Author Topic: Hello, I am new, I present my case  (Read 4030 times)


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Hello, I am new, I present my case
« on: October 10, 2020, 04:49:50 AM »
Hello colleagues, first of all I apologize since I do not speak English and I write this using the google translator. I am a man of 50 years, Venezuelan, I have read some posts using the Chrome translator. Trying to find a solution to this problem that overwhelms me, exhausts me and makes me desperate every day. I am going to tell a little about my situation.

I was 13 years old, medicated with clonazepam, I had the peculiarity that for many years when having sex or masturbating, I had ejaculations but no orgasm, that is, I felt nothing or almost nothing. That already happened to me even years before taking clonazepam, that is to say about 24 years ago, I don't know for a strange reason, I only sometimes felt a slight orgasm. Now, last year in May for financial reasons I had to suspend Clonazepam, which caused me a withdrawal syndrome and therefore generalized anxiety, so I spent the months feeling very bad, I was a smoker of about 5 or 6 cigarettes a day. I no longer had a wife, so I did not have sexual relations, but from time to time I masturbated but I honestly do not remember having symptoms, other than the normal ones of anxiety, in December of last year I began to have difficulty walking. To the point that I spent 4 days without getting out of bed, one day I was able to walk and went to a doctor, who referred me to another, the next day I again lost the strength of my legs and had to spend 3 or 4 days in bed, There were several episodes during December and January, I emphasize that I had stopped smoking on October 24, 2019. I called doctors and they told me that this could be mental or psychological. I also emphasize that I am a person of limited economic resources, which is why it is impossible for me to go to private doctors and take examinations, hospital care in my country is practically non-existent. This is how the months went by this year also with weakness in my legs, sometimes I had better days, that's when I began to realize two things, first, that when I masturbated again I began to have orgasms and second that every time I ejaculated well I was beginning to feel bad, the main symptom was cramps and weakness in my legs. I came to think that maybe when I ejaculated I lost electrolytes, because once I read about that, but I continue to investigate and a few months ago I read about POIS, that explains why sometimes they gave me sneezes for no reason, I also feel pain and discomfort my intestines and stomach, fever not very strong, I feel only like a very mild internal fever, pain in the groin area and legs, but it is terribly exasperating, and now I have a problem, that for some strange reason I have erections spontaneous and I feel excited and I have to masturbate, about a month and a half ago I was still 49 there was little left to turn 50 I came to masturbate 9 times in 2 days, I could only do that when I was young and even then I did not. The truth friends is that I am desperate, now I masturbate every day once or twice and I get worse, in addition to being convinced that I suffer from some serious illness, unless all my symptoms include nausea, dizziness, sore throats , cardiac arrhythmia, pain in the legs and other parts are caused by the POIS, and with the uncertainty since I can not afford doctors, tests and treatments, One day I read that garlic was favorable, I started to eat garlic and I felt worse with gastritis. I have come to think of committing suicide out of despair.
Thanks to those who had the patience to read and understand me. Any advice or if you know of any recent treatment, I appreciate it. A hug


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Re: Hello, I am new, I present my case
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2020, 07:02:54 AM »

I have come to think of committing suicide out of despair.

EnriqueM075, welcome to the forum!

Unfortunately, some of us have needed this message from time to time. This is being posted because none of the admins/mods here are really trained to respond to this level of POIS despondency.

••    USA: 800.273.8255 click here

••.   List Of International Suicide Hotlines:

telephone with website/email contact info

« Last Edit: October 10, 2020, 07:15:04 AM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Hello, I am new, I present my case
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2020, 03:57:38 PM »
Hello, thank you, sorry. Can I edit it? Seriously other members have posted the same? I thought it could be a unique case. I'm sorry again


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Re: Hello, I am new, I present my case
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2020, 04:01:21 PM »
:) No reason to be sorry :)

Other members have expressed similar thoughts, but there is no need for concern about that :)
« Last Edit: October 10, 2020, 04:03:24 PM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Hello, I am new, I present my case
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2020, 06:46:28 PM »
Note: the links below may not work if translated to spanish, so make sure to copy and paste them from the english version of this message:

