Author Topic: Russian Poiscenter  (Read 34603 times)


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Re: Russian Poiscenter
« Reply #60 on: July 18, 2020, 04:22:31 PM »
Hi slon_ik,

You may summarize your suggestions regarding what parameter to test for and how to time it in here:

Проблема в том, что померить серотонин невозможно. Можно сделать анализ серотонина в крови, но этот анализ ничего не показывает, так как весь серотонин разлагается от одного прохода крови через печень или легкие. Надо смотреть серотонин в моменте в гипоталамусе, то есть делать биопсию гипоталамуса в момент стресса. Это в реальной жизни сделать невозможно ))

Поэтому просто делать анализы на серотонин нет смысла. Тут нужны серьезные исследования!

The problem is, you can't measure serotonin. A blood serotonin test can be done, but this test does not show anything, since all serotonin is decomposed from one passage of blood through the liver or lungs. It is necessary to watch serotonin in the moment in the hypothalamus, that is, to do a biopsy of the hypothalamus at the moment of stress. It is impossible to do this in real life))

Therefore, it makes no sense to simply do tests for serotonin. Serious research is needed here!


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Re: Russian Poiscenter
« Reply #61 on: July 18, 2020, 04:40:03 PM »

Slon the reason I like your theory is because I have pure OCD that started with POIS. I also have many serotonin related issues such as depression anxiety and PTSD.
Do you think we can test the SERT genes genetically to prove if there is a genetic failure?
Low serotonin can also explain the Premature Ejaculation issue many of us suffer from, since increasing serotonin also increases the duration of sex. But I also have POIS from smoking cigarettes, do you think that this can also be related to serotonin?

Да, проблемы от курения это косвенное подтверждение того, что у Вас есть проблемы с серотонином.

Но не факт, что именно низкий серотонин есть наши проблемы. Думаю, что вопрос не в количестве серотонина, а в невозможности гипоталамуса правильно реагировать на резкое изменение серотонина. Рассмотрим подробнее. В гипоталамусе сходятся множество путей из разных участков ЦНС, и там есть пути с нейромедиатором серотонином. Сумма серотонина от всех путей дает общий уровень серотонина, который включает реакции на стресс. Кроме того есть фоновый серотонин крови, он маленький. Но если тромбоциты разрушаются под действием воспалительных агентов, то серотонин может резко подняться  в крови  в области гипоталамуса, и тогда его уровень будет достаточно высоким, чтобы пройти ГЭБ и повлиять на гипоталамус. К тому же, в гипоталамусе есть участки без ГЭБ. И курение так же повышает уровень серотонина в крови.

Но если спустится на уровень SERT, то там все гораздо сложнее. Я не берусь тут рассказать про это )) И я точно не скажу какие нужны анализы и где их делать )) Тут должен работать специалист.

Yes, smoking problems is an indirect confirmation that you have problems with serotonin.

But it's not a fact that low serotonin is our problem. I think that the issue is not in the amount of serotonin, but in the inability of the hypothalamus to properly respond to a sharp change in serotonin. Let's take a closer look. Many pathways from different parts of the central nervous system converge in the hypothalamus, and there are pathways with the neurotransmitter serotonin. The sum of serotonin from all pathways gives the total serotonin level, which includes stress responses. In addition, there is a background blood serotonin, it is small. But if platelets are destroyed by inflammatory agents, then serotonin can rise sharply in the blood in the hypothalamus, and then its level will be high enough to pass the BBB and affect the hypothalamus. In addition, there are areas in the hypothalamus without the BBB. And smoking also increases blood serotonin levels.

But if you go down to the SERT level, then everything is much more complicated there. I'm not going to tell you about it here)) And I won't say exactly what tests are needed and where to do them)) A specialist should work here.


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Re: Russian Poiscenter
« Reply #62 on: July 26, 2020, 06:28:41 PM »

I believe that the main reason for POIS is a failure in the regulation of stress of sexual arousal in the central nervous system. This may be a genetic malfunction in the hypothalamus or tonsil. Or there may be autoimmune problems on mediators of sexual arousal and orgasm. One option described above is problems with serotonin and mast cells.

I am sure that POIS is not associated with autoimmune sperm, since then we would have red spots from the sperm of the skin, but they are not))

I'm also sure that the problem is in the head. We want sex more than we can afford. I call this hypersexuality. If this were not so, then we would be either asexuals or impotent. That is, our body does not understand that it does not stretch the stress of sexual arousal, and this is the main reason for POIS.

Interesting comment from your part slon_ik, I could completely adhere to it. However, I would like to know if you could ellaborate more about this idea. In your opinion, a skin-prick test would show inflammation or not?

It's nice to see input from our Russian POIS brothers!
« Last Edit: July 26, 2020, 10:57:31 PM by demografx »


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Re: Russian Poiscenter
« Reply #63 on: July 26, 2020, 10:53:14 PM »

It's nice to see input from our Russian POIS brothers!

