Author Topic: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy  (Read 103946 times)


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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #40 on: May 06, 2020, 01:26:33 AM »
(I looked for the Immuno Complex you recommend, but Quality of Life is out of stock and looks like Amazon as well. Shame, because that looked like it had several important items in one easy supplement.)


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Re: Immune Competence Therapy
« Reply #41 on: May 08, 2020, 02:51:23 PM »
Hi @nanna1

Thanks a lot for your detailed posts.

Spermidine for immune surpression in the female
This might interest you, probably you already know it: "Hence exposure to semen around the time of embryo transfer increases the likelihood of successful early embryo implantation and development." (It's about artifical pregancy, IVF)

  • active hexose correlated compounds (AHCC)

What's your opinnion on Reishi? I still have some extract pills at home, don't really remember why I bought them :-)

  • zinc methionine
  • copper oxide

On the internet, it is often mentioned that over-supplementing zinc leads to copper deficiency. I wonder how many POISers have copper deficiency, because for sure a lot of them are supplementing zinc for testosterone reasons and they feel that ejaculation reduces their zinc.

beta-glucan (1g)
The linked Beta Glucan is made from yeast. I have two supplement bottles of Beta Glucan here, one with pills made from oats, one with pills made from Saccharomyces cerevisaiea. I wonder if they behave differently or if all Beta Glucans help. I originally bought them for hay fever support and I think for that they work quite well.. (together with other supplements).

copper gluconate (2mg, empty stomach)

On empty stomach makes me VOMIT. Not nice. With food works. I wonder if that is a general reaction or a "detox" reaction.

prevent transient immune suppression:

The first time sex after my wife's period, I usually have very strong POIS sympoms (body, mood, impatience, agressions..) but then follow-ups on next days, I'm more ok. I'm fatigued but much more stable mood. What's your theory on this with regards to the potential pathogen(s) or immune reaction..

Speaking about sex: How does the obersvation that masturbation leads to worse symptoms than real sex fit into your theory? Something about neurotransmitters? Or immune system?

Regarding your older postings which focus on reducing inflammation by reducing Arachidonic acid: Are you still vegan? I for sure notice avoiding eggs and meat lowers my hand joint pain, thanks for pointing that out. I don't know if it influences POIS.

Thanks a lot for your time.
I've read your postings several times, I think I might have more questions later :-)


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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #42 on: May 09, 2020, 07:27:19 AM »
The new updated c4 ultimate you posted is unable to ship to UK, do you know any alternative brands which are similar I can't seem to find any with similar ingredients.

 Also what is an example of an arginase inhibitor?

 A lot of these brands have Arginine Nitrate in them is this a bad thing?



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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #43 on: May 09, 2020, 08:37:47 AM »
Also what is an example of an arginase inhibitor?

I think he's referring to the L-Citrulline.
You can buy the ingredients listed in the post separately, they just coincidentally are in this c4 ultime (and other pre-workout supplements).


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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #44 on: May 09, 2020, 05:37:32 PM »
As i tought ,that we are imunocompromised because hiden infection
or toxin. What bothering me about this theory, is that corticosteroids help some part of poisers.
That telling me, that not all poisers have suppresed imune response on O.(maybe i am wrong).
« Last Edit: May 09, 2020, 05:52:49 PM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #45 on: May 09, 2020, 05:51:10 PM »
By the whay, is it in eny of  past pois stydies, did mesured delayed hypersensitivity imune response of t-cells?
We know that some poisers hawe delayed pois,
day after...


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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #46 on: May 12, 2020, 11:33:18 AM »
Hi All,
I'm sorry for the slow reply. I haven't been on the forum as much lately.

Hi hapl,
Right now immune support items are harder to get. What would be the minimum daily stack that you feel would be effective?

  Yes, the immune support items are running out because the coronavirus caused many people to try and boost their immune systems. I did not do a minimum-effective-dose test. My guess is that taking lower doses would take longer to see results and cost more money.

