Author Topic: a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China  (Read 24140 times)


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
My POIS began from 2020.6, it is a nightmare for me. I will update this post in a few days and will introduce the situation of all the men undergoing desenz in China to you (I WILL NOT TEACH YOU HOW TO DESENZ AND WILL NOT GIVE YOU ANY ADVICE CONCERNING DESENZ, YOU CAN CONTACT ME THROUGH SENDING ME A MESSAGE)
« Last Edit: January 24, 2022, 05:04:46 AM by Lihua »
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
    Before the appearance of POIS, I masturbated about every 3 days, sometimes every day, and would not feel uncomfortable. But in 2020.6, POIS appear, after masturbation, I could not sleep, dry eye, runny nose, extremely tired. So I began to abstain from sex, after 0.5  year, I can sleep, but still feeling tired. I have no symptoms after spermatorrhea.
    It will last 1.5 day. In 2021.8, I began my desenz, inject the diluted semen into my body with the inspection of my doctor. There are 5 men undergoing desenz now in China, one man's brainfog was relieved by 80%, I was relieved by 30% but I can not make sure that whether it is caused by desenz, considering POIS become slighter after abstinence(insomnia disappeared but I did not do anything), the other 3 men have not seen any good results.
    All of the men undergoing desenz complain slight POIS symptoms after injecting the diluted semen, this is why I believe it is caused by immune problems.
    In 2020.1, I started to use antibiotic to kill helicobacter pylori, in 2020.6, my POIS appeared, at the same time, in 2019, I drunk zero sugar coke(Aspartame) everyday, which is suspected to change the bacteria of intestine(In 2021.11, I realized it maybe not good for POIS so I stopped it from 2021.11), so my theory is: The treatment for Helicobacter pylori destroyed my intestinal bacteria, at the same time, pressure and aspartame(zero sugar coke) made it worse, them I am allergic with my semen. But before the test result of intestinal bacteria, it is just assumptiom.
    In 2022.2.6, I am modifing this answer. My SIBO test was positive and it is serious-----H2 is 10 times of the threshold(198 to 20), so my assumption is possible--------PPIs and antibiotics and pressure->intestinal flora imbalance->endocrine disorders (decreased or increased content of substances secreted or absorbed by the intestine, such as vitamins, minerals, hormones and dopamine)->Dysregulation of immune system->POIS. I'm regulating my stomach and will report the results.

    News in 2022.1.24, yesterday one POISer told me he stopped desenz because he did not benefit from desenz which has last 8 months, but I think he got CFS instead POIS, he complained irreparable fatigue and it become worse after ejaculation, but it did not become better after 28-day-abstinence.
I find my POIS last longer to 4.5 day after desenz from 1.5 day although it become slighter 30%, so today I decide to stop my desenz because I am afraid it will make it longer, but my doctor told me it is normal during desenz, in mature dust mite desensitization or pollen desensitization, it is common for patient that thier symtoms become longer.
    In the following one month, I am going to test intestinal bacteria and food allergy, after seeing so many posts in this forum. And I will show my results here.
      I asked 7 POISers in China, all of them told me they suffer from indigestion, it is amazing!
   2022.1.28, I went to hospital to test SIBO and it is positive, my doctor prescribed Bifidobacterium Lactobacillus triple viable tablets, a kind of probiotics and Trimebutine maleate dispersible tablets for me, and I will take medicine for fourteen days. After 14 days, I will do the SIBO test again. It is very peculiar that I neither diarrhea nor constipation(defecate twice a day), so even my doctor is very surprised with my positive result, and she said my result is very far from normal.

« Last Edit: February 06, 2022, 09:28:25 AM by Lihua »
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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Perhaps you could ask the doctor to write a small report about this and dump it in literature.


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Lihua, thank you for the report and welcome to the forum.


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My POIS began from 2021.8, it is a nightmare for me.
Hi Lihua, welcome, thanks for info.
What are you think waht is trigered in you to get pois?


