Will try that pepto thing, if i find it here in Croatia or Europe, will try Aspirin also, in my case Sibo/low stomach acid is culprit of POIS, what i'm doing to feel better:
1. (Daily!) 2x washing out colon with water(water enema obviously: )) following third enema with 3 drops of Oregano Oil and Grape Seed Extract (in 300 ml water) which i keep in my colon, not flushing out till the next enema next day.
2. Trying to maintain high stomach acid with Swanson betain hlc + pepsin pills.
3. NUTRIMMUN Probiotik PROTECT in the morning.
Those 3 things are helping the most from 1000 things i tried and almost $3000 that i spent in these 3 years of suffering. I even get to state where i was thinking, where are that POIS effects, where are those nasty feelings, in some moments i was feeling really good, not irritable, not feeling angry, not so self criticizing, free of anxiety, brain fog and other POIS symptoms.
And as soon as i stop taking betain pills (currently stores are out of stock) i get my symptoms back, not so strong effects because enema helps a lot, but they are back.
Oregano Oil and GSE is preventing spreading of bad bacteria in the gut (+ helping liver a lot), and high stomach acid is preventing that undigested food come to the gut and prevents food to ferment in the gut. High stomach acid also kills any bacteria in the gut.
What i think it is happening after ejaculation that when we ejaculate, enormous amount of zinc is depleted, zinc is needed for building strong stomach acid and without zinc we get no high stomach acid and undigested food/pathogens/bacteria is going to the gut and making POIS effects, so absorption of zinc from food is disturbed due to low stomach acid, never ending cycle. Disturbed absorption of zinc is due to heavy toxicity, in my case mercury. I do not know or think of any other reason why metabolism of zinc is disturbed. Bacteria in stomach tend to lower stomach acid so they can multiply. What is weird that i did 3 test of H pylori and no h pylori was found, maybe some other nasty bacteria is doing problems. That's why when we stay longer and longer from ejaculation we are feeling better. Body builds up zinc. (Probably).
"Short-term outcomes of increased pH and decreased acid secretion support zinc's potential use in treatment regimens for gastroesophageal reflux disease. For decades, zinc deficiency has been known to increase gastric mucosal cell apoptosis"
What is funny that not one Zinc suplement did help, but large amount of red meat is helping. Not sure because of zinc in there or antibiotics in meat.
So i read here and on net that pepto bismol is antacid, so it lower stomach acid so how in the hell that can help
, but will try it as soon as i find it.