Author Topic: My method for prevention and control of my POIS symptoms - 80% to 100% effective  (Read 104216 times)


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Great topic, Quantum. I wonder how it works, that L-Theanine is doing so good (blocking NMDA) and glycine, which is agonist of NMDA, works good too (some users take TMG / betaine)...


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What receptors have affinity for milnacipran? Is there a list somewhere?

The only receptor listed on is NMDA:

Milnacipran inhibits glutamatergic N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptor activity in Spinal Dorsal Horn Neurons


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But the strange thing is, I often feel better after taking calcium and sodium. As we know, it is the NMDA receptor that allows the flow of calcium and sodium ions. Personally, after drinking green tea (which contains theanine, i.e. the NMDA blocker), I have brain fog and confusion and anxiety (although for the first minutes after drinking I feel better, but later it is only worse). Shouldn't I rather be folding to try an NMDA agonist (Glycine, TMG / betaine)? The more so because the symptoms caused by the failure of the NMDA receptor are very similar to the over-stimulation of this receptor.


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Recently there have been discussion about POIS and hypotension ( low blood pressure).  My custom pre-pack is oriented toward raising blood pressure, for example with green tea, and, for me, 5-HTP ( for some people, though, and depending on the dose, 5-HTP could also lower blood pressure, so no clear predictable effect ).   

I have seen case of members who, on the contrary, develop high blood pressure during POIS acute phase, so if you want to develop a custom POIS pre-pack, this is one of the many things to consider.
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At the last measure I didn't see any decrease in blood pressure after release, rather the opposite. Both SYS/DIA was 10 points higher (for example 123/63) that day than during the following 3 days. I'm starting to think that during orgasm there are substances released that increases blood pressure. However, the effect in the long run is low blood pressure, either it is caues by long term POIS, or POIS is caused by the same thing that cause low blood pressure. Of cource you can have hight blood pressure due to a unhealthy life style, and then that effect will dominate.


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At the last measure I didn't see any decrease in blood pressure after release, rather the opposite. Both SYS/DIA was 10 points higher (for example 123/63) that day than during the following 3 days. I'm starting to think that during orgasm there are substances released that increases blood pressure. However, the effect in the long run is low blood pressure, either it is caues by long term POIS, or POIS is caused by the same thing that cause low blood pressure. Of cource you can have hight blood pressure due to a unhealthy life style, and then that effect will dominate.
For me, I have normal blood pressure when out of POIS ( I never had high blood pressure, and my healthy habits keeps it that way, now, in my 50s). As soon as POIS kicks in, a few hours after O, I have hypotension, till POIS subsides, usually 2 days later, when I do not take the pre-pack described at the beginning of this thread.  If I take my pre-pack, my blood pressure stays normal.
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Thats interesting!


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My complete method is described in the first post of this thread, at :
I hope this can inspire and help other members!
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  • Use Adaptogens and Antioxidants, they can help.
Just to make it clear that I not only had successes in developping my relief method, and had to try and test many things before finding a combination that really works well for me and is safe, I will mention a few things that didn't not work for me, or that made me worse. I will not list all I have tried, but my most relevant "fails"

Sorry if this was mentioned in the thread somewhere, I only searched for the word "hista" on each page and not for all product names...

Question: Did you not try to combine your pre-pack with cetirizine (Zyrtec) or similar?


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Just to make it clear that I not only had successes in developing my relief method, and had to try and test many things before finding a combination that really works well for me and is safe, I will mention a few things that didn't work for me, or that made me worse. I will not list all I have tried, but my most relevant "fails"

Sorry if this was mentioned in the thread somewhere, I only searched for the word "hista" on each page and not for all product names...

Question: Did you not try to combine your pre-pack with cetirizine (Zyrtec) or similar?
I think I have tried Claritin (loratadine), but not cetirizine, but no out-of-the-ordinary results compared to other elements of my pre-pack.  And, my preferred supplements for allergies are Modurare and quercetin.  Both are useful in controlling my POIS.  I chose not to include Moducare as a "regular member" of my pre-pack because it is more expansive than the other elements ( I also had a "cost/benefit" approach in building my pre-pack).  Quercetin was a good addition to my pre-pack, and is still part of it.
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What would be the more 'cost no object' version of your pre-pack?


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What would be the more 'cost no object' version of your pre-pack?
Hi Hapl,

I could have used Moducare as a regular component of my pre-pack, if I had not wanted to optimize the cost/benefit of my pre-pack.  However, the version I am using is no less effective than would be a version containing Moducare. 

The components I use are effective for me, but as I have explained already, any POIS sufferer has to make his own tests in order to find a custom-made pre-pack that is effective for himself.
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My (good!) experiences with this pre-pack:
Great news, Berlin !  I am glad that the pre-pack method has been useful for you.
I will read your updates with interest.

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  • Use Adaptogens and Antioxidants, they can help.
Healthy diet:   about 15 years ago, I have started to eat a more healthy diet. (...)  So, no refined sugars, no artificial flavor or color, no preservatives, no MSG, no aspartame, no suspect ingredients ( yes I read all the food labels), no fruit juices ( just whole fruits), no HFGS, no milk ( I can eat cheese, but milk causes tons of mucus production in my sinuses and in my bowels, I have replaced it by hemp, almond or rice drink in my morning organic cereals ),..  I have introduced organic food, healthy spices, healthy veggies, veal liver, dried fruits and nuts, organic wheatgrass juice, omega-3, sources of tryptophan, lots of source water, etc... (...)  I eat meat, fish, eggs, dark chocolate, I sometimes drink wine, and I do not eat tofu at all - it's tasteless!  I eat at the restaurant with friends - it's just like, I won't order French fries and will choose something healthier on the menu.

