Author Topic: The root couse of POIS Mercury intolerance))leaky gut))Mercury retention))POIS  (Read 63847 times)


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Try liposomal glutathione there are many studies which show the chronically ill or even people with autism have very low glutathione stores. So supplementing with NAC isn't good I've tried NAC and liposomal glutathione is a million times better than that is supposed to have 1000x more glutathione than NAC - good info and read

The mercury toxic tend to have low glutathione levels.

Andy said that glutathione should be avoided for the mercury toxic people as it would make them worse over time and seems to be corroborated with what people have experienced, but one could experiment with using NAC.

I can't fully remember the reasons why but I think Andy argued something like extracellular glutathione would redistribute mercury, whereas supporting your bodies own production of glutathione means the glutathione is created in the cell and pulls the mercury out but I'm not going to pretend I understand the biochemistry behind it all.

Thanks JohnaJames for contributing, you understend the mater wery well.

Thank you, people sharing what worked for them and what didn't has helped me so much and has been so valuable I want to pass on my own experience with dealing with this.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2020, 06:46:22 PM by JohnJames »


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I see this type of correlation made all the time especially in ?syndrome? groups. It is sad because patients are so desperate for answers that they make correlation that do not imply causation. Meaning their desperation has caused them to grab fro answers that seem like they match which actually have no basis in evidence at all. Most of the time they reach for ?alternative? ?Pseudoscience? and they make big stretches of the imagination to connect the illness and the cures. A lot of logical critical thinking is bypassed. Sometimes they figure out they have these obscure other illnesses that can?t really be properly tested for like chronic Lyme disease, Mast Cell Activation, metal poisoning, and many more. And then the scam artists pick up on this and they start labs to test for these things and it?s big business. And you also see companies offering cures like Low Dose Naltrexone or supplements that can basically cure everything. It?s all sad to see, but I think we will see less of it the more research we get into POIS. Hopefully this new study sheds a lot of light and sparks more interest in the medical community.

As for Mercury sensitivity I?m not saying it?s impossible that it is the cause, I?m saying if it was it would be very random. In the last year I have been very interested in getting my mercury levels tested because my teeth are crumbling and the mercury is falling out of my mouth. I am probably digesting most of it. I have had POIS since my first orgasm so I probably had my first mercury fillings around that time so you could see a time relation there. But I think that correlation does not imply causation. A lot of things happened around that time and I could go down the list and just say that for everything. Also Mercury poisoning or sensitivity symptoms are all over the place and could be similar to a number of illnesses. That doesn?t really point to answers. Looks like blood levels and hair are good for Organic mercury and inorganic is better tested with 24 hour urine. I?m not really sold on a mercury sensitivity sounds like a grey area invented illness for profit.

As far as the study posted from Pubmed you have to investigate where those come from. Just because it is on pubmed does not mean it is scientific. That study was not a medical paper it was done in some obscure Turkish institute not a medical college, that has only been founded in 2007. I have no problem with theories as long as you explore them with some doubt not like you discovered a cure. According to MELISA they basically feel mercury sensitivity affects millions of people. If that was the case then millions of guys would have POIS, so right away that points to the theory being very wrong. Why is POIS so rare. By rare I mean less than a million people globally. It has to be something rare that is causing it Nd if mercury poisoning or sensitivity was so common and causing everything from Multiple Sclerosis to Autoimmune disease then POIS would have over 200,000 patients. It just does not make logical sense even though correlation makes it appear to match. I could make that with many illnesses like many have over the years on the forum. But you should think about this. Why doesn?t more men have it? Don?t just guess at the reason. Why are we more sensitive during orgasm. Are we having more mercury released during orgasm? Okay prove it. Otherwise I could claim anything is getting released and are sensitive to it. Doesn?t help and doesn?t point to it being correct.
POIS sufferer for over 3 decades. Has progressively gotten worse over the years and I became completely disabled around 2011. My case of POIS is very severe.


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I see this type of correlation made all the time especially in ?syndrome? groups. It is sad because patients are so desperate for answers that they make correlation that do not imply causation. Meaning their desperation has caused them to grab fro answers that seem like they match which actually have no basis in evidence at all. Most of the time they reach for ?alternative? ?Pseudoscience? and they make big stretches of the imagination to connect the illness and the cures. A lot of logical critical thinking is bypassed. Sometimes they figure out they have these obscure other illnesses that can?t really be properly tested for like chronic Lyme disease, Mast Cell Activation, metal poisoning, and many more. And then the scam artists pick up on this and they start labs to test for these things and it?s big business. And you also see companies offering cures like Low Dose Naltrexone or supplements that can basically cure everything. It?s all sad to see, but I think we will see less of it the more research we get into POIS. Hopefully this new study sheds a lot of light and sparks more interest in the medical community.

