POIS Cause/Treatment Discussions => General Alternative Causes and Treatments of POIS => Topic started by: b_jim on August 15, 2014, 03:15:14 AM

Title: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on August 15, 2014, 03:15:14 AM
This topic is made to try to answer to this question : can taurine cure Post-Orgasmic Illness Syndrome ?

(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/280x200q90/745/49oxkM.jpg) (http://imageshack.com/f/kp49oxkMj)

Defsync :
Hello peoples.
I have returned with a small bit of useful info.
I have found a new regiment thats really helped me stave off unwanted nocturnal emissions.
I consume one Monster Energy Java drink a day. Thats it. Now how does this work? Not sure why this particular energy drink is so potent, but it seems to noticeably "desensitize" one as well as lower the sexual urge. I used to use dream control and take a muscle relaxer etc etc. For whatever reason though drinkin one of those Monster Java energy drinks a day has made avoiding NE's so much easier. Im not gonna even begin to dissect the reason, I just know that it works fairly well. Also relieves minor aches and pains, this particular brand of energy drink, so might be helpful for those who have O'ed as well? Anyways, fight the good fight. Im out. Peace

Prancer :
When I drink an energy drink, I feel much better cognitively and am able to focus a lot better. I don't know if it's the taurine, caffeine, or both.

vonstermommy :
My husband is now using [taurine supplement, 1000mg per cap]three times a day and is doing well!

Jim :
The fish effect.
Some years ago, we made a family meal. You know how it goes, we cook too much and the days after we finish wha is left.
So during 3 days I ate lot of fresh salmon (very good, I love fish especially fresh salmon).
The day after I have ejaculation.... and no Pois Symptoms. Luck ? Maybe or maybe not.
Since I tried to find what is the secret of fish. Vitamin D ? Omega-3 and DHA ? Vitamin B6, B12,B3 .... ? Iodine ? Astaxhanthin ? I tried all these supplement one by one wit more or less success. But maybe the secret may be another element : Taurine.

Since 15 days I ate fish every days and I have just started taurine supplement some days ago.

Important note : lost of Pois sufferers have tried fish oils. .  Very good because fish oils are rich in DHA (sperm is rich in DHA), vitamin D and help with depression. BUT fish oils are poor in Taurine, that's why fish could be much more effectve.

Testimony about fish and Pois :
"For Men Health " from :

I have the same problem after extended ejaculation. My feet amd lowered legs would be so tired and it would take two days to recover ( with 5-6 hour sleep ). I think it is due over-ejaculation. Man doesn't feel that tired if only the liquid sperm is forced out. You'll be fine if not letting the thick part of the sperms also coming out right after the liquid one. I recalled reading or hearing long time ago that the sperms are coming from marrow inside your bones. So it makes sense using up your sperms too fast will give a tremendous stress on your bones to recreate marrow. I remembered for a few times in the past before stopping by to have sex with my wife-to-be girl friend, I would stop by a Japanese restaurant, Yoshinoya, and finished a small rice bowl with cabbage, pumking slices, bitter soy sauce, and cooked fish. It's kind of miracle that I didn't experience that so tired feet and legs after going home because of eating these foods. There must be some ingredients from these foods that cancelled this sympton I used to feel before. Unfortunately, Yoshinoya no longer offers this food in their nowadays menu. If you can't find the right kind of foods or drinks or supplements to help it out, I would suggest to not over ejaculate. Stop when the first ejaculation of mainly liquid sperm is out. Your sex desire will recover in a couple of hours for some or longer for older men. That means you still can have more than one sex session per day if you know how to control what to come out of your penis.

Taurine in food :
fish standard : 90 mg per 100g of dry product
capelin : 143
salmon : 130
mussels : 665
mackerel : 207
pork leaver : 90
oysters : 70
beaf standard : 35
yoghurt : 3.3
energy drink : 400 to 1000 (Red Bxxx) per can

According to a scientific french document : a normal omnivore man eat 125 mg of taurine a day.  Much less for a vegetarian. The rest is synthetised by body (brain, liver, and testies if what I read is correct).

My supplement is 500mg and I took 1 cap a day. 4 times the normal dose, 50% of the most famous energy drinks can. I never took energy drinks.
Abusing taurine is a bad idea but it seems a dose between 500mg and 1000mg is very safe, except if allergy or something like that.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on August 15, 2014, 03:58:57 AM
First test for me today.

First test is still delicate because the placebo effect is maximum. Each time you have the feeling to have the lethal weapon against Pois. So the real efficiency or uselessness of taurine will be conclued in the next months or next years.

First test seems fantastic. Two ejaculations today and few symptoms. Few muscle tremors, few muscular pain. Cognition and general energy seems better. I have taken sugar to trigger Pois symptoms. I have the feeling to controle my glycemia for the first time since 21 years.

It seems I have less muscles fasciculations . I even have a strange feeling that taurine may help to controle premature ejaculation?!. We'll see. Placebo ro not, time will say!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Nightingale on August 15, 2014, 09:54:24 AM
Cool, keep it up!  Unfortunately taurine makes me very nervous and jittery, like most isolated amino acids
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: poisioq on August 15, 2014, 10:53:41 AM
Cool, keep it up!  Unfortunately taurine makes me very nervous and jittery, like most isolated amino acids

the same it happens to me
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Jimmy on August 15, 2014, 11:07:10 AM
Great ! We pray and wish you the best B_jim

Please keep us updated ...
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on August 16, 2014, 02:13:15 PM
Thanks guys.
Stamina test. 30-35 hours after last ejaculation, I go to work. 8-9 hours of gardening (medium intensity). I had a small hypoglycemia at 11 AM so I slowed my rythm and I ate early.  And I had diarrhea too. (sugar... :/)
Except these 2 negative points, the afternoon was good and I finished my work with a pretty nice energy.
my feeling of the day : Taurine = good for muscles
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Prancer on August 16, 2014, 09:32:48 PM
Thank you b_jim, you did a very, very good job.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on August 17, 2014, 05:59:18 AM
There is too much sugar and caffeine in these drinks. A good supplement (500mg is enough for the start) or a fish diet (or mussels) is a better choice.

The day after my work, I feel good ! I don't have any aches. I am usually sensible to aches after work, especially arms and back. And I sleep very well.
I will make another test with my  Hedge trimmer. I have a heavy gardening tool  and when I work 4-5 hours with it, I have strong aches the day after.

I recommand taurine for all poisers with :
- fasciculation
- aches
- muscles weakness / underweight
- premature ejaculation?!?

I'm a little anxious these last days but I can't say if it is a side effect. I wonder seriously if my body can synthetize enough taurine. I have the feeling I can controle my muscles now.
My dream now is to gain 10kg and of course eliminate Pois.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on August 21, 2014, 03:15:03 PM
I worked 10 hours yersterday (gardening medium-hard intensity), out of Pois and I have no muscular pains or aches. Usually for such work I have pain during at least 1 day and often 2. Taurine is fantastic for muscles.

In my case, the taurine deficiency is CLEARLY an evidence. I don't want to say more about Pois. But probably the cognitive probleme are mostly linked to serotonin.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: FloppyBanana on August 22, 2014, 04:44:43 AM
OK...I bought  stub of taurine. So do I take before and/or after orgasm..or all the time?

Cheers FB
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Jimmy on August 22, 2014, 08:42:14 AM
Hi B_Jim,

Please share with us the optimal procedure on how to use taurine supplements?

BTW , I used the energy drinks but it didn't help , I think this may be due to other ingredients in the energy drinks.

How many orgasm now you can achieve with taurine? (Without getting pois)

appreciated dear,
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on August 22, 2014, 11:26:39 AM
I think there is no procedure with taurine because it's stocked in muscles. 500mg a day. I took it with breafast but it's not important.

For the moment, I didn't change my ejaculation rythm (1 per week-end, 2 last week end).
I cant increase for the moment because I work a lot. I can't take the risk to be tired monday.

For the moment, I don"t want to give wrong hopes.  I have improvement with muscles. No aches, no pains, no fasciculation. But for other symptoms I prefer to test more. I didn't have pois fever last week.
I'm 99% sure to be deficient because my muscles fasciculation quickly disappear after first days.
Tomorow I will test my stamina with the trimmer.

Another test for me is the weather/temperature change. During winter, just after ejaculation I'm very sensible to cold and my bloodstream seems different in Pois. We'll see if taurine will help.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on September 01, 2014, 01:09:59 AM
Well, I started to work on Pois on the internet in 1999/2000. We understood very soon the strenght of the internet to counter the very low prevalence of Pois. And I worked in libraries and contacted some health associations before. A little history :

1993/1994 : first Pois symptoms
2005 : first contact with Dr Waldinger
2007 : start of the naked scientist forum. Demo and me joined 4 months after John's first message.
2008 : first big improvement : no sugar diet, following the advise of a french friend
2014 : second big improvement : taurine supplementation.

As i often repeat, today 2014 september the first, NOBODY in the world EXACTLY knows how Pois works, but we approach more and more !
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Prancer on September 01, 2014, 07:57:47 PM
Wow, 1999, you're surely one of the POIS pioneers. Thank you b_jim for all your hard work and dedication for so long to finding answers and eventually a cure!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on September 02, 2014, 12:53:41 AM
Thank you. Now my objective is to have 2 ejaculations a week and back to the normal. With the taurine I have much less fear to go work day after. It's a big change.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: hurray on September 14, 2014, 07:25:41 AM
Well done b_jim.

Since moving to Thailand, my POIS symptoms have greatly improved. I drank Red Bull occasionally back home, but it's very cheap in Thailand - a chilled alternative to coffee.

I've been drinking 2-3 bottles of Thai Red Bull every day for years. Could it be that I have also been benefiting from the Taurine effect? TheThai version is supposed to be stronger than its Western equivalent.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on September 15, 2014, 01:00:00 AM
Yes I think so. But you don't need to buy these drinks with too much sugar and caffeine. You buy a supplement and after 2 weeks (even 1) you know if it works for you.

For me taurine works very well. I can work 4-5 days a week without muscular pains and flu-like symptoms . I try to ejaculate 2 times a week. It's a big improvement. The most crazy thing is an improvement of my premature ejaculation. For cognitive symptoms, I can't say taurine is as effective. But I think neurotransmitters in sperm can explain some symptoms.

After 6 weeks, i can say :
- Amazing effect on muscular symptoms and flu-like symptoms, muscular twitching is reduced by 90%. => I can work !
- Surprising effect on ejaculation controle.
- Possible effect on cognitive symptoms.
- No side-effect with 500mg a day.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: hurray on September 15, 2014, 03:50:44 AM
I agree that energy drinks are not the best way to supplement taurine, they are not suitable for everybody. Since I happen to drink them already, though, and they are only 30 cents a bottle here, it's a very pleasant coincidence for me.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: poison on September 23, 2014, 11:03:31 AM
Thanks the red bull/monster works well to take the edge off terrible symptoms on Day 1-4 after O.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on January 23, 2015, 05:37:56 AM
I update the topic to confirm tha anti-Pois effect of taurine.
The link with magnesium and maybe with testosterone is enough for me.
 The other good news for skinny POISers is taurine may help to gain weight.
I took 4-5 kg in november december 2014. The bad new is I lost this gain after a surgery.
But my objective is to take 7-8 kg this year !
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Scary sheep on January 23, 2015, 10:12:08 PM
I just ordered 250 1000mg capsules today. I sure hope this taurine thing works. I've found a lot of benefit from energy drinks, so I'm hopeful.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on January 24, 2015, 02:30:59 AM
Yes it's a good hope. I wish you the best improvement. It would be nice if a group of Poisers have success with taurine. Like niacine group.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Going less Crazy on January 28, 2015, 09:01:00 PM
How does taurine work on cognitive/emotional symptoms during POIS?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Scary sheep on January 29, 2015, 04:05:08 AM
Day 2 on Taurine/POIS. Took three 1g capsules today, (Taurine is not known to have any negative effects at these levels) and felt much better than usual. Emotionally and cognitively, I felt better than I usually do, though I couldn't socialize as well as I do off POIS. I personally get a bit of restless leg feeling on POIS, but that was significantly better. Though I usually feel cold all the time on POIS, this was significantly reduced for a few hours after taking the taurine.
I think Taurine works best on the physical symptoms of POIS, as opposed to the emotional and cognitive ones.

I'll follow up on this after my POIS ends. For now, I would recommend taurine for others.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Going less Crazy on January 29, 2015, 03:25:27 PM
I believe POIS is all interconnected in the body, physical and cognitive caused by the same reaction.  So if you feel better in one way you probably are feeling better in the other.  Anyways, I ordered some taurine and its supposed to come in 12 days.  I'll update on my trials.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on January 30, 2015, 04:01:46 AM
It's hard to say how taurine work. It's not a 100% cure. The night following ejaculation I still have some small insomnias. The serotonin and serotonin family's hormones in semen might be the cause.

Anyway, I saw a huge difference with and without taurine. I didn't increase the dose of 500mg but I took it every day since several months.

I really wonder if I'm deficient in taurine from my birth. (?!?)
There are few documents about taurine deficiency or deficiency of enzymes linked to its synthesis. I have ask to a doctor but it's a not a very well studied subject.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Going less Crazy on January 30, 2015, 05:28:31 AM
b jim, from what I understand and read previously if I remember you have mainly physical symptoms right.  For now, I can almost be certain my POIS is a brain allergy to one of the hormones released upon orgasm, just by the severe nature of my POIS and to be honest I don't know what else would cause such a horrible feeling.  Brain inflammation at site of orgasm, elimination with antihistamines blah blah blah.  I was just wondering because I really how it will affect a mainly cognitive POIS.

Also b jim,  all you've been taking is taurine to stop POIS or are you taking that along with another POIS regimen (niacin, etc.)?

And scary sheep from right now I understand you took taurine during POIS and not before?  Just curious. 

*I'm also excited because the right amount of taurine is supposed to help calm inflammation, help you sleep, help you recover from exercise, better brain function, raise testosterone and provide somewhat of a stress-relieving action.  I also read deep into one site where it said taurine interferes with the inflammatory pathway and can reduce histamine levels, but we'll see in my case.

Than again I've taken many supplements that weren't "right" for me but anything is worth a try against the level 50 POIS Boss.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on January 31, 2015, 05:02:49 AM
b jim, from what I understand and read previously if I remember you have mainly physical symptoms right.
I have both. Mental confusion, muscle weakness...

For now, I can almost be certain my POIS is a brain allergy to one of the hormones released upon orgasm, just by the severe nature of my POIS and to be honest I don't know what else would cause such a horrible feeling.  Brain inflammation at site of orgasm, elimination with antihistamines blah blah blah.  I was just wondering because I really how it will affect a mainly cognitive POIS.
I don't follow this schema anymore. It's more easy with taurine. After ejaculation, we "regenerate" something (semen? hormones?) and this something is linked to taurine.

Also b jim,  all you've been taking is taurine to stop POIS or are you taking that along with another POIS regimen (niacin, etc.)?
Taurine and magnesium + low sugar diet. But i'm less sensible to sugar with taurine.

And scary sheep from right now I understand you took taurine during POIS and not before?  Just curious. 
It doen'st make any difference. It's a cure in time. I took 500mg each morning. But if i took it evening, before or after O, it's the same thing. Taurine is stocked.

*I'm also excited because the right amount of taurine is supposed to help calm inflammation, help you sleep, help you recover from exercise, better brain function, raise testosterone and provide somewhat of a stress-relieving action.  I also read deep into one site where it said taurine interferes with the inflammatory pathway and can reduce histamine levels, but we'll see in my case.
Maybe but maybe not. Maybe there is no inflammation and no allergy. Just metabolsim.

Than again I've taken many supplements that weren't "right" for me but anything is worth a try against the level 50 POIS Boss.
Me too. I have tested dizains of supplmenents including niacine. Taurine is my number 1 and magnesuim the number 2.
Glutamine, nicaine, curcumine, astaxhantine, aginine, enzymes, coconut oil and other oils, st john 's wort, anti-hista, vitamin B5 in mega-dose, harpagophytum and other plants, paracetamol/ibuprofen.... and lot of others i forgot  have no or very few effects on my Pois.

I don't recommand somebody to buy energy drinks. And you can start taurine cure without supplement. During 2 weeks, you eat lot of fish or seafoods (salmon, maquerels, mussles, pecten maximum " coquille Saint-Jacques"...).
This food is excellent, natural and it's a good way to reload taurine.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Scary sheep on January 31, 2015, 08:10:18 AM
I've been taking the taurine during POIS for the last few days. I can say for sure it helps, for me to relieve the weakness. in all my muscles. One strange thing did happen today. I woke up this morning and all my back, leg and neck muscles ached like crazy. I don't know if this was related, but I like to take note of everything.

As a side note, reading up on energy drinks and taurine content, Wikipedia says that the amount (1000mg) contained in the average energy drink has not been proven to have positive or negative effects on the body. This is why I take 3000mg, triple the amount in an energy drink. From what I've read, heart patients are frequently given 6-7g daily without side effects, so since  I'm at about half of that, I know I'm taking a safe amount.

Also, I read that the human body is about %0.01 Taurine, which adds up to just over 7g in a 160lb person. Mostly irrelevant, but I wanted to do the math, so there it is.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: poisioq on February 03, 2015, 07:52:01 AM
This website explains very well he properties of  taurine:


very useful also for understending the effectiveness of any other supplement
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Quantum on February 03, 2015, 12:40:08 PM
This website explains very well he properties of  taurine:


very useful also for understending the effectiveness of any other supplement

Thanks for the link, Poisioq , didn't know about this site, and it seems to be well documented, about many supplements.