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
My POIS began from 2021.8, it is a nightmare for me.
Hi Lihua, welcome, thanks for info.
What are you think waht is trigered in you to get pois?
At that time, I was preparing for my graduate admission, so I was full of pressure, I ejaculated almost every day, and drink a bottle of Zero sugar coke every day(Now I abstain aspartame completely), so I think maybe frequent masturbation or aspartame or pressure trigger my POIS

all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
Perhaps you could ask the doctor to write a small report about this and dump it in literature.
I will do it
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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Yeah, indigestion is a super issue for me. When I have low gas production I have low POIS. Last years I got POIS symptom only by eating things that produce gas (even witout O). Sugary fruits are the worst, specifically apples. However I'm not sure what came first, POIS or intestinal problems. Controlling the FODMAP:s seems to ease POIS. Maybe this is the route:

1. Stress + Orgasms => hormonal deficiency (cortisol thief etcetera) and inflammation.
2. Inflammation harms liver, pancreas and intestines which causes SIBO and candida overgrowth.
3. SIBO causes more nutritional deficiencies which aggravates the hormonal dificiency.
4. More POIS symptoms causes psycological/echonomical/relational stress.
5. Go back to point 1.

So when you manage to heal your gut and eat food that you tolerate, you start to absorb more fat soluble nutrients and your hormonal systems start to restore and you tolerate more stress and orgasms, to a certain point.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2022, 03:32:43 AM by BoneBroth »


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
Yeah, indigestion is a super issue for me. When I have low gas production I have low POIS. Last years I got POIS symptom only by eating things that produce gas (even witout O). Sugary fruits are the worst, specifically apples. However I'm not sure what came first, POIS or intestinal problems. Controlling the FODMAP:s seems to ease POIS. Maybe this is the route:

1. Stress + Orgasms => hormonal deficiency (cortisol thief etcetera) and inflammation.
2. Inflammation harms liver, pancreas and intestines which causes SIBO and candida overgrowth.
3. SIBO causes more nutritional deficiencies which aggravates the hormonal dificiency.
4. More POIS symptoms causes psycological/echonomical/relational stress.
5. Go back to point 1.

So when you manage to heal your gut and eat food that you tolerate, you start to absorb more fat soluble nutrients and your hormonal systems start to restore and you tolerate more stress and orgasms, to a certain point.
have you ever tested your intestinal bacteria or SIBO? Symptoms is not enough, just hundreds of dollars can diagnose these illness.

all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
My experiment:
1. Niacin 200-600mg before O, do not help, but one POISer in China benefit from it.
2. Ketotifen and Pemirolast potassium and loratadine, they are all mast cell stablizers. At first, it help 30%,but after two week, it did not help. One POISer said it was the same for him. But another POISer in China said loratadine can help him.
3.Fish oil, 2022.1.15-Now, 2022.1.19, I ejaculated, did not see any good result. Need to observe.   
4.Betahistine, a kind of H3 receptor antagonist, take one capsule a day for five consecutive days,did not help.
5. Raw garlic every day, do not help.
6.Votalin, take two capsule a day for 14 consecutive days,did not help, one POISer said it did not help him too.
7. gluten-free diet.2022.1.16, after 2 weeks of gluten free-diet, I ate a bowl of noodles made of wheatmeal for my lunch, and I found that I become sleepy in the afternoon, it seem that gluten will make me get into slight-POIS state, so I think gluten is harm for me and I will keep gluten free diet.
8. 2022.1.28, I went to hospital to test SIBO and it is positive, my doctor prescribed Bifidobacterium Lactobacillus triple viable tablets, a kind of probiotics and Trimebutine maleate dispersible tablets for me, and I will take medicine for fourteen days. After 14 days, I will do the SIBO test again. It is very peculiar that I neither diarrhea nor constipation(defecate twice a day), so even my doctor is very surprised with my positive result, and she said my result is very far from normal.
9. 2022.1.29, I decide to eat low FODMAP diet.
10. From 2022.2.5, I decide to intake vitamin D 1000IU everyday because I found I have abnormal white skin(even whiter than Caucasian as an Asian), maybe it shows that I am lack of sunshine.
11. In 2022.2.6, I bought Relora@Now and Fenugreek@GNC, I will take them at the same time and report the result.
12. Ingesting calcium gluconate for two months ,0.5g-2.0g everyday, sometimes makes me diarrhea, did not help.
13. In 2022.2.10, I do the SIBO test again, it is positive but not so serious (In the first test, the peak of hydrogen is 198ppM and methane is 14 ppM, this time they are 27 ppM and 13 ppM respectively), so my doctor prescribe Bifidobacterium lactis triple live tablets and Compound Lactobacillus acidophilus tablets for me for the next 30 days. He also suggests me that if it does not help me, I can do the Fecal transplant but I have not so much time now so I refuse to do it. I also ask me doctor why he does not prescribe antibiotic for me, he says antibiotic may result in secondary infections so he just prescribe probiotics. It is a pity that I did not test my free T and vitamin in my blood today because I saw the wrong doctor, I will see one of the best gonadal endocrine team tomorrow and then test vitamin etc.