As for Mercury sensitivity I?m not saying it?s impossible that it is the cause, I?m saying if it was it would be very random. In the last year I have been very interested in getting my mercury levels tested because my teeth are crumbling and the mercury is falling out of my mouth. I am probably digesting most of it. I have had POIS since my first orgasm so I probably had my first mercury fillings around that time so you could see a time relation there. But I think that correlation does not imply causation. A lot of things happened around that time and I could go down the list and just say that for everything. Also Mercury poisoning or sensitivity symptoms are all over the place and could be similar to a number of illnesses. That doesn?t really point to answers. Looks like blood levels and hair are good for Organic mercury and inorganic is better tested with 24 hour urine. I?m not really sold on a mercury sensitivity sounds like a grey area invented illness for profit.

As far as the study posted from Pubmed you have to investigate where those come from. Just because it is on pubmed does not mean it is scientific. That study was not a medical paper it was done in some obscure Turkish institute not a medical college, that has only been founded in 2007. I have no problem with theories as long as you explore them with some doubt not like you discovered a cure. According to MELISA they basically feel mercury sensitivity affects millions of people. If that was the case then millions of guys would have POIS, so right away that points to the theory being very wrong. Why is POIS so rare. By rare I mean less than a million people globally. It has to be something rare that is causing it Nd if mercury poisoning or sensitivity was so common and causing everything from Multiple Sclerosis to Autoimmune disease then POIS would have over 200,000 patients. It just does not make logical sense even though correlation makes it appear to match. I could make that with many illnesses like many have over the years on the forum. But you should think about this. Why doesn?t more men have it? Don?t just guess at the reason. Why are we more sensitive during orgasm. Are we having more mercury released during orgasm? Okay prove it. Otherwise I could claim anything is getting released and are sensitive to it. Doesn?t help and doesn?t point to it being correct.

I know that removing my amalgam and following the ACC has reduced the severity of my POIS symptoms, and that of another user. I know that there are 60'000 people on ACC forums many of whom are report improvements and or have been almost completely cured following ACC for seemingly related illnesses. I know it's not a scientific study, but there is certainly a cause and effect that is reasonably beyond placebo.

Andy is unfortunately no longer with us and does not gain monetarily and there are no companies advertising ACC, nor is it particularly costly.

Doesn't have to be rare, there are probably many more people with POIS not on this forum, and the number of people with related illnesses (CFS, depression etc) are not uncommon. Even the British Dental Association maintains that around 2% of patients are sensitive to mercury, so it is in the public scientific eye to some extent. There does also seem to be a sliding scale with illness such like POIS which would be explained by severity of mercury toxicity/sensitivity.

I don't think Mercury is released when you orgasm, as discussed in other areas of this forum, I think it's more likely existing mercury damages the many systems (hormonal, nervous system, ...) that means that the post-orgasm cascade results in our symptoms.

I'm too young to wait for this to be researched, I want to live my life now, not wait 30 years until they maybe find a cure, and my symptoms have improved a fair amount following ACC . For a healthy person, the only downside or "side-effect" to following ACC is the cost and time of getting your amalgams removed, and buying the ALA needed which is fairly inexpensive, but a healthy person should tolerate ALA with little to no side effects. There is no reason for me not to follow it since I have plenty of money/time.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2020, 04:41:39 PM by JohnJames »


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Anyone wonders how our bodies will react with Corona virus, i mean mercury toxic people, i did recover from flu 3 months a go. I hope my immunity system will not go down or something.


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Is Betain hcl + pepsin still helping your POIS Igy?


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Yes! i tested few days without pills, and pois symptoms slowly coming back, so i eat 15 pills before meal, eating one meal a day. In my case it was sleep apnea, which lead to lack of oxygen, lack of oxygen got me into fatty liver,  (google sleep apnea - liver, first video) fatty liver could not make gluthathion to remove mercury, mercury builds up over the years and ta daaaa, pois, low stomach acid, bacteria builds up in stomach and gut, suicidal thoughts after fapping and sex, chronic fatigue and so on.

What is really helping me was coffee enema, not doing regularly like before because i'm getting better, cpap device for eliminating sleep apnea, then origano oil and Grapefruit seed extract (GSE), origano oil, betain and GSE was life changer, i get 80-90% less symptoms, probably aiding liver in some way, i tried TON of vitamins/minerals and nothing helped like those 3. I'm on keto diet with here and there carbs one or twice a week.  Trying to heal my fatty liver now with those 3 suplement, i did abdomen scan and doctor told me my liver is enlarged and fatty. Fucking sleep apnea. Recently started to test fap and sex and symptoms was tolerable.

Good luck!
« Last Edit: March 18, 2020, 06:46:47 PM by Igy78 »


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Hi JohnJames,

The mercury makes alot of sense, seeing as it most likely causes mcas and histamine intolerance.

