Please see the updated Virus and bacteria test abnormal: section of my blood test.
It says that you have been infected with those viruses at one point in time but doesn't tell you anything about reactivation (keep in mind that vaccines can also increase IgG).
Only VZV (HHV-3) has a vaccine. So the VZV test might not say much. However, the other two positive IgGs, CMV (HHV-5) and HHV-6 do not have vaccines. A positive IgG test for CMV means that I have the virus in my body currently. The same is true for HHV-6, I have the virus in my body currently. These viruses are brought out of latency by anything that can raise prostaglandins PGE2 or PGF2 in the infected cells.
They could be dormant/latent
Latent herpes viruses are very busy genetically. They transcribe their latent genes and modify cell metabolism while in the latent state (up-regulate NF-kB, COX-2, etc...). Latent herpes virus can also trigger chronic immune response from glia cells (
Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS: Stress Triggers for Herpes reactivation).
They could be dormant/latent and perhaps use a mechanism to avoid the immune system.
The immune system is what causes herpes to go into latency. If the immune system does not detect the virus, it will continue to replicate causing an endless outbreak. Cytokines, hormones and other molecules from immune cells shut off the activation/replication and maintain latency. However, CMV/HHV-5 seems to never truly stay latent.
"Although all herpesviruses persist for the life span of the host, recent findings suggest that HCMV has a unique replication strategy for maintenance within the host, wherein the virus establishes sites of persistent active replication even in the presence of high levels of preexisting HCMV-specific immunity. A number of cell types, including myeloid lineage cells, smooth muscle cells, and endothelial cells (ECs), appear to be critical as sites of HCMV persistent replication and latency."
-Human Cytomegalovirus Tropism for Endothelial Cells: Not All Endothelial Cells Are Created EqualI will not be surprised if other viral antibody types (IgA and IgM) are negative though.
You are correct since IgM usually does not increase even when there is a herpes outbreak with skin lesions. IgM is only produced for the initial infection. That is why I did not get that test. I did not see the IgA test offered from the lab I got the blood test at. The only other test they offered was PCR $500+.
The reason I take these test is not to prove any theory. I got these test to try to disprove or rule out herpes and lyme as possible causes of POIS. I believe that by process-of-elimination we can narrow down the list of possible causes. I believe my test results allow me to rule out the following as
not being the cause of POIS:
- genetic autoimmune disease
- HIV, Hepatitis ABC, HSV-(1,2), HHV-4
- lyme, candida, H.pylori
- food allergy (gluten, dairy, egg)
- urinary tract or prostate infection (bacteria)
- hormonal imbalance
- chronic inflammation
I tried to rule out herpes in general, but unfortunately I tested positive for VZV, CMV, HHV-6. So for now herpes is still a possible cause. I was hoping I would not test positive for CMV, because CMV is tricky to treat directly.
Thanks for your good question Muon. I actually learned some things about CMV answering these questions!