Here's my new results from a public health care lab-test done at januari 19, 2021 commissioned by endocrinology unit. Feels just like Christmas when opening those lab test envelopes, doesn't it?
Substance: value (reference)P-sodium: 142 mmol/L (137-145)
P-potassium: 3.8 mmol/L (3.5-4.4)
P-creatine: 80 umol/L (60-105)
Pt-eGFR(Krea), relative: 88 mL/min/1.73m2
P-Bilirubin: 5 umol/L (5-25)P-ASAT: 0.41 ukat/L (0.25-0.75)
P-ALAT: 0.34 ukat/L (0.15-1.1)
B-Hemoglobin (Hb): 144 g/L (134-170)
B-EVF:0.44 (0.39-0.5)
P-Tyrotropin (TSH): 2.1 mIE/L (0.4-3.7)
P-T3 free: 4.6 pmol/L (3.6-6.3)
P-T4, free: 16 pmol/L (12-22)
P-PSA: 2.5 ug/L (<2.0)P-PSA free/total quota: 0.22
P-cortisol: 475 nmol/L (11:14 am) (68-327 4pm-8pm)P-Follitropin (FSH): 3.6 IE/L (1.5-13)
P-Lutropin (LH): 3.1 IE/L (1.7-8.6)
P-SHBG: 37 nmol/L (10-80)
P-Testosterone: 17.5 (8.0-30 nmol/L)
P-Testo/SHBG quota: 0.47 (0.3-1.1)
Now, I was cheeky enough to tick for two extra markers that wasn't on the lab order from the beginning: cortisol and P-Bilirubin and what do you know, the bilirubin is at the lowest normal and the cortisol is pretty hight too. The doctor just payed attention to the slightly elevated P-PSA and said I could go see an urologist if I wanted but it was not hight enought to worry about. I don't have any idea about any relation between elevated PSA and POIS (does anyone here?), but the low bilirubin might explain my POIS-triggered mustard-colored poop. And the reason for low bilirubin is issues with the liver and bile secreetion.
I think the POIS-inflammation is compromising the livers health, at least temporarily. That can also be a reason why many POIS:ers have SIBO. Bile keeps bacteria under control and when there is low bile the bad bacteria are moving upp the way in the intestine where they cause SIBO. The hight cortisol (though not unsusually hight at 11 am) might be a sign of an elevated level of inflammation in the body. I'm glad the testosterone was ok, but I would like it to be higher.
I've been taking some liver herb-detox-tincture last month together with a SIBO-protocol plan that I've been following since 6 month back (and other things) and I have experienced a huge improvement in my POIS during the last month (last 30 days). I've had O/NE once a week and just had milder POIS-symptom/headache for 1-3 days and no acne at all! It hasnt' been this good for years! Read all about it in my
story here.Does anyone see anything else?