How is all of your POIS symptoms now and other health issues since your last activity on this post in February??

Also how many rounds  of ACC have you done so far?


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dylanmurphy, welcome to the forum.
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Interesting pose, but how is orgasm causing symptoms?


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Thank you, HOD, for the extensive review. A Melisa test showed that I have a strong positive reaction (that is to say, hypersensitivity) to inorganic mercury. Here are some of my views on mercury:

4) Most importantly, to the point. There are tons of information on the internet, e.g. Andy Cutler chelation, other chelation protocols (e.g. or Quicksilver Scientific, about how to chelate mercury. The problem is, each one says this is the only safe way, and all the others are bad and unsafe. I don't know which one to trust. I can't really find scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals that say: "this method was tested extensively and is considered safe." I am not convinced that chelation is a safe process, that's what I worry about. I don't know if these chelation protocols have been tested on lab animals - for example, for side effects. 

Quicksilver is a known multilevel marketing scheme which uses binders which do NOT have the chemical properties required to chelate. As far as am I am aware all known chelators of mercury are dithiols (ALA, DMSA, DMPS).

I have followed ACC for over a year now and my POIS is significantly improved, and I believe I will be 100% cured in another year. Understand that ACC was developed by people testing things on a forum in the 90s through trial and error, Andy just happened to partake and happened to have the scientific knowledge to piece together why it works, Andy also applied the half-life dosing idea used throughout the medical industry.

There are no "tests" which can accurately show mercury burden, this is only possible through autopsy. Andy thought the best way to test for mercury would be just to try his protocol, and any sort of reaction to the chelators confirms mercury (positive or negative).

What I miss however, is that it seems not everybody on this forum has had amalgam fillings. That's what makes me skeptical about this whole mercury toxicity/hypersensitivity hypothesis as a root cause for POIS. While it is true that there are other sources of mercury (like fish), I think the main one generally is amalgam fillings. It doesn't look like many people here have them (evidence: see that that mercury threads are not super active). There was an old poll about mercury, and several members have replied they've never had amalgamas.

So, thanks for the compliment, HOD, but the above paragraph is one piece I really am missing from this puzzle. I still believe in the mercury hypothesis, though, just trying to link this with everything else.

It doesn't matter if you never had amalgams, mercury can be passed from parent to child. So if your mother had amalgams, or your grandmother then it's still possible. Also, their are other exposures to mercury:- broken CFL lamps, vaccines (this is controversial but it is a scientific fact that many contain thimerasol which is used as a preservative), bulbs.. many more. Their are many people on the ACC forums whom have never had amalgams who have found significant improvements/been cured from similar autoimmune conditions to POIS. Even a trip to a conventional dentist office exposes you.
Hi John

I read that you have to take the supplements every 3 hours, did you do this everyday for one year or did you take break?



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There we go, here is precisely where the mercury theory breaks. Thanks for the answer, Mushnikk.

I also presume you haven't played with a broken thermometer when you were young or anything like that? And that POIS didn't start soon after a vaccine? Or you weren't eating loads of salmon over an extended period of time? If it's "none of the above," then the mercury theory has a serious gap that HOD and I have to address. 

Or it could be some other metal, like nickel. I also have hypersensitivity to nickel (though not as strong as to mercury), shown on a Melisa test. But this is more common, many people have allergy (type IV) to nickel. Do you have metal or metal-ceramics dental crowns, Mushnikk?

I'm not the person you were talking to, but this is very interesting. I have played with a thermometer as a kid, and broke it in half above my face. I had to have my eyes washed at the ER. Wow, you could be onto something...
26-year-old Spanish woman with POIS symptoms for the last 13 years.
Suffering from exercise intolerance since April 2020.
My case thread, with medical tests results.


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Thank you, HOD, for the extensive review. A Melisa test showed that I have a strong positive reaction (that is to say, hypersensitivity) to inorganic mercury. Here are some of my views on mercury:

4) Most importantly, to the point. There are tons of information on the internet, e.g. Andy Cutler chelation, other chelation protocols (e.g. or Quicksilver Scientific, about how to chelate mercury. The problem is, each one says this is the only safe way, and all the others are bad and unsafe. I don't know which one to trust. I can't really find scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals that say: "this method was tested extensively and is considered safe." I am not convinced that chelation is a safe process, that's what I worry about. I don't know if these chelation protocols have been tested on lab animals - for example, for side effects. 

Quicksilver is a known multilevel marketing scheme which uses binders which do NOT have the chemical properties required to chelate. As far as am I am aware all known chelators of mercury are dithiols (ALA, DMSA, DMPS).

I have followed ACC for over a year now and my POIS is significantly improved, and I believe I will be 100% cured in another year. Understand that ACC was developed by people testing things on a forum in the 90s through trial and error, Andy just happened to partake and happened to have the scientific knowledge to piece together why it works, Andy also applied the half-life dosing idea used throughout the medical industry.

