Now have passed two weeks after finnishing the 10 days with Xifaxan (3 tablets/day). So how am I feeling? The antibitotic was hardly noticably. The only sign that I was on it was perhaps that the poop got more yellowish each and every day on the tablet, but I'm not even sure thats a side effect of the antibiotic since I use to get that symptom with POIS anyway. So I had 1 O and two "near-O-experience" after the 10 days and I must say I got away with those pretty well. However that might as well be the cause of a restraining period before the Xifaxan. I've gained 4 kg though, which might be a good turn, but was that all the christmas food or improved intestines?
Anyway, in all my joy I ate quite a lot of chocholate and coockies every day (which I should avoid accoring to the gastroendolog) and that brought me back to the gas, head ache and rosacea issues again. And that's where I am today. Less affected with POIS (perhaps 50% improvement). Have the bacteria recovered so fast after the Xifaxan and is the small intestine in the same bad shape as before? Then it was expensive 10 days ($190). I will see the doctor this week and discuss further actions.