Author Topic: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread  (Read 273647 times)


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #600 on: December 18, 2020, 08:03:54 PM »
"Berg, who ran Hemex Labs, believed an infection was triggering - or had triggered - antibodies, which ultimately produced the thickened or sticky blood which was clogging up the small capillaries in the body."

Mine is thick too, when ever I make a blood test it's always extremely black, thick and hard to draw.

Click on quote title for thread.

"If you suffer from migraines and cold hands, he suggested that you may have APS. If you have APS, it’s likely you have another autoimmune disease as well."
« Last Edit: December 18, 2020, 08:06:00 PM by Muon »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #601 on: December 19, 2020, 09:29:36 AM »
  I feel the phospholipid layer in our cells  may be compromised, which limits energy production in the cells and inter cellular interactions. This may also be affecting neurological communications.


POIS and CFS sudden  simultaneous onset since 1993.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #602 on: December 19, 2020, 09:52:09 AM »
Trying pure encapsulations alpha-GPC  an advanced delivery form for phosphatidylcholine to increase acethylcholine.   It is a big help in 3 non POIS days so far.  I am in my fourth day. And day 1 after O.

I also take immunocal which is a very special whey protein which affects neurotransmitters and a powerful antioxidant. I is also a powerful lactic acid scavenger.  It  gives me lots of energy.  Can get that at  about $80 for 30 packs (a month supply for me)

My mind is so much clearer and anxiety is almost gone with the combo.  Immunocal alone helps (taken it since 2000), but the mental clarity and peace comes from the phosphatidylcholine. Immunocal tends to increase inflammation some...

Today is day one after O.   Much, much better.  The social anxiety, concentration, inability to deal with stressful situations is almost gone!   I need to take about 3 pills a day spaced out  to keep levels up throughout the day. Still tired some, but so much better.  The feeling that the brain is on fire (I believe due to inflammation) is mostly gone.    I feel so much better and I am very optimistic about our future.  I feel the phospholipid layer in our cells  may be compromised, which limits energy production in the cells and inter cellular interactions. This may also be affecting neurological communications.

I believe that as I continue to use it everyday my body will slowly recover completely in time.  The alpha-GPC has made a phenomenal difference in just 4 days.  I buy it from   

It is pricy, but sign up a "health practitioner" and they give a 50% discount if you sign up as such.  So it is about $20 bucks for 60 caps.
You might want to save money that way too.  Heck I practiced on my self for 23 years!  LOL

I will also try phosphatidylserine which also increases acethylcholine and see what happens.


POIS and CFS sudden simultaneous onset since 1993.

Dr. J. A. Goldstein already spoke about POIS-like symptoms in CFS/Fibro patients during the 90's. He considered most of these (IBS included) as neural network disorders, as in, body/brain miscommunication. He treated his patients with the aim to kick the brain back to where it belongs. He used hormonal therapies as well (even when hormonal levels were normal) to target the CNS. A medical doctor treating POIS (or CFS/fibro) patients should take a serious look at his work. Send me a personal message when you are interested in his book.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2020, 10:16:58 AM by Muon »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #603 on: January 14, 2021, 02:39:54 PM »
I dug through the old findings and found that I was diagnosed with:

Initial despodilosis of marginal bulge, flattened lordosis of cervical spine.
This was when I was 27.
It usually occurs in older people.
In people prone to arthritis.

My CFS does not contribute to the spine.

Cervical spine instability as a cause of your digestive disorders

It means that edge points can also damage
press on the nerves, and thereby damage the vagal nerves and other nerves.
This would mean that this could be one of the causes with the gut.

Pinched nerves can release calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP).


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #604 on: January 14, 2021, 02:47:51 PM »
Some people posted their genetic profile for methylation and detox according to 23andme and Genetic Genie. Here is mine.

Your SOD2 is homozygous like mine is, your VDR Taq is homozygous - the same as me and everyone else in this forum who have posted results


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #605 on: January 14, 2021, 02:51:16 PM »
Some people posted their genetic profile for methylation and detox according to 23andme and Genetic Genie. Here is mine.

