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Completely cured of POIS for 2 years
« on: April 16, 2024, 01:11:11 PM »
Guys I don't have POIS anymore for the last 2 years and I don't have to take anything to before ejaculation to prevent POIS. I used to have pretty bad POIS for 7 years which was severe brain fog, bad speech issues, very bad autistic symptoms, hypothyroid state and I had dysautonomia too and got the same symptoms from showers and exercise. You have POIS because you are very toxic in heavy metals, pathogens and as a result you have a impaired metabolism and immune system. I will do another post on how I became cured but it was through focusing on getting rid of these toxicities which was a long process.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2024, 01:14:42 PM by Iwillbeatthis »


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Re: Completely cured of POIS for 2 years
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2024, 05:47:13 PM »
I had a fracture in my shoulder at the time, so I had to put a titanum plate inside my arm. Could this cause heavy-duty toxication?


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Re: Completely cured of POIS for 2 years
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2024, 03:52:11 AM »
You have POIS because you are very toxic in heavy metals, pathogens and as a result you have a impaired metabolism and immune system.
Please give more detail....
« Last Edit: April 17, 2024, 04:12:15 AM by Warrior »
Nothing I say is medical advice. Always do your own research. Follow anything I say at your own discretion.
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Re: Completely cured of POIS for 2 years
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2024, 03:37:56 AM »
You have POIS because you are very toxic in heavy metals, pathogens and as a result you have a impaired metabolism and immune system.
Please give more detail....

exactly, please


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Re: Completely cured of POIS for 2 years
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2024, 04:46:24 AM »
All explaned here:

Read, learn how to detox and chelate safely, then try.

Learn what happens when havy metals and toxins end up in the brain,
learn what is redistribution, what is binders.
Learn how to chelate safely if still you hawe amalgams in mouth...
Learn how to detox chelate if yours health condition is not well state.Learn whats naturall chelators and binders are and what are pharma binders are.
For exemple one "simple safe" protocol will be:Nac, taurine, vit C, selenium, vit E...
« Last Edit: April 18, 2024, 04:49:38 AM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: Completely cured of POIS for 2 years
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2024, 07:30:22 PM »
All explaned here:

Read, learn how to detox and chelate safely, then try.

Learn what happens when havy metals and toxins end up in the brain,
learn what is redistribution, what is binders.
Learn how to chelate safely if still you hawe amalgams in mouth...
Learn how to detox chelate if yours health condition is not well state.Learn whats naturall chelators and binders are and what are pharma binders are.
For exemple one "simple safe" protocol will be:Nac, taurine, vit C, selenium, vit E...

I actually ordered a provoked heavy metals urine test kit. But still need to get chelating agent to do it. I don't believe heavy metals are a root cause for POIS but they certainly could be a contributing factor. We'd be silly not to test for heavy metals.

Here's an excellent comprehensive guide on heavy metals / testing for heavy metals & chelating safely. I've been listening to for over 8 years.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2024, 07:32:53 PM by Warrior »
Nothing I say is medical advice. Always do your own research. Follow anything I say at your own discretion.
My POIS Protocol | My YouTube Channel


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Re: Completely cured of POIS for 2 years
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2024, 04:41:48 PM »
I dont know how acurate thouse tests will be, be careful with strong
chelating agents, those proces can damage you permanetntly.
Unfortunatly, havy metals eg mercury couse permanent damge to
NS and other systems in the body, only the lucky ones recover after

To mesure this for pois on moleculary, neuroimune level, it would be necesary several milions of dolars study for test this, even then im not sure.

Do havy metals are the root couse? I do not know, but i know
after resarching that this is the clossest theory by symptoms who
match with pois ones.
From brain inflamation of glial cells, damage brain blod barrier,
 immunesupression or immunestimulation, autoimune reactions eg
hypersensitivity, disrupting of regular signaling pathways on molecular
an cellular level...

Are we genetic predispose to this, probbly, are we dammaged from something else, for exemple some of us from  accutane and then damaged detox pethways?
Maybe super Al will answer this one day...

The fact is, that we hawe sewerall poisers reported
a big improvments, or cures after sucessfull chelating
from havy metals.
Its seems that this theory is ignored.

« Last Edit: April 19, 2024, 05:22:36 PM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: Completely cured of POIS for 2 years
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2024, 04:43:21 PM »
All explaned here:

Read, learn how to detox and chelate safely, then try.