Could you start off with just AHCC (does the source matter? is this better than cordyceps or lion's mane?). Cycle on and off as you recommend. Not counting the prepack, what other supplements are the most important?
  Yes, AHCC is more potent at stimulating NK cells than cordyceps and lion's mane. Each of the supplements in the therapy have different roles so I can't say what is most important. AHCC and adrographis go well together. Vitamin C and copper are synergistic. Vitamin D3 and zinc are synergistic.

Copper gluconate seems harder to find that glycinate - is it important to use that form? Same with lipo C - there are so many competing products on Amazon and hard to tell if they're real liposomal and if they're all the same.

  Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to the supplier questions. If you happen to try different vitamin C and copper combinations and find that some products work better than others please let us know.

(I looked for the Immuno Complex you recommend, but Quality of Life is out of stock and looks like Amazon as well. Shame, because that looked like it had several important items in one easy supplement.)

  LEF has high quality andrographis, beta-glucan and AHCC. I saw some smaller online stores that have ImmunoComplex, but I don't know how credible they are.

Hi berlin1984,
What's your opinion on Reishi?...
...beta-glucan (1g)

  The active ingredients in Reishi are the beta-glucans. There are differences between them (see Wiki: Beta-glucan) but it gets complicated. Basically, beta-glucans are better at stimulating the immune system to fight bacteria and AHCC (alpha-glucan) is better at stimulating anti-viral immunity. Both alpha and beta glucans stimulate anti-fungal and anti-cancer immunity.

Quote from: nanna1
copper gluconate (2mg, empty stomach)
On empty stomach makes me VOMIT. Not nice. With food works. I wonder if that is a general reaction or a "detox" reaction.
  In my case, it was a detox reaction. At high concentration, copper is toxic to certain bacteria and virus. Good bacteria in the microbiome have mostly adjusted to be compatible with the nutrients and minerals in the human diet. But foreign (harmful) bacteria die quickly in the presence of copper. When these bacteria die they burst open and release toxins/debris. If the toxins reach a high enough concentration in the digestive tract, our immune system will try to remove the toxins from the body as fast as possible. Sometimes this means vomiting.
  Drinking more water and/or food can dilute the copper and slow down how fast the bacteria die. But too much food could eliminate the die-off effect from copper. I preferred to just drinking water when I felt sick or like I might vomit. Eventually, I got to the point where I could take copper on an empty stomach and not feel anything. But, not everyone has to do what I did. Experiment with whatever method you feel comfortable with.

...What's your theory on this with regards to the potential pathogen(s) or immune reaction...
  First, I have to explain the non-POIS (normal) case. Sexual stimulation leads to dopamine and glutamate release. Some of the dopamine is converted to norepinephrine (noradrenaline, NOR) and epinephrine (adrenaline, EPI). In normal (non-POIS) orgasm, the neurotransmitters dopamine, NOR and EPI each independently stimulate the release of beta-endorphin. Beta-endorphin forms a negative feedback on NOR and EPI by blocking their adrenergic receptor-signal and preventing NOR/EPI induced immune supression. The Beta-endorphin block on adrenergic receptors also prevents NOR and EPI from stimulating viral reactivation.
Beta-endorphin stimulates the release of BDNF and prolactin. These three can all independently stimulate increases in natural killer (NK) cell number and activity against pathogen (fungus, virus, bacteria, cancer). This can lead to an increase in the killing of pathogens and resistence to new disease. Beta-endorphin is also an opioid which causes euphoria and a decreased sensitivity to pain. BDNF is an antidepressant neutrophin which causes improved mood, feelings of well being and improved memory. Prolactin, oxytocin and vitamin D work together to balance the immune system (preventing autoimmunity, allergy, cytokine storms, etc...).

