Hi guys, as you all know that i(we all do some more some less) trying to figure out what is the real cause of ours illnes.
After 3 years of researching from this forum and 15 years back looking for the cause of my illness, I have looked at the whole thing and I think I can relate what is the cause of our illness.
Mercury intolerance))leaky gut)) Mercury retention)) Immunity compromised))
Prone to Lyme disease)) Impaired central nervous system)) Impaired vagus nerve(mercury disbturbed acethylcholine pathways) ))Chronic fatigue(mitohondria impacted))Syastemic inflamation))Parcinson lyke symptoms))Prone to autoimune illness))
In short: Mercury intolerance))leaky gut))Mercury retention))POIS
(Pois with lyme is the worst type of pois)
(other types of pois is lighter versions of pois).
Pois types you can found of forum under Quantum profile.
Cruciall links info:
What is the funniest thing to me about this is that
everything I was exploring was also
mentioned the summary in this slide.
Scroll and learn:
https://www.slideshare.net/keithberndtson/detoxificationCould Mercury Toxicity Be Causing Your Symptoms?
Important, read comments of peoples on the botom.
https://chriskresser.com/could-mercury-toxicity-be-causing-your-symptoms/For years i search reason for my condition, and i try to find solution
folowing my symptomes, the first thing i discovered that my symptomes
lead me to lyme disies, than later fit with mercury toxicity symptoms,
then that lead me to discover pois forums, wich lead me to a lot of info
an pois types on forum, then i reasarched imunity theory, then i leaded virus
dicusion on forum(some mans healed from antivirals on forum from my sugestion)
, then i discovered that some of us are imunocompromised(like neutrophenia),
then i dicovered that mercury can supress dispturb imunity, then i dicovered
that lyme can disbturb imunity, than i disovered that mercury and lyme connection
, (bugs love hawy metals, they use it for protection from imunity
I was shocked when i discower hundreds of web pages of mercury
and lyme connection , mercury can disbturb imune system and many many
factorses in ours body, and we are prone to meny chronic conditions,
then i discovered leaky gut and this leaky gut isues fitt perfectly
in mercury retention and reabsorbtion cycle in body, that keep us in
chronicly toxic and chronicly ill vicious cycle.
Genetic factors and bad luck play big role here.
The moment we begin to have sexual arousal,
the body begins to prepare for ejaculation,
begins to withdraw nutrients from all places in the body,
start a major neurohormonal exchange,
in the process mercury is extracted from the organs,
fats and tissues and begin to circulate,
then we get mercury intolerance reaction))
this proces disbturb every single normall
pathway in our body. In the moment of ejculation ,
this proces is exsesive , ve get systemic inflamation
and pois hitted hard like a storm from that .
In this theory here, we can put all the discusions we had on forum.
Start from the vagus nerve, to the neurotoxic
(neuro-autoimmune reaction, as many of us think),
to the lyme disease, virus theory,
symptoms like parkinson's (some poisers have developed
parcinson unfortunately), activation of mast cells,
testosterone deficiency, hi prolacitn, immunodeficiency,
immunocompromised, leaky gut, bowel problems, systemic inflammation,
autism spectrum, ocd spectrum, anxiety spectrum,
everything just name it
Chronic mercury retention and intolerance (heavy metals),
is capable of causing all this !!! No medical marker for this ??
Thats why POIS has no marker!!!
Guys, I think hypersensitivity to mercury due to constant reabsorption and
retention of mercury and heavy metals is the root cause of POIS.
We have an intolerance to mercury and cannot get rid of it
of our body and we are always in a vicious circle.
I think in our ccase, intolerance to mercury
(and other heavy metals, but mercury is
main reason) they block all normal processes in our bodies,
especially our central nervous system CNS.
Mercury hipersensitivity
https://melisa.org/mercury/How To Get This Lethal Poison Out Of Your Body
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mercury-how-to-get-this-l_b_469358Mercury destroy gut leanings too,(vicious cycle again, leaky gut)
What did i noticed? I noticed that every single suplement who did
helped poisers, increse gluthatione or fight inflamation.
GLuthation is the main body detox pathway.