Learn what happens when havy metals and toxins end up in the brain,
learn what is redistribution, what is binders.
Learn how to chelate safely if still you hawe amalgams in mouth...
Learn how to detox chelate if yours health condition is not well state.Learn whats naturall chelators and binders are and what are pharma binders are.
For exemple one "simple safe" protocol will be:Nac, taurine, vit C, selenium, vit E...

Nah you won't fix POIS or chelate metals properly with these


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Re: Completely cured of POIS for 2 years
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2024, 05:17:37 PM »
This is one of the simple naturall protocol, long term "no damage".
There are a lot of protocols out there, from strong pharma
chelatorts to endy cutler protocols etc etc... we write alredy
about this in root couse tread.

Iwillbeatthis, take yours time and write what you
did to get rid of pois, thank you.


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Re: Completely cured of POIS for 2 years
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2024, 09:58:34 AM »
So in 2021 I was having bad pain on my right side which I thought was my kidney at the time but whenever I ate things like steak I would get pain on this side. It was never my kidney it was my liver, bile ducts and gallbladder struggling.

I had been dealing with a stomach ulcer on and off for 6 months, one day at start of 2022 it flared up again quite badly, I also caught covid or something quite badly from my brother (he had a bad chest infection), after about a week I recovered from this virus or whatever it was, but one day I was eating a burger and suddenly I get a sharp pain in my upper right quadrant, I then proceeded to have the fastest heart rate I've ever felt in my life, chest pain, chills, losing consciousness, breathlessness it felt like a heart attack and I felt my life flash before my eyes. Anyway my brother called the ambulance really worried, but I had a grounding mat at home I somehow managed to connect myself to and this seemed to recover me some how and I didn't feel like was dying anymore. The ambulance people still came and I could barely speak to them I was in so much shock. I found this study afterwards Conclusions: Grounding increases the surface charge on RBCs and thereby reduces blood viscosity and clumping. Grounding appears to be one of the simplest and yet most profound interventions for helping reduce cardiovascular risk and cardiovascular events.,cardiovascular%20risk%20and%20cardiovascular%20events.

I go to the hospital and get discharged,  but when I get back homeI take one bite of food and I suddenly get a similar feeling like I was about to die again, severe wave like contraction pain in abdomen like it was about to rupture, super fast heart rate and just felt really bad. And never once with my 7-8 years of health issues did it ever feel life threatening until this time. So all I could do was lay flat on my back deep breathing praying I would survive. But for 3 days I couldn't eat any food without these life threatening symptoms occurring and I could barely walk around the house without feeling really bad. So I wondered if my stomach ulcer was bleeding or had my stomach ruptured. After 3 days I managed to get Pepcid (famotidine) from my GP and I could finally eat without it feeling life threatening. I had to slowly build up the foods I could eat otherwise I would get set back to square one so started with rice and eggs, but when i tried something like chicken or tortilla chips I would get set back to where it felt life threatening again. My blood pressure was also going from super high to super low during this time. The best the GP could do was refer me to a gastroenterologist  in 3 months time and A&E were useless in providing any investigation (with scans/colonoscopy etc) even though I had blood in my stool and coughing up blood at times. So I had to take matters into my own hands as the situation seemed very dangerous, I heard bpc157 had caused rapid healing of ulcers for people so i ordered some and it was helpful for making the cardiovascular symptoms went away with it but I still wasn't healed. Then I tried this grass fed yogurt and it seemed to heal my gut and everything like crazy and finally felt like I was at a point where I would be able to eat and get on with life normally again. Then one day I had a digestive enzyme supplement with my food and suddenly my gallbladder just gave up on me and from that point on I would very clearly have gallbladder pain and spasms when I tried to eat fatty food or eggs. So it was clear to me the whole health crisis happened because of my gallbladder going wrong but it took a while for it to finally give up and stop working properly.

