Hi BluesBrother,
These are good questions. I hope I can answer them.
1. How does your prepack in this topic relate to your previous prepack? In particular, why do you exclude paracetamol, diclofenac, vitamin d, iposomal vitamin C, N-acetylcysteine, selenomethionine and instead include theanine?
The Betaherpesvirae stack is more focused on blocking the trigger. It is almost like taking alpha and beta inhibitors except without the dangers/side-effects of inhibiting the adrenaline receptors.
The pre-pack for the immune therapy is more focused on enhancing NK cell function during and after sexual activity. It is an attempt to recreate a normal immune response to orgasm. In a normal sexual activity, endorphins, NK cells and nitric oxide all increase. Technically speaking, COX inhibitors like indomethacin are very strong enhancers of NK cell number and activity since they prevent immune suppression by PGE
2, but I know some people are turned-off by drugs. I tried to keep the pre-pack for the immune therapy minimal. But vitamin D, vitamin C, N-acetylcyteine are all helpful for boosting the immune system in general.
2. Did you yourself get the intravenous vitamin C? Where in the timeline of the immune competence theory did you get it (before starting with the activation stack or after some weeks of taking the stack)?
Yes, I got a 1g vitamin C IV (on a Thursday) followed by a 5g vitamin C IV (on a Friday) 24 hours later. This was done twice in consecutive weeks. So 4 vitamin C IVs total. The immediate effect of the IV was instant inflammation (warm achy pain) relief throughout my entire body. I did not realized I had so much inflammation until I felt better afterwards. But I did not notice any effect on other symptoms. It's hard to know what the full effect of the IV was since I did not take medical blood test afterwards. The ascorbate IVs were really expensive, so I did have money for medical test.
If I could do it over I would take all 4 IVs consecutively (one IV per day for 4 days) and take copper gluconate 3 hours prior to each injection.
3. You write that you are no longer taking your cascade stack? For how long had you taken it? Did you experience any symptoms when not anymore taking SAM-e and Alpha GPC?
I took the POIS cascade stack from mid 2017 to Jan 2019. I cycled off a few times and experimented with the Betaherpesvirae stack. But I stayed mostly consistent with the POIS cascade stack. I started taking methyl-donors and B-vitamins 2015. When I first stopped taking the methyl-donors I did experience a return of all my POIS symptoms except for exercise-DOMS. Originally, I thought that the POIS cascade stack cured my IBS, but when I cycled off my old stack for too long the IBS would return slowly but with less intensity than before.
4. Where in the timeline of your experiments did you work on strengthening immunocompetence? Had you already stopped with the cascade stack?
I started experimenting with megadosing vitamin C while I was still taking my stack. I was also drinking Matcha green tea (high caffeine, high gallic acid tannins) for a short period of time while still on the old stack. I stopped the POIS cascade stack completely in Feb. 2019, and focused entirely on building up my immune system.
5. You wrote that you were hoping to resolve your neutropenia by following the immune competence therapy. Have you had any tests done afterwards? Has there been any change in your neutrophil count?
The neutrophil count is a test that I should do. During the time I was boosting the immune system with supplements, I was monitoring my acne (face) and eczema (foot). Acne usually occurs when bacteria enters the skin. Then white blood cells (neutrophils) leave the blood vessels and invade the skin to attack the infection. The white blood cells are part of what give pimple their white color. I used to get acne/pimples in the days following orgasm as one of my POIS symptoms. As my acne cleared up, that gave me evidence that my neutrophil function had normalized. Certain foods (chocolate, dairy, high-sugar) that used to give me acne, no longer do.
I also used to have eczema on the heel of my foot. This was not associated with orgasm or any related activity. Both the acne and eczema that I have dealt with since I was a teenager have cleared up. And I never get acne now, no matter what junk-food I eat

. Side note: I did use tea tree oil on the eczema also.
These are indirect (and free) measures of neutrophil activity. But I've mainly been avoiding spending money on more medical test.
6. Over what time span did you do the immune competence therapy (you wrote that you did not exactly follow it as you described, but just to get a rough idea for how many weeks you took the activation stack)?
I started experimenting around early Feb 2019 with beta-glucan, AHCC,
Immune Senescence Protection Formula,
NK Cell Activator, oral-vitamin C, melatonin, etc... I didn't know what would work, so I randomly tried different combinations and different doses.
I found out early on that AHCC cause (short duration) random localized nerve pain and muscle twitches. Mega-dose-vitamin C cause rhinitis. High-dose melatonin caused itching. I interpreted these symptoms as the supplements activating different parts of my immune system. These symptoms were mind enough to tolerate and did not cause fatigue or cognitive issues. So I started trying to
maximize the symptoms with different supplement combinations. As the (non-POIS) symptoms started to disappear, I increased the dose to restore maximal immune activation and symptoms. Sometimes I cycled off-on the supplements to restore and increase flu-like symptoms. The side-effects of melatonin cause me to stop taking it.
Later on I added caffeine and citrulline as a pre-pack and tried GABA supplements (theanine and taurine) to prevent caffeine jitters. I all found that copper gluconate was helpful. However, there were many other supplements I tried that I can't tell if they had any effect.
These experiments occurred mostly outside of POIS. But I notice something weird around April/May 2019. When the vitamin C "wore off" (I could no longer produce rhinitis by increasing the dose), the rhinitis that I used to experience during POIS disappeared. I never experience rhinitis during POIS again.
The same effect happen with AHCC and the nerve-pain/muscle-twitch. Once increasing my AHCC dose could no longer produce nerve pain, the pains and muscle-twitch that I used to experience during POIS also disapeared.
The same effect happened with copper. Copper initially caused diarrhea and stomach pain in the area where I would normally get IBS, with a little nausea. But after a while of cycling copper on-and-off and gradually taking it more often throughout the day, the stomach problems caused by copper went away. And the IBS from POIS also went away at the same time.
These effects were
permanent (or at least still effective) and continue to last several months after I no longer take these supplements. The time frame for remission of POIS symptoms varied for each combo of supplements and symptoms. For example, it took about 2 month for AHCC to cause symptom remission, but during that time the (non-POIS) symptoms increased before they decreased. For copper, it took a little over two weeks, but I started experiencing a reduction in stomach problems after 1 week. The immune therapy reflects more so the lessons learned rather than a exact description of all the things that I experimented with. I hope that clarifies things a bit