Enrique, I am sorry to hear about your condition. I understand very well how difficult it is to deal with POIS, and I have at dark times in the past also thought about suicide. However, many on this forum have had incredible success treating POIS with inexpensive treatments and research is currently being done to find out its underlying cause. Both of these facts keep me hopeful that one day I will not have to suffer any longer, and this hope is bolstered by the fact that in the past couple years I have started to have some success in reducing my symptoms. I truly believe that most people who actively tackle their POIS can get significant improvement. There are tons of examples on this forum, here are two links discussing treatments:

I am not sure exactly what you have access to in your country, but I found niacin which is a common POIS treatment (if used in a specific manner described in the first link I pasted above) is available:

If you do indeed have POIS, I would recommend trying to stay abstinent when possible. It is extremely difficult to never masturbate, but it is very possible to cut down and see if your symptoms resolve. If they do not, it may be worth pursuing other potential causes of your sickness. Withdrawal doesn't sound entirely impossible, though it has been a while since you last used clonazepam.

If you would like to easily explore the forum in your language, you can use this link to see everything translated to spanish:

In addition to the excellent resources demografx included above, I found this venezuelan suicide hotline: 0241-8433308
« Last Edit: October 10, 2020, 06:48:17 PM by LookingForACure »


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Re: Hello, I am new, I present my case
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2020, 07:58:12 PM »
Welcome to the forum Enrique :)

Like LookingForaCure wrote in the previous answer, try to stop masturbating, or, at the least, reduce the frequency as low as possible.  For most members here, the more you masturbate, the worst your symptoms get, like they are additive, if you ejaculate often in a short span of time.
There are simple things to get relief for POIS symptoms, things that have worked well for members of this forum,  see at .  There is niacin that works for some, antihistamines that work for other, and many others that have been used by members.

You are 100% responsible for what you do with anything I post on this forum and of any consequence it could have for you.  Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at


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Re: Hello, I am new, I present my case
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2020, 08:13:48 PM »

In addition to the excellent resources demografx included above, I found this venezuelan suicide hotline: 0241-8433308

LookingForACure, thank you! I will add it to the list!
« Last Edit: October 10, 2020, 08:32:11 PM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Hello, I am new, I present my case
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2020, 10:13:36 PM »
Thank you dear friends for the support, I have been reading something but I will be reading more carefully. In 2004, a cardiologist doctor prescribed Slow-Niacin, I don't remember for what reason, the truth is that at that time I didn't even think about this disease and I think it was not well known, but I took it for a short time because I read that it caused toxicity in the liver , I don't know if it will be the same. I do not know if some of them have done well, but in these months I have noticed that the symptoms are attenuated a little by eating bananas, I am filling with hope, Thank you, thank you thousands


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Re: Hello, I am new, I present my case
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2020, 11:50:28 AM »
Yea about the leg weakness. I have it as well. Family members of mine who don't got POIS have leg weakness. Do you have problems with your lower back Enrique?

Leg weakness seen in MS:

Also mast cells can be a factor in MS-like symptoms. Something going on in the CSF?

In another thread you mentioned vomiting. Substance P can cause vomiting. If you don't have any money for medication or supplements then try searching the internet for quercetin rich food, try a diet based on those foods. You should seriously tone down the frequency of masturbation.

