I think this is very difficult to gauge, given many users here appear to be speaking English as a second language and people tend to come here more often when they're suffering. I'm not sure measuring general intelligence is a very helpful avenue to explore unless we are trying to quantify the brain fog an individual experiences and if that has any effect on apparent intelligence in and out of POIS. I would say that all the internet research I'm sure we all do when we enter a POIS episode on various medical subjects does make us more informed about these things than the general population, but I think it also comes at the risk of our desperation for answers clouding the necessary skepticism we should all have about what we find online. Case in point being the tendency of users here to gravitate toward alternative, unscientific solutions, like homeopathic treatments, unproven herbal remedies, and anti-science positions, like fear-mongering over vaccines. Overall, I'd say, like everything else we've determined thus far, the intelligence distribution here is disappointingly average and doesn't offer any clues as to who this condition affects.