And Thanks to jim_b for his good work about taurine - your structured way in experimenting with it is an example in how to really discern what a given supplement can do.  Although I do not have muscular problems, I am glad taurine works great for these symptoms. I may try it anyway, in particular post-exercise context.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Going less Crazy on February 03, 2015, 09:38:38 PM
Well I received my Taurine supplement early and today begins my own taurine experiment.  I can say my POIS is all cognitive/emotional, I don't have physical symptoms just mental confusion, brain fog, pain, and a severe craving for relief (all mental).  I had a pretty bad nights sleep from taking different medication last night that actually hurt my sleep, so today I wasn't in the best mood. This morning I took a pill of 500 mg taurine just as b_jim has tried.  No immediate positive or negative affect on my bad mood from lack of sleep.  If anything it would be slightly positive.  Again this is just after the first pill and I will be trying it every morning.  I could use the benefit of added weight and increased testosterone as I am a slightly skinny POISer.  I will update after continuing the daily 500 mg taurine supplement.  So no immediate effect as of yet but it is only the first pill.  Will update when I actually have real results.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Prancer on February 04, 2015, 01:38:57 AM
Well I received my Taurine supplement early and today begins my own taurine experiment.  I can say my POIS is all cognitive/emotional, I don't have physical symptoms just mental confusion, brain fog, pain, and a severe craving for relief (all mental).  I had a pretty bad nights sleep from taking different medication last night that actually hurt my sleep, so today I wasn't in the best mood. This morning I took a pill of 500 mg taurine just as b_jim has tried.  No immediate positive or negative affect on my bad mood from lack of sleep.  If anything it would be slightly positive.  Again this is just after the first pill and I will be trying it every morning.  I could use the benefit of added weight and increased testosterone as I am a slightly skinny POISer.  I will update after continuing the daily 500 mg taurine supplement.  So no immediate effect as of yet but it is only the first pill.  Will update when I actually have real results.

Very nice! Plz tell us how the taurine suppy works for you; I'm very interested in hearing if it helps, thanks.

It's worth trying it out to potentially weaken or defeat the epic LVL-90 POIS Boss (at least until a possible cure is discovered).   
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on February 04, 2015, 10:54:51 AM
I wish you the best. My improvement was very quick (1 week).
2 ejaculations yesterday .... and I feel good.

Thanks for link.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Going less Crazy on February 04, 2015, 11:57:31 PM
Second day on taurine.  Honestly I don't think it is helping me that much and my sleep is affected negatively to a degree.  I feel slightly anxious a lot of the time on it.  I don't think this is really that helpful to my type of POIS which is all mental.  I really don't think I will be trying it anymore as I really can't sleep while on it and during the day I feel anxious.  Also my skin is greasy from it.  I am also taking currently a half pill of vitamin b complex as well as a half pill of calcium, magnesium and zinc and a little bit of vitamin c(enough so it doesn't effect my sleep).  But I really believe taurine has been the cause for my insomnia, even though it is not supposed to keep you up, this is just my reaction to it.  I have been sleeping fine without the taurine and with just the b complex and calcium, magnesium and zinc half pills and a little bit of vitamin c.  This is another indication that we all don't have the same exact things wrong with us in accordance to POIS.  B_jim as your pois is mostly physical and some mental confusion, mine is all mental and I do not just have confusion but feel a deep craving for relief mentally as if I am stressed to the highest degree in addition to confusion and brain fog and just feeling utterly like hell mentally until the POIS feeling is over.  Is your mental feeling just mental confusion b_jim? because mine is a heck of a lot worse than that to where I cannot function at all.

Just because it didn't work for me doesn't make it not suitable for others to try.  And I also realize that I only took it for 2 days and should continue for the week but I really really cannot not have a good nights sleep because I will end up missing class and cannot take that risk.  I also did not test it with in accordance with an ejaculation, who knows it might be helpful that way.  But I am happy for you and glad you found something and good luck to your continued success.  For now I think I will have to give up on the taurine treatment.  Good luck to others.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on February 05, 2015, 03:40:38 AM
That's an evidence than you can have a normal life after 20 years of Pois and then I suffer of a generalized anxiety too. But now my Pois is very reduced and my anxiety start to reduce too. When my life will be 100% normal, anxiety will stop.
Mental confusion is (was) my strongest symptoms and it started immediately after my Pois beggining. But I have insomnia day 0. There is serotonin in semen. No need to search more. If you have a anxious behaviour, your normal level of sertonin is low and then ejaculation increase the deficiency. Post-coital tristesse.  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-coital_tristesse) 
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Scary sheep on February 16, 2015, 12:51:02 PM
Second day on taurine.  Honestly I don't think it is helping me that much and my sleep is affected negatively to a degree.  I feel slightly anxious a lot of the time on it.  I don't think this is really that helpful to my type of POIS which is all mental.  I really don't think I will be trying it anymore as I really can't sleep while on it and during the day I feel anxious.  Also my skin is greasy from it.  I am also taking currently a half pill of vitamin b complex as well as a half pill of calcium, magnesium and zinc and a little bit of vitamin c(enough so it doesn't effect my sleep).  But I really believe taurine has been the cause for my insomnia, even though it is not supposed to keep you up, this is just my reaction to it.  I have been sleeping fine without the taurine and with just the b complex and calcium, magnesium and zinc half pills and a little bit of vitamin c.  This is another indication that we all don't have the same exact things wrong with us in accordance to POIS.  B_jim as your pois is mostly physical and some mental confusion, mine is all mental and I do not just have confusion but feel a deep craving for relief mentally as if I am stressed to the highest degree in addition to confusion and brain fog and just feeling utterly like hell mentally until the POIS feeling is over.  Is your mental feeling just mental confusion b_jim? because mine is a heck of a lot worse than that to where I cannot function at all.

Just because it didn't work for me doesn't make it not suitable for others to try.  And I also realize that I only took it for 2 days and should continue for the week but I really really cannot not have a good nights sleep because I will end up missing class and cannot take that risk.  I also did not test it with in accordance with an ejaculation, who knows it might be helpful that way.  But I am happy for you and glad you found something and good luck to your continued success.  For now I think I will have to give up on the taurine treatment.  Good luck to others.

Taurine makes up such a large amount of our body that I'm not convinced 500mg will make much difference in anybody. Have you considered upping your dosage to 1000mg daily or more. (1000mg is standard for 1 energy drink). Taurine is actually commonly taken for it's anti-anxiety effects and can actually help maintain mental processes in sleep-deprived situations. Here is a well-cited article discussing these benefits: http://www.poliquingroup.com/ArticlesMultimedia/Articles/Article/782/Ten_Benefits_of_Taurine.aspx

Best of luck, and stay strong!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Prancer on February 16, 2015, 05:49:28 PM
Yeah @GoingLessCrazy, sorry to hear about your bad taurine experience. I notice that supplements don't help me very much, including taurine. I've tried many different supplements and have found very little benefit. The only real things that help me are sleep, time, no orgasm, mental organization. However, drinking a red bull does seem to help, but I don't think it's the taurine in my case. I think it's the caffeine since other types of drinks with caffeine also help a bit. The downside is that it can give me insomnia so I don't use it often. So for me, a red bull only when I really need to focus on something. It's okay that the taurine didn't help you. There are plenty of other things to try. Everything will be okay.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Going less Crazy on February 19, 2015, 11:49:20 PM
Second day on taurine.  Honestly I don't think it is helping me that much and my sleep is affected negatively to a degree.  I feel slightly anxious a lot of the time on it.  I don't think this is really that helpful to my type of POIS which is all mental.  I really don't think I will be trying it anymore as I really can't sleep while on it and during the day I feel anxious.  Also my skin is greasy from it.  I am also taking currently a half pill of vitamin b complex as well as a half pill of calcium, magnesium and zinc and a little bit of vitamin c(enough so it doesn't effect my sleep).  But I really believe taurine has been the cause for my insomnia, even though it is not supposed to keep you up, this is just my reaction to it.  I have been sleeping fine without the taurine and with just the b complex and calcium, magnesium and zinc half pills and a little bit of vitamin c.  This is another indication that we all don't have the same exact things wrong with us in accordance to POIS.  B_jim as your pois is mostly physical and some mental confusion, mine is all mental and I do not just have confusion but feel a deep craving for relief mentally as if I am stressed to the highest degree in addition to confusion and brain fog and just feeling utterly like hell mentally until the POIS feeling is over.  Is your mental feeling just mental confusion b_jim? because mine is a heck of a lot worse than that to where I cannot function at all.

Just because it didn't work for me doesn't make it not suitable for others to try.  And I also realize that I only took it for 2 days and should continue for the week but I really really cannot not have a good nights sleep because I will end up missing class and cannot take that risk.  I also did not test it with in accordance with an ejaculation, who knows it might be helpful that way.  But I am happy for you and glad you found something and good luck to your continued success.  For now I think I will have to give up on the taurine treatment.  Good luck to others.

Taurine makes up such a large amount of our body that I'm not convinced 500mg will make much difference in anybody. Have you considered upping your dosage to 1000mg daily or more. (1000mg is standard for 1 energy drink). Taurine is actually commonly taken for it's anti-anxiety effects and can actually help maintain mental processes in sleep-deprived situations. Here is a well-cited article discussing these benefits: http://www.poliquingroup.com/ArticlesMultimedia/Articles/Article/782/Ten_Benefits_of_Taurine.aspx

Best of luck, and stay strong!

I have quite a history of extreme sensitivity to certain medications.  A little amount can really set me off.  Just recently I had to give up on the vitamin b complex as well.  It was working well for a week and than it started bringing about some insomnia.  I also did reduce it to half a pill than quarter of a pill etcetera.  Still felt it.  I think I will stick to the minimum amount of vitamin c in the morning and possibly calcium magnesium at night.  Their is a slight possibility the vitamin b + taurine was making me feel worse than just taurine but I seriously doubt it.

As Prancer said the best treatment is sleep, time, no orgasm (for me planned "O" once a week), and just general maintenance of POIS.  My body seems to reject daily treatments so I will likely have to treat myself only for the day of the planned "O".

Just recently I introduced niacin to my pre-O routine and it seems to work greatly.. niacin flush followed by OLE and Benadryl.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: poison on March 22, 2015, 09:41:41 AM
Re-started my taurine lab rat exp again today - whoa, what a difference this makes!

I've been taking 0.5g in around 200mL water. I took the first glass, small but noticable effect. After 2x more this morning, felt a bit more "here", a little bit of depression lifted and muscles felt less wired up and tense.

I went out and packed around 1.2g in a small ziplock bag, when I emptied the bag into a water bottle I kinda spilled half the powder all over myself in public. That was a bit embarrasing! More over, it was around 0.6g dissolved in 500-600mL, after drinking that I really didn't feel much effect on my general POIS symptoms (Pain/depression/distant/scared/stiffness/blankness/etc).

Got more and more depressed as the day progressed, it was a really rough day. When I returned home I drank another 0.6g in 200mL small glass of water with my 300mg B6 and 1000mcg Biotin (regular pyroluria vitamins). Wow, what a difference that makes. I just wrote out everything I need to do tomorrow, its like I have it all worked out.

You know, normally I wouldn't be here typing all this. I'd be lurking and battling my symptoms in solitude.

The last time I remember feeling like this was when I ate macdonalds twice a day every day for a month (only mcdouble and filet-o-fish burgers w/ OJ). And sushi train every second night. That was six years ago. Was it a high taurine diet?

Thanks b_jim. How is your job going? Is the taurine still helping you being productive and constructive in the garden?
To me, going to work is one of the hardest things to do when suffering from POIS. My POIS is worst on days 3-4 but I have terrible general symptoms possibly due to combination of POIS and zinc/b6 defficiency (pyroluria).

Hi 5 to all those going to work on POIS. To those who can't work, I totally understand, this illness is debilitating and disabling. Try a few 100mg of taurine powder dissolved in a small glass of water, repeat every 15 mins until you find your effective dose.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on March 22, 2015, 01:23:47 PM
(only mcdouble and filet-o-fish burgers w/ OJ). And sushi train every second night. That was six years ago. Was it a high taurine diet?

I don't know how his the quality of filet-o-fish and sushi :)   ... but the more fish you eat and the more taurine you get. That's nice.

Today, I'm on Pois day 0 .  My energy is not 100% but I had a moderate activity witjout problem (painting...)   .Concentration is good, socialization is good......   Not possible  without taurine ! And tomorrow I know I will work with normal stamina.


As I wrote on my morning post, I wonder if we could improve the taurine effect by supplementing other amino-acids of the methylation chain. Or simply add garlic. I need to search recommanded dosage. 500 to 1500 mg a day might be a correct estimation.
(500 mg of taurine  + 500 mg of methinonine + 500 mg of cysteine ??)

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: poison on March 23, 2015, 08:09:51 AM
Well, Mondays are usually extremely difficult for me, but I prepared a small bottle of taurine water the night before and left it by the bedside so I could take a swig as soon as I got up (usually the worst time of the day). I woke up around 5-6am and felt pretty shithouse so I finished the bottle and went back to bed. Ended up sleeping till 7.15am and took around 10-15mins to get out of bed, normally on a monday I would take around 30-45 mins. Somehow I left the house on time and ended up at work early!

Before I left home I made a 600mL bottle with 1.6g of taurine in there, and took a swig every now and then at work. I would say my communication at work was around 80% but my ability to concentrate on desk work was around 30%. Its tough because I have to write 3 reports and review some SOPs.

Overall monday was 5/10, normally its 1 or 2/10 so that's an improvement. I haven't had a O for a few weeks now, but I did some "pre-O" 3 days ago and felt awful afterwards.

I would love to try more combinations of taurine with methylators, how about with SAM-e?

Regarding diet, I used to be a vegetarian and I see in wiki that the vegetarian intake of taurine can be as low as 0mg daily!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on April 18, 2015, 10:50:56 PM
Taurine may improve endorphins :

Endogenous opiate withdrawal syndrome after orgasm is an hypothesis.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on July 15, 2015, 05:23:32 AM
My yaurine bloodtest :

58   [37     127] : normal

After taking 500mg a day during one year, it's not really high.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on September 03, 2015, 12:55:04 PM
I didn't take taurine since some months now and it seems my Pois comes back.

Human semen :

Sperm taurine ranged from 17 nmol/mg DNA to 348 nmol/mg DNA, and hypotaurine from 0 nmol/mg DNA to 251 nmol/mg DNA. Seminal fluid contained 319 mumol/L to 1590 mumol/L of taurine, but no detectable hypotaurine.

How much taurine (in mg) in 1 ejaculation ?

Molar mass : 125.15g/mol
For the max value 1590mumol/L :

1 Lof semen => 0.00159 mol => 199mg of taurine
1 ejaculation ~ 5 ml
1 ejaculation => 0.995 mg ~ 1mg

mini : 1mg / 5  => 0.2 mg

1 ejaculation => 0.2 to 1 mg of taurine


Taurine is synthetized in the PANCREAS (and testes).

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Quantum on September 04, 2015, 07:53:19 AM
I didn't take taurine since some months now and it seems my Pois comes back.

Hi B_jim,

Does that mean that you have been POIS-free for some months, even if not taking anything in order to prevent your symptoms?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on September 04, 2015, 03:33:31 PM
Yes. I had 2 ejaculations 2 days ago and yesterday I felt tired with the typical "Pois fever".
I will buy taurine soon.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Going less Crazy on February 16, 2016, 07:37:40 PM
I'm going to try and restart my taurine experiment as last time I tried it I was also taking other vitamins and herbs that I eventually stopped because they were causing symptoms.  Well today I took some turmeric/curcumin and I can confidently say that this is detrimental to my POIS.  Gives me a stimulant feeling. 

So during this stimulant feeling I decided to supplement with 500 mg taurine and it actually calmed me down.  So I'm going to try this stuff again.  Only taurine each day nothing else and I will update.

I hope I can tolerate this.  I've seen mixed reviews for sleep experience while on taurine but more positive than negative.  I also can use increased testosterone as that has helped some ppl and good for allergies and autoimmune disease.

Taurine also supposed to decrease hypothalamus inflammation in the brain from what I read.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on February 16, 2016, 09:31:47 PM

2007 : start of the naked scientist forum. Demo and me joined 4 months after John's first message.
Time flies, b_jim!!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Going less Crazy on February 17, 2016, 03:02:08 AM

2007 : start of the naked scientist forum. Demo and me joined 4 months after John's first message.
Time flies, b_jim!!

Yes you guys are true POIS legends... Im sure books will be written about you :D. But you forgot that the mythic legend GoingCrazy joined not too long after.

But honestly thanks guys for all your POIS efforts I'm sure all of us are grateful.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Going less Crazy on February 17, 2016, 04:33:48 PM
B_Jim , how often can you O while on taurine without symptoms and have you ever experienced POIS while taking taurine?

I will update my taurine experience tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on February 19, 2016, 11:59:44 AM
I'm not Pois free even with taurine but I feel much better.
Its' like Pois is a chain of symptoms and taurine cut the chain.

Just after ejaculation, I feel cold. My hands are cold and the blood stream is low.
But the hardest symptoms are suppressed or highly reduced : cognitive troubles, muscular energy, general stamina.

I have 1 to 5 ejaculations a week. Does the number of ejaculation influence the intensity of symptoms ? Yes, I think so.

I know you LOVE my beautiful draws :)
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Going less Crazy on February 19, 2016, 01:01:46 PM
So I will need a couple more days to a week for an honest review of this stuff.  My hardest symptoms of POIS are the "brain" symptoms, hopefully these will be reduced.  I'm taking 500 mg taurine every morning.  I will O soon along with my typical remedies.  My problem is that I O too much which sometimes sets off symptoms.  I'm trying to lower frequency to once a week so it doesn't set off symptoms.

My grain free diet used to help me a lot but I don't know what exactly happened.  Last summer I could O pretty much freely without POIS.  So I'm trying to do what I did last summer which is a bit of grains in the morning.  But I also remember I drank almond milk instead of regular milk and some POIS members reported relief from not drinking milk.  I will also get back to drinking almond milk.

So again I'll update in a couple days to a week.

Ty for now for your experiments with taurine.  BTW how are your cognitive symptoms exactly when on taurine?  Do you feel POIS still to the point where let's say even existing is stressful, or can you still manage to work and be in a general good mood?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on February 19, 2016, 10:14:04 PM

Nice graphic, b_jim!

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on February 20, 2016, 03:20:04 AM
Thanks, Demo !


So I will need a couple more days to a week for an honest review of this stuff.
I think you are an anxious guy. Me too.  And then you are more sensible to placebo. You can take the 500mg all the day. They day you chose to ejaculate, maybe you can take the taurine just 1 hour before.

The risk of abusing of taurine is low.
500mg is the half of a can of energy drink. After 1 year of taurine (500mg a day) my blood test show a normal-low level 40ng/l [30-120]. 1 ejaculate is about 5-6 mg of taurine. Sometimes I speculate that I gradually depleted my taurine levels by ejaculation during my puberty (I ejaculated several times a week 1 year before my Pois come. And my symptoms came gradually.