Anyway from this point on I was constantly have gallbladder attacks, I could barely eat any foods anymore, I was having fever like symptoms but no temperature, had the chills, very low and high blood pressure, pale stools. So I had some form of cholestasis. I did some blood tests and it showed I was hypothyroid very low T3, ultrasound showed a gallstone I had had doubled in size fro 0.5cm to 1cm in 6 months. So I did everything I could to try and heal my gallbladder TUDCA, bean protocol, stone breaking supplements but I wasn't actually healing anything and still in a lot of pain. Then someone told me they healed their gallbladder with Dr Wilsons diet, so I tried that but my own version of it which was lots of pressure cooked carrots, butternut squash, celery, with animal protein and a bit of nut butter and no sulfur veg because I couldn't tolerate sulfur at the time. I felt amazing on the diet and my autistic symptoms and vitality was a lot better etc (I think I did still have POIS at this time I remember) but I was turning orange from this diet and had severe blood sugar issues, if I tried to eat fruit or fruit juice or any sugar I would have severe blood sugar symptoms such as bad neuropathy, numb tongue, feeling like I would pass out if I walked down street, my gallbladder issues were still present and didn't feel healed. I was eating 8-10 carrots a day, 1/2-1 whole butternut squash so I was way overdosing on provitamin A (beta carotene). One day I took TUDCA and nattokinase with my high beta carotene meal and my stomach was very inflamed and I felt very fragile and ill again. This was about 30 days after I had been doing the diet. After this happened the skin on roof of my mouth peel off whenever I tried to eat carrots, pancreas pain, itchy skin and liver pain. I then found out about Vitamin A toxicity and Dr Garret Smith's and Grant Genereuxs work about Vitamin A toxicity being the root cause autoimmune disease and cholestasis, diabetes etc and my symptoms all made sense.

So I followed their advice and went very low Vit A and I felt awful (much worse than before I started low Vit A), had bad headaches, neuropathy all over body, rashes, extreme anxiety, all my autistic symptoms came flooding back, numb genitals. And when I tried to go back to eating carrots I also felt bad and had liver pain itchy skin etc. So I was trapped on this new diet where I felt worse. I was eating this organic sourdough bread which I now think had glyphosate but when I cut it out a lot of the severe symptoms went away. Anyway on this low Vit A I could now eat sugar again without the terrible blood sugar symptoms, my bowels were much more regular as it was fixing my bile and cholestasis (Vit A toxicity in liver impairs bile and causes a subclinical cholestasis), my skin colour was returning to normal. My POIS completely went on low Vit A diet I had 0 POIS anymore and 0 POIS since then. This Dr Garret smith guy also thinks that ejaculation causes a toxic bile dump and this is why people don't feel great after ejaculation and that makes sense to me

If you are regularly eating a lot of carrots, butternut squash, liver, dairy, cod liver oil, fish oil or have taken accutane in the past I would definitely check out this Vitamin A toxicity stuff. If your stools aren't dark brown and are more light coloured eg : tan then it means you have some form of subclinical cholestasis + your bile isn't working properly so again I would check out the low Vit A detox.

If you have SIBO then you have bile issues, the second bile is flowing strongly in the right direction there is no SIBO, bile is our own natural and strongest antimicrobial. A lot of people take stuff to get rid of their SIBO like antimicrobials but it usually comes back, why? Because they never fixed the root cause of the issue which is poor bile production/flow.
 - Check Toxic bile theory and Vitamin A toxicity in these two videos - Grant Genereux's books about Vitamin A toxicity being the root cause of autoimmune diseases, a lot of people have healed their autoimmune and health issues going on a low Vit A diet - Fat soluble Vitamins shut down your toxic bile production (this can make you feel better in the short term but cause major issues in the long run) Low Vit D levels in blood usually is a sign of Vitamin A toxicity in the liver people who on low Vit A diet raise their Vit D levels without having to take Vit D supplements.  Vit A and Vit D are antagonistic to each other - Professor Anthony Mawson thinks Covid causes liver damage and this triggers the "retinoid cascade" in the liver that causes liver damage and cholestasis which leads to leakage of toxic retinoid compounds into the blood (retinoic acid and retinyl esters) that are responsible for tissue and organ damage in people who get covid. I believe this might be what happened to me as I took astanxthain (very high in cartoenoids/provitamin A) 3 days before this heart attack event happened.

Basically when you go very low Vit A your liver starts dumping all kinds of toxins it was previously holding onto and your bile flow normalises, when before your toxic bile would be leaking out of your liver into your blood and causing symptoms.

