Author Topic: Covid 19 Long Haulers  (Read 11724 times)


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Covid 19 Long Haulers
« on: July 16, 2020, 01:41:31 PM »
I fear I maybe a covid 19 Long Hauler.
March 21 I had suffered from what a cardiologist described as a heart infection. I was admitted to the hospital because of extreme shallow breath and chest pains.

After the diagnosis I suffered from extreme Fatigue, mental confusion, and waves of shallow breath. Fast forward to 3 weeks ago. I develop acid reflux at the age of 28 and have never had problems with diet and am only 125 lbs. Heart burn was excruciating. Went to the hospital because of the pain and they told me it was a viral infection ( which is funny because the symptoms of my heart infection had not gone away)

This whole time I had not been tested for covid because my doctors did not see a fever or see a problem with my lungs.

I'm posting my story here because I have suspected that I may have what some call long haul covid 19. I have watched many videos on the news ( including one last night on CNN) of people with similar stories.

BUT here is where it gets interesting.. minus the degree of shortness of breath and heart burn.. the symptoms just feel like a really bad POIS episode. The cognitive effects people report such as brain fog and ability to find words in speech seem particularly similar!

I am just wondering.. if the immunological response that these people face correlates to POIS. I have heard many doctors mention T cell in their research...

Just a post by someone whose suffered from POIS for 12 years


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Re: Covid 19 Long Haulers
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2021, 07:06:44 PM »
There seems to be some similarities between Covid Long Haulers and POIS. Here's a good article about treating Long Covid with Niacin.


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Re: Covid 19 Long Haulers
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2021, 07:37:43 PM »
There seems to be some similarities between Covid Long Haulers and POIS. Here's a good article about treating Long Covid with Niacin.

Thanks, I have copied your article to the POIS thread on the phoenix rising forum as well:


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Re: Covid 19 Long Haulers
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2021, 11:08:42 AM »
Thanks MrMoonJr.
Yes, the symptoms describe for the Long COVID syndrome looks a lot like POIS symptoms: , in particular see

Here is another source of data on this topic:
"A follow-up study of COVID-19 consequences in 1,733 patients discharged from the hospital in Wuhan, China after 6 months reported fatigue or muscle weakness (63%), sleep difficulties (26%), and anxiety or depression (23%) were the most common symptoms. Lung function, as measured by CT showing interstitial change and 6-minute walking distance, was less than the lower limit of normal for 22-56% across different severity scales. [168]"( from a site I have access thourgh my profession, so cannot link to the article.  The ref 168 is  OF note is that they cite the psychological problems, not cited much in the wikipedia article. )
« Last Edit: January 14, 2021, 11:17:03 AM by Quantum »
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Re: Covid 19 Long Haulers
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2021, 01:13:10 PM »
I think a virus could have reprogrammed mast cells as in changed their phenotype. The long haulers are now stuck with abnormal responding mast cells.

I had a flu back in januari 2020 (could have been COVID i don't know). The strange thing was that, there was emphasis on my lungs. Plus random volumetric distributions of tissue throughout the body were being excited in a domino-like (chaining) fashion, it starts at one spot and then it spreads out like a wave in one direction. These things happen less frequently usually by various triggers but whatever virus it was it just sped up the frequency and was going wild. You could call them flares as well.

My two cents is that reactive mast cells responded to the virus and chained neighbouring cells.   
« Last Edit: January 18, 2021, 09:10:15 PM by Muon »


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Re: Covid 19 Long Haulers
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2021, 01:31:39 PM »
I think a virus could have reprogrammed mast cells as in changed their phenotype. The long haulers are now stuck with abnormal responding mast cells.

I had a flu back in januari 2020 (could have been COVID i don't know). The strange thing was that, there was emphasis on my lungs. Plus random volumetric distributions of tissue throughout the body were being excited in a domino-like (chaining) fashion, it starts at one spot and then it spreads out like a wave. These things happen less frequently usually by various triggers but whatever virus it was it just sped up the frequency and was going wild. You could call them flares as well.

My two cents is that reactive mast cells responded to the virus and chained neighbouring cells.
Maybe POIS is this sort of domino activation effect too once initially induced by some infections in the past?


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Re: Covid 19 Long Haulers
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2021, 01:51:07 PM »
Maybe POIS is this sort of domino activation effect too once initially induced by some infections in the past?

That's a possibility.


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Re: Covid 19 Long Haulers
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2021, 05:09:58 AM »
Gut microbiota composition reflects disease severity and dysfunctional immune responses in patients with COVID-19
Maybe POIS is some sort of state of some similar type of long term changes after getting some virus or bacteria or other circumstances so basically whatever initial thing there was in the organism is treated by the body immunity system but due to some other imbalance it could not maybe fully clear out everything or fully return back to the state before so during orgasming and ejaculating some of the remaining imbalance gets triggered or the lack of full return to the state before had imbalanced something which made the body react in an unusual way to orgasming/ejaculating/sexual activities in the general and giving the Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome so those POISers who treated it with antibiotics and probiotics promoted a better microbial environment which then let for the full balancing to occur and whatever imbalance that was there for years after some infection and such that imbalance finally could be fixed and the body could return to the homeostatis it was before POIS and everything else started happening.


