I'm leaving this forum.
In the search for the truth about my condition and POIS, I've finally concluded that
POIS is mind-body disease. It's a trauma, intense stress experience and irritation that is magnified by the thoughts that POIS is some kind of rare physiological disease and there is no cure.
In fact there is.
It is stress stored in my body
there are plenty of ways to relieve it:
Visiting is the best way to start
And yes, everything that you experience should be discussed with Psychiatrists.
SIBO theory is still hyped on this forum because after the trauma is reenacted our stomach gets irritated and we experience intense gas.
Another reason why many cures are found and gone is that cures have Placebo effect which itself reaffirm the reason that it is Mind-Body Nervous disease.
There are many, many very clever people on this forum but they simply can't be convinced that what they have has been known to medicine for decades and even centuries.
Dr Sarno has many theories why TMS happen. For me it was perfectionism mostly (I have noticed many perfectionist people on this forum).
Dig into it but what I suggest more is to consult Psychiatrist/Psychotherapists.
I don't care about IT WAS JUST MY POIS and YOUR POIS is different from it. Honestly, from what I?ve gathered most forum members experience similar symptoms and were relieved by similar treatments
Good Luck