Edit: Banana's and leg weakness. Something going on with ion pumping across cel membranes or neuromuscular transmission problems?
« Last Edit: October 12, 2020, 12:17:10 PM by Muon »


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Re: Hello, I am new, I present my case
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2020, 11:39:51 AM »
Hello!Welcome to the forum


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Re: Hello, I am new, I present my case
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2020, 01:39:00 AM »
Thank you dear friends for the support, I have been reading something but I will be reading more carefully. In 2004, a cardiologist doctor prescribed Slow-Niacin, I don't remember for what reason, the truth is that at that time I didn't even think about this disease and I think it was not well known, but I took it for a short time because I read that it caused toxicity in the liver , I don't know if it will be the same. I do not know if some of them have done well, but in these months I have noticed that the symptoms are attenuated a little by eating bananas, I am filling with hope, Thank you, thank you thousands

Niacin does have this risk, and I would recommend being careful if you have liver issues. But I think in reasonable doses, maybe in the range of 100-250mg of nicotinic acid (Note, nicotinic acid NOT slow-release or niacinamide is the correct form for POIS), there shouldn't be any problems for the average person. Any major dangers would be well-known considering how easily available and common niacin supplements are.

I am glad to hear you benefit from bananas. I wonder if the potassium is helping? Other foods high in potassium include potatoes, tomatoes, and spinach, though most fruits and vegetables are good sources.


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Change in symptoms
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2021, 09:03:28 AM »
Hello partners.
When I entered the forum, I introduced myself and made my case, however I would like to contribute my new experiences, although they are not so favorable to see if they help shed light on the roots of these problems. Well, first of all to say that my main and most annoying symptom was the weakness in my legs, which sometimes was so much that it did not allow me to stand up or walk, I ate bananas to appease that and it worked to a great extent, I do not know The reason, the truth was that for some time the weakness in the legs is somewhat minimal, but symptoms increased, such as sneezing and fatigue when walking, especially when climbing stairs. However, there have been other more desperate symptoms that are abdominal pain, in the intestines, pelvis and rectum, nausea, dry mouth and bad taste in the mouth, pain and discomfort in the throat, stiff neck, I had commented in another intervention that I had problems with masturbation and I even had two days in which I masturbated 9 times between the two days, that was able to control it and I could go several days without masturbating but suddenly I masturbated 3 and 4 times in a day . But now, for about 15 to 20 days I have started to suffer from compulsive masturbation, which I have not been able to control, so I can masturbate 3 times in an hour, or sometimes it is 3, 4 or even 5 times a day, I fall asleep between 9 and 11 pm and I always end up waking up between 12 and 3 am with an immense desire to masturbate, this is aggravating my condition. On the other hand, I would like to say that for economic reasons since I am from Venezuela and this pandemic has worsened our situation, I have had cavities and aggravated existing ones, which are already in very bad condition, there are about 10 cavities in total plus 2 roots of pieces that were lost, here there is no free dental care and I have to resign myself, in addition to this for years I have a sinus gold communication that causes me constant infection, I comment this because on one occasion I read in this forum that a person was cured after a damaged tooth was removed then it could be the cause in some cases. I still eat bananas on a daily basis and I'm pretty sure they help with leg weakness and I think abdominal discomfort too. On the other hand, I'm very unmotivated, depressed with all this, not to say depressed, it's difficult when you can't even take a medical exam. I do not feel anxious although I do not rule it out. I also wanted to ask if among the symptoms anyone has had peripheral circulation problems, especially in the legs, since although it was a small problem that I had, it has worsened to the point that sometimes, especially the right leg, I feel tired, no weak, and in pain, even though I wear compression stockings. For all this bad being especially the one of the mouth and the head and neck I live thinking that I have cancer. I can currently walk 1 km and 300 meters to a pharmacy where I usually buy omeprazole and painkillers and the same stretch back home without much difficulty or fatigue after having ejaculated 3 times in a few hours. That by the way this has me very worried about the problem of masturbation since it has been getting worse and I can't contain myself, yesterday I saw a video about two people who have this problem and it scared me, because they do it 12 to 24 times a day, but obviously they do not have POIS, they can even do physical exercise. I also wanted to know if someone takes any medicine for intestinal or abdominal discomfort and pain, since apart from omeprazole I bought trimebutine that was recommended to me by a person who told me that I probably had irritable bowel, but I have not taken it because I wanted to be sure , but I would like to know if it helps at all. Well friends, thanks to those who can read me and contribute something. As I mentioned before, I am not fluent in the English language so I use the google translator to translate my writing. All the best