  According to the hypothesis I give in the original post, an infection inhibits beta-endorphin release. When beta-endorphin (endogenous opioid) levels drop, BDNF levels drop also. This produces symptoms of opioid withdrawl. Without beta-endorphin, the temporary rise of EPI and NOR from sex leads to immune supression and infection reactivation. The idea that POIS is a type of opioid withdrawl comes the POIS case study by a group of allergist in (Jia Yin, et al, 2015). These researchers rule out allergy as the cause of POIS and then propose that POIS is caused by a suppression of mu-opioid receptor signaling. This is a simplified way of viewing the model:

The POIS cascade is described here. The enzyme arginase helps convert L-arginine to spermadine and spermine (immune suppressors). Note that neutrophils and NK cells work together to fight infection. When NK cells are suppressed during infection, this could cause neutrophils to be overun and depleted.

  Note that many diseases are suppressed by the NK immune cells, including those that do not cause POIS. But when the POIS infection is triggered by EPI and NOR, this causes a temporary immune deficiency. Any latent diseases that are normally suppressed by NK cells is no longer being suppressed. So many symptoms of POIS will come from infections that do not cause POIS (are not triggered by EPI/NOR). They are the result and manifestation of POIS, but not the cause. Treating latent infections may reduce symptoms during POIS even when those infection do not cause POIS because those infection would be triggered by the lack of an NK immune defense. Some latent infections are suppressed by CD4/CD8 memory T cells and do not need NK cell suppression. Symptoms of the POIS-causing infection will be similar to opioid withdrawl. But the POIS symptoms from other diseases will vary depending on what infections a person has.
This is what I think happen when I took copper. I do not think POIS is caused by gut problems. But I do think that the microbiome is regulated by the innate immune system. When the innate immune system is suppressed there can be an imbalance of bad bacteria in the gut. In some cases, I believe that using copper to kill chronic infections of bad bacteria is a way of reducing stomach problems that happen during POIS without necessarily treating the infection that caused POIS (and immune suppression). This is my opinion.

Speaking about sex: How does the obersvation that masturbation leads to worse symptoms than real sex fit into your theory? Something about neurotransmitters? Or immune system?
  Even without sex, interpersonal connections with people (hugging, kissing, laughing, talking and other social interactions) increase beta-endorphins. This rise in beta-endorphin stimulates BDNF and oxytocin leading to improvements in immune function, cognition and mood. Interacting with other people promotes good health.
In short, i want to understand why does my body react so differently to orgasm following sex versus masturbation?...
  There are two reason given in the POIS literature for a difference between POIS from sex versus masturbation. The first reason comes from the paper:
  Progesterone deficiency, "Benign coital headache relieved by partner's pregnancies with implications for future treatment" (Selwyn Dexter, 2009)
  ...The second reason is given by the paper:
Mu-opioid receptor dysfunction, "Postorgasmic Illness Syndrome (POIS) in a Chinese Man: No Proof for IgE‐Mediated Allergy to Semen" (Jia Yin, et al, 2015)

Regarding your older postings which focus on reducing inflammation by reducing Arachidonic acid: Are you still vegan?
I am no longer vegan, I am no longer taking the POIS Cascade Stack. But I am not experiencing POIS symptoms except for an itch/tingle on the left side of my chin.

Hi Iwillbeatthis,
Also what is an example of an arginase inhibitor?
 A lot of these brands have Arginine Nitrate in them is this a bad thing?

  Arginase inhibitors can be found here (arginase inhibitor pharmacokinetics).
Nitrates are good but I would avoid direct arginine supplements. If you are also taking an arginase inhibitor, that should block the conversion of arginine to spermine (immune suppression). But citrulline is always preferred over arginine.

Hi Hopeoneday,
As I thought, that we are imunocompromised because hidden infection
or toxin. What bothering me about this theory, is that corticosteroids help some part of poisers.
That tells me, that not all poisers have suppressed immune response on O.(maybe i am wrong).

Corticosteroids "work" the same way that progesterone does, by blocking phospholipase enzymes and enhancing vitamin D receptor function. So corticosteroids block the release of arachidonic acid (omega-6, AA). Many different steroids have regulatory control over phospholipase. For example, testosterone suppresses phospholipase D. This is a temporary solution that does not "work" long term. You cannot systemically block the arachidonic acid cascade forever. Also, steroids make it harder to feel pleasure from orgasm.