There are no "tests" which can accurately show mercury burden, this is only possible through autopsy. Andy thought the best way to test for mercury would be just to try his protocol, and any sort of reaction to the chelators confirms mercury (positive or negative).

What I miss however, is that it seems not everybody on this forum has had amalgam fillings. That's what makes me skeptical about this whole mercury toxicity/hypersensitivity hypothesis as a root cause for POIS. While it is true that there are other sources of mercury (like fish), I think the main one generally is amalgam fillings. It doesn't look like many people here have them (evidence: see that that mercury threads are not super active). There was an old poll about mercury, and several members have replied they've never had amalgamas.

So, thanks for the compliment, HOD, but the above paragraph is one piece I really am missing from this puzzle. I still believe in the mercury hypothesis, though, just trying to link this with everything else.

It doesn't matter if you never had amalgams, mercury can be passed from parent to child. So if your mother had amalgams, or your grandmother then it's still possible. Also, their are other exposures to mercury:- broken CFL lamps, vaccines (this is controversial but it is a scientific fact that many contain thimerasol which is used as a preservative), bulbs.. many more. Their are many people on the ACC forums whom have never had amalgams who have found significant improvements/been cured from similar autoimmune conditions to POIS. Even a trip to a conventional dentist office exposes you.
Hi John

I read that you have to take the supplements every 3 hours, did you do this everyday for one year or did you take break?



ACC is to do an appropriate dose of ALA every 2-3 hours for atleast 63hrs (including throughout the night), you then take 3 days off. That's 1 round.

I've done over 70 rounds at this point. Tend to do a round a week.

Hi JohnJames,

The mercury makes alot of sense, seeing as it most likely causes mcas and histamine intolerance.

How is all of your POIS symptoms now and other health issues since your last activity on this post in February??

Also how many rounds  of ACC have you done so far?

Good actually, my life is slowly getting back on track, I've done over 70 rounds. My POIS is only bad for a day after orgasm, I'm getting more sociable and outgoing and sleeping much better. I have a girlfriend now, work 9-5, exercise, do weekend activities/have a social life, all of which would of been too tiresome or I would of been too depressed to do effectively before starting this process. I used to spend all day every day playing videogames, people are noticing differences in me, my mom said that I seem much happier and more content than I used to (I haven't told her about any of this).

Histamine and MCAS problems are extremely common in mercury toxic folk, so would make sense.

Interesting pose, but how is orgasm causing symptoms?

I don't know the exact pathway, but something is going wrong somewhere, and I think Mercury is behind it. Mercury damages many of the systems which come into play during orgasm/ejaculation (nervous system, endocrine system, etc).


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Just to add to the conversation: I'm suspecting mercury from dental amalgam is triggering my mast cells. Will post more info after I've experimented a bit more, but here's a quick summary:

* After a fair bit of research and experimentation I believe I've got a mast cell activation disorder
* Avoiding my triggers (notably orgasm, certain foods, very cold or very hot weather, exercise) helps, but I've constantly got low-level "background" symptoms regardless of triggers
* Pain in jaw for 20+ years where I used to have mercury amalgam fillings
* Read recent research indicating that Chlorella is very effective in removing mercury
* Started taking chlorella daily
* Immediately noticed physical effects, such as numbness and tingling in jaw and feet
* Have been taking it 1 month. Numbness/tingling has subsided, pre-existing skin lesions and inflammation look better. No obvious change to cognitive background symptoms so far. Have not tried orgasm


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Clues, do you currently have amalgams or did you remove them already? I recommend removing them with a biological dentist who will take extra precautions - you want at least a rubber dam.


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Investigator, funny you should ask: I went to the dentist today, for the first time in several years, and he discovered I actually still have a few amalgam fillings! Apparently the guy who removed my amalgam about 10 years ago didn't remove all of them. The remaining ones are 4 very small and superficial ones.

My (new) dentist seems attentive and thorough, and I've scheduled an appointment to have the fillings removed next week, using a rubber dam. Investigator, is there anything else I should be aware of or ask for other than a rubber dam?


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@demografx :
Dear demo, do NORD Researchers have access to (or knowledge of) this kind of threads so that they will be taken into account during the study?
They might provide invaluable clues and hints that could greatly speed up the process of discovering the cause!

Btw, I had as much as 9 tooth fillings as a teenager (back in the 80s), which coincided with the onset of my POIS symptoms. Don't know if it's connected, but I'd better mention it.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 04:40:33 PM by devastated »


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devastated, they do have access, but I’ll ask more.

What’s happening at Facebook in terms of recruiting future POIS study volunteers? Awareness level? Qualifying/passing the screening process successfully?
« Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 07:37:34 AM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.