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Re: Covid 19 Long Haulers
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2021, 05:06:16 PM »


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Re: Covid 19 Long Haulers
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2021, 12:37:10 PM »
A Role for Nox Inhibition in Coronavirus Infection

"An intriguing potential implication is for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and dysautonomia, all resembling symptoms of the COVID-19 long-hauler syndrome."

And POIS...


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Re: Covid 19 Long Haulers
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2021, 03:22:06 PM »
There seems to be some similarities between Covid Long Haulers and POIS. Here's a good article about treating Long Covid with Niacin.
The Team of Doctors and Biohackers Who Seem to Be Successfully Treating “Long Covid”

Pictures, click to enlarge:


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Re: Covid 19 Long Haulers
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2021, 11:56:32 AM »

"I think particularly this raises a few disorders up the list of interests, particularly dementia and psychosis … and pushes a few a bit further down the list of potential importance, including Guillain-Barré syndrome."


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Re: Covid 19 Long Haulers
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2021, 04:03:10 PM »
I got through COVID-19 recently. Even though a connection to POIS is likely, still I couldn't judge whether there is one. I don't even know if POIS actually helped or if it was the medication I use for it. I lean to opt for the latter as at least they made me feel better POIS-wise and my symptoms were rather mild contrary to my expectations. I thought it could be interesting so I documented it. Well it didn't turn out to be so fortunately, but some bits might have relevance.
COVID-19 progression from symptom onset:
- day 1-3: Coincidentally I had an O on day 1, so at first I thought only POIS was acting up. I had a mild-weak tonsillitis from day 1 to 3. The pain was way weaker than the recurring tonsillitis I usually have. On the evening of day 3 I began to develop a headache reminiscent of a flu onset. I was dizzy and I might had a mild fever, but I didn't measure it as it wasn't anything serious. I began to suspect coronavirus infection as my mother also had flu-like symptoms at the time. This was the time I began my haphazard counterattack. I took a lot of things and I think they helped. I had a moderate pain in one hand and I took aspirin for it which really helped. My brother also had covid a few months earlier and aspirin helped with his leg pain. I also stopped taking MACA as I suspected a risk for thrombosis.
The medication I used henceforth: daily two cups of saffron tea (10-20 pieces each), daily one or two Aspirin [100 mg] (fortunately I didn't develop a heartache this time around), daily one pill of vitamin D (4000 IU), some vitamin C, daily one zinc and selenium pill, a mixed herbal tea made of chamomile, lemon balm, lime and dandelion root of which I drank a lot. I also made a strong Cistus incantus tea that I took a sip of from time to time, but I didn't drink more than one cup a day, because of my previous negative experiences. I also dripped some of it into my nose from time to time and it helped to reduce the dryness and burning pain so it probably inhibited the proliferation of the virus. It may be possible that this was the most effective treatment, but I can't be completely sure and maybe risky to try for others so be careful. I also took some MACA and L-Tryptophan occasionally, but mainly from the last days of the infection.
- day 4: No symptoms at all. Maybe only the dry nose.
- day 5: I developed a moderate tonsillitis again, but nothing else. On this day I had another O as I am really-really stupid.
- day 6: The tonsillitis got weaker, but I was not feeling well generally even though I used the usual medications. I don't know if it was only POIS or the additive effect of the two diseases.
- day 7: In the morning when I was half-asleep I felt some intermittent pain in the testicles, which is not a usual symptom of my POIS. The tonsillitis almost disappeared and I was feeling moderately well. Pus began to be produced, but only small amounts.
- day 8: I didn't sleep much this night. When getting up I had a moderate headache and pus production was also moderate. I had to go somewhere and I rode the bike for twenty minutes. When I stopped a severe nausea overcome me and I almost vomited, but it passed shortly. I sneezed quite often this day. I slept some in the afternoon and the headache went down afterwards. Surprisingly this was the moment my sense of taste and smell completely disappeared. Before sleeping I ate something and had no problems. I hardly had any symptoms besides this. Maybe the occasional little pain in the chest, but I have this all the time due to my chronic POIS anyway. Actually my usual acute chest pain is so much stronger that this can't even compare. I also didn't have breathlessness although I was sitting most of the days, which might have made it harder to notice without exertion.
- day 9: An occasional sneeze or cough still appeared. Also no taste or smell henceforth. I couldn't sense nor coffee, sour herbal teas or even toothpaste, which was a really horrible experience. In the afternoon I began to have a strong muscle ache (mainly the upper arms and upper legs) were involved. This was stronger than the usual fatigue-like weak to moderate pain I experience with POIS. On day 8 and 9 I ate some cookies with apricot jam and I don't think it was a good idea as it is one of the top food that enhance my POIS and it caused a burning stool that I could suppress in the preceding days with the increased amounts of POIS medication I took. However it is not clear if the increased coronavirus symptoms were due to the natural course of the infection or if POIS was really involved somehow.
- day 10: I had a moderate muscle ache during the day. I think this was the last day I had testicular pain which occurred occasionally and randomly. I can't define it better as it was always a short burst of pain and by the time I took notice it was gone.
- day 11: Only weak muscle ache.
- day 12: Muscle ache disappeared.
- day 13: I had a serious red eye in the morning, but it got better after taking my medication. In the afternoon I began to regain my sense of taste.
From this day forward I didn't document things, but everything got better day by day even though I also began to work again (only part time). In the following days I somewhat regained the sense of smell too, but even after more than one week the sense of taste and smell is much worse than before, but at least there is a little. I also had an O after one week, but it doesn't look like anything changed as I still have the usual POIS symptoms that are neither weaker nor stronger or at least it is hard to notice with treatment.
Pus production was also much lesser than with the usual tonsillitis I have, although so far I only lost my sense of smell with that, but never my sense of taste. As I have began to take effective POIS medication recently it is possible that they could ameliorate other infections as well.
I have a blood type of 0 Rh- which might have helped somewhat.
Also as I lost my senses in a later stage of the infection it could mean that I had the British variant, which is quite prevalent in my country, but I can't be sure of course.
Not in relation to covid, but somewhere I mentioned that I have this strange symptom I call ass muscle inflammation that I am not even sure if is in connection to POIS. I haven't had this for months now, but what I noticed is that it tended to appear again after taking zinc pills. The next day a mild pain appeared, but it usually disappeared in a few hours. When I only took selenium pills it didn't occur at all. I am still not completely sure if zinc really induces this symptom, but it seems more and more likely. Otherwise I don't think zinc has any impact on my POIS, but it might have helped in ameliorating the infection so it was worth the risk.
I also didn't dare to try NAC for which I am a bit sorry after writing so much about it.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2021, 01:36:17 AM by Progecitor »
The cause is probably a combination of autoimmunity and SASP leading to excessive oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. Antioxidants, testosterone, NO and norepinephrine boosters, ERbeta, sigma-1, SIRT-1 and dopamine agonists, PDE4, PDE5 inhibitors and CD36 antagonists are effective.


