Author Topic: Muon's Case  (Read 181546 times)


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #140 on: March 17, 2021, 03:03:11 PM »
Food curve:

Could you explain this graph?
Does this mean dopeamine stays elevated DURING the process of maturbation..
Or even AFTER?

I second this question, also a source would be helpful.  My first thought was, ?Wow, that is one hell of a porn session?   ;D


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #141 on: March 17, 2021, 03:03:41 PM »
Could you explain this graph?
Does this mean dopeamine stays elevated DURING the process of maturbation..Or even AFTER?

I stole the picture from nanna's thread. The 1 hour peak regarding food caught my eye.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2021, 03:24:30 PM by Muon »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #142 on: March 20, 2021, 08:28:57 AM »
Abruptly waking up at night due to a bowel movement. Food traveling through gut could be felt. Accompanied by activity at an area close to or at the brainstem. Feeling hot. Irregular respiratory rate. Impaired blood circulation body/brain. Sections of limbs getting tense.
Probably POTS, drawing blood towards intestines from somewhere else like brain/limbs. Happens often at other body parts, waterbed effect.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #143 on: March 21, 2021, 07:25:17 AM »
I suspect that POIS triggers hypovolemia. Could be a central mechanism:


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #144 on: March 22, 2021, 07:18:57 AM »
5+ weeks on 4x200mg/day Cromolyn. It started to calm down my gut after 2 weeks, less triggery, better shaped stool (not sure it's worth $100/month). I feel that my lower back is damaged from all the inflammation + poor blood flow over the years. POIS symptoms attenuated somewhat but this was already trending before I started cromolyn, changes happened in the brain at age 35 (frequent fluctuations). Orgasm is different in the brain now, before that it seemed that some change in the brain during orgasm gets out of bound and your brain gets submerged in something (chemicals hanging around?) while now it returns faster and closer to "baseline" while it doesn't affect the remainder of the brain that much. Libido is different at this point in time, lower. Perhaps symptoms will get worse again when libido rises. Basically some hybrid form of worst case POIS and POIS free state below:

Strange I had an orgasm with almost zero POIS symptoms. A small area close to the center of the brain stabilized within a few minutes (rough estimate, could be a bit longer) after orgasm. I thought there was no problem in that area at that specific moment until the quick transition to a more 'normal' like state happened, the 'normal' state feels less active, much calmer. My libido also made a big change during the last 1.5 months from high to low and POIS symptoms have slightly improved, probably due to prolonged cold weather conditions.

Edit: forgot to mention that my body as a whole was relaxed, other symptoms were barely present and it was past midnight.

My take after observing dynamics over the years:
Upon orgasm something gets amplified and/or doesn't get back to baseline in time. Similar behaviour for arousal, it peaks at the centre of my head, thereafter the arousal flare affects other parts of the brain--> impression that chemicals keeps hanging around in brain ('submerged'/'engulfed') after arousal flare. (Does orgasm affect microglia or blood flow in rest of brain?)

Anyway I'm stuck with low grade lingering inflammation troughout the body out of POIS. Starting to add 3x2 capsules/day of Neuroprotek to cromolyn (allergoval) as of this day.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 07:29:38 AM by Muon »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #145 on: March 22, 2021, 04:58:51 PM »
I can already feel the effects of Neuroprotek within ~15 min, it acts on my brain, adressing brain fog. Perhaps I should build it up first instead of starting with 3x2. Hmmm when it comes down to mast cells it shouldn't work that fast from what I've been reading, it probably does something else.

I was able to get luteolin in the product Neuroprotek. I have tried this supplement and am experiencing significant improvement, enough to believe there is serious weight to this theory.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #146 on: March 22, 2021, 05:08:54 PM »
Just wanted to ask did you have any issues tolerating the cromolyn as I see a lot of MCAS patients having to start on tiny doses with some being unable to tolerate it completely.

