All values within normal ranges, but in the lower end for the white blood cells. Slightly elevated cortisol as on the previous three tests.
2021-10-15 (Blood test)P--Cortiol 12:30 pm:
246 nmol/L (06-10 am: 133-537, 16-20 pm: 68-327)
P-LDL-cholesterol NY: 3.0 mmol/L (1.4-4.7)
P-Thyrotropin(TSH) NY: 1.2 mIE/L (0.40-3.7)
P-T4, free NY: 16 pmol/L (12-23)
P--ALAT: 0.33 ?kat/L (0.15-1.1)
P--ASAT: 0.29 ?kat/L (0.25-0.75)
P--ALP: 0.78 ?kat/L (0.70-1.9)
P--GT: 0.27 ?kat/L (0.20-1.9)
P--Cholesterol: 4.6 mmol/L (3.3-6.9)
P-HDL-cholesterol NY: 1.8 mmol/L (0.80-2.1)
P-Bilirubin NY: 10 ?mol/L (5-25)
P-T3, free NY: 4.4 pmol/L (3.5-6.5)
B--Hemoglobin (Hb): 156 g/L (134-170)
3.9 x10^9/L (3.5-8.8 )
B--Neutrofile granulocytes:
1.9 x10^9/L (1.7-8.0 )
B--Eosinofile granulocytes: 0.1 x10^9/L (<0.7)
B--Basofile granulocytes: <0.1 x10^9/L (<0.3)
1.5 x10^9/L (1.1-4.8 )
B--Monocytees: 0.4 x10^9/L (<1.1)
2021-09-13 (Blood test)F-Calprotectin <25 mg/kg (<50)
B-SR (not Westergren) <3 mm (<15)
P--Homocysteine 7 ?mol/L (<15)
P--CRP <0.60 mg/L (<3.0)
Will complete with an advanced poop-analyse in just any weak now! That will be an early christmas present, guys and gals!