Author Topic: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?  (Read 20723 times)


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Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« on: July 23, 2018, 08:54:26 PM »
I've seen mention in the reddit AMA and in a few posts on this forum about folks who considered using prolactin inhibitors.  Has anyone tried Bromocriptine or Cabergoline and had any luck?


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2018, 05:12:58 AM »
I've never tried Rx drugs for that, but upon Googling I found that there are "natural" prolactin inhibitors (see link below), which I've tried and some of which indeed seem to help to some extent, but the improvement has not been dramatic, and also it's unclear if the effect is due to prolactin inhibition.
Male, INTJ. POIS symptoms: red eyes, ear-pain, anxiety, speech problems, pale/ugly skin, stiff neck, double chin, tinnitus, light sensitivity. POIS even after stimulation without O.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2018, 10:43:08 PM »
Huh, yeah I was thinking of first trying SAM-e since that's supposed to help according to some random internet article i read (at least for men):

If that helped, maybe I'll be able to convince my doctor to prescribe me one of the two drugs I mentioned.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2018, 05:19:23 PM »
I've seen mention in the reddit AMA and in a few posts on this forum about folks who considered using prolactin inhibitors.  Has anyone tried Bromocriptine or Cabergoline and had any luck?

I'm also curious what individuals' results with Bromocriptine and Cabergoline are. Personally I was convinced for a couple of weeks that all of my POIS symptoms were due to high prolactin levels. I also have tried all the natural ways to lower prolactin; Zinc, Ashwanghanda, Vit E complex, Vit B6, Dopa Mucana and Brazil nuts. There was no noticeable effects for any of those natural treatments on me. Also, I've had my prolactin levels tested twice, and they have come back high in the normal range and in the middle of the normal range. From my research on prolactin, Prolactinoma would be indicated by much much higher levels than the top end of the normal range (Males normal range: 2 to 18 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) )
Current Sups: "Lean Nutraceuticals Natural Testosterone Booster. Taken as directed on bottle.
Brain Fog 100% gone. Still tired and anxious.
Clomiphene citrate - 50mg. Along with daily egg intake and probiotic foods. Drastic improvement.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2018, 09:02:03 AM »
My Prolactin was checked in 2011. It was 0.29. It has to be 0-0.32. So I am the high side. I think now it’s even higher. I will do a bloodtest about 2 or 3 months for my testosterone because I taking Clomid to increase T. Then I will ask if my Prolactin can be checked also.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2018, 07:14:10 PM by Vandemolen »
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2018, 04:38:09 PM »

I also tried all of those natural ways, and they didn't work at first. But at a certain point I started taking ZMA in the morning and copper+manganese+vit E in the evening, and an active B-complex, and I got a huge boost from that (I think). Not sure if prolactin had anything to do with it. Anyway, (of course) that stopped working too and now I'm at a regimen of lots of taurine + lots of vitamin B5 + lots of protein (from protein shakes mostly). Seems to be working the best so far of all things I tried.

Since the supplements that seem to be working are different all the time, I'm starting to think that malabsorption may be playing a role.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2018, 05:00:59 PM by dizzy »
Male, INTJ. POIS symptoms: red eyes, ear-pain, anxiety, speech problems, pale/ugly skin, stiff neck, double chin, tinnitus, light sensitivity. POIS even after stimulation without O.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2018, 11:59:52 PM »
i did
but before i tried cabergoline i did my bloodwork
so my prolactin was 275 mkME/ml  ref(86-324)
i consider it is high and so after one week of taking just 25mg of cabergoline i did my bloodwork again
and my prolactin became just 56 mkME/ml
so far i have no sideeffects except i can fuck right after 10 minutes past former ejaculation
i believe it helps my pois for about 35-45% the rest is that i eat natural ginger every day at least 5 grams
and two weeks ago i started taking clomid - after clomid i started to feel much more desire but not too much
i believe i steel need to rise my test which was 330 ng/dl ref(250-836) before starting clomid
in several days i will get by free testosterone bloodwork and i'm sure it is still less than 600
cus in about 5 days after starting to take each day 12.5mg of clomid(1/4 of standart tablete) i felt like a Real Man
jeesus it was awesome !
my mood was like a concretesteel hard my diq was as hard as it was never before
unfortunately that state was not for long= it was like a one day wave
so at that time i believe i had my "normal" testo level which i had not for years and developed pois

by the way i found the perfect forum for trt : it is peaktestosterone just google it highly recommended

