There are those over there at NSF, that think this is all a fun game! I suppose we need some short of humor or diversion to help us make it through day by day, but it's another thing when the pursuit of real solution becomes a game.
Are we anal, perhaps a little. Are we fun? Sorry! We could play and dance all night, promise false or un corroborated hopes so that you think we are cool! Sorry!
Others MIGHT find a temporary solution for some of you. I hope so, and all the best to those who try.
Our vision is to find a positive and proven solution that the world of POISers outside these forums can use, simply by going to their
So far nothing works for everybody, and most new treatments are for awhile on some, then loss effectivity.Face it WE DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS IS.
We want to know what this is! We'll find the treatment from there. It's not fun my friends. It's serious.
I don't know about you, but I'm tired of going around in circles..for almost 7 yrs now...