It's possible that taurine supplementation take a little time to reload to normal level and then it decrease slowly when you stop to take it, explaining why my Pois symptoms seemed to come back after stopping taurine.

If you are skinny, maybe taurine will help you to gain weight (I have gain 5 kg in 1-2 years).
Taurine may improve fats absobtion by interresaction with the bile.
But the main activity

BTW how are your cognitive symptoms exactly when on taurine?  Do you feel POIS still to the point where let's say even existing is stressful, or can you still manage to work and be in a general good mood?

You have to knwo my WORST pois symptom is the cognitive symptom. In the past, I described this symptom by this expression "I feel like sleeping. I feel like in a dream". Dopamine or acetylcholine depletion I think.
Does taurine imrpoved this symptom ? YES.
But to be honnest, this symptoml has been reduced since 2008 when I stopped sugar.
Look again my draw. I wrote + for sugar and - for taurine.
I think the inflammation cause the symtoms.
When I stopped sugar I reduced inflammation and then symptoms.
Orgasm-> inflammation => symptoms
DAY0          DAY 0-1            DAY 1-3
If you reduced inflammation, the symtoms of day 1 to 3 are reduced.
Some guys have improvements with anti-inflammatory or anti histamines.
I thin it may work like this.

If you are stressed and later a bit depressed (and I think maybe you are), I'm not sure taurine will help you. But if taurine help you, you stress/depression will go out.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Going less Crazy on February 20, 2016, 03:04:53 PM
I'm not really an anxious guy outside of POIS I'm really laid back.  It's the POIS that causes certain symptoms, and these symptoms effect me very much.  I can go from 0 to 100 just from having an O (if either supplementation or diet hasn't worked in controlling POIS).

I'll make an early assessment of taurine.  As before I said I was having mid-pois symptoms and took curcumin/turmeric which seemed to have made it worse.  Than I took 500 mg taurine and felt more relaxed, less inflammation...

So after that I decided to take another 500mg and felt more hyper and couldn't sleep for most of the night.  The following morning I took 500 mg taurine and felt more hyper (probably bcuz I had more in me at the moment). But it was way better than POIS.  I've been taking 500mg every morning and the hyper reaction goes away in a couple hours and the total effects of that 500mg seem to take about 16 hours to leave my system, and when this happens I feel totally relaxed. 

Taurine is definitely a motivational pill and I practically painted my whole house while taking it.  There is something stimulating and calm about it, but it feels good and a drastic improvement from POIS. 

So last night I had an O after taking a taurine pill earlier that morning and it improved POIS a little bit but I still felt An anxious feeling that night.  But when I woke up this morning I took 250 mg taurine and the symptoms got way better and I've actually been painting again today and have much motivation.  I think I will stick to 250mg per morning for now.  Still haven't experienced taking taurine directly before O.  But during POIS it is a vast improvement in "brain" symptoms.

B_Jim I don't want to bum on your theory but I think we aren't deficient in taurine, rather this excess of taurine gets used effectively.  It increases dopamine and is found heavily in areas where the body is under inflammation to take that inflammation away (read that somewhere obviously).  So it is stimulatingly nice and takes away a good amount of inflammation.

Again, I will continue with 250mg just in the morning.  I also am trying to do what I did this summer when POIS seemed to vanish.  I'm substituting almond milk for regular milk and eating a tiny bit of Brown rice chex in the morning, other than that I am grain free.  I believe john21 said he found relief from avoiding milk.  I'll update sometime.

PS. I could use some weight gain but isn't taurine used as a weight loss supplement?  But I could also see this increasing strength training motivation and capacity.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on February 21, 2016, 03:08:40 AM
I have to admit that there are few people on this topic and then Taurine is not the universal cure :)
(5 testimonies only and only 3 seems very very convinced)

There is another proof that taurine is effective for me : I have no more ( at least much less) fasciculation.
On this video, the guy has fasciculation only on his hand. I have fasciculation in "all" muscles on my body : legs, arms, back, chest.... even small muscle on skull :)
I have fasciculation all the time and especially after orgasm.
I saw a HUGE difference with taurine.
I started to take taurine after my experience with fish.
During several day, I ate fish (salmon) in large amount because I had a whole cooked salmon to finish.
I probably ate 1 kg or more fish during 3 days if I remember.
And I was surprised because I had no Pois symptoms.

So I tought there is something in fish helping my Pois.
I bought omega 3 oil, vitamine D, astaxanthine, vitamine B6.... nothing really helped like fresh salmon.
So, I tried taurine and I quickly find it improves my Pois.
PS. I could use some weight gain but isn't taurine used as a weight loss supplement?  But I could also see this increasing strength training motivation and capacity.
Maybe but all a lot of things are sold to lose weight.
Taurine give a real chance to improve fats digestion by bile regulation.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on February 23, 2016, 02:43:26 PM

...you forgot that the mythic legend Going [less] Crazy joined not too long after [demo & b_jim].

How true! Sorry to omit you :)
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: less_fogged on February 24, 2016, 04:33:21 PM
Hi b_jim

Not sure where you got the quote but also want to add a confirmation to it:

I sometimes also get some fasciculation. -->Did not know this term!

Another thing, although probably already mentioned once: I'm not a regular taurine user but every time I use it within less than 12 hours after O it will help me reduce the annoying prickling sensation in my sex which will help me prevent re-lapse temptation. I can feel it's positive effects just for that part within 10/15 min after intake.
I fully agree that eating large quatity of FRESH salmon but especially when leaving it raw on the inside was reducing my cognitive symptoms quiet a lot.  Inflamation inside my chest is another story though.

Never tried it but guess eating 100% raw fresh salmon (not smoked obviously) would probably help quiet a lot

It would probably be interesting to have a scientific paper made on POISers using taurine.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on February 25, 2016, 04:35:47 AM
"the annoying prickling sensation in my sex which will help me prevent re-lapse temptation. I can feel it's positive effects just for that part within 10/15 min after intake."

Good point. For me it's more a restless legs symptom.
I couldn't say if I feel the positive effect 10/15 minutes later. It's not easy to say. But if you are right, it's maybe more the effect on nervous system than hormonal or immunologic system.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on February 26, 2016, 04:21:58 AM
Restless legs syndrome and Taurine :
(testimonies found )


We give our clients with RLS symptoms 500 mg of Taurine. It immediately relieves symptoms in about 95% of the cases. For the 5% that don’t respond, we add in some D3/K2 and that seems to fit the bill.

I had RLS so badly that I dreaded going to bed every night. I started taking 500mg taurine and within three days the RLS disappeared.

I’m not so sure of the connection between vitamin D that he states, but the treatment of mag and/or taurine makes a lot of sense because they are calming and lower another catecholamine in the same metabolic pathway called adrenalin.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Going less Crazy on February 28, 2016, 12:42:28 AM
Just an update.

I've since stopped the taurine since it had negative effects on sleep.  I was also more aggressive, perhaps the testosterone boost.

However I will say it definitely eases POIS a lot, perhaps for me eliminating a great portion to all of symptoms.  For now I will use this sparingly on days if POIS is simply unbearable. It will definitely relieve it.  Definite dopamine boost.  However I don't feel comfortable taking it multiple days in a row.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on March 01, 2016, 10:59:59 AM
I'm sorry taurine doesn't help you :(



    . Furthermore, like cocaine, the antihistamine diphenhydramine (DPH) has been shown to increase extracellular dopamine levels in similar brain areas (Tanda et al. 2008).

( the brain area is "caudate nucleus". )

Taurine/dopamine :

    These results suggest that taurine may decrease the activity of striatal dopaminergic neurons and enhance the caudate spindle.

The term “caudate-spindle” is used to indicate cortical and/or subcortical rhythmic activity initiated by single shock stimulation of the head of the caudate nucleus.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on March 03, 2016, 08:19:21 AM
i can confirm too I feel  an effect on premature ejaculation. 
Maybe psychological. Maybe just  muscles relaxing side effect :)
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on March 03, 2016, 08:35:58 PM
b_jim, how do you prefer to take Taurine? Energy drink? Capsules?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on March 05, 2016, 05:10:50 PM
Capsules. I  never tried energy drinks .
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on March 08, 2016, 10:23:54 PM
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on March 10, 2016, 07:30:26 AM
:D You have the choice !
It contains a lot of caffeine and sugar so.... not for me :)
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on March 10, 2016, 10:05:32 AM
You're right, b_jim, the extra caffeine and sugar make the drinks less appealing.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on May 04, 2016, 01:58:40 PM
I think taurine works better if I take it 1-2 hours before.
Anyway i feel good.
Today, 7 hours of gardening, using trimmer, pushing my mower and carring bags of grass... 24 hours after orgasm.
Absolutely impossible some years ago.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on May 04, 2016, 08:25:44 PM

b_jim, it would be nice if we could somehow get a POIS-clinical-trial with taurine!

For example:

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on May 05, 2016, 02:06:51 PM
Good idea but we are not enough :)
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on May 05, 2016, 08:25:47 PM
Good idea but we are not enough :)

You're right, b_jim, the same thing happened to me when I approached my testosterone manufacturer for a clinical trial (they said "not enough users").

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on May 06, 2016, 02:18:24 AM
We will see the conclusion of the current study.
Maybe they will say some supplements or plants might "calm down" or regulate the vagus nerve, or something like that.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Going less Crazy on May 09, 2016, 05:05:41 PM
Bjim, just wondering what type or kind of sugar you are eating that makes pois worse?  I wonder if it may be the source of your sugar causing you problems.  As I've said before I can have spoonfuls of honey without any sort of problem, but a little bag of skittles will set off brain fog and pois symptoms.  Just want to know if it's any kind of sugar for you or if it's coming from a specific food that may be causing your symptoms.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on May 10, 2016, 01:12:37 AM
It's a good question. White sugar and junk food are clearly the worst. White rice/white bread in second. Fruit are ok. For honey, i never try its influence on my Pois. Honey is supposed to notelevate too much blood sugar so it may be ok.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on May 10, 2016, 09:42:31 AM
Thanks for the honey tip...I need to get off refined sugar!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on June 11, 2016, 03:54:22 PM
Taurine still works for me. Best way is to take 1 hour before orgasm.

Taurine seems to have an activity close to neurostransmitter Gaba.
Some guys here smoke cannabis against Pois which influence Gaba levels (via cannabidoid receptor in nervous system).
The influence of Gaba and the symptoms of low Gaba levels are interesting compared to early Pois symptoms.

There are links between Gaba and prolactine :  gaba down-regulates prolactine.
We know prolactine is involved in orgasm.

And to finish, sugar influence Gaba release in pancreas... (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16249254).

I think maybe there are some elements to look for here.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: staypositive on June 12, 2016, 04:46:10 AM
I was taking 1500mg taurine daily, but never really before orgasm. Never felt a difference, will do that again 1h before O.

Will report back then.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on June 14, 2016, 04:20:31 AM
I'm sorry it doen't help you. To be honnest, only 4 or 5 men have improvment with taurine. Probably we have the same pack of symptoms (mental confusion, muscle weakness, sensible to carbs, underweight, nervous, premature ejaculation....)
 This is not a success for th whole pois communauty. It may prove there are several form of pois.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on June 30, 2016, 03:51:38 PM
I think Gaba might be down after ejaculation, explaining some symtpoms (muscle tremors, confused speech, ...)
And taurine might work by helping Gaba

Dr Bravermann test :

The GABA True/False Quiz:
1. I feel shaky. T / F
2. I have frequent back, neck and/or headaches. T / F
3. I can be very irritable at the least cause. T / F
4. I tend to have heart palpitations. T / F
5. I tend to have cold hands. T / F
6. I sometimes sweat too much. T / F
7. I am sometimes dizzy. T / F
8. I am often nervous. T / F
9. I often feel fatigued even when I have had a good night’s sleep. T / F
10. I overeat. T / F
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Starsky on June 30, 2016, 05:06:45 PM
For me bromazepam after orgasm kills POIS, dont know the real mechanism for it. But i dont use it being afraid of getting addicted.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on June 30, 2016, 10:00:34 PM
"Taurine-like chemical restores cognitive function in mice with Alzheimer's"
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Quantum on July 01, 2016, 09:06:28 AM
For me bromazepam after orgasm kills POIS, dont know the real mechanism for it. But i dont use it being afraid of getting addicted.

Hi Starsky,

Bromazepam, like all the other benzodiazepines, works mainly by enhancing the effect of GABA on the neurons of the brain.  GABA is the calming neurotransmitter, so they are very effective against anxiety and the like.

I have tried lorazepam, another benzodiazepine, last year, taking it with some other natural products.  It was effective against my POIS, for sure, as emotional symptoms are very present in my POIS type.  But like you, I prefer not using it, because of its addictive potential, and also because one can develop a tolerance for benzo effect, meaning the effect will diminish over time and ask for a dosage increment.   This last tolerance effect would be less present for me, as I would take it only before O, and I do not O every day.  But the fuss of getting prescriptions, having to explain to a doctor why I take it, and so on, couple to the fact that I have found natural products doing the job, made me put lorazepam aside.  I clearly prefer to handle my POIS with OTC and natural products ( a personal choice), even if that means, currently, taking 9 different products before O  ( but I prepare my packs in advance in small bottles, so no trouble when I need to take my pre-pack without notice).

In my pack, I use NMDA receptors blockers, instead of GABA enhancer, like magnesium and L-theanine.  But it sometime happens, like with taurine, that a substance has both properties ( gabaergic and NMDA blocker).  The clear advantage of NMDA receptors blockers ia that they do not induce neither tolerance nor has a potential for addiction.

As a natural alternative to benzo, I use GABA supplement.  In theory, it should not be effective, because it is not suppose to cross the blood brain barrier so oral supplementation should be ineffective.  But in practice, it works for many people, and it works for me as well, and I do not have to take much for a calming effect (200 to 300 mg) .  However, I have tried GABA after I came with the current, effective composition of my pre-pack for POIS, so it is not part of my pack - I use it on occasions if I feel too anxious, which is not very often now.  But I can have similar effect than a benzo,if I need so, with a product that do not need a prescription. 
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on July 01, 2016, 02:24:13 PM
"Taurine-like chemical restores cognitive function in mice with Alzheimer's"

Thanks for the link Demo. It proves this amino-acid didn't show all its secrete and it has a real scientific effect on nervous system.

For me bromazepam after orgasm kills POIS, dont know the real mechanism for it. But i dont use it being afraid of getting addicted.

Clearly. All "calming" subtances cure Pois, likemost of benzodiazepines I suppose.
I even know some Poisers using muscle relaxant (tetrazepam) for injury or pain and they were surprised because it cancel Pois symptoms !!
As you said, benzo are not a long-term solution because they are very addictive.

But it proves Gaba must be involved in Pois mechanisms at least for "non-immunologic symptoms" Pois cases.

Some guys here are smoking cannabis and it has an effect on their Pois.
If you look how does cannabis work, you will found Gabergic and dopaminergic neurons.

The theory (maybe suggested by doctor Lin :o ) might be that the Gaba "slows down" the orgasm and catecholamins rush.
Of course, you can be 100% the real explanation is much more complex.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on July 01, 2016, 02:46:33 PM

Agree. I remember some guys used gabapentin with some success.
Some years ago I said gabapentin could be a good idea. He answer, "no, it will no cross the brain-blood wall".
ironically, I had only 1 time a benzodiazepam med (after panic attack) and I never took it.
And i have a nice army of benzo on a shelf :) . I NEVER take meds, except when I really need.
I never took benzo or smoke cannabis. If I did there is 99% chance I became addicted but the positive point would have been I maybe understood Gaba is involved in Pois.

We should remember that chinese Pois study suggest endorphin drop after orgasm suggesting a form of opiate whidrawal syndrome. Gaba may suppress it

In the study they use :
- vitamine B6
-  sodium valproate

I think there is no problem to use the 2 first (glutamine + B6), taurine and why not the other you suggested.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on July 02, 2016, 12:33:17 AM
Another interesting article I thought:
"Taurine: a supplement for cellular physiology"

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on August 09, 2017, 03:15:19 PM
I found a good topic about dopamine and taurine :



I've been sent by god to bring relief to all of your symptoms lol. But seriously . I know what's going on with you and I will help you and I can guarantee you, you will feel %100 better. Just bear with me. I also suffered from this condition in the past. But its all gone now. I will tell you what's going on and how you're going to fix it.
I read all of your previous posts and blood test results. In fact, you are the reason I created an account here. I would like to help people that are suffering from this condition.
First off all let's see what's going on and why.
Symptoms related to high noradrenaline:
*Excessive wind
Symptoms related to low dopamine:
*Difficulty concentrating
*weak orgasms
*low libido
*lack of motivation in life
What can show in your blood tests:
*Slightly low testosterone for your age
*Slightly elevated cortisol levels
So why are you having these symptoms? As you know noradrenaline controls fight or flight system of your body. when your noradrenaline levels are constantly high, it will put your body in a survival mode. In survival mode, your digestion and ability to have sex are shut down and all of your blood is diverted to your muscles and your heart.

Your maintenance dosage should look like this:
*30mg zinc
*400mg phosphatidylserine
*3g Taurine
*5.000 IU Vitamin D.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on August 18, 2017, 12:10:00 PM
Happy birthday topic :)
Since 3 years, Taurine changed my life. I created my business and I can have a "normal life".
But I don't know how does it work !
I have a new idea and I will make a bloodtest next months (ceruloplasmin).
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Quantum on August 18, 2017, 12:37:13 PM
Happy birthday topic :)
Since 3 years, Taurine changed my life. I created my business and I can have a "normal life".
But I don't know how does it work !
I have a new idea and I will make a bloodtest next months (ceruloplasmin).

Happy birthday to your success in controlling your symptoms, b_jim !

All along this thread, many good hypothesis have been made as to why taurine is effective.  Is it vs prolactin/dopamine production, is it its NMDAr blocking properties or other GABA related properties, is it because of its signaling properties at the cellular level, or else, or all of the above ?   We don't know, yet, but there is definitively a type of POIS that is contrilled through the use of taurine!

Thanks for your continuous presence here, b_jim, even if you have found relief for yourself !   