p.s. english isnt my born language
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2018, 08:21:42 AM »
i did
but before i tried cabergoline i did my bloodwork
so my prolactin was 275 mkME/ml  ref(86-324)
i consider it is high and so after one week of taking just 25mg of cabergoline i did my bloodwork again
and my prolactin became just 56 mkME/ml
so far i have no sideeffects except i can fuck right after 10 minutes past former ejaculation
i believe it helps my pois for about 35-45% the rest is that i eat natural ginger every day at least 5 grams
and two weeks ago i started taking clomid - after clomid i started to feel much more desire but not too much
i believe i steel need to rise my test which was 330 ng/dl ref(250-836) before starting clomid
in several days i will get by free testosterone bloodwork and i'm sure it is still less than 600
cus in about 5 days after starting to take each day 12.5mg of clomid(1/4 of standart tablete) i felt like a Real Man
jeesus it was awesome !
my mood was like a concretesteel hard my diq was as hard as it was never before
unfortunately that state was not for long= it was like a one day wave
so at that time i believe i had my "normal" testo level which i had not for years and developed pois

by the way i found the perfect forum for trt : it is peaktestosterone just google it highly recommended

p.s. english isnt my born language
I also started with Clomid 10 days ago. In the first days my sex drive went up. But now it’s normal. But this topic is about Prolactin. I started a topic about Clomid a few days ago:
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2018, 12:49:53 PM »
so i got my free testo bloodwork on 03.11.18
and it is a bad surprise for me
my free testosterone is just 3.06pg/ml !!! ref(5.70 - 30.70)
my E2(estradiol) is 15.46pg/ml ref(11.26-43.25) rised just 6%!!!
my prolactin is 63.72(86.00 - 324.00)

so prolactin is quite low i decided to take just 12.5mg each week instead of 25
and since 04.11.18 i started to take 25mg of clomid each day instead of 12.5mg
cuz my estradiol and free test is still pretty low
of course it is probably the SHBG takes of the test but i will just wait for a week or two to see how it will work
because as far as  i know clomid works not instant it takes time for my hypophysis pituitary axis to adjust and to my testis to wake up from long sleep
« Last Edit: November 05, 2018, 12:54:04 PM by david »
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2018, 01:04:31 PM »
Hi David could you put those values in the thread below please if you haven't done so already, just keep it short with only the numerical values, thanks:
« Last Edit: November 05, 2018, 01:20:23 PM by Muon »


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2018, 01:23:59 PM »
so i got my free testo bloodwork on 03.11.18
and it is a bad surprise for me
my free testosterone is just 3.06pg/ml !!! ref(5.70 - 30.70)
my E2(estradiol) is 15.46pg/ml ref(11.26-43.25) rised just 6%!!!
my prolactin is 63.72(86.00 - 324.00)

so prolactin is quite low i decided to take just 12.5mg each week instead of 25
and since 04.11.18 i started to take 25mg of clomid each day instead of 12.5mg
cuz my estradiol and free test is still pretty low
of course it is probably the SHBG takes of the test but i will just wait for a week or two to see how it will work
because as far as  i know clomid works not instant it takes time for my hypophysis pituitary axis to adjust and to my testis to wake up from long rsleep
Yes it takes at least a month because Clomid kicks in. I am almost two weeks on Clomid. I think my blood will be checked over two months. When testosterone rises also Estradiol will go up. For a male low Estradiol is better.
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2018, 07:43:53 AM »
Hi David could you put those values in the thread below please if you haven't done so already, just keep it short with only the numerical values, thanks:

as i can see that is a big thread with many different people posting their  gradual test results and it is just a big pile of them mixed altogether and IMHO it is hard to read

i'd better post my journey here and after i will get something really positive stable result i will copy my assay there

for now i can say i didnt win battle with POIS
but i found something which helped me a bit
taking 100mg of nicotine-amid before sex will decrease mind fog for 50% but not the recovery time
which is 4 days for 75% and one week for 100%

almost the same effect gives natural ginger but it should be taken constantly at least several days prior sex and after also i believe at least several grams each day

taking antiprolactin drug  = cabergoline
it gives me strong ability to significantly minimize my refractory period down to several minutes and reduce my POIS symptoms by 35%
and now the best thing ever i found which helped me so far in my everlasting battle with POIS it is a clomid !
clomid + cabergoline now helped me reduce my recovery time down to just 2 days !!! instead of 7 days as it was usual
this is the best part i think