Regular exercise:   a good sweat two times a week ( my preferences are badminton and tennis in double - the social/team aspect is a real bonus for me).  Exercise is good for the brain and for the body.   On the second day of POIS, if I have residual symptoms, they will be gone after exercise.

1 x Quercetin 500mg / Bromelain 750GDU (TDO inhibitor, antioxidant, anti-allergy, mast cells stabilizer )
1x Peppered curcumin  (Curcuma longa 400 mg + piperin 5mg) (IDO inhibitor, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, mast cells stabilizer, anxiolytic )
1 x 5-HTP 50mg  ( serotonin precursor )
1 x Green tea extract 200mg ( antioxidant,  raises blood pressure, potentiation of 5-HTP in the brain by inhibiting its peripheral metabolism by Dopadecarboxylase, NMDAR blocker, mast cells stabilizer [EGCG] )
1 x Magnesium 100mg / tablet (NMDAR blocker, potassium regulator)
2 x Flaxseed oil,  1000mg/caps ( NMDAR blocker, antioxidant )
1 x Omega-3 triple concentration, 600 mg EPA/ 300 mg DHA ( emotional support/anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory effect )
1 x Lycopene  10mg (antioxidant having an affinity for the prostate )
1 x L-Theanine 250mg (NMDAR blocker, and supposed mast cells stabilizer )
1 x potassium citrate ( electrolytic rebalancing) ( IMPORTANT WARNING:  I personally have a tendency to low potassium , = hypokalemia. This is a personal condition, so, do not take potassium supplements without the advice of your health professional,  if you take too much of it for your own needs, it can be dangerous, and can even cause fatal cardiac arrhythmia )

If I have time to, I swallow the 11 pieces of my pack with "rosemary water", that is, a glass of water with one drop of rosemary essential oil in it ( rosmarinic acid act as an IDO inhibitor, and also has GABA-enhancing properties through GABA transaminase inhibition, and rosemary also contains luteolin, a mast cells stabilizer ).

I just want to point out that a lot (nearly all?) of your diet and supplement choices are AMPK activators. (Google the supplement or food name together with the keyword AMPK, e.g. "green tea extract ampk". As a kind of proxy, you can also append "weight loss" instead of "ampk"

It could be an interesting try for to investigate other AMPK activators...

Disclaimer: I'm not a biology guy, someone please correct me if i'm wrong here.


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Thanks for this observation, Berlin, about AMPK activators.  I will look into that.
I suspect that, with the many components of my pre-pack, many mechanisms are beneficial and add up.  The one you are pointing out is probably one of these.
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Quantum, Have you tried Quercetin Phytosome which is claimed to have much higher absorption ?

Chart taken from this study

« Last Edit: January 23, 2022, 12:27:20 PM by Rock76 »


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Quantum, Have you tried Quercetin Phytosome which is claimed to have much higher absorption ?

Chart taken from this study

No, I didn't.  It looks like a great improvement over regular absorption capsules. 

The formula I use also contains bromelain, in order to enhance quercetin absorption.  I do not know, however, how it compares to phytosome quercetin.
I would have to find a breand that suits me.  I took a quick look, and my usual supplement provider only has Life-Extension Quercetin Phytosome, containing 15mg of it, but also 1000mg of vitamin c, and 3 mg of piperine ( from black pepper), which makes for a preparation hard on the stomach, with not much quercetin in it.  Thorne has 250mg of physotosme Q, and also has bromelain in their formula, like mine ( but their product is very expensive). 

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Quercetin seems really interesting, but I am reading this

"Preliminary evidence suggests that a byproduct of quercetin can lead to a loss of protein function. Very high doses of quercetin may damage the kidneys. You should take periodic breaks from taking quercetin. At doses greater than 1 g per day, there have been reports of damage to the kidneys."

If more than 1g can be bad, I don't feel completely safe at half a gram, especially long term.
Also I have read elsewhere that it has a diuretic effect and that it can cause tingling/neuropathy.

Any concern in your opinion?
« Last Edit: January 24, 2022, 07:54:07 PM by Rock76 »


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Quercetin seems really interesting, but I am reading this

"Preliminary evidence suggests that a byproduct of quercetin can lead to a loss of protein function. Very high doses of quercetin may damage the kidneys. You should take periodic breaks from taking quercetin. At doses greater than 1 g per day, there have been reports of damage to the kidneys."

If more than 1g can be bad, I don't feel completely safe at half a gram, especially long term.
Also I have read elsewhere that it has a diuretic effect and that it can cause tingling/neuropathy.

Any concern in your opinion?

In my own experience, I never used it daily.  I use it in my pre-pack, and whenever I have allergy symptoms, combined with Vitamin C ( it is very effective for runny nose and sneezing).  The formula I used never caused me any harm ( 500mg Q with bromelain added).
So, maybe better not to take the phystosome formula, after all, because it would equal a large intake.  My regular, 500mg capsules, are ok for me.   

My approach, as illustrated by my pre-pack method, is to take a bit of many substances rather than a lot of a single or a few substances.  This approach is based on the fact that many side effects are dose-dependent, meaning that they get worse as the dose increases.  By using low to normal doses with anything, I play safe.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2022, 08:22:37 PM by Quantum »
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