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on August 24, 2017, 01:48:17 AM
Thanks tou very much !
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Limejuice on August 24, 2017, 08:48:35 AM
Congrats to your continued success and thank you for continuing to help everyone else!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on August 24, 2017, 08:58:31 AM

To: b_jim,

Congrats to your continued success and thank you for continuing to help everyone else!...

[...and for your great 10 years service here, b_jim! Many thanks! ~ demo]

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Vandemolen on January 23, 2018, 01:19:38 PM
Does taurine have any side effects? Mainly for prostate and bladder problems. How many pills do you take? 1 or 2?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Observer on January 23, 2018, 01:53:13 PM
I can confirm that one Spanish POIS sufferer has also obtained good results with taurine.

He also seems to experience only a mild relief by taking niacin.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on January 23, 2018, 02:51:29 PM
Vandemolen, To my knowledge, taurine is safe up to 2g a day.
I take only 1 cap before ejaculation (500mg).
I'm currently testing the combo :

5000 UI vitamin D  + 500mg of taurine (30min before ejaculation)

I suspect vitamin D working with taurine absorbtion and metabolism of sexual hormones.

Taurine Recovers Testicular Steroidogenesis and Spermatogenesis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats.

I didn't have any side effects. Anyway I get an epididymitis, not linked with taurine according doctors. Anyway, epididyms is a strategic zone for taurine concentration in body....  :-\ Between 2014 and 2015 I took 500 mg a day.

Observer, this is a great news , thanks !
We are only 5 or 6 to have good improvement with taurine.
I can't explain how does it work.
Gaba effect ?  Supports sexual hormones ?
I don't know.

I have tyrosine (500mg caps) and iodine (225ug caps) to test.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Vandemolen on January 23, 2018, 06:39:06 PM
Great Bjim. When I bought Taurine I also saw gaba pills. Did you tried that? I am going to trie the taurine too, because Niacin doesn’t help me at all.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Hopeoneday on January 23, 2018, 07:05:52 PM
Vande, i toght that gaba is real solution for my muscule stiffnes. As i reading and resarch people talk only positive on gaba on calming and relaxing etc.
(I hawe wery positiwe reaction on small dose benzos) benzos are the only medicine that help me to surwive pois days.

I tought (logic) that taking pure gaba will be life safing for me, i i took one pill of pure gaba , as i remeber 1000mg, suprise to me wass wery wery bad reaction from gaba pill, short breath ,heart fasting , panic atac etc, it took me 8h to calm down from that.

And after that i read side efect and bad reactions on pure gaba pill.

Niacin flush in my case make syptomps of pois ewan worse.( strange, not helping at all).
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on January 24, 2018, 02:05:57 AM
No, because I never found good Gaba caps.
I don't know if pure Gaba can cross blood-brain shield.
But it's clearly a way to think.

Gaba caps are often made with inositol, niacin and plants.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Vandemolen on January 24, 2018, 07:22:03 AM
You can buy Gaba pills in The Netherlands.

Hope, good that Benzos works for you.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Quantum on January 24, 2018, 07:38:05 AM
Vandemolen, To my knowledge, taurine is safe up to 2g a day.
I take only 1 cap before ejaculation (500mg).
I'm currently testing the combo :

5000 UI vitamin D  + 500mg of taurine (30min before ejaculation)

I suspect vitamin D working with taurine absorbtion and metabolism of sexual hormones.

Taurine Recovers Testicular Steroidogenesis and Spermatogenesis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats.

Hi b_jim,

I will be interested in knowing if Vit D adds to the beneficial effect taurine has for you.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Vandemolen on January 25, 2018, 06:25:14 PM
Vandemolen, To my knowledge, taurine is safe up to 2g a day.
I take only 1 cap before ejaculation (500mg).
I'm currently testing the combo :

5000 UI vitamin D  + 500mg of taurine (30min before ejaculation)

I suspect vitamin D working with taurine absorbtion and metabolism of sexual hormones.

Taurine Recovers Testicular Steroidogenesis and Spermatogenesis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats.

I didn't have any side effects. Anyway I get an epididymitis, not linked with taurine according doctors. Anyway, epididyms is a strategic zone for taurine concentration in body....  :-\ Between 2014 and 2015 I took 500 mg a day.

Observer, this is a great news , thanks !
We are only 5 or 6 to have good improvement with taurine.
I can't explain how does it work.
Gaba effect ?  Supports sexual hormones ?
I don't know.

I have tyrosine (500mg caps) and iodine (225ug caps) to test.
Can you control the epididymitis? With what? Antibiotics?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on January 26, 2018, 02:39:53 AM
In theory I don't have epidimytis any more. I get antibiotics during 1 or 2 months (OFLOXACINE).

I will be interested in knowing if Vit D adds to the beneficial effect taurine has for you.

It might add positive effect but I'm not sure. Like a lot of Poisers I have the feeling to have more symptoms during winter.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on February 01, 2018, 02:28:04 AM
There is a strange I would tlak about : I'm very very sensible to alcohol.
I don't know if it's linked to Pois/Taurine maybe Gaba receptors.
Last week I drink a small glass of aperitive wine (7% alcohol, 15cl).
Very quickly I feel bad and my legs become weaks.
The symptoms are not really stong and quickly disappear. I'm not "drunk", just sensible to alcohol.
I drink few alcool (1 or 2 liters a year) and mainly red wine.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Quantum on February 01, 2018, 08:28:55 AM
There is a strange I would tlak about : I'm very very sensible to alcohol.
I don't know if it's linked to Pois/Taurine maybe Gaba receptors.
Last week I drink a small glass of aperitive wine (7% alcohol, 15cl).
Very quickly I feel bad and my legs become weaks.
The symptoms are not really stong and quickly disappear. I'm not "drunk", just sensible to alcohol.
I drink few alcool (1 or 2 liters a year) and mainly red wine.

Hi b_jim,

As I already mentioned on the forum, I also have a high intolerance to alcohol.  My liver is sluggish, so a small amount of alcohol, which is eliminated by the liver, linger a long time in my blood, so equal to a larger intake for other persons. I really think that that my liver has to do with this reaction

If I take 25mg of thiamine ( vitamine B1) before taking half a glass of wine, I am far less affected by it, almost normal.  I often take another 25mg later, to be sure to recover well.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on February 02, 2018, 06:35:38 AM
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on February 03, 2018, 03:23:45 PM
I don't know if it is because I become older but my Pois changes. :-\
When I don't have ejaculation during a long time but only erections/excitation i get pelvic pain (normal). But it's enough to trigger cold symptoms and vasoconstriction. Inflammation ?

It happend several times. Strange.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Hopeoneday on February 03, 2018, 04:06:10 PM
B.. the same hapening to me. On apstinate peridod after erections i get pois like simptoms , chest an muscule stiffnes, bumping heart ,  breathing difiicultis... etc

Those days i resarching why is the reason that small amount of cofee help me to realefe some symptoms like brainf fog and tirednes etc...  and that lead me to ADRENALINE. As I resraching Kurtosis and his teory about HISTAMINE role in pois and all histamine receptors, h1 , h2, h3 etc...from some reason "we" cant clear histamines from our bodys like normall people do, due to "genetics mutation or odher couses" and receptors and all body preceses (wich is so complicated, thats why we not all hawe the same saymptoms, because posible mutations are not the same in all ours bodys) not working properly.

From now on as reasarching Kutrosis teory i thing that some people hawe sussces from diet because they susces "lower " they histamine levels in body.

And I think that all this suplements - SAMe , b vitamines  , mast stabilizators ..wich some people hawe benefits are  in role of stoping histamine realese and from faster cleaning from body(due fasting metaylation from suplements).

I remeber that adrenaline is given to people who hawe severe alergy reaction to safe his lives, and adrenaline clear histamine from body.

That is why small amout of cofee help me a litle, because adrenals relese adrenaline, and that ewan help my stifed nouse open for hour or two.

If i hawe to much cofeine adrenals get exacusted and stop working properly and the get ewan worse symptomps.

Those days i will try with antihistamines test again(WARNING- from some i get bad reactions).

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Vandemolen on February 03, 2018, 08:09:53 PM
I don't know if it is because I become older but my Pois changes. :-\
When I don't have ejaculation during a long time but only erections/excitation i get pelvic pain (normal). But it's enough to trigger cold symptoms and vasoconstriction. Inflammation ?

It happend several times. Strange.
I don’t get POIS by an accidental, short time erection. But when I watch porn and I get excited, even with my clothes and I do nothing else then only watching my POIS gets very worse. For me it’s better to ejaculate then to stop.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on February 04, 2018, 03:06:36 AM
When my Pois started (about 14 years old) some symptoms was absent.
It's like if there are several pois forms.
Now, I don't have joint pains anymore for example.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Hopeoneday on February 04, 2018, 06:01:45 AM
I don’t get POIS my an accidental, short time erection. But when I watch porn and I get excited, even with my clothes and I do nothing else then only watching my POIS gets very worse. For me it’s better to ejaculate then to stop.

This could be due to opioid receptors in brain are broken and overstimulated, and due to hyduge amount of dopamine and histamine. Pois cascade start in big after ejaculation , orgasam.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on February 10, 2018, 03:10:43 AM
Clearly, I think MAGNESIUM plays a role. It seems I'm more sensible to carbs after ejaculation when my mg is low. Hard to link the different elements.
Maybe magnesium is the central point between testosterone/semen, dopamine and insuline. And taurine/vitamin D super co-factor to improve magnesium homeostasis.
I will try to increase my mg supplementation to 600mg a day.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Quantum on February 10, 2018, 10:08:19 AM
Hi b_jim,

Magnesium has been the first thing I ever found that helps for my POIS symptoms, like 20 years ago, way before I have found this forum.   

I think it helps for me because it is a NMDA receptors blocker, so it calms down the anxiety and emotional symptoms, and it also helps regulate potassium level, which seems to help with the hypotension I have when in POIS.  Mg is also essential for the production of DAO, an enzyme that eliminates histamine ( http://synergyhw.blogspot.ca/2013/01/magnesium-part-3-wrath-of-histamine.html ).  It is often suggested that many auto-immune diseases and metabolic disease are linked to too much histamine, so it could also be part of its a beneficial effect in POIS, at least for me.

I still take a tablet containing organic salts of Mg, equivalent to 100mg of elemental Mg, in my pre-pack ( Equivalent in elemental Mg is variable from one salt of Mg to another, like Mg citrate, Mg chloride, etc..) .  Before having more "weapons" against POIS, I would take 200mg , 3 times a day, during 2 days, to survive my POIS acute phase, but this was resulting in loose stools.

Maybe it has a benefit for carbs metabolism, I never thought of it that way.  However, I have changed my diet a lot since then, and there are far more few carbs in it, and I usually take them through whole fruits, which make their absorption far more natural, because the fibers lower the sugar spike by slowing down carbs absorption.

Through the year, I also have found that taking a bath with 2 cups of Epsom salts in it is a great way to get magnesium ( Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate salts).  It is very calming, indeed, and have no side effects on the guts, because it is then absorbed through skin.   A warm bath with candles and Epsom salts, along with some sodium bicarbonate and a few drops of bergamot essential oil was a life saver for me when I had very high level of anxiety !

At one point, I also had a spray bottle with some Epsom salts diluted in water, and would spray my back and legs with it, to get a similar effect to a bath, when I had no time for a bath.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on February 10, 2018, 11:00:41 AM
Thanks. Mg is present in semen but not enough to explain loss...

Mg is also essential for the production of DAO, an enzyme that eliminates histamine

I started to have fasciculation and premature ejaculation after I strated Pois...
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on March 14, 2018, 04:13:07 PM
Today i drank ONLY 15 cl of red wine (13°) during meal, (15gr of pure alcohol then). And 20 min later I felt very very bad for 2 hours : muscle weakness, diziness, low concentration....
It's even not the half of the legal limit to drive and clearly it was not possible for me to drive.
I'm not joking.

Amazing how I can be so sensible to alcohol.
I can"t imagine there is no links with Pois, taurine and premature ejaculation. All is linked to gaba.

Another question is why coffee is supposed to help.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Rinat on March 27, 2018, 01:49:22 PM
hi all)
Taurine works well for me. (I also eat blueberries that seem to have a good effect on mood and memory). If I correctly understand nanna1, then taurine will not herpes? Can it be used daily to reduce the negative effects of sleeping herpes?
  During inflammation, taurine is converted into the anti-inflammatory molecule, Taurine chloramine (N-Chlorotaurine), inside of activated immune cells (neutrophil, macrophage, mast cells, etc ...) [D1]. Taurine chloramine then selectively inhibits inflammatory enzymes such as COX-2 [E] and 5-LOX [F]. Taurine has been shown to inhibit HSV in vitro in human cells [K4] and inhibit JNK activation in vivo [K1, K2, K3] in animals."
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on March 27, 2018, 03:06:39 PM
Hi, Rinat. I dont' understand very well what do you mean when you said
"then taurine will not herpes"
" reduce the negative effects of sleeping herpes"

I'm not convinced because I tried anti-inflammatory meds and diet without success (iboprofen, paracetamol...)
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Quantum on March 28, 2018, 10:25:20 AM
Also, Rinat, could you elaborate a bit more about you success with taurine?

For how long have you been having relief with taurine?

What dose do you takem and at what interval?

What symptoms are less severe, and do not last as ong as before?

How good is the relief you get, in percentage?  70?

As I always say, we have to gather quality data about what works, and the more good data we have, the better it is.

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Scrub on March 28, 2018, 06:05:34 PM
Hi guys, I've just registered, but i have been reading as much as i can. I have POIS and after i knew about this forum, i started to doing my research based on my own symtoms and what i've read here.

Unfortunately for me, my POIS is 90% cognitive issues and 10% only physical symtom are exhaustion and fatigue. I've been taking taurine since I read this thread with mid success, but i'm not so sure if i'm taking the right amount of it, my daily intake is 500g. in the morning, and the only day i had an O, I took another 500g. after it, next day I felted tired and fatigued, but from the cognitive side, i' didn't get affected so bad as other times. I weight about 90 kg.

My english is not my native language, so, plz excuse me if i didn't expressed me well.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Rinat on March 28, 2018, 09:39:32 PM
Hi , Quantum)
1) i have been taking Taurine about 1 week. A had been taking Taurine last year also.
2) I take 500 mg in a day. I plan don't take it in weekend to avoid overdose and side effects.Also I plan make break (3 weeks)after 3 month.
3) Taurine is not enoght to remove all simptoms after O. for me .  It help me to reduce everyday simptoms,like a brain fog, stress(
first of all),muscle weakness.
4) My symptoms: low weight, brain fog, depression,muscle weakness, acne.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Going less Crazy on April 01, 2018, 07:42:06 PM
I've also restarted taking taurine, at microdoses (10mg or so).  I want to take it for inflammation (some form of IBD) and testosterone boosting effects.  Been taking microdoses for over a week and so far no really noticeable effects on sleep (take it in the morning).  Also a somewhat increase in energy levels.  I will continue taking and see if it is beneficial for me over the long term.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Going less Crazy on April 05, 2018, 09:53:31 PM
Update:. Not for me

Causes energetic and calm feeling, however, also insomnia (surprising).  I am now trying microdoses of quercetin.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Muon on April 06, 2018, 06:21:11 AM
@Going less Crazy: Why do you bother with taurine when you can manage your POIS symptoms for 100% with diet?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Going less Crazy on April 07, 2018, 07:11:30 PM
@Going less Crazy: Why do you bother with taurine when you can manage your POIS symptoms for 100% with diet?

To boost testosterone resulting in hopefully less of a reaction to foods like corn chips, rice, nightshades, etc.  Also to have more energy.  Like I said, I constantly try new things on the diet, so I am constantly in Jeopardy.  Orgasm still has no effect on the symptoms that I get, unless I really stray away from the diet, if I do that than it seems like O will make the symptoms much worse.

I'm now trying microdoses of quercetin for energy and to help heal "leaky gut".
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Muon on April 08, 2018, 05:58:10 AM
Ah ok fair enough.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Vandemolen on April 14, 2018, 02:05:03 PM
I tried taurine for a few weeks. With two times sexual activity. Both times it didn’t help.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on April 15, 2018, 06:24:07 AM
I'm sorry it didn"t help. It only worked for 5-6 guys for now.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Vandemolen on April 15, 2018, 07:09:14 AM
I'm sorry it didn"t help. It only worked for 5-6 guys for now.
Don’t need to be sorry. I have a difficult form of POIS. Niacin also didn’t help me. The only thing that helped me was pure cbd oil. But I developped an allergy for the the things that’s mixed with the cbd oil. I have to wait for 100% pure cbd oil. In the meantime I will try Nanna’s stack.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on April 16, 2018, 12:26:28 AM

[Taurine] only worked for 5-6 guys for now.

I think that’s a lot!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on April 16, 2018, 12:19:04 PM

The only thing that helped me was pure cbd oil.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: mike_sweden on April 17, 2018, 03:54:26 AM
how do i try this without having to drink red bull or something that is full of crap?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: certainlypois2 on April 17, 2018, 01:17:23 PM
how do i try this without having to drink red bull or something that is full of crap?
you can but just taurine in pill form online
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on April 22, 2018, 07:18:38 AM
Summary about taurine :

Four years after I start taking Taurine, I can say it's the most effective supplement i tred to counter POIS symptoms.
We are only 5 or 6 Pois sufferers having success with it.
i take 500mg 30 minutes before ejaculation, so it means 500mg a week. i don't know what is the best timing.

Symptoms improved :
- Pois episodes shorter
- less muscle fasciculation
- less muscular fatigue
- much better concentration/ less cognitive symptoms
- better sleep

How does it work ?

We don't know, we only make hypothesis.

-Does taurine improve dopamine in brain ? (https://raypeatforum.com/community/threads/taurine-increases-dopamine-synthesis-in-the-brain.2821/)

-Does taurine increase testosterone (http://www.ergo-log.com/taurinetestosterone.html) ?

-Does taurine decrease inflammation (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3894431/) ?


Taurine is present is semen (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1601750). My personnal blood test (after several ejaculations) showed a normal taurine level in blood. Anyway, I made the bloodtest in 2015 and at this time, I use to take 500mg a day and not 500mg a week.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on April 22, 2018, 08:50:37 PM

b_jim, thanks for the excellent summarization. My doctor doesn’t want me to take too much testosterone. So maybe I shouldn’t try too much taurine? I will discuss this with my doctor next time I see her.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on April 24, 2018, 01:43:51 AM
Yes, ask her to be sure. But for me it's very safe even with 2-3g. It might reduce your fingertips symptom.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on April 27, 2018, 07:08:52 PM

b_jim, thanks for the excellent [Taurine] summarization. My doctor doesn’t want me to take too much testosterone. So maybe I shouldn’t try too much taurine? I will discuss this with my doctor next time I see her.

