Thanks, Demo !
So I will need a couple more days to a week for an honest review of this stuff.
I think you are an anxious guy. Me too. And then you are more sensible to placebo. You can take the 500mg all the day. They day you chose to ejaculate, maybe you can take the taurine just 1 hour before.
The risk of abusing of taurine is low.
500mg is the half of a can of energy drink. After 1 year of taurine (500mg a day) my blood test show a normal-low level 40ng/l [30-120]. 1 ejaculate is about 5-6 mg of taurine. Sometimes I speculate that I gradually depleted my taurine levels by ejaculation during my puberty (I ejaculated several times a week 1 year before my Pois come. And my symptoms came gradually.
It's possible that taurine supplementation take a little time to reload to normal level and then it decrease slowly when you stop to take it, explaining why my Pois symptoms seemed to come back after stopping taurine.
If you are skinny, maybe taurine will help you to gain weight (I have gain 5 kg in 1-2 years).
Taurine may improve fats absobtion by interresaction with the bile.
But the main activity
BTW how are your cognitive symptoms exactly when on taurine? Do you feel POIS still to the point where let's say even existing is stressful, or can you still manage to work and be in a general good mood?
You have to knwo my WORST pois symptom is the cognitive symptom. In the past, I described this symptom by this expression "I feel like sleeping. I feel like in a dream". Dopamine or acetylcholine depletion I think.
Does taurine imrpoved this symptom ? YES.
But to be honnest, this symptoml has been reduced since 2008 when I stopped sugar.
Look again my draw. I wrote + for sugar and - for taurine.
I think the inflammation cause the symtoms.
When I stopped sugar I reduced inflammation and then symptoms.
Orgasm-> inflammation => symptoms
DAY0 DAY 0-1 DAY 1-3
If you reduced inflammation, the symtoms of day 1 to 3 are reduced.
Some guys have improvements with anti-inflammatory or anti histamines.
I thin it may work like this.
If you are stressed and later a bit depressed (and I think maybe you are), I'm not sure taurine will help you. But if taurine help you, you stress/depression will go out.