(see Glucocorticoids inhibit prostaglandin synthesis not only at the level of phospholipase A2 but also at the level of cyclo-oxygenase/PGE isomerase, 1989
Testosterone suppresses phospholipase D, causing sex differences in leukotriene biosynthesis in human monocytes, 2011).
Essential Reproduction. Martin H. Johnson, Barry J. Everitt. (1988)

By the whay, is it in any of the past pois studies? Did they measure delayed hypersensitivity immune response of t-cells?
Since Dr. Waldinger first proposed allergy type I and antigen type IV hypersensitivity as a cause of POIS (Waldinger, et al, 2011), several POIS case studies have tested hypersensitivity/allergy responses in POIS patients. It was concluded through semen injection studies that POIS patients do not show a greater allergic response to semen than non-POIS controls (Jia Yin, et al, 2015). Many POISers do not experience allergic reaction to semen injection. So there is no need to isolate a specific cell type or time frame. Several POIS case studies have ruled out allergy and autoimmunity through autonomous semen injections (Attia, et al, 2013)(Jia Yin, et al, 2015)(N. Depreux, et al, 2018)(De Amicis, et al, 2019)(Pierce, et al, 2019). So hypersensitivity does not appear to be involve in POIS.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2020, 10:42:32 PM by nanna1 »
POIS clusters: 1,3,4,5,7
POIS criteria: 1,2,3,4,5
2 stacks that give me complete relief of POIS symptoms are listed here: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
Find medical test:


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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #47 on: May 12, 2020, 01:01:10 PM »
This AHCC looks interesting - although it's technically not AHCC (brand name), it looks like it contains a similar range of ingredients?


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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #48 on: May 12, 2020, 01:55:12 PM »
Hi All,
I'm sorry for the slow reply. I haven't been on the forum as much lately.

Thank you for giving such a detailed reply. I'll try to digest your science later this week.
We hope you can still check and reply so that we can help to undermine your theories. EDIT: I meant underpin not undermine.

I wanted to dump those snippets here about NK cells and immunity in general:

"CD56+ NK cells were also activated after 96 hours as evidenced by expression of the CD69 receptor."

"Supplementation with aged garlic extract improves both NK and γδ-T cell function and reduces the severity of cold and flu symptoms: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled nutrition intervention."

"In summary, two independent studies showed enhancement of NK cell activity following administration of Immulina? for seven days."

Ganoderma lucidum / Reishi:
"The mean absolute number of CD56+ cells was significantly (P < 0.05) increased", "Ganopoly treatment resulted in a significant increase (P < 0.05) in the mean NK activity"

Echinacea purpurea and Panax ginseng:
"Both echinacea and ginseng, [..] significantly enhanced NK-function of all groups [with Chronic Fatigue or AIDS]"

Nigella sativa - black seed oil:
"The oil and certain active ingredients showed beneficial immunomodulatory properties, augmenting the T cell- and natural killer cell-mediated immune responses. Most importantly, both the oil and its active ingredients expressed anti-microbial and anti-tumor properties toward different microbes and cancers. "

"Its stimulant action on the lytic activity of natural killer cells against tumor cells, and on antibody production was demonstrated. "

"Lycium barbarum berries, also named wolfberry, Fructus lycii, and Goji berries, have been used in the People?s Republic of China and other Asian countries for more than 2,000 years as a traditional medicinal herb and food supplement. L. barbarum polysaccharides (LBPs) are the primary active components of L. barbarum berries and have been reported to possess a wide array of pharmacological activities."
"LBPs promote the proliferation and activity of splenocytes, T cells, B cells, macrophages, and NK cells."
"LBPs promote the cytotoxicity of NK cells"

If someone finds more supplements that were recommended with POIS capable of enhancing NK, please post (focus would be on NK, not on inflammation reducing, GABA, hormones or other things..)

There is also the "Immune" section at ergo-log that could be interesting:


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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #49 on: May 13, 2020, 04:38:16 AM »
Yeah, it is logic, we are alll different about potential infections and patogens, so reaction on imune diferences is diferent in everyone.  lot of imune pathways is know to this day in the human body.