Yes, ask her to be sure. But for me it's very safe even with 2-3g. It might reduce your fingertips symptom.

Amazing! I will tell my doctor that I will try it.

Thanks, b_jim!

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on July 04, 2018, 03:23:37 PM
Important study :


My Pois came gradualy when I was a teenager.
I really wonder if  my taurine levels decreased gradually with ejaculations. Simply.
And it explains why the symptom came later (low magnesium, anxiety, muscle weakness confusio...)

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Muon on July 04, 2018, 03:45:38 PM
Hi b_jim,

Have you thought about testing your taurine levels?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Nas on July 04, 2018, 09:25:42 PM
Important study :


My Pois came gradualy when I was a teenager.
I really wonder if  my taurine levels decreased gradually with ejaculations. Simply.
And it explains why the symptom came later (low magnesium, anxiety, muscle weakness confusio...)

Hi b_jim
Have you ever tried Magnesium supplementation?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on July 05, 2018, 01:29:37 PM
Muon, yes, I did it 3 years ago. At this time I used to take 500mg a day.
After several ejaculations, my bloodtest showed a normal level but close to the low limite dispite the 500mg a day.

I really wonder if i should take 500mg a day now instead of 500mg per orgasm.

Nas, yes it's my oldest remedy. I take 300mg a day since many years.

Can monosodium glutamate destroys taurine ?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Nas on July 08, 2018, 11:55:54 PM
Muon, yes, I did it 3 years ago. At this time I used to take 500mg a day.
After several ejaculations, my bloodtest showed a normal level but close to the low limite dispite the 500mg a day.

I really wonder if i should take 500mg a day now instead of 500mg per orgasm.

Nas, yes it's my oldest remedy. I take 300mg a day since many years.

Can monosodium glutamate destroys taurine ?

Hey B_jim,
I wonder are you still taking Magnesium? And how would you say it was effective for you?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on July 09, 2018, 11:18:51 AM
Yes, I currently take 300mg a day (glycerophate and oxyde forms).
I have 3 remedies since 1993 and if I give a mark, it could be something like :

Magnesium     *
No sugar diet  ***
Taurine           ******

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Nas on July 10, 2018, 07:09:02 AM
Yes, I currently take 300mg a day (glycerophate and oxyde forms).
I have 3 remedies since 1993 and if I give a mark, it could be something like :

Magnesium     *
No sugar diet  ***
Taurine           ******

Hey b_jim,
Have you tried Magnesium Glycinate? It is said to be much more effective and can pass through the BBB resulting on a much more direct impact on the brain.
I would also like to ask you about the effect of Taurine, was it immediate? or does it have to be accumulated first?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on July 10, 2018, 02:00:20 PM
No I didn't try this form, but i want to test it. It could be the best magnesium form.
We told about the specific case of glycine element on the NMDA receptor.
Nanna1 think glycine may have a negative effect.

No, taurine effect was immediate and impressive.
Even with fish diet i felt a big difference.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: nanna1 on July 10, 2018, 04:45:24 PM
Hi b_jim and Nas,

I found this in "Bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of magnesium after administration of magnesium salts to humans. (https://vitamindwiki.com/tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=4698&download=y)". I'm guessing Oral Absorption % and Side Effects are the two categories people care most about.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: swell on July 10, 2018, 11:52:07 PM
I dont see the L-Threonate here I read has highest bioavailabilty compared to other kinds plus its only kind that crosses the brain blood barrier and hopefully helping brain fog etc.
Hi b_jim and Nas,

I found this in "Bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of magnesium after administration of magnesium salts to humans. (https://vitamindwiki.com/tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=4698&download=y)". I'm guessing Oral Absorption % and Side Effects are the two categories people care most about.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Muon on July 11, 2018, 09:40:44 AM
My Pois came gradualy when I was a teenager.
Same here. This process took years. It's weird how it takes so much time to develop into extreme symptoms.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on July 11, 2018, 11:09:00 AM
So, that's why sometimes I think repeated ejaculation during teenage drains "something" . And this something could be taurine or something linked to taurine. It's not easy to find taurine deficiency symptoms for humans, in scientific litterature.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Muon on July 11, 2018, 12:15:47 PM
But you still had POIS when they checked you for taurine and levels were normal right? Yes this also led me to think there is a slow change of some parameter in the body. I was reading something about hormone related stuff today on the dutch version of wikipedia and I noticed something https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypopitu%C3%AFtarisme
The english version of the page doesn't show this text:''De uitval van de hormoonproductie is meestal een sluipend proces, dat zich uitstrekt over maanden tot jaren''
Translated: The drop in hormone production is mostly a slowly creeping process, that extends over months to years.
I'm not suggesting Hypopitu?tarisme has something to do with POIS but to make clear that there are diseases that take a lot of time to develop.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on July 11, 2018, 12:19:02 PM
Normal (close to low limit) but I took 500mg a day. Now, only 500mg a week.
But you are right.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on August 08, 2018, 03:25:33 AM
What's wrong with me ? Each time I work under sun and hot temp, I can't sleep at all the following night and I feel deeply depressed.

Does something is lost by perspiration ? Salt ? Magnesium ? Iodine ?
Does hot temp (>30°) create a stress and make me to release too much cortisol ?

It's boring. It seems athlete can lose 1g of sodium per hour under the sun.
I ll try to add salt in my water.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Quantum on August 08, 2018, 07:02:50 AM
What's wrong with me ? Each time I work under sun and hot temp, I can't sleep at all the following night and I feel deeply depressed.

Does something is lost by perspiration ? Salt ? Magnesium ? Iodine ?
Does hot temp (>30°) create a stress and make me to release too much cortisol ?

It's boring. It seems athlete can lose 1g of sodium per hour under the sun.
I ll try to add salt in my water.

The more I sweat when I play tennis or badminton, the more it will be hard to recover.... unless I  take salted water, but, also,  potassium ( I always eat a banana after sport, a good source of potassium), and some magnesium.  Salted water alone does not work. I also take a tablet of potassium chloride ( gives 8 mEq of K+).  With that, I recover faster, and do not have heavy heartbeat.

Try eating a couple banana during your day, and tell me if it helps !   

Organic bananas, of course :))))
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on August 09, 2018, 01:12:33 PM
Thanks a lot :)
Feel better today. Hard to understand what happens.
It's a form of depression post-exercice. I eat tons of bananas, apricot and potatoes. I sometimes asked if potassium unbalance could be a cause of pois.
if not salt or iodine or something lost with perspiration it may be simply cortisol blocking tryptophan-serotonine-melatonin.
I have the same feeling sometimes in pois.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on August 15, 2018, 12:22:05 AM
Last week, it happened agained :/ Temperature was hot but my work was easy (mainly ride mower).

Yesterday, I had my biggest work of the year : more of 10 hours of edge trimmer ! :)
Temperature was not very hot (~22-25°C) but I lost lot of water.
It didn't happen, I wasn't in depression !

What I changed :

- I put salt in my water and in my food.
- i take 300mg of magnesium glycerophospate (3*100 during the day) and dark chocolate at 16h.
- I ate a lot, vegetable and chicken (tryptophan?)
- I made relaxation and breathing exercice during 20' after meal, supposed to reduce cortisol.

What is the main factor, i don't know.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: mike_sweden on August 19, 2018, 07:59:29 AM
would you recommend me to start taking taurine?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on August 19, 2018, 10:35:16 AM
You have to know less of 10 Poisers had good result.
But it cost only 15-20 €$ to make a test.
I you don't like supplement, you can make a diet with large amount of fish (especially salmon) and scallops during a week.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: mike_sweden on August 19, 2018, 01:37:12 PM
You have to know less of 10 Poisers had good result.
But it cost only 15-20 €$ to make a test.
I you don't like supplement, you can make a diet with large amount of fish (especially salmon) and scallops during a week.

ok i will get it tomorrow and start
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: JohnJames on September 11, 2018, 02:31:09 PM
See this: http://gotmag.org/the-root-cause-protocol/



I'm not sure if this has been discussed yet, but it seems Taurine improves metabolisation of Copper, and which could mean that this guy (Morley Robbins) is correct and maybe your POIS is caused by an imbalance of Iron, Magnesium, and copper?

Supplementing magnesium helped you, and supplementing taurine has helped, and some people find relief from gluten-free diet (he recommends paleo)? Maybe this guy is on to something?

Has anyone looked into this?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on September 12, 2018, 03:09:59 AM
No, you are the first one making the link.
For me , link mg-taurine is clear.
We told about cerulosplasmin, iron and copper but I didn't made bloodtest (my iron level was correct but mg too low).
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on September 12, 2018, 02:10:38 PM
i think the link GABA-endorphins may be the Pois key.

Endorphins are released with orgasm
Chinese MD think Pois is an endorphin deficiency.
Pois looks like a "50% Opiate whidrawal syndrome" (4-5 days for Pois, 8-10 for ows)

Endorphins balance is linked to Gaba.
Taurine as Gaba-like subsatnce helps my pois.
I just found a new link between both :

Pregabaline is used to fight Ows.

Coincidence, I know this med. It was used by a member of my family for a serious condition.

I think endorphins levels crash after ejaculation and Gaba retro-controles the endorphins levels. If gaba level is low, endorphins level can't rebalance quickly, explaining Pois.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Vandemolen on September 12, 2018, 03:59:58 PM
i think the link GABA-endorphins may be the Pois key.

Endorphins are released with orgasm
Chinese MD think Pois is an endorphin deficiency.
Pois looks like a "50% Opiate whidrawal syndrome" (4-5 days for Pois, 8-10 for ows)

Endorphins balance is linked to Gaba.
Taurine as Gaba-like subsatnce helps my pois.
I just found a new link between both :

Pregabaline is used to fight Ows.

Coincidence, I know this med. It was used by a member of my family for a serious condition.

I think endorphins levels crash after ejaculation and Gaba retro-controles the endorphins levels. If gaba level is low, endorphins level can't rebalance quickly, explaining Pois.
Question: why do you take taurine instead of gaba? Maybe you explained it befor but
I couldn’t find it.
Pregabalin has a lot of side effects.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Scrub on September 12, 2018, 10:17:14 PM
i think the link GABA-endorphins may be the Pois key.

Endorphins are released with orgasm
Chinese MD think Pois is an endorphin deficiency.
Pois looks like a "50% Opiate whidrawal syndrome" (4-5 days for Pois, 8-10 for ows)

Endorphins balance is linked to Gaba.
Taurine as Gaba-like subsatnce helps my pois.
I just found a new link between both :

Pregabaline is used to fight Ows.

Coincidence, I know this med. It was used by a member of my family for a serious condition.

I think endorphins levels crash after ejaculation and Gaba retro-controles the endorphins levels. If gaba level is low, endorphins level can't rebalance quickly, explaining Pois.
Question: why do you take taurine instead of gaba? Maybe you explained it befor but
I couldn’t find it.
Pregabalin has a lot of side effects.

I tried Gabapentin (not Pregabalin) and it makes you feel like a zombie, even on a low dose. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend it for POIS, take it only if your doctor has prescribed it to you for something else.

Suplementing GABA is pretty much useless as it doesn't cross easely BBB:

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the human cortex. The food supplement version of GABA is widely available online. Although many consumers claim that they experience benefits from the use of these products, it is unclear whether these supplements confer benefits beyond a placebo effect. Currently, the mechanism of action behind these products is unknown. It has long been thought that GABA is unable to cross the blood?brain barrier (BBB), but the studies that have assessed this issue are often contradictory and range widely in their employed methods. Accordingly, future research needs to establish the effects of oral GABA administration on GABA levels in the human brain, for example using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. There is some evidence in favor of a calming effect of GABA food supplements, but most of this evidence was reported by researchers with a potential conflict of interest. We suggest that any veridical effects of GABA food supplements on brain and cognition might be exerted through BBB passage or, more indirectly, via an effect on the enteric nervous system. We conclude that the mechanism of action of GABA food supplements is far from clear, and that further work is needed to establish the behavioral effects of GABA

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on September 13, 2018, 03:57:24 AM
I take taurine because it's something safe. I hate meds, never recreative drugs and very few alcohol. I wouldn't take something without doctor agreemant, dispite i would give anything to cure Pois.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on September 13, 2018, 12:18:44 PM
Taurine is very interesting. I wish we knew more about *why* it has a good effect for you, b_jim.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: JohnJames on September 13, 2018, 03:26:51 PM
Taurine is very interesting. I wish we knew more about *why* it has a good effect for you, b_jim.

Taurine does something with calcium? I always get weird effects when I supplement calcium, have you ever supplemented calcium b__jim?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Scrub on September 13, 2018, 05:14:22 PM
Taurine is very interesting. I wish we knew more about *why* it has a good effect for you, b_jim.

Taurine does something with calcium? I always get weird effects when I supplement calcium, have you ever supplemented calcium b__jim?

Taurine is responsible for contributing to several different cellular processes including neuromodulation, neurotransmission and regulation of calcium dependent functions

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on September 13, 2018, 06:35:18 PM
Thanks, Scrub!

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on September 14, 2018, 03:37:16 AM
I wish we knew more about *why* it has a good effect for you, b_jim.
This is the question !

Taurine does something with calcium? I always get weird effects when I supplement calcium, have you ever supplemented calcium b__jim?

I never tought this before but I took only 1 time calcium supplement : it was few months before Pois beggining for knees pains (when I was child, I was small and when I became teenager I grow up too fast and I had knee pains).
Did excessive calcium caused the unbalance with zinc, mg or something elese ?
I don't think so but all is possible.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: mike_sweden on September 15, 2018, 11:58:09 AM
I've got taurine but always forgets to take it since it says it should be taken on empty stomach
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on September 15, 2018, 01:33:48 PM
I try a new combo : 500mg of taurine + 500mg of tyrosine 30 minutes before orgasm.
I follow a diet with few meat I maybe I lack a bit of proteins.
This year i feel more symptoms. So I try tyrosine. I didn't give up the idea of a low dopamine lvel.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Scrub on September 15, 2018, 04:20:42 PM
I try a new combo : 500mg of taurine + 500mg of tyrosine 30 minutes before orgasm.
I follow a diet with few meat I maybe I lack a bit of proteins.
This year i feel more symptoms. So I try tyrosine. I didn't give up the idea of a low dopamine lvel.

Don't you think it might be better to try out tyrosine after orgasm? If you're right, dopamine would be depleted after ejaculation, and tyrosine as a precursor would help you to restore it.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on September 16, 2018, 03:34:40 AM
i'm testing. I will give my feelings after some weeks. Today I'm fine.
Dopamine itself might be not enough to explain Pois.
Dopamine might be enough to explain loss of energy, muscular fatigue and loss of concentration. But not flu-like symptoms.

Maybe the couple enorphins/dopamine + Gaba regulation and their different fluctuation after orgasm ans semen regenration can explain all.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: dizzy on September 17, 2018, 07:08:13 AM
Found an article: https://www.news-medical.net/news/20180307/Researchers-determine-cause-of-difficult-to-control-mitochondrial-diseases.aspx

It says that taurine deficiency impairs mitochondrial function.

Instead of supplementing with taurine, it seems that supplementing with TUDCA is even better:

In recent years, compounds that inhibit abnormal protein aggregation have been developed. One of these compounds, TUDCA (ursodeoxycholic acid), is a substance originally present as a secondary bile acid in the body. Administering TUDCA to cells without taurine-tRNA binding resulted in the near complete disappearance of aggregates and the reduction of cellular stress. Moreover, when TUDCA was administered to mitochondrial disease model mice with reduced taurine-tRNA binding, cell damage was also improved.

This is the thread I got it from: https://www.longecity.org/forum/topic/100083-new-taurine-study/
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on September 17, 2018, 12:32:17 PM
Thanks. Not easy to understand but it seems it's only from mithocondrial point of view. Why not, I don't know. All is possible.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: certainlypois2 on September 18, 2018, 11:37:17 PM
bjim, do you eat white bread and white rice.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on September 20, 2018, 04:54:53 AM
Yes, I do. I eat basmati rice for low glycemic index. But it's not a success for my stomach. I like white bread (baguette) especially at breakfast with butter or at lauch with cheese.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: certainlypois2 on September 20, 2018, 12:52:03 PM
Yes, I do. I eat basmati rice for low glycemic index. But it's not a success for my stomach. I like white bread (baguette) especially at breakfast with butter or at lauch with cheese.

Thanks, I didn't want to give those up.   Basmati rice still made me feel weird if i eat a lot of it so i switched to parboiled rice which glycemic index is much lower than basmati.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: VictimNoMore on September 20, 2018, 09:31:20 PM
How do Taurine supplements feel for you in comparison to "Monster" energy drinks. I understand Monster has about 144mg of caffeine so i assume one would feel more energetic with monster compared to Taurine, but i wouldn't know since i haven't just isolated Taurine and taken it individually as a supplement.
Is the energy boost for you comparable?
Is it even an a short term energy boost for you, or is it a more gradual well being feeling over time?
I ask because today was a particularly tough day for me involving anxiety and irritablility, until i remembered this thread about taurine and reached for a Monster Rehab at a convenience store. I felt much better relatively instantly which brought up a lot of questions for me, particularly whether, it was the caffeine making me feel better or taurine.
And i hate to be off topic, but i many times wonder if POIS symptoms are similar too Sleep apnea, I notice After 0 my breathing becomes more shallow and short and perhaps sleep apnea is present and aggravated on days following O. Any thoughts? I'm somewhat new to the forum and haven't found sleep apnea discussed in detail deep in the archives....
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on September 20, 2018, 10:47:48 PM
Strangely I never tried these energy drinks ! Not at all.
I drink very few coffee because i'm sensible to caffeine. I would say tuarine has as calming effect, not excitating.

