I'm 42, male and started having extreme brainfogs about 3 years ago. At first I didn't really understand something was wrong, I just thought I was tired due to lack of sleep or something and just "lived with it". After a while having this problem on and off I started realising this wasn't just something due to lack of sleep because my symptoms got worse when I made an effort to sleep more.
Aside from the actual brainfogs, my main symptom at first appeared to be infected sinuses and pressure behind my eyes (which I thought were caused by the infected sinuses) so I went to several sinus specialists, had multiple exams, including (brain) MRI's but they simply couldn't find anything. I had all (conventional) allergy tests done but I'm not allergic to anything. My blood tests all came back normal, ... in short, there's was nothing they could find.
After a while I also started having muscle pains (or rather realised there was a connection with the brainfogs), mainly neck, shoulders and upper back. So I went to physiotherapy, had massages every week for half a year but none of it had any real effect. Then last year when the shoulder/neck pain became unbearable I went to the doctor and she prescribed Diclofenac and lo and behold 24 hours later my brainfog was 100% gone. I took it a few weeks and the brainfog appeared to have been gone completely during that time but after stopping the Diclofenac after a few weeks, the brainfog came back. I started the Diclofenac again but somehow its effect had worn off and it didn't really help anymore.
Starting from scratch again trying to figure this out, I ended up on r/brainfog on reddit and ran into a thread about TMJ (Temporomandibular joint dysfunction -
https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/temporomandibular-disorder-tmd). This actually made a lot of sense for my symptoms and after a while, I had traced the potential cause of that back to performing oral sex, which I stopped entirely and I also had a mouthpiece made (to prevent potential teeth grinding) to sleep with. Again my brainfog went away, which lasted 6 months. Then about half a year ago the brainfog just reappeared, all-though in a milder form, even-though I had still eliminated everything I thought that was causing it. Back to square one
As of now, my list of symptoms still consists of:
- Severe brainfogs, like my brain is running at only 10% of normal capacity, resulting in a complete lack of motivation to do _anything_
- Extremely low energy levels
- Congested nose
- Pressure behind my eyes (although this was probably, at least partially, caused by the TMJ and is a lot less now)
- Neck, shoulder and back pains, specifically a very nagging pain between my shoulder blades
- A feeling of complete lack of power in my (under)arms.
- Very high intolerance to noise (I'm not sure this is POIS related, I've always had this but POIS might have made this a lot worse)
- Straw-like hair (I only have had long hair for 4 years so I don't have a real point of comparison for this)
- Dry skin (also something I've always really)
- After reading the forum it seems having to urinate frequently could be a symptom of POIS. I drink quite a lot during the day, and always thought I had a small blather but I need to pee A LOT, sometimes multiple times in half an hour, so I guess I can put that one on the list.
Potential causes that had been ruled out so far:
- conventional allergies
- brain tumor
- sinus issues
- TMJ (at least as the single source of the problem)
- environmental causes since brainfogs show up anywhere and anytime, including on vacations with my GF (but I haven't gone on vacations without her since we've been together)
- dietary causes, my diet has been consistent over all the years
- stress levels
- physical issues (how I'm sitting at my desk/in my sofa, for a while I suspected certain sex positions had a bad influence but eventually couldn't find an consistent link there either)
Now, 3 years is a long time, I've moved houses during this period, had periods with a lot of stress and periods with no stress, ... none of that appeared to have an effect on wether I did or did not have brainfogs. so last week it downed on me during these past years there was only one common factor during the good and the bad periods and that was my girlfriend (we have been together for 3 yeas and a half, my problems started about half a year after getting together).
Now, I'm not blaming her here

but since I had ruled out so many things already, I started wondering if it could be anything related to her. So last week I started searching if I could find information on people suffering these brainfogs that had found a link to their partner in any way and that's how I ended up on Reddit again, on a thread mentioning POIS (
https://www.reddit.com/r/BrainFog/comments/p29rsb/my_brain_fog_was_linked_to_post_orgasm_illness/). I went to
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postorgasmic_illness_syndrome and OMFG ... that list of "The 7 clusters of symptoms", 75% applies to me and overal, it perfectly describes my problems.
Looking back now, with POIS in mind, it "all" makes sense. Pretty much 95% of the sex we have is late a night, right before we go to sleep and being someone who always falls asleep like a log, I'm just never awake long enough to experience the symptoms before faling asleep, but I usually wake up like I was hit with a sledgehammer during my sleep, completely void of all energy and with a brain that doesn't seem to be able to wake up. Also, looking back, I remember telling my GF I had noticed sex in the morning seemed to have a bad effect on me somehow and kill my work spirit ... yet somehow I never thought much more of it.
Ok, so far my history, ... now it's time to pinpoint the
exact cause. I'm 99% convinced it's POIS now BUT what I'm struggling with, in the info I can find here is that my brainfog hasn't been a consistent problem. I've had extremely bad periods and I've had periods I was perfectly fine, during those periods, my sex life (including masturbation habits) did not change at all. Like I said, sex 2-3 times a week and the days I don't have sex, I usually masturbate once a day.
Finding something like POIS exists, and also that I didn't find this a lot sooner, is a bit mind-blowing but at least I have something to start from in figuring this all out again.
So, while I'm going through the forum, I have one big question I hope people can answer or point me to info about it:
- I'm not entirely sure yet but I have a very strong suspicions my symptoms only appear, all-though delayed sometimes, after actual sex with my GF and not after masturbation, is that at all possible? And if so, it would have to be some specific "chemical" reaction to something to to with my girlfriend since there have been periods everything was fine while the sex didn't change, so it would have to be some change in her "chemistry" triggering it.
Important sidenote ... I also started using Modafinil (nootropic -
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modafinil) to help me with work, before my problems started. On the one hand Modafinil has helped A LOT in getting through periods with heavy brainfog but on the other hand I can't rule anything out yet, including this as a (partial) cause to it either. I've had weeks where I didn't use it and it didn't appear to have any effect on having brainfogs at all but I'm sure I don't have to explain anyone here, as our symptoms can last for 1-2 weeks it's really hard putting cause/effect together.
Overall, I would say my symptoms on average last for about 4-5 days.