Hi guys, little feedback, i did biopsy of sample from stomach week a go when i did gastroscopy where they found gerd, duodenitis, erosive gastritis which is manifested by bleeding. Today came results from biopsy.
"Two pieces of gastric antrum mucosa were received. The integumentary epithelium is neat, the fovea converge towards one end (erosion) and the glands are of adequate thickness. In the lamina propria above the glands are scarce lymphocyte infiltrates and slightly smaller foci of bleeding. H.pylori is negative. DG. GASTRITIS CHRONICA EROSIVA"
So,.. my whole body is inflamed due to open wounds in stomach due to lack of gastric mucosa, my body is constantly fighting bacteria, pathogens and undigested food due to open wounds. Consuming cold cuts, bacon, diary, vinegar are making my POIS symptoms stronger and intolerable. Probably my body is telling me that way that i must avoid that kind of foods if i want to heal stomach. That's why i have psoriasis and POIS after sex/fapping.
I did a week of antacid and symptoms came back a little, little bit of POIS feelings/symptoms as before betain pills so that is proof that i had low stomach acid before or gastric mucosa cells are malfunctioning. Why in the hell i am feeling great because of betain pills, but lowering stomach acid with antacid is making feel like shit. So i will stop with antacid pills. Could it be that betain pills making stomach acid stronger and cells which provide gastric mucus detect high stomach acid and produce more mucus which protect stomach. Or maybe stomach acid was fine all the time just cells which provide mucus are malfunctioning. I'm taking again betain pills and i started to feel better.
Is it possible that the body wants to cure gastritis by lowering stomach acid and then i got chain of problems, POIS, undigested food goes to duodenum and making inflammation there (duodenitis). Could it be that syllimarin and artichoke making some protective film arround stomach so that's why i feel great after consuming that. . Gonna stick with strict diet, fasting and syllimarin and artichokes.
Still not doing rounds of chelating from mercury. I stopped at round 27 where i did not see major improvements. I strongly recommend gastroscopy/endoscopy because it could take years after chelating and even then you could not feel better while problems could be in your stomach/gut. I did 27 rounds/weeks of chelating, that is almost 7 months of chelating where i did not feel better. Will report soon. All the best.