About apneas, I tried valerian 10-12 years ago. It gave me terrible effects on breath and apnea, dispite it supposed to be sedative and gabaergic plant.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: VictimNoMore on September 21, 2018, 11:27:12 PM
Today is my O+5 day and strangely I've been feeling a lot worse Than my O+1 day ( I keep a personal journal to document my POIS and supplements). I took another monster energy drink today and it's effects were nowhere near as effective as previously, so today neither caffeine nor taurine in monster helped. I'm suspecting my daily 5htp before bed may help me on O+1 days but afterwards makes me more tired on O+3 and on days due to it maybe raising my melatonin.
Regardless I did purchase some taurine supplements and once I feel a good starting point I will give myself a 15 day trial!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on September 22, 2018, 02:32:35 PM
Hope you will be fine :)

A recent(2016) study showed that magnesium :

1/ Regulates circadian rythms
2/ Regulate energy burning in cells

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on October 04, 2018, 02:57:19 PM
I continue my combo Taurine/tyrosine with some success.
I can't say for now if tyrosine improves the symptoms compared to taurine alone. I would say yes but I'm not sure.

One thing is sure :
I have an ulcer and since several months I ate much less meat and less proteins. It clearly had a negative impact on my Pois.
I don't say the lacking amino acid is tyrosine but it's not impossible.

I have a new idea : I take my mg supplement in water.
It seems to improve absorbtion.

My objective is fight the first symptom I have in Pois : in the first 5-10 minutes after orgasm : I feel COLD. Especially during winter season.
I hope tyrosine will help me for this. I read an article where tyrosine xas give to soldiers during trainings in cold to improve alertness.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: VictimNoMore on October 23, 2018, 09:04:40 PM
Hi B_jim!
It's been a bit and the journey continues. I'm sad to report i did complete an 11 day trial of daily Taurine at 1000mg daily, with no noticeable effects. Initially I did think i felt calmer, and that my general disposition was better through the day, but over time, i did not feel the same by day 10 and 11. I keep a small journal to keep track of my symptoms.
There were no negative side effects for me trying Taurine.
There were no noticeable good side effects to Taurine for me.
The supplement was cheap, and it was worth testing out. I personally dont mind giving it another run in about a month since there were no noticeable negatives, but ultimately I will move on and give something else a trial run. I'm still having good success with 5 HTP, and i think i will now move on to upping the dosage on it and documenting.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Vandemolen on October 25, 2018, 09:00:13 PM
I will give Taurine a second chance. Because I am on Clomid to raise my testosterone. And Taurine also has that effect. Is it wise to also use Gaba?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on October 26, 2018, 11:19:16 AM
I will give Taurine a second chance. Because I am on Clomid to raise my testosterone. And Taurine also has that effect. Is it wise to also use Gaba?

You can’t go wrong: b_jim has been with our 2 forums as a major contributor since early 2007!

11+ years ago! :) :) :)

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on October 26, 2018, 11:38:35 AM
But I’m sure b_jim would also agree with me:

Taurine (just like TRT, niacin, diet, etc.) to treat POIS is not for everyone! We are all different. One man’s successful POIS treatment can be POISon for someone else.

Work with medical professionals. This forum is not intended for personal medical advice

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Vandemolen on October 26, 2018, 12:59:55 PM
I know. My doctor gave me the Clomid to raise my testosterone. He can’t give me 100% certainty that it will help my POIS and/or my Prostatitis. But in theory there is a good chance that it might relief some symptoms. And Taurine is also good for testosterone. I don’t want to be more on the Clomid than the mimimum time (3 months). So the higher my testosterone level about 3 months the better.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on October 26, 2018, 10:59:06 PM
Good luck, Van. It also took me some time before TRT started working.

I’m glad I didn’t quit too early.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Vandemolen on October 27, 2018, 08:32:01 AM
Good luck, Van. It also took me some time before TRT started working.

I’m glad I didn’t quit too early.
Thanks. I read that Clomid has an effect after 2 or 3 months. I want to use it for 3 months. It’s also not so good to use Clomid for a long time. Because not only testosterone will rise, but also Estradiol, a ‘female’ hormone.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on October 28, 2018, 02:40:36 AM
I'm sorry if taurine didn't help you. But it's not a surprise : only less of 10 guys feel an improvement.
Some day I feel it less effctive, probablly I'm becoming older. I have stomach problems too and I feel depressed.When I'm depressed I have lack of concentration like Pois but without flu-like symptoms.... Anyway I can do my job, something impossible before I took the taurine. Thats the good point.

I think gaba itself can"t cross blood-brain bridge. Maybe gaba-pentine works.

I alway keep one eye on testosterone theory because my natural level may start to decrease now and I don't know what will be the effect on my Pois..

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Vandemolen on October 28, 2018, 08:50:27 AM
I'm sorry if taurine didn't help you. But it's not a surprise : only less of 10 guys feel an improvement.
Some day I feel it less effctive, probablly I'm becoming older. I have stomach problems too and I feel depressed.When I'm depressed I have lack of concentration like Pois but without flu-like symptoms.... Anyway I can do my job, something impossible before I took the taurine. Thats the good point.

I think gaba itself can"t cross blood-brain bridge. Maybe gaba-pentine works.

I alway keep one eye on testosterone theory because my natural level may start to decrease now and I don't know what will be the effect on my Pois..
I knew that only a few had succes with Taurine. But maybe in combination with Clomid I will get some relief.

You should check your testosterone level. Maybe Taurine helps you because it’s good for testosterone.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on October 28, 2018, 09:12:51 AM
I tested it 3 years ago. Total T : normal, free T : low limit but normal. After 4-5 ejaculations days before and 500mg of taurine each day.
i hope clomid will help you.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Vandemolen on October 28, 2018, 11:16:11 AM
I tested it 3 years ago. Total T : normal, free T : low limit but normal. After 4-5 ejaculations days before and 500mg of taurine each day.
i hope clomid will help you.
Ok. My total testosterone is too low, free testosterone was low but normal.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on November 02, 2018, 10:48:02 PM
I wonder if sulfur could be the missing element. It's present in human semen giving the yellowed color. Taurine is a product of sulfured amino acid like methionine.

Sulfur is a key factor for glutathione production itself a key factor for dopamine.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: dizzy on November 03, 2018, 07:57:15 PM
I wonder if sulfur could be the missing element.

I wonder about this too. The sulfur-containing amino-acids taurine, methionine and cysteine have a positive effect on me.

There's an enzyme called sulfite-oxidase [1] in the mitochondria, which is important for the conversion/uptake of sulfur, and it depends on molybdenum. So sometimes I take molybdenum with taurine, and it seems to improve its effect on me. (But to be honest, it could be my imagination, also I'm not a biochemistry expert)

Another theory is that taurine improves lipid metabolism, see [2]. This would explain why the sulfur-containing amino-acids [3] and pantethine [4], inositol [3] and betaine/TMG [3] have a positive effect on me (at times). Again, highly speculative.

By the way, I've tried MSM (contains sulfur) in various doses, and it seems to have no effect on me at all. So it's not just sulfur that's doing something for me.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulfite_oxidase

[2] https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/136/6/1666S/4664451

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipotropic

[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19685700
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on November 04, 2018, 03:07:58 AM
Aah yes, nice post, thanks. I agree with the whole text :D
Agree with fats metabolsim. I'll go to my doctor soon and I have some question for her.  My lipases are too high, cholesterol below range.

And of course, fat metabolism in my minds refers to testosterone at the end of the chain.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: dizzy on November 06, 2018, 05:57:28 PM
I found another possible explanation, read this: https://migraine.com/stories/taurine-miracle-cure/

Turns out that migraines are sometimes effectively treated with taurine (and riboflavin).

Now I suspect that for some POIS is a type of migraine (one which doesn't necessarily feel like a headache).

More evidence is here:

Yes, "sex headaches" is an illness which is acknowledged by modern medicine.

I suspect this is all related.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on November 07, 2018, 04:26:02 AM
Thanks, good job !
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: dizzy on November 10, 2018, 06:36:05 PM
New explanation:

Taurine protects against bilirubin-induced neurotoxicity

I have high bilirubin levels, and was diagnosed with Gilbert's syndrome (according to my doc this is not a serious condition, but who knows if it has something to do with POIS)

I also have jaundice (to some extent)

Sunlight helps me (phototherapy helps reduce bilirubin levels, see "Prevention" section of this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernicterus)
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Scrub on November 10, 2018, 08:07:57 PM
New explanation:

Taurine protects against bilirubin-induced neurotoxicity

I have high bilirubin levels, and was diagnosed with Gilbert's syndrome (according to my doc this is not a serious condition, but who knows if it has something to do with POIS)

I also have jaundice (to some extent)

Sunlight helps me (phototherapy helps reduce bilirubin levels, see "Prevention" section of this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernicterus)

I was diagnosed with Gilbert's too. 
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: dizzy on November 10, 2018, 11:31:29 PM
I was diagnosed with Gilbert's too.

Hi Scrub, that's interesting!

What are your symptoms?

By the way, I'm currently taking daily:
B12 (suck on a 5000mcg sublingual tablet for 30min)
Zinc (22mg) + Magnesium (glycinate, 200mg) + P5P (30mg) all at once
B5 (500mg) + B-right (Jarrow formulas)
1g taurine (3x a day)

The B12 [1], zinc [2] and taurine [3] are known to help with high bilirubin, and I feel my head "clear up" after taking them.

[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6041549/

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15699685

[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20096270

PS: the liver "loves" beetroot juice, and olive oil.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: swell on November 10, 2018, 11:50:40 PM
one of my POIS skin symptom is pale skin, another is facial nerve weakness.  I have been taking betroot juice since a month, and overall view it as a very slight positive on health, but no earth shaking, glutathione eliminated my pois for about 14 days to a month, but now that helps only mildly, but still helps.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on November 11, 2018, 04:50:54 PM
I have jaundice too !
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: dizzy on November 11, 2018, 06:07:50 PM

Ok, we might be on to something here :)

Did you have your bilirubin levels tested?

I've found some information on this website (but it seems to be not maintained):

It mentions a lot of possible symptoms (including all the ones I have), but not POIS.

And there is a whole list of possible approaches to Gilbert's syndrome here, not sure where to start:

Another possible useful website:
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Hopeoneday on November 12, 2018, 09:49:56 AM
Guys, read a litle about liver detox fases, could be genetic feilure in liwer enzayms.
Removing fluoride could help for yaundice if it is involwed in disturbing enzaym in liver.
Liwer abnormalitys could be inwolwed in some poisers.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Scrub on November 12, 2018, 11:14:45 AM
I was diagnosed with Gilbert's too.

Hi Scrub, that's interesting!

What are your symptoms?

By the way, I'm currently taking daily:
B12 (suck on a 5000mcg sublingual tablet for 30min)
Zinc (22mg) + Magnesium (glycinate, 200mg) + P5P (30mg) all at once
B5 (500mg) + B-right (Jarrow formulas)
1g taurine (3x a day)

The B12 [1], zinc [2] and taurine [3] are known to help with high bilirubin, and I feel my head "clear up" after taking them.

[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6041549/

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15699685

[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20096270

PS: the liver "loves" beetroot juice, and olive oil.

Gibert's symptoms?

High billirubin in blood tests, an sometimes, under stressful situations, my eyes or skin can get a yellowish tone.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: dizzy on November 12, 2018, 03:03:58 PM

Ok, but I meant POIS symptoms ;)

By the way, I found an interesting piece about people who have not Gilbert's, but a more serious version called Crigler-Najjar, where bilirubin cannot be broken down at all. This shows that bilirubin has some nasty toxic effects, and I'm guessing that similar effects can play a role with Gilbert's (albeit in more subtle form).


Some time ago I bought a blacklight (UVA light), and it gives me some relief, and perhaps the UVA light is similar to the blue light. I'm now thinking of also buying a blue lamp (I found a medical article where they used 470nm wavelength LEDs to address bilirubin). By the way, the specialized lamps are called "bili lights", and are mostly used for babies who have problems starting up their liver function and converting bilirubin.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Scrub on November 12, 2018, 04:22:53 PM

Ok, but I meant POIS symptoms ;)

By the way, I found an interesting piece about people who have not Gilbert's, but a more serious version called Crigler-Najjar, where bilirubin cannot be broken down at all. This shows that bilirubin has some nasty toxic effects, and I'm guessing that similar effects can play a role with Gilbert's (albeit in more subtle form).


Some time ago I bought a blacklight (UVA light), and it gives me some relief, and perhaps the UVA light is similar to the blue light. I'm now thinking of also buying a blue lamp (I found a medical article where they used 470nm wavelength LEDs to address bilirubin). By the way, the specialized lamps are called "bili lights", and are mostly used for babies who have problems starting up their liver function and converting bilirubin.

-Neurologic/Psychiatric (mainly): Brain fog, short term memory dysfunction, difficulty with recalling words, anxiety, depression, anhedonia, mood swings, lack of concentration.
-Physical: Fatigue, tiredness, increased urination and increased hunger.

Sometimes nausea too.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: dizzy on November 12, 2018, 05:19:18 PM
-Neurologic/Psychiatric (mainly): Brain fog, short term memory dysfunction, difficulty with recalling words, anxiety, depression, anhedonia, mood swings, lack of concentration.
-Physical: Fatigue, tiredness, increased urination and increased hunger.

Sometimes nausea too.

All sounds familiar to me, except for the memory dysfunction, lack of concentration and nausea.

How is taurine working for you? What doses did you try and does it help?
Also, did you try zinc?

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Scrub on November 12, 2018, 08:26:02 PM
-Neurologic/Psychiatric (mainly): Brain fog, short term memory dysfunction, difficulty with recalling words, anxiety, depression, anhedonia, mood swings, lack of concentration.
-Physical: Fatigue, tiredness, increased urination and increased hunger.

Sometimes nausea too.

All sounds familiar to me, except for the memory dysfunction, lack of concentration and nausea.

How is taurine working for you? What doses did you try and does it help?
Also, did you try zinc?

Taurine effect on POIS for me is kinda low. I tried it with a daily intake of 1g. I stopped taking it since last week.

I tried Zinc too without a noticeable success, I need to update my thread, but right now I think I've found the key to keep POIS under control, polyphenols and flavonoids seems to do wonders for POIS prevention and treatment.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: dizzy on November 13, 2018, 07:58:37 PM
Taurine effect on POIS for me is kinda low. I tried it with a daily intake of 1g. I stopped taking it since last week.

I tried Zinc too without a noticeable success, I need to update my thread, but right now I think I've found the key to keep POIS under control, polyphenols and flavonoids seems to do wonders for POIS prevention and treatment.

Well, good to hear that you have things under control now.

Regarding polyphenols and flavonoids, that sounds interesting, what are you taking specifically? Are you taking them as unprocessed foods, or as supplements?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Scrub on November 14, 2018, 11:28:39 AM
Taurine effect on POIS for me is kinda low. I tried it with a daily intake of 1g. I stopped taking it since last week.

I tried Zinc too without a noticeable success, I need to update my thread, but right now I think I've found the key to keep POIS under control, polyphenols and flavonoids seems to do wonders for POIS prevention and treatment.

Well, good to hear that you have things under control now.

Regarding polyphenols and flavonoids, that sounds interesting, what are you taking specifically? Are you taking them as unprocessed foods, or as supplements?

My most successful attempts to prevent and fix POIS have been so far by adding antioxidant supplements and rich foods into my diet such as:

-Green Tea
-Chamomile Tea
-Resveratrol supplements
-Diosmin and Hesperidin supplements
-Fenugreek tea

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on November 15, 2018, 07:31:57 AM
There is non-sientific technique for women called Derivative Bath. The goal is to refresh the perineum with cold pocket. For men with fertility problems, it's recommended to refresh the testicles.
If Pois is a real inflammation condition, why not give a try.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: dizzy on November 16, 2018, 01:55:41 PM
My most successful attempts to prevent and fix POIS have been so far by adding antioxidant supplements and rich foods into my diet such as:

Thanks! I might try that once I'm finished studying taurine, and my liver condition.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on November 27, 2018, 10:56:31 AM
After 2 months of tests, I recommand 500mg of L-Tyrosine 30min before ejaculation for this symptom :
- restless legs syndrome
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Vandemolen on December 26, 2018, 11:22:43 PM
I still have Taurine. But I will not use it for a while. Because I read this: ‘Taurine may increase Histamine levels within the Hippocampus.’ Maybe when my histamine problem is fixed I will give it a try.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on April 20, 2019, 12:10:35 PM

         Taurine Molecule
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on April 20, 2019, 12:28:02 PM
Recent studies shows taurine defiency explains male infertility


Maybe since the beggining of my life I had difficut to produce taurine and my levels crashed after puberty and ejaculation...
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on April 20, 2019, 12:30:33 PM
Very interesting, b_jim!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on April 20, 2019, 12:36:51 PM
Oct 22, 2018 · Researchers at The University of Western Australia (UWA) have been awarded close to $490,000 from two organizations to explore the potential use of an amino acid called taurine as a treatment for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Duchenne UK granted £273,648 (approximate...

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on April 20, 2019, 12:39:40 PM
I still have Taurine. But I will not use it for a while. Because I read this: ‘Taurine may increase Histamine levels within the Hippocampus.’ Maybe when my histamine problem is fixed I will give it a try.
Is your histamine prob fixed?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on April 22, 2019, 09:35:07 AM
Very interesting links indeed, thanks.

In french, the abdnormal metabolism of taurine must be the cause of dystophine deficit.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on July 01, 2019, 12:55:36 PM
When I take meals with high glycemic effect an no taurine, I feel Pois fever.
The only organ which might link the 3 is pancreas.

Pancreas is where taurine is synthetized.
Pancreas is where insuline is synthetized to regulate blood sugar.
Pancreas is linked to testosterone release.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: dizzy on July 06, 2019, 07:16:05 AM
When I take meals with high glycemic effect an no taurine, I feel Pois fever.
The only organ which might link the 3 is pancreas.

Pancreas is where taurine is synthetized.
Pancreas is where insuline is synthetized to regulate blood sugar.
Pancreas is linked to testosterone release.

It might also be the thyroid.


I get issues when I eat a lot of flax seed, and this is a known thyroid suppressor.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on July 07, 2019, 02:17:47 PM
I have thyroid cases in my family.
And thyroid seems to be sensible to sugar.
That is a good idea, thanks.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: notmythirdaccount on July 08, 2019, 04:26:38 PM

Wanted to thank you for documenting your experience with Taurine. I've been on a 3+ month hiatus, still dealing with issues, but am managing my symptoms. I attribute my stabilization to Taurine as well.

