« Last post by demografx on November 29, 2024, 12:30:57 PM »
Are the researchers also gonna look into possible gene therapy? I see that NORD is specialised in this...
I’ll ask, Aladin.
Are the researchers also gonna look into possible gene therapy? I see that NORD is specialised in this...
1995 animal study showed that taurine helps with normal level restauration of a form of thiamine (phosphate esters ) after its depletion by drug.
I think the combination of taurine + (benfo)thiamine will be my strategy for 2025.
I think now we should have groups in 4 continents already (N-A, S-A, Europe, Asia).
- Year of Birth: 2002
- Gender/Age: Male / 22 years
- Test Date: 2024-07-09
## CRP Test (Quantitative) - SERUM
- Result: < 1.0 mg/l
- Reference Range: 0 - 5 mg/l
- Status: Normal
## Total IgE - SERUM
- Result: 62 IU/ml
- Reference Range: Up to 100 IU/ml
- Status: Normal
## RF Test (Quantitative) - SERUM
- Result: < 20.0 IU/ml
- Reference Range: Up to 30 IU/ml
- Status: Normal
## Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Reticulocytes and Manual Differential - VENOUS BLOOD (EDTA)
### Red Blood Cell Parameters
- Erythrocytes: 4.73 million/?l (Reference: 4.5 - 5.
- Hemoglobin: 14.2 g/dl (Reference: 13.5 - 17)
- Hematocrit: 41.8% (Reference: 40 - 53)
- MCV: 88.4 fl (Reference: 82 - 100)
- MCH: 30.0 pg (Reference: 27 - 31)
- MCHC: 34.0 g/dl (Reference: 31 - 36)
- RDW-CV: 12.8% (Reference: 11.5 - 14)
- RDW-SD: 41.4 fl (Reference: 37 - 50)
### White Blood Cell Parameters
- Leukocytes: 5.10 thousand/?l (Reference: 4.5 - 10.5)
- Neutrophils: 54.5% / 2.78 thousand/?l (Reference: 50-70% / 2.7-6.5)
- Eosinophils: 4.3% / 0.22 thousand/?l (Reference: 1-5% / 0.1-0.5)
- Basophils: 0.4% / 0.02 thousand/?l (Reference: 0-1% / 0-0.1)
- Lymphocytes: 32.2% / 1.64 thousand/?l (Reference: 25-45% / 1.5-3.7)
- Monocytes: 8.4% / 0.43 thousand/?l (Reference: 1-12% / 0.2-0.9)
- Immature Granulocytes: 0.2% / 0.01 thousand/?l (Reference: 0-2.5% / 0-0.03)
### Platelet Parameters
- Platelets: 304 thousand/?l (Reference: 150 - 400)
- PCT: 0.33% (Reference: 0.2 - 0.5)
- MPV: 10.9 fl (Reference: 8 - 12)
- PDW: 13.8% (Reference: 8 - 18)
- P-LCR: 32.8% (Reference: 13 - 43)
### Reticulocytes
- Reticulocytes #: 0.0582 10^6/?l (Reference: 0.02 - 0.1)
- Reticulocytes %: 1.23% (Reference: 0.5 - 2)
- IRF%: 7.3% (Reference: 2 - 17)
- RET-He: 32.8 pg (Reference: 28 - 35)
## Full Liver Panel - SERUM
### Autoantibody Tests
- No antinuclear and anticytoplasmic antibodies detected at 1:100 dilution
- Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibodies (ASMA): NEGATIVE
- Anti-Mitochondrial Antibodies (AMA): NEGATIVE
- Anti-Liver Kidney Microsomal Antibodies (anti-LKM): NEGATIVE
- No AMA, ASMA, anti-LKM antibodies detected in IgG class at 1:100 dilution