also i started to take daily: vitamin D 15000ME + dried sea kale(2 teaspoons) + Zinc 20mg + Magnesium 300mg
« Last Edit: November 08, 2018, 08:04:30 AM by david »
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2018, 08:13:56 AM »
Hi David could you put those values in the thread below please if you haven't done so already, just keep it short with only the numerical values, thanks:

as i can see that is a big thread with many different people posting their  gradual test results and it is just a big pile of them mixed altogether and IMHO it is hard to read

i'd better post my journey here and after i will get something really positive stable result i will copy my assay there

for now i can say i didnt win battle with POIS
but i found something which helped me a bit
taking 100mg of nicotine-amid before sex will decrease mind fog for 50% but not the recovery time
which is 4 days for 75% and one week for 100%

almost the same effect gives natural ginger but it should be taken constantly at least several days prior sex and after also i believe at least several grams each day

taking antiprolactin drug  = cabergoline
it gives me strong ability to significantly minimize my refractory period down to several minutes and reduce my POIS symptoms by 35%
and now the best thing ever i found which helped me so far in my everlasting battle with POIS it is a clomid !
clomid + cabergoline now helped me reduce my recovery time down to just 2 days !!! instead of 7 days as it was usual
this is the best part i think

also i started to take daily: vitamin D 15000ME + dried sea kale(2 teaspoons) + Zinc 20mg + Magnesium 300mg
David did your doctor gave you Clomid? Or did ou asked for it? I am also on Clomid. Topic about Clomid:
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2018, 08:19:56 AM »

David did your doctor gave you Clomid? Or did ou asked for it? I am also on Clomid. Topic about Clomid:

well i'm an optimist in general but my experience told me there are no good doctors who could help me in my small city
so i do everything myself
including all the research meds dosages and bloodworks
mostly the best sourse about trt and clomid i'v found here: - its kind of i giant comprehensive free online book about the most progressive ways about TRT including forum
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2018, 03:17:45 PM »

well i'm an optimist in general but my experience told me there are no good doctors who could help me in my small city
so i do everything myself
including all the research meds dosages and bloodworks
mostly the best sourse about trt and clomid i'v found here: - its kind of i giant comprehensive free online book about the most progressive ways about TRT including forum
I asked my doctor to give me Clomid. First I sended him an email about the good effects of Clomid against prostatis. And I said maybe it will help my POiS because a lot of POIS-patients have low testosterone. He gave it to me directly.

Ok be carefull. In the papers I read they said 3 months is the maximum. Otherwise also ‘female’ hormone level will rise (Estrodien or something like that).
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2018, 06:56:37 AM »

well i'm an optimist in general but my experience told me there are no good doctors who could help me in my small city
so i do everything myself
including all the research meds dosages and bloodworks
mostly the best sourse about trt and clomid i'v found here: - its kind of i giant comprehensive free online book about the most progressive ways about TRT including forum
I asked my doctor to give me Clomid. First I sended him an email about the good effects of Clomid against prostatis. And I said maybe it will help my POiS because a lot of POIS-patients have low testosterone. He gave it to me directly.

Ok be carefull. In the papers I read they said 3 months is the maximum. Otherwise also ‘female’ hormone level will rise (Estrodien or something like that).

yes i am carefull thanx
but as what i know and you can also easyly find it yourself just google it - there are many men who take clomid for years !
your estradiol should be in the middle range around 35-40
if you got high estradiol(E2) you can use anastrosol just dont take too much, start with the lowest dosage possible cuz very low E2 gives nasty sideeffects

so my plan is to gradually rise my total serum testo level which will give me more free testosteron which is my goal to rise it
if i will get too much E2 i will lower it with anastrosol
so the goal is to get freetesto-E2 ratio as high as possible at least 20
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 07:31:44 AM by david »
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2018, 11:43:04 AM »

well i'm an optimist in general but my experience told me there are no good doctors who could help me in my small city
so i do everything myself
including all the research meds dosages and bloodworks
mostly the best sourse about trt and clomid i'v found here: - its kind of i giant comprehensive free online book about the most progressive ways about TRT including forum
I asked my doctor to give me Clomid. First I sended him an email about the good effects of Clomid against prostatis. And I said maybe it will help my POiS because a lot of POIS-patients have low testosterone. He gave it to me directly.