10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Russian Poiscenter
« Reply #64 on: July 27, 2020, 11:31:58 AM »
Welcome all!


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Re: Russian Poiscenter
« Reply #65 on: July 28, 2020, 04:16:35 PM »
Thanks, Limejuice!

Shep, slon_ik, anyone from Russian POISCenter: can you tell us anymore about:

Russia to have anti-COVID vaccine ready in 2 weeks (!)
and enough for mass vaccination in early 2021

I just now saw this on TV News plus Newsweek...
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Russian Poiscenter
« Reply #66 on: August 09, 2020, 05:44:34 PM »

Interesting comment from your part slon_ik, I could completely adhere to it. However, I would like to know if you could ellaborate more about this idea. In your opinion, a skin-prick test would show inflammation or not?

It's nice to see input from our Russian POIS brothers!

Я так понял, что Вы говорите про кожную пробу со спермой.

В сложных ситуациях я всегда пытаюсь найти простые вопросы, которые все проясняют ))

В данной ситуации вопрос такой. Насколько сильной должна быть кожная реакция на сперму, чтобы вызвать туман в голове на неделю? Извините за подробности, но это возможно только в том случае, если член от спермы распухнет до размеров груши )) Но мы то знаем, что это не так ))

Сперма тут ни при чем. Если тут есть аутоиммунное воспаление, то оно будет именно в голове, потому что там наш туман на неделю!

I understand that you are talking about a skin test with semen.

In difficult situations, I always try to find simple questions that clarify everything))

In this situation, the question is. How severe does a skin reaction to semen have to be to cause head fog for a week? Sorry for the details, but this is possible only if the penis swells from sperm to the size of a pear)) But we know that this is not so))

Sperm has nothing to do with it. If there is autoimmune inflammation, then it will be in the head, because there is our fog for a week!


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Re: Russian Poiscenter
« Reply #67 on: August 09, 2020, 05:47:11 PM »
Thanks, Limejuice!

Shep, slon_ik, anyone from Russian POISCenter: can you tell us anymore about:

Russia to have anti-COVID vaccine ready in 2 weeks (!)
and enough for mass vaccination in early 2021

I just now saw this on TV News plus Newsweek...

Извините, но я не знаю подробностей ))

Sorry, but I don't know the details))


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Re: Russian Poiscenter
« Reply #68 on: September 01, 2020, 08:37:31 AM »
I would say that is harmful to say the least and it need to be shut down or at least to be completely reorganized.
I wasted 5 years because of this site. I was trying to google something like ~orgasms are giving depression~ 5 years ago and as a Russian speaker i first stumbled across it.
And what you actually see when you first looking at this site?
First you see, on the front page!!!, you see that the whole brunch is dedicated to Вегетососудистая дистония/Dysautonomia. It is not an illness! It is a sham! The title is only recognized in post soviet union countries as legit and basically means general fatigue god knows of what source. Basically the doctors in russia are giving this diagnosis left and right, to all people who are feeling general tiredness, and they giving vitamins or placebo like drugs, only recognized in russia.

You see what impression it gives to a person with a pois who only started suspecting that something is not right with him, and the pois stuff is not the norm? And when they see that it is compared to this sham title on a front page with a whole separated dedicated brunch? It has undermined any words of them for me of pois not being a norm, and put it as their imaginary disease.
The second impression was that the group is actually just a bunch of losers, who were moralizing about how wrong the masturbation is, that feeling bad after orgasm is a norm, a lot of smell of religion, mountains of stupid stuff, I truly felt that stumble across a forum with ~losers in 95% concentration~. Nothing scientific, nothing close to actual pois, very repulsive, silly and not as something taking seriously.
Nail in the coffin was that the forum was looking dead the same way it is looking dead right now. 

And i was like, hm, the main forum is all about some smelly people, and i was like, may be it is not actually something wrong with me, may be it is all normal, and i am just on some extreme of a gaussian distribution, and all people more or less are going through the same kind of ~pois loop~. You know how it is hard to recognize pois, when you not saw the actual words, describing it as an actual disease, how it is masterfully disguised as some mental health problem. The biggest mistake for me was the thought that it was all mental related. The most harmful thought.

And i never could speak with my relatives about it, they are very religious, they induced some mental trauma/abuse exactly in this area when i was a kid so conversation with them was not the option. If the only source of what could shed the light for me was so bad, 5 years ago, my logic just decided to put it in the box and forget about it. I was bad in English, where should i took the information then?

In late May this year, god knows why, i decided to google ~orgasms are giving depression~ again. I again stumbled across and it again almost catched me.
This was truly a miracle for me, i am far better in english now, and from start of the year i read a lot of papers about covid in english. And i was very lucky to stumble across the paper about HCG curing pois. And because i read a lot of papers about covid, actual scientific paper didn't scared me enough (with scare that i would not understand anything), and it started spinning the wheel in me, and i started to understanding pois, i started to search and here i am.

I am wishing all the bad things to people who decided to put that site as they put it. For my 5 completely wasted years. **** you all.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 10:50:27 AM by ramore »


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Re: Russian Poiscenter
« Reply #69 on: September 04, 2020, 06:34:47 PM »
You probably realize this is coming but I’ll state the obvious - your blaming others for decisions that you made (nobody else but you) and you continued to make bad decisions for 5 years. Instead of pointing the finger at someone else perhaps you should point the finger at yourself.


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Re: Russian Poiscenter
« Reply #70 on: September 04, 2020, 07:17:03 PM »
Yes, please tell me what should I feel about myself, I am all ears.
For ~special~ people I can repeat.

The main source of information about POIS in Russian is giving false information, it diminishes the problem by comparing it with fake diseases, full of loons, who are talking about cosmic energy, carma, and other stuff from the same opera. 
The only feeling that the site evokes is neglect and unseriousness.
And it's dead! It can't be right that the main forum on some hypothetical problem is THIS dead, and the problem itself was actually real.
All of this will frame the same picture in any mind.

Buddy, my 5 years are gone and no one can change it.

The whole post was meant to be about poor souls, who will do the same type of conclusions when they will encounter ~the face of Russian POIS~.

Especially people who can't speak English and this way are limited with resources of information.
And they will do the same kind of conclusion because they are the most logical from all possible.

By incompetence, they are wasting people lives. As they did wasted mine. But I am here only as an example, which unfortunately will definitely be repeated. 
« Last Edit: September 04, 2020, 07:54:31 PM by ramore »


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Re: Russian Poiscenter
« Reply #71 on: November 03, 2020, 12:55:31 PM »
Translated with Google Translate from Maxwell of Russian POISCenter

If you read my conclusion after the MRI of the "lumbosacral spine", you can find words like "the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments are compacted", which means the so-called "Ossification" written here -svyazki-grudnogo-otdela-pozvonochnika and here
... squeezes the spinal vertebral nerve ...

Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the thoracic spine is a permanent neurological disorder in which the nerves of the spinal canal are compressed as a result of hardening of the posterior longitudinal ligament, the purpose of which is to preserve the structure of the vertebrae in the spine, maintaining its balance and mobility. Including South Korea, in China, Japan and other Asian countries, this disease more often occurs in men over 40 years of age, which must be treated at an early stage due to the impossibility of restoring the functions of the damaged nerve if it is compressed for a long period.

Myelopathy is a dysfunction of the spinal cord associated with abnormal pressure on the spinal cord. Unlike conditions that put pressure on individual nerve roots, this type of damage can lead to loss of nerve function anywhere in the spinal cord below the damaged area.


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Re: Russian Poiscenter
« Reply #72 on: November 03, 2020, 04:47:37 PM »
« Last Edit: November 03, 2020, 04:49:46 PM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Russian Poiscenter
« Reply #74 on: December 28, 2020, 05:08:17 PM »
How would this link to ?
I'm not a biologist, see the Fig. 6 in the study.
Maybe the orgasm indirectly releases serotonine which then somehow makes the ICs "break" and re-release the pathogens (because they're not bound with the antigen anymore) (?).

Apparently they can be measured:
Circulating Immune complexes (CIC) (Ref) (Type III hypersensitivity)


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Re: Russian Poiscenter
« Reply #76 on: February 06, 2021, 02:05:38 PM »
So, if I understand correctly this paper, overexpression of mu-opioid receptor and stimulated opioid signaling cause mast cells activation (and then inflammation, etc.).
If POIS symptoms are caused by mast cells activation, then tramadol, codeine, etc. should aggravate POIS, am I right ? And typical Poisers should experience symptoms of opioid "overdose" rather than "opioid withdrawal", as in Jiang & alii's hypothesis.


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Re: Russian Poiscenter
« Reply #77 on: February 06, 2021, 02:15:18 PM »
If POIS symptoms are caused by mast cells activation, then tramadol, codeine, etc. should aggravate POIS, am I right ?
Yes I would think so.


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Re: Russian Poiscenter
« Reply #78 on: February 06, 2021, 04:01:07 PM »

...typical Poisers should experience symptoms of opioid "overdose" rather than "opioid withdrawal"...

10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Russian Poiscenter
« Reply #79 on: February 06, 2021, 05:12:19 PM »
Well, I doubt it is really interesting as I guess that an "overproduction" of endorphins is unlikely in most Poisers, and it's probably a hasty remark (an increase in endogen endorphin production doesn't have the same side effects as an "opioid overdose", right ?). My point was simply that the article wouldn't confirm Jiang's hypothesis if mast cells are involved.
Or could there be an "opioid withdrawal" effect after a stronger-than-usual increase of endorphins following arousal/orgasm ? It really seems unlikely to me - at least in my own case.