13. From 2022.2.12, I will eat nutrients as follow: 5000IU vitamin D@doctor's best everyday. One capsule B50@Now every two days.Two capsule Fenugreek@GNC everyday. Fish oil, Zinc gluconate 70mg(that is Zinc 10mg) everyday. In 2022.2.11, my doctor test a lot of thing within my blood but the results wasn't released yet. I will post them as soon as possible.

My test:
1.Brain MRI---normal.
2.Cervical vascular Doppler ultrasound---normal. hormone->FSH LH E2 P T PRL before and after O----normal (But I did not test my free T, I will test it in some days).
4.SIBO (first time)----positive, H2 198, CH4 14.
5.SIBO (second time)----positive, H2 27, CH4 13.

6.Color Doppler ultrasound of testis, epididymis and spermatic vein---normal.
7.Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate  394.60ug/dl----normal.
8.17? -OHP--0.58ng/ml---normal.
9.Sex hormone binding protein---23.44nmol/L---normal.
10.Vitamin B12---540pg/ml---normal.
11.25-hydroxy vitamin D----14ng/ml, far lower than normal(above 30ng/ml).
11.Free triiodothyronine---5.84pmol/L---normal.
12.Free thyroxine----19.27pmol/L----normal.
16.potassium---4.08mmol/L---normal.   sodium---140.2mmol/L---normal.   chlorine----98.9mmol/L---normal.   calcium----2.500mmol/L---normal.
17.Chest CT---normal.
18.Pituitary MRI plain scan (3.0T)---normal.
20.AMH----22.27ng/ml, Slightly higher than normal range(2.04-19.22),but my doctor said it is not serious, so she refused to prescribe any medicine for it.(But I think maybe POIS is caused by it, anyway, I will try vitamin D and other thing first, because supplementing sex hormones are dangerous). And my doctor said my sex hormones are in the critical value of the normal range, so I guess maybe this is why I have POIS, a kind of sub-health illness.
21.Alanine aminotransferase and Aspartate aminotransferase,122U/L and 75U/L respectively, Close to twice the normal value. My doctor prescribe Polyene Phosphatidylcholine Capsules for me. Recently I am trying Fenugreek@GNC(But I have no ejaculation), this shows that maybe it is Fenugreek harms my liver, so I decide to stop taking Fenugreek, and just take vitamin D@Now, vitamin B-50@Now, Zinc gluconate made in China, fish oil made in China, vitamin K2@doctor's best, calcium and magnesium capsule@Now. What's more, the other two Chinese POISer test his liver every year and it is normal, different with me, so I think maybe it is not the cause of POIS

« Last Edit: February 19, 2022, 09:40:21 AM by Lihua »
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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Yes, I have made a SIBO lactulase breath test and it came out positive on methane. Its in the test result section on However its not exactly rocket science to identify SIBO if you have the classic symptoms: bad smelling gas, bloating, bad stools, constipation/diarrhea, headache, skin issues etcetera. But for treatment it could be good to know what kind of bacteria you have: hydrogen or methane producing. But I also made an advanced bacteria DNA test (much more expensive) which I also put in the test section. Based on the latter test, I'm on a SIBO-protocol now. By the way, raw squeezed garlic seems to be working for me. You have to wait 10 minutes after you squeeze the garlic so the allicin can be formed. I take 2 cloves in a glass of milk, 2-4 times a day. if you orgasm you have to take it before and after in a time span of maybe 30 minutes.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2022, 05:14:39 AM by BoneBroth »


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
Yes, I have made a SIBO lactulase breath test and it came out positive on methane. Its in the test result section on However its not exactly rocket science to identify SIBO if you have the classic symptoms: bas smelling gas, bloating, bad stools, constipation/diarrhea, headache, skin issues etcetera.
do you begin to treat it? do the cure of SIBO help your POIS?
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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Se above, I added some text. Actually this january has been quite good. 3 O. I couldn't have even one O per month before. It has much to do with the bloating and gas. When I dont have bloating/gas, the POIS is much less severe. I take a lot of supplements for the SIBO (and candida) since december. I'm not sure if THAT is helping or if its just stop eating apples/bananes or that I've been freed from mother-in-law for a longer period... Perhaps its just the liver detox tincture thats doing the most result, or the enzymes or the garlic. I dont know! But something that I do now IS really working, I'm gaining weight, and its very linked to the gas/bloating.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2022, 05:50:03 AM by BoneBroth »


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
Se above, I added some text. Actually this january has been quite good. 3 O. I couldn't have even one O per month before. It has much to do with the bloating and gas. When I dont have bloating/gas, the POIS is much less severe. I take a lot of supplements for the SIBO protocol since december. I'm not sure if THAT is helping or if its just stop eating apples/bananes etcetera. Perhaps its just the liver detox tincture thats doing the most result, or the enzymes or the garlic. I dont know! But something that I do now IS really working and its very linked to the gas/bloating.
you handled the SIBO just with diet tyerapy? Did not doctor prescribe any medicine to cure SIBO for you?
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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Yes I found a very good gastroendolog doctor. He prescribed SIBO-antibiotic Rifaximin for 10 days this christmas and later Creone (for the pancreas). The Rifaximin didnt help much for the bloating but I cheeted and eate a lot of chocolate right after so I suspect that made the bacteria come back again. The Creone together with my other enzymes might do some change. A CT scan showed issues with my pancreas. But stop eating apples/bananas did so much for the bloating together with adjusting the composition of my morning-porridge (from oats to millet). Apples is FODMAP. Read up on FODMAP:s. I'm not at all cured from POIS. Yesterday I had O and had a horrible night, hot flashed and nightmares and high pulse and now I have head ache again, but consider its the 3:rd time this month and I can do some work and even write this here, I must admit that I have become much better and its still the first month on the SIBO protocol.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2022, 05:32:39 AM by BoneBroth »


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
Yes I found a very good gastroendolog doctor. He prescribed SIBO-antibiotic Rifaximin for 10 days this christmas and later Creone (for the pancreas). The Rifaximin didnt help much for the bloating but I cheeted and eate a lot of chocolate right after so I suspect that made the bacteria come back again. The Creone together with my other enzymes might do some change. A CT scan showed issues with my pancreas. But stop eating apples/bananas did so much for the bloating together with adjusting the composition of my morning-porridge (from oats to millet). Apples is FODMAP. Read up on FODMAP:s. I'm not at all cured from POIS. Yesterday I had O and had a horrible night, hot flashed and nightmares and high pulse and now I have head ache again, but consider its the 3:rd time this month and I can do some work and even write this here, I must admit that I have become much better and its still the first month on the SIBO protocol.
did you tell your doctor that Rifaximin did not help you? Did he give you some other advice? your SIBO is not cured so I think it is not strange that POIS is still with you.
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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I think we are done with the Rifaximin now (it costed me $184 for 10 days). 70% gets better according to studies, I didnt. His advice is to continuing testing to exclude other possible causes. I have beed scheduled for a gastroscopy and ultrasound of the liver. He wanted to test the pancreas too, but unfortunatly the health care was not offer such a test. We will continue the diagostic one step at a time. I'm happy for this, but I think my other measures is doing the most improvement, together with my SIBO-therapist.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2022, 05:38:40 AM by BoneBroth »


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
I think we are done with the Rifaximin now (it costed me $184 for 10 days). 70% gets better according to studies, I didnt. His advice is to continuing testing to exclude other possible causes. I have beed scheduled for a gastroscopy and ultrasound of the liver. He wanted to test the pancreas too, but unfortunatly the health care was not offer such a test. We will continue the diagostic one step at a time. I'm happy for this, but I think my other measures is doing the most improvement, together with my SIBO-therapist.
well, Rifaximin is not expensive in China, maybe you could buy some produced in China. I am going to do these test and ask doctors to cure it.
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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My advice is: See a gastroendrologist, not a general practitioner.


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
My advice is: See a gastroendrologist, not a general practitioner.
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.