Ok be carefull. In the papers I read they said 3 months is the maximum. Otherwise also ‘female’ hormone level will rise (Estrodien or something like that).

yes i am carefull thanx
but as what i know and you can also easyly find it yourself just google it - there are many men who take clomid for years !
your estradiol should be in the middle range around 35-40
if you got high estradiol(E2) you can use anastrosol just dont take too much, start with the lowest dosage possible cuz very low E2 gives nasty sideeffects

so my plan is to gradually rise my total serum testo level which will give me more free testosteron which is my goal to rise it
if i will get too much E2 i will lower it with anastrosol
so the goal is to get freetesto-E2 ratio as high as possible at least 20
Yes testosterone level of 20 is good. The last time I checked it was only 9. About 6 weeks I will ask my doctor to test testosterone, prolactin and also estradiol. If estradiol is too high I will ask him for anastrosol. Thanks.
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2018, 01:26:33 PM »
by saying of a testosteron/estrogen ratio i mean this:

some news from me
from october 20 i'm on prolactin (12.5 mg/week) and
on clomid 0.25mg each day
and so far got no significant improvement in testosteron level as i can feel it
so 2 days ago i started applying Androgel 1 packet with 50mg of testo
and i can say it really does help
the most significant change i'v got: now i have much more stamina in mental and in physical states
now i'm willing to work whole day long till the night it is so cool
i'm kinda robot now
the mood is now much more stable a little bit of angry which i think does help a bit in work
actually it was stable before but now it is i can say concrete stable
didnt test how it is in bed so far but will do soon :)

by the way clomid gave me also one small bad side-affect: orgasms now became less intensive
i think it is not very bad and not so good too
« Last Edit: November 16, 2018, 01:30:37 PM by david »
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #18 on: November 16, 2018, 06:48:28 PM »
by saying of a testosteron/estrogen ratio i mean this:

some news from me
from october 20 i'm on prolactin (12.5 mg/week) and
on clomid 0.25mg each day
and so far got no significant improvement in testosteron level as i can feel it
so 2 days ago i started applying Androgel 1 packet with 50mg of testo
and i can say it really does help
the most significant change i'v got: now i have much more stamina in mental and in physical states
now i'm willing to work whole day long till the night it is so cool
i'm kinda robot now
the mood is now much more stable a little bit of angry which i think does help a bit in work
actually it was stable before but now it is i can say concrete stable
didnt test how it is in bed so far but will do soon :)

by the way clomid gave me also one small bad side-affect: orgasms now became less intensive
i think it is not very bad and not so good too
Androgel? But will you be able to produce testosteron when you stop with Androgel?

I stopped with Clomid after 3 weeks. It had too much side effects. I took 25 mg a day. Are you still on Clomid?
« Last Edit: November 16, 2018, 07:13:26 PM by Vandemolen »
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2018, 12:15:22 AM »
by saying of a testosteron/estrogen ratio i mean this:

some news from me
from october 20 i'm on prolactin (12.5 mg/week) and
on clomid 0.25mg each day
and so far got no significant improvement in testosteron level as i can feel it
so 2 days ago i started applying Androgel 1 packet with 50mg of testo
and i can say it really does help
the most significant change i'v got: now i have much more stamina in mental and in physical states
now i'm willing to work whole day long till the night it is so cool
i'm kinda robot now
the mood is now much more stable a little bit of angry which i think does help a bit in work
actually it was stable before but now it is i can say concrete stable
didnt test how it is in bed so far but will do soon :)

by the way clomid gave me also one small bad side-affect: orgasms now became less intensive
i think it is not very bad and not so good too
Androgel? But will you be able to produce testosteron when you stop with Androgel?

I stopped with Clomid after 3 weeks. It had too much side effects. I took 25 mg a day. Are you still on Clomid?

i'm on clomid still so i wont stop producing my own test
but i can feel that my own production isnt enough still so i added androgel

1 month on clomid is a very small period i believe one need to be on clomid at lest 6 months to get the maximum test production level - it increases slowly

what exact sideeffects did you get ?

i'm planning to stay on clomid for the next 2 months at least
and if i will get bad sideeffects i will probably switch to Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
as far as i know it gives much less bad effects than clomid and it is also more strong then clomid
the only bad sideeffect with it it is a pain in the ass :)
but when you are a real man with big ballz :) you dont care about small pain after injections in the ass

these androgel applications literally makes me 20 years younger
this is what i was lack for decades
this is real life
it does worth any penny spent on it
i would say i just started to live
« Last Edit: November 17, 2018, 03:41:41 AM by david »
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation