I have experimented with herbal antimicrobials over the past 5-6 months, specifically candibactin AR (thyme, sage, oregano, lemon balm) and candibactin BR (berberine HCL plus a bunch of other berberine-containing plant extracts) and have had a lot of success.
My first trial was in October and November of 2020, and I noticed substantial symptom relief within one day of starting. Specifically, reduced POIS symptoms, far improved mood, mental energy, cognition, and social ability, as well as somewhat reduced physical fatigue (interestingly, no relief to exercise-induced symptoms). The benefits seemed to last a few weeks after discontinuation before I went back to my normal state. After restarting for a shorter course at the end of December, I found my symptoms were partially relieved but I also experienced some GI upset that forced me to stop. Thankfully, I maintained about 40-50% symptom reduction for a month after discontinuation. I subsequently regressed almost completely before restarting the candibactins a week ago and feeling better within a few days. The relief is not complete, but it is profound; I feel like life is actually worth living while and shortly after I am on a course.
I initially started treatment due to suspected SIBO, however a breath test during my most recent slump revealed only a minor methanogenic overgrowth (11 ppm methane, <10 reference range). According to a stool test, I have high levels of two known potential pathogens, klebsiella pneumoniae and citrobacter brakii, in addition to an overgrowth of bacteroidetes in my large intestine. It seems that what the candibactins are treating is likely some kind of gut dysbiosis, either the result of pathogenic overgrowth or an imbalanced microbiome. Either way the relief is astonishing, and lends credence to the gut theory of POIS. I have never had particularly bothersome digestive symptoms, so this has been a surprise for me.
It seems like there are a lot of us finding that the gut is the root of our POIS. I'm really hoping this ends up leading to a cure for all or many of us

I'm going to wait a bit to make a top-level post, but thought I'd share this with you guys now.
If you are interested in the products I used, I put the links below. I have no idea whether these products are more effective than other formulations, simply that they work for me and were suggested by my doctor.
Candibactin AR:
https://www.metagenics.com/candibactin-arCandibactin BR: