Fernab, small infection and patogen relase from prostate or glands can do that.
And those senzations and symptomes you discraybing i hawe it to, i think it is nerve isue.
I cant realase to this day what is the reason to disturb nerves so hard to became hipersenzibile,
and for me that manifes ewan in breathing isues, i can fell the inflamation in the spine erea, betwean sholders
where nerwes fiber pasing tru and make you lung breathing, and lower back erea under prostate.
That manifest like broken robot in me if i force my body and my nerwes cant fire properly in that erea,
the senzation is like something is cloged there an you must stop rest to surviwe.
Me personaly think that patogens like cronic lyme disiese and his coinfetions who cant be
diagnosed in big myority of peoples, ewan CFG peoples is conectet to this.
I am wery senzitiwe to hi temperatures, an that is hermax reaction similar to pois, an that mean
that my body relase endotoxins. Probbly genetic mutations and i cant get rid of them out of body.
Thats why for some poisers mthfr bipas work , it incriese glutation, main body detox system.
Some people, me to also , some time hawe pois on arosaul only an sexual stimulation only,
an here i personaly think that hapen smal hermix endotoxin reaction, similar to exercise intoleance
because temperature of body rise, patogens start dying of...
Patogens in cronic lyme patients exist in brain to, and on stimulant an arosaul, body starting
produce enormes chemistry exchange, probbly ewan tebprature and blod foow rise, and that can
fro me personali induce hermix endotoxin reaction too ... etc