Your SOD2 is homozygous like mine is, your VDR Taq is homozygous - the same as me and everyone else in this forum who have posted results

+1. Someone should create a new thread and filter out the genetic results. Compile them please. Who is willing to make such thread?


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #606 on: January 14, 2021, 03:39:57 PM »
Your SOD2 is homozygous like mine is, your VDR Taq is homozygous - the same as me and everyone else in this forum who have posted results

Not here sorry, it's green. (the SOD2)
That might not matter for general or just chance nuances.

VDR taq I have indeed.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #607 on: January 14, 2021, 04:46:58 PM »
Yes, I'll try to do this - but not today. Yet, all this is very incomplete and I guess that we (on the forum) can't really interpret all this data.

Ok, prospero offered to make such thread. Just take your time. You can add stuff bit by bit slowly. Make sure to reserve some extra comments in case of expansion (there is a limit on the amount of characters per post).


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #608 on: January 14, 2021, 04:51:10 PM »
Your SOD2 is homozygous like mine is, your VDR Taq is homozygous - the same as me and everyone else in this forum who have posted results

Not here sorry, it's green. (the SOD2)
That might not matter for general or just chance nuances.

VDR taq I have indeed.

Yes I know, I said only me and Prospero had red SOD2 and then the rest of us all had VDR taq red, maybe it wasn't clear.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #609 on: January 14, 2021, 06:34:00 PM »
From what I'm reading, it seems that VDR taq AA is quite common. Genetic Genie says that it's often either VDR taq or VDR bsm which is homozygous : "VDR Tak and VDR Bsm are usually inverse from eachother. So if there is a (+/+) VDR Tak, there would be a (-/-) VDR Bsm. However, this is not always the case."
See also :, they say A is the most common allele and rather a good thing.

Fortuitously, I just saw something which may interest Muon : "These leprosy data suggest that one of the genetic factors influencing this Th1-Th2 shift in humans may be VDR genotype, with tt homozygotes tending to produce a TH1-type immune response and TT homozygotes producing a Th2-type response.
However I can't understand the papers which use TT/tt in place of AA/GG for VDR taq (most of the papers), so I don't know which is which.

As for my results, I'm more interested by the COMT mutations. What I'm reading on rs4680 AA is spot on and relates to dopamine / norepinephrine levels, vulnerability to dependence, etc.
Nanna1 said VDR taq mutation could also impact COMT, when discussing about endorphins.

It's a pity my 23andme data isn't complete on methylation, it looks like I have many mutations.

Also, about SOD2 A16V mutation :
« Last Edit: January 14, 2021, 07:11:48 PM by Prospero »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #610 on: January 14, 2021, 07:17:02 PM »
I wouldn't bother trying to find an explanation and go least for now. Priority is to collect, filter and summarize data in a separate thread about genetic results. People can draw conclusions from that. I would first think about how you would set up such thread regarding format if I were you. Btw I have no knowledge about genetics, I'm a complete n00b regarding that subject. It's all hocus pocus to me. You guys probably know more about it than I do.

Edit: I see plenty of papers mentioning links between Th1 and VDR. I will look at it later. There is actually a theory out there that says you should avoid vit D to fix autoimmune disease and that the body downregulates vitamin D to restore Th1 response. I posted about that somewhere can't recall the name. It's probably in the vit D thread.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2021, 07:27:36 PM by Muon »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #611 on: January 14, 2021, 07:27:44 PM »
Yes, it's not that easy given the format of the results (screenshots). I guess that the only solution is to have first a kind of table synthesizing the anomalies and their frequency, then the screenshots of the results, person by person, which will take some space.

Edit @Muon : ok, I'll do that.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2021, 07:37:24 PM by Prospero »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #612 on: January 14, 2021, 07:31:17 PM »
You can just give a hyperlink to the post itself for reference, no need to double post screenshots. Perhaps other members can chime in how to set it up and give suggestions.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #613 on: January 15, 2021, 06:45:01 AM »
Yes, it's not that easy given the format of the results (screenshots). I guess that the only solution is to have first a kind of table synthesizing the anomalies and their frequency, then the screenshots of the results, person by person, which will take some space. Watch the second half of this video Prospero they speak about things you can do to manage homozygous COMT, things like deep breathing are helpful for your variant, avoid phenols in foods and cleaning products and avoid caffeine.