If studies says that there is no imune alergy reaction in poisers, than ,what is it?

What is bothering me about u poisers, what is abnormal in us compared to "normal" individuals???
We discused before about catecholamines...

Acording to this theory, exesive response of catecholamines suprees our imunity.
Not yust norep..and epiderph...but alsou posuble abnormall cortisol
spike during arousall OE...
I tought lately, is it in us poisers arousal and eyaculation -orgasam the same as ACUTE STRESS_FEAR RESPONSE??? Arousal , eyaculation, orgasm is
fear response in us?? No logic...
If this is the true , is it mesurable?
Glands disorder?
« Last Edit: May 13, 2020, 05:42:43 AM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #50 on: May 13, 2020, 08:41:30 AM »
If studies says that there is no imune alergy reaction in poisers, than ,what is it?
It's not an allergy and not an auto-immune (to semen or other prostate fluids) reaction.

The theory by nanna1 is that there is latent infections that our weak(ened) immune systems don't attack properly after O. This would explain why I very often get sore throat or even sick after O:
Quote from: nanna1
So this immune suppression model predicts that normal (non-POIS) people rely upon a transient increase in NK cell activity to suppress latent infections, while POISers rely upon the slower CD8 T cell increase to control those same latent infections.

If this is the true , is it mesurable?

We could measure the immune system activities/count/etc.  Something to research, maybe get inspiration in


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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #51 on: May 13, 2020, 01:04:53 PM »
Berlin , i didnt mean enything of what you
wroted . I tought a llitle depper than that
(dig to the root cause).
Check my older posts, how some poisers cured themself with antivirals on my sugestion.
I discovered that a lot of us hawe neutrophenia or near to it.
Nana1 put it in tabele(it is rare), but no all poisers have it!

I pulled a virus thery in that time.
If we hawe supressed imune reaction
during arousall, OE- the question - 
 can we meassure that response
in the real time???
« Last Edit: May 13, 2020, 01:44:24 PM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #52 on: May 14, 2020, 12:53:49 AM »
I discovered that a lot of us have neutropenia or near to it.
Nanna1 put it in table (it is rare), but not all poisers have it!

Thanks Hopeoneday for finding the neutropenia correlation!
Two last members posted low white blood tests-...According to mayo clinic-
The above chart shows the prevalence of low neutrophil levels (neutropenia) for individuals in the United States of America (USA) according to ethnicity (Hispanic 0.38%, white 0.79%, black 4.5%) and individuals with POIS (60%) from this forum. The data for neutropenia in the USA was taken from "Prevalence of neutropenia in the U.S. population: age, sex, smoking status, and ethnic differences."

...can we measure that response in the real time???
  Yes we can measure it in real time. According to this hypothesis (Transient immune defficiency), the difference between POIS and non-POIS is that POISers have an infection in an area of the nervous system that controls opioid signaling. This infection inhibits opioid signaling.
  • I propose that the infection inhibits the release of beta-endorphin
  • (N. Jiang, et al, 2015) proposed that there was an unspecified dysregulation of the mu-opioid receptor. They did not mention infection or cause of dysregulation.
In both cases, everything else unique to POIS comes from having a suppressed opioid function.

  You could test my version of this hypothesis by doing a timed lymphocyte subset panel (before, 5min, 45min, 24hr). I also discuss this test here: Transiently Immune Enhancement from Orgasm.
  The POIS case study (H. Pierce, et al 2019) showed that POIS could be blocked in one POISer by alpha-blockers (medications have side-effects). Another POIS case study (De Amicis, et al, 2019) showed that the patient had a deficiency of NK cells and B cells. They only used one time point though. Both of these studies need follow-up experiments because they may have measured biomarkers for POIS. So I think Berlin1984's suggestion to measure immune activity and cell counts is a good idea!