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Re: Covid 19 Long Haulers
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2021, 08:12:02 AM »

"Thank you for these resources.. these will be good to forward onto my doctor!!

I basically think I contracted covid in March but wasn’t confirmed as didn’t test then had covid officially in November again.. since March last year pois symptoms have been present but before COVID I only used to come down with the symptoms if I came into contact with my own semen I remember... after getting the second covid I’ve now have food intolerances, problems post exercise etc all of which I didn’t have pre covid, also now I only need to get aroused to get pois symptoms."


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Re: Covid 19 Long Haulers
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2022, 11:03:06 AM »
I thought I would report that I have just gotten through my second covid-19 infection, which was most probably the omicron variant. I wasn’t really worried this time, however there were a few days when it felt worse than the first infection. This time it lasted shorter, but I had a quite strong tonsillitis for several days, which was more reminiscent to the strong and recurrent infections I got in the last ten years when I have not been treating my POIS at all. I was more careful and avoided any sexual practice, although I had an O the day before the first symptoms appeared, so I was technically in acute POIS most of the time. Besides tonsillitis I had a weak pneumonia in the first few days and had a little shortness of breath under physical exertion. There was a day when it felt like I would develop a fever as the feeling of heat was appearing and disappearing in waves, but I did not even measure the temperature as it seemed pointless. On the third day I was battling with bloodshot eyes, but saffron and triphala helped a lot. Besides these I used some of the better POIS supplements like alfalfa, maca, astaxanthin, resveratrol, vitamin C+D and some mixed teas (mostly chamomile, lemongrass, linden, lavender, rosemary). I also took some aspririn and algopyrin. Around the seventh day the tonsillitis disappeared, however the throat became hypersensitive and I began to cough a lot. More accurately I hardly ever coughed during the day, but whenever I went to bed I started to cough inexorably almost right away, which made sleeping really difficult in the last few days even though all other symptoms practically disappeared or became indistinguishable from common POIS symptoms. Now it is the tenth day since it began, but the throat is only slowly getting better.
The cause is probably a combination of autoimmunity and SASP leading to excessive oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. Antioxidants, testosterone, NO and norepinephrine boosters, ERbeta, sigma-1, SIRT-1 and dopamine agonists, PDE4, PDE5 inhibitors and CD36 antagonists are effective.