Author Topic: The root couse of POIS Mercury intolerance))leaky gut))Mercury retention))POIS  (Read 63215 times)


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From Liberos, POIS testing laboratory:

“We do have access, of course, but the project is limited to what we think are the most likely candidates to give us the most information for a first pass. Basically, we are contrasting two overarching theories of POIS that should answer the question "which of two paths should we follow". There will be many alternative, possible smaller paths that may be relevant for an individual or a few people, but our goal is to help the most people possible...that "average" POIS-er...for the first big study!”
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Thank you demo for your prompt feedback!

Let's hope they will explore as many avenues as possible.


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devastated, you’re welcome.

Did you see my previous questions about Facebook?
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Investigator, funny you should ask: I went to the dentist today, for the first time in several years, and he discovered I actually still have a few amalgam fillings! Apparently the guy who removed my amalgam about 10 years ago didn't remove all of them. The remaining ones are 4 very small and superficial ones.

My (new) dentist seems attentive and thorough, and I've scheduled an appointment to have the fillings removed next week, using a rubber dam. Investigator, is there anything else I should be aware of or ask for other than a rubber dam?

Hello Clues,

Your list of symptoms sounds like me 2 years ago.

Ask your dentist to ensure he removes all amalgam and to visibly inspect the tooth before refilling, you should also ask for bite-wings of the refilled teeth. He might be reluctant and charge you for the bite-wings but it's worth knowing the amalgam is gone, if any small specs remain you won't get better. If he mentions he doesn't want to subject you to unnecessary X-ray, note that modern bite-wing X-ray equipment subject you to less radiation than a plane ride.

Mercury only seems to be removed in significant amounts after all exposures are removed (so you need to ensure there are no specs left over).

You should also join the facebook group, there are admins who can help, and volunteer dentists who can check your bite-wing xrays for mercury specs.


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Investigator, funny you should ask: I went to the dentist today, for the first time in several years, and he discovered I actually still have a few amalgam fillings! Apparently the guy who removed my amalgam about 10 years ago didn't remove all of them. The remaining ones are 4 very small and superficial ones.

My (new) dentist seems attentive and thorough, and I've scheduled an appointment to have the fillings removed next week, using a rubber dam. Investigator, is there anything else I should be aware of or ask for other than a rubber dam?

The most important bit is the rubber dam. There are guidelines on the IAOMT webpage, they recommend extra precautions using special filtration systems. You may check for an IAOMT dentist in your area.

Another thing to keep in mind is "amalgam tattoos" - some people have them on the gums close to teeth that had amalgam for too long. It's like amalgama sucked into your gums. Any oral surgeon or most dentists can remove an amalgam tattoo if you have one, but you'll have to ask. You don't need precautions for the removal of these, there is no drilling. The danger from amalgam removal is the drilling of the amalgama filling into pieces. You can ask any family dentist to inspect if you have amalgam tattoos.


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When I said the most important bit is the rubber dam, I really meant the most important bit besides the aspiration!!! Of course, most important is the aspiration, but it's self-understood, most dentists will do it anyways, but wouldn't use a rubber dam by default.


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DEANNX, what is ACC?
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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ACC is a method to chelate mercury


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Just to add to the conversation: I'm suspecting mercury from dental amalgam is triggering my mast cells. Will post more info after I've experimented a bit more, but here's a quick summary:

* After a fair bit of research and experimentation I believe I've got a mast cell activation disorder
* Avoiding my triggers (notably orgasm, certain foods, very cold or very hot weather, exercise) helps, but I've constantly got low-level "background" symptoms regardless of triggers
* Pain in jaw for 20+ years where I used to have mercury amalgam fillings
* Read recent research indicating that Chlorella is very effective in removing mercury
* Started taking chlorella daily
* Immediately noticed physical effects, such as numbness and tingling in jaw and feet
* Have been taking it 1 month. Numbness/tingling has subsided, pre-existing skin lesions and inflammation look better. No obvious change to cognitive background symptoms so far. Have not tried orgasm

could you give us a update on your symptoms and how much chlorella do you take a day????

