Men versus women on sexual brain function: Prominent differences during tactile genital stimulation, but not during orgasm
"The only prominent gender difference during orgasm was male-biased activation of the periaqueductal gray matter."
Periaqueductal Gray
The neurobiology of central sensitization
We have similarly shown that decreased connectivity to antinociceptive brain regions, such as the periaqueductal gray (PAG - a critical locus of descending analgesic pathways), predicts responsiveness to milnacipran, a serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor."To recognize CS, question the patient for hypersensitivity to touch, bright light, sound, smell, hot or cold sensations, mechanical loading of musculoskeletal tissues, and all kinds of physical, mental and emotional stressors."
"The outcome of the processes involved in central sensitization is an increased responsiveness to a variety of peripheral stimuli including mechanical pressure, chemical substances, light, sound, cold, heat, and electrical stimuli. The increased sensitivity to variable stimuli results in a large decreased load tolerance of the senses and the neuromusculoskeletal system".

Also, there are a lot of supplements I can't take due to chronic gastritis. I keep seeing long lists of things to try that I'll never be able to choke down which is disheartening. NSAIDS and anything even remotely acidic, spicy or minty are off the table. (Vitamin C, Resveratrol, any citrus fruit or flavoring, cayenne/cinnamon/ginger/peppermint, etc).
ASIC and TRPV? nociceptor systems in the skin and muscles seem to undergo profound changes in patients with fibromyalgia through unknown mechanisms. They include sensitization of vanilloid receptor, acid-sensing ion channel receptors, and purino-receptors. I do know that mast cells and (small) nerve fibers are able to communicate back and forth. For the other cells depicted I do not know. If the brain is not processing signals correctly, they might put out signals to locations unrelated to the input stimuli and activate immune cells like mast cells. I wonder if this is a mechanism in triggering clusters of symptoms, if signals just branching randomly out via sensory pathways. I’m not talking about pain specifically. Like the green arrow in the picture below doing something elsewhere in the body while the input stimuli is orgasm or the urinary tract (sensitivity to chemical substances=semen?).

The scenario below might be related to CS. Not to mention al the other sensitivities. During the scenario below I feel a weird presence in the middle of my head (which was already present prior to applying friction), which I didn’t mention. That spot is also sensitive to sexual function/triggers.
Washing the glans penis during shower led to activation in lower back at the spinal area (which is already sensitive), no pain, just activation of something and it isn't muscle, no feeling of contraction. Activation stops when friction stops. Applying friction again flares up activity in my lower spine again.
When I rub my glans/forehead exactly on the top area for example against the palm I feel this interesting kind of tingly kind of pulling feeling in the lower back area too either in nerves or something like that if I did that for many minutes it would feel way too intense and I would have to stop and once I do not rub anymore it just stops I already recall noticing that when I was a teenager.
Inflammation itself might sensitize the sensory neural networks. Is premature ejaculation linked to CS/PS in POISers?
Sex ratio in CS: Female>male
Sex Ratio POIS: Male>>>Female
POIS being a type of CS doesn't make sense at first sight except when you factor in the difference in sexual function. If the phenomena is related to PAG and there is activation in that area for men and not for women upon orgasm then it makes sense.