For the people who do not want to read that articles heres the summary list of what to take to increase dopamine levels:
Tyrosine-------> L-dopa:
1. 500-1500 mg of tyrosine supplements per day
2. Iron
3. Magnesium
4. Zinc
5. Vitamin C
L-dopa--------> dopamine
1. Activated B6( Either taked already activated b-complex from NOW foods, or take a good quality normal B-complex and zinc, because zinc is needed to activated B-6)
2. Avoid high levels of tryptophan(obviously tryptophan is necessary for serotonin, so its a key amino acid, but too much of it blocks dopamine production)
To make it really simple, if you're taking the now b complex, it has all the b's including active b6 (p5p), iron and vitamin c. I find another 500mg of vit c helps.
But it's really curious how much the ginkgo helps. As my pois has moved from being problematic to effectively small blips I've noticed that my circulation appears to be improving. Some varicose veins are reduced and my hands are warmer in the morning. The gotu kola may be useful in this respect also. I noticed that it was in another supplement that someone reported success with. There's a high dose b + ginkgo + brahmi supplement made by a company called swisse.
I think the researchers who found that rat's sexual stamina was increased by ginkgo were on to something. Based on their analysis of rat hormone and neurotransmitter levels, they suggested that the reason was that the dopamine spike and reduction following an O and the release of prolactin was modified by ginkgo. The minimum dose they showed significant efficacy was 50mg/kg.
So to calculate this into human terms, for me it would be
Kurtosis Equivalent Dose

: ~90kg * 50mg * (Rat Km = 6) / (Human Km = 36) = 750mg. These body surface area calculations are just rules of thumb.
I don't plan on taking this much but if I look at my consumption in or around an O, I'm taking 480 over 2 days which appears to give significant release. Not so I want to have lots of O's, but so that I can still think and learn effectively right after an O. After the O days, I go back to 120mg.
I might stop all this for a few days and then try St John's Wort. I'm interested to see whether it works for me and what the differences are between that and my current ginkgo treatment. Curiosity & cats etc.
From reading some papers SJW may block norepinephrine synthesis from dopamine. So I'll take some tyrosine rich protein and see whether I feel calmer and what effect an O has.
Trouble is, I feel pretty calm right now