I have homozygous MAO-A which means my neurotransmitters stick around for too long, also probably a problem in my POIS


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #614 on: January 16, 2021, 12:37:13 AM »
Mast Cells Promote Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Phenotypes and Microvesicular Steatosis in Mice Fed Western Diet

Post-orgasmic illness syndrome: a case report
"* These elevations are due to fatty liver with no viral cause (as determined by PCR & liver ultra-sonography)."


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #615 on: January 21, 2021, 06:53:11 PM »

Now, I was cheeky enough to tick for two extra markers that wasn't on the lab order from the beginning: cortisol and P-Bilirubin and what do you know, the bilirubin is at the lowest normal and the cortisol is pretty hight too. The doctor just payed attention to the slightly elevated P-PSA and said I could go see an urologist if I wanted but it was not hight enought to worry about. I don't have any idea about any relation between elevated PSA and POIS (does anyone here?),

Do you happen to take colostrum by any chance? I watched a youtube video before that said it can rise PSA levels dramatically, it put me off using it as I am at risk of prostate cancer.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #616 on: January 22, 2021, 06:52:12 AM »
No colostrum now, I took it 2-3 years ago.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #617 on: January 29, 2021, 01:29:13 PM »
Hi guys, little feedback, i did biopsy of sample from stomach week a go when i did gastroscopy where they found gerd, duodentitis, erosive gastritis which is manifested by bleeding. Today came results from biopsy.

"Two pieces of gastric antrum mucosa were received. The integumentary epithelium is neat, the fovea converge towards one end (erosion) and the glands are of adequate thickness. In the lamina propria above the glands are scarce lymphocyte infiltrates and slightly smaller foci of bleeding. H.pylori is negative. DG. GASTRITIS CHRONICA EROSIVA"

So,..  my whole body is inflamed due to open wounds in stomach due to lack of gastric mucosa, my body is constantly fighting bacteria, pathogens and undigested food due to open wounds. Consuming cold cuts,  bacon, diary, vinegar are making my POIS symptoms stronger and intolerable. Probably my body is telling me that way that i must avoid that kind of foods if i want to heal stomach. (Hollywood movie script).  That's why i have psoriasis and POIS after sex/fapping.

I did a week of antacid and symptoms came back a little, little bit of POIS feelings/symptoms as before betain pills so that is proof that i had low stomach acid before. Why in the hell i am feeling great because of betain pills, but lowering stomach acid with antacid is making feel like shit. So i will stop with antacid pills.

Is it possible that the body wants to cure gastritis by lowering stomach acid and then i got chain of problems, POIS, undigested food goes to duodendum and making inflammation there (duodentitis). Could it be that syllimarin and artichoke making some protective film arround stomach so that's why i feel great after consuming that. Already stopped with betain pills because now i'm scared that i could make things worse. Gonna stick with strict diet, fasting and syllimarin and artichokes. 

Still not doing rounds of chelating from mercury. I stopped at round 27 where i did not see major improvements. I strongly recommend gastroscopy/endoscopy because it could take years after chelating and even then you could not feel better while problems could be in your stomach/gut. I did make 27 weeks of chelating, that is almost 7 months of chelating where i did not feel better. Will report soon. All the best.

Mast cells look like ordinary lymphocytes if you do not apply special staining. I would do another biopsy and apply staining for:
CD117 and in addition to that: CD2 and CD25 to look for CD117/CD2 and CD117/CD25 Co-expression.


IFN-gamma and IL-8 can be tested. At least one chemokine could be elevated, since there are infiltrates present. Chemokines attract cells. IL-8 does have such function and it's a mast cell attractor. Igy could have a similar serum profile as that of mine. Mast cells can release chemokines which attract other cells. I suspect the infiltrates are TH1 cells or MCs. CRH makes psoriasis worse.

Some cytokines will be released upon injury. IL-1beta is one of those. Betaine could work in other ways like suppressing activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome:
Betaine Inhibits Interleukin-1beta Production and Release: Potential Mechanisms

Look at paper for more potential mechanisms of betaine.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2021, 05:18:40 PM by Muon »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #618 on: February 04, 2021, 04:47:31 PM »
Hi guys, little feedback, i did biopsy of sample from stomach week a go when i did gastroscopy where they found gerd, duodentitis, erosive gastritis which is manifested by bleeding. Today came results from biopsy.

