For me bromazepam after orgasm kills POIS, dont know the real mechanism for it. But i dont use it being afraid of getting addicted.
Hi Starsky,
Bromazepam, like all the other benzodiazepines, works mainly by enhancing the effect of GABA on the neurons of the brain. GABA is the calming neurotransmitter, so they are very effective against anxiety and the like.
I have tried lorazepam, another benzodiazepine, last year, taking it with some other natural products. It was effective against my POIS, for sure, as emotional symptoms are very present in my POIS type. But like you, I prefer not using it, because of its addictive potential, and also because one can develop a tolerance for benzo effect, meaning the effect will diminish over time and ask for a dosage increment. This last tolerance effect would be less present for me, as I would take it only before O, and I do not O every day. But the fuss of getting prescriptions, having to explain to a doctor why I take it, and so on, couple to the fact that I have found natural products doing the job, made me put lorazepam aside. I clearly prefer to handle my POIS with OTC and natural products ( a personal choice), even if that means, currently, taking 9 different products before O ( but I prepare my packs in advance in small bottles, so no trouble when I need to take my pre-pack without notice).
In my pack, I use NMDA receptors blockers, instead of GABA enhancer, like magnesium and L-theanine. But it sometime happens, like with taurine, that a substance has both properties ( gabaergic and NMDA blocker). The clear advantage of NMDA receptors blockers ia that they do not induce neither tolerance nor has a potential for addiction.
As a natural alternative to benzo, I use GABA supplement. In theory, it should not be effective, because it is not suppose to cross the blood brain barrier so oral supplementation should be ineffective. But in practice, it works for many people, and it works for me as well, and I do not have to take much for a calming effect (200 to 300 mg) . However, I have tried GABA after I came with the current, effective composition of my pre-pack for POIS, so it is not part of my pack - I use it on occasions if I feel too anxious, which is not very often now. But I can have similar effect than a benzo,if I need so, with a product that do not need a prescription.