Author Topic: Starting FODMAP  (Read 28911 times)


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #20 on: January 01, 2021, 06:39:50 AM »
eating at restaurant with family and friends is not easy

This is clearly only a Swedish problem :-) Every other European country has restaurants closed ;-)
Just kidding..

For people googling it: There is the "Low FODMAP" diet and the "FODMAP" diet, obviously we mean the "Low FODMAP" diet here...

I browsed some other threads here yesterday and now wonder if you would benefit from taking Betain HCL, Ox bile and digestive enzymes as supplement pill. (TODO: link to other threads)


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2021, 11:35:50 AM »
continuing with fodmap, works great
i will now also try probiotics

fodmap is a must for everyone with pois


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #22 on: January 25, 2021, 11:40:47 AM »
What symptoms and by how much have decreased?


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #23 on: January 25, 2021, 03:29:11 PM »
continuing with fodmap, works great
i will now also try probiotics

fodmap is a must for everyone with pois

I'd say be cautious with probiotics, some of them might increase histamine production.

Regarding low FODMAP diet: I think it makes sense as piece of the puzzle. My theory about it was:
If there is Norepinephrine depletion immediately after orgasm (e.g. it is circulation around in the body like crazy?)
Norepinephrine increases bacteria replication and decreases immune system (source0,source1, source2)

And by going lower FODMAP, you potentially decrease bacteria in your system, maybe especially in an area they don't belong to (SIBO?!) which leads to less bacteria or bacteria byproducts leaking into your whole body.


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2021, 07:24:53 AM »
I will give low fodmap a shot, my diet is already quite similar, all I need to drop is onions, garlic, apples and be more stricter with cheat meals. Before I assumed fodmap was probably just an ineffective diet that conventional drs advise.

I think going completely organic could also helps things a lot. All the pesticides and chemicals in non organic are not good for your body.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2021, 07:36:29 AM by Iwillbeatthis »


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2021, 10:00:09 AM »
fodmap is not about dieting, its mostly about reducing stomach issues


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #26 on: January 26, 2021, 11:02:13 AM »
fodmap is not about dieting, its mostly about reducing stomach issues

diet in English in this sense is is "näring" in Swedish ("Ernährung" in German), not diet :-)


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #27 on: January 26, 2021, 11:04:24 AM »
fodmap is not about dieting, its mostly about reducing stomach issues

Yeah never said it was but it is still a diet


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #28 on: January 26, 2021, 02:36:41 PM »
Do you have any recommendations on what to use for chicken seasoning/sauces on low fodmap? I used paprika,cumin, coriander just now but that will get boring fast.
I guess this diet will be harder for me as I'm already low histamine, low GI carbs and I can't eat a lot of the low fodmap foods like gluten free oats


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2021, 09:21:30 AM »
i use this one

Ok thanks I bought it this morning, the low fodmap portions sizes are very small for me, is there anything specific I can eat where I can eat bigger portions


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #31 on: January 28, 2021, 12:25:00 PM »
After one day of dropping onions and garlic and only eating low fodmap amounts of certain foods I see a massive reduction in brain fog, social anxiety and autistic symptoms, its like it sorted out a neurotransmitter imbalance and now music is much more enjoyable for me also. I was eating a whole cooked onion with every meal before this diet.

There are some problems though my gut can't tolerate brown rice on its own I guess to do with the texture/fibre/starch but before I ate brown rice with cooked onions with no problems most of the time. I tried brown rice on its own yesterday and I had a really bad stomach cramps.

Tried white rice  today and it does give me brain fog so it better for me to avoid it as its not good for autonomic dysfunction, I think because the blood sugar spike spikes neurotransmitter levels.


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #32 on: February 10, 2021, 09:07:30 AM »
I ate organic white potatoes homemade chips which are supposed to be low fodmap for a few days and I felt awful for a week.

In my Organic acid test I did a year ago my arabinose levels were over double the highest range value which indicates candida overgrowth, autistic boys also have much higher arabinose levels than non autistic boys.