"Two pieces of gastric antrum mucosa were received. The integumentary epithelium is neat, the fovea converge towards one end (erosion) and the glands are of adequate thickness. In the lamina propria above the glands are scarce lymphocyte infiltrates and slightly smaller foci of bleeding. H.pylori is negative. DG. GASTRITIS CHRONICA EROSIVA"

Dr. Afrin from 'Never bet against occam':

"Fairly early in these first seven years of learning about MCAS, I lost count of the number of patients I diagnosed with the disease in whom I had asked the pathologist to re-visit old biopsies with a new eye toward the possibility of mast cell disease, and voila, it turned out the disease had been sitting in the pathology warehouse for years just waiting to be discovered.

It's not that pathologists don't know how to evaluate biopsies for mast cell disease. Rather, this part of the problem in diagnosing MCAS is two-fold.

First, when "routine" stains are applied to tissue sections, mast cells rarely look like physicians are taught they look like. Instead, just as the disease itself is so chameleon-like at a clinical level, the cells themselves are chameleons, easily masquerading as lymphocytes, plasma cells, histiocytes, macrophages, or spindle cells.

Second, doctors have been taught for a century that mast cell disease is rare, so why on earth would a pathologist ever suspect that some of the lymphocytes, plasma cells, histiocytes, macrophages, and spindle cells he's seeing under the microscope might actually be mast cells?

No, the pathologist needs to be given a reason to do the special staining required to reveal the mast cells for what they are - and the only person who's going to give him that reason is the clinician who's obtaining the biopsy in the first place. But given that that clinician, too, was taught (and, as far as he knows, has experienced) that mast cell disease is rare and is just that one disease, mastocytosis, that shows up with flushing and anaphylaxis, why would he ever suspect mast cell disease and ask the pathologist to look for it?
« Last Edit: February 04, 2021, 04:54:31 PM by Muon »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #619 on: February 11, 2021, 06:47:08 AM »
I got a 50 page SNP report with over 1500 SNPs attached bellow if anyone wanted to look, I paid 30 dollars from MTHFR support. Theres a sea of red with MAO-A genes which might be bad.

From the heartfixer website, unfortunately the one gene he is unsure about is MAO A:  Monoamine Oxidase A
"Monoamine Oxidase A breaks down serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is generated from the dietary amino acid tryptophan, in a BH4 requiring reaction.  Many anti-depressant drugs, including the SSRIs (Serotonin Selective Reuptake Inhibitors) work by blocking the breakdown of serotonin.  Defects in serotonin metabolism have been associated with mood and neurological disorders.  How best to address the MAO A R297R abnormality is not clear to me.  As serotonin metabolism is adversely affected, individuals with the R297R defect should avoid large doses of high tryptophan foods (see appendix).  High doses of St. John’s Wort, often taken to address depression, could lead to mood swings as serotonin levels fluctuate.  Dr. Yasko recommends frequent dosing in small amounts of St. John’s Wort, 5HTP (a tryptophan metabolite), and the Mood S RNA formula if serotonin support is needed.  If serotonin production is impaired on the basis of BH4 deficiency secondary to a Methyl Cycle abnormality, as the abnormality itself is addressed, BH4 levels should stabilize, hopefully normalizing serotonin production."

Foods High In Serotonin (or Amino Acid Precursor Tryptophan)
Turkey, Chicken, Chicken Liver, Tofu
 Almonds, Peanuts, Soy Nuts
Milk, Yoghurt, Cottage cheese
 Spirulina (seaweed), Brewer’s yeast Watermelon Seeds 

I'll avoid these foods then as much as possible, yoghurt, spirulina give me really bad brain fog reactions pupils overly dilated, chicken I don't feel great waking in the morning after eating. Milk I haven't had for over a year. Almonds aren't that bad for me.

I thought the reaction to yoghurt was histamine related but it seems not.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2021, 08:49:12 AM by Iwillbeatthis »