  To test the (N. Jiang, et al, 2015) mu-opioid receptor hypothesis for POIS, a doctor/researcher could administer naloxone (mu-opioid inhibitor) and epinephrine (epi-pen) to a POIS patient. If the N. Jiang POIS paper is correct, these two drugs should cause severe POIS symptoms within a 60 seconds. The effects of the naloxone/epinephrine experiment can be reversed within a few hours with IV infusions of medical opiates and alpha/beta-blockers. This experiment is extremely dangerous and can only be performed under direct supervision by medical professionals within a hospital setting.

-neutropenia POIS prevalence data
-other POIS medical data patterns
-Lymphocyte Subset Panel Test
« Last Edit: May 14, 2020, 01:12:29 AM by nanna1 »
POIS clusters: 1,3,4,5,7
POIS criteria: 1,2,3,4,5
2 stacks that give me complete relief of POIS symptoms are listed here: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
Find medical test:


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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #53 on: May 14, 2020, 03:21:07 AM »
Berlin , i didnt mean enything of what you
wroted . I tought a llitle depper than that
(dig to the root cause).
Check my older posts, how some poisers cured themself with antivirals on my sugestion.

Sorry, I didn't mean it is an insult. I'm new to the forum. I checked your posts and how I'm very tempted to try Aciclovir but I'd need a subscription. Meh. I should probably go to the doctor to get some virus checks, but convincing the doctor to do checks is hard (because they need to prove to health insurance that the check is good).


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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #54 on: May 14, 2020, 03:58:08 AM »
How to cure this infection in the nervous system that inhibits opioid signaling thus causing POIS? Any supplements or anything that can fix it? You have put in a good amount of effort and have made a theory on POIS cause-very well done-In the POIS study they could check it-immune cells before and after orgasm and other data related to this theory.


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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #55 on: May 14, 2020, 04:03:17 AM »
How to cure this infection [..] that inhibits opioid signaling thus causing POIS? Any supplements or anything that can fix it?

Read through the whole thread :-)
Nanna has laid it out. It's mostly about AHCC (Alpha Glucans), Copper, Zinc, Vitamin C, .... and other stuff. The key seems to be to do antiviral supplements AND also make immune system more active (NK cells, T cells).


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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #56 on: May 14, 2020, 04:42:13 AM »
How to cure this infection [..] that inhibits opioid signaling thus causing POIS? Any supplements or anything that can fix it?

Read through the whole thread :-)
Nanna has laid it out. It's mostly about AHCC (Alpha Glucans), Copper, Zinc, Vitamin C, .... and other stuff. The key seems to be to do antiviral supplements AND also make immune system more active (NK cells, T cells).

Are these supplements for removing the infection in nervous system that inhibits opioid signaling or they balance the post-orgasm chemistry to a non-POIS normal one? Or they do the both?


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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #57 on: May 14, 2020, 08:57:47 AM »
I wonder if Olive Leaf Extract could remove the latent viruses including infection in the nervous system that inhibits opioid signaling?


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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #58 on: May 15, 2020, 01:56:48 PM »
Nanna1 - if you recommend to cycle on and off the AHCC immune stack (6 days on, 4 days off), what about if you're taking any antiviral herbs - like knotweed, andrographis, houttyunia, cryptolepsis, etc? Should those be cycled at the same time, or opposite times, or not cycled?

I've been taking herbs for awhile (cycled sometimes for weeks on or off) and find they sometimes help and sometimes worsen my symptoms (general muscular pain, headaches, etc). Possibly it helps my immune system initially, but isn't enough on its own - that's why the immune therapy interests me.



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Re: Transiently Induced Immune Deficiency and Therapy
« Reply #59 on: May 15, 2020, 02:08:30 PM »
  I currently, can experience 4 orgasm a week and function normally without supplements or drugs. [...]I can't prove that the therapy was the reason for the disappearance of almost all my symptoms, but my improvement is correlated in time with the immune therapy.

Nice: Immune-enhancing effect AHCC still present one month after use, animal study

(But of course the other stuff you did most probably had a persistent effect too, be it immune activation or pathogen killing).