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« Last post by Huser on September 11, 2024, 09:02:33 AM »
I found this because the same symptomes like POIS started to appear with reading, but much worse.  I tried therapy for reading epilepsy (antiepileptic levetirecitam) and it worked. My eeg showed theta wave occilations from temporal lobe (hippocampus), which shows temporal lobe epilepsy.

Antiepileptics do not work 100%. You need also to avoid triggers for few years. For triggers like reading or photosensitivity leviterecitam is the best, for POIS carbamazepine would be better I think....
Auto-Immune Causes and Treatments / Re: Prostate reduction surgery
« Last post by Hopeoneday on September 11, 2024, 05:57:27 AM »
I foloved one desparate poiser on reddit few years ago,
he removed his testicles, after that he was so happy because
his pois is gone, but after few weks he claimed his pois
is back, he was desparate ewen more, his penis is started
curving badly after testicle removing, he posted later desparate
posts on redit and disopired from reditafter after that.

Me alsou think that when sexual glands prostate,coper... glands
are activated that inflamation come from there..

No, I'm testing diphenhydramine at the moment.

Diphenhydramine worked minor miracles for me after my open heart surgery 12 yrs ago.

Unfortunately, I became addicted to it and even wound up in the ER/extended stay/hospital observation for excessive dosage use.

Nevertheless, I continued taking it in spite of *multiple* MD (primary care + specialists’) warnings - - warnings to avoid it - - even at moderate doses.

I’m now off it, and feel better for it. But my primary concern (cognitive impairment) might not be the same as yours.

A Harvard health study:

How are you getting on with it?
Auto-Immune Causes and Treatments / Re: Prostate reduction surgery
« Last post by thesuffering1992 on September 10, 2024, 09:41:36 PM »
How long do your symptoms last? What are your symptoms? I wonder if your symptoms are more severe than Animus. Which explains why it hasn't worked.
Auto-Immune Causes and Treatments / Re: Prostate reduction surgery
« Last post by Ahmad moner on September 10, 2024, 08:43:34 PM »
[colorblue]Hi thesuffering1992 please note that after the TURP operation you should take prostate shrinking medications to make it shrink more and more, such as avodart and this is what I do, but maybe I should be patient for a longer time, Animus who had his seminal vesicles and testicles removed and had TURP is also taking this medication in addition to "Super Beta Prostate" and if he stops them for two or three weeks the symptoms of POIS start to appear, which makes us able to say that the prostate is a definite cause but we cannot confirm that it is the only one, TURP is the beginning of the treatment path, let's stay in touch to know our news first hand[/color]

…I'm testing diphenhydramine at the moment.

Diphenhydramine worked minor miracles for me after my open heart surgery 12 yrs ago.

Unfortunately, I became addicted to it and even wound up in the ER/extended stay/hospital observation for excessive dosage use.

Nevertheless, I continued taking it in spite of *multiple* MD (primary care + specialists’) warnings - - warnings to avoid it - - even at moderate doses.

I’m now off it, and feel better for it. But my primary concern (cognitive impairment) might not be the same as yours.

A Harvard health study:
Auto-Immune Causes and Treatments / Re: Prostate reduction surgery
« Last post by thesuffering1992 on September 10, 2024, 01:32:30 PM »
This has gotten me to reevaluate my surgery because I'm about to do the TURP procedure on Sep 26th. I've heard a few people have their testicles removed and it either removed their symptoms or greatly alleviated them, such as Animus.

Consider doing the seminal vesicle removal or removal of testicles. I don't know if I should waste my money on this procedure. I just had my ejaculatory ducts cauterized and it didn't do anything. Dry orgasms still cause symptoms.
No, I'm testing diphenhydramine at the moment.
I've had mine delivered today. Dreading it. I've not O in 3 months. I'm praying this work???? x
Prescription? If not, where did you order it from?

Did you get any Muon?

POIS Research / Re: Muon's Case
« Last post by Muon on September 10, 2024, 11:27:57 AM »
I found documents about details of the event which took place two days after birth. Reason for hospital admission: Cyanosis and Apnea during breastfeeding. They also found a heart murmur which could not be detected during a second measurement. Cardiology found no deviations. "Probably caused by too much food".

Birth younger brother, reason for admission mother: postpartum fluxus in anamnesis.
Details upon departure of the maternity caregiver: Right eye (of younger brother) looks a bit inflamed. Treatment with sofamicine 3 times 1 drop per day.
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