I started ACC method a month ago, its my 4 rounds this week, I too notice numbness and tingling in jaw and feet and hand at the start of every round, after 4 rounds I feel my skin improved a bit also seem to be not getting as many acnes after O but these could also just be better sleep and other factors, my nose and lip still swelling for weeks after orgasm also no improvement so far with cognitive.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2020, 09:07:51 AM by DEANNX »


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No problem DEANNX, here is an update:

I take a total of 3g organic chlorella per day, in the form of two 0.5g tablets per meal. I tried taking 5g per day, but it felt a bit much. I had trouble sleeping, I had a fever-like feeling at night. The tingling and numbness would also be more intense.

With 3g per day, the skin lesions have continued to fade out, except on my calves. I don't think that's a coincidence: My feet are the only places I still feel the numbness and tingling, and still have weird cracked and dry skin. The cold sensitivity also seems more pronounced in my feet. I've got no scientific basis for this, but based on the feeling, I suspect mercury is gradually removed from my body, but that my feet/lower legs still have a lot.

About 1.5 months into the chlorella adventure, I tried an orgasm. The visible inflammation symptoms were there, but I felt pretty good in the days after. Definitely better than usual. However I tried another orgasm a week later, after which I had my usual shitty cognitive symptoms: fatigue, irritability, depression, etc. So POIS is not conclusively improved, however if it really is a mercury thing, there might be quite a bit of mercury in the bloodstream as I'm detoxing, and I'm guessing symptoms such as POIS may improve once most of the mercury is gone.


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Another small update: I had my remaining 4 amalgam fillings removed today. Seemed pretty safe: They used a rubber dam for each tooth, and I had a breathing mask over my nose. Plus a few other precautions.

Will continue with the chlorella detox and report back.


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Thanks for the update Clues and good luck with your journey


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A long time pois suffer, had a miracle cure from pois, after his
homeophaty drug suddelnly started to working after 10 years
(he took out his amalgam filings!).
« Last Edit: August 17, 2020, 06:45:28 AM by Hopeoneday »


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A long time pois suffer, had a miracle cure from pois, after his
homeophaty drug suddelnly started to working after 10 years
(he took out his amalgam filings!).

This individual may find symptoms worsen 3 to 6 months from when they removed their fillings, if they do, then that confirms that mercury is causing their POIS (dump/stall phase).


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A long time pois suffer, had a miracle cure from pois, after his
homeophaty drug suddelnly started to working after 10 years
(he took out his amalgam filings!).

This individual may find symptoms worsen 3 to 6 months from when they removed their fillings, if they do, then that confirms that mercury is causing their POIS (dump/stall phase).

Hi John

how long into the ACC did the dump phase hit you??And how long before you get reduction on the duration of POIS??I competed 6 rounds with 50mg ALA, theres improvement on sleep and skin problems but i dont know if i should also expect shorter POIS as well, my POIS last for weeks.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2020, 07:40:04 AM by DEANNX »


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JohnJames and Investigator, I didn't see your responses until now! Thank you both for responding.

Your list of symptoms sounds like me 2 years ago.

Ask your dentist to ensure he removes all amalgam and to visibly inspect the tooth before refilling, you should also ask for bite-wings of the refilled teeth. He might be reluctant and charge you for the bite-wings but it's worth knowing the amalgam is gone, if any small specs remain you won't get better. If he mentions he doesn't want to subject you to unnecessary X-ray, note that modern bite-wing X-ray equipment subject you to less radiation than a plane ride.

Mercury only seems to be removed in significant amounts after all exposures are removed (so you need to ensure there are no specs left over).

You should also join the facebook group, there are admins who can help, and volunteer dentists who can check your bite-wing xrays for mercury specs.

I've already removed the remaining fillings. I went to the dentist here in Norway who seems to be the most serious about amalgam removal. They used a respiration mask over the nose, and they said something about the air pressure making sure I was breathing through the mask and not the ambient air. Also, they were careful to remove the amalgam in big chunks and not create vapour or dust. Plus they were careful about the rubber dam.