So I believe pathogenic candida overgrowth caused gut dysbiosis in me, and mast cell issues also. For years I told drs to check for systemic fungal infections but its not something conventional drs really acknowledge as a problem. I felt infected but the symptoms didn't feel like or resembled a bacterial or viral infection.

I've started Custom Probiotics CP1 L. Acidophilus, L.Rhamnosus,L. Plantarum, B. Longum and B. Bifidum and its the first probiotic where I've seen major improvements from especially in autistic symptoms, usually I feel nothing from probioitcs. This was the most popular supplement on a website that sells supplements for autism.
Also using brain gain and cystoprotek atm.

I plan to add a spore biotic as well which are apparently as good as antibiotics and they're really strong.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2021, 09:17:02 AM by Iwillbeatthis »


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #33 on: February 23, 2021, 11:00:11 AM »
Not sure what happened but my POIS has been worse the last two times since starting lowing fodmap, I realised using spices like paprika on chicken I wasn't feeling good when regularly eating. Maybe because of phenols, I can't use lemon juice for flavour because of histamine, with extra virgin olive oil I also react badly to it, must be because of phenols. Doing low histamine plus this diet is pretty hard so I think I'm gonna quit this diet as it sucks.

There also could be some other factors at play : I added in some special probiotics, stopped taking the luteolin/folinic acid brain gain supplement, started using cystoprotek(quercitin rutin), started using methyl folate, b2, hydrox b12, oregano oil, sulforaphane.

Tried an O yesterday without porn and had to use coconut massage oil to get hard maybe using this lubricant made the O mechanism worse, which caused stronger POIS.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2021, 11:04:31 AM by Iwillbeatthis »


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #34 on: February 23, 2021, 12:21:16 PM »
FODMAP-lists are tricky and can be contradictive. Some say you can eat bananas some say not. Aubergine is approved but for me it was a gas bomb. Even if somethings on the fodmap list it could ruin your gut if you eat just a little to much of it! The only way is to try each of the fodmaps seperatly to see if it works - elimination diet. The problem is that it might take 24 hours before you notice if it worked, and by that time you have already get tired of etaing one thing and tryed another thing.  I think you should stay away from all fruits except from small berries. Carnivore diet feels safer, you can try protein powder as well when you are desperate. I eat UltraInflam by Metagenics and mix it with water only. Bone broth has never failed me, or steemed codfish. Egg is tricky.


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #35 on: February 23, 2021, 01:14:52 PM »
FODMAP-lists are tricky and can be contradictive. Some say you can eat bananas some say not. Aubergine is approved but for me it was a gas bomb. Even if somethings on the fodmap list it could ruin your gut if you eat just a little to much of it! The only way is to try each of the fodmaps seperatly to see if it works - elimination diet. The problem is that it might take 24 hours before you notice if it worked, and by that time you have already get tired of etaing one thing and tryed another thing.  I think you should stay away from all fruits except from small berries. Carnivore diet feels safer, you can try protein powder as well when you are desperate. I eat UltraInflam by Metagenics and mix it with water only. Bone broth has never failed me, or steemed codfish. Egg is tricky.

Yeah the only fruits I've been eating are oranges+satsumas which both have 0 fodmaps and then also passionfruit. I've mainly been eating brown rice which has zero fodmaps, with either wild salmon, chicken or grass fed beef. Due to the limited low fodmap snack options it's made me eat less than normal. So I've been craving sugar more than usual and have been eating gluten free cookies which I doubt are doing me good, paprika/cinnamon as seasoning for chicken probably is also creating problems not sure what else I can use which I'll tolerate. I eat scrambled eggs with gluten free toast and bacon from time to time which seems fine.

My stools look normal now after this diet and the expensive probiotics + sporebiotics but I still had bad POIS the last two times(much worse than normal)

The MONASH fodmap app is slightly helpful as it tells you the foods which contain zero foodmaps at all but I still don't think it was worth the money it costs.

I tried grass fed bone broth before and didn't feel good on it, I had rashes on joints as well, I guess because of the histamine or possibly because of the heavy metal content(has high lead.)