The basics of Vit A detox are going pretty low Vit A in diet, having a soluble fiber source (can be beans, oats) to bind to the toxic bile and get it out of the body as your bile flow and cholestasis slowly fixes itself (you can also use pectasol or charcoal as bile binders), copper antagnoists zinc, molybednum, selenium to bind to copper coming out of liver, make sure you're getting sufficient potassium, magnesium so your detox enzymes are running correctly, lactoferrin to heal damaged epithelial cells and bile ducts. Flush Niacin is also used as NAD is needed to run the ALDH and ADH enzymes needed to detox Vitamin A (zinc, magnesium and molybdenum are also needed for these enzymes).

I didn't just do low Vit A I also did daily coffee enemas for 6 months as my gallbladder was really bad and these made a huge difference for eliminating toxic bile from my bile ducts and liver. I would say the daily coffee enemas is what really fixed my issues as they really clean out the liver of toxicity. I also used pectasol and glycine before the enemas and these made me dump burning yellow bile from the liver (I guess was heavy metals or Vitamin A I'm not sure) and mega igg 2000 was also helpful in the enemas for repairing the gut.

Make sure you get enough potassium I ate pressure cooked low Vit A veg so white parsnips, cauliflower all organic.

Do not eat a high PUFA diet when you have POIS, PUFA inhibits the thyroid and causes hypoxia (low oxygen availability  to cells).


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« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2024, 01:42:47 PM »
Hi guys, I m struggling with wet dreams like 4 times a week, I?m really tired of them. I am in my first month of no fap hard mode and I promise I will never masturbate again but please, I need to stop wet dreams as soon as possible. Can you help me guys?


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Re: Completely cured of POIS for 2 years
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2024, 08:12:53 AM »
Iwilbeat.. no you cant chelate havy metals like this, half life o mercury
in brain is about 20 years.
So, yes you "opened yours stucked detox pathways, liver, galblader
wich is crucial for organism to function properly.

Yours story is wery intresting and alsou a lot unconnected,
ewen you dont remeber when you get rid of yours pois in thouse period
of time, then vitamine A, yes accutane can damaged you badly,
but average dose of vitamine naturall A is harmless, toxicity from
vit A is other story.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2024, 08:16:16 AM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: Completely cured of POIS for 2 years
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2024, 11:08:30 AM »
Hi Iwillbeatthis!

First of all I am glad that you are doing well and especially for the fact that you have finally managed to beat this! I hope it will remain so in the future and you can live a happy POIS-free life! I was also wondering about your experience and partly this incited me to do some further research on the possible involvement of retinoic acid.
Considering this I have to wonder if a retinoic acid overload, then a retinoic acid deprivation had somehow reset a previously abnormal pattern recognition mechanism as a possible solution for your case. Do you recall any indications that your exPOIS may have developed due to a past viral infection?
The cause is probably the senescence of sexual organs and resultant inducible SASP, which also acts as a kind of non-diabetic metabolic syndrome.


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Re: Completely cured of POIS for 2 years
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2024, 11:51:17 AM »
I almost can’t believe I am reading this! And thank you so much for writing!
I was now entering the forum gain because i finally noticed a correlation between my low back pin (on the right side) and nocturnal emissions.
-Whenever i have this acute low back pain, i get a wet dream/emission.
I have been trying to figure out which organ is hurting, and i think you figured it out, i understand it’s the gall bladder. And this bile liquid sensitivity you talk about makes a lot of sense—which gets further triggered with ejaculation.
Also, i have B12 deficiency despite that I am a meat eater, but now your vitamin A theory could explain why.

Sometimes i manage many months of no sexual thoughts and less wet dreams, but when i meet a girl and ejaculate a few rimes, it starts a horrible cycle of pois and constant wet dreams. Maybe it is bcs of this bile liquid.
Also, I usually notice POIS symptoms increase after eating, specially at breakfast. And this probably proves the bile theory further. Although I don’t fully understand how it works.

I wanted to ask you:
1) Did your hypothyroidism also disappear? I also got hypothyroidism and it is usually present when i have pois symptoms and the bile toxicity.
2)The exact method you used to detox from vitamin a is still not fully clear to me, specially the details about how to make these coffee enemas, etc. would you be able to write in a separate post the “exact” “method” in detail, so that i can try to replicate it, please?
Also, including these side effects where your symptoms got triggered again at the start of the low vit A diet. And also including timelines,e.g how long the symptoms got triggered again,etc.
3) I’ve now looked into SIBO, and i might actually have this condition. I was really curious about your explanation, but i could not fully understand it. Specially this part “ the second bile is flowing strongly in the right direction there is no SIBO,” could you rephrase it?
4)After recovery, are you still on a low vit A diet?