I didn't get any "after" picture, but they did seem very thorough. Tbh I'm more worried about the much bigger amalgam fillings I removed about 10 years ago and whether anything may have been left over from those. There was nothing in evidence in the x-rays though.

You say my symptoms sound like you as of 2 years ago; How have they improved or changed since?

When I said the most important bit is the rubber dam, I really meant the most important bit besides the aspiration!!! Of course, most important is the aspiration, but it's self-understood, most dentists will do it anyways, but wouldn't use a rubber dam by default.

Investigator, I'm assuming you mean respiration? Yeah I did make sure to get that, thankfully, but it's sadly not the norm here! See details on the removal above.


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A long time pois suffer, had a miracle cure from pois, after his
homeophaty drug suddelnly started to working after 10 years
(he took out his amalgam filings!).

This individual may find symptoms worsen 3 to 6 months from when they removed their fillings, if they do, then that confirms that mercury is causing their POIS (dump/stall phase).

Hi John

how long into the ACC did the dump phase hit you??And how long before you get reduction on the duration of POIS??I competed 6 rounds with 50mg ALA, theres improvement on sleep and skin problems but i dont know if i should also expect shorter POIS as well, my POIS last for weeks.


There seems to be a lot of individual variation, some people are done with the dump in just a few months or barely notice a dump, others find themselves in the dump for a year or 2. I've done over 80 rounds and still think I'm in the dump, the dump hit around 3 months in. I've had improvements from around round 40 or so.

If you are feeling effects on and off round, you are responding to chelation, I'm not sure when your POIS will disappear but for me progress was slow but does accumulate. I'd recommend keeping a dairy or log with a short description of how you felt and maybe a rating system for overall POIS-ness or mood etc so you can see improvement.


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JohnJames and Investigator, I didn't see your responses until now! Thank you both for responding.

Your list of symptoms sounds like me 2 years ago.

Ask your dentist to ensure he removes all amalgam and to visibly inspect the tooth before refilling, you should also ask for bite-wings of the refilled teeth. He might be reluctant and charge you for the bite-wings but it's worth knowing the amalgam is gone, if any small specs remain you won't get better. If he mentions he doesn't want to subject you to unnecessary X-ray, note that modern bite-wing X-ray equipment subject you to less radiation than a plane ride.

Mercury only seems to be removed in significant amounts after all exposures are removed (so you need to ensure there are no specs left over).

You should also join the facebook group, there are admins who can help, and volunteer dentists who can check your bite-wing xrays for mercury specs.

I've already removed the remaining fillings. I went to the dentist here in Norway who seems to be the most serious about amalgam removal. They used a respiration mask over the nose, and they said something about the air pressure making sure I was breathing through the mask and not the ambient air. Also, they were careful to remove the amalgam in big chunks and not create vapour or dust. Plus they were careful about the rubber dam.

I didn't get any "after" picture, but they did seem very thorough. Tbh I'm more worried about the much bigger amalgam fillings I removed about 10 years ago and whether anything may have been left over from those. There was nothing in evidence in the x-rays though.

You say my symptoms sound like you as of 2 years ago; How have they improved or changed since?

When I said the most important bit is the rubber dam, I really meant the most important bit besides the aspiration!!! Of course, most important is the aspiration, but it's self-understood, most dentists will do it anyways, but wouldn't use a rubber dam by default.

Investigator, I'm assuming you mean respiration? Yeah I did make sure to get that, thankfully, but it's sadly not the norm here! See details on the removal above.

Yes I only suffer bad POIS a day after ejaculation now, after 1 day I still have symptoms but they are much milder, I used to have crippling POIS that would last around a week or more and I was never fully 100%.

Other things improved inside and outside of POIS: skin, energy levels, sleep, social abilities.


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Hi John

Do you late for does often???How long can you be late for and still continue the round???