I'm buying a carbon steel pan as normal non stick pans leak lots of chemicals into your food, the fumes from non stick pans are strong enough to kill birds thats how toxic they are. For cast iron/carbon steel pans you need to season them with fat or oil in the oven but I want to use a healthy fat that has a high heating point. Do you know any good ones I can use? I was thinking maybe avocado oil but all the seasoning guides are using canola/grapeseed oil which are unhealthy.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2021, 01:29:05 PM by Iwillbeatthis »


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #36 on: February 23, 2021, 04:35:20 PM »
I only use butter or coconut oil (or mix them 50/50). Coconut oil is the best oil to use and the only one you should heat. It stands hight tempertaure and has antiinflammatory properties. It's good for the brain. Coconut oil olso contains MCT-oil, which is extremely good for the brain. There are books about it. I take a Omega 3 supplement with MCT oil as well to protect my brain from damages from the POIS-inflammation. I also have suger cravings because I tend to eat less on the fodamap protocol. I have lost about 10 kilo during last 3-4 months and my body fat has dropped to the lowest end of the normal range.  I also stilled my hunger with gluten free coockies and bread. But after eating two portions of glutenfree waffles with jam and cream last week I had a huge setback with super bad sewer smelling gas and heavy headache that still has not gone away. That made me rethink about the gluten free snacks/bread. Its the starch in the bread that feeds the bad bacteria, It doesnt matter it its gluten free! I have to cut this out completely and starve those suckers to death once and for all! I have to take something that aids this process too, something like garlic capsules (not the raw garlic), oregano oil, colloidal silver, maybe colostrum.


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #37 on: February 23, 2021, 06:08:02 PM »
Yeah I like MCT oil but when I have tried a bulletproof coffee but even with 1/3 of the recommended amount of fat, it ends up being too much fat for me and I get chest pain and issues with my heart. Maybe it's because I wasn't in ketosis but the coffee is supposed to put you into a near ketosis state. Coconut oils heating point isn't high enough to season the carbon steel pan with in the oven or frying steaks at full heat but it is still a good oil to use for moderate cooking none the less.

The gluten free cookies don't seem to have any negative effect on me that I've noticed and I saw people on the fodmap reddit eating the same ones. Oregano oil is a life saver for when I feel infection like symptoms coming on in my gut and brain. I agree gluten free bread isn't great.

I did start this speical probiotic I felt so much better the first few days like my head instantly became clear and autistic symptoms went but then I stopped feeling any effects for the last few weeks. Now I think its because there was nothing left in my gut to feed them, I finally broke the low fodmap diet this evening and had a takeway burger with chips and I took that probiotic and I suddenly feel it working again. They are the best selling supplement on a popular website for autism supplements, they're not like cheap probiotics which I found to do nothing.

Do you know if your supposed to use things like inulin when you start introducing probiotics on low fodmap? Now I feel like I may have wasted the other probiotics I was also taking like the l reuteri and the spore biotics.


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #38 on: February 24, 2021, 04:11:57 AM »
Dont know about the inulin. I was given Dr Mercolas Complete Bio and Complete Spore restore but I didnt experienced much improvement when taking them. Souns strrange if your body could go into ketosis just by drinking Bulletproof coffe. Ketoses assumes almost zero carbohydrate intake.


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Re: Starting FODMAP
« Reply #39 on: February 25, 2021, 01:59:43 PM »
Last night I tried a smoothie that I used to drink all the time before the low fodmap diet and I felt bad from it. So Fructose or Sorbitol are definitely culprits for me, it feels like they are feeding some infection in my body and I really felt bad since I had the smoothie last night. I do recommend going on the low fodmap diet as I didn't realise certain things were doing me harm before starting the diet.

A normal burger bun didn't seem to do anything bad to me so maybe I can tolerate fructans better than fructose, and the same when I tried harrisa sauce that contained garlic. I did feel a lot better when cutting out garlic and onions (both fructans) just maybe I was eating too much of them.