All what you’ve written MAKES SO MUCH SENSE, thank you! You know how tiring and painful these symptoms are. I can’t wait to apply your method.

Again, thank you so much for your efforts. I really look forward ro your reply.

« Last Edit: July 15, 2024, 01:42:55 AM by marrtintintin »
Thank you community! I am no longer alone, with “unreal” symptoms.
I have hypothyroidism & constipation (toilet every 3 days or more). Worst constipations = more pois, & lots of mucus in the stools, or just mucus coming out.
Solutions: testing Urine therapy by John W. armstrong & @Iwillbeatthis


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Re: Completely cured of POIS for 2 years
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2024, 10:38:55 PM »
some poiser have low or high testosterone -> testicular glands
(and some with low testosterone seems to have  some results  reducing POIS symtoms with testosterone replacement therapy.)

some poiser have low or high cortisol -> adrenal glands (this is my case)

some poiser have low or high t3 / t4 -> thyroid glands ( Iwillbeatthis's and marrtintintin's case)
Iwillbeatthis seems to have some result  reducing POIS symtoms treating  thyroid

but what do all these glands have in common ?
answer : hypothalamus/pituary

hypothalamus gives orders to other glands with -> acth, tsh, gh, etc ...
then the differents glands produce testosterone, thyroid hormones, cortisol, etc ...

so all those hormonal problems (that seem common to a lot of poiser and maybe the origin of POIS) could come from a specific gland but maybe our gland is ok and the problem could come from the hypothalamus on a higher level or maybe both.
thats why sometimes treat the gland gives some result reducing POIS symptoms but not always 100%

there could be many reason why our glands or hypothalamus would be defective but the main reason would be chronic/traumatic stress (a lot of poiser seems sensitiv to stress) or intoxication that tires or disrupts the glands.

but before focus on why we need to know which.

so for any new poiser my suggestion would be to do a blood test to check all this hormones before and after an orgasm to identify which hormones/ glands seems to be defective.
blood test : acth, tsh, gh, somatomedins, prl, fsh, lh, msh, oxytocin, adh, epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, corticosterone, t3, t4, inhibin, testosterone,

note that as i tried to explain in my case (
there could be many reasons why some of us could still have normal level for a hormone.
that's why doing a blood test after an orgasm even if it would be such a pain could be really helpfull to see clearer.
since an orgasm seems to break everything, a blood test after orgasm could  reveal more thing.

« Last Edit: September 25, 2024, 08:41:34 PM by largooo »


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Re: Completely cured of POIS for 2 years
« Reply #15 on: July 15, 2024, 10:49:01 PM »
double post


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Thank you community! I am no longer alone, with “unreal” symptoms.
I have hypothyroidism & constipation (toilet every 3 days or more). Worst constipations = more pois, & lots of mucus in the stools, or just mucus coming out.
Solutions: testing Urine therapy by John W. armstrong & @Iwillbeatthis


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Re: Completely cured of POIS for 2 years
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2024, 01:24:36 AM »
Do you think this Ox (animal) bile supplement could help?!

Be careful
Ox Bile 500 mg from Nutricology gave me GI distress. Had some kind of pulsating cramps at the height of the stomach for at least 30 min. The dose is probably too high for me or I just cannot tolerate the stuff. I have only used it once.

I was not aware of this:
Activation of mast cells by bile acids:


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Re: Completely cured of POIS for 2 years
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2024, 03:15:14 AM »
Thanks Muon!
Thank you community! I am no longer alone, with “unreal” symptoms.
I have hypothyroidism & constipation (toilet every 3 days or more). Worst constipations = more pois, & lots of mucus in the stools, or just mucus coming out.
Solutions: testing Urine therapy by John W. armstrong & @Iwillbeatthis


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Re: Completely cured of POIS for 2 years
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2024, 04:15:05 PM »
I almost can’t believe I am reading this! And thank you so much for writing!
I was now entering the forum gain because i finally noticed a correlation between my low back pin (on the right side) and nocturnal emissions.
-Whenever i have this acute low back pain, i get a wet dream/emission.
I have been trying to figure out which organ is hurting, and i think you figured it out, i understand it’s the gall bladder. And this bile liquid sensitivity you talk about makes a lot of sense—which gets further triggered with ejaculation.
Also, i have B12 deficiency despite that I am a meat eater, but now your vitamin A theory could explain why.

