I think POIS patients are in a state of sympathetic dominance. See the reasons why I'm questioning this below:
1) A subset of POIS symptoms is related to sympathetic activation.
Since POIS can induce symptoms which are related to the ANS and in particular with an increased sympathetic activity. If I look at a chunk of my own POIS induced symptoms like:
Decreased digestion, inhibits motility of stomach, dry mouth, vasoconstriction, vascular spasms, POIS also affect my heart and lung but not sure what exactly is going on there, tense body (increased muscle tone and spasms), Sense of being full (food), decreased awareness of thirst, State of Fligh-fight leads to insomnia. These kind of symptoms are all associated with sympathetic activity.
2) Factors that contribute to my symptom reduction are associated with increased parasympathetic activity by vagus nerve stimulation:
https://selfhacked.com/blog/32-ways-to-stimulate-your-vagus-nerve-and-all-you-need-to-know-about-it/-A long and good night of sleep:
-Breathing slow and deep (instinctively to counteract POTS symptoms)
-Eating less and using less carbs (some members had good results with intermittent fasting and avoiding carbs)
-Exercise (Pushing/pulling weights, the amount of reps and duration are very low, but I need to put some effort in it in terms of power)
The first two I mentioned helped for POIS. The carbs could have effect for POIS specifically but I'm not sure about that. These are all able to stimulate the vagus nerve, thus increasing parasympathetic activty and counteract sympathetic overactivity. This also shows to me that my body is in a state of sympathetic overactivity or parasympathetic underactivity, this is in line with point 1).
3) Lifelong premature ejaculation is related to sympathetic overactivity Demografx mentioned, if I interpreted his comment correctly, that he did find it fishy Waldinger had so much POIS patients with premature ejaculation. This is probably no coincidence. Now I found a paper today where they conclude a link between increased sympathetic activity and life-long premature ejaculation:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23102443I got life-long premature ejaculation myself, so this is in line with point 1 and 2. And if premature ejaculation is related to POIS then there is a chance POIS is associated with ANS dysfunction.
4) Heart-rate variability measurements in cancelled POIS study. I don't know the details but this could indicate an ANS dysfunction.
A few ideas:ANSD ---> Altered gut motility ---> altered transit times ---> changes in microbiome/poor absorption of nutritients/IBS/leaky gut
I'm Th1 polarized, is this caused by sympathetic overactivty? If so then the Beta2AR could be targeted, because:
Th1 cells express more beta 2 adrenergic receptors than Th2 cells, indicating a greater influence of sympathetic activity on Th1 response. ''
Modulation of the immune system by the autonomic nervous system and its implication in immunological changes after training.''
the pharmacological manipulation of the sympathetic-immune interface is reviewed with focus on new therapeutic strategies using selective ?2- and ?2-adrenoreceptor agonists and antagonists and inhibitors of phosphodiesterase type IV in the treatment of experimental models of autoimmune diseases, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome.''The Sympathetic Nerve?An Integrative Interface between Two Supersystems: The Brain and the Immune SystemStimulating the vagus nerve by targeting 5HT receptor types.
The SNS is capable of regulating Tregs via ?2AR or D1/D2-like receptors. I wrote something about Tregs here:
Regulatory T Cell investigation in POISRelative selectivities of ?-adrenoceptor antagonists:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1576008/table/tbl2/?report=objectonlyThe selectivity of ?-adrenoceptor antagonists at the human ?1, ?2 and ?3 adrenoceptorsThe same author wrote a similar article about ?-adrenoceptor
agonists, maybe not relevant but the almost identical title could confuse people:
The selectivity of ?-adrenoceptor agonists at human ?1-, ?2- and ?3-adrenoceptorsPOTS what helps?https://www.dinet.org/info/pots/pots-what-helps-r100/