Also was wondering how much has it helped your brainfog?

I went to a specialist allergy dermatology clinic which deals with mast cell issues in January, unfortunately I was unlucky and got the worst reviewed  doctor possible at the clinic by MCAS patients, who seemed completely crazy/mentally handicapped and she also didn't believe MCAS was a real thing. She also was only interested in the dermatological symptoms and I warned my GP about this when he referred me.

Anyway long story short even though the doc wasn't good somehow I managed to get a prescription for Cromolyn so she was helpful in that regard. Prof T said I had heat induced urticaria from showers on my face when I showed him pics. But I asked him before if I should take the cromolyn and he said no because my symptoms aren't primarily allergic.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #147 on: March 22, 2021, 05:21:09 PM »
I can already feel the effects of Neuroprotek within ~15 min, it acts on my brain, adressing brain fog. Perhaps I should build it up first instead of starting with 3x2. Hmmm when it comes down to mast cells it shouldn't work that fast from what I've been reading, it probably does something else.

I also felt cystoprotek, brain gain work immediately but in the long term they both made me worse. Flavonoids inhibit mao-b and mao-a enzymes which is bad for me with my mutations, really annoying.... I could also be reacting to the olive oil extract as extra virgin olive oil makes me feel really bad because of the phenols I think.

Also maybe you could try taking them sublingually as I felt them work way stronger that way.

Prof T said I should try pure lut small doses but I'm kinda annoyed I wasted money on brain gain and cysto recently, I'm unsure if pure lut would be different or not.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #148 on: March 22, 2021, 05:30:01 PM »
0 side effects from cromolyn. It mainly affects my gut, it attenuates IBS-like symptoms but not completely. It doesn't seem to do anything else. I find it too pricey at what it does though, not impressed, maybe I need to take it a little longer.

With regards to neuroprotek, too soon to tell, but the changes are a bit too fast in my opinion (chucked away 2x2 capsules and will call it a day for now). Luteolin is the least phenolic compound of the flavonoids. It's almost bedtime for me over here and I'm alert as hell, cognitive speaking.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #149 on: March 22, 2021, 05:41:09 PM »
0 side effects from cromolyn. It mainly affects my gut, it attenuates IBS-like symptoms but not completely. It doesn't seem to do anything else. I find it too pricey at what it does though, not impressed, maybe I need to take it a little longer.

With regards to neuroprotek, too soon to tell, but the changes are a bit too fast in my opinion (chucked away 2x2 capsules and will call it a day for now). Luteolin is the least phenolic compound of the flavonoids. It's almost bedtime for me over here and I'm alert as hell, cognitive speaking.

Ok thanks, I wonder if the cromolyn would fix my bladder pain/IC as this seems like the epicenter of my POIS reaction. Also I was wondering does cromolyn cure mast cell issues after a while or is something you need to take forever?

Thats good to know about the Luteolin phenol amounts so I'll probably get some. Hope the neuroprotek stays working for you.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #150 on: April 02, 2021, 01:34:19 PM »
The POIS and stress are acting more aggressive at the middle of my head. Frequency of memory loss increased. Think I've taken too much stress last year especially when engaging with this forum, it already didn't feel right a while back. I hope i don't develop vascular dementia like my grandma. That area can feel better when moving around a bit, I think it's blood flow/pressure related.

Just went to my GP today for my upper leg weakness (mostly from upper leg muscles that are in contact with a saddle when you sit on one) which seem to stem from my lower back. Still can't do the dishes in standing position for the last two years now. Standing still for a few minutes is exhausting which leads to stress which leads to other things. Asked him if it could be a pinched nerve (asked him a year ago but didn't get a scan). He said that it doesn't behave like a pinched nerve and also doesn't behave like a herniated disk. If I bent forward i get relief as well, Spinal stenosis? 'Nope', he said.

