I got a 50 page SNP report with over 1500 SNPs attached bellow if anyone wanted to look, I paid 30 dollars from MTHFR support. Theres a sea of red with MAO-A genes which might be bad.
From the heartfixer website, unfortunately the one gene he is unsure about is MAO A: Monoamine Oxidase A
"Monoamine Oxidase A breaks down serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is generated from the dietary amino acid tryptophan, in a BH4 requiring reaction. Many anti-depressant drugs, including the SSRIs (Serotonin Selective Reuptake Inhibitors) work by blocking the breakdown of serotonin. Defects in serotonin metabolism have been associated with mood and neurological disorders. How best to address the MAO A R297R abnormality is not clear to me. As serotonin metabolism is adversely affected, individuals with the R297R defect should avoid large doses of high tryptophan foods (see appendix). High doses of St. John’s Wort, often taken to address depression, could lead to mood swings as serotonin levels fluctuate. Dr. Yasko recommends frequent dosing in small amounts of St. John’s Wort, 5HTP (a tryptophan metabolite), and the Mood S RNA formula if serotonin support is needed. If serotonin production is impaired on the basis of BH4 deficiency secondary to a Methyl Cycle abnormality, as the abnormality itself is addressed, BH4 levels should stabilize, hopefully normalizing serotonin production."
Foods High In Serotonin (or Amino Acid Precursor Tryptophan)
Turkey, Chicken, Chicken Liver, Tofu
Almonds, Peanuts, Soy Nuts
Milk, Yoghurt, Cottage cheese
Spirulina (seaweed), Brewer’s yeast Watermelon Seeds
I'll avoid these foods then as much as possible, yoghurt, spirulina give me really bad brain fog reactions pupils overly dilated, chicken I don't feel great waking in the morning after eating. Milk I haven't had for over a year. Almonds aren't that bad for me.
I thought the reaction to yoghurt was histamine related but it seems not.