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I've had mine delivered today. Dreading it. I've not O in 3 months. I'm praying this work???? x
Prescription? If not, where did you order it from?
I've had mine delivered today. Dreading it. I've not O in 3 months. I'm praying this work🙏 x
I mean I have more symptoms with vegetal diet. It's possible to have correct level of methionine with vegetal food but not taurine. 
it does'nt work.

Could you clarify what do you mean by this?
POIS Research / Re: A Miracle
« Last post by JayDeeSee on September 03, 2024, 08:21:52 PM »
Can you give more info about this perineum method?
For carbs, yes this is what I suspect.
But for the vegetal/animal proteins I think taurine is the culprit. Even  with 30-35g proteins (cereals + legumes for all essential amino acids) it does'nt work.
POIS Research / Re: A Miracle
« Last post by Hopeoneday on September 03, 2024, 06:39:01 AM »
Member  poisioq - elevated prolactin(elevated prolactin could be the couse of
hypogonadism in poisers),
Hi ige , igf1....-(indicate posible parasitic infection, alergic reactions....
Intresting, member reporting that in fasting periods he get rid of pois...
That olso lead me to(XOLIAR) indicated to alergic asthma and mcas patients...


Since my last update I had 2 blood test. In both of them prolactin resulted into the limits.
But for my last blood test my doctor requested also 2 unusal things: IGF-1 and IgE, that both came up above their normal ranges:

IgE   562,00 UI/mL   (<120,00)
IGF-1   279,80 ng/mL   (96,40 - 227,80)

Update #2

After 2 months on Cabergoline I had another blood test. Now prolactine is in the range: 13 ng/mL [3.5 - 19.4].
In my last 2 analysis it was 55.9  and 41.5 ng/mL.

Hi, it is newer to late.
I am wery hapy that you manged to found cure for yourself.

Unfortunatly years are pasing and we are gaslighted by doctors
and ordinary medical comunity field.

Similar to US, i am in eastern EU, so if i go to eny doctor in regards of
pois, no mater if i showe pois studyes and papers, they all will send me
to psychiatrist! The same with my CF_ME.

I discovered this XOLIAR solution about 6 years ago!
Why specialists and doctors in hospitals and clinics cant???????
Auto-Immune Causes and Treatments / Re: Prostate reduction surgery
« Last post by Ahmad moner on September 02, 2024, 03:41:16 AM »
about the chronic inflammation of the prostate, I have recently tried Rapamycin, only one dose 6 mg.
It gave me an immediate substantial relief to the prostatitis and the pois. Maybe you want to try it before doing more drastic stuff.
I will test taking it at weekly frequency for a period of time, I think it can give me even better results.
you can read a little more about it on this thread:

Hi, Physi
I did not know I had a prostate problem before the surgery, and I had no symptoms of Prostatitis or prostate enlargement.
I had the surgery primarily to treat POIS, and my goal is to follow a similar plan to Animus.

I will try avodart (Animus is still using it until now and if he stops it the pois symptoms come back),

l hope that will work for my POIS. If there are no positive results, I will have a seminal vesicle removal.

The medication you are talking about does not specifically target the prostate,

 I believe we should somehow stop the prostate Fluid release during orgasm, i had a positive experience for that when I was using the prostate relaxant (Silodosin) and the results were excellent with no symptoms of POIS, but after about 20 days the medication stopped working.
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