Coordination is fine but he told me that the tension of the muscles in the lower back wasn't right.
Moving around from standing position alleviates weakness. He measured my blood pressure, which, he told me, was low (I was in POIS mode as well). The center of my head at that moment didn't feel right and had a hard time constructing sentences and talking. He thinks the peristaltic pump of blood vessels isn't working properly.

Warm weather should alleviate these symptoms he said. I told him that it worsens the muscle tone of back + groin, and upper leg weakness even more. Also a drip of precum activates something in the urinary tract and spreads out to surrounding tissue of the groin area and the lower back muscles which all can tighten up like crazy as a result. Stress, certain exercises and pressure from gravity are other triggers.

I could try medication to stimulate the blood flow but discussed that I should go ahead with the Neuroprotek first. If that is working there is a chance it could get covered by insurance. I asked him to measure blood pressure in my ankle as well but he forgot to do it. I would not be surprised when there is a difference in BP between ankle and upper arm.

I have a hard time to explain these symptoms while sitting in the doc's office and he doesn't have much time. I have to think and speak fast which seem to worsen that middle part of the head. Speech and thinking process slows down even further. I began doing an exercise program around last februari. Stopped the program after two weeks. These delayed exercise symptoms slowly accumulated over time as the program continued, recognised it and quit early.

Taking 2x1 capsules of Neuroprotek for over a week now. Bumping the dose up later next week. Food intolerance overal is a bit less today...weird, maybe it's a fluke. I'm not sure why I'm typing all of this.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #151 on: April 12, 2021, 09:15:21 AM »
Taking Neuroprotek 2x1 capsules since ~march 22=~3 weeks
Started to notice some difference somewhere between 1.5-2 weeks. Environmental Temperature also dropped towards freezing point, not sure if that is responsible for slight improvements:

Need less sleep
More muscle stamina
Increased appetite
Stomach doesn't draw blood from other parts of body when digesting food
Better digestion
Less pressure in lower back
Didn't have any episodes of anxiety
Diaphragma is slightly easier to move during breathing
Increased resistance to stress
Less frequent reactions to food
I get the impression that it does something to my vascular system, can't express in words what.

I have put my mother on Neuroprotek. 2x1 capsules. She noticed a difference from 1 capsule after 20 min of ingestion unlike me (i don't feel anything from 1 capsule):

It attenuates fluctuating (nerve) pain throughout her body.
Normally she is full after (or during or even before) a meal but now can have appetite after finishing a meal.
Contact reactions from a specific food that hurts her tongue diminished.
Having moments where the body counters a state of being cold.
More stamina (household)   

Urinary tract exposure to precum hammers my vascular system, systemically. I measured my blood pressure with an air cuff in upper arm. Painfull experience when I put pressure on the artery. I clearly felt friction of the blood pulses. At one point there was one pulse of blood that didn't move well, like it was bigger than the previous ones and it induced a flare of pain at the middle point of my left bicep. There is a hard and painful bump at that spot now. Still got painfull arteries in both biceps. The friction of blood flow is normally present in other parts of the body like legs plus vasospams, it keeps going on all day long for years now and spatially fluctuates. Slighty pressuring main arteries always affected my blood flow disproportionally in my opinion. Blood pressure left arm was 96/61, upper pressure right arm 100. Pressure in left ankle was around 113/72 while upper pressure right ankle 118 on top of my head.

Had some kind of vascular-related event: Went outside (Drop in T was ~20 degrees celsius). Vascular system felt already damaged from precum exposure days before. If you imagine the main peripheral arteries being chopped up in segments, then these segments where all spasming autonomous, at least, that's how it felt. My heart rate was unregular at that attack and it affected breathing rythm. It stabilized within a few mins.

Other stuff: Sometimes feel my HR in middle of brain, belly or lower back. Middle of my brain didn't feel good before starting neuroprotek and was trending into something worse (something going on with an artery in brain?). I think there may be some arteries that are bulging and/or regional vasomotor function is dysfunctional (due to inflammation?). The groin "injury" I have since my teenage years is probably blood flow/arterial related.     