See here...toxicity of mercury and his gut repair protocol and his pois
is better and better, he can O free of pois.
https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2894.msg31869;topicseen#msg31869Not that easy unfortunatly for all of us, because all of us is afeceted
diferently(seee Quantum pois charts).
Look at here on a guy wich benefit from methylation but not
100%, he did get cured 100% when he included this
https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2831.msg25781#msg25781NAC ( incriese gluthation)
Selenomethionine (incriese gluthation, chelate the mercury from the body "safe")
Taurine (incriese gluthation)
Zink (incriese gluthation , chelator, help on gut yunktions repair
,leaky gut repair).
And he taked probiotics for guts, and had stoped his pois in 100%!!!
Any supplement that successfully aids here in the forum,
increases gluthation or acts on inflammation and interferes
with mercury from oxidation and thus helps us.
Some people (us poisers) need 20 years to exterminate mercury
from the brain ...
Mercury has a very negative effect on immunity
(which is why we compromise immunity)
Immunocompromised people have various chronic infections:
Lyme disease, bowel infections (candida, bacteria like metals).
Due to this negative impact of mercury,
many autoimmune diseases are created in humans.
That is why we are susceptible to infections.
Mercury lowers neutrophils.
Mercury itself destroys the gut wall, this is where the paradox resurfaces,
Mercury and other toxins are reabsorbed into the blood and then re-absorbed
they go to the brain, organs and tissues.
Mercury causes a decrease in testosterone. (because mercury in the brain has
a negative effect on the pituitary gland)
Mercury are deposited in thyroid gland, dispturb normall work of gland,
it can couse hiden type of thayroid isues and
Iif you ask me thyroid thype of pois chart exist like meber SWELL!!!)
Mercury interferes with the action of the gabba.
Mercury interferes with the action of dopamine.
Why are some here "cured" by methylation?
Increasing methylation increases gluthathion.
Why Vitamin B Helps - Increases Gluthation.
Why Vitamin D Helps - Enhances Gluthation.
Why Vitamin C Helps - Enhances Gluthation.
Why Zinc Help - Increases Gluthation.
Why NAC Helps - Greatly Increases Gluthathion.
Mercury interferes with acetacholine processes
and therefore interferes with the functioning of the vagus nerve.
Mercury induces the activation of mast cells.
Mercury irritates the adrenal glands (mercury deposits in the kidneys and
irritates the adrenal glands)
Mercury prevents mitochondria from working properly (causes chronic fatigue)
A vicious cycle of mercury retention and redistribution,
because of leaky gut and disbturbed proceses of gluthation.
But in leaky gut, mercury do reabsorbing again
on blood and go in the brain and other tissues.
Mercury be deposited in meny organs ,
like kidnes and in prostate and testicles too.
Mercury shold be exited from body with detox fazes(main glutation) in feces,
mercury love fat, from that reason mercury go
to the brain an be deposited there too.
Wery good study for infoo about topic:
Connections and links:
Mercury Toxicity and Treatment
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3253456/#!po=11.8750mercury lyme connection.
https://drpompa.com/podcasts/143-back-to-life-after-lyme-and-mercury-poisoning/So posible solution, if you asking me, i do not advice forced extration mercury and
hawy metals toxins from body, i advice naturall ways and naturall chelators.
1. Gut healing, leaky gut repair, this is the most important thing, and wery hard to repair
because we are in vicious cicle which from is wery hard to get out.
but we can se on our forum that some peoples are suscesifully repair theirs
guts and improved their healt and pois, some of them cured complitly.
With bad gut, leaky gut... mercury and odher toxins are allways reabsorbed back in
blod the redistributed in brain an all ower the body organs and tisiues again.
2.Get rid of your mercury sources and other toxins exposures.
3. After that follow some safe naturall mercury chelators protocols
First, clean mercury from body, after that use chilantro to clean
mercury from brain, because chorella cant cross BB barier.
It is wery imortant to use naturall binders like vitamince C and
aplle pectins powder etc....espheshaly for lyme poisers.
The same thing do NAC(chelate from body), ALA(chelate from brain)...