Sometimes i manage many months of no sexual thoughts and less wet dreams, but when i meet a girl and ejaculate a few rimes, it starts a horrible cycle of pois and constant wet dreams. Maybe it is bcs of this bile liquid.
Also, I usually notice POIS symptoms increase after eating, specially at breakfast. And this probably proves the bile theory further. Although I don’t fully understand how it works.

I wanted to ask you:
1) Did your hypothyroidism also disappear? I also got hypothyroidism and it is usually present when i have pois symptoms and the bile toxicity.
2)The exact method you used to detox from vitamin a is still not fully clear to me, specially the details about how to make these coffee enemas, etc. would you be able to write in a separate post the “exact” “method” in detail, so that i can try to replicate it, please?
Also, including these side effects where your symptoms got triggered again at the start of the low vit A diet. And also including timelines,e.g how long the symptoms got triggered again,etc.
3) I’ve now looked into SIBO, and i might actually have this condition. I was really curious about your explanation, but i could not fully understand it. Specially this part “ the second bile is flowing strongly in the right direction there is no SIBO,” could you rephrase it?
4)After recovery, are you still on a low vit A diet?

All what you’ve written MAKES SO MUCH SENSE, thank you! You know how tiring and painful these symptoms are. I can’t wait to apply your method.

Again, thank you so much for your efforts. I really look forward ro your reply.

Hi I replied to you dm the other week but it doesn't show on my sent messages so I guess it never sent?

1- Yeah I don't have hypothyroidsm now, back when I had POIS my health was really bad, I was pale and anemic and very toxic in metals and hypothyroid (but I didn't even know this at the time),the%20liver%20and%20other%20tissues.  "The most common feature of the euthyroid sick syndrome is a decrease in serum triiodothyronine (T3) levels due to reduced conversion of thyroxine (T4) to T3 in the liver and other tissues."

2. Coffee enemas - buy an enema kit (get a stainless steel bucket one they are better and easier to clean), use 750-1000ml of water (use either distilled water or bottled spring water - I use volvic brand) use 3 tablespoons of coffee  boil for 5 mins then simmer for 15 mins, I would start with 1 tablespoon of coffee tbh and see how you tolerate it first and then move up to 2 and 3, when coffee is warm enough to put your finger in then you can use it, lie on your right side with legs held in towards your belly, use some coconut or olive oil to lube the enema attachment before you insert it, retain the enema inside of you for 12-15 mins if you are struggling to hold it in then you can let it out early in the toilet.

(join the coffee enema support group on fb) they have a full guide on how to do enemas properly

Make sure you replete with electrolytes after the enemas - this is vital pressure cooked vegeables are good, maybe some fruit is ok, or use electrolyte drink.

People with POIS they aren't retaining their electrolytes well so they will have low potassium, sodium and possibly magnesium levels on hair mineral tests, when potassium isn't getting into your cells your thyroid will not work. People with POIS are also very toxic in metals such as copper, mercury, alluminium, lead, arsenic and a lot of these block potassium from getting into your cells. Calcium intake will block potassium from getting into the cells if you are a slow oxidiser on a hair mineral analysis test (80% of people are slow oxidisers) hypothryoid means you are slow oxidisier, so for slow oxidisers its best to limit calcium.

3- Low biliary output can causes overgrowth of fungi and bacteria, especially in the small intestine. Bile sterilizes the intestine and promotes peristalsis. This is why you see many people have reccuring sibo they treat it but then it keeps coming back, because they never fixed the root cause of the issue which was their poor bile flow, once bile flow is fixed and running strongly these pathogens and SIBO cease to exist.

4 Nah I don't do low vitamin A anymore, but I do avoid things like sweet potatoes and carrots - do not eat these if you have POIS beta carotene converts into retinal aldehyde, and with POIS you likely already have issues with your ALDH enzyme (processes aldehydes) because of overgrowths in yeasts, mold and bad bacteria which can produce acetalaldehyde - neurotoxin