Took a tablet of vit C and it induced bleeding and pain on my tongue upon contact.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 09:19:27 AM by Muon »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #152 on: April 12, 2021, 09:40:13 AM »
Some POISes report symptoms of low levels of vasopressin (made in the hypothalamus) and aldosterone (made in the kidneys). Those substances regulate blood pressure. Low levels would probably cause vasodilution, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, blood pooling etcetera. This might be a sign of compromised kidneys and Hypothalamus (but all organs are compromised on POIS-inflammation). Low blood pressure is really affecting your health. 96/61 is very low! My blood pressure is normally at 110/70 but on pois it can be 100/60. Low blood pressure causes cold fingers, headache, gut/intestinal problems, POTS, dizziness, fainting etcetera. Your organs simply get deficient of fresh blood, with oxygen and nutrition (thats why Wim Hof breathing worsk for some). Thats what my chinese doctor has told me over five years. He also sais that frequent ejaculation might cause this over time. Its 3 000 years old knowledge. And also, "if you do one thing wrong when you have symptoms (eating bad, ejaculations, bad sleep etcetera) you have to do 10 things right to compensate". Thats the bad news. The good news is that within chineese medicine this health condition is considered possible to improve and my "prescription" has been, not acupuncture, but chinese kidney chicken soup:

3 liter water
1 teaspoon salt
10 jujube berries
30 goji berries
10 longan fruits
1 whole chicken or 1 kilo lamb with bone
1 clove garlic
15 black pepper seeds
5 cm fresh hammered ginger
5 walnuts (only cushed fresh works)

Simmer for 2-4 hours and drink/eat every other day.

A short juice version to strengthen the kidneys:
20 goji berrries
10 jujube berries
5 walnuts

Simmer for 1 hour and drink a cup every day
« Last Edit: April 13, 2021, 08:00:43 AM by BoneBroth »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #153 on: April 12, 2021, 10:06:15 AM »
Some POISes report low and extreme low levels of vasopressin (made in the hypothalamus) and Aldosterone (made in the kidneys). Those substances regulate blood pressure.

No lab in the neighbourhood that offer tests for these hormones and doctors nowadays are more like financial managers than doctors. Nothing is being monitored over the last few years regarding health. I suspect that the low blood pressure affects my liver, my guess is hypoperfusion of the liver. Regarding orgasm, sometimes I get the impression that something is depleted in the middle of my head after O.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #154 on: April 12, 2021, 11:38:30 AM »
I ingested my own semen. All of it. Nothing happened.

Edit: Had gut/belly pain later on that same day (ingested at mid-day) and flatulence but that could have been due to food as well.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2021, 06:06:39 AM by Muon »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #155 on: April 12, 2021, 01:50:49 PM »
We should have a thread with a list of good labs that tests the hormones we use to talk about here. Maybe there are already?
Have you tryed bioresonance Muon?

Here you can do dr Hertoghes selftest for aldosterone deficiency:
I get a score of about 16.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 03:03:42 PM by BoneBroth »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #156 on: April 12, 2021, 08:24:34 PM »

Here you can do dr Hertoghes selftest for aldosterone deficiency:

My endo says one adrenal gland is producing way too much aldosterone. She prescribed something similar to (but not the same as) spironalactone.

If I were younger, doc would recommend surgery to remove adrenal gland.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 10:45:10 PM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #157 on: April 12, 2021, 11:43:29 PM »
Very happy to know that Neuroprotek is giving you and your mother good relief.   Other natural  mast cell stabilisers  I believe may provide you more relief.  Try them one at a time and if they work you can easily control most of the pois symptoms.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #158 on: April 13, 2021, 05:39:27 AM »
Some POISes report low and extreme low levels of vasopressin (made in the hypothalamus)

Where did you read this?