to: fluorescent bulbs, thermometers, fatty fish, even being in a dentists office can expose you. Ever been around a shattered fluorescent bulb? You've been exposed, especially if it was not cleaned up to proper protocol. Has your mother ever been exposed in any of these ways? Does she have any "issues"?

I think there are different types of POIS but for each individual it stems from one cause that causes a cascade of symptoms. e.g for those whom cure it with some diet or supplement, why must they take the supplement to be POIS-free but a healthy individual is POIS-free anyway?
« Last Edit: January 27, 2021, 07:07:07 AM by JohnJames »


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Hi guys, little feedback, i did biopsy of sample from stomach week a go when i did gastroscopy where they found gerd, duodenitis, erosive gastritis which is manifested by bleeding. Today came results from biopsy.

"Two pieces of gastric antrum mucosa were received. The integumentary epithelium is neat, the fovea converge towards one end (erosion) and the glands are of adequate thickness. In the lamina propria above the glands are scarce lymphocyte infiltrates and slightly smaller foci of bleeding. H.pylori is negative. DG. GASTRITIS CHRONICA EROSIVA"

So,..  my whole body is inflamed due to open wounds in stomach due to lack of gastric mucosa, my body is constantly fighting bacteria, pathogens and undigested food due to open wounds. Consuming cold cuts, bacon, diary, vinegar are making my POIS symptoms stronger and intolerable. Probably my body is telling me that way that i must avoid that kind of foods if i want to heal stomach.  That's why i have psoriasis and POIS after sex/fapping.

I did a week of antacid and symptoms came back a little, little bit of POIS feelings/symptoms as before betain pills so that is proof that i had low stomach acid before or gastric mucosa cells are malfunctioning. Why in the hell i am feeling great because of betain pills, but lowering stomach acid with antacid is making feel like shit. So i will stop with antacid pills. Could it be that betain pills making stomach acid stronger and cells which provide gastric mucus detect high stomach acid and produce more mucus which protect stomach. Or maybe stomach acid was fine all the time just cells which provide mucus are malfunctioning. I'm taking again betain pills and i started to feel better.

Is it possible that the body wants to cure gastritis by lowering stomach acid and then i got chain of problems, POIS, undigested food goes to duodenum and making inflammation there (duodenitis). Could it be that syllimarin and artichoke making some protective film arround stomach so that's why i feel great after consuming that. . Gonna stick with strict diet, fasting and syllimarin and artichokes. 

Still not doing rounds of chelating from mercury. I stopped at round 27 where i did not see major improvements. I strongly recommend gastroscopy/endoscopy because it could take years after chelating and even then you could not feel better while problems could be in your stomach/gut. I did 27 rounds/weeks of chelating, that is almost 7 months of chelating where i did not feel better. Will report soon. All the best.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 06:16:20 AM by Igy78 »


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So where do I buy the ACC chelators from? Is OK to buy from? Also, is DMPS safer than DMSA? I've read that DMSA may cause neutropenia, which I should probably avoid because my neutrophil count is already low. But I've also read about that one case where DMPS triggered the Steven Johnsons Syndrome in a child.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2021, 05:09:19 PM by quikot »


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Could it be that syllimarin and artichoke making some protective film arround stomach so that's why i feel great after consuming that. . Gonna stick with strict diet, fasting and syllimarin and artichokes. 

Could it be the Luteolin in Artichoke extract and the Silymarin in Milk Thistle that stabilizes your mast cells?


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I wouldn't be surprised when his Lymphocyte infiltrates are actually mast cells.


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Exemple of poiser with low glutathione vitamins and nutrients...

« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 02:04:52 PM by Hopeoneday »


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I noticed that many poisers reported somthing similar to CACHEXIA.


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A wery nice study, BIODETOX etc....

Table 3 One year odds of symptom improvement and
worsening in the treatment group from this study:

Significant improvement attributable to the amalgam removal treatment was seen for memory loss and stomach problems. Significantly less deterioration was seen for confusion, stomach problems, loss of sense of smell or taste, shakiness in hands, and coordination problems.

Me personaly think, that my SIBO is because of
toxicity of neuro motor copmlex-gut afected.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 04:22:19 PM by Hopeoneday »


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Yes, more and more is coming to this conclution here. It would be good to read how everyone who is trying the SIBO protocol are progressing. A thread for this perhaps?


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Most  recently,  a  study  on  monkeys  demonstrated  that  mercury  exposure  from  amalgam  might  enrich  the  intestinal  flora  with  mercury-resistant  bacterial  species,  which  in  turn  also  become  resistant to antibiotics ...

« Last Edit: April 19, 2021, 02:42:12 PM by Hopeoneday »


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Apolipoprotein E genotyping as a potential biomarker for mercury neurotoxicity

Genetic Aspects of Susceptibility to Mercury Toxicity: An Overview