I want to take a lot of time and go through this whole thread, but wanted to ask. Have you experimented with Phenibut? GABA crossing the blood brain barrier is negligible, but Phenibut does cross, if I recall.

Although Phenibut also works for me, I notice that I'm more lethargic and my focus is somewhat limited afterwards. Not that it's a bad thing, I just feel that the GABA boost imbalances my dopamine levels.

I tend to balance it out by taking B9 Folate and B12 (both Methyl) which I've also documented as raising my energy and dopamine levels.

Wanted to get your experiences with that.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on July 09, 2019, 02:51:27 PM
Hi, thanks for your post.
I've never tried phenibut. I took few taurine in 2019, but i have just some taurine and glycynate magnesium.
I will took 2 caps of 500mg a week only.

What I'm 100% sure :

Taurine is the best supplement, magnesium 2nd position.
Sugar increases flu-like symtpoms.
Chlorid (salt) element controles muscle tremors in/out of pois.
Magnesium taken after 5PM supress insomnias symptoms.

I agree all what you said expect B12. I don't think I could have B12 deficiency because my red cells parameters are at maximum value (even higher).

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on July 22, 2019, 09:55:05 AM
I feel depressed since a week. Hot flash at night and poor concentration.
I restart to take taurine. I felt improvment with muscular low energy symptoms.
But flu-like/hot flashes symptoms are present.
I ate lot of sugar, even high glycemic fruit.
Now I stop sugar too, I bet flu-like will go on and depression too.
We will see in 15 days
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on July 22, 2019, 11:41:53 AM
b_jim, hope you get better soon.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on July 29, 2019, 01:34:25 PM
I feel better but now I have fat bad digestion :D
But I understood why.
I have not enough bile
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: dizzy on July 29, 2019, 04:39:56 PM
What I'm 100% sure :

Taurine is the best supplement, magnesium 2nd position.
Sugar increases flu-like symtpoms.
Chlorid (salt) element controles muscle tremors in/out of pois.
Magnesium taken after 5PM supress insomnias symptoms.

Just FYI, apparently the taurine+magnesium combination is known for its migraine inhibiting effect. See [1]. Quoting:

One of the pertinent natural home remedies for migraines is taurine’s effects on glutamate, GABA, and intracellular calcium. Taurine appears to inhibit glutamate’s effect of raising intracellular calcium. This was well established in studies at the University of Kansas in 2001. Subsequent work demonstrated a reduction in calcium influx through specific voltage-gated calcium channels and the NMDA receptor calcium channel. Magnesium appeared essential for the taurine effect.

Emphasis added. See also [2].

[1] https://www.consciouslifestylemag.com/natural-remedies-for-migraines/

[2] https://migraine.com/stories/taurine-miracle-cure/
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on August 02, 2019, 01:08:12 PM
Thanks for the link !  8)  I already knew the relation between both. Some supplements associate Taurine + mg.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: orlands on September 25, 2019, 04:31:27 PM
I started taking Taurine and Tyrosine, besides all I'm doing, and my POIS was significantly low, and my libido increased a lot.

The real question is.. why the hell my body is not absorving enough taurine and tyrosine from food? I addressed low stomach acid, and it worked to some extent, but, even with my acids high, it seems that my body is not absorving enough from food I eat. I eat a LOT of protein, to get those aminoacids.. maybe it's the GUT that is not functional enough? Maybe it's candida in the gut preventing 100% absorption? Maybe I should increase probiotics?

Why we need to supplement taurine and tyrosine since they are both extremely abundant in meat, milk, eggs, and so on?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on September 26, 2019, 11:14:38 AM
Happy it works for you.
Malabsorption and low stomach acid are serious possible causes.
In few days, I hope to learn more on my microbiota.

Gluten is a second culprit after white sugar.
I was very sensible to sugar and few to gluten. Now, I'm very sensible to gluten too.

To have a taurine effect, I need at least 300g of fish maybe more but it's possible.
To have tyrosine effect I don't know. In theory, lot of proteins at brakefast and lunch are enough.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Muon on September 26, 2019, 11:39:33 AM
Malabsorption and low stomach acid are serious possible causes.
I agree.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: orlands on September 26, 2019, 04:51:36 PM
I just saw Julia Ross saying in youtube that Candida and hypothyroidism and culprits for aminoacid deficiencies. I mean.. kind of.. I just linked it.. You must see the video first

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Nas on September 27, 2019, 12:08:31 AM
Malabsorption and low stomach acid are serious possible causes.
I agree.
Are there tests for low acidity or stomach enzyme production? 
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: dizzy on September 28, 2019, 06:52:17 AM
I started taking Taurine and Tyrosine, besides all I'm doing, and my POIS was significantly low, and my libido increased a lot.

Are you sure it is a lasting effect? I remember taking tyrosine, and it gave me some relief but stopped working after a few days.

500mg of taurine every night long term, however, does seem to work for me somewhat (I'd say 30% relief)
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on October 04, 2019, 12:29:28 PM


b_jim, what do you think of “Red Bull Taurine Energy Drink”?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on October 05, 2019, 07:07:56 AM
Too much sugar, too much caffeine. And what about the taste ? Dunno, I never drank this :) 
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on October 05, 2019, 07:16:49 AM
Potassium alert : 5.7. Above 6 it will be a big problem :/
I suspect abusing supplements is bad for kdneys. Maybe taurine itself raises K :/
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on October 05, 2019, 08:37:12 AM
This Red Bull (previous page) is “sugar free”. Caffeine? Not sure.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: dizzy on October 05, 2019, 11:54:31 AM
This Red Bull (previous page) is “sugar free”. Caffeine? Not sure.

These kinds of energy drinks typically contain caffeine as the stimulant, and they use taurine to counter the negative effects of the stimulant (e.g. jittery feeling).

This specific drink (Red Bull Sugarfree) has indeed caffeine and taurine listed as its ingredients, source here:

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on October 05, 2019, 12:36:30 PM
Thank you, dizzy!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: dizzy on October 05, 2019, 01:45:10 PM
Ok! I'm personally not a big fan of anything that contains caffeine, btw. Makes my anxiety and earpain worse.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on October 06, 2019, 09:25:39 AM
I’m a caffeine and sugar addict, and no, it doesn’t make me healthier :)
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: dizzy on October 06, 2019, 04:48:26 PM
I used to be a coffee addict, and I still have cravings from time to time. But my reaction to caffeine is so bad that I better not touch it.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on October 06, 2019, 05:58:28 PM
dizzy, I wish I had your wisdom! :)
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: John21 on December 15, 2019, 05:38:44 PM
Hi all, hope everyone is well these days! I just discovered that Taurine is has a definite anti-POIS effect in me. I find this amazing and it also has an anti-PE effect. Wow what a revelation!  I take it that BJim was the one who discovered this? Am I correct? How was it discovered? There must have been a theory to try it, or perhaps it was just stumbled upon. Too bad it doesn't help everyone. Hopefully they have tried a large enough dose. I used 1000mg and waited a couple of hours.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on December 15, 2019, 06:38:10 PM
Hi, John!

Are you the same John21 - - the very-first-ever (2007) NSF/TNS (POISCenter precursor)
POIS-on-the-Web Poster???

If you are, welcome back!!

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on December 15, 2019, 06:48:23 PM
I take it that b_jim  was the one who discovered this? Am I correct?
Yes he did.

        & you
                 & I
                      started this crazy ride way back in 2007!

Check it out, John,
You’re mentioned prominently!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on December 16, 2019, 10:12:31 AM
Happy to see you my friends !
Im' very very happy if taurine works for you. Because you are the pioneer ofthe Pois adventure.

I'm not the inventor of the taurine therapy. I read it somewhere but I can't remember ! 
I just popularized it because I have a BIG MOUTH  ;D

I just try for myself in 2014. It worked and changed my life. I even create my business because my energy was much better.


I have Lyme disease 99% sure. Taurine works for me. If taurine works for you there is a small small probability you might have Lyme too. I don't know I'm not a doctor.

If the taurine works well and you don't have symptoms out of Pois like me you must not have Lyme.

I hope it and I wish you the best.

edit : happy to read Taurine helps your PE ! ! !  8)
Me too but I tought I was crazy ! ! !  ;D
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on December 16, 2019, 12:37:41 PM

I'm not the inventor of the taurine therapy. I read it somewhere but I can't remember ! 
I just popularized it because I have a BIG MOUTH  ;D

Yes, but you, b_jim, brought this taurine therapy “invention” to the POIS community!

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: certainlypois2 on December 17, 2019, 03:25:50 PM
Happy to see you my friends !
Im' very very happy if taurine works for you. Because you are the pioneer ofthe Pois adventure.

I'm not the inventor of the taurine therapy. I read it somewhere but I can't remember ! 
I just popularized it because I have a BIG MOUTH  ;D

I just try for myself in 2014. It worked and changed my life. I even create my business because my energy was much better.


I have Lyme disease 99% sure. Taurine works for me. If taurine works for you there is a small small probability you might have Lyme too. I don't know I'm not a doctor.

If the taurine works well and you don't have symptoms out of Pois like me you must not have Lyme.

I hope it and I wish you the best.

edit : happy to read Taurine helps your PE ! ! !  8)
Me too but I tought I was crazy ! ! !  ;D

I thought u tried taurine it because u noticed salmon was helping you. Since omega 3 dont help, u thought it had to be taurine in the fish
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: John21 on December 17, 2019, 05:56:39 PM
Demo, yes it is me. So nice to know you are still fighting the good fight! Good to meet you and BJim again here, hope y'all are well! Demo I take it that testosterone has kept you out of trouble all this time? And BJim, I am so grateful for this gift of taurine, wow this could be a life changer for me too! And it even works with PE! If only I had known that so many years ago my life would have had a different path. Better late than never though.  Bjim that is interesting about a lyme diagnosis. What other symptoms did you have outside of POIS that led you to lyme testing? Have you taken antibiotic treatment?  I guess it is possible that I was bit when I was young.

I dropped out of the forums for quite a while. I found it too much to deal with, the constant analysis of theories, trying this supplement and that supplement, etc and getting stressed from it. I decided to accept a chaste single life and try to leave the weight of POIS behind me.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on December 17, 2019, 06:08:47 PM
Demo, yes it is me. So nice to know you are still fighting the good fight! Good to meet you and BJim again here, hope y'all are well! Demo I take it that testosterone has kept you out of trouble all this time? And BJim, I am so grateful for this gift of taurine, wow this could be a life changer for me too! And it even works with PE! If only I had known that so many years ago my life would have had a different path. Better late than never though.  Bjim that is interesting about a lyme diagnosis. What other symptoms did you have outside of POIS that led you to lyme testing? Have you taken antibiotic treatment?  I guess it is possible that I was bit when I was young.

I dropped out of the forums for quite a while. I found it too much to deal with, the constant analysis of theories, trying this supplement and that supplement, etc and getting stressed from it. I decided to accept a chaste single life and try to leave the weight of POIS behind me.

Hi again, John21!

TRT has been very helpful, for the last 10 years, but not the silver bullet I hoped for. My symptoms are now far less devastating, and recovery time has been cut in half. Otherwise, at POIS peak, I can still be pretty much “out of it”.

I am totally with you about forum+theory-exhaustion: I’ve tried to keep a balance in order to not give up on my 2007 passion!

I hope you follow our exciting new POIS research study:

Great to see you back, John21, you’re a legend!


ps - remember Animus? He’s back also, and he’s been
100% POIS-free for the last 10 years with his radical “male hysterectomy”. You can search the forum for the update.

Also, the forum started-but-not-completed research on POIS vs vagal dystonia. Some members are continuing to experiment with vagus nerve stimulation devices:
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Animus on December 17, 2019, 07:06:55 PM
Hello Demo, thank you for the updates.  It's great to hear from John21 again : ) best wishes.
I'm very busy lately with my business, things are going well, and yes, still am POIS-free
since my surgeries. thank god it worked for me.
best regards to all. Happy Holidays, thank you for keeping up the good fight!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on December 17, 2019, 07:11:38 PM
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Disaster on December 17, 2019, 07:54:13 PM
What did he mean by PE?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: certainlypois2 on December 17, 2019, 10:49:08 PM
What did he mean by PE?
premature ejaculation
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on December 19, 2019, 12:13:37 PM
Yes, but you, b_jim, brought this taurine therapy “invention” to the POIS community!
I thought u tried taurine it because u noticed salmon was helping you. Since omega 3 dont help, u thought it had to be taurine in the fish

Ah yes thanks !
Bjim that is interesting about a lyme diagnosis. What other symptoms did you have outside of POIS that led you to lyme testing? Have you taken antibiotic treatment? 

Muscles tremors, cold/hot intolerence, trouble breathings, and anxiety. Don't forget to ask Elisa test in your next bloodtest.

I'm taking antibiotics now (Rocéphine). I hope to beat this disease. Then, will it cure my Pois ? I hope!

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Cursed on February 02, 2020, 11:04:10 AM
Just wanted to say THANK YOU for those who discovered taurine. It's really helping me a lot. I would have never expected it. I have ME/CFS and POIS. I'm fairly certain that most of my problems are in the gut and taurine is helping with food intolerances, digestion, and pretty much all the symptoms that I have. Phenomenal. I still have strong brain fog after ejaculation and other symptoms, but they're all greatly reduced, and I can actually use my muscles. I have A LOT less weakness in my muscles and they seem to be recovering normally after light exercise.

Also, previously I couldn't tolerate anything that has fiber in it, but now I can eat small ammounts of it (like bananas) and it's actually helping my gut symptoms. Especially when  out of POIS. I can think much better, my mood is better. Overall, this is a significant improvement in my well being.

ETA: I have symotoms all the time, not just after ejaculation. Taurine has reduced both, my symptoms in general and POIS severity. I still can't work though, but at least I can do much more research.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on February 02, 2020, 05:28:29 PM
I'm happy to read such a positive answer.
I take taurine since 2014 .... and still don't know how does it work !

I currently looking for link between mitochondrias and Pois. When I take sugar it increases my symptoms. I wonder if this sugar go into cells and refuels and activates mitochonfrial activity.

About bananas we have a recipe in France called miam-o-fruit.
You crush 1 or 2 bananas in a plate with a fork. And you let the bananas exposed to oxygen. After 5 min bananas are oxydised and it's very easy to digest. Some guys think it helps to repair Intestinal villus. Then you add some fruits (apples.... blueberries...à and cereals like crushed flax or almonds....

About gut I currently testing vegetable juice (after my meds for lyme I"ve lost 5 kg :/ ). So what you wrote about fibers is very interesting for me. A doctor said me maybe I have troubles to digest fibers. Vegetables juice is a good option (juicing removes fibers).

Other options for gut restoration are L-Glutamine and citruline. But some guys think abusing L-Glutamine can lead to cancer :/
One of my favorite recipe is chicken bones soup. Very rich in glutamine and collagen.
When I took it in the past my general health and Pois seemed much better.
But maybe I abuse of this.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on February 02, 2020, 05:51:58 PM

Just wanted to say THANK YOU for those who discovered taurine.

Cursed, b_jim has been taurine’s chief proponent for YEARS
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on February 09, 2020, 04:52:59 AM
For the moment I don't know if my lyme and my Pois are linked.
So I consider myself as a Pois sufferer.


I'm thinking what about Cursed wrote below...

If I look a what strong argument I have I can say TWO factors clearly influence my Pois :

1/ Sugar
2/ Taurine

So I often search how to link them.
Testoserone or dopamine are possible answers....

But I just watch a documentary about epilepsy and cetogenic diet. Clearly cetogenic diet improves epilepsy symptoms of lot of sufferers.

For the taurine scientific studies show a clear anti-epilepctic effect.

Taurine reduced kainic acid  seizure effect by Gaba receptor modulation

Preliminary experiments in human epileptic subjects confirm the anticonvulsive effect of taurine. These results justify controlled therapeutic trials of taurine and detailed biochemical studies of zinc metabolism in human epilepsy.

The last point could be glutamine. It's only my point of view and experience.
But it might be possible that bone soup (chicken bone soup) seems to reduce my Pois symptoms too. Glutamine is a cofactor of Gaba neurotransmitter. I'm not sure of this last point.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Muon on February 09, 2020, 11:41:33 AM
Taurine is a GABA receptor agonist. See figure 1, neuronal systems can apply an inhibitory effect on mast cells via GABA. Taurine could potentially stabilize mast cells in some ways. We need an expert to confirm this statement though.

Neuroendocrinology of mast cells: Challenges and controversies (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/exd.13288)
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on February 12, 2020, 03:36:46 PM
I see the colossal work you do about mast cells. Thanks.
I admit I've not a clear opinion about this for the moment.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on February 12, 2020, 06:31:17 PM
Everyone, please feel free to continue posting. The computer problems were at Liberos, not here at POISCenter
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Limejuice on February 13, 2020, 04:05:49 PM
Over the years niacin’s effectiveness has diminished, and taurine has been a great replacement. I usually take 1.5g of taurine before sleep for a deeper more restful sleep. Fyi
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on February 13, 2020, 04:15:53 PM
Interesting, Limejuice
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Mushnikk on February 13, 2020, 05:25:21 PM
Over the years niacin’s effectiveness has diminished, and taurine has been a great replacement. I usually take 1.5g of taurine before sleep for a deeper more restful sleep. Fyi

And how much how long prior to O?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Limejuice on February 13, 2020, 10:56:11 PM
Over the years niacin’s effectiveness has diminished, and taurine has been a great replacement. I usually take 1.5g of taurine before sleep for a deeper more restful sleep. Fyi

And how much how long prior to O?

I don't take taurine prior to O, but use it prior to sleep for three nights after O.  I should experiment with taurine more like testing before O, etc. Bjim and this thread has a lot of good information.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Investigator on February 14, 2020, 04:11:11 AM

Don't forget to ask Elisa test in your next bloodtest.

B_jim, what is the best way to test for lyme disease? I read controversial stuff on the internet. Do you mean Elisa test for lyme disease? I've done Melisa tests for metal allergies (found strong positive reaction to mercury), but I also want to test for lyme.

I have not tried taurine yet, but garlic before O and a few days after helps me a lot. I actually stopped eating fish because of the mercury, once I decided maybe my POIS is due to mercury hypersensitivity/toxicity. But now I am reading your posts from 2014 and 2015 and plan to try taurine. Updates will follow.

