University of Chicago
POIS Research Study!We are now working with the organizers of this POIS Study team who will be administering a survey asking patients with POIS various questions about their experience(s), such as how long they have had it, what treatments they have tried, how distressing it is, and much, much more so that the University of Chicago will have more categorical data about POIS. And the POIS Study will be published, hopefully in a prestigious medical journal!
You will be receiving a questionnaire in your email soon and notices will be posted here in a new University of Chicago/ POISCenter.com thread.
The more that forum members respond the better it is for statistical validity and POIS population projections.
2023 POIS Research Survey!Administrator Quantum has sent an
email to all registered POISCenter.com forum members.
There is a new POIS survey online now! We strongly encourage you to take a few minutes to fill it out. The data collected will lead to a published article in a medical journal, so it will heighten the visibility and understanding of POIS among the medical community.
The link to the survey is:
*****PLEASE CLICK HERE:*****https://redcap.uchicago.edu/surveys/?s=NAC9A38LJLA9HW4EHere is a personal note from Olivia Paulsen, the main survey project manager:
“Tackling POIS has quickly become a passion project of mine. In the last year I have had the opportunity to speak with several POIS patients in an effort to help brainstorm solutions to this poorly recognized disorder. Talking to patients like yourselves has been an invaluable experience in helping me and other medical professionals better understand how POIS impacts your lives. By completing this survey you are helping expand healthcare providers’ knowledge on the etiology of this condition which will help us come up with more useful treatment options.
We sincerely appreciate your authenticity when filling out this survey; your contribution is making a positive difference!
Olivia Paulsen, third-year US medical student”
Olivia works with Dr Omer Raheem and
Dr Rachel Rubin, two distinguished medical experts who study POIS!
From Dr Rachel Rubin on Twitter:

University of Chicago
2023 POIS Research Survey!
Our POIS Coordinator,
Olivia Paulsen, reports
that we now have
295 306 370 || 395 || respondents!!
“370! I hope we can get to 400!”
wrote Olivia Paulsen in an email to me.
This is the largest focus-group ever in POIS history!
Keep them coming in, everybody!
Come be a part of this *historical* POIS Survey!