Anyway Muon, I also read on TheNakedScientist that GARAUV Poiser also get his wisdom teeth removed and got cured.
Same story did they give him antibiotics? Do you have a link to his post?
Hi Muon!!
Here’s a link about wisdom teeth at TNSF nathan123
Re: Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome (POIS)
« Reply #19043 on: 08/11/2013 03:00:30 »
We finally reached the success with Gaurav's POIS and now he completely cures from POIS. But cause for his POIS is completely different from mine where for me it is due to accumulation of toxins in the body and the same was cleared through panchakarma process.
Whereas as updated earlier, we (my dr.kumar's suggestion) tried panchakarma treatment on Gaurav, but found 40% result and his POIS bounce back after two months. Again in coordination with Gaurav's physician, Dr.Kumar suspected nervous system imbalance is the reason for the Gaurav's POIS. For this he suggested various medicines and nothing worked on him. Finally, Gaurav found Wisdom Tooth in both sides of his lower jaw and apparently there was no physical pain. In X-ray it is found that the Wisdom tooth gone depth and due to this there was a imbalance in nervous system function of Gaurav. One month back, he removed his Wisdom Tooth by extraction (small dental surgery) and now he is out of POIS. This is the result of Gaurav's status.
Hence, as updated earlier, my POIS is due to toxins and Gaurav's POIS is due to Wisdom tooth. Further, as posted earlier, in our city we have found another 10 people suffering from migraine headache felt increase in discomfort after orgasm and we suspect this is also POIS as due to lack of awareness, they are treating the same as migraine headache. Out of which one person came volunteerly came for treatment and now he also cured from the problem. His cause for POIS was entirely different from mine and Gaurav. I would post the result after some time as now we can discuss on the result of Gaurav and on Wisdom Tooth.
However, when I was really young and more foolish and stumble onto the naked scientist forum at the age of 15 to figure out why I feel really horrible and sick after masturbation. I found it on website. At first, I tried the nofap and no PMO strategy and the symptoms go away. And i though that, it’s the benefits of nofap or semen retention that I have been doing for 180 days then I experienced frequently nocturnal emissions twice a week and all my symptoms return back at full force. I contacted to Gary Wilson who is the owner of about frequently NE issues and he mentions about Post orgasmic illness syndromes to me. I was really nervous, scary and panic attacks by just reading the thenakedscientist POIS theory pages. And that was 8 years ago in 2013. I though I was alone.
Good luck!! Hope something works for you!!!