Also, I read that lack of taurine can be a cause of oxidative stress. I've done an oxidtive stress test and while my glutathione was within normal range, the oxidative stress was high. Is there a way to test for taurine (like a blood/urine test or something)?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Cursed on April 24, 2020, 01:46:08 PM
Some interesting ideas about taurine and intestinal barrier in this paper (in mice...). It's open access:

"A human-origin probiotic cocktail ameliorates aging-related leaky gut and inflammation via modulating microbiota-taurine-tight junction axis"

"Mechanistically, probiotics modulated microbiota in a way to increases bile salt hydrolase activity, which in turn increased taurine abundance in the gut that stimulated tight junctions and suppressed gut leakiness. Further, in Caenorhabditis elegans, taurine increased life span, reduced adiposity and leaky gut, and enhanced physical function. The results suggest that such probiotic therapies could prevent or treat aging-related leaky gut and inflammation in elderly."
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on April 24, 2020, 03:20:16 PM
Hi. Sorry I left the forum for a long time. I was very anxious because of coronavirus. It seems the situation slowly goes back to the normal now.

Investigator : the tests are not very sensible. If you have a low infection by borrelia tests may be negative.
That's the problem.
New tests were supposed to be avaliable in 2020 but I fear lyme is not the main problem now.

Yes I have tested my taurine in a blood test. I have to say this exam may be free or not depending your country.

Cursed : thanks for article.
I can just say there is link between my Pois and my gut. i don't understand how does it work.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on April 24, 2020, 10:29:26 PM
Welcome back, b_jim!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: swell on April 26, 2020, 04:13:47 AM
Hehe, did you think you'll catch Covid by visiting this forum :)

Hi. Sorry I left the forum for a long time. I was very anxious because of coronavirus.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Muon on May 19, 2020, 10:54:58 AM
Accidentally stumbled on this, dumping it here:
In vitro and in vivo Antiallergic Effects of Taurine on Allergic Rhinitis (https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/505209)

"Conclusion: Taurine could potentially serve as a therapeutic treatment for allergic disorders."
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: FernandoPOIS on May 19, 2020, 02:18:04 PM
Hi Everyone
What dose should I take to have the benefits?
Should I take it before or after O?
Or should I take it daily?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Muon on May 19, 2020, 02:28:44 PM
I get a minor effect if I drink about 1 g of Taurine disolved into water ~1 hour before O. I don't notice any effect if there is much less time than 45 min between intake and time of O. Not meant as advice but that is my experience.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: certainlypois2 on May 19, 2020, 03:08:31 PM
Hi Everyone
What dose should I take to have the benefits?
Should I take it before or after O?
Or should I take it daily?
I think bjim used it every day. Look at his post history or do a search of the forum for more details.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on May 19, 2020, 03:10:08 PM
b_jim posts:
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Limejuice on May 19, 2020, 03:26:41 PM
I get a minor effect if I drink about 1 g of Taurine disolved into water ~1 hour before O. I don't notice any effect if there is much less time than 45 min between intake and time of O. Not meant as advice but that is my experience.

1g has a minimal effect for me, but 1.5 to 2g has a significant effect.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Cursed on May 22, 2020, 04:58:30 AM
Hi Everyone
What dose should I take to have the benefits?
Should I take it before or after O?
Or should I take it daily?
I find that it's best to take 1g at least twice a day. Once a day is not enough.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: berlin1984 on May 22, 2020, 06:31:02 AM
I read in another thread here that cells with latent herpes (HSV-1) infection are deficient in Taurine.

"Notably depleted compounds included glycine betaine, taurine, creatine, and NAD+."

Maybe this means something, maybe it doesn't

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Muon on June 12, 2020, 11:37:39 AM
Aswinpras06 posted this in the MCAS thread. Not sure if it was posted here as well.

The Potential Protective Role of Taurine Against Experimental Allergic Inflammation (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28694089/)

Interestingly it reduces TSLP from mast cells, although in vitro.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on June 14, 2020, 08:48:59 AM
Maybe I will take 500mg a day again next weeks.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: drop247 on June 29, 2020, 01:05:24 PM
Have any of you noticed Taurine aids in reducing nasal congestion?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: berlin1984 on July 12, 2020, 03:05:57 PM
Have any of you noticed Taurine aids in reducing nasal congestion?

Maybe those people did. New study.

"The Potential Protective Role of Taurine Against Experimental Allergic Inflammation "
"Conclusion: Taurine could potentially serve as a therapeutic treatment for allergic disorders."
(via https://www.facebook.com/SuppVersity/posts/3356215164410610 )
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: drop247 on July 13, 2020, 09:52:59 AM
Thanks Berlin. Another thing I've noticed is Taurine is quite effective against my anxiety. I assume through it's pro-GABA effect
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: dizzy on July 18, 2020, 04:56:53 PM
Thanks Berlin. Another thing I've noticed is Taurine is quite effective against my anxiety. I assume through it's pro-GABA effect

Be careful though. I used a lot of taurine and after a while I felt it might have made me slightly depressed. It can also cause stool issues. But if you are aware of these issues, I think it is safe. For me, everything went back to normal in about a week after I quit. Btw, I used about 1000mg every night.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: berlin1984 on July 19, 2020, 09:06:46 AM
Suppversity has many good blog posts about Taurine.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: drop247 on July 20, 2020, 06:45:03 AM
Thank you Dizzy. I will be on guard for that since I'm prone to mood fluctuations. I assume you mean loose stool issues?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Venky2011 on May 01, 2021, 06:15:23 AM
Hello Jim,

That is a great breakthrough I would say, I really appreciate you time and efforts in finding the cause for the condition (applies to few like us)

The thiamine supplement is really worked for me as well, I am really looking forward to know more about your techniques such as type of supplements
you use and the diet your following.

Further I also use antihistamine drugs for the condition, shall I continue using the antihistamines along with thiamine or do you have anything else that you follow.

I will share my experience with thiamine, really thankful to you guys maintain to a forum like this. Kudos to the admin and team to build such a huge forum where we can discuss our hardships, efforts and success inorder to get a temporary solution until the real cure comes out.

Really looking forward for your inputs on the condition.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Venky2011 on May 01, 2021, 08:19:45 AM
I mean to say taurine not thiamine.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Limejuice on September 23, 2021, 12:00:41 AM
Taurine continues to be a good supplement to take for sleep during POIS.  Usually 1.5g is a good dose for me to take for two to three nights (and then stop).

Has anyone seen bjim lately?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on September 23, 2021, 12:12:03 AM
Limejuice, when I saw your post, I sent him an email. Hope he’s ok.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Limejuice on September 25, 2021, 12:41:42 PM
Thanks! Fingers crossed...
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on September 26, 2021, 01:30:08 AM

Thanks! Fingers crossed...


Limejuice, I also PM’d b_jim here.

If anyone hears about him, kindly let Limejuice or me know!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on October 17, 2021, 08:20:06 AM

Thanks! Fingers crossed...[re. b_jim Missing In Action]


Limejuice, I also PM’d b_jim here.

If anyone hears about him, kindly let Limejuice or me know!

Hi Demo, I'm fine thank you !
Hope you are in a good shape too.
I currently finish my gardening season so  I'm less present on the forum.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Limejuice on October 17, 2021, 01:21:00 PM
Glad all is well! Enjoy the fruits of your harvest.

Demo let me know that your back.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on October 17, 2021, 04:38:12 PM
Here-I-am! :)
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on November 21, 2021, 02:22:38 PM
Hi, sorry guys I was away from keyboard last times. :)

Last weeks I have tested something new : I try to boost choline in my food (eggs, fish, beans.... ).
I have the feeling choline works in synergy with taurine.
I hope to give you good news soon :)
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on November 21, 2021, 04:08:35 PM

Hi, sorry guys I was away from keyboard last times. :)

Nice to see you back, b_jim! :)

Everyone: b_jim has been posting here since 2007! He & I started posting here at the same time.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on November 29, 2021, 11:13:19 AM
Thanks !
As I get older, I feel less worried by Pois.
I'm quite Pois free for the moment but my libido os close to zero too :D

I recommand to add choline with taurine.
Symply by adding 2 eggs a day (if cholesterol ok) or eat more fish, beans, nuts, broccoli, caudiflower... For the moment I don't test suppplements.
Normal level is 400-500 mg a day (~2 eggs).

Glycine is an option. I might explain good feeling with my chicken "bone" soup :)

I think now I made a mistake during all these years. Acethylcholine may be the neurotransmitter involved.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Aladin on November 29, 2021, 02:08:43 PM
b_jim, isn't that a systematic observation?  I have phases with very low libido and very low quality orgasms when POIS seems to be gone...  I think there is a correlation between libido/orgasm quality and the severity of POIS symptoms
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Limejuice on November 29, 2021, 02:26:47 PM
Thanks !
As I get older, I feel less worried by Pois.
I'm quite Pois free for the moment but my libido os close to zero too :D

I recommand to add choline with taurine.
Symply by adding 2 eggs a day (if cholesterol ok) or eat more fish, beans, nuts, broccoli, caudiflower... For the moment I don't test suppplements.
Normal level is 400-500 mg a day (~2 eggs).

Glycine is an option. I might explain good feeling with my chicken "bone" soup :)

I think now I made a mistake during all these years. Acethylcholine may be the neurotransmitter involved.

Good luck with your trials!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on December 09, 2021, 04:05:24 PM
b_jim, isn't that a systematic observation?  I have phases with very low libido and very low quality orgasms when POIS seems to be gone...  I think there is a correlation between libido/orgasm quality and the severity of POIS symptoms

I don't think there a correlation.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on May 01, 2022, 11:41:32 AM
Some months later, I don't think choline was as effective as I said.
Something seems to help but I'm not sure. Maybe vitamin C or D...
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: ste on June 25, 2022, 04:58:24 PM
I throw it there.
I believe that at least in a part of sufferers the p.o.i.s is the consequent response to an excitatory state (endorphins and other pleasure-related neurotransmitters) EXTREMELY amplified compared to the average. I think of the mental fog and the overwhelming sensation of celestial bliss, my almost UNIQUE symptoms. Has anyone ever tried DEPRESSIVE agents as a cure? Greetings from Italy.
Maestro Stefano Petrini
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: ste on June 27, 2022, 09:39:45 AM
In my case, brain fog doesn't just happen as a result of the pois, but also if I go to sleep later than 11.00pm. Instead,if  I go to bed around 21-22 p.m the next day i am even fresh and with a very clear mind since the morning. As an example to show that mental fog also comes from other causes besides the pois
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on July 10, 2022, 02:09:36 AM
Yes, several guys seems to have improvement with andidepressant meds like ISRS (sertraline...).


1/ A chinese MD wrote a study and his conlusion was Poisers may have unbalance with opioid system.
2/ Long time ago a doctor said to me : Poisers are the extrem points of a gaussian curve.

These 2 points may explain what you said : "excitatory state (endorphins and other pleasure-related neurotransmitters) EXTREMELY amplified compared to the average "
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on July 10, 2022, 02:14:47 AM
I have the feeling Pois has something to do with serotonine.
But I can't understand if the level is too high or too low :)

Let's see what are the symptoms of MDMA ecxstasy drug :

grinding of the teeth
blurred vision
 rapid heartbeat
 memory problems
 difficulty sleeping
Loss of appetite
low mental abilities
reduce sex interest
muscle weakness...
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on August 06, 2022, 03:39:44 AM
Taurine seems more effective when taken some hours before orgasm.
Eating fish (as taurine source) might be more effective than taurine supplement.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on August 06, 2022, 09:49:45 PM

b_jim, i had a Taurine drink the other day and felt better.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on August 07, 2022, 01:18:20 PM
Taurine seems more effective when taken some hours before orgasm.
Eating fish (as taurine source) might be more effective than taurine supplement.

I like shellfish (clams, oysters, shrimp) and sushi/sashimi.

Are these examples taurine-rich? If they are, then I have a good excuse to tell my wife why I’m $pending so much $.

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on September 27, 2022, 10:39:38 AM
Yes, all seafood is rich in taurine. I usually eat them at end of the week. I think it works better than taking a supplement just before.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on June 08, 2023, 11:05:35 PM

…all seafood is rich in taurine. I usually eat them at end of the week. I think it works better than taking a supplement just before.


”Taurine: Natural anti-aging supplement may hold the key to a longer life”

b_jim, you’ve been discussing the use of Taurine for POIS for many, many years!!

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Warrior on December 15, 2023, 09:50:06 PM
My functional medicine specialist today recommended to do a gallbladder/bile experiment, to take 2-5g/d of taurine, along with fresh broccoli sprouts 2-5 Tblspns/d, Tru Fiber by Master Supplements, Dandelion leaf/root, and SAM-e 400mg x 2/d on the basis (if I'm correct from memory) that it may improve POIS by helping with the detox of fat-soluble toxins.

He also reiterated that taurine is very safe.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Quantum on December 15, 2023, 10:38:30 PM
My functional medicine specialist today recommended to do a gallbladder/bile experiment, to take 2-5g/d of taurine, along with fresh broccoli sprouts 2-5 Tblspns/d, Tru Fiber by Master Supplements, Dandelion leaf/root, and SAM-e 400mg x 2/d on the basis (if I'm correct from memory) that it may improve POIS by helping with the detox of fat-soluble toxins.

He also reiterated that taurine is very safe.
Hi Warrior.  It sure sounds like a liver detox program.   Back in 2017, I posted here about my liver detox program, and how it helped me lower my POIS symptoms. See the thread at https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2431.msg20521#msg20521

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Warrior on December 16, 2023, 10:19:37 PM
My functional medicine specialist today recommended to do a gallbladder/bile experiment, to take 2-5g/d of taurine, along with fresh broccoli sprouts 2-5 Tblspns/d, Tru Fiber by Master Supplements, Dandelion leaf/root, and SAM-e 400mg x 2/d on the basis (if I'm correct from memory) that it may improve POIS by helping with the detox of fat-soluble toxins.

He also reiterated that taurine is very safe.
Hi Warrior.  It sure sounds like a liver detox program.   Back in 2017, I posted here about my liver detox program, and how it helped me lower my POIS symptoms. See the thread at https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2431.msg20521#msg20521

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on December 28, 2023, 04:56:52 AM
Hi all, I hope you are fine and you got some positive evolutions.
I'm less present on the forum :/
Warrior I'm really happy to read your  experience with taurine.
The Question is : does taurine work with detox or metabolic pathway ?

I"m currently trying to prove my Pois is a metabolic problem and then trying to repair all the methylation way from sulfur to amino-acids like taurine.
Luckily I like onions, leeks and garlic :)

Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on March 04, 2024, 12:34:13 AM
Several months later I'm not conviced that sufur helps Pois.
But it seems vitamin C/ D /magnesium + taurine works better than taurine only.

Is it all about testosterone ?
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on March 16, 2024, 04:36:57 PM
Drop of nitric oxide (NO) ?
Taurine might boost NO level. Green tea polyphenol too (Epigallocatechin gallate).
White sugar seems to reduce level.
NO and premature ejaculation. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24118023/)
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on March 16, 2024, 07:37:21 PM

Drop of nitric oxide (NO) ?
Taurine might boost NO level. Green tea polyphenol too (Epigallocatechin gallate).
White sugar seems to reduce level.
NO and premature ejaculation. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24118023/)

b_jim, very interesting!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on March 26, 2024, 03:19:49 AM
I'm very optimistic about nitric oxid theory !
Everything that increase NO seems to decrease my Pois.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: demografx on March 26, 2024, 07:35:02 PM

I'm very optimistic about nitric oxid theory !
Everything that increase NO seems to decrease my Pois.

Excellent, b_jim!
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: Andre2505 on July 17, 2024, 11:08:02 AM
I throw it there.
I believe that at least in a part of sufferers the p.o.i.s is the consequent response to an excitatory state (endorphins and other pleasure-related neurotransmitters) EXTREMELY amplified compared to the average. I think of the mental fog and the overwhelming sensation of celestial bliss, my almost UNIQUE symptoms. Has anyone ever tried DEPRESSIVE agents as a cure? Greetings from Italy.
Maestro Stefano Petrini
Ciaoo anche io sono Italiano
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on July 30, 2024, 01:42:56 AM
I try to increase legumes consumption (lentils, chickpeas...) and decrease meat (too much iron)
This creates symptoms of depression in and out of Pois.
The weakness of legume is the lack of methionine/taurine.
Title: Re: The Taurine laboratory
Post by: b_jim on October 14, 2024, 02:21:20 AM
Cysteine dioxygenase is essential for mouse sperm osmoadaptation and male fertility


Sperm entering the epididymis are immotile and cannot respond to stimuli that will enable them to fertilize. The epididymis is a highly complex organ, with multiple histological zones and cell types that together change the composition and functional abilities of sperm through poorly understood mechanisms. Sperm take up taurine during epididymal transit, which may play antioxidant or osmoregulatory roles. Cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) is a critical enzyme for taurine synthesis. A previous study reported that male CDO?/? mice exhibit idiopathic infertility, prompting us to investigate the functions of CDO in male fertility. Immunoblotting and quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis of epididymal segments showed that androgen-dependent CDO expression was highest in the caput epididymidis. CDO?/? mouse sperm demonstrated a severe lack of in vitro fertilization ability. Acrosome exocytosis and tyrosine phosphorylation profiles in response to stimuli were normal, suggesting normal functioning of pathways associated with capacitation. CDO?/? sperm had a slight increase in head abnormalities. Taurine and hypotaurine concentrations in CDO?/? sperm decreased in the epididymal intraluminal fluid and sperm cytosol. We found no evidence of antioxidant protection against lipid peroxidation. However, CDO?/? sperm exhibited severe defects in volume regulation, swelling in response to the relatively hypo-osmotic conditions found in the female reproductive tract. Our findings suggest that epididymal CDO plays a key role in post-testicular sperm maturation, enabling sperm to osmoregulate as they transition from the male to the female reproductive tract, and provide new understanding of the compartmentalized functions of the epididymis.

- Lack of taurine is a factor of infertility
-  Cysteine dioxygenase is important for taurine synthesis.
- Taurine is "pumped", absorbed by sperm in the épithélium of the testicules.
- The lack